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Challenges in Resistance Welding of Ultra High Strength SteelsTolf, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Increasing the use of Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS) in vehicle bodystructures is important for reducing weight and cutting CO2 emissions. This thesis investigates challenges in resistance welding that can be a barrier to implementing UHSS as a replacement for low strength steels in vehicle structures. Empirical research has been performed to offer new approaches for improved joint strength and to increase knowledge on cracking mechanisms in resistance projection welding and resistance spot welding of UHSS. By optimising the current build-up phase and peak current during the first milliseconds of weld time, it was shown that the strength could be improved by up to two-fold for projection welded joints. An approach to improve the ductility and strength of resistance spotwelds in UHSS using reduced cooling time was unsuccessful. The reduced cooling rate after weld metal solidification did not fully create the desired softened microstructure. The study on the surface cracking mechanism in resistance spot welded dual-phase UHSS showed that cracking is linked to the galvanization method. It is proposed that formation of aluminium oxide layers on the electrode tips increases the surface temperature and thereby increases the probability for liquid metal embrittlement and surface cracking. / <p>QC 20150526</p>
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Experimental and Numerical Study of High-Speed Friction Stir Spot Welding of Advanced High-Strength SteelKarki, Utsab 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
With the desire to lighten the frame while keeping or increasing the strength, Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS) have been developed for use in the automotive industry. AHSS meet many vehicle functional requirements because of their excellent strength and acceptable ductility. But joining AHSS is a challenge, because weldability is lower than that of mild steels. Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a solid state joining process that can provide a solution to the weldability issues in AHSS, but FSSW has not been studied in great detail for this application. In this work, Si3N4 tools were used for FSSW experiments on DP 980 steel with 1.2mm thickness. Joint strength was measured by lap shear tension testing, while thermocouples were used for the temperature measurements. A finite element model was developed in order to predict material flow and temperatures associated with FSSW. Since a 3D model of the process is very time consuming, a novel 2D model was developed for this study. An updated Lagrangian scheme was employed to predict the flow of sheet material, subjected to the boundary conditions of the fixed backing plate and descending rotating tool. Heat generation by friction was computed by including the rotational velocity component from the tool in the thermal boundary conditions. Material flow was calculated from a velocity field while an isotropic, viscoplastic Norton-Hoff law was used to compute the material flow stress as a function of temperature, strain and strain rate. Shear stress at the tool/sheet interface was computed using the viscoplastic friction law. The model predicted welding temperatures to within 4% of the experiments. The welding loads were significantly over predicted. Comparison with a 3D model of FSSW showed that frictional heating and the proportion of total heat generated by friction were similar. The position of the joint interface was reasonably well predicted compared to experiment.
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A Simple Method for Evaluating Wear in Different Grades of Tooling Applied to Friction Stir Spot WeldingKennard, Kirtis Frankland 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this study tools consisting of a 5mm cylindrical pin and a 12mm shoulder held by a simple tool holder were used to compare the wear of 11 tooling materials. The objective was to determine if using these tools in a spot welding configuration to simulate friction stir welding could differentiate the potential performance of tooling materials. All tools were made of varying percentages of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN), tungsten (W) and rhenium (Re). The materials are referred to herein as GV1, GV2, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9.The tools were run to 205 welds if they did not fracture first. The grades averaged the following quantities of welds before fracture failure GV-1:0; GV-2:200; G1:82; G2:204; G3:205; G4:205; G5:96; G7:102.73; G8:21.2; G9:38.5. Of the tools that ran the full 205 welds without chipping, the average calculated volume loss, which was the best indication of wear, was as follows G2:1.83%; G3:2.53%; G4:2.41%; G5:1.93%; and G7:2.30%.The study showed that G2 had the least wear and G6 had the most wear, of those tools that completed all 205 spot welds. Fracture was the failure mode of all grades with over 70% CBN content. It was found that small CBN grain size was not correlated to better wear performance, as has been seen in a prior study.
