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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка серии детских спортивных мероприятий для МАОУ ДО СШОР по греко-римской борьбе : магистерская диссертация / Development of a series of children's sports events for municipal autonomous educational institution of further education greco-roman wrestling olympic reserve school

Романенкова, К. А., Romanenkova, K. A. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании изучены теοретические аспекты разрабοтки детских спοртивных мерοприятий пο спοртивнοй бοрьбе, прοанализирοвана деятельнοсть МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе, выявлены особенности детских соревнований в спортивной борьбе. В результате диссертационной работы разрабοтана серия детских спοртивных мерοприятий для МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе с целью увеличения контингента занимающихся. / The dissertation studies the theοretical aspects of developmentοf children's spοrting events in wrestling, analyses the activities of Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school, determines the peculiar features of children's competitions in wrestling. As a result of the dissertation work a series of children's sports events for Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school in Greko-Roman wrestling has been developed in order to increase the number of students.

Att hantera funktionärer utifrån organisationers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationer som arrangerar idrottsevenemang hanterar funktionärer gällande rekrytering och behållande

Sjögren, Alicia, Arne, David January 2016 (has links)
Flertalet evenemang är idag beroende av funktionärer för att genomföras. Att ha funktionärer till hjälp är ekonomiskt bärkraftigt för organisationer som anordnar evenemang, då de inte behöver anställa betald personal. Vetenskapliga studier menar att organisationer bör upprätta tydliga planer eller strategier för hur de ska hantera funktionärer då konkurrensen om funktionärerna ökar. Eftersom det är kostsamt att rekrytera nya funktionärer bör det vara av stor vikt för organisationer att försöka behålla sina funktionärer inför framtiden. Syftet är att undersöka organisationer som arrangerar årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang för att få en djupare förståelse för hur de arbetar med sina funktionärer. För att undersöka detta har vi intervjuat tre av Sveriges största årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang som alla är beroende av funktionärer. Intervjuerna genomfördes personligen med respektive person i organisationen som hade det övergripande ansvaret för funktionärer. Undersökningen visar att väletablerade evenemang, som de i studien, har vissa likheter i hur de hanterar funktionärer som vetenskapliga studier förespråkar. Att följa en strikt plan för hur arbetet med funktionärer bör gå till visar sig inte vara nödvändigt. Det visade sig att samtliga organisationer delegerar ansvaret för funktionärer till projektledare eller huvudfunktionärer. Det som var viktigt vid rekryteringen var; synliggöra, intervjuer och utbildning. Det som utmärkte sig vid att försöka få funktionärerna att återkomma var; förmåner, kommunikation och relationen. Resultatet visade att arbetet med funktionärerna, trots att de kan vara många till antalet, inte behöver vara komplicerat. / Most events are currently depending on volunteers to be implemented. Having volunteers to help at an event is economically viable to the organisation, because they do not have to employ paid staff. Earlier research shows that organisations should establish strategies on how they will manage volunteers because the competition of volunteers increases. Although there is costly to recruit new volunteers, it should be of great importance for organisations to retain their volunteers for the future. The purpose of this study is to examine organisations that arrange annual sporting events to gain a deeper understanding of how they work with their volunteers. To examine this we have interviewed three of Sweden´s biggest annual recurrent sporting events, all of which are dependent on volunteers. The interviews were conducted in person with each person in the organisation who had overall responsibility for volunteers. The examination shows that well established events, like those in this study, has some similarities in the way they work to what earlier research recommend. But to follow a strict plan for the work with volunteers is not considered necessary. That means managing the volunteers was not as complicated as the theoretical framework shows. It turned out that all organisations delegate the responsibility of volunteers to the project manager or headvolunteers. Aspects that were important when recruiting; visibility, interviews and training. Aspects that stood out when trying to retain volunteers was; benefits, communication and relationship. The result shows that the work with volunteers, although they could be many in number, does not have to be complicated.

