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”Det är halvidrott, kanske lite mer än halvidrott” : Idrottsskolan som en praktik för formandet av idrottsbarndomar / “It’s like half-sport, maybe even a bit more than half-sport” : The sport for all programme in school - a practice forming sport childhoodsCarlman, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation was to investigate children’s views on and experiences of The Sport for All programme in school (SAP) (idrottsskolor) and the significance of the activities for children’s ”sports childhood”. The study is anchored in the so-called “new sociology of childhood”. Such a standpoint is based on that children are competent social actors with agency. Following that, childhood is constructed both by actors in specific fields and by the children in these social practices. The dissertation is based on three interview studies from three different SAPs. In study I fifteen individual interviews were conducted with: the programme manager, three school teachers, two sport club leaders and nine children (aged 9-10). Study II was based on repeated focus group interviews with 15 ten-year-old Swedish children participating in a SAP. In study III individual interviews were conducted with eight children, four years after they completed their participation in a SAP. In all three studies the children described the SAP as a different sport practice in relation to traditional organized sport. In the SAP sport was offered in a new context with other meanings and functions compared to conventionally organized sport. But, study II showed that children with a strong performance ethos had the capacity to influence and control the practice in the SAP, which contribute to a “competitive atmosphere” in the SAP activities. Further, study III showed that children with a weak interest in sport enjoyed the activities. However, it was not something this certain group of children wanted to continue to practice outside the program. While other participants with an already established interest in sports, experienced a deepening and widening of their sport interest through the SAP. In terms of agency, the children’s individual and collective views of sport are important to consider in regard to understanding the SAP practice. The children brought prior knowledge, understanding and skills into the SAP, which can contribute to the experience of the practice. / I Sverige domineras barns idrottande av den organiserade föreningsidrotten. Samtidigt har det under senare år framkommit att idrottsföreningarna tappar medlemmar. Det finns också en kritik i samhället mot att föreningarna bedriver en verksamhet enbart för de bästa barnen och inte för barnens bästa. Riksidrottsförbundet och staten har sett ett behov av att utveckla alternativa verksamheter för att den organiserade föreningsidrotten ska behålla sin position i samhället. En del i att utveckla idrotten är att organisera idrottsskolor, där barn under lekfulla former ska få prova på olika idrotter. Det har saknats kunskap om hur barn upplever idrottsskolor. Avhandlingens syfte är att öka kunskapen om och fördjupa förståelsen för barns upplevelser av idrottsskolan och verksamhetens betydelse för barns idrottande. Studien tar stöd i vad som kallas för den ”nya” barndomssociologin, vilket innebär att barnet sätts i centrum som en aktiv agent i de sociala processerna. Avhandlingen bygger på tre intervjustudier av tre skilda idrottsskolor, innefattande individuella intervjuer med barn och deltagande vuxna, fokusgruppsintervjuer med barn och individuella intervjuer med barn fyra år efter att de avslutat sin medverkan i en idrottsskola. Resultatet från studierna analyseras och diskuteras utifrån frågan om idrottsskolor är för alla barn, och vad det kan betyda att vara med i en idrottsskola. Utmaningen i framtida satsningar ligger i att utveckla idrottsskolor utifrån barns skilda syn på och upplevelser av idrott.
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Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrottBeijar, Per January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework. 248 students (6th to 9th grade) in Umeå answered a survey about their sport habits. The results showed that many adolescents participate in sports activities. Participation in sport clubs decreased with age, which lead to the fact that many young people do not meet the recommendation from WHO (2010) of one hour of physical exercise each day. Sport capital was an important factor for physical practice, while economic capital was important within sport clubs but not outside. Half of the studied population wanted to exercise more frequently but there were several factors that prevented them. The different groups that were analyzed showed varying results, especially about their habits within sport clubs. This study confirms research about drop-out during adolescence which could lead to large challenges for sport clubs and decision makers within sports in the future.
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