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Development and Characterization of Friction Bit Joining: A New Solid State Spot Joining Technology Applied to Dissimilar Al/Steel JointsSiemssen, Brandon Raymond 18 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Friction bit joining (FBJ) is a new solid-state spot joining technology developed in cooperation between Brigham Young University of Provo Utah, and MegaStir Technologies of West Bountiful Utah. Although capable of joining several different material combinations, this research focuses on the application of FBJ to joining 5754 aluminum to DP 980 steel, two alloys commonly used in automotive applications. The thicknesses of the materials used were 0.070 inches (1.78 mm) and 0.065 inches (1.65 mm), respectively. The FBJ process employs a consumable 4140 steel bit and is carried out on a purpose built research machine. In the first stage of the weld cycle the bit is used to drill through the aluminum top sheet to be joined. After this, spindle speed is increased so that the bit tip effectively forms a friction weld to the steel bottom sheet. Momentary stoppage of the spindle facilitates weld cooling before the spindle is restarted, shearing the bit tip from the bit shank, and retracted. Incorporated into the bit tip geometry is a flange that securely holds the aluminum in place after joint formation is complete. This research consists of several developmental steps since the technology only recently began to be formally studied. Initial joint strengths observed in lapshear tensile testing averaged only 978.5 pounds (4.35 kN), with a relatively high standard deviation for the data set. Final lapshear tensile test results were improved to an average of 1421.8 pounds (6.32 kN), with a significantly lower, and acceptable, standard deviation for the data set. Similar improvements were realized during the development work in cross tension tensile test results, as average strengths increased from 255.8 pounds (1.14 kN) to 566.3 pounds (2.52 kN). Improvements were also observed in the standard deviation values of cross tension data sets from initial evaluation to the final data set presented in this work.
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High Speed Friction Stir Spot Welding on DP 980 Steel:Joint Properties and Tool WearSaunders, Nathan David 12 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
With the desire to improve passenger safety and fuel efficiency, Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS) have been developed for use in the automotive industry. UHSS are high strength steels with high ductility and strength. DP 980 is one of these UHSS being applied in automobile manufacturing. DP 980 is difficult to join with Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) because of the high carbon content and alloying in this material. The weld becomes brittle when it solidifies during the welding process. With the desire and motivation of widely using UHSS, new welding processes are needed to be developed in order to effectively join DP 980. Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) is a developing welding process aimed to replace RSW in the automotive industry because of its ability to join materials at a lower temperature. Currently the welding loads of the tools are higher than 2000 pounds, ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 pounds, which exceeds the limit of the welding robots in the automotive factories. It is proposed that the welding loads can be reduced by increasing the spindle speed of the FSSW tool. Other focuses in the research include increasing the life of the tool and developing acceptable welding parameters for High Speed FSSW. The experimental work done for this thesis provided support that weld strength can be obtained at levels above the acceptable standard for DP 980 material (greater than 2400 pound lap shear fracture load for 1.2 mm material) while keeping the vertical load on the welding machine spindle below 2000 lbs.
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Electrode wear investigation of aluminium spot welding by motion overlayHeilmann, Stefan, Baumgarten, Martin, Koal, Johannes, Zschetzsche, Jörg, Füssel, Uwe 26 February 2024 (has links)
The amount of aluminium sheets in future body-in-white concepts is still on the rise. There is a need for optimizing the joining techniques, caused by the different characteristics compared to the established steel components. Especially the electrode life for resistance spot welding as a reliable and established process needs to be improved. One reason for the short electrode life when welding aluminium is the insulating effect of the aluminium oxide layer. One possibility to reduce the electrode wear is the mechanical destruction of the oxide layer before the welding. This paper describes the influence of a translational and rotational electrode movement on the electrode wear. The oxide layer destruction is detected by resistance measurement. It could be shown that the destruction of the oxide layer already occurs at low movements. However, a homogeneous, large-area destruction is necessary for a wear reduction.
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Tool Life Characterization in Refill Friction Stir Spot WeldingBelnap, Ruth Guadalupe 20 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
As light-weighting becomes a priority for the automotive industry, refill friction stir spot welding emerges with enormous potential to supplement or replace conventional spot joining processes. This thesis addresses the limitations of current tooling options by examining materials beyond steel for use in RFSSW. Contained herein is an analysis of weld quality as a function of tool material, a production evaluation of RFSSW using various tool materials, and an assessment of long-term performance of a tungsten carbide tool. Over the course of this research, tungsten carbide emerged as a viable candidate for long-lasting RFSSW tooling.
