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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Martensite Tempering on HAZ-Softening and Tensile Properties of Resistance Spot Welded Dual-Phase Steels

Baltazar Hernandez, Victor Hugo January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to improve the fundamental knowledge of non-isothermal tempering of martensite phase and its effects on the reduction in hardness (softening) with respect the base metal occurring at the heat affected zone (HAZ) of resistance spot welded dual-phase (DP) steels. This thesis also aims at understanding the influence of HAZ-softening on the joint performance of various DP steel grades. The tempering of martensite occurring at the sub-critical HAZ (SC-HAZ) of resistance spot welded DP600, DP780 and DP980 steels has been systematically evaluated by microhardness testing through Vickers indentation and the degree of tempering has been correlated to the HAZ-softening. From the joint performance analysis of similar and dissimilar steel grade combinations assessed through standardized testing methods, three important issues have been targeted: a) the joint strength (maximum load to failure), b) the location of failure (failure mode), and c) the physical characteristic of the weld that determines certain type of failure (weld nugget size). In addition, a partial tensile test has been conducted in order to evaluate the initiation of failure in dissimilar steel grade combinations. It has been shown that HAZ-softening lowered the weld size at which transition from interfacial to pullout failure mode takes place along with increased load-bearing capacity and higher energy absorption. Thus, it is concluded from mechanical testing that HAZ-softening benefits the lap-shear tensile joint performance of resistance spot welded DP steels by facilitating pullout failures through failure initiation at the SC-HAZ (tempered region). Instrumented nanoindentation testing was employed to further investigate HAZ-softening along the SC-HAZ by evaluating individual phases of ferrite matrix and tempered martensite islands. Although the ferrite matrix presented a slight reduction in hardness at nanoscale, higher reduction in hardness (softening) resulted for tempered martensite; thus confirming that tempered martensite is the major contributor to softening at micro-scale. A comparison between nanohardness and microhardness testing made at different distances from the line of lower critical temperature of transformation (Ac1) allowed revealing the actual extension of the SC-HAZ. In this regard, good correlation was obtained between nanohardness results along the SC-HAZ and the microstructural changes analyzed by electron microscopy (i.e., the tempering of martensite occurring at various distances far from Ac1 was correlated to low temperature tempering of dual phase steels). An in-depth analysis of the tempering of martensite phase at high temperature in DP steel subjected non-isothermal conditions i.e., rapid heating, extremely short time at peak temperature and rapid cooling (resistance spot welding), has been carried out mainly through analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, an isothermal tempering condition (i.e., slow heating and long time at peak temperature) in DP steel has been evaluated for complementing the analysis. Both non-isothermal and isothermal conditions have been correlated to the softening behaviour. TEM analysis of the base metal in the DP steel indicated that the morphology of the martensite phase is dependent on its carbon content, and its tempering characteristics are similar to that of equal carbon containing martensitic steel. The isothermally tempered structure is characterized by coarsening and spheroidization of cementite (θ) and complete recovery of the martensite laths; whereas precipitation of fine quasi-spherical intralath θ-carbides, coarser plate-like interlath θ-carbides, decomposition of retained austenite into elongated θ-carbides, and partial recovery of the lath structure were observed after non-isothermal tempering of DP steel. This difference in tempering behaviour is attributed to synergistic effect of delay in cementite precipitation due to higher heating rate, and insufficient time for diffusion of carbon that delays the third stage of tempering process (cementite coarsening and recrystalization) during non-isothermal. The finer size and the plate-like morphology of the precipitated carbides along with the partial recovery of the lath structure observed after non-isothermal tempering strongly influenced the softening behaviour of DP steel. The chemical analysis of θ-carbides through extraction replicas for three different DP steels revealed that the chemistry of the carbides is inherited from the parent DP steel during non-isothermal tempering at high temperature confirming that non-isothermal tempering DP steel is predominantly controlled by carbon diffusion.

