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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DEBE', ANNA 07 April 2014 (has links)
La “Scuola per la preparazione del personale insegnante ed assistente degli anormali”, avviata da padre Agostino Gemelli nel 1926 presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano, fu uno dei primi tentativi italiani di formazione degli insegnanti dei fanciulli deficienti. La Scuola, oltre a rappresentare il percorso italiano verso l’inclusione scolastica dei fanciulli disabili, testimonia il lavoro di Gemelli nel campo dell’educazione speciale. L’attenzione al tema della disabilità da parte del frate francescano riflette l’interesse del mondo cattolico a lui contemporaneo per la formulazione di interventi guidati non solo da sentimenti caritatevoli, ma basati su solide fondamenta scientifiche. Inoltre, il lavoro evidenzia come la formazione dei docenti degli anormali sia cambiata dagli anni Venti agli anni Settanta del Secolo scorso, parallelamente al processo di progressivo abbandono delle scuole speciali in favore dell’inclusione scolastica dei disabili. La ricerca, che contribuisce a incrementare gli ancora scarsi studi italiani di storia della pedagogia speciale, è stata condotta attraverso un’approfondita indagine archivistica, con lo scopo di far luce su docenti, studenti, materiali e libri di testo della Scuola, dalle sue origini fino agli anni Settanta. / The “School for the special aids and assistants for disabled children”, opened in 1926 at the Catholic University of Milan by father Agostino Gemelli, was one of the very first in Italy to set up about disabled children teacher training. This School gives evidence of Gemelli’s work in the special education area and also represents the Italian path toward scholastic inclusion for disabled persons. The interest of Gemelli, one of the most famous psychologists in the XX Century Italian framework, towards disability reflects how the contemporary Catholic world cared about interventions for the weakest not only driven by a charity feeling but based on scientific studies. Moreover, the study highlights how teacher training has changed from the Twenties to the Seventies of the last Century, following the different way of looking at disabled children, from isolation in special schools to inclusion in common classes. The thesis contributes to improve Italian studies in the field of the history of special education, a subject that has, for the most part, to be written. The research is carried out through archival investigations with the purpose of shedding light on teachers, users, materials and textbooks of the School, since its origin until the Seventies.
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Implementation of inclusive education in the Umgungundlovu district of education in Kwazulu-Natal

Mbelu, Sifiso Emmanuel 07 February 2012 (has links)
The study identifies the challenges in the implementation of Inclusive Education in the Umgungundlovu District of Education and establishes the possible solutions. The basis for this investigation is the Education White Paper 6, Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (Department of Education, 2001). The study was conducted in the Umgungundlovu District of Education in the area of Pietermaritzburg. A qualitative research method was used. Data collection strategies that were used are structured interviews, observation and a questionnaire. The study reveals the following challenges that hamper theimplementation;Negative attitudes of some educators and parents towards inclusion, lack of Skills Development Programmes for educators, minimal involvement of parents as well as lack of infrastructural development. These challenges could be dealt with by appointing a Manager within the District to ensure that advocacy on Inclusive Education, training of educators and infrastructural improvement in all schools are done. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Inclusive Education)

An investigation into issues and challenges in implementing environmental education in special schools in South Africa

Zwelibanzi, Carol Mathapelo 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges that are met by the teachers in selected secondary level special schools, catering for physically impaired learners in South Africa, when they teach Environmental Education. The study was qualitative in nature. In order to meet the qualities of a qualitative research, a multiple case study design was employed in this research study. The data was collected from four special schools, two from Gauteng Province and the other two from the Eastern Cape Province. The sample consisted of 5 Grade 10 teachers, teaching Life Sciences from these 4 schools. Data was collected through interviews, document analysis and learners’ books. The interviews were analysed through the phenomenological approach by Giorgi (1975). The study revealed that most of the teachers in the study did not have the relevant educational qualification to teach environmental education nor do they have adequate training in the subject, for the workshops were conducted for only three days. The study also revealed that even though the teachers welcomed the integration of environmental education into the school curricula, they experienced challenges in teaching the subject, which included curriculum related, learner related, teacher related, policy related, administration related and office based related. The study also revealed that teachers’ knowledge of EE was superficial and that they only taught in and about environmental education, they did not teach for environmental education which is the main goal of environmental education. The results also showed that the teachers were unable to translate the policies of inclusive education and by implication, they could not adapt the mainstream curriculum for special needs learners, as expected from teachers in special schools. It was also found out that the teachers lack knowledge of the philosophy that underpins the CAPS curriculum, which is social constructivism. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Zavedení týdenních témat do výuky na základní škole speciální / Implementation of weekly thematic units into the teaching in special elementary school

