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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methoden der spurenanalytischen Bestimmung von Estrogenen im Abwasser

Zorn, Eva-Christina 28 August 2003 (has links)
Spurenanalytische Untersuchungen von Umweltproben erfolgen meist standardmäßig mittels Festphasenextraktion (SPE) und anschließender GC/MS. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, alternative Methoden für die spurenanalytische Bestimmung von Estrogenen aus Umweltproben aufzuzeigen. Als Analyte wurden die natürlichen Estrogene Estron (E1), Estradiol (E2) und Estriol (E3), sowie das synthetische Ethinylestradiol (EE2) ausgewählt. Da als Haupteintragspfad dieser Substanzen in die Umwelt die Kläranlagen anzunehmen sind, erfolgte die Methodenentwicklung ausgehend von gereinigtem Abwasser. Als Probenvorbereitungstechniken kamen neben der Festphasenextraktion (SPE), die klassische Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion (LLE), sowie die relativ neue Methode der Festphasenmikroextraktion (SPME) zum Einsatz. Die analytische Bestimmung der angereicherten Extrakte erfolgte mittels HPLC/UV und HPLC/ELCD bzw. mittels GC/FID und GC/MS. Zur Entwicklung einer Screening-Methode wurde die adsorptive Anreicherung der Estrogene an Kohlenstoffelektroden sowie das Cathodic Stripping von EE2 an Quecksilber erprobt. Die Verfahrensschritte wurden zunächst anhand dotierter Proben optimiert, und die Methoden dann anhand der erzielten Bestimmungsgrenze, Selektivität und Präzision verglichen. Die Eignung der Verfahren wurde abschließend durch die Messung realer Abwasserproben überprüft. / Trace analytical environmental investigations are usually done by solid phase extraction (SPE) and GC/MS. The aim of the present thesis was the development of alternative methods for the trace analysis of estrogens in the environment. Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2) and Estriol (E3) as well as the synthetic estrogen Ethynylestradiol (EE2) were chosen for this investigation. These estrogens enter the environment mainly via sewage treatment plants. Therefore the method development was launched on purified waste water. Solid phase extraction (SPE), liquid liquid extraction (LLE) and the relatively new solid phase micro extraction (SPME) were used for sample preparation. The analytical determination of the extracted analytes was done by HPLC/UV and HPLC/ELCD or GC/FID and GC/MS. Adsorptive enrichment of estrogens on different carbon electrodes and cathodic stripping of EE2 on mercury were tested as possible screening methods. The established methods were optimized using spiked samples. After comparing their quantitation limits, selectivity and precision, they were applied to real sewage water samples for showing qualification.

Ethylglucuronid in Haaren

Ammann, Dominic 21 November 2017 (has links)
Obwohl EtG seit dem Jahr 2000 intensiv als Alkoholmarker in Haaren beforscht wird, bietet die Thematik weiterhin Raum für Forschung, insbesondere im Bereich der instrumentellen Analytik. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beleuchtung dieser und weiterer Aspekte. Die Extraktion erfolgte überwiegend mittels der sogenannten Mikropulverisierung. Sie ermöglichte die simultane Mahlung der Haarmatrix und Extraktion des EtGs mit einem hohen Probendurchsatz. Die Selektion und anschließende Detektion erfolgte überwiegend durch HPLC-MS/MS. Die Sicherheit bei der Bestimmung des Analyten wurde durch die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an drei Ringversuchen der Society of Hair Testing (SoHT) belegt. Wiederholbedingungen wurden durch Herstellung von eigenen Haarreferenzmaterialien und die Verwendung von homogenen Fremdhaarmaterialien sichergestellt. Zur Evaluierung der Stabilität von EtG wurden zwei Haarmaterialien unter thermischen Stressbedingungen eingelagert und mit dem Gehalt von Referenzproben verglichen. Der Analyt zeigte außergewöhnliche Stabilität unter den gewählten Bedingungen. Ebenso erfolgte eine Beurteilung des Zerstörungsgrads von EtG im Haar durch oxidierende Substanzen, einhergehend mit der Entwicklung eines zerstörungsfreien Schnelltests mittels FTIR zur Detektion von oxidierten Cysteinspezies in Haaren. Das Modellsystem Barthaar wurde für zwei Experimentreihen etabliert: die Korrelation des EtG-Gehaltes im Barthaar nach Aufnahme definierter Alkoholmengen und den Nachweis von glucuronidierten Spezies im Barthaar nach Aufnahme der korrespondierenden Muttersubstanzen. Während keine eindeutige Korrelation zwischen aufgenommener Alkoholmenge und EtG-Gehalt im Barthaar hergestellt werden konnte, war es durchaus möglich, zwei glucuronidierte Metabolite von Arzneistoffen im Barthaar nach Konsum der Ausgangssubstanzen nachzuweisen. / Although EtG is subject to extended research since the year 2000, the topic still holds headroom for further experiments, especially when it comes to the field of instrumental analysis. The goal of the present thesis was the clarification of crucial analytical and further aspects. The extraction was mostly carried out using the so-called micropulverisation. It rendered the simultaneous milling of the hair matrix and extraction of EtG possible with a high sample throughput. Selection of the analyte and following detection was mainly carried out using HPLC-MS/MS. The quality of analysis was ensured by the successful participation in three interlaboratory tests carried out by the Society of Hair Testing (SoHT). Repetitive conditions were ensured by manufacturing of own hair reference materials as well as by the usage of homogeneous external hair materials. Two hair materials were treated under thermal stress conditions and the EtG values were compared to reference samples to verify the analytes stability. EtG showed extraordinary stability under the chosen conditions. Likewise, an assessment of the degree of EtG decay after oxidative treatment as well as the development of a nondestructive assay via FTIR to detect oxidized cysteine species were established. The model system beard hair was arranged for the conduction of two experimental series: the correlation of the EtG content in beard hair after defined oral consumption of ethanol and the detection of glucuronidation of the corresponding parent substances after consumption. Whilst no distinct correlation could be observed for the ethanol experiment, it was possible to provide evidence for the existence of two glucuronized metabolites of drugs after consumption of the parent compounds.