Estudo de uniões dissimilares alumínio-soldas por "Solda Ponto por Fricção e mistura mecânica com preenchimento do furo" (Friction Spot Welding - FSpW)

Verástegui, Roger Navarro January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda uniões entre chapas de aço DP600 e chapas das ligas de alumínio AA 6181–T4 e AA 5754–H22, obtidas através do processo Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). A soldagem de materiais dissimilares é um dos grandes desafios para a engenharia, pois as propriedades de distintos materiais são muito diferentes na maioria das vezes, o que dificulta a realização deste tipo de união pelos métodos convencionais de soldagem com fusão. O processo FSpW requer menos energia que os processos de soldagem convencionais, não produz fumos, radiação ou resíduos. Permite obter a união de materiais no estado sólido, sendo, portanto potencialmente indicado para uniões dissimilares. Por ser um processo muito mais “limpo” que os usados convencionalmente, pode contribuir significativamente com uma grande preocupação mundial que é a sustentabilidade. A influência de um revestimento galvanizado nas chapas de aço para a qualidade das uniões resultantes foi avaliada realizando-se as operações de soldagem com as chapas de aço nas condições com e sem a camada galvanizada. O método estatístico de Taguchi foi utilizado para definir os parâmetros de soldagem que maximizassem a resistência das juntas para cada condição de ensaio, sendo a qualidade das juntas obtidas definida pela resistência da união ao ensaio de cisalhamento. Durante a soldagem, a temperatura em pontos específicos foi adquirida e, posteriormente, as juntas foram submetidas à análise metalográfica e de composição química por EDS. A partir da análise das macro e microestruturas dos corpos de prova com melhor resistência ao cisalhamento, foi possível associar diferentes parâmetros de processo e mecanismos de união para cada tipo de junta. O estudo comprovou a possibilidade de obtenção de uniões dissimilares entre o aço e as duas ligas de alumínio através do processo FSpW, especialmente quando utilizou-se o aço com a camada galvanizada que apresentou modo de união mais eficaz. / This work aims at the study of welding DP600 steel to AA6181-T4 and AA5754-H22 aluminum alloys plates by Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). Welding of dissimilar materials is a great challenge for engineering due to the diverse properties of different materials, that difficult welding by conventional methods of fusion. FSpW is a joining method that requires lower energy than conventional welding processes and produces no hazard gases or radiation. It allows solid state joining that is potentially indicated to dissimilar materials joining, and contributes significantly to sustainability, because the process can be considered “cleaner” that those used conventionally. The influence of the galvanized layer on the joint performance with the steel plates on was tested using steel plates with and without this coating. The Taguchi statistic method was employed to define the welding process parameters that produce higher shear stress resistance to each test condition, so the welding joints quality was defined based on the union resistance to shear. During the welding operation the temperature at given positions was acquired and the resulting joints were submitted to metallographic and chemical composition analysis. From the analysis of specimen that showed best stress test performance to each joint condition, it was possible to associate different process parameters and joint mechanisms to each condition. The study demonstrates the feasibility of joining the steel to both aluminum alloys using FSpW. The best shear test results were obtained with the presence of a galvanized layer.

Estudo de uniões dissimilares alumínio-soldas por "Solda Ponto por Fricção e mistura mecânica com preenchimento do furo" (Friction Spot Welding - FSpW)

