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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de autômato celular aplicado no estudo da influência dos centros educacionais unificados na dinâmica de transição do uso e ocupação do solo na periferia de São Paulo / Cellular automata modelling applied to assess the impact of unified educational centers in land use dynamics at the periphery of Sao Paulo city

Campos, Pedro Bueno Rocha 21 November 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese, é discutida a possibilidade de se representar as variações sistêmicas das transições do uso e ocupação do solo, nos períodos compreendidos entre antes e após a construção dos equipamentos públicos denominados de centros educacionais unificados (CEUs). Foram elaborados modelos dinâmicos de simulação, baseados no paradigma de autômatos celulares, e aplicados na área de influência de 10 unidades deste equipamento, observando-se um raio de influência de 2 km. As unidades foram implantadas, em sua maioria, na periferia do município de São Paulo, Brasil. A pesquisa foi feita entre os anos 2000 e 2010, recorte temporal de maior implantação das estruturas, sendo que o recorte abrange as fases de projeto e apresenta avaliações das unidades implantadas. Para a parametrização das simulações de transição do uso e ocupação do solo urbano, foi utilizado o método bayesiano de pesos de evidência. Os resultados foram conclusivos sobre a relação dos centros educacionais unificados com a modificação de padrões e tendências de variação do uso e ocupação do solo no entorno das unidades estudadas. Houve um aumento de 35% nas probabilidades de transição entre as diferentes classes de uso do solo, indicando uma maior dinâmica de modificações após a construção dos centros educacionais unificados. Ainda no período posterior à implantação desta infraestrutura, foi identificada uma intensificação nas transições entre as classes de uso residencial, áreas urbanas vagas e assentamentos urbanos precários, em processos formais e informais de expansão urbana que estão diretamente relacionados com a condição inicial de uso e ocupação do entorno de cada unidade. Foi possível constatar uma explícita diferenciação espacial do processo de urbanização na área de influência de várias unidades, com a análise contínua da formação das manchas de transição das classes de uso em relação às faixas de distância aos CEUs. Nas unidades construídas em áreas com maior vulnerabilidade e precariedade das ocupações, a expansão urbana tende a ser informal e a ultrapassar os limites imobiliários formais, como no caso do CEU Paz, que concentrou o crescimento dos assentamentos urbanos precários nas áreas íngremes e mais próximas à Serra da Cantareira, em uma taxa anual 27% maior no período pós-implantação. A análise da variação da tendência de uso e ocupação entre os períodos de análise possibilitou comparar todas as unidades estudadas, demonstrando que não existe um caráter regional no padrão de modificação, mas sim uma grande heterogeneidade na organização espacial, em conformidade com os padrões da periferia de São Paulo. Por fim, foi possível observar que nem todas as classes de uso sofreram alteração na tendência entre os períodos, fato que confirma que a influência dos CEUs pode variar conforme o contexto de implantação. / In this thesis, a proposal for modelling land use dynamics is conceived, comprising periods immediately before and after the implementation of the so-called unified educational centers (or centros educacionais unificados - CEUs, in Portuguese). Cellular automaton-based models were applied to assess the influence of CEUs in land use change within circular catchment areas of a two-kilometer radius surrounding them. Most of these social infrastructure equipments were implemented at the periphery of São Paulo city, Brazil. The research was carried out between 2000 and 2010, period of intensive implementation of such social equipments. This time span covers the project phases and presents evaluations of the implemented units. For discretizing continuous variables and running the simulations, we used the Bayesian weights of evidence method. The results were conclusive on the relation between the unified educational centers with changes in land use variation patterns and trends around the studied units. There was a 35% increase in the possibilities of transition among the different land use classes, indicating a greater dynamic of change after the unified educational centers construction. Also, in the period after the implementation of this infrastructure, it was identified an intensification in the transitions among the classes of formal residential use, vacant urban plots and informal urban settlements, in formal and informal processes of urban expansion that are directly related to the initial condition of use and occupation found in the surroundings of each unit. It was possible to observe an explicit spatial differentiation of the urbanization process in the catchment area of several units, by means of the continuous analysis of the land use patches formation in relation to the distance ranges to CEUs. In the units built in areas with greater vulnerability and precarious occupations, urban expansion tends to be informal and invade the formal occupation limits, as in the case of CEU Paz, which concentrated the growth of precarious urban settlements in steep areascloser to the Cantareira Ridge, at a 27% higher yearly rate in the second period, i.e. after the CEU Paz construction. The trend variation analysis between the periods made it possible to compare all the studied units, demonstrating that there is no regional character in the modification pattern, but rather a great heterogeneity in the spatial organization, in accordance with patterns found at the periphery of São Paulo. Finally, it was possible to observe that not all land use classes suffered transition trend changes between the periods, confirming that the influence of the unified educational centers may vary according to the local context.

Distribuição espacial e plano de amostragem para a cigarrinha-das-raízes, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal., 1854), em cana-de-açúcar. / Spatial pattern and sampling plan for sugarcane root froghopper , Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål., 1854).

