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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Correlations of force, velocity and power in a golf specific rotational test and total driving in young elite golfers

Larsson, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Jag är inte med om de andra inte är med : en studie om motivation till idrott och hälsa i två yrkesförberedande program / I am not participating if the others will not : a study of motivation towards physical education in two vocational programs

Sormunen, Linus January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Aim The aim of the study is to investigate the vocational program student’s motivation in physical education and to explore the reasons for the lack of participation during a lesson.   How do students describe their motivation towards physical education? What does motivate the students to participate or to not participate?   Method A qualitative interview method was conducted with eleven participants consisting only of vocational program students, who have not been fully participating in the physical education lessons. The theories, that are used to analyze, are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the sociocultural perspective on motivation including the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.   Results The results indicate that students can participate partially and fully in physical education lessons although their motivation is still low and lacking. Student thinks that physical education is an important subject, but they have still low and lacking motivation, which is created due to the surroundings demotivating students’ minds. Most of the students have a positive attitude towards the subject in itself; however from their current context their attitude is negative. Attendance and participation do not show clearly students’ intrinsic motivation, because of their participation is based solely on passing the subject.   Conclusion From the theoretical framework, students’ different needs are not achieved and there is no positive interaction in classes, which is expressed through lack of motivation. Social class and society’s expectation also places a part of affecting students’ motivation. Classmates and teacher have a significant impact towards students’ motivation, which can be either positive or negative. These factors are interpreted to have a negative influence in this case. In other words, there is not enough of positive influence for extrinsic motivation to contribute change in behavior through intrinsic motivation. / Sammanfattning Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka motivationen till idrott och hälsa hos elever från yrkesförberedande program som ofta inte är aktivt deltagande. Studiens frågeställning är:   Hur beskriver eleverna sin motivation till idrott och hälsa? Vad motiverar eleverna att delta eller inte delta i idrott och hälsa?   Metod En kvalitativ intervjumetod användes i studien med elva deltagare vilka är elever endast från yrkesförberedande program som inte fullkomligt deltar på lektionerna i idrott och hälsa. Det teoretiska ramverket, vilket innehåller inre motivation och yttre motivation, är baserat på Maslows hierarki av behov, och det sociokulturella perspektivet på motivationen.   Resultat Resultaten indikerar att eleverna kan vara delvis eller helt deltagande på idrott och hälsa lektionerna även om de har låg och bristande motivation till ämnet. Eleverna anser att idrott och hälsa är ett viktigt ämne, men har ändå låg och bristande motivation, vilket är skapad på grund av att miljön runt eleverna påverkar deras sinnen negativt. De flesta av eleverna har positiv inställning till ämnet i sig men utifrån deras nuvarande kontext så är inställningen negativ. Närvaro och deltagande visar inte tydligt elevernas inre motivation eftersom orsaken till deras deltagande är grundat på bara att bli godkända.   Slutsats Enligt det teoretiska ramverket beror bristande motivation på att individernas olika behov inte blir uppnådda. Det sker ingen positiv interaktion inom klassen som kan bidra till ökad motivation. Social klass och samhällets kultur påverkar också elevernas motivation. Klasskamrater och lärare har en stor påverkan på elevernas motivation, vilket kan vara antingen positivt eller negativt. Dessa faktorer är dock negativa enligt studiens tolkning. Med andra ord, det finns inte tillräckligt med positiv inflytelse till att den yttre motivationen skulle kunna bidra till förändring i beteende via inre motivation.

Les Canadiens de Montréal vus par les fans : une exploration en trois temps

Sniec, Monika January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Holidays and the elderly

Henderson, Joan C. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

An enquiry into the provision of leisure facilities in Edinburgh

Appleton, I. January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

England's most visited tourist attractions : an evaluation of success & taxonomic review

Dewhurst, Peter David January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Ecological aspects of nature reserve management at St. Cyrus National Nature Reserve

