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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of flow, geometry, wall thickness and material on acoustic wave resonance in water-filled piping

Mokhtari, Alireza January 1900 (has links)
The study of acoustic resonance in fluid-filled piping systems with and without mean flow is important for the nuclear industry. For this industry, it is vital to understand the acoustic resonance in their systems; however, no comprehensive experimental benchmark data or accurate modeling tool exists for predicting such a phenomenon. The main goals of the current research are to create a new experimental data bank for the conditions not tested earlier using the configurations of straight lines and branches, and to evaluate the applicability of the linear wave solution using different damping methods and a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code to simulate the acoustic resonance in fluid-filled piping systems. In this experimental study, data on resonant frequencies and resonant amplitudes are collected and analyzed for a frequency range of 20–500 Hz for straight and branched tubes by varying their wall thicknesses, materials, and branch configurations at different flow rates and outlet boundary conditions. To be closer to the nuclear industry medium, water is employed in our experiments, contrasting to the fact that most of the available experiments reported were with air at a much lower sonic velocity. I consider here, in particular, measurements at the end of closed branches, upstream, downstream, and at different locations of the main line, as well as the interactions of different sonic velocities along the main pipes. A small diameter is chosen for the branched experiments since the decrease in the width of the main line and the branches has a pronounced effect on the resonant amplitudes due to an increased interaction among the unsteady shear layers forming across the side branches. The experimental results show that there is a strong effect of turbulent flow, wall material, and wall thickness on resonant amplitudes at frequencies above ∼250 Hz. Numerical investigations are performed solving the one-dimensional (1D) linear wave equation with constant and frequency-dependent damping terms and a CFD code. Employing frequency-dependent damping methodologies shows improvement in terms of resonant amplitude prediction over constant volumetric drag method. Comparing the 1D and CFD results shows that the CFD solution yields better predictions. / February 2017

Traveling Wave Solutions of Integro-differential Equations of One-dimensional Neuronal Networks

Hao, Han 14 June 2013 (has links)
Traveling wave solutions of integro-differential equations for modeling one-dimensional neuronal networks, are studied. Under moderate continuity assumptions, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of monotone increasing (decreasing) traveling wave solutions are established. Some faults in previous studies are corrected.

Traveling Wave Solutions of Integro-differential Equations of One-dimensional Neuronal Networks

Hao, Han January 2013 (has links)
Traveling wave solutions of integro-differential equations for modeling one-dimensional neuronal networks, are studied. Under moderate continuity assumptions, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of monotone increasing (decreasing) traveling wave solutions are established. Some faults in previous studies are corrected.

一個具擴散性的SIR模型之行進波解 / Traveling wave solutions for a diffusive SIR model

余陳宗, Yu, Chen Tzung Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文討論的是SIR模型的反應擴散方程          s_t = d_1 s_xx − βsi/(s + i),          i_t = d_2 i_xx + βsi/(s + i) − γi,          r_t = d_3 r_xx + γi, 之行進波的存在性,其中模型描述的是在一個封閉區域裡流行疾病爆發的狀態。這裡的 β 是傳播係數,γ 是治癒或移除(即死亡)速率,s 是未被傳染個體數,i 是傳染源個體數,d_1、d_2、d_3分別為其擴散之係數。   我們將使用Schauder不動點定理(Schauder fixed point theorem)、Arzela-Ascoli定理和最大值原理(maximum principle)來證明:該系統存在最小速度為c=c*:=2√(d2( β - γ ))之行進波解。我們的結果回答了[11]裡所提出的開放式問題。 / In this thesis, we study the existence of traveling waves of a reaction-diffusion equation for a diffusive epidemic SIR model          s_t = d_1 s_xx − βsi/(s + i),          i_t = d_2 i_xx + βsi/(s + i) − γi,          r_t = d_3 r_xx + γi, which describes an infectious disease outbreak in a closed population. Here β is the transmission coefficient, γ is the recovery or remove rate, and s, i, and r rep-resent numbers of susceptible individuals, infected individuals, and removed individuals, respectively, and d_1, d_2, and d_3 are their diffusion rates. We use the Schauder fixed point theorem, the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, and the maximum principle to show that this system has a traveling wave solution with minimum speed c=c*:=2√(d2( β - γ )). Our result answers an open problem proposed in [11].

