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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Byggavfall : En studie av avfall på byggarbetsplatser

Håkansson, Viktor, Sjölander, Natalie January 2012 (has links)
Idag lever vi svenskar bekvämt och väljer att inte alltid sopsortera. Detta gäller även på större byggarbetsplatser där man slänger mycket stora mängder avfall. Mycket kan återvinnas men på grund av slarv uppstår en del oanvändbart avfall. I följande rapport studerades två fall av nybyggnation av flerbostadshus i Örebro. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av platsbesök och intervjuer med personer som har god insikt i projekten. Fotografier togs på plats för att styrka det som skrivits i arbetet. Bilderna visar bristande sortering och märkning av containrarna. Här anser vi att förbättringsmöjligheter finns och att det stora hindret är motivation och tidsbrist. Inom detta område finns lagar och förordningar som reglerar hanteringen av byggavfallet. EU har tagit fram olika steg som avfall bör gå igenom innan det klassas som oanvändbart och hamnar på deponi. Självklart är det bästa att undvika uppkomsten av överflödigt material. För att avfall skall kunna återvinnas till så stor grad som möjligt är det viktigt att sortera det i många grupper. Det bästa alternativet är såklart att produkten återanvänds utan att genomgå bearbetning. Vissa produkter som inte är direkt byggmaterial glöms lätt bort, däribland emballage som genereras i samband med leveranser. Kvalitetsarbete är viktigt för att kunna identifiera alla bidragande orsaker. Om platsledningen förstår vikten av policy och mål så kan man lättare förmedla sitt ställningstagande. På de undersökta byggarbetsplatserna framgick att detta var positivt för att förbättra och driva miljöarbetet. Det är också viktigt att underentreprenörerna tar del av samma information. Stora förbättringar har skett i byggsektorn men det finns fortfarande arbete kvar. Till exempel behöver statistik föras till en högre grad än idag bland annat för att byggföretagen ska veta om de uppfyller kraven i EU:s nya miljömål. Det är idag svårt att hitta exakt statistik från byggbranschen. Prissättningen av fraktioner bestäms efter kostnaden för återvinningsprocesserna. Ibland är kostnadsskillnaden så liten att den inte motiverar byggföretagen att själva sköta sorteringen på plats. Istället går de blandade fraktionerna till eftersortering hos återvinningsföretaget. Detta är inte bra då vissa material måste sorteras direkt för att inte förstöras. Förstört material kan inte återvinnas vilket ger en negativ effekt på miljön.

Entrainment of Air into Thermal Spill Plumes

Harrison, Roger January 2009 (has links)
The design of smoke management systems for buildings such as atria, covered shopping malls and sports arenas require appropriate calculation methods to predict the volume of smoky gases produced in the event of a fire. The volume of smoke must be calculated in order to determine the required fan capacity or ventilator area for a smoke management system. In design, consideration is often given to entrainment of air into a smoke flow from a compartment opening that subsequently spills and rises into an adjacent atrium void. This type of plume is commonly known as a thermal spill plume. There has been much controversy over the validity of various entrainment calculation methods for the spill plume and there are considerable differences in the calculated smoke production rates using these methods. There are also scenarios involving the spill plume where design guidance is very limited. Whilst over-sizing of the required smoke exhaust can be uneconomical, under-sizing can compromise the design objectives. This work attempts to rigorously characterises thermal spill plume entrainment using new data obtained from an extensive series of 1/10th physical scale modelling experiments, supported by numerical modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Spill plume behaviour and subsequent entrainment appears to be specifically dependent on the characteristics of the layer flow below spill edge, particularly in terms of the width and the depth of the flow. Plumes generated from narrow, deep layer flows entrain air at a greater rate with respect to height compared to plumes generated from wide, shallow layers. The findings of this work go some way to explain and reconcile differences in entrainment reported between previous studies. New guidance has been developed for the thermal spill plume in smoke management design, in the form of a range of new simplified design formulae,improvements to analytical calculation methods and an initial assessment of the use of numerical modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics.