Verástegui, Roger Navarro January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda uniões entre chapas de aço DP600 e chapas das ligas de alumínio AA 6181–T4 e AA 5754–H22, obtidas através do processo Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). A soldagem de materiais dissimilares é um dos grandes desafios para a engenharia, pois as propriedades de distintos materiais são muito diferentes na maioria das vezes, o que dificulta a realização deste tipo de união pelos métodos convencionais de soldagem com fusão. O processo FSpW requer menos energia que os processos de soldagem convencionais, não produz fumos, radiação ou resíduos. Permite obter a união de materiais no estado sólido, sendo, portanto potencialmente indicado para uniões dissimilares. Por ser um processo muito mais “limpo” que os usados convencionalmente, pode contribuir significativamente com uma grande preocupação mundial que é a sustentabilidade. A influência de um revestimento galvanizado nas chapas de aço para a qualidade das uniões resultantes foi avaliada realizando-se as operações de soldagem com as chapas de aço nas condições com e sem a camada galvanizada. O método estatístico de Taguchi foi utilizado para definir os parâmetros de soldagem que maximizassem a resistência das juntas para cada condição de ensaio, sendo a qualidade das juntas obtidas definida pela resistência da união ao ensaio de cisalhamento. Durante a soldagem, a temperatura em pontos específicos foi adquirida e, posteriormente, as juntas foram submetidas à análise metalográfica e de composição química por EDS. A partir da análise das macro e microestruturas dos corpos de prova com melhor resistência ao cisalhamento, foi possível associar diferentes parâmetros de processo e mecanismos de união para cada tipo de junta. O estudo comprovou a possibilidade de obtenção de uniões dissimilares entre o aço e as duas ligas de alumínio através do processo FSpW, especialmente quando utilizou-se o aço com a camada galvanizada que apresentou modo de união mais eficaz. / This work aims at the study of welding DP600 steel to AA6181-T4 and AA5754-H22 aluminum alloys plates by Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). Welding of dissimilar materials is a great challenge for engineering due to the diverse properties of different materials, that difficult welding by conventional methods of fusion. FSpW is a joining method that requires lower energy than conventional welding processes and produces no hazard gases or radiation. It allows solid state joining that is potentially indicated to dissimilar materials joining, and contributes significantly to sustainability, because the process can be considered “cleaner” that those used conventionally. The influence of the galvanized layer on the joint performance with the steel plates on was tested using steel plates with and without this coating. The Taguchi statistic method was employed to define the welding process parameters that produce higher shear stress resistance to each test condition, so the welding joints quality was defined based on the union resistance to shear. During the welding operation the temperature at given positions was acquired and the resulting joints were submitted to metallographic and chemical composition analysis. From the analysis of specimen that showed best stress test performance to each joint condition, it was possible to associate different process parameters and joint mechanisms to each condition. The study demonstrates the feasibility of joining the steel to both aluminum alloys using FSpW. The best shear test results were obtained with the presence of a galvanized layer.

Automação do monitoramento da qualidade do processo de solda a ponto resistiva. / Automatic quality monitoring of resistance spot welding process.

Daniel Julien Barros da Silva Sampaio 30 April 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho é proposto e avaliado um sistema capaz de monitorar de forma não-destrutiva, não-invasiva, individualizada, em tempo real e em ambiente industrial, a qualidade de soldas produzidas através do processo de solda a ponto resistiva (PSPR), diminuindo ou mesmo eliminando a necessidade dos testes destrutivos, reduzindo custos e aumentando a produtividade. Este sistema de monitoramento é baseado em reconhecimento de padrões, através de redes neurais artificiais do tipo Perceptron multicamadas. As características do processo usadas na entrada da rede neural são os parâmetros ajustados de um modelo matemático parametrizável, criado com o intuito de refletir as propriedades fundamentais da grandeza do processo passível de ser medida e monitorada em tempo real, neste caso a curva de resistência dinâmica. Estes valores ajustados dos parâmetros do modelo são ainda relacionados com os estados ou condições do processo, de forma a permitir a identificação de possíveis causas para falhas detectadas. Para avaliar e validar este sistema, usaram-se dados reais obtidos na produção de lotes de contatos elétricos através do PSPR. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o sistema proposto é capaz de monitorar satisfatoriamente a qualidade do processo investigado, com erro médio quadrático de 16,5 N, na estimação da força de cisalhamento suportada pela solda, no pior caso. O sistema também mostrou-se capaz de identificar a causa para soldas cuja qualidade estimada foi considerada baixa, com taxa de acerto acima de 97%. Esse sistema proposto não contém especificidades de nenhum processo produtivo e, portanto, tem potencial para ser aplicado em outros processos, além do PSPR. / In this work a non-destructive, non-invasive, individualized, real-time system has been proposed and evaluated to monitor the quality of welds produced by resistance spot welding process (RSWP) in industrial environment. This system is able to reduce or eliminate the need for destructive tests, leading to cost reduction and increase in productivity. This monitoring system is based on pattern recognition with multilayer Perceptron artificial neural networks (ANN). The process features used as input of the ANN are adjusted parameters of a parametric mathematic model created to reflect the fundamental properties of the process variable that is measurable in real time, in this work, the dynamic resistance curve. The adjustable model parameters values are related with the process states and conditions, so that it is possible to identify the causes for detected bad quality. In order to evaluate and validate the proposed system, real data obtained in the production of electric contacts by RSWP were used. The results show that the proposed system is capable of properly monitoring the investigated process quality, with a mean square error of 16.5 N, in the estimation of the shear force supported by the weld, in the worst case. The system proved to be able to identify the causes for detected bad quality, with a reliability of more than 97%. The proposed system contains no productive process specificities, and, therefore, can be applied to other processes.

