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Wave Transmission Characteristics in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures using the Spectral Finite Element MethodMurthy, MVVS January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Wave propagation is a phenomenon resulting from high transient loadings where the duration of the load is in µ seconds range. In aerospace and space craft industries it is important to gain knowledge about the high frequency characteristics as it aids in structural health monitoring, wave transmission/attenuation for vibration and noise level reduction.
The wave propagation problem can be approached by the conventional Finite Element Method(FEM); but at higher frequencies, the wavelengths being small, the size of the finite element is reduced to capture the response behavior accurately and thus increasing the number of equations to be solved, leading to high computational costs. On the other hand such problems are handled in the frequency domain using Fourier transforms and one such method is the Spectral Finite Element Method(SFEM). This method is introduced first by Doyle ,for isotropic case and later popularized in developing specific purpose elements for structural diagnostics for inhomogeneous materials, by Gopalakrishnan. The general approach in this method is that the partial differential wave equations are reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations(ODEs) by transforming these equations to another space(transformed domain, say Fourier domain). The reduced ODEs are usually solved exactly, the solution of which gives the dynamic shape functions. The interpolating functions used here are exact solution of the governing differential equations and hence, the exact elemental dynamic stiffness matrix is derived. Thus, in the absence of any discontinuities, one element is sufficient to model 1-D waveguide of any length. This elemental stiffness matrix can be assembled to obtain the global matrix as in FEM, but in the transformed space. Thus after obtaining the solution, the original domain responses are obtained using the inverse transform. Both the above mentioned manuscripts present the Fourier transform based spectral finite element (FSFE), which has the inherent aliasing problem that is persistent in the application of the Fourier series/Fourier transforms. This is alleviated by using an additional throw-off element and/or introducing slight damping in to the system. More recently wave let transform based spectral finite element(WSFE) has been formulated which alleviated the aliasing problem; but has a limitation in obtaining the frequency characteristics, like the group speeds are accurate only up-to certain fraction of the Nyquist(central frequency). Currently in this thesis Laplace transform based spectral finite elements(LSFE) are developed for sandwich members. The advantages and limitations of the use of different transforms in the spectral finite element framework is presented in detail in Chapter-1.
Sandwich structures are used in the space craft industry due to higher stiffness to weight ratio. Many issues considered in the design and analysis of sandwich structures are discussed in the well known books(by Zenkert, Beitzer). Typically the main load bearing structures are modeled as beam sand plates. Plate structures with kh<1 is analysed based on the Kirch off plate theory/Classical Plate Theory(CPT) and when the bending wavelength is small compared to the plate thickness, the effect of shear deformation and rotary inertia needs to be included where, k is the wave number and h is the thickness of the plate. Many works regarding the wave propagation in sandwich structures has been published in the past literature for wave propagation in infinite sandwich structure and giving the complete description of dispersion relation with no restriction on frequency and wavelength. More recently exact analytical solution or simply supported sandwich plate has been derived. Also it is seen by comparison of dispersion curves obtained with exact (3D formulation of theory of elasticity) and simplified theories (2D formulation as generalization of Timoshenko theory) made on infinite domain and concluded that the simplified theory can be reliably used to assess the waveguide properties of sandwich plate in the frequency range of interest. In order to approach the problems with finite domain and their implementation in the use of general purpose code; finite degrees of freedom is enforced. The concept of displacement based theories provides the flexibility in assuming different kinematic deformations to approach these problems. Many of the displacement based theories incorporate the Equivalent Single Layer(ESL) approach and these can capture the global behavior with relative ease. Chapter-2 presents the Laplace spectral finite element for thick beams based on the First order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). Here the effect of different choices of the real part of the Laplace variable is demonstrated. It is shown that the real part of the Laplace variable acts as a numerical damping factor. The spectrum and dispersion relations are obtained and the use of these relations are demonstrated by an example. Here, for sandwich members based on FSDT, an appropriate choice of the correction factor ,which arises due to the inconsistency between the kinematic hypothesis and the desired accuracy is presented. Finally the response obtained by the use of the element is validated with experimental results.