Nieuwborg, Herlinde V. I. January 1982 (has links)
(1) The major aim of this work was to provide a scientific basis for the management of St. Cyrus National Nature Reserve. The Nature Reserve itself consists of cliffs, sand-dunes and a salt-marsh. Most of the research was focussed on the latter two. The approach to the research was partly descriptive, partly experimental. (2) A description of the salt-marsh and sand-dune vegetation was obtained by means of classification and photointerpretation. The landform changes around the N. Esk estuary were mapped from aerial photographs (maps 1a and b). Six communities were described and mapped from the salt-marsh: a Festuca rubra-community, a Juncus gerardii-community, a Scirpus maritimus-community, a Relict Puccinellia or tall herb-grassland community and an open and closed Elymus-Ammophila -community on deposited sand (map 2). These communities were ranked into the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological classification system. The distribution of the surviving salt-marsh flora was mapped (map 3) and its distribution related to environmental conditions. The successional development since 1951 was related to the decrease in flooding frequency, a consequence of the landform changes in the area; most affected by the desalination and desiccation processes was the former Puccinelietum maritimae which developed into the tall herb-grassland or Relict Puccinellia-community, characterised by pasture and ruderal species. The future development of the salt-marsh vegetation largely depends on the dynamic processes around the N. Esk estuary. (3) A polythetic divisive classification method, TWINSPAN, led to the identification of the sand dune communities. The following sequence of communities was described (map 4): foreshore colonisation, mobile Ammophila-dune, Ammophila-dune in its stabilising and early stages of fixation, tall Arrhenatherum-grassland and grazed dune pasture. The last stage of the successional series is represented by dune scrub dominated by Ulex europaeus. The lichen-rich grey dune community, an anomaly in the present series, probably represents a deflection of the successional trends. The most important trends observed since 1951 were the stabilisation and fixation of the Ammophila-dunes, the development of tall Arrhenatherum-grassland and Ulex-scrub. The decrease in rabbit numbers after the advent of the myxomatosis in 1954 was partly responsible for these changes. (4) The effect of the removal of the rabbit grazing factor was assessed from rabbit-proof exclosures. Principal Components Analysis proved to be an effective means of detecting time-related trends in the vegetation. The exclusion of rabbits from the grazed dune pasture led to the development of taller vegetation, a significant increase in the cover of Festuca rubra and a small but significant decrease in species richness. Excluding rabbits from the grey dunes resulted in a decrease of annual species. A more detailed study of the grey dunes revealed that the variation in this community was related to the disturbance by man and/or rabbits. (5) About 18 km of paths, and tracks, were mapped from the Nature Reserve (map 5). This included 3 km of tractor tracks created by the fishermen. The remaining 15 km represented footpaths and old tracks. Nearly all of these paths and tracks were concentrated in the dunes which had a path, density of 739 m/ha. A general description of the vegetation and the amount of erosion revealed weak points in the dune system. Vegetation recovery on a footpath in the dunes took approximately two years. Camping on the dune pasture appears to favour a particular assemblage of species. Removal of camping pressures had initially little effect on the dune pasture vegetation. (6) Experimental burning of a part of the Arrhenatherum-grassland was followed by a rapid recovery of the dominants during the first season after the fire. Recolonisation by mosses started in the second season after the fire. Complete recovery of the vegetation is to be expected three or four years after the burning. Fire also appeared to have a rejuvenating effect on Ammophiia arenaria. (7) Bracken and gorse have been invading the dune pasture to the detriment of its attractive and rich flora. Experimental control of bracken with the herbicide asulam demonstrated that spraying with asulam was a safe method for controlling bracken on the Nature Reserve. Application of asulam at the recommended rate of 4.4kg active ingredient per ha resulted in an average reduction of bracken of 79% in the first year after treatment and 58% reduction in the second year after treatment. In the second year after treatment an increase in the cover of Arrhenatherum elatius and a decrease in the cover of bracken litter were observed. The rate of spread of gorse was estimated from maps made from aerial photographs and appeared to be exponential. Gorse-cleared sites in the Arrhenatherum-grassland and dune pasture were recolonised mainly by vigorous Holcus lanatus.

Effects of tourism on the host population : a case study of tourism and regional development in the Badenoch-Strathspey district of the Scottish Highlands