Sporto renginių ekonominio poveikio vertinimas / Economic impact evaluation of sports events

Mėlynienė, Šarūnė 15 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Key words: sporting event, economic impact and evaluation methods. The object of the work: sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Problem (research) question: Is cost – benefit analysis more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact? Research hypothesis: cost – benefit analysis is more effective than economic impact analysis evaluating event’s economic impact. The purpose of the work: To evaluate sporting event’s economic impact by accomplishing sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods analysis. Tasks of the work: a. To analyze the theoretical aspects of the sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation. b. To educe sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methods. c. To define factors influencing the sporting event’s input and benefit. d. To substantiate sporting event’s economic impact’s evaluation methodology analyzing the European junior track-and-field athletics championship. Conclusions: 1. Sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated by its benefit. According to scientific literature there can be tangible (in terms of money) and intangible benefit. The tangible benefit of sporting event’s economic impact is evaluated using mathematical methods. Intangible benefit isn’t included as denominate in terms of money. 2. There are various economic impact evaluation methods presented in scientific literature. The economic impact analysis methods or cost – benefit analysis is mostly used for... [to full text]

Sporto renginio kaip paslaugos kokybės vertinimas: „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“ atvejis / Assessment of sport event‘s as a service: a case of „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“

Skorobogatov, Andrej 06 September 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama paslaugų kokybė Lietuvos kariuomenės atstovų, dalyvavusių renginyje „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“, požiūriu. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojami sporto reikšmė, sporto renginio samprata, paslaugos ir paslaugos kokybės samprata. Buvo atlikta kokybės vertinimo modelių lyginamoji analizė ir pasirinktas tinkamiausias modelis šiam tyrimui – SERVQUAL. Remiantis šiuo modeliu parengta anketinė apklausa. Atlikus apklausa buvo surinkti ir išanalizuoti duomenis, bei pateiktos išvados. Raktiniai žodžiai: sporto renginys, paslauga, paslaugos kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo objektas: sporto renginio paslaugų kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo problema: koks egzistuoja Lietuvos kariuomenėje sporto renginių kokybės lygis ir kaip patenkinti, geriausiu atveju pranokti, vartotoju lūkesčius? Darbo tikslas: įvertinti sporto renginio „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“, kaip paslaugos, kokybę. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti sporto renginio sampratą; 2. Atskleisti paslaugų kokybės sampratą; 3. Išanalizuoti paslaugų kokybės vertinimo modelius bei metodus; 4. Ištirti ir įvertinti sporto renginio „Gyvybės ir mirties keliu“ , kaip paslaugos, kokybę. Tyrimo metodai: • Mokslinės literatūros analizė. • Anketinė apklausa. • Statistinė aprašomoji analizė. Darbe pateiktos 6 formulės, 12 paveikslų, 1 priedas. Darbo apimtis – 40 puslapiai. Panaudoti 39 literatūros šaltiniai. / Bachelor's thesis examined the quality of service of the sporting event "The way of life and death" through Lithuanian army representatives’, as a participants’, approach. The theoretical part analyzes the significance of sport, sporting event, the concepts of service and service quality. Comparative analysis of quality assessment models was carried out and the most appropriate model for this study – SERVQUAL – was selected. Based on this model questionnaire was developed. After the survey was conducted, data was collected and analyzed, and conclusions was formulated. Key words: sporting event, service, service quality assessment. The object of the work: sporting event quality assessment. Problem (research) question: what is the level of service quality of sporting events in Lithanian army, and how expectations of consumers can satisfied or even exceded? The porpose of work: to make an assessment of quality of sporting event “The way of life and death” as a service. Tasks of the work: 1. To define the concept of a sports event; 2. To reveal the concept of service quality ; 3. To analyze the service quality assessment models and methods; 4. To research and evaluate the service quality of “The way of life and death” sporting event. Methods of research: • The analysis of literature; • The quiz; • Statitical reviewing analysis. The work includes: 6 formulas, 12 pictures, 1 annex. Total: 40 pages. 39 references used.

Διαχείριση ασφάλειας αθλητικών γεγονότων

Νταλαχάνης, Ιωάννης 27 April 2015 (has links)
Η έρευνα που ακολουθεί έχει ως σκοπό να διερευνήσει την σαφήνεια των αρμοδιοτήτων, το εύρος της συνεργασίας και του συντονισμού των εμπλεκόμενων φορέων στην ασφάλεια αθλητικών ποδοσφαιρικών εκδηλώσεων στην Ελλάδα. Επιπρόσθετα, επιδιώκει να προσδιορίσει κατά πόσο τα θεσμοθετημένα μέτρα ασφάλειας που ισχύουν και εφαρμόζονται στα πρωταθλήματα ποδοσφαίρου με επαγγελματικά αθλητικά σωματεία είναι επαρκή. Επίσης, επιχειρεί να αξιολογήσει τις παραμέτρους εκείνες που λαμβάνονται υπόψη στον επιχειρησιακό σχεδιασμό ενός αθλητικού γεγονότος, τα υπάρχοντα επιχειρησιακά σχέδια που προβλέπονται σε μια αθλητική εκδήλωση σύμφωνα με Ενιαίο Κανονισμό Ασφαλείας, αλλά και να διαπιστώσει την λειτουργικότητα των αθλητικών εγκαταστάσεων. / The survey below is designed to explore the clarity of responsibilities, the scope of cooperation and coordination between stakeholders in the sports concerning safety of football events in Greece. Additionally seeks to determine whether the statutory security measures in force and applied in leagues with professional clubs is sufficient. It also attempts to evaluate the parameters taken into account in the operational planning of a sporting event, the existing operational plans under a sporting event in accordance with Uniform Rules Security, but also to determine the functionality of sports facilities.