For high shock loading cases, the core flexibility induces local effects which are very predominant and this can lead to debonding of face sheets. The ESL theories mentioned above cannot capture these effects due to the computation of equivalent through the thickness section properties. Thus, higher order theories such as the layer-wise theories are required to capture the local behaviour. One such theory for sandwich panels is the Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (HSaPT). Here, the in-plane stress in the core has been neglected; but gives a good approximation for sandwich construction with soft cores. Including the axial inertial terms of the core will not yield constant shear stress distribution through the height of the core and hence more recently the Extended Higher order Sandwich Plate theory (EHSaPT) is proposed. The LSFE based on this theory has been formulated and is presented in Chapter-4. Detailed 3D orthotropic properties of typical sandwich construction is considered and the core compressibility effect of local behavior due to high shock loading is clearly brought out. As detailed local behavior is sought the degrees of freedom per element is high and the specific need for such theory as compared with the ESL theories is discussed.
Chapter-4 presents the spectral finite element for plates based on FSDT. Here, multi-transform method is used to solve the partial differential equations of the plate. The effect of shear deformation is brought out in the spectrum and dispersion relations plots. Response results obtained by the formulated element is compared and validated with many different experimental results.
Generally structures are built-up by connecting many different sub-structures. These connecting members, called joints play a very important role in the wave transmission/attenuation. Usually these joints are modeled as rigid joints; but in reality these are flexible and exhibits non-linear characteristics and offer high damping to the energy flow in the connected structures. Chapter-5 presents the attenuation and transmission of wave energy using the power flow approach for rigid joints for different configurations. Later, flexible spectral joint model is developed and the transmission/attenuation across the flexible joints is studied.
The thesis ends with conclusion and highlighting futures cope based on the developments reported in this thesis.
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Spectrally Formulated User-Defined Element in Abaqus for Wave Motion Analysis and Health Monitoring of Composite StructuresKhalili, Ashkan 06 May 2017 (has links)
Wave propagation analysis in 1-D and 2-D composite structures is performed efficiently and accurately through the formulation of a User-Defined Element (UEL) based on the wavelet spectral finite element (WSFE) method. The WSFE method is based on the first order shear deformation theory which yields accurate results for wave motion at high frequencies. The wave equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations using Daubechies compactly supported, orthonormal, wavelet scaling functions for approximations in time and one spatial dimension. The 1-D and 2-D WSFE models are highly efficient computationally and provide a direct relationship between system input and output in the frequency domain. The UEL is formulated and implemented in Abaqus for wave propagation analysis in composite structures with complexities. Frequency domain formulation of WSFE leads to complex valued parameters, which are decoupled into real and imaginary parts and presented to Abaqus as real values. The final solution is obtained by forming a complex value using the real number solutions given by Abaqus. Several numerical examples are presented here for 1-D and 2-D composite waveguides. Wave motions predicted by the developed UEL correlate very well with Abaqus simulations using shear flexible elements. The results also show that the UEL largely retains computational efficiency of the WSFE method and extends its ability to model complex features. An enhanced cross-correlation method (ECCM) is developed in order to accurately predict damage location in plates. Three major modifications are proposed to the widely used cross-correlation method (CCM) to improve damage localization capabilities, namely actuator-sensor configuration, signal pre-processing method, and signal post-processing method. The ECCM is investigated numerically (FEM simulation) and experimentally. Experimental investigations for damage detection employ a PZT transducer as actuator and laser Doppler vibrometer as sensor. Both numerical and experimental results show that the developed method is capable of damage localization with high precision. Further, ECCM is used to detect and localize debonding in a composite material skin-stiffener joint. The UEL is used to represent the healthy case whereas the damaged case is simulated using Abaqus. It is shown that the ECCM successfully detects the location of the debond in the skin-stiffener joint.