Stingel, Erich 04 July 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição espacial de adultos e ninfas da cigarrinha-das-raízes da cana-de-açúcar, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål., 1854) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), a eficiência do sistema de amostragem atualmente empregado em escala comercial, a possibilidade de estimar a população de ninfas por meio da contagem de espumas e, a partir desses resultados, estabelecer um plano de amostragem confiável, prático e de baixo custo para utilização em programas de manejo integrado desta praga. A determinação da distribuição espacial foi feita em Ourinhos e Guariba-SP, demarcando-se três parcelas de 1,1 ha, em talhão colhido mecanicamente sem a queima da palha e com histórico de ataque da cigarrinha-dasraízes. As avaliações foram feitas em três épocas diferentes, contando-se o número de adultos e ninfas na base das touceiras, em 50% da área da parcela. Os adultos e ninfas de M. fimbriolata distribuem-se de forma agregada ou contagiosa na cultura da cana-de-açúcar e este padrão de distribuição não se altera ao longo das gerações, nem é influenciado pelo nível de infestação ou variedade cultivada. Utilizando-se os dados obtidos nestes experimentos calculou-se, para cada local e época de amostragem, o índice de dispersão k e o número de amostras necessárias para estimar a população de ninfas, considerando-se diferentes níveis de precisão, e realizaram-se simulações para diferentes tamanhos de amostra e esquemas de caminhamento. O plano de amostragem mais adequado para avaliação da população da cigarrinha-das-raízes em cana-de-açúcar foi determinado por meio do intervalo de confiança da média (P ≤ 0,05) para a Variação Relativa (VR) e Precisão Relativa (PR). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com 18 amostras de 1 metro linear por hectare, distribuídas na área de forma sistemática. Para a avaliação do método de amostragem comercial, instalaram-se dois experimentos em Ourinhos, demarcando-se duas parcelas de 1,1 ha, nas mesmas condições anteriores. Quinzenalmente, quantificou-se o número de formas biológicas em 300 pontos de 1m linear na parcela (amostragem experimental) e no restante da área do talhão (amostragem comercial), em 4 pontos de dois sulcos de 2m lineares/ha. Comparando-se os dados por meio de uma análise de regressão linear verificou-se que o método de amostragem comercial apresentou boa precisão na estimativa da população de ninfas, porém foi pouco preciso para adultos. Sua acurácia foi baixa para ninfas e adultos, subestimando as populações reais. A relação entre as contagens de espumas e ninfas nas amostragens comercial e experimental foi avaliada por meio de uma análise de regressão linear, observando-se alta correlação entre estes parâmetros, com coeficientes de determinação superiores a 0,96. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, independentemente da época de avaliação e do nível de infestação, é possível estimar a população de ninfas da cigarrinha-dasraízes em cana-de-açúcar por meio da contagem de espumas, com elevado grau de confiabilidade. / The objective of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of adults and nymphs of the sugarcane root froghopper, Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stal, 1854) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), to evaluate the efficiency of the sampling system presently used to monitor the populations in commercial fields, and to estimate nymph populations by counting foam spots. The results obtained in this work were used to establish a low cost and reliable sampling method in order to improve the integrated pest management program for the sugarcane root froghopper. The determination of the spatial distribution was conducted at Ourinhos and Guariba cities, São Paulo State, in three plots of 1.1 ha that had been mechanically harvested without burning and with a history of infestation with sugarcane root froghopper. The evaluations were made in three different periods, counting the number of both adults and nymphs at the base of the stools in 50% of the plot. The adults and the nymphs of M. fimbriolata were distributed in aggregated or contagious form and this pattern did not change during subsequent generations nor was influenced by either the level of infestation or cultivated variety. The data obtained in these experiments was used to estimate, for each site and sampling period, the dispersion index k and the number of samples needed to estimate nymph populations, considering different levels of precision. The data was also used to simulate results with different sample sizes and sampling patterns. The most adequate sampling plan to evaluate sugarcane root froghopper populations was determined using the confidence interval of the mean at P ≤ 0.05 for the Relative Variation (RV) and Relative Precision (RP). The best results were obtained with 18 samples of 1 linear meter per hectare, distributed in the area in a systematic manner. For the evaluation of the commercial sampling method, two experiments were established at Ourinhos, using two 1.1 hectare plots. The number of biological forms in 300 spots of 1 linear meter in the plot (experimental sampling) were checked bi-weekly. Similarly, in the rest of the area, biological forms were counted in 4 spots of 2 linear meters per hectare (commercial sampling). Linear regression analysis presented that the commercial sampling method presented good efficiency for estimating nymphs populations but was not efficient in estimating adult populations. The sampling accuracy was low for both nymphs and adults, underestimating the true populations. The linear correlation between foam counts and nymph in both commercial and experimental sampling was high, with determination coefficient greater than 96%. The results indicate that, independent of the period and level of infestation, it is possible to estimate the population of sugarcane root froghopper nymphs by counting foam spots.

Aspectos da distribuição espacial, associação com hábitat e herbivoria dependente da densidade de Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae) em restinga alta na Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP, Brasil / Aspects of spatial pattern, habitat association and herbivory density-dependent of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae) in restinga alta florest, Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia. SP. Brazil