Estudo de uniões dissimilares alumínio-soldas por "Solda Ponto por Fricção e mistura mecânica com preenchimento do furo" (Friction Spot Welding - FSpW)

Verástegui, Roger Navarro January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda uniões entre chapas de aço DP600 e chapas das ligas de alumínio AA 6181–T4 e AA 5754–H22, obtidas através do processo Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). A soldagem de materiais dissimilares é um dos grandes desafios para a engenharia, pois as propriedades de distintos materiais são muito diferentes na maioria das vezes, o que dificulta a realização deste tipo de união pelos métodos convencionais de soldagem com fusão. O processo FSpW requer menos energia que os processos de soldagem convencionais, não produz fumos, radiação ou resíduos. Permite obter a união de materiais no estado sólido, sendo, portanto potencialmente indicado para uniões dissimilares. Por ser um processo muito mais “limpo” que os usados convencionalmente, pode contribuir significativamente com uma grande preocupação mundial que é a sustentabilidade. A influência de um revestimento galvanizado nas chapas de aço para a qualidade das uniões resultantes foi avaliada realizando-se as operações de soldagem com as chapas de aço nas condições com e sem a camada galvanizada. O método estatístico de Taguchi foi utilizado para definir os parâmetros de soldagem que maximizassem a resistência das juntas para cada condição de ensaio, sendo a qualidade das juntas obtidas definida pela resistência da união ao ensaio de cisalhamento. Durante a soldagem, a temperatura em pontos específicos foi adquirida e, posteriormente, as juntas foram submetidas à análise metalográfica e de composição química por EDS. A partir da análise das macro e microestruturas dos corpos de prova com melhor resistência ao cisalhamento, foi possível associar diferentes parâmetros de processo e mecanismos de união para cada tipo de junta. O estudo comprovou a possibilidade de obtenção de uniões dissimilares entre o aço e as duas ligas de alumínio através do processo FSpW, especialmente quando utilizou-se o aço com a camada galvanizada que apresentou modo de união mais eficaz. / This work aims at the study of welding DP600 steel to AA6181-T4 and AA5754-H22 aluminum alloys plates by Friction Spot Welding (FSpW). Welding of dissimilar materials is a great challenge for engineering due to the diverse properties of different materials, that difficult welding by conventional methods of fusion. FSpW is a joining method that requires lower energy than conventional welding processes and produces no hazard gases or radiation. It allows solid state joining that is potentially indicated to dissimilar materials joining, and contributes significantly to sustainability, because the process can be considered “cleaner” that those used conventionally. The influence of the galvanized layer on the joint performance with the steel plates on was tested using steel plates with and without this coating. The Taguchi statistic method was employed to define the welding process parameters that produce higher shear stress resistance to each test condition, so the welding joints quality was defined based on the union resistance to shear. During the welding operation the temperature at given positions was acquired and the resulting joints were submitted to metallographic and chemical composition analysis. From the analysis of specimen that showed best stress test performance to each joint condition, it was possible to associate different process parameters and joint mechanisms to each condition. The study demonstrates the feasibility of joining the steel to both aluminum alloys using FSpW. The best shear test results were obtained with the presence of a galvanized layer.