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Prediction of random vibration using spectral methodsBirgersson, Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
Much of the vibration in fast moving vehicles is caused bydistributed random excitation, such as turbulent flow and roadroughness. Piping systems transporting fast flowing fluid isanother example, where distributed random excitation will causeunwanted vibration. In order to reduce these vibrations andalso the noise they cause, it is important to have accurate andcomputationally efficient prediction methods available. The aim of this thesis is to present such a method. Thefirst step towards this end was to extend an existing spectralfinite element method (SFEM) to handle excitation of planetravelling pressure waves. Once the elementary response tothese waves is known, the response to arbitrary homogeneousrandom excitation can be found. One example of random excitation is turbulent boundary layer(TBL) excitation. From measurements a new modified Chase modelwas developed that allowed for a satisfactory prediction ofboth the measured wall pressure field and the vibrationresponse of a turbulence excited plate. In order to model morecomplicated structures, a new spectral super element method(SSEM) was formulated. It is based on a waveguide formulation,handles all kinds of boundaries and its elements are easily putinto an assembly with conventional finite elements. Finally, the work to model fluid-structure interaction withanother wave based method is presented. Similar to the previousmethods it seems to be computationally more efficient thanconventional finite elements. / <p>NR 20140805</p>
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Waveguide Finite Elements Applied on a Car TyreNilsson, Carl-Magnus January 2004 (has links)
Structures acting as waveguides are quite common withexamples being, construction beams, fluid filled pipes, railsand extruded aluminium profiles. Curved structures like cartyres and pipe-bends may also be considered as waveguides. Wavesolutions in such structures may be found by a method calledthe Waveguide Finite Element Method or WFEM. This method uses afinite element approach on the cross-section of a waveguide tomodel the vibro-acoustic response as a set of linear, coupled,one dimensional, wave-equations. In this thesis six novel waveguide finite elements arederived and validated. These elements are, straight and curvedpre-stressed, orthotropic or anisotropic shell elements,straight and curved fluid elements, and straight and curvedfluid-shell coupling elements. Forced response and input power calculations for infiniteand periodic waveguides are presented. The assembled waveguidemodels can also serve as input for the Super Spectral FiniteElement Method, which enables forced response calculations formore complex boundaries. Furthermore, several properties ofdamped and undamped wave solutions are investigated. Finally, a car tyre model, encompassing for the highlyanisotropic material and the air cavity inside the tyre is setforth. A number of forced response calculations for this modelare presented and compared with measurements with goodagreement. Keywords:wave equation, wave solution, waveguide,finite element, spectral finite element, tyre noise, tyrevibration, input power, shells, pre-stress, fluid-shellcoupling axi-symmetric, two-and-half-dimensional
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Wavelet Based Spectral Finite Elements For Wave Propagation Analysis In Isotropic, Composite And Nano-Composite StructuresMitra, Mira 12 1900 (has links)
Wave propagation is a common phenomenon in aircraft structures resulting from high velocity transient loadings like bird hit, gust etc. Apart from understanding the behavior of structures under such loading, wave propagation analysis is also important to gain knowledge about their high frequency characteristics, which have several applications. The applications include structural health monitoring using diagnostic waves and control of wave transmission for reduction of noise and vibration.
Transient loadings with high frequency content are associated with wave propagation. As a result, the higher modes of the structure participate in the response. Finite element (FE) modeling for such problem requires very fine mesh to capture these higher modes. This leads to large system size and hence large computational cost. Wave propagation problems are usually solved in frequency domain using fast Fourier transform (FFT) and spectral finite element method is one such technique which follows FE procedure in the transformed frequency domain.
In this thesis, a novel wavelet based spectral finite element (WSFE) is developed for wave propagation analysis in finite dimension structures. In WSFE for 1-D waveguides, the partial differential wave equations are reduced to a set of ODEs using orthogonal compactly supported Daubechies scaling functions for temporal approximation. The localized nature of the Daubechies basis functions allows finite domain analysis and imposition of the boundary conditions. The reduced ODEs are usually solved exactly, the solution of which gives the dynamic shape functions. The interpolating functions used here are exact solution of the governing differential equation and hence, the exact elemental dynamic stiffness matrix is derived. Thus, In the absence of any discontinuities, one element is sufficient to model 1-D waveguide of any length. This elemental stiffness matrix can be assembled to obtain the global matrix as in FE and after solution, the time domain responses are obtained using the inverse wavelet transform.
The developed technique circumvents several serious limitations of the conventional FFT based Spectral Finite Element (FSFE). In FSFE, the wave equations are reduced to ODEs using FFT for time approximation. The remaining part of the formulation is quite similar to that of WSFE. The required assumption of periodicity in FSFE, however, does not allow modeling of finite length structures. It results in “wrap around” problem, which distorts the response simulated using FSFE and a semi-infinite (“throw-off”) element is required for imparting artificial damping. This artificial damping occurs as the “throw off” element allows leakage of energy. In some cases, a very high damping can also be considered instead of “throw off” element to remove wrap around effects. In either cases, the damping introduced is much larger than any inherent damping that may be present in the structure. It should also be mentioned that even in presence of the artificial damping, a larger time window is required for removing the distortions completely. The developed WSFE method is completely free from such problems and can efficiently handle undamped finite length structures irrespective of the time window considered. Apart from this, FSFE allows imposition of only zero initial condition and in contrary any initial conditions can be used in WSFE.