The Mechanism of Long-Term Environmental Impact Assessment for Large Oil Spill Events

Tsao, Kai 19 October 2011 (has links)
Ever since humans began using cargo by sea to transport oil, oil spill incidents have occurred on different scales in different environments. Oil leaks by cargo tankers on the high seas have a bigger and more serious impact on the environment. Among the many oil spills in the ocean, the most serious was the Exxon Valdez incident in Alaska¡¦s Prince William Sound (PWS). While it may not have been the largest spill in terms of the volume of oil leaked, its effects were far-reaching; the location of the spill was in the sensitive area between the temperate and subtropical zones, and it was home to many fish, migratory birds, and mammals. Therefore, this location has become an important place for researchers to study the environmental and biological impacts of an oil leak. In the past, there have been several studies conducted from various perspectives and in various stages. In 2001, the Greek oil tanker The Amorgos ran aground near Kenting National Park¡¦s Long-Keng Environmental Protection Zone and seriously damaged the ecological environment. Taiwanese studies on the ecological impacts of oil spills include investigations and evaluations done on a short-term basis, and have been mainly focused on contingency plans and designs, evaluation systems, and handling technology. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to use related studies conducted in Alaska PWS to evaluate the ecological system in the Long-Keng area and to assess the long-term impacts of an oil spill in the ecological sensitive area of Taiwan.

Hylshantering samt flödesanalys

Vishaj, Fidan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona.</p><p>Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment.</p><p>In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery.</p><p>Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved. One of the solutions involved a relocation of industrial equipment with a modified material flow as a result. The introduction of continuous improvements is also one of the proposals outlined in the report.</p> / <p> </p><p>Trioplanex International AB ingår i koncernen Trioplast Industrier AB som producerar förpackningsmaterial till film och hygienindustrin. Koncernen är verksam över hela Europa där större delen av tillverkningen är lokaliserad i Sverige med huvudsäte i Smålandsstenar. Verksamheten i Landskrona består av Trioplanex International AB och Trioplast Landskrona.</p><p>Halvfabrikat utgörs av pappershylsor, s.k. bobiner, och ger upphov till en hög andel hylsspill vid all form av hylskapning. Rapporten har i syfte att kartlägga materialspillet samt belysa materialflödet med avseende på nuvarande layout och maskinutrustning.</p><p>I projektets början genomfördes en analys av nuvarande process med fokus på Bobinkapen. En fallstudie i form av ett förbättringsarbete ägde rum för att reducera de orsaker som hade störst inverkan på nuvarande maskinutrustning.</p><p>Förbättringsförslag diskuterades fram av författaren tillsammans med handledare, uppdragsgivare och övriga involverade parter. En av lösningarna innebar en flytt av maskinutrustningen med ett ändrat materialflöde som följd. Införandet av ständiga förbättringar är också ett av de förslag som tas upp i rapporten.</p>

The influence of contributing area on the hydrology of the prairie pothole region of North America

Shaw, Dean Allan 15 January 2010
This thesis formulates a conceptual framework developed from field observations that describes the influence of surface depressions or potholes on runoff generation in the prairie pothole region of the North American prairies. The fill-and-spill of potholes results in intermittent surface water connectivity between potholes within the basin. The extent of connectivity between potholes is dependent on antecedent water levels. Dynamic connectivity between potholes results in dynamic contributing areas for runoff. The concept of connectivity is manifested in the conceptual curves presented in this thesis. These conceptual curves model the response of runoff events for landscape types found in the prairie pothole region, and capture the influence of the spatial distribution and extent of surface storage on contributing area. The conceptual curves differ due to variations in the spatial distribution and extent of surface storage volume.<p> An algorithm based on the conceptual framework proposed is presented. The algorithm, which uses the the D-8 drainage direction method, automates a methodology for identifying and quantifying runoff contributing area. The algorithm is applied in prairie pothole basins both to demonstrate its efficacy and to test the potential for using conceptual curves to describe the relationship between decreasing potential surface storage in the landscape and contributing area. The algorithm was applied to two digital elevation models (DEM) representative of the prairie pothole region. The first DEM was created using LiDAR elevation points at a 1 m resolution for the St. Denis watershed, and the second was created from orthophotos for the Smith Creek watershed at a 25 m resolution.<p> Fieldwork in the St. Denis watershed was carried out to both provide a basis for the conceptual framework proposed and to validate the results of the algorithm. The fieldwork involved gathering snow survey data, identifying and describing surface water conditions during a snow melt runoff event in 2006, and measuring pond levels from 2004 2007.<p> Results indicate that the proposed conceptual curves represent the non-linear relationship between potential surface storage and contributing area generated by the algorithm in the test basins. To test whether the underlying concepts of the algorithm were valid, the algorithm was used to model pond level depths measured in the St. Denis drainage basin after spring runoff in 2006 and 2007. An r2 value over 0.9 was calculated for the relationship between measured and modeled pond levels in both years. Based on this work, it is clear that any hydrologic study or model applied in the prairie pothole region should consider the effect of dynamic contributing areas on runoff generation.