Soldagem a ponto por resistencia eletrica de juntas de chapa/chapa e chapa/tubo de aço de baixo carbono com diferentes composições quimicas, espessuras e revestimentos / Resistance spot welding of low-carbon steel for sheet/sheet and sheet/tube joints, with different composition, thickness, and coating

Damasco, Astrid 21 February 1995 (has links)
Orientador: Itamar Ferreira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-26T22:44:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Damasco_Astrid_D.pdf: 55690110 bytes, checksum: 6c2d5f5f7cbef8c9f338896b128300d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1995 / Resumo: A motivação deste trabalho surgiu do fato da indústria automobilística usar em larga escala o processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência elétrica para a produção de juntas de chapa/chapa e de chapa/tubo com diferentes espessuras, revestimentos e composição química, sendo que ainda há uma série de dificuldades práticas associadas a algumas combinações chapa-tubo- revestimentos e, inclusive, com poucos dados disponíveis na bibliografia especializada. Foi feito, neste trabalho, a caracterização e análise do processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência elétrica para juntas de chapa sobre chapa e de chapa sobre tubo constituídas de aço baixo carbono, com diferentes composição química, espessura e revestimento. Para tanto, foram utilizadas chapas de aço ASTM 1005, de 0,95 mm de espessura, zincadas e tubos de aço ASTM 1023, de seção quadrada 30X30 mm2, com espessuras de 1,5 mm, 2,0 mm e 3,0 mm, todos fosfatizados. Com esses materiais foram obtidas juntas de chapa/chapa e chapa/tubo com diferentes combinações de espessuras ( 0,95/1,5 mm; 0,95/2,0 mm e 0,95/3,0 mm) e revestimentos (zinco/fosfato; zinco/zinco e decapados). As juntas de interesse foram submetidas ao processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência, cujos parâmetros de processo foram previamente determinados com base na chapa mais fina (0,95 mm de espessura), de modo a se obter intervalos de corrente de soldagem para cada combinação de espessura e revestimento.Os parâmetros de processo estudados foram corrente de soldagem, tipo de eletrodos e força entre eletrodos. As juntas obtidas foram analisadas quanto aos seus aspectos externos (identação, deformação e expulsão), aspectos internos (macroestrutura, diâmetro de lente, penetração, vazios e trincas), propriedades mecânicas (resistência à tração axial e torque máximo) e modo de fratura macroscópica. Para as juntas de chapa/chapa foram obtidos intervalos de soldagem maiores que 2,0 kA, garantindo ampla faixa de soldabilidade, para as diferentes combinações de espessuras de chapas e dos revestimentos de chapas estudados. Também foi possível obter intervalos de soldagem maiores que 2,0 kA para as juntas de chapa/tubo, com tubos de 2,0 mm e 3,0 mm de espessura nas diferentes combinações de revestimentos estudadas. A soldagem em tubos de 1,5 mm de espessura foi viabilizada através do desenvolvimento de quatro diferentes processos, sendo que todos os quatro resultaram em intervalos de soldagem acima do valor mínimo de 1,0 kA, a partir do qual um processo de soldagem a ponto por resistência elétrica é considerado viável. Esses processos envolvem a utilização de alguns dispositivos desenvolvidos pela autora, e que levaram a valores razoavelmente altos de carga de tração e de torque máximo. Em alguns casos, os pontos de solda obtidos apresentaram vazios no interior da lente de solda ou trincas na superfície da chapa de 0,95 mm. Contudo, todos os pontos obtidos dentro dos intervalos de soldagem apresentaram valores de carga de tração máxima e de torque máximo maiores que o mínimo prescrito na literatura especializada / Abstract: The motivation for this work came from the fact of the automobile industry uses on a large-scale the resistance spot welding of low-carbon steel of sheet/sheet and sheet/tube joints, with different composition, thickness, and coating, and there are a few information on these complex joints in the bibliography. A characterization and analysis ofthe resistance spot welding process for sheet/sheet and sheet/tube joints of low-carbon steel, with different composition, thickness, and coating has been conducted. For that, ASTM 1005 steel zinc coated sheet, 0.95 mm thick, and ASTM 1023 steel square tube, 30x30 mm2, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 mm thick, in a phosphorised condition have been utilized, for obtaining sheet/sheet and sheet/tube joints with different thickness combination (0.95/1.5 mm; 0.95/2.0 mm; 0.95/3.0 mm), and coating (zinc/phosphate; zinc/zinc; and uncoated). The joints were welded by using the welding parameters obtained from the thinest sheet (0.95 mm thick) in order to obtain welding electric current intervals for each thickness and coating combinations. The welding electric current, type of electrode, and welding force have been studied. The joints have been analysed from the following points of view: external aspects (indentation, deformation, and expulsion); inner aspects (macrostructure, nugget, diameter, penetration, shrinkage void, and cracks); mechanical properties (ultimate tensile load and maximum torsional moment), and macroscopic fracture mode. It was observed electric current welding intervals greater than 2.0 kA for all sheet/sheet joints, that means wide weldability for different combinations in sheet thickness and coating. It was possible to observe also current welding intervals greater than 2.0 kA for sheet/tube joints, 2.0 and 3.0 mm thick for all coating conditions. On the other hand, it was possible to obtain good welds in 1.5mm thick tube only by using four different processes, and as a result of these, it was also possible to obtain current welding intervals greater than the minimal value 1.0 kA. Some of the fixtures used in these four processes were developed by the author. In some case, there were shrinkage voids in the nugget or cracks frem 0.95 mm thick sheet surface. Therefore, all nugget obtained in the current welding intervals presented ultimate tensile load and maximum torsional greater than the minimal value recommended in the bibliography / Doutorado / Materiais e Processos / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