Waveguide Finite Elements Applied on a Car Tyre

Nilsson, Carl-Magnus January 2004 (has links)
Structures acting as waveguides are quite common withexamples being, construction beams, fluid filled pipes, railsand extruded aluminium profiles. Curved structures like cartyres and pipe-bends may also be considered as waveguides. Wavesolutions in such structures may be found by a method calledthe Waveguide Finite Element Method or WFEM. This method uses afinite element approach on the cross-section of a waveguide tomodel the vibro-acoustic response as a set of linear, coupled,one dimensional, wave-equations. In this thesis six novel waveguide finite elements arederived and validated. These elements are, straight and curvedpre-stressed, orthotropic or anisotropic shell elements,straight and curved fluid elements, and straight and curvedfluid-shell coupling elements. Forced response and input power calculations for infiniteand periodic waveguides are presented. The assembled waveguidemodels can also serve as input for the Super Spectral FiniteElement Method, which enables forced response calculations formore complex boundaries. Furthermore, several properties ofdamped and undamped wave solutions are investigated. Finally, a car tyre model, encompassing for the highlyanisotropic material and the air cavity inside the tyre is setforth. A number of forced response calculations for this modelare presented and compared with measurements with goodagreement. Keywords:wave equation, wave solution, waveguide,finite element, spectral finite element, tyre noise, tyrevibration, input power, shells, pre-stress, fluid-shellcoupling axi-symmetric, two-and-half-dimensional

Waveguide Finite Elements Applied on a Car Tyre

Nilsson, Carl-Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>Structures acting as waveguides are quite common withexamples being, construction beams, fluid filled pipes, railsand extruded aluminium profiles. Curved structures like cartyres and pipe-bends may also be considered as waveguides. Wavesolutions in such structures may be found by a method calledthe Waveguide Finite Element Method or WFEM. This method uses afinite element approach on the cross-section of a waveguide tomodel the vibro-acoustic response as a set of linear, coupled,one dimensional, wave-equations.</p><p>In this thesis six novel waveguide finite elements arederived and validated. These elements are, straight and curvedpre-stressed, orthotropic or anisotropic shell elements,straight and curved fluid elements, and straight and curvedfluid-shell coupling elements.</p><p>Forced response and input power calculations for infiniteand periodic waveguides are presented. The assembled waveguidemodels can also serve as input for the Super Spectral FiniteElement Method, which enables forced response calculations formore complex boundaries. Furthermore, several properties ofdamped and undamped wave solutions are investigated.</p><p>Finally, a car tyre model, encompassing for the highlyanisotropic material and the air cavity inside the tyre is setforth. A number of forced response calculations for this modelare presented and compared with measurements with goodagreement.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>wave equation, wave solution, waveguide,finite element, spectral finite element, tyre noise, tyrevibration, input power, shells, pre-stress, fluid-shellcoupling axi-symmetric, two-and-half-dimensional</p>

From local to global: Complex behavior of spatiotemporal systems with fluctuating delay times

Wang, Jian 17 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the dynamical behaviors of spatially extended systems with fluctuating time delays. In recent years, the study of spatially extended systems and systems with fluctuating delays has experienced a fast growth. In ubiquitous natural and laboratory situations, understanding the action of time-delayed signals is a crucial for understanding the dynamical behavior of these systems. Frequently, the length of the delay is found to change with time. Spatially extended systems are widely studied in many fields, such as chemistry, ecology, and biology. Self-organization, turbulence, and related nonlinear dynamic phenomena in spatially extended systems have developed into one of the most exciting topics in modern science. The first part of this thesis considers the discrete system. Diffusively coupled map lattices with a fluctuating delay are used in the study. The uncoupled local dynamics of the considered system are represented by the delayed logistic map. In particular, the influences of diffusive coupling and fluctuating delay are studied. To observe and understand the influences, the results for the considered system are compared with coupled map lattices without delay and with a constant delay as well as with the uncoupled logistic map with fluctuating delays. Identifying different patterns, determining the existence of traveling wave solutions, and specifying the fully synchronized stable state are the focus of this part of the study. The Lyapunov exponent, the master stability function, spectrum analysis, and the structure factor are used to characterize the different states and the transitions between them. The second part examines the continuous system. The delay is introduced into the reactionterm of the Fisher-KPP equation. The focus of this part of study is the time-delay-induced Turing instability in one-component reaction-diffusion systems. Turing instability has previously only been found in multiple-component reaction-diffusion systems. However, this work demonstrates with the help of the stability exponent that fluctuating delay can result in Turing instability in one-component reaction-diffusion systems as well. / Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Einflüsse der zeitlich fluktuierenden Verzögerungen in räumlich ausgedehnten diffusiven Systemen. Durch den Vergleich von Systemen mit konstanter Verzögerung bzw. Systemen ohne räumliche Kopplung erhält man ein tieferes Verständnis und eine bessere Beschreibungsweise der Dynamik des räumlich ausgedehnten diffusiven Systems mit fluktuierenden Verzögerungen. Im ersten Teil werden diskrete Systeme in Form von diffusiven Coupled Map Lattices untersucht. Als die lokale iterierte Abbildung des betrachteten Systems wird die logistische Abbildung mit Verzögerung gewählt. In diesem Teil liegt der Fokus auf Musterbildung, Existenz von Multiattraktoren und laufenden Wellen sowie der Möglichkeit der vollen Synchronisation. Masterstabilitätsfunktion, Lyapunov Exponent und Spektrumsanalyse werden benutzt, um das dynamische Verhalten zu verstehen. Im zweiten Teil betrachten wir kontinuierliche Systeme. Hier wird die Fisher-KPP Gleichung mit Verzögerungen im Reaktionsteil untersucht. In diesem Teil liegt der Fokus auf der Existenz der Turing Instabilität. Mit Hilfe von analytischen und numerischen Berechnungen wird gezeigt, dass bei fluktuierenden Verzögerungen eine Turing Instabilität auch in 1-Komponenten-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen gefunden werden kann