Hydrocarbons in the open ocean waters near the Galician Bank after the deep sea spill from the Prestige wrecks

Elordui-Zapatarietxe, Saioa 03 June 2009 (has links)
Hoy en día existe una escasez de estudios sobre la distribución de los hidrocarburos en mar abierto, aunque el aumento de la explotación de yacimientos de petróleo y la intensificación del tráfico marítimo más allá de la plataforma continental haya aumentado. Asimismo, se han identificado nuevas fuentes de contaminación. En los últimos años se ha puesto en evidencia el alto número de barcos hundidos en los fondos marinos que podrían potencialmente generar futuros vertidos de petróleo. En esta tesis, se investiga el accidente del petrolero Prestige cerca de Galicia en el 2002 como caso de estudio de un vertido marino en profundidad en mar abierto, ya que aproximadamente unas 43.000 toneladas de fuel oil pesado que llevaba a bordo fueron vertidas una vez el barco de rompió en dos y se hundió. Además, la zona del hundimiento del Prestige es un área hidrodinámicamente compleja. La columna de agua esta formada por cinco masas de aguas principales, de diferente origen y con características físico-químicas diferentes, que pueden contribuir activamente extender el fuel liberado por el Prestige en las aguas cerca del Banco de Galicia. En este contexto, el principal objetivo de la presente tesis ha sido determinar la importancia de los pecios del Prestige como fuente de contaminación en las aguas cerca del Banco de Galicia varios años después del accidente e investigar el papel de las masas de agua en el transporte y distribución de los hidrocarburos en la zona del hundimiento. Estos objetivos se han alcanzado mediante la combinación de estudios de laboratorio y trabajo de campo. Por un lado, se realizaron diferentes experimentos bajo condiciones estables de temperatura y salinidad que dieron información sobre la disolución potencial del fuel del Prestige en agua marina. Además, dos campañas oceanográficas se llevaros a cabo en marzo y octubre del 2006 cerca de los pecios y las zonas adyacentes, con el objetivo de recoger agua marina. Se determinaron hidrocarburos en la materia sólida en suspensión y la fase disuelta del agua en la columna de agua de las tres estaciones. Una se encontraba encima de los pecios del Prestige mientras que las otras dos se localizaron a 73 millas náuticas, una al norte y la otra al sur de este punto. En marzo del 2006, en la zona del hundimiento y en las otras dos estaciones, las concentraciones de hidrocarburos de origen petrogénico estaban dentro el rango los niveles descritos en la literatura para áreas similares, mientras que los niveles en octubre del mismo año era superiores. Las concentraciones de hidrocarburos poliaromáticos encontrados en la fase disuelta eran, tanto en marzo como en octubre, mucho mayores que los niveles de referencia establecidos para la zona. La huella química de los hidrocarburos en octubre del 2006 indicó que los pecios del Prestige habían estado liberando fuel oil durante varios años después del accidente. Sin embargo, a pesar de la amplia presencia de hidrocarburos provenientes del petróleo en la columna de agua de las tres estaciones, no se puede afirmar que el Prestige constituía la fuente más importante de contaminación en le área, ya que los hidrocarburos parecían provenir de múltiples orígenes. De hecho, varias masas de agua presentan contenidos distintivos de hidrocarburos en la fase disuelta y material particulado. El estudio realizado se puede entender como un ejemplo del potencial de un pecio hundido en el Noratlántico profundo como fuente de contaminación. Aunque cada pecio representa un caso único, el conocimiento obtenido sobre la distribución espacial y temporal de los hidrocarburos después del accidente del Prestige se puede utilizar en futuros vertidos. / There is an apparent shortage of studies on the distribution and fate of oil hydrocarbons in open ocean waters. Nevertheless, given the increasing exploitation of oilfields in the high seas, and the intensification of maritime traffic, in the last decades, oil pollution of the marine environment beyond the continental platforms is increasing. In addition, new sources of pollution are being recognized. Thus, in recent years it has been noted that the high number of sunken vessels scattered in the oceans sea floor are potentially a present and future source of oil spills. In this thesis, the accident of the Prestige tanker in 2002 off the Galician coast is investigated as a case study of a deep sea spill in open ocean waters, since around 43,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil were spilled after the vessel broke in two and sank. In addition, the area near the Galician Bank, where the Prestige wrecks are located, is hydrodynamically complex. The water column is comprised by five main water masses from different origins and physico-chemical properties, which may contribute to actively spread the oil released from the Prestige in different and distinct ways. In this context, the main aim of this study has been to determine the importance of the Prestige shipwrecks as a source of oil pollution in the waters near the Galician Bank several years after the accident took place and to investigate the role of the water masses in the sinking area in the transport and distribution of hydrocarbons. These objectives have been tackled by a combination of laboratory and field studies. First of all, several sets of experiments were carried out under controlled temperature and salinity conditions which provided information about the potential dissolution of the Prestige fuel oil in seawater. In addition, two oceanographic cruises were undertaken in March and October 2006, near the wrecks location and surrounding areas, to collect seawater samples. Hydrocarbons were determined in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) and dissolved phase (DP) in the water column of three stations. One was located above the Prestige wrecks, and the other two 73 nautical miles north and south of the Prestige incident area.Hydrocarbons concentrations from petrogenic sources in the SPM above the wreck and surrounding areas in March 2006 were within the range of abundances previously reported for similar areas, but much higher in October 2006. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in the DP were, both in March and October 2006, well above any expected background levels. The chemical fingerprint of the hydrocarbons indicated that in October 2006 the oil at the Prestige station originated from the wrecks. This, together with the unusually high relative concentration of hydrocarbons in the DP at the Prestige station in March 2006, indicates that the Prestige wrecks had been releasing oil for several years after the accident. However, despite the widespread occurrence of oil hydrocarbons in the three stations and throughout their water columns, it could not be concluded that the Prestige was the main source of pollution in the area near the Galician bank, which most likely has multiple origins. In fact, different water masses contain distinct contents of hydrocarbons in the SPM and the DP, which in some instances may have remote sources. The study conducted can be viewed as an example of the potential of a sunken wreck in the deep North Atlantic as a source of pollution. Although each potentially polluting shipwreck represents a singular case, knowledge obtained about the temporal and spatial distribution of hydrocarbons after the accident of the Prestige could be applied to deal with other deep spills in the future.