Though FSFE has problem in modeling finite length undamped structures for time domain analysis, it is well suited for performing frequency domain study of wave characteristics, namely, the determination of spectrum and dispersion relations. WSFE is also capable of extracting these frequency dependent wave properties, however only up to a certain fraction of the Nyquist frequency. This constraint results from the loss in frequency resolution due to the increase in time resolution in wavelet analysis, where the basis functions are bounded both in time and frequency. A price has to be paid in frequency domain in order to obtain a bound in the time domain. The consequence of this analysis is to impose a constraint on the time sampling rate for the simulation with WSFE, to avoid spurious dispersion.
WSFE for 2-D waveguides are formulated using Daubechies scaling functions for both temporal and spatial approximations. The initial and boundary conditions, however, are imposed using two different methods, which are wavelet extrapolation technique and periodic extension or restraint matrix respectively. The 2-D WSFE is bounded in both the spatial directions unlike 2-D FSFE, which is essentially unbounded in one spatial direction. Apart from this, 2-D WSFE is also free from “wrap around” problem similar to 1-D WSFE due to the localized nature of the basis functions used for temporal approximation.
In this thesis, WSFE is developed for isotropic 1-D and 2-D waveguides for time and frequency domain analysis. These include elementary rod, Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams in 1-D modeling, and plates and axisymmetric cylinders in 2-D modeling. The wave propagation responses simulated using WSFE for these waveguides are validated using FE results. The advantages of the proposed technique over the corresponding FSFE method are also highlighted all through the numerical examples.
Next part of the thesis involves the extension of the developed WSFE technique for modeling composite and nano-composite structures to study their wave propagation behavior. Due to their anisotropic nature, analysis of composite structures, particularly high frequency transient analysis is much more complicated compared to the corresponding metallic structures. This is due to the presence of stiffness coupling in these structures. Superior mechanical properties of composites, however, are making them integral parts of an aircraft and thus they often experience such short duration, high velocity impact
Loadings. Very few literatures report the response of composite structures subjected to such high frequency excitations. Here, WSFE is formulated for a higher order composite beam with axial, flexural, shear and contractional degrees of freedom. WSFE is also formulated for composite plates using classical laminated plate theory with axial and flexural degrees of freedom. Simulations performed using these WSFE models are used to study the higher order and elastic coupling effects on the wave propagation responses.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and their composites are attracting a great deal of experimental and theoretical research world-wide. The recent trend in the literature shows a great interest in the dynamic and wave characteristics of CNTs and nano-composites because of their several applications. In most of these applications, CNTs are used in the embedded form as it does not requires precise alignment of the nano-tubes. In addition, the extraordinary mechanical properties of CNTs are being exploited to achieve high strength nano-composite. Apart from the experimental studies and atomistic simulation to study the mechanical properties of CNTs and nano-composites, continuum modeling is also receiving much attention, mainly due to its computational viability. In this thesis, a 1-D WSFE is formulated for multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWNT) embedded composite modeled as beam using higher order layer-wise theory. This theory allows to model partial interfacial shear stress transfer, which normally occurs due to improper dispersion of CNTs in nano-composites. The effects of different matrix materials and fraction of shear stress transfer on the wave characteristics are studied. The responses obtained using other beam theories are also compared.
The beam modeling does not allow capturing the radial motions of the CNT, which are important for several applications. These can be effectively captured by modeling the CNT using a 2-D axisymmetric model. Hence, a 2-D WSFE model is constructed to capture the high frequency characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). The response of SWNT simulated using the developed model is validated with experimental and atomistic simulation results reported in the literature. The comparison are done for dispersion relation and also radial breathing mode frequencies. The effects of geometrical parameters, namely the radius and the wall thickness of the SWNT on the higher radial, longitudinal and coupled radial-longitudinal vibrational modes are analyzed. These behaviors are studied in both time and frequency domains. Such time domain analyses of finite length SWNT are not possible with the Fourier transform based techniques reported in literature, although, such analyses are important particularly for sensor applications of SWNT.
Spectral finite element method is very much suited for solution of inverse problems like force reconstruction from the measured wave response. This is because the technique is based on the concept of transfer function between the displacements (output) and applied forces (input). In the present work, WSFE is implemented for identification of impact force from the wave propagation responses simulated with FE and used as surrogate experimental results. The results show that WSFE can accurately reconstruct the impulse load applied to 1-D waveguides which include rod, Euler-Bernoulli beam and connected 2-D frame, even with highly truncated response. This is unlike FSFE, where the accuracy of the identified force depends largely on the time window of the measured responses.