Megyešiová, Lucia January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with possibilities of educating pupils with moderate and severe mental disabilities, multiple disabilities and autism. The theoretical part describes an educational system of these pupils and presents an integrated thematic teaching model in weekly units. The practical part presents a proposal of teaching project in the specific educational needs of these pupils. The aim of this thesis is to introduce proposed teaching project in the duration of one month, into the conditions of particular special elementary school and find out its learning results by action research. The outputs of this thesis are proposals for integrated thematic teaching in special elementary school. KEYWORDS Pupils with mental disability, integrated thematic teaching, special schools, multiple disability, framework educational program

Rätten till en likvärdig matematikundervisning i grundsärskolan – en fråga om prioriteringar, självständighet och lärares didaktiska val

Nettrander, Frida January 2020 (has links)
Kunskapsbidraget från denna studie fokuserar på att medföra en djupare insyn i hurundervisningstiden i matematik i grundsärskolan årskurserna 7-9 fördelas på de femkunskapsområden i det centrala innehållet, samt en kartläggning av möjliga orsaker och syftenmed denna fördelning.Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur lärare kan fördela undervisningstiden på defem kunskapsområdena i matematik, utifrån det centrala innehållet i grundsärskolans läroplan(Lsär 11), i årskurserna 7-9, och hur fördelningen motiveras.Frågeställningar: Hur fördelar respondenterna undervisningstiden på de fem kunskapsområdena imatematik i grundsärskolan? Hur motiverar dessa respondenter denna fördelning av undervisningstiden?Föreliggande studie har analyserats utifrån ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv på två nivåer. Påden första nivån analyseras helheten och studiens första frågeställning utifrån konstanterna,grundsärskolans styrdokument och den totala undervisningstiden. På den andra nivånanalyseras det insamlade materialet utifrån fem avgränsningar, förberedelse, tid,individualisering, konkreta och grundläggande arbetsområde och elevens självförtroende, tillitoch intresse för matematik.För att få ett varierat och brett resultat på studien, utifrån dess syfte och frågeställningar,användes mixade metoder med både frågeformulär som innehöll en kvantitativ del med slutnafrågor och en kvalitativ del med öppna frågor och intervjuer. Studien har två preciseradefrågeställningar som krävde olika angreppssätt för att kunna nå ett kunskapsbidragande resultat.Resultaten från den halvstrukturerade kvalitativa intervjun och de kvalitativa frågorna ifrågeformuläret förklarade en del av och gav djupare inblick och förståelse för de kvantitativadata som det strukturerade frågeformuläret gav.Det som framkommer i denna studie är att respondenterna fördelar undervisningstiden imatematik i grundsärskolan årskurserna 7-9 ojämnt på de olika kunskapsområdena. Det är storaskillnader och stor spridning på hur respondenterna väljer att fördela sin undervisningstid. Dettaär i enlighet med Skolverkets (2019) riktlinjer, som ger pedagogen mandat att själv bestämmatidsfördelningen efter eget tycke, men med elevens bästa i fokus. I resultatet träder fem avgränsningar fram, till hur respondenterna motiverar sin fördelning av undervisningstiden.Studiens resultat kan sammanfattas med att matematikundervisningen i grundsärskolanårskurserna 7-9, såsom respondenterna presenterar den, är mycket konkret, praktisk ochvardagsnära undervisning som varieras och anpassas efter den enskilde eleven, något som ävenBlom (2003) visar på i sin forskning.Studien kan ge ett kunskapsbidrag i form av ökad insikt och förståelse kring hur och varförrespondenterna väljer att fördela undervisningstiden i matematik i grundsärskolan årskurserna7-9, på det sätt som de gör. Men störst kunskapsbidrag ger föreliggande studie genom att öppnaupp för insyn i det komplexa med att undervisa i matematik i grundsärskolan och knapphetenpå forskning inom detta område.Nyckelord: Centrala innehållet, grundsärskola, IF-diagnos, likvärdig skola, läroplanen förgrundsärskolan (Lsär 11), matematik
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Kurrikulumdifferensiasie in die vak Wiskunde Graad R vir leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid in inklusiewe Wes-Kaapse spesiale skole / Curriculum differentiation in the subject Mathematics Grade R for learners with severe intellectual impairment in inclusive special schools in the Western Cape