Hylshantering samt flödesanalys

Vishaj, Fidan January 2009 (has links)
Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona. Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment. In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery. Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved. One of the solutions involved a relocation of industrial equipment with a modified material flow as a result. The introduction of continuous improvements is also one of the proposals outlined in the report. / Trioplanex International AB ingår i koncernen Trioplast Industrier AB som producerar förpackningsmaterial till film och hygienindustrin. Koncernen är verksam över hela Europa där större delen av tillverkningen är lokaliserad i Sverige med huvudsäte i Smålandsstenar. Verksamheten i Landskrona består av Trioplanex International AB och Trioplast Landskrona. Halvfabrikat utgörs av pappershylsor, s.k. bobiner, och ger upphov till en hög andel hylsspill vid all form av hylskapning. Rapporten har i syfte att kartlägga materialspillet samt belysa materialflödet med avseende på nuvarande layout och maskinutrustning. I projektets början genomfördes en analys av nuvarande process med fokus på Bobinkapen. En fallstudie i form av ett förbättringsarbete ägde rum för att reducera de orsaker som hade störst inverkan på nuvarande maskinutrustning. Förbättringsförslag diskuterades fram av författaren tillsammans med handledare, uppdragsgivare och övriga involverade parter. En av lösningarna innebar en flytt av maskinutrustningen med ett ändrat materialflöde som följd. Införandet av ständiga förbättringar är också ett av de förslag som tas upp i rapporten.