The detection of damage from the wave propagation analysis is another class of inverse problems considered in this thesis and is of utmost importance in the area of aircraft structural health monitoring. Here, the detection scheme is based on arrival time of the waves reflected from the damage. A novel detection technique based on wavelet filtering is proposed here and it is shown to work efficiently even in the presence of noise in the measured wave responses. Detection of damage requires an efficient damage model to simulate the mode of structural failure. In this regard, two spectrally formulated wavelet elements are proposed, one to model isotropic beam with through-width notch and the second to model composite beam with embedded de-lamination. In the first case, the response of the damaged beam is considered as the perturbation of the undamaged response and the linear perturbation analysis leads to a completely new set of dynamic stiffness matrix. In the second case, the delamination is modeled by subdividing the de-laminated region into separate waveguides and full damage model is established by imposing the kinematics. These models help to simulate wave propagation in such damaged beams to study the effect of damage on the wave response.
Noise and vibration are often transmitted from the source to the other parts of the structure in the form of wave propagation. Thus, control of such wave transmission is essential for reduction of noise and vibration, which are the main cause of discomfort and in many cases cause failure of structure. Here, techniques for both passive and active controls of wave are proposed. For active control, a closed loop system is modeled using WSFE with magnetostrictive actuator for control of axial and flexural wave propagations in connected isotropic 1-D waveguides. The feedback is negative velocity and/or acceleration measured at different sensor points. A very new application of CNT reinforced composite for passive control of vibration and wave response is explored in this thesis. For this, a novel concept of nano-composite inserts is proposed. This insert can be made from CNTs dispersed in polymer. The high stiffness of the inserts helps to regulate the power flow in the form of wave propagation from the point of application of the loads to other parts of the structures. The length of the insert, volume fraction of CNTs and position are changed to achieve the required reduction in wave amplitudes.
The entire thesis is split up into eight chapters. Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction, the motivation and objective of the thesis. Chapters 2 and 3 give a detail account of wavelet spectral finite element formulation for 1-D and 2-D isotropic waveguides, while Chapter 4 gives the same for composite waveguides. Chapter 5 brings out essential wave characteristics in carbon nanotubes and nano-composite structures, while Chapters 6 and 7 exclusively deal with application of WSFE to some real world problems. The thesis ends with summary and directions of future research.
In summary, the thesis has brought out several new aspects of wave propagation in isotropic, composite and nano-composite structures. In addition to establishing wavelet spectral finite element as a useful tool for wave propagation analysis, several new techniques are presented, several new algorithm are proposed and several new concepts are explored.
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Prediction of random vibration using spectral methodsBirgersson, Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
<p>Much of the vibration in fast moving vehicles is caused bydistributed random excitation, such as turbulent flow and roadroughness. Piping systems transporting fast flowing fluid isanother example, where distributed random excitation will causeunwanted vibration. In order to reduce these vibrations andalso the noise they cause, it is important to have accurate andcomputationally efficient prediction methods available.</p><p>The aim of this thesis is to present such a method. Thefirst step towards this end was to extend an existing spectralfinite element method (SFEM) to handle excitation of planetravelling pressure waves. Once the elementary response tothese waves is known, the response to arbitrary homogeneousrandom excitation can be found.</p><p>One example of random excitation is turbulent boundary layer(TBL) excitation. From measurements a new modified Chase modelwas developed that allowed for a satisfactory prediction ofboth the measured wall pressure field and the vibrationresponse of a turbulence excited plate. In order to model morecomplicated structures, a new spectral super element method(SSEM) was formulated. It is based on a waveguide formulation,handles all kinds of boundaries and its elements are easily putinto an assembly with conventional finite elements.</p><p>Finally, the work to model fluid-structure interaction withanother wave based method is presented. Similar to the previousmethods it seems to be computationally more efficient thanconventional finite elements.</p>
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Waveguide Finite Elements Applied on a Car TyreNilsson, Carl-Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>Structures acting as waveguides are quite common withexamples being, construction beams, fluid filled pipes, railsand extruded aluminium profiles. Curved structures like cartyres and pipe-bends may also be considered as waveguides. Wavesolutions in such structures may be found by a method calledthe Waveguide Finite Element Method or WFEM. This method uses afinite element approach on the cross-section of a waveguide tomodel the vibro-acoustic response as a set of linear, coupled,one dimensional, wave-equations.</p><p>In this thesis six novel waveguide finite elements arederived and validated. These elements are, straight and curvedpre-stressed, orthotropic or anisotropic shell elements,straight and curved fluid elements, and straight and curvedfluid-shell coupling elements.</p><p>Forced response and input power calculations for infiniteand periodic waveguides are presented. The assembled waveguidemodels can also serve as input for the Super Spectral FiniteElement Method, which enables forced response calculations formore complex boundaries. Furthermore, several properties ofdamped and undamped wave solutions are investigated.</p><p>Finally, a car tyre model, encompassing for the highlyanisotropic material and the air cavity inside the tyre is setforth. A number of forced response calculations for this modelare presented and compared with measurements with goodagreement.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>wave equation, wave solution, waveguide,finite element, spectral finite element, tyre noise, tyrevibration, input power, shells, pre-stress, fluid-shellcoupling axi-symmetric, two-and-half-dimensional</p>