Pannuti, Marcia Ione da Rocha 15 May 2009 (has links)
Muitas teorias, englobando diferentes fatores e mecanismos, já foram postuladas para explicar a alta coexistência de espécies arbóreas nos trópicos, a qual permanece como uma questão intrigante e subentendida na ecologia vegetal. O estudo da dinâmica de árvores ao nível populacional contribui e embasa, por sua vez, o entendimento desses fatores e mecanismos atuando ao nível da comunidade. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi investigar alguns aspectos relacionados com a dinâmica de uma espécie arbórea comum Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.(Clusiaceae) em floresta de restinga alta Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP. Para isso, além de termos testado se a sobrevivência e o desempenho de suas plântulas estavam relacionados com níveis de herbivoria dependentes da densidade, testamos se a ocorrência da espécie apresentava associação com hábitats de solo e caracterizamos sua distribuição espacial na área de estudo. Na Introdução Geral (Capítulo 1) nós enumeramos as principais teorias já propostas para explicar a alta diversidade tropical, as quais incluem diversos mecanismos atuantes na dinâmica de espécies arbóreas. Tradicionalmente, modelos que focam em fatores dependentes da densidade eram freqüentemente contrastados com modelos baseados na segregação de hábitats e nichos para explicar a coexistência de espécies, ainda que atualmente sabe-se que atuem concomitantemente na estruturação das comunidades. Por esse motivo, os descrevemos em linhas gerais. Apresentamos, também, como o estudo da distribuição espacial de uma espécie pode dar indícios de processos subjacentes responsáveis pelos padrões gerados, os quais devem ser inferidos e posteriormente testados. Adicionalmente, resumimos uma teoria em especial, a qual embasa o capítulo seguinte e foi o ponto inicial dessa dissertação: o Modelo Janzen-Connell. Além de termos explorado brevemente seu contexto conceitual, também revisamos os principais resultados de investigações de seus efeitos em outras áreas de estudo e com diferentes metodologias. Como os dois demais capítulos foram desenvolvidos utilizando a mesma área e espécie de estudo, também incluímos neste capítulo suas respectivas descrições. Para testar o modelo Janzen-Connell (Capítulo 2), nós delineamos um experimento no qual avaliamos os danos por herbivoria, a mortalidade e o desempenho das plântulas de C. brasiliense, sob diferentes tratamentos: proteção contra herbivoria, distância e agrupamento de adultos coespecíficos. Encontramos que os efeitos dependentes da distância e da densidade não atuaram como previsto pela teoria para a espécie de estudo, a qual, apesar de ter sofrido altos danos por herbivoria, mostrou-se tolerante e apresentou crescimento compensatório em resposta a estes. Além de termos proposto que a pressão por seus herbívoros especialistas parece encontrar-se amplamente distribuída na área de estudo, e não agregada ao redor de densidades de coespecíficos, também sugerimos que o micro-hábitat, especialmente a umidade do solo parece ser melhor preditora da sobrevivência da espécie do que a herbivoria. No Capítulo 3, portanto, testamos a ocorrência de associação da espécie com o hábitat de solo, como proposto no capítulo 2. Para isso, adotamos uma abordagem conjunta com o estudo da distribuição espacial, possibilitando a inferência de outros mecanismos possivelmente relacionados com a dinâmica da espécie, além do micro-hábitat. Caracterizamos o padrão de distribuição espacial através do uso de metodologias espaciais de segunda-ordem complementares: K-Ripley e O-ring, e testamos a questão da associação com hábitat a partir de torus translation, uma metodologia relativamente nova que incorpora a autocorrelação espacial entre troncos coespecíficos. Além de detectarmos um padrão de distribuição agregado, com escalas críticas de agregação variáveis entre as classes de tamanho investigadas, encontramos que a espécie apresenta uma associação positiva com o tipo de solo alagável (Neossolo), onde sua densidade relativa foi 30% maior em comparação com os outros tipos de hábitat. Os adultos, além de terem se mostrado positivamente associados a esse solo, também apresentaram uma associação negativa com os solos mais arenosos e menos úmidos. Os jovens, encontrados em relativamente baixa densidade, não mostraram associação com nenhum hábitat de solo. Sugerimos que a tolerância ao encharcamento e à condições anóxicas, bem como a ocorrência de hidrocoria como uma de suas formas de dispersão, os principais fatores favoráveis à sua sobrevivência e rápido desenvolvimento ontogenético nessas condições de solo. Utilizamos informações sobre a ecologia de C. brasiliense já disponibilizadas por outros estudos para inferir ou excluir possíveis fatores relacionados com sua distribuição espacial, e a associação com hábitat e o experimento de herbivoria (Capítulo 2) como testes desses possíveis fatores. Nas considerações finais, reunimos todas as informações propostas e testadas sobre os mecanismos que atuam na dinâmica de C. brasiliense e sugerimos que o padrão espacial agregado detectado para a espécie pode ser decorrente da interação entre três fatores principais: (1) associação diferenciada com ambos tipos de solos, alagáveis e arenosos; (2) ocorrência simultânea e complementar de três agentes dispersores da espécie (vento, morcego e água) e (3) alta competição intra-específica dependente da densidade, ao longo do estágio ontogenético. Finalizamos com a