The influence of contributing area on the hydrology of the prairie pothole region of North America

Shaw, Dean Allan 15 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis formulates a conceptual framework developed from field observations that describes the influence of surface depressions or potholes on runoff generation in the prairie pothole region of the North American prairies. The fill-and-spill of potholes results in intermittent surface water connectivity between potholes within the basin. The extent of connectivity between potholes is dependent on antecedent water levels. Dynamic connectivity between potholes results in dynamic contributing areas for runoff. The concept of connectivity is manifested in the conceptual curves presented in this thesis. These conceptual curves model the response of runoff events for landscape types found in the prairie pothole region, and capture the influence of the spatial distribution and extent of surface storage on contributing area. The conceptual curves differ due to variations in the spatial distribution and extent of surface storage volume.<p> An algorithm based on the conceptual framework proposed is presented. The algorithm, which uses the the D-8 drainage direction method, automates a methodology for identifying and quantifying runoff contributing area. The algorithm is applied in prairie pothole basins both to demonstrate its efficacy and to test the potential for using conceptual curves to describe the relationship between decreasing potential surface storage in the landscape and contributing area. The algorithm was applied to two digital elevation models (DEM) representative of the prairie pothole region. The first DEM was created using LiDAR elevation points at a 1 m resolution for the St. Denis watershed, and the second was created from orthophotos for the Smith Creek watershed at a 25 m resolution.<p> Fieldwork in the St. Denis watershed was carried out to both provide a basis for the conceptual framework proposed and to validate the results of the algorithm. The fieldwork involved gathering snow survey data, identifying and describing surface water conditions during a snow melt runoff event in 2006, and measuring pond levels from 2004 2007.<p> Results indicate that the proposed conceptual curves represent the non-linear relationship between potential surface storage and contributing area generated by the algorithm in the test basins. To test whether the underlying concepts of the algorithm were valid, the algorithm was used to model pond level depths measured in the St. Denis drainage basin after spring runoff in 2006 and 2007. An r2 value over 0.9 was calculated for the relationship between measured and modeled pond levels in both years. Based on this work, it is clear that any hydrologic study or model applied in the prairie pothole region should consider the effect of dynamic contributing areas on runoff generation.

Verksamhetsutövares egenkontroll av oljeavskiljare : Finns det brister, vilka krav kan tillsynsmyndigheten ställa samt vad kan verksamhetsutövare förbättra?

Öredal, Therese January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this report was to investigate whether operators, in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik, comply to current regulations and guidelines regarding oil separator. In addition to this, the report also identify which standards the regulatory authority can demand of identified deficiencies, as well as an examination in how the status of oil separator are in other municipalities in Sweden. First a delimitation was made to only investigate environmentally hazardous activities such as haulage contractors. Inventories were made of a total of 12 haulage contractors, with questions from a previously made checklist. The results of the inventory indicated deficiencies in operators existing knowledge, regular self-inspection of oil separators, control frequency, record-keeping and documentation, lack of 5-year inspection and lack of oil- and sludge level alarm. This report also shows that regulatory authority can require the operators to rectify these deficiencies, in accordance with standards and established guidelines. The report also showed similar results when compared with similar surveys of operators' self-inspection of oil separator, in other municipalities in Sweden. The study suggests that regulatory authority should priority to oversight these environmentally hazardous activities with oil separators.

Integrating hydrodynamic and oil spill trajectory models for nowcasts/forecasts of Texas bays

Rosenzweig, Itay 03 October 2011 (has links)
A new method for automatically integrating the results of hydrodynamic models of currents in Texas bays with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) in house oil spill trajectory model, the General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME), is presented. Oil spill trajectories are predicted by inputting wind and water current forces on an initial spill in a dedicated spill trajectory model. These currents can be field measured, but in most real and meaningful cases, the current field is too spatially complex to measure with any accuracy. Instead, current fields are simulated by hydrodynamic models, whose results must then be coupled with a dedicated spill trajectory model. The newly developed automated approach based on Python scripting eliminates the present labor-intensive practice of manually coupling outputs and inputs of the separate models, which requires expert interpretation and modification of data formats and setup conditions for different models. The integrated system is demonstrated by coupling GNOME independently with TXBLEND – a 2D depth-averaged model which is currently used by the Texas Water Development Board, and SELFE – a newer 3D hydrodynamic model with turbulent wind mixing. A hypothetical spill in Galveston Bay is simulated under different conditions using both models, and a brief qualitative comparison of the results is used to raise questions that may be addressed in future work using the automated coupling system to determine the minimum modeling requirements for an advanced oil spill nowcast/forecast platform in Texas bays. / text

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