Botha, Zelda 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie het die navorser die probleem van kurrikulumdifferensiasie vir Wiskunde Graad R aangespreek, sodat leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid ook sukses in Wiskunde Graad R kan ervaar. Die primêre vraag wat aangespreek is, is hoe die vereiste begrippe en vaardighede van die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), vir Wiskunde Graad R aangepas kan word vir leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid. Die belangrikheid van die studie lê in die verskil wat differensiasie kan maak aan 'n leerder se geleentheid om sukses te ervaar volgens sy vermoë. Die doel hiervan is om leerkragte wat leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid onderrig, te bemagtig. Dit word gedoen deur aanpassings en aktiwiteite voor te stel wat tot voordeel van hierdie leerders in hul onderrigprogram geïmplementeer kan word. Dit sal daartoe bydra dat hierdie leerders die vereistes wat in die kurrikulum gestel word, in ’n beperkte mate kan bereik. Die navorsing is onderneem vanuit 'n inklusiewe perspektief aan die hand van 'n literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe navorsing (gevalle-studie) wat semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesluit het. Die resultate toon dat differensiasie wel moontlik is en dat daar verskeie aanpassings en aktiwiteite is wat leerkragte kan gebruik om hierdie leerders die geleentheid te bied om sukses te kan ervaar. / In this study the researcher addressed the challenges of curriculum differentiation for Mathematics Grade R to ensure that learners with severe intellectual disability may experience success. The primary question addressed was the manner in which the concepts and skills requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), for Mathematics Grade R can be adjusted to suit the needs of learners with severe intellectual impairment. The importance of this study lies in the significant impact that differentiation can make in providing the opportunity for a learner to experience success according to his abilities. The purpose of this study was to empower teachers of learners with severe intellectual disability with the necessary knowledge, enabling them to successfully implement adaptations. This would allow the learners to achieve the requirements of the proposed curriculum, to a limited extent. Qualitative (case study) research was conducted from an inclusive perspective using a literature review and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that differentiation is possible and that there are several adaptations and activities that could be used by teachers to offer these learners the opportunity to experience success. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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Kurrikulumdifferensiasie in die vak Wiskunde Graad R vir leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid in inklusiewe Wes-Kaapse spesiale skole / Curriculum differentiation in the subject Mathematics Grade R for learners with severe intellectual impairment in inclusive special schools in the Western Cape