construção de um modelo hipotético acompanhado de predições testáveis sobre a distribuição espacial e dinâmica da espécie. Estes resultados atribuem à ação conjunta de processos bióticos e abióticos a possível resposta para complementarmos o entendimento sobre o padrão espacial encontrado, como já sugerido por outros estudos nos trópicos. / Several theories, including different factors and mechanisms, have been postulated to explain the high tree species coexistence in tropics, which remains an unsolved question that continues to pose a challenge to plant ecologists. Population-level tree dynamics studies contribute to a better understanding of the processes acting on community-level. The aim of the present study was to investigate some aspects related to the dynamics of a common tree species, Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae), in a Restinga Alta forest in Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP. We investigated if seedling survival and fitness were related to density-dependent herbivory, tested if the species presented an association with soil habitats and characterized its spatial patterns distribution in the study area. In General Introduction (Chapter 1) we enumerated the main theories developed so far to explain high tropical diversity, which include many processes acting on the tree species dynamics. Traditionally, models focused on density-dependent factors were frequently contrasted with models based on habitat or niche partitioning, but we know nowadays that both are acting simultaneously to determine community structure. For this reason we described in general lines both models. We also discussed how detected spatial patterns of a species may give account for underlying processes responsible for the generated patterns and the need of experimental tests after such inferences. Additionally, we resumed Janzen-Connell model which embases next chapter and was also the starting point of this dissertation. We did a brief contextualization about Janzen-Connell model and reviewed main results of investigations of its effects in others study areas using alternatives methodologies. As the next two chapters were developed in the same study area and with the same species, we also included their descriptions in the general introduction. In order to test the Janzen-Connell model (Chapter 2), we designed an experiment to evaluate C. brasiliense seedlings survival and fitness under three treatments: protection against herbivory, distance from conespecific adults and tree parental density. We found that the distance and density-dependent effects did not act as predicted by the model for our study species. Despite the high herbivory damages it suffered, its seedlings showed tolerance and compensatory growth responses. We proposed that pressure by host-specific herbivores seems to be widespread in the study area instead of aggregated around conespecific densities. Patterns detected also suggest that soil moisture is a better predictor for the species survival than herbivory. On chapter 3, therefore, we tested if density of this species presented any association with soil habitats, as suggested in chapter 2. We used an approach conjunct with the spatial distribution, permitting the inference of other underlying processes possibly related to the species dynamics besides the micro-habitat. We characterized the spatial distribution patterns using two complementary second-order point pattern statistics, K-Ripley and O-ring, and tested the habitat association using the torus translation procedure that incorporates spatial autocorrelation between conespecific stems. Besides detecting clumped distribution patterns, with variable critic scales with the analyzed size classes, we also detected a positive habitat association with temporally flooded soil (Neossolo), where its relative density was 30% greater comparing to others soils types. Adult stage was also positively associated with Neossolo and, in the other hand, was negatively associated with Espodossolo arênico, which is characterized by lower moisture soil levels. Young stage corresponded to only a quarter of all species stems and did not show any association with soils habitats. We suggest that flooding and anoxic conditions tolerance, as well as the occurrence of hidrocory among its dispersion types, the main factors favorable to survival and fast ontogenetic development in these soil conditions. We used information about C. brasiliense ecology from other studies to infer or exclude possible related factors with its spatial distribution and the habitat association and Janzen-Connell tests to complement these supposed factors. On Final Considerations we synthesize all proposed and tested information about underlying processes acting on C. brasiliense dynamics and suggest that the clumped spatial pattern detected may be an interaction result of three main factors: (1) differential association with both temporally flooded and unflooded soils, (2) occurrence of three simultaneous and complementary seed dispersal agents (gravity, bats and water) and (3) high density-dependent intra-specific competition through ontogenetic stages. We finalize proposing a hypothetic scenario with testable predictions about the species spatial pattern detected to C. brasiliense in the study area. These results attribute to grouping acting effects of both abiotic and biotic processes the possible answer to complement our understanding about tree spatial patterns founded, as suggested by other studies in the tropics.