Etudes mathématiques et numériques des problèmes paraboliques avec des conditions aux limites / Mathematical and numerical studies of parabolic problems with boundary conditions

Karimou Gazibo, Mohamed 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée autour de l’étude théorique et de l’analyse numérique des équations paraboliques non linéaires avec divers conditions aux limites. La première partie est consacrée aux équations paraboliques dégénérées mêlant des phénomènes non-linéaires de diffusion et de transport. Nous définissons des notions de solutions entropiques adaptées pour chacune des conditions aux limites (flux nul, Robin, Dirichlet). La difficulté principale dans l’étude de ces problèmes est due au manque de régularité du flux pariétal pour traiter les termes de bords. Ceci pose un problème pour la preuve d’unicité. Pour y remédier, nous tirons profit du fait que ces résultats de régularités sur le bord sont plus faciles à obtenir pour le problème stationnaire et particulièrement en dimension un d’espace. Ainsi par la méthode de comparaison "fort-faible" nous arrivons à déduire l’unicité avec le choix d’une fonction test non symétrique et en utilisant la théorie des semi-groupes non linéaires.L’existence de solution se démontre en deux étapes, combinant la méthode de régularisation parabolique et les approximations de Galerkin. Nous développons ensuite une approche directe en construisant des solutions approchées par un schéma de volumes finis implicite en temps. Dans les deux cas, on combine les estimations dans les espaces fonctionnels bien choisis avec des arguments de compacité faible ou forte et diverses astuces permettant de passer à la limite dans des termes non linéaires. Notamment, nous introduisons une nouvelle notion de solution appelée solution processus intégrale dont l’objectif, dans le cadre de notre étude, est de pallier à la difficulté de prouver la convergence vers une solution entropique d’un schéma volumes finis pour le problème de flux nul au bord.La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite d’un problème à frontière libre décrivant la propagation d’un front de combustion et l’évolution de la température dans un milieu hétérogène. Il s’agit d’un système d’équations couplées constitué de l’équation de la chaleur bidimensionnelle et d’une équation de type Hamilton-Jacobi. L’objectif de cette partie est de construire un schéma numérique pour ce problème en combinant des discrétisations du type éléments finis avec les différences finies. Ceci nous permet notamment de vérifier la convergence de la solution numérique vers une solution onde pour un temps long. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à l’étude d’un problème unidimensionnel. Très vite,nous nous heurtons à un problème de stabilité du schéma. Cela est dû au problème de prise en compte de la condition de Neumann au bord. Par une technique de changement d’inconnue et d’approximation nous remédions à ce problème. Ensuite, nous adaptons cette technique pour la résolution du problème bidimensionnel. A l’aide d’un changement de variables, nous obtenons un domaine fixe facile pour la discrétisation. La monotonie du schéma obtenu est prouvée sous une hypothèse supplémentaire de propagation monotone qui exige que la frontière libre se déplace dans les directions d’un cône prescrit à l’avance. / This thesis focuses on the theoretical study and numerical analysis of parabolic equations with boundary conditions.The first part is devoted to degenerate parabolic equation which combines features of a hyperbolic conser-vation law with those of a porous medium equation. We define suitable notions of entropy solutions foreach of the boundary conditions (zero-flux, Robin, Dirichlet). The main difficulty in these studies residesin the formulation of the adequate notion of entropy solution and in the proof of uniqueness. There isa technical difficulty due to the lack of regularity required to treat the boundaries terms. We take ad-vantage of the fact that boundary regularity results are easier to obtain for the stationary problem, inparticular in one space dimension. Thus, using strong-weak uniqueness approach we get the uniquenesswith the choice of a non-symmetric test function and using the nonlinear semigroup theory. The exis-tence of solution is proved in two steps, combining the method of parabolic regularization and Galerkinapproximations. Next, we develop a direct approach to construct approximate solutions by an implicitfinite volume scheme. In both cases, the estimates in the appropriately chosen functional spaces are com-bined with arguments of weak or strong compactness and various tricks to pass to the limit in nonlinearterms. In the appendix, we propose a result of existence of strong trace of a solution for the degenerateparabolic problem. In another appendix of independent interest, we introduce a new concept of solutioncalled integral process solution. We exploit it to overcome the difficulty of proving the convergence ofour finite volume scheme to an entropy solution for the zero-flux boundary problem.The second part of this thesis deals with a free boundary problem describing the propagation of a com-bustion front and the evolution of the temperature in a heterogeneous medium. So we have a coupledproblem consisting of the heat equation of bidimensional space and a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The ob-jective is to construct a numerical scheme and to verify that the numerical solution converges to a wavesolution for a long time. Recall that an existence of wave solution for this problem was already proven inan analytical framework. At first, we focus on the study of a one-dimensional problem. Here, we face aproblem of stability of the scheme. This is due to a difficulty of taking into account the Neumann boun-dary condition. Through a technique of change of unknown, we can propose a monotone scheme. Wealso adapt this technique for solving two-dimensional problem. Using a change of variables, we obtaina fixed domain where the discretization becomes easy. The monotony of the scheme is proved under anadditional assumption of monotone propagation that requires the free boundary moves in the directionsof a cone given beforehand.