A top-down approach for creating and implementing data mining solutions

Laurinen, P. (Perttu) 13 June 2006 (has links)
Abstract The information age is characterized by ever-growing amounts of data surrounding us. By reproducing this data into usable knowledge we can start moving toward the knowledge age. Data mining is the science of transforming measurable information into usable knowledge. During the data mining process, the measurements pass through a chain of sophisticated transformations in order to acquire knowledge. Furthermore, in some applications the results are implemented as software solutions so that they can be continuously utilized. It is evident that the quality and amount of the knowledge formed is highly dependent on the transformations and the process applied. This thesis presents an application independent concept that can be used for managing the data mining process and implementing the acquired results as software applications. The developed concept is divided into two parts – solution formation and solution implementation. The first part presents a systematic way for finding a data mining solution from a set of measurement data. The developed approach allows for easier application of a variety of algorithms to the data, manages the work chain, and differentiates between the data mining tasks. The method is based on storage of the data between the main stages of the data mining process, where the different stages of the process are defined on the basis of the type of algorithms applied to the data. The efficiency of the process is demonstrated with a case study presenting new solutions for resistance spot welding quality control. The second part of the concept presents a component-based data mining application framework, called Smart Archive, designed for implementing the solution. The framework provides functionality that is common to most data mining applications and is especially suitable for implementing applications that process continuously acquired measurements. The work also proposes an efficient algorithm for utilizing cumulative measurement data in the history component of the framework. Using the framework, it is possible to build high-quality data mining applications with shorter development times by configuring the framework to process application-specific data. The efficiency of the framework is illustrated using a case study presenting the results and implementation principles of an application developed for predicting steel slab temperatures in a hot strip mill. In conclusion, this thesis presents a concept that proposes solutions for two fundamental issues of data mining, the creation of a working data mining solution from a set of measurement data and the implementation of it as a stand-alone application.

Konvergenz eines plastischen Multiphysics-Kontaktes in der Pressschweißsimulation / Convergence of a Multiphysics-Contact in Simulation of Spot Welding

Kaars, Jonny 07 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird ein Überblick über ein Modell zur Simulation des Punktschweißvorganges in Ansys APDL gegeben, Kernproblem sind darin die reibungsbehafteten Kontaktstellen. Die Aspekte der Kontaktmodellierung werden in Zusammenhang mit den Besonderheiten des Modells gebracht. Es wird auf Möglichkeiten der numerischen Kontaktstabilisierung mit Bordmitteln eingegangen. Ferner wird ein Ansatz einer zusätzlichen Kontaktstabilisierung dargestellt und bewertet.

Návrh změny technologie spojování součástí pro specifické účely / A proposal of innovation technology for joining of components for specific purposes

Berka, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is a proposal of alternative metal sheets joining technology which would replace the current technology of spot welding. Different variants have been proposed, and the one which suits the most, the technology of clinching, was compared to the existing one. The costs have been calculated and following results have been concluded: the return of investment of clinching press is about 2 years. In the case of handheld tongs it is 1 and a quarter of a year. Annual savings of clinching press are 234 485 Kč, and in the case of handheld tongs are 258 019 Kč.