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Wave Propagation In Anisotropic & Inhomogeneous StructuresChakraborty, Abir 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Wave Propagation in Healthy and Defective Composite Structures under Deterministic and Non-Deterministic FrameworkAjith, V January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Composite structures provide opportunities for weight reduction, material tailoring and integrating control surfaces with embedded transducers, which are not possible in conventional metallic structures. As a result there is a substantial increase in the use of composite materials in aerospace and other major industries, which has necessitated the need for structural health monitoring(SHM) of aerospace structures. In the context of SHM of aircraft structures, there are many areas, which are still not explored and need deep investigation. Among these, one of the major areas is the development of efficient damage models for complex composite structures, like stiffened structures, box-type structures, which are the building blocks of an aircraft wing structure. Quantification of the defect due to porosity and especially the methods for identifying the porous regions in a composite structure is another such area, which demands extensive research. In aircraft structures, it is not advisable for the structures, to have high porosity content, since it can initiate common defects in composites such as, delamination, matrix cracks etc.. In fact, there is need for a high frequency analysis to detect defects in such complex structures and also to detect damages, where the change in the stiffness due to the damage is very small. Lamb wave propagation based method is one of the efficient high frequency wave based method for damage detection and are extensively used for detecting small damages, which is essentially needed in aircraft industry. However, in order, to develop an efficient Lamb wave based SHM system, we also need an efficient computational wave propagation model. Developing an efficient computational wave propagation model for complex structures is still a challenging area. One of the major difficulty is its computational expense, when the analysis is performed using conventional FEM. However, for 1D And 2D composite structures, frequency domain spectral finite element method (SFEM), which are very effective in sensing small stiffness changes due to a defect in a structure, is one of the efficient tool for developing computationally efficient and accurate wave based damage models. In this work, we extend the efficiency of SFEM in developing damage models, for detecting damages in built-up composite structures and porous composite structure. Finally, in reality, the nature of variability of the material properties in a composite structure, created a variety of structural problems, in which the uncertainties in different parameters play a major part. Uncertainties can be due to the lack of good knowledge of material properties or due to the change in the load and support condition with the change in environmental variables such as temperature, humidity and pressure. The modeling technique is also one of the major sources of uncertainty, in the analysis of composites. In fact, when the variations are large, we can find in the literatures available that the probabilistic models are advantageous than the deterministic ones. Further, without performing a proper uncertain wave propagation analysis, to characterize the effect of uncertainty in different parameters, it is difficult to maintain the reliability of the results predicted by SFEM based damage models. Hence, in this work, we also study the effect of uncertainty in different structural parameters on the performance of the damage models, based on the models developed in the present work.
First, two SFEM based models, one based on the method of assembling 2D spectral elements and the other based on the concept of coupling 2D and 1D spectral elements, are developed to perform high frequency wave propagation analysis of some of the commonly used built-up composite structures. The SFEM model developed using the plate-beam coupling approach is then used to model wave propagation in a multiple stiffened structure and also to model the stiffened structures with different cross sections such as T-section, I-section and hat section.
Next, the wave propagation in a porous laminated composite beam is modeled using SFEM, based on the modified rule of mixture approach. Here, the material properties of the composite is obtained from the modified rule of mixture model, which are then used in SFEM to develop a new model for solving wave propagation problems in porous laminated composite beam. The influence of the porosity content on the parameters such as wave number, group speed and also the effect of variation in theses parameters on the time responses are studied first. Next, the effect of the length of the porous region (in the propagation direction) and the frequency of loading, on the time responses, is studied. The change in the time responses with the change in the porosity of the structure is used as a parameter to find the porosity content in a composite beam.