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Welding methods for electrical connections in battery systemsChamberlain, Alec, Larsson, Harald, Nilsson, Louise, Vasquez, Daniel, Schouri, Samir, Myrsell, Elin, Walin, Sally January 2019 (has links)
The demand for high energy battery assemblies is growing in sectors such as transportation. Alongwith it is the need for reliable, efficient and cost-effective ways to electrically connect the batteries toensure their performance. Battery cells are most often put into modules or packs when produced forelectrically driven vehicles. The variable of greatest influence when welding battery packs is thecontact resistance between the cell and the connection tab. It is crucial to minimize this variable asmuch as possible to prevent energy loss in the form of heat generation. The purpose of this project is to conduct a comparative literature study of different weldingtechniques for welding batteries. The compared techniques are resistance spot welding, laser beamwelding and ultrasonic welding. The performance was evaluated in terms of numerous factors such asproduction cost, degree of automation and weld quality. All three methods are tried and proven to function in the production of battery applications. Eachmethod has separate strengths and limitations which makes them complement each other. Thus, it isimportant to look at several factors when deciding which welding technique is the most suitable forthe desired application. The scale of production, economical aspects as well as battery cell geometrywere concluded to be the most important in making this decision.
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Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de tração e fadiga, com monitoramento de trincas, de juntas de Al AA2024-T3 soldadas a ponto por fricção-mistura / Tensile and fatigue properties evaluation of Al AA2024-T3 spot friction welded joints assisted by crack vacuum monitoringMalafaia, Artur Mariano de Sousa 17 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo a determinação dos parâmetros de soldagem a ponto pelo processo de fricção-mistura (FSSW) em uma liga de alumínio AA2024-T3, pela comparação de resultados obtidos em ensaios de cisalhamento e arrancamento em tração e ensaios de fadiga em juntas sobrepostas. Juntas rebitadas da mesma liga também foram ensaiadas, nas mesmas condições, para comparação de propriedades mecânicas. Os principais parâmetros do processo FSSW são: velocidades de avanço e de rotação da ferramenta, profundidade de penetração e tempo de patamar. Foram explorados principalmente os parâmetros: profundidade de penetração e rotação da ferramenta. Os resultados dos ensaios de cisalhamento em tração possibilitaram a determinação da resistência ao cisalhamento das juntas soldadas a ponto, que apresentaram valores inferiores, mas próximos aos obtidos nas juntas rebitadas. Análises microestruturais e de microdureza foram realizadas para elucidar alguns resultados dos ensaios executados. Os ensaios de fadiga foram executados sob controle de carga, com razão de carga R=0,1, em corpos de prova confeccionados com os parâmetros que geraram os melhores resultados em ensaios de cisalhamento em tração. Para as juntas soldadas, uma técnica de monitoramento de defeitos (MCV monitoramento comparativo de vácuo), baseada na diferença de pressão de vácuo, foi utilizada apresentando bons resultados. Apesar de resultados similares em ensaios de cisalhamento em tração, as juntas soldadas apresentaram vida bastante inferior nos ensaios de vida à fadiga, quando comparadas com as juntas rebitadas. / The main aim of this work was the determination of the parameters governing the Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) of a AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy, by the obtained results comparison in pull-out and shear tensile tests and fatigue tests in lap-joints. Riveted joints of the same alloy were also tested in the same conditions for mechanical properties comparison. The main FSSW process parameters were: plunge rate, dwell time, tool penetration and tool rotational speed. The tool penetration and the tool rotational speed parameters were focused. The shear tensile tests results allowed the lap-joint shear resistance determination, that was lower, but close, of those obtained with riveted lap-joints. Microstructure and micro-hardness analysis was carried out to elucidate some tests perfomed results. The fatigue tests was performed in load control, with load ratio R of 0,1, in a lap joint produced with the same parameters of the specimen which presented the best tensile results. For the welded joints, a monitoring defect technique (CVM comparative vacuum monitoring), difference vacuum pressure based, was used showing good results. Although similar results in shear tensile tests, the welded joints showed so lower life in the fatigue tests, when compared with riveted joints.