Resistance Spot Welding of AlSi-coated Ultra High Strength Steel : An experimental study

Hjelmtorp, Kristofer January 2019 (has links)
The automotive industry of today faces ever harder requirements from regulatory bodies to increase the fuel efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint and increase the safety of their vehicles. The problem is being tackled in different ways; one of them being the use of innovative materials to reduce the overall weight while improving the crash safety of the vehicle. One such material is 22MnB5, an ultra-high strength (UHS) boron-alloyed steel, capable of reaching tensile strength of 1900 MPa. The weldability is a vital factor for applying boron steel in an efficient way into a vehicle construction. Resistance spot welding (RSW) is, among the different welding methods, the primary joining methods used within the automotive industry. The main challenges with RSW of UHS boron steel is the narrow welding window and increased risk of expulsion compared to conventional automotive steel. The aim of this thesis was evaluating how the weldability of three-sheet UHS boron steel combinations could be improved by applying different innovative welding methods. The methods investigated where; three-pulsed welding, two-pulsed welding with force profile and using hollow-cone electrodes instead of regular electrodes. The different methods where evaluated with welding experiments and analysis of the nugget diameter, vicker hardness comparison and tensile strength test of welding nugget. The results from this thesis shows that the current window of three-sheet combinations with UHS boron steel can be significantly improved by using hollow-cone electrodes in RSW. The results also showed that the width of the current window varied depending on the depth of the hole in the electrode, a deeper hole improved the current window but also increased the oxide build-up. Applying a force profile with lowered electrode force during the welding sequence provided an improved process window compared to the constant electrode force when welding a three-sheet combination containing AlSi-coated boron steel. A three-pulse welding sequence performed better than the reference two-pulse welding schedule but still not good enough to meet VCC acceptance criteria. / Bilindustrin står idag inför allt hårdare krav från tillsynsmyndigheter förbättra bränsleeffektiviteten, minska koldioxidavtrycket och öka säkerheten på deras fordon. Problemet angrips från ett flertal olika vinklar. varav en ökad användning av innovativa material för att minska den totala vikten samtidigt som fordonets kraschsäkerhet bibehålls eller ens förbättras. Ett sådant material är 22MnB5, ett höghållfast (UHS) borstål, kapabelt att uppnå brottgränser på 1900 MPa.  Svetsbarheten är en vital faktor för att kunna applicera borstål på ett effektivt sätt i en fordonskonstruktion. Inom bilindustrin är motståndspunksvetsning (RSW) den dominanta svetsmetoden. De största utmaningarna med att punktsvetsa höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål är det har ett generellt smalare svetsfönstren, samt den ökade risken för sprut under svetsprocessen, jämfört med konventionella stål. Målet med denna avhandling var att utvärdera hur svetsbarheten av tre-plåtskombinationer med höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål kunde förbättras genom att applicera innovativa svetsmetoder. De utvärderade metoderna var; tre-pulsad svetsning, två-pulsad svetsning med applicerad kraftprofil, samt användning av ihåliga elektroder istället för vanliga elektroder. Metoderna utvärderades genom svetsexperiment och analys av svetslobens storlek, vicker hårdhets mätning samt brottgränsmätning av svetsloben. Resultaten från denna avhandling visar att svetsbarheten för tre-plåts kombinationer med UHS borstål kan förbättras avsevärt genom att använda ihåliga elektroder för punktsvetsning. Resultaten pekar också på att förbättringen beroende på hålets djup i elektroden. Ett djupare hål gav större förbättringar men ökade också uppbyggnaden av oxid och restmetall i elektroden.  Genom att applicera en kraftprofil, där elektrodkraften sänktes under svetsprocessen kunde svetsbarheten förbättras för två-puls svetsning, jämfört med att ha konstant elektrodkraft, vid svetsning av en tre-plåtskombination innehållande höghållfast AlSi-belagt borstål. En tre-puls svetssekvens utförde bättre än referenspulssvetsschemat men fortfarande inte tillräckligt bra för att uppfylla VCC-acceptkriterierna.

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