Ekonomika mistrovství světa ve florbale 2008 / Economics of 2008 Men‘s World Floorball Championships

Richter, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the 2008 Men's World Floorball Championships, held in the Czech Republic. It describes and evaluates various aspects of World Championships economics, compares organizers' targets with the actual results and highlights the most important factors of success of the event along with the biggest deficiencies in event's organization. The objective of this work is to create a document that will serve as an aid to future organizers to hold a successful international sporting event such as Men's World Floorball Championships.

Investování na atypickém trhu s pomocí nástrojů Business Intelligence / Investing on Atypical Market by Using the Business Intelligence tools

Svoboda, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with summarization, processing, transformation and interpretation of large amounts of betting odds data. The goal of this thesis is to find out whether it is possible to invest in sports betting odds market without any previous knowledge about sport, using only mathematical skills and business intelligence tools.

Management závodu Author Král Šumavy MTB / Management of the Author Král Šumavy MTB Race

Suchánek, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
Name: Management of the Author Král Šumavy MTB Race Goal: Presentation of strengths and weaknesses of the Author Král Šumavy MTB 2020 cycling race and the creation of a list of specific measures improving the organisation of the race for the year 2021 and following. Methods: In this thesis three research methods (semi-structured interview, participant observation, questionnaire), and one analytical method (SWOT analysis), are used. The opinions of the race participants weree obtained with an eletronic questionnaire (sent to emails of all participants in 2020). The organizers'view of the race management is clarified through semi-structured interviews. The overall view of the management was observed through participant observation made by two independent researchers on the day of the race (August 22, 2020) at the venue. All obtained data are analysed through SWOT analysis. Results: The thesis provides a detailed analysis of the 27th year of the race. The results show that the strengths include the location of the race, the difficulty of the routes and the care of participants. The weakness is the current way of financing the race. It can be stated that the greatest opportunities for the future are creating a better area for participants and spectators, gaining new partners and improving promotion....

Dvojitá sekuritizace veřejného prostoru ve vztahu k velkým sportovním událostem / Dual Securitization of Public Space in Relation to Sport Mega Events

Svitková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine security measures in cities hosting sports mega events. Using International political sociology as a theoretical background, I argue that city spaces undergo what I refer to as dual securitization. I identify four principal characteristics of security measures which have become globally standardized and which I consider illiberal: exceptionalism, surveillance, militarization and urban restrictions. In the case studies, I explore how these measures were justified and employed during the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup in Beijing, South Africa, London and Rio de Janeiro. Despite some differences which are due to local realities, I argue that the approaches of the principal stakeholders in the four cities are very much alike. Regardless of the type of political regime or the degree of socio-economic development, exceptionality of mega events serves as an impetus for wide-scale and profound surveillance and militarization of contemporary cities. In the process, securing public spaces and urbanites comes at the expense of individual liberties.

Влияние международных спортивных событий на развитие брендов городов России: коммуникационный аспект : магистерская диссертация / Influence of international sports events for development of Russian city brands: communication aspect

Никулина, А. И., Nikulina, A. I. January 2017 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена исследованию роли международных спортивных событий в брендировании территории. Автор анализирует различные подходы к продвижению территории в связи с проведением международных спортивных событий, оценивает зарубежный и российский опыт построения коммуникационных стратегий крупных спортивных соревнований для развития брендов городов. Автор разрабатывает собственную программу использования динамических СМИ для формировании бренда Екатеринбурга в связи с Чемпионатом мира по футболу 2018. / The dissertation is devoted to the study of the role of international sporting events in the branding of the territory. The author analyzes various approaches to the promotion of the territory in connection with international sports events, assesses the foreign and Russian experience of building communication strategies for major sports competitions for the development of city brands. The author is developing his own program for using dynamic media to form the brand of Ekaterinburg in connection with the World Cup 2018.

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