The SFEM models developed in this study is then used in the context of wave based damage detection, in the next study. First ,the actual measured response from a structure and the numerically obtained response from a SFEM model for porous laminated composite beam are used for the estimation of porosity, by solving a nonlinear optimization problem. The damage force indicator (DFI) technique is used to locate the porous region in a beam and also to find its length, using the measured wave propagation responses. DFI is derived from the dynamic stiffness matrix of the healthy structure along with the nodal displacements of the damaged structure. Next, a wave propagation based method is developed for modeling damage in stiffened composite structures, using SFEM, to locate and quantify the damage due to a crack and skin-stiffener debonding. The method of wave scattering and DFI technique are used to quantify the damage in the stiffened structure.
In the uncertain wave propagation analysis, a study on the uncertainty in material parameters on the wave propagation responses in a healthy metallic beam structure is performed first. Both modulus of elasticity and density are considered uncertain and the analysis is performed using Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) under the environment of SFEM. The randomness in the material properties are characterized by three different distributions namely normal, Weibul and extreme value distribution and their effect on wave propagation, in beam is investigated. Even a study is performed on the usage of different beam theories and their uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load.
A study is also conducted to analyze the wave propagation response In a composite structure in an uncertain environment using Neumann expansion blended with Monte-Carlo simulation (NE-MCS) under the environment of SFEM. Neumann expansion method accelerates the MCS, which is required for composites as there are many number of uncertain variables. The effect of the parameters like, fiber orientation, lay-up sequence, number of layers and the layer thickness on the uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load, is thoroughly analyzed.
Finally, a probabilistic sensitivity analysis is performed to estimate the sensitivity of uncertain material and fabrication parameters, on the SFEM based damage models for a porous laminated composite beam. MCS is coupled with SFEM, for the uncertain wave propagation analysis and the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy is used as the measure of sensitivity. The sensitivity of different input variables on the wave number, group speed and the values of DFI, are mainly considered in this study.
The thesis, written in nine chapters, presents a unified document on wave propagation in healthy and defective composite structure subjected to both deterministic and highly uncertain environment.
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Wave Propagation in Sandwich Beam Structures with Novel Modeling SchemesSudhakar, V January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Sandwich constructions are the most commonly used structures in aircraft and navy industries, traditionally. These structures are made up of the face sheets and the core, where the face sheets will be taking the load and is connected to other structural members, while the soft core material, will be used to absorb energy during impact like situation. Thus, sandwich constructions are mainly employed in light weight structures where the high energy absorption capability is required. Generally the face sheets will be thin, made up of either metallic or composite material with high stiffness and strength, while the core is light in weight, made up of soft material. Cores generally play very crucial role in achieving the desired properties of sandwich structures, either through geometric arrangement or material properties or both. Foams are in extensive use nowadays as core material due to the ease in manufacturing and their low cost. They are extensively used in automotive and industrial field applications as the desired foam density can be fabricated by adjusting the mixing, curing and heat sink processes.
Modeling of sandwich beams play a crucial role in their design with suitable finite elements for face sheets and core, to ensure the compatibility between degrees of freedom at the interfaces. Unless the mathematical model simulates the physics of the model in terms of kinematics, boundary and loading conditions, results predicted will not be accurate. Accurate models helps in obtaining an efficient design of sandwich beams. In Structural Health Monitoring studies, the responses under the impact loading will be captured by carrying out the wave propagation analysis. The loads applied will be for a shorter duration (in the orders of micro seconds), where higher frequency modes will be excited. Wavelengths at such high frequencies are very small and hence, in such cases, very fine mesh generally is employed matching the wavelength requirement of the propagating wave. Traditional Finite element softwares takes enormous time and computational e ort to provide the solution. Various possible models and modeling aspects using the existing Finite element tools for wave propagation analysis are studied in the present work.
There exists a huge demand for an accurate, efficient and rapidly convergent finite elements for the analysis of sandwich beams. E orts are made in the present work to address these issues and provide a solution to the sandwich user community. Super convergent and Spectral Finite sandwich Beam Elements with metallic or composite face sheets and soft core are developed. As a philosophy, the sandwich beam finite element is constructed with the combination of two beams representing the face sheets (top and bottom) at their neutral axis. The core effects are captured at the interface boundaries in terms of shear stress and normal transverse stress.