Modelo de autômato celular aplicado no estudo da influência dos centros educacionais unificados na dinâmica de transição do uso e ocupação do solo na periferia de São Paulo / Cellular automata modelling applied to assess the impact of unified educational centers in land use dynamics at the periphery of Sao Paulo city

Pedro Bueno Rocha Campos 21 November 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese, é discutida a possibilidade de se representar as variações sistêmicas das transições do uso e ocupação do solo, nos períodos compreendidos entre antes e após a construção dos equipamentos públicos denominados de centros educacionais unificados (CEUs). Foram elaborados modelos dinâmicos de simulação, baseados no paradigma de autômatos celulares, e aplicados na área de influência de 10 unidades deste equipamento, observando-se um raio de influência de 2 km. As unidades foram implantadas, em sua maioria, na periferia do município de São Paulo, Brasil. A pesquisa foi feita entre os anos 2000 e 2010, recorte temporal de maior implantação das estruturas, sendo que o recorte abrange as fases de projeto e apresenta avaliações das unidades implantadas. Para a parametrização das simulações de transição do uso e ocupação do solo urbano, foi utilizado o método bayesiano de pesos de evidência. Os resultados foram conclusivos sobre a relação dos centros educacionais unificados com a modificação de padrões e tendências de variação do uso e ocupação do solo no entorno das unidades estudadas. Houve um aumento de 35% nas probabilidades de transição entre as diferentes classes de uso do solo, indicando uma maior dinâmica de modificações após a construção dos centros educacionais unificados. Ainda no período posterior à implantação desta infraestrutura, foi identificada uma intensificação nas transições entre as classes de uso residencial, áreas urbanas vagas e assentamentos urbanos precários, em processos formais e informais de expansão urbana que estão diretamente relacionados com a condição inicial de uso e ocupação do entorno de cada unidade. Foi possível constatar uma explícita diferenciação espacial do processo de urbanização na área de influência de várias unidades, com a análise contínua da formação das manchas de transição das classes de uso em relação às faixas de distância aos CEUs. Nas unidades construídas em áreas com maior vulnerabilidade e precariedade das ocupações, a expansão urbana tende a ser informal e a ultrapassar os limites imobiliários formais, como no caso do CEU Paz, que concentrou o crescimento dos assentamentos urbanos precários nas áreas íngremes e mais próximas à Serra da Cantareira, em uma taxa anual 27% maior no período pós-implantação. A análise da variação da tendência de uso e ocupação entre os períodos de análise possibilitou comparar todas as unidades estudadas, demonstrando que não existe um caráter regional no padrão de modificação, mas sim uma grande heterogeneidade na organização espacial, em conformidade com os padrões da periferia de São Paulo. Por fim, foi possível observar que nem todas as classes de uso sofreram alteração na tendência entre os períodos, fato que confirma que a influência dos CEUs pode variar conforme o contexto de implantação. / In this thesis, a proposal for modelling land use dynamics is conceived, comprising periods immediately before and after the implementation of the so-called unified educational centers (or centros educacionais unificados - CEUs, in Portuguese). Cellular automaton-based models were applied to assess the influence of CEUs in land use change within circular catchment areas of a two-kilometer radius surrounding them. Most of these social infrastructure equipments were implemented at the periphery of São Paulo city, Brazil. The research was carried out between 2000 and 2010, period of intensive implementation of such social equipments. This time span covers the project phases and presents evaluations of the implemented units. For discretizing continuous variables and running the simulations, we used the Bayesian weights of evidence method. The results were conclusive on the relation between the unified educational centers with changes in land use variation patterns and trends around the studied units. There was a 35% increase in the possibilities of transition among the different land use classes, indicating a greater dynamic of change after the unified educational centers construction. Also, in the period after the implementation of this infrastructure, it was identified an intensification in the transitions among the classes of formal residential use, vacant urban plots and informal urban settlements, in formal and informal processes of urban expansion that are directly related to the initial condition of use and occupation found in the surroundings of each unit. It was possible to observe an explicit spatial differentiation of the urbanization process in the catchment area of several units, by means of the continuous analysis of the land use patches formation in relation to the distance ranges to CEUs. In the units built in areas with greater vulnerability and precarious occupations, urban expansion tends to be informal and invade the formal occupation limits, as in the case of CEU Paz, which concentrated the growth of precarious urban settlements in steep areascloser to the Cantareira Ridge, at a 27% higher yearly rate in the second period, i.e. after the CEU Paz construction. The trend variation analysis between the periods made it possible to compare all the studied units, demonstrating that there is no regional character in the modification pattern, but rather a great heterogeneity in the spatial organization, in accordance with patterns found at the periphery of São Paulo. Finally, it was possible to observe that not all land use classes suffered transition trend changes between the periods, confirming that the influence of the unified educational centers may vary according to the local context.

Dinâmica funcional da comunidade microbiana heterotrófica em lagoa rasa subtropical

Lima, Marla Sonaira January 2011 (has links)
Ecossistemas aquáticos flutuam em torno de tendências, podendo ocorrer transições súbitas de um regime persistente para outro, alterando a viabilidade dos recursos ou dos parâmetros físico-químicos. Seguindo essa tendência, comunidades variam no tempo e no espaço como resultado de suas interações com o ambiente e com os outros organismos. Comunidades microbianas aquáticas são importantes componentes do metabolismo aquático, atuando na reciclagem de nutrientes pela remineralização e na transferência de biomassa pela alça microbiana. A compreensão da dinâmica funcional microbiana em lagos é uma importante ferramenta para o entendimento desses sistemas, uma vez que a funcionalidade e a composição microbiana podem refletir as condições gerais da lagoa em questão. Desse modo, no presente trabalho, foi utilizada a abordagem de impressões metabólicas da comunidade microbiana na Lagoa Mangueira, uma grande lagoa costeira, rasa e subtropical localizada no extremo sul do Brasil. Teve como objetivo avaliar, pioneiramente para essa região, a diversidade metabólica microbiana aquática através de padrões de consumo de fontes de carbono disponíveis, utilizando Biolog EcoplatesTM e verificar a existência de dinâmicas temporais e espaciais na preferência de consumo desses substratos. Foi observada heterogeneidade temporal e espacial na preferência de consumo de substratos ao longo da Lagoa. Tais preferências puderam ser representadas por diferentes substratos indicadores, associados às estações e aos locais da Lagoa. O consumo das fontes de carbono esteve relacionado com a variabilidade ambiental de fatores como turbidez, transparência da água, nutrientes, clorofila a, carbono orgânico temperatura. Isso evidencia que a dinâmica funcional foi influenciada pela dinâmica de nutrientes, pelos componentes de produtividade, pela sazonalidade e pela compartimentação da Lagoa. Nesse sentido, a investigação do consumo de fontes de carbono, no presente estudo, se mostrou um bom indicador da dinâmica funcional microbiana para ecossistemas aquáticos. / Aquatic ecosystems float around trends in which abrupt transitions can occur between persistents regimes, alterning the viability of the resources or the physical and chemical parameters. Following this trend, communities vary in time and space as a result of their interactions with the environment and other organisms. Microbial communities are important components in the aquatic metabolism, responsible for recycling of nutrients by remineralization, and transfering of biomass through the microbial food web. Understanding the functional microbial dynamics in lakes is an important tool to understand these systems, since the microbial composition and function may reflect the overall condition of the lake. The approach of metabolic fingerprint of microbial communities in shallow lakes was applied in the current study in Lake Mangueira, a costal and large subtropical shallow lake located in southern Brazil. The main goal was to evaluate, pioneered for this region, the heterotrophic microbial metabolic diversity through consumption patterns of available carbon sources using Biolog EcoplatesTM and verify the existence of temporal and spatial dynamics of consumption preference in these substrates. As a result, was observed temporal and spatial heterogeneity of substrate consumption preference among the Lake. Such preferences were represented by different substrate indicators, associated with seasons and sites within the Lake. The substrate utilization was related to environmental variability of factors as turbidity, water transparence, nutrients, chlorophyll a, organic carbon, water temperature. This is evidence that the functional dynamic was influenced by nutrients dynamic, production component, seasonality and compartimentation. In this way, carbon source utilization approach was a good indicator of functional dynamics in the present study to aquatic ecosystems.

Spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil carbon and nitrogen in a subtropical savanna landscape in southern Texas

Liu, Feng 15 May 2009 (has links)
Woody invasion into grasslands has been reported world-wide and has affected both the magnitude and spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Since grasslands cover a large portion of the Earth's land surface, invasion of woody plants could have impacts on regional and global biogeochemistry. To understand large-scale ecological and policy implications of woody invasion, it is critical to understand the spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil C and N and their relationship with vegetation and soil attributes, as well as develop effective approaches to estimate soil C and N over large landscapes and regions. The goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the spatial pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and their controlling factors in savanna landscapes and develop efficient sampling strategies for evaluating the effects of woody invasion. Specific objectives of this study were to: (1) Quantify the spatial pattern and uncertainty associated with SOC and develop efficient sampling strategies to estimate SOC storage; (2) Assess the influence of soil and vegetation factors on spatial distribution of SOC and TN; and (3) Determine the influence of physical variables related to landscape position and soil on woody vegetation structure. Conditional sequential indicator simulations indicated that woody encroachment into grassland increased both spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of SOC, which increased errors in estimating SOC storage. Stratified random sampling with higher density in woody patches, plus structured sampling in cluster with strong spatial pattern, substantially increased estimation accuracy. Efficient sampling strategies for estimating SOC storage were developed based on these findings. Direct and spatial correlation and scaling analyses showed that SOC and TN were strongly correlated with litter and root biomass. Invaded woody vegetation has the most impact on spatial distribution of SOC and TN. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that variables related to landscape position were the primary factors determining the spatial distribution of woody species. These new insights will facilitate the estimation of soil C and N pools at landscape and regional scales, and will help evaluate the potential impacts of woody plant encroachment on the biogeochemistry of C and N.

Economic and environmental input-output modeling: building material recycling

Choi, Taelim 14 November 2012 (has links)
A key dimension to improving urban economic and environmental sustainability is the efficient use of resources through recycling. A thriving recycling system requires not only effective institutional policies and community-wide diversion efforts, but also a competent local and regional recycling industry. Although the recycling industry has traditionally been recognized as a local service and fringe industry, it has noticeably transformed into an integral segment of industrial production systems as manufacturers have increasingly begun to adopt the principle of extended producer responsibility. Despite such changes, urban and regional theory and planning research has largely disregarded the industrial aspect of recycling, contributing to the dearth of information about the organizational and spatial patterns of the recycling industry and the impact of the establishment of recycling systems on local and regional scales. Given the knowledge gap, this dissertation addresses two questions: 1) What is the logic of the industry organization and spatial pattern of recycling industry in different institutional contexts? and 2) How is the economic and environmental impact of recycling systems determined in cases of construction and demolition waste recycling and waste carpet recycling? To answer the first question, this research develops a theoretical model that explains how recycling industrial activities are spatially distributed in light of institutional and organizational theories. The theoretical model characterizes organizational decisions pertaining to recycling functions and suggests spatial patterns of recycling systems. With respect to the second question, this research constructs a regional environmental input-output model on the metropolitan scale. It estimates regionalized energy use coefficients and greenhouse gas emission coefficients using various sources of data mainly compiled from the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey 2006, the State Energy Consumption Estimates, and the Commodity Flow Survey 2007. Based on regional input-output tables coupled with the regionalized environmental coefficients, this research quantifies, through simulations, the net economic and environmental impact of a localized construction and demolition waste recycling system in the San Francisco metropolitan area and regional carpet recycling systems in the Atlanta and Seattle metropolitan areas. Results of the simulations reveal that 1) the localized construction and demolition waste recycling system provides moderate economic benefits because of the limited job creation potential of mechanized recycling processes and yields relatively small environmental benefits with respect to the total weight processed; 2) wider adoption of the deconstruction technique expands job opportunities, increases energy savings, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions during the course of construction and demolition waste recycling; 3) regional-scale waste carpet recycling systems, in particular recycled nylon 6 production, create sizable new job opportunities and provides environmental benefits of energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reduction despite the long-distance transportation of waste carpet. These results suggest that policies that promote recycling industrial activities can significantly contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of metropolitan areas.

Spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil carbon and nitrogen in a subtropical savanna landscape in southern Texas

Liu, Feng 15 May 2009 (has links)
Woody invasion into grasslands has been reported world-wide and has affected both the magnitude and spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Since grasslands cover a large portion of the Earth's land surface, invasion of woody plants could have impacts on regional and global biogeochemistry. To understand large-scale ecological and policy implications of woody invasion, it is critical to understand the spatial pattern and uncertainty of soil C and N and their relationship with vegetation and soil attributes, as well as develop effective approaches to estimate soil C and N over large landscapes and regions. The goal of this study was to improve our understanding of the spatial pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and their controlling factors in savanna landscapes and develop efficient sampling strategies for evaluating the effects of woody invasion. Specific objectives of this study were to: (1) Quantify the spatial pattern and uncertainty associated with SOC and develop efficient sampling strategies to estimate SOC storage; (2) Assess the influence of soil and vegetation factors on spatial distribution of SOC and TN; and (3) Determine the influence of physical variables related to landscape position and soil on woody vegetation structure. Conditional sequential indicator simulations indicated that woody encroachment into grassland increased both spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of SOC, which increased errors in estimating SOC storage. Stratified random sampling with higher density in woody patches, plus structured sampling in cluster with strong spatial pattern, substantially increased estimation accuracy. Efficient sampling strategies for estimating SOC storage were developed based on these findings. Direct and spatial correlation and scaling analyses showed that SOC and TN were strongly correlated with litter and root biomass. Invaded woody vegetation has the most impact on spatial distribution of SOC and TN. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that variables related to landscape position were the primary factors determining the spatial distribution of woody species. These new insights will facilitate the estimation of soil C and N pools at landscape and regional scales, and will help evaluate the potential impacts of woody plant encroachment on the biogeochemistry of C and N.

Quantifying the ecological values of brigalow regrowth for woodland birds: a hierarchical landscape approach

Michiala Bowen Unknown Date (has links)
The conversion of native forests to pastures and crops is one of the most extensive causes of deforestation worldwide. Concomitant with agricultural landscape modification are the processes of habitat loss and fragmentation, which are major causes of species’ extinctions, population declines and altered ecosystem functions. However, in many tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions, abandoned agricultural lands are reverting to regrowth or secondary forest, which represents an important opportunity for passive landscape restoration. Regrowth may be particularly important in highly modified landscapes, where the area of mature forest may be insufficient to support viable plant and animal communities without some form of restoration. Some studies of fauna populations in regrowth forest have found recovery of species richness within several decades, although recovery of species composition may take at least 100 years and some species may be permanently lost. While these findings are encouraging, they generally fail to account for the landscape context in which regrowth occurs and focus mainly on tropical forests. The aim of this thesis was to advance the understanding of fauna recovery in regrowth forests on abandoned agricultural land by: i) comparing woodland bird communities in a replicated chronosequence of semi-arid sub-tropical regrowth forests; and ii) quantifying how the ecological values of regrowth habitat vary among stand-, patch- and landscape-levels of ecological organisation. A review of 68 studies of fauna recovery in regrowth forests, revealed that current knowledge is limited by the predominance of studies conducted: in tropical rainforests; with minimal replication of sites; in landscapes within proximity of large tracts of relatively undisturbed mature forests; and with limited consideration of the influence of the spatial context on fauna recovery in regrowth forest. This study makes a significant contribution to understanding fauna recovery in regrowth forests by quantifying the recovery of estimated bird species richness to levels similar to mature forest, within a period of 30-60 years, in highly modified semi-arid agricultural landscapes in sub-tropical Australia. An ordination of the similarity in species composition among forest types also suggested that after 30-60 years regrowth bird communities are more similar to mature brigalow forest than the younger regrowth. This is important for the recovery of brigalow ecosystems, an endangered ecological community where regrowth is currently given minimal protection from further clearing. Comparisons of the importance of habitat attributes using model averaging and hierarchical partitioning of generalised linear models of the species richness of woodland birds showed that bird species richness was positively associated with patch age, and that stand-level factors such as grazing disturbance and the abundance of mistletoes (Amyema spp.) were also important. The spatial context of vegetation patches (size, shape and isolation) was equally important for bird species richness, with more species of woodland dependent, nectar/frugivores and non-ground foraging insectivores occurring in less modified landscape contexts, and the converse for generalist species, ground foraging insectivores and granivores. While a number of woodland dependent bird species known to be in decline in temperate woodlands of southern Australia were absent or rare in regrowth forests, several species (e.g., eastern yellow robin) also occupied regrowth habitats. This finding suggests that these more sensitive species may respond positively to landscape restoration through targeted retention of brigalow regrowth. The landscape-level amount of forest varied in importance among regrowth age classes and bird groups. In general, the amount and number of mature forest patches in the landscape were of lower importance than local attributes. However, the amount of mature forest and old regrowth (> 30 years) in the landscape did have an important positive influence on the number of woodland bird species and species’ abundance; suggesting that regrowth is making an important contribution to landscape recovery in the study area. Mistletoe abundance was strongly dependent on particular species of frugivores for seed dispersal (e.g., mistletoebird, spiny-cheeked honeyeater and painted honeyeater), and varied considerably among three sub-regions of the study area. In general, mistletoe abundance increased in linear patches and more highly modified landscapes but was also dependent on the abundance of seed dispersers and brigalow stand condition. These findings suggest that narrow linear patches in brigalow landscapes can have important conservation values for woodland birds. The study outcomes have important implications for research and management of regrowth vegetation, both within Australia and internationally. From an international perspective, the study highlights the need for greater consideration of the importance of regrowth forest in a landscape context for conserving and restoring fauna communities. From an Australian perspective, the study provides important baseline information for the conservation and management of woodland bird habitat in fragmented brigalow landscapes. Prior to this research, very little was known on the spatial ecology of woodland birds in the region. The study highlights the important conservation values of small and often linear mature brigalow patches for woodland birds and the considerable potential for restoration of habitat for a diverse range of species through the retention of regrowth vegetation. In particular, the research outcomes suggest that targeting the retention of regrowth towards increasing the size and reducing the isolation of mature brigalow forests may be an effective strategy to maximise biodiversity benefits. Brigalow regrowth stands will need to be retained for at least 60 years and probably longer to maintain viable woodland bird communities. For this to happen on a regional-scale, brigalow regrowth needs to be given greater recognition for potential biodiversity benefits either within a legislative framework or by incentive schemes to promote the long term persistence of regrowth habitat within the landscape.