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Estudo comparativo da soldabilidade de chapas para indústria automotiva utilizando dois equipamentos de soldagem a ponto por resistência. / Comparative study on automotive industry sheet weldability using two spot welding resistance equipments.Batista, Márcio 17 October 2011 (has links)
A soldagem a ponto por resistência é o processo mais usado na montagem de estruturas, tais como: automóveis, caminhões, aviões, vagões de trem, etc. Como exemplo, na montagem das carrocerias de automóveis são necessários em média 5.000 pontos de solda. Segundo a ANFAVEA a produção em 2010 no Brasil ultrapassou 3,5 milhões de automóveis, ou seja, aproximadamente 17,5 bilhões de pontos de solda por ano. Estes fatos evidenciam a importância deste processo de soldagem na montagem de carroceria devido a sua eficiência, rapidez e facilidade na automação. Além disso, o comportamento da soldagem a ponto por resistência é extremamente importante para a qualidade de toda a estrutura soldada. O presente trabalho será voltado para a avaliação e estudo da soldabilidade de chapas de aço de 0,8 mm, revestidas e não revestidas com zinco, na indústria automotiva, comparando-se dois equipamentos de soldagem com dois tipos de corrente de soldagem: corrente alternada (CA) e corrente contínua de média freqüência (CC). Foram feitos diagramas de soldabilidade: corrente (kA) x tempo (ms) com força constante e corrente (kA) x força (kgf) com tempo (s) de soldagem constante e localizada suas respectivas áreas comuns. Em seguida foram feitos diagramas em terceira dimensão (3D) com os três principais parâmetros (força, corrente e tempo) e localizado um ponto otimizado. Posteriormente foram analisadas, nos pontos otimizados, as dimensões geométricas do ponto através da macrografia, a resistência mecânica com ensaio de tração e, durante a soldagem, a resistência dinâmica e a energia elétrica dinâmica. Foram seguidos como requisitos técnicos para qualificação de soldagem conforme norma. Os resultados mostraram que, a soldagem em CC apresentou-se melhor em chapas sem revestimento se comparada com a soldagem em CA. E a soldagem em CA apresentou-se melhor em chapas com revestimento de zinco se comparada com a soldagem em CC. A queima do revestimento de zinco e a rugosidade superficial das chapas não afetaram a formação do ponto de solda. As durezas nas regiões da ZAC e no ponto de solda apresentaram-se maiores em chapas sem revestimento. Todos os pontos de solda com os parâmetros otimizados, encontrados pelo método apresentado neste trabalho, foram aprovados conforme norma. / Resistance spot welding is highly used in the structures assembly, such as: cars, trucks, planes, trains, etc. For example, 5.000 weld spots are necessary in an auto-body assembly. According to ANFAVEA, Brazilian production in 2010 overtook 3.5 millions of cars, in order words, around 17,5 billions weld spot per year. This fact evidences the importance of this welding process due to its efficiency, rapidity and easiness in the automation. Moreover, the resistance spot welding behavior is highly important for all the welded structure quality. This work aimed to study the weldability of zinc non-coated and zinc coated steel sheets of 0,8 mm thickness for automotive industry, comparing two welding equipments with two kinds of current: alternating current (AC) and medium frequency direct current (DC). The weld lobes are presented: current (kA) x time (s) with constant force (kgf) and current (kA) x force (kgf) with constant welding time. After, lobes in third dimension (3D) with the three main parameters were done (force, current and time) and located the great point. Afterwards, the great points were characterized using, optic metallografly, mechanical resistance with tensile-shear test and, during welding, the dynamic resistance and dynamic energy. The describe techniques were followed as technical requisites according to the standard. The results showed that the welding in DC presented better performance in uncoated sheets when compared to the AC welding. And the AC welding presented better performance in zinc coated sheets when compared to DC welding. Zinc coating burning and sheets surface roughness did not affect the spot weld formation. The hardness in the HAZ regions and in the spot weld was higher in uncoated sheets. All spot welds with the optimized parameters, found by the method presented in this work, were approved according to the standard.
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