Getz, Donald Philip January 1980 (has links)
This thesis seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the effects of tourism on the host population, within the context of planning for regional development. In the Badenoch-Strathspey District of the rural Scottish Highlands, various surveys were undertaken to obtain a wide range of information on historical trends, policies and planning, use of resources, the tourist industry and the resident population. To provide a framework for assessing effects, a set of key indicators was devised. Many are subjective in nature, and a major challenge of this research has been to obtain suitable measures for each indicator. Effects could not be 'proved', given the absence of a controlled experiment, so many of the observations are suggestive rather than conclusive, or deduced rather than based on inferential statistics. The explanation of effects required a detailed assessment of the tourist industry, so that actual mechanisms of change could be isolated. It was found that the most profound changes affecting residents stemmed from development and growth in general, leading to the integration of residents in the mainstream of national economic and social trends. Tourism had some unique effects and exacerbated others. Most significant of the positive effects were the creation of new opportunities for jobs, incomes, and leisure, while a shortage of housing and some crime and social disruption were the main negative effects. The demands of large-scale developments for importing staff and using mainly unskilled and female labour had the greatest effect which could be attributed uniquely to tourism. However, the attainment of a winter season and an emphasis on sports and large facilities increased the value of tourism by providing more all-year jobs for males. Overall, it was concluded that the benefits brought by recent developments had outweighed the costs and problems to residents and the local authorities. In assessing the implications of the case study, analysis focussed on key policy-related questions. Most significant of these was the question of concentration versus dispersal of developments. It was concluded that a large-scale concentration was most appropriate for generating major changes, but that it eventually became desirable to limit the dominance of the concentration in order to disperse more widely the benefits that could be obtained from tourism.

Kan SMAT protokollet tillämpas för att mäta den aeroba effekten på vuxna ishockeyspelare? : En experimentell studie med Skating Multistage Aerobic Test (SMAT)

Funestig, Tobias, Wiklund, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Vikten av att testa idrottares aeroba effekt idrottsnära har länge varit känd. Skating Multistage Aerobic Test (SMAT) är ett idrottsspecifikt test för ishockeyspelare som utvecklades med unga individer men som idag används på vuxna ishockeyspelare utan att någon validering har skett med den vuxna åldersgruppen. Syfte och frågeställning: En experimentell pilotstudie utfördes med syftet att validera SMAT-protokollet på vuxna ishockeyspelare samt undersöka vilken tillförlitlighet SMAT-protokollet har för att uppskatta testvärdet hos vuxna ishockeyspelare jämfört med det uppmätta värdet. Metod: 6 aktiva ishockeyspelare i division 2 (Ålder: 27,6 ± SD 7,2 år) deltog i studien. Syreupptagningen mättes konstant under utförandet av SMAT med Jaeger Oxycon Mobile system och jämfördes med SMAT protokollets erhållna värden. VO2 platå, blodlaktat, respiratoriska kvot (RER) och % av maxpuls granskades för att undersöka om testet var tillförlitligt. Resultat: På nivå ett var medelvärdet på samtliga 6 deltagares testvärde 24,52 ml syre/min/kg i jämförelse med SMAT protokollets erhållna testvärde på 27,7 ml syre/min/kg. Medeltestvärdet för deltagarna visade en stigande skillnad med SMAT protokollets värden i och med nivåökningarna, på nivå 13 var skillnaden 53,37 (Jaeger systemet) kontra 71,6 ml syre/min/kg (SMAT-protokollet). Samma trend sågs på individuell nivå.  5 av 6 deltagare uppnådde en VO2 platå och ≥95% av maxpuls. Laktatnivåerna innan testet var 0,7 till 1,7 och efter testet 5,6 till 13,6 varav 2 deltagare uppnådde gränsvärdet (≥8 mmol/L-1). 4 av 6 uppnådde RER gränsen på ≥1.10. Diskussion: Skillnaderna i testvärdena mellan SMAT och det uppmätta värdet tros blivit påverkat av ungas arbetsekonomi (skridskoteknik), på grund av sämre arbetsekonomi så kräver unga en högre syreförbrukning för ett givet arbete. Den anaeroba kapaciteten kan också ha påverkat då vuxna har en större förmåga att utnyttja det anaeroba systemet. Slutsats: Resultatet tyder på att SMAT protokollet inte är tillförlitligt för att mäta testvärdet hos vuxna ishockeyspelare.

Ekonomická krize a sport / ECONOMIC CRISIS AND SPORT

Illich, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The goal my diploma thesis is an analysis of the financial crisis and its impact on the sports industry in the Czech Republic. Specifically, therefore, the impact of the crisis on clubs operating in top competitions in football and hockey. The partial aim is to describe the financial crisis, or rather its origin, causes, impacts on the Czech Republic and selected sports clubs. When data acquisition is used both quantitative and qualitative research that I conducted SCILAB program. As another tool in the predictions I used LITREND. The conclusion will be made forecasts of future developments at selected clubs and forecast a further financial crisis.

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