Quantifying the ecological values of brigalow regrowth for woodland birds: a hierarchical landscape approach

Michiala Bowen Unknown Date (has links)
The conversion of native forests to pastures and crops is one of the most extensive causes of deforestation worldwide. Concomitant with agricultural landscape modification are the processes of habitat loss and fragmentation, which are major causes of species’ extinctions, population declines and altered ecosystem functions. However, in many tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions, abandoned agricultural lands are reverting to regrowth or secondary forest, which represents an important opportunity for passive landscape restoration. Regrowth may be particularly important in highly modified landscapes, where the area of mature forest may be insufficient to support viable plant and animal communities without some form of restoration. Some studies of fauna populations in regrowth forest have found recovery of species richness within several decades, although recovery of species composition may take at least 100 years and some species may be permanently lost. While these findings are encouraging, they generally fail to account for the landscape context in which regrowth occurs and focus mainly on tropical forests. The aim of this thesis was to advance the understanding of fauna recovery in regrowth forests on abandoned agricultural land by: i) comparing woodland bird communities in a replicated chronosequence of semi-arid sub-tropical regrowth forests; and ii) quantifying how the ecological values of regrowth habitat vary among stand-, patch- and landscape-levels of ecological organisation. A review of 68 studies of fauna recovery in regrowth forests, revealed that current knowledge is limited by the predominance of studies conducted: in tropical rainforests; with minimal replication of sites; in landscapes within proximity of large tracts of relatively undisturbed mature forests; and with limited consideration of the influence of the spatial context on fauna recovery in regrowth forest. This study makes a significant contribution to understanding fauna recovery in regrowth forests by quantifying the recovery of estimated bird species richness to levels similar to mature forest, within a period of 30-60 years, in highly modified semi-arid agricultural landscapes in sub-tropical Australia. An ordination of the similarity in species composition among forest types also suggested that after 30-60 years regrowth bird communities are more similar to mature brigalow forest than the younger regrowth. This is important for the recovery of brigalow ecosystems, an endangered ecological community where regrowth is currently given minimal protection from further clearing. Comparisons of the importance of habitat attributes using model averaging and hierarchical partitioning of generalised linear models of the species richness of woodland birds showed that bird species richness was positively associated with patch age, and that stand-level factors such as grazing disturbance and the abundance of mistletoes (Amyema spp.) were also important. The spatial context of vegetation patches (size, shape and isolation) was equally important for bird species richness, with more species of woodland dependent, nectar/frugivores and non-ground foraging insectivores occurring in less modified landscape contexts, and the converse for generalist species, ground foraging insectivores and granivores. While a number of woodland dependent bird species known to be in decline in temperate woodlands of southern Australia were absent or rare in regrowth forests, several species (e.g., eastern yellow robin) also occupied regrowth habitats. This finding suggests that these more sensitive species may respond positively to landscape restoration through targeted retention of brigalow regrowth. The landscape-level amount of forest varied in importance among regrowth age classes and bird groups. In general, the amount and number of mature forest patches in the landscape were of lower importance than local attributes. However, the amount of mature forest and old regrowth (> 30 years) in the landscape did have an important positive influence on the number of woodland bird species and species’ abundance; suggesting that regrowth is making an important contribution to landscape recovery in the study area. Mistletoe abundance was strongly dependent on particular species of frugivores for seed dispersal (e.g., mistletoebird, spiny-cheeked honeyeater and painted honeyeater), and varied considerably among three sub-regions of the study area. In general, mistletoe abundance increased in linear patches and more highly modified landscapes but was also dependent on the abundance of seed dispersers and brigalow stand condition. These findings suggest that narrow linear patches in brigalow landscapes can have important conservation values for woodland birds. The study outcomes have important implications for research and management of regrowth vegetation, both within Australia and internationally. From an international perspective, the study highlights the need for greater consideration of the importance of regrowth forest in a landscape context for conserving and restoring fauna communities. From an Australian perspective, the study provides important baseline information for the conservation and management of woodland bird habitat in fragmented brigalow landscapes. Prior to this research, very little was known on the spatial ecology of woodland birds in the region. The study highlights the important conservation values of small and often linear mature brigalow patches for woodland birds and the considerable potential for restoration of habitat for a diverse range of species through the retention of regrowth vegetation. In particular, the research outcomes suggest that targeting the retention of regrowth towards increasing the size and reducing the isolation of mature brigalow forests may be an effective strategy to maximise biodiversity benefits. Brigalow regrowth stands will need to be retained for at least 60 years and probably longer to maintain viable woodland bird communities. For this to happen on a regional-scale, brigalow regrowth needs to be given greater recognition for potential biodiversity benefits either within a legislative framework or by incentive schemes to promote the long term persistence of regrowth habitat within the landscape.

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