Botha, Zelda 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie het die navorser die probleem van kurrikulumdifferensiasie vir Wiskunde Graad R aangespreek, sodat leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid ook sukses in Wiskunde Graad R kan ervaar. Die primêre vraag wat aangespreek is, is hoe die vereiste begrippe en vaardighede van die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), vir Wiskunde Graad R aangepas kan word vir leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid. Die belangrikheid van die studie lê in die verskil wat differensiasie kan maak aan 'n leerder se geleentheid om sukses te ervaar volgens sy vermoë. Die doel hiervan is om leerkragte wat leerders met erge intellektuele gestremdheid onderrig, te bemagtig. Dit word gedoen deur aanpassings en aktiwiteite voor te stel wat tot voordeel van hierdie leerders in hul onderrigprogram geïmplementeer kan word. Dit sal daartoe bydra dat hierdie leerders die vereistes wat in die kurrikulum gestel word, in ’n beperkte mate kan bereik. Die navorsing is onderneem vanuit 'n inklusiewe perspektief aan die hand van 'n literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe navorsing (gevalle-studie) wat semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesluit het. Die resultate toon dat differensiasie wel moontlik is en dat daar verskeie aanpassings en aktiwiteite is wat leerkragte kan gebruik om hierdie leerders die geleentheid te bied om sukses te kan ervaar. / In this study the researcher addressed the challenges of curriculum differentiation for Mathematics Grade R to ensure that learners with severe intellectual disability may experience success. The primary question addressed was the manner in which the concepts and skills requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), for Mathematics Grade R can be adjusted to suit the needs of learners with severe intellectual impairment. The importance of this study lies in the significant impact that differentiation can make in providing the opportunity for a learner to experience success according to his abilities. The purpose of this study was to empower teachers of learners with severe intellectual disability with the necessary knowledge, enabling them to successfully implement adaptations. This would allow the learners to achieve the requirements of the proposed curriculum, to a limited extent. Qualitative (case study) research was conducted from an inclusive perspective using a literature review and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that differentiation is possible and that there are several adaptations and activities that could be used by teachers to offer these learners the opportunity to experience success. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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The spirituality of L'Arche and its potential in developing formation programs for people with learning disabilities

Lucas, Pamela Turnbull 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to address the proposition that the spirituality of L'Arche has a great deal of potential to offer people with learning disabilities outside its own community setting. For chaplains who have the task of seeking to nurture and develop the spiritual lives of people with learning disabilities in schools, there exists the opportunity to draw out the fundamental characteristics of the spirituality of L'Arche and incorporate these into their own formation programs. The opportunity to be creative and imaginative in developing formation programs comes from within the context of legislation which requires schools to meet the spiritual needs of the children in their care. / Christian Spirituality / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

Learner support to foundation phase learners who are intellectually impaired : a case study

Erradu, Jordan 03 1900 (has links)
Since 1994, the South African education system has undergone a number of paradigm shifts culminating in the implementation of the policy of Inclusive Education as highlighted in Education White Paper 6: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System. The purpose of this research was to explore how foundation phase learners who experience severe intellectual barriers to learning are provided with high levels of support at special schools in the Pietermaritzburg district. A case study design was embarked upon as this allowed for an in-depth exploration of the above research question. Three special schools in the Pietermaritzburg district that cater for learners who experience severe intellectual barriers to learning were chosen for this investigation. Quantitative and qualitative research methods, consisting of questionnaires, interviews and observation were utilised. The findings reveal that educators at these schools do provide high levels of support to foundation phase learners who experience severe intellectual barriers to learning. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The role of resource centres in supporting learners requiring high levels of support, in the Pietermaritzburg district : a case study

Asaram, Anusha 08 1900 (has links)
Upon close examination of Education White Paper 6: Building an Inclusive Education System, it became evident that, special schools have a crucial role to play. EWP6 clearly outlines the roles of special schools as resource centres. This entails a paradigm shift from a medical to a social model.The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of resource centres in supporting learners who require high levels of support, in an inclusive education system in the Pietermaritzburg district. The study was conducted at a special school with 23 respondents. The triangulated data were collected through participant observations, open-ended questionnaire and interviews. This study revealed that not only are SSRCs totally committed to the paradigm shift but SSRCs are “leading " the way with regard to implementing inclusive strategies like SIAS process, the curriculum changes and alternate means of assessment. SSRCs are valuable resources that are currently under utilized. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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