From local to global: Complex behavior of spatiotemporal systems with fluctuating delay times: From local to global: Complex behavior of spatiotemporal systemswith fluctuating delay times

Wang, Jian 05 February 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the dynamical behaviors of spatially extended systems with fluctuating time delays. In recent years, the study of spatially extended systems and systems with fluctuating delays has experienced a fast growth. In ubiquitous natural and laboratory situations, understanding the action of time-delayed signals is a crucial for understanding the dynamical behavior of these systems. Frequently, the length of the delay is found to change with time. Spatially extended systems are widely studied in many fields, such as chemistry, ecology, and biology. Self-organization, turbulence, and related nonlinear dynamic phenomena in spatially extended systems have developed into one of the most exciting topics in modern science. The first part of this thesis considers the discrete system. Diffusively coupled map lattices with a fluctuating delay are used in the study. The uncoupled local dynamics of the considered system are represented by the delayed logistic map. In particular, the influences of diffusive coupling and fluctuating delay are studied. To observe and understand the influences, the results for the considered system are compared with coupled map lattices without delay and with a constant delay as well as with the uncoupled logistic map with fluctuating delays. Identifying different patterns, determining the existence of traveling wave solutions, and specifying the fully synchronized stable state are the focus of this part of the study. The Lyapunov exponent, the master stability function, spectrum analysis, and the structure factor are used to characterize the different states and the transitions between them. The second part examines the continuous system. The delay is introduced into the reactionterm of the Fisher-KPP equation. The focus of this part of study is the time-delay-induced Turing instability in one-component reaction-diffusion systems. Turing instability has previously only been found in multiple-component reaction-diffusion systems. However, this work demonstrates with the help of the stability exponent that fluctuating delay can result in Turing instability in one-component reaction-diffusion systems as well. / Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Einflüsse der zeitlich fluktuierenden Verzögerungen in räumlich ausgedehnten diffusiven Systemen. Durch den Vergleich von Systemen mit konstanter Verzögerung bzw. Systemen ohne räumliche Kopplung erhält man ein tieferes Verständnis und eine bessere Beschreibungsweise der Dynamik des räumlich ausgedehnten diffusiven Systems mit fluktuierenden Verzögerungen. Im ersten Teil werden diskrete Systeme in Form von diffusiven Coupled Map Lattices untersucht. Als die lokale iterierte Abbildung des betrachteten Systems wird die logistische Abbildung mit Verzögerung gewählt. In diesem Teil liegt der Fokus auf Musterbildung, Existenz von Multiattraktoren und laufenden Wellen sowie der Möglichkeit der vollen Synchronisation. Masterstabilitätsfunktion, Lyapunov Exponent und Spektrumsanalyse werden benutzt, um das dynamische Verhalten zu verstehen. Im zweiten Teil betrachten wir kontinuierliche Systeme. Hier wird die Fisher-KPP Gleichung mit Verzögerungen im Reaktionsteil untersucht. In diesem Teil liegt der Fokus auf der Existenz der Turing Instabilität. Mit Hilfe von analytischen und numerischen Berechnungen wird gezeigt, dass bei fluktuierenden Verzögerungen eine Turing Instabilität auch in 1-Komponenten-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen gefunden werden kann

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