In the case of wave propagation analysis, the equations are coupled in time domain and spatial domain and solving them directly is a difficult task. In Spectral Finite Element Method(SFEM), the displacement functions are derived by solving the transformed governing equations in the frequency domain. By transforming them and forces from time domain to frequency domain, the coupled partial differential equations will become coupled ordinary differential equations. These equations in frequency domain, can be solved exactly as they are normally ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients with frequency entering as a parameter. These solutions will be used as interpolating functions for spectral element formulation and in this respect it differs from conventional FE method wherein mostly polynomials are used as interpolating functions. In addition, SFEM solutions are expressed in terms of forward and backward moving waves for all the degrees of freedom involved in the formulations and hence, SFEM provides faster and efficient solutions for wave propagation analysis.
In the present work, strong form of the governing differential equations are derived for a given system using Hamilton's principle. Super Convergent elements are developed by solving the static part of the governing differential equations exactly and hence the stiffness matrix derived is exact for point static loads. For wave propagation analysis, as the mass is not exactly represented, these elements are required in the optimal numbers for getting good results. The number of these elements required are generally much lesser than the number of elements required using traditional finite elements since the stiffness distribution is exact. Spectral elements are developed by solving the governing equations exactly in the frequency domain and hence the dynamic stiffness matrix derived is exact for the dynamic loads. Hence, one element between any two joints is enough to solve the whole system under impact loads for simple structures.
Developing FE for sandwich beams is quiet challenging. Due to small thickness, the face sheets can be modeled using 1D idealization, while modeling of large core requires 2-D idealization. Hence, most finite or spectral elements requires stitching of these two idealizations into 1-D idealization, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways, some of which are highlighted in this thesis.
Variety of finite and spectral finite elements are developed considering Euler and Timoshenko beam theories for modeling the sandwich beams. Simple element models are built with rigid core in both the theories. Models are also developed considering the flexible core with the variation of transverse displacements across depth of the core. This has direct influence on shear stress variation and also transverse normal stress in the core. Simple to higher order models are developed considering different variations in shear stress and transverse normal stress across depth of the core. Development of super convergent finite Euler Bernoulli beam elements Eul4d (4 dof element), Eul10d (10 dof element) are explained along with their results in Chapter 2. Development of different super convergent finite Timoshenko beam elements namely Tim4d (4 dof), Tim7d (7 dof), Tim10d (10 dof) are explained in Chapter 3. Validation of Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko elements developed in the present work is carried out with test cases available in the open literature for displacements and free vibration frequencies are presented in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. The results indicates that all developed elements are performing exceedingly well for static loads and free vibration. Super convergence performance for the elements developed is demonstrated with related examples.
Spectral elements based on Timoshenko theory STim7d, STim6d, STim6dF are developed and the wave propagation characteristics studies are presented in Chapter 4. Euler spectral elements are derived from Timoshenko spectral elements by enforcing in finite shear rigidity, designated as SEul7d, SEul6d, SEul6dF and are presented. E orts were made in this present work to model the horizontal cracks in top or bottom face sheets using the spectral elements and the methodology is presented in Chapter 4.
Wave propagation analysis using general purpose software N AST RAN and the super convergent as well as spectral elements developed in this work, are discussed in detail in Chapter 5. Modeling aspects of sandwich beam in N AST RAN using various combination of elements available and the performance of four possible models simulated were studied. Validation of all four models in N AST RAN, Super convergent Euler, Timoshenko and Spectral Timoshenko finite elements was carried out by simulating a homogenous I beam by comparing the longitudinal and transverse responses. Studies were carried out to find out the response predictions of a sandwich beam with soft core and all the predictions were compared and discussed. The responses in case of cracks in top or bottom face sheets under the longitudinal and transverse loading were studied in this chapter.
In Chapter 6, Parametric studies were carried out for bringing out the sensitiveness of the important specific parameters in overall behaviour and performance of a sandwich beam, using Super convergent and Spectral elements developed. This chapter clearly brings out the various aspects of design of sandwich beam such as material selection of core, geometrical configuration of overall beam and core. Effects of shear modulus, mass density on wave propagation characteristics, effects of thick or thin cores with reference to the face sheets and dynamic effects of core are highlighted. Wave propagation characteristics studies includes the study of wave numbers, group speeds, cut off frequencies for a given configuration and identification of frequency zone of operations. The recommendations for improvement in design of sandwich beams based on the parametric studies are made at the end of chapter.
The entire thesis, written in seven Chapters, presents a unified treatment of sandwich beam analysis that will be very useful for designers working in the area.
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