Analyse von Kunststoffadditiven mittels Laserablation gekoppelt mit induktiv gekoppelter Plasma Massenspektrometrie

Börno, Fabian 29 November 2016 (has links)
Die Laserablation gekoppelt mit der Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma ist eine vielversprechende direkte Feststofftechnik, die sich jedoch bei der Analyse von Kunststoffen wegen des Mangels an matrixangepassten zertifizierten Referenzmaterialien nicht durchsetzen konnte. Vorherige Arbeiten belegen polymerabhängige Abtragsraten. Das oft als interner Standard verwendete Intensitätssignal des Kohlenstoffisotopes 13C zur Korrektur dieser Unterschiede wird in der Literatur kritisch diskutiert. In dieser Arbeit als ein Teil des BMBF-geförderten MaxLaP-Projektes wurden matrixangepasste Standards auf Polyethylen- und Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrolbasis entwickelt. In diese Standards wurden Br, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Sb in organischer und anorganischer Form ihrer Verbindungen mittels Extrusion eingearbeitet. Die quantitative Zusammensetzung der Materialien wurde mittels ETV-ICP-OES, DC-arc-OES, RFA und ICP-MS nach Mikrowellendruckaufschluss überprüft. Die Verfahren wurden für die Kunststoffanalyse optimiert. Die mikroskopische Homogenität der Einarbeitung wurde mittels µ-SYRFA und LA-ICP-MS untersucht. Zur Untersuchung der Matrixeffekte während der LA-ICP-MS und der matrixunabhängigen Kalibrierung für Kunststoffe wurden der Einfluss der chemischen Verbindung der Additive, die Größe, der bei der Laserablation gebildeten Partikel und die Art des Kunststoffes auf die Laserablation analysiert. Die Korrektur des verschiedenen Materialabtrages über die Verwendung des 13C-Signals konnte für 21 verschiedene Kunststoffe erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Allerdings zeigen die zugesetzten Additive ein nicht identisches Verhalten hinsichtlich Transport und Ionisierung. Weitere Ergebnisse belegen eine Anreicherung der Additive in verschiedenen Partikelgrößen sowie eine deutlich unterschiedliche Partikelbildung bei Ablationen von verschiedenen polymeren Matrices, was zu einer verstärkten Elementfraktionierung bei einer nicht matrixangepassten Kalibrierung führt. / Laser ablation coupled to a mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma (LA-ICP-MS) is a promising direct solid sampling technique. Due to the lack of matrix matched standard materials laser ablation is not well established in polymer analysis. In a recent study a polymer dependent interaction with the laser beam was reported, which resulted in a polymer depending ablation rate. The usage of the carbon-13-signal intensity as internal standard to correct these differences as commonly applied has been critically discussed in literature. In this work as part of a BMBF-supported MaxLaP-project (matrix effects during laser ablation of polymers) matrix matched standards based on polyethylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene were developed. In these materials Br, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe and Sb were incorporated as organic and inorganic compounds through extrusion. Quantitative composition of the materials was determined by ETV-ICP-OES, DC-arc-OES, XRF and ICP-MS after high pressure microwave digestion. Analytical methods were optimized for trace analysis in plastic matrices. Microscopic homogeneity was examined by µ-SyXRF as well as LA-ICP-MS. In order to investigate the matrix effects and to determine the possibility of a matrix independent calibration for plastic materials, the influence of the chemical form of the additives, size of the formed particles and the type of the plastic on the LA-ICP-MS measurements were analyzed. The correction of the material uptake by the carbon-13-signal was successfully applied for 21 different types of plastic. However, different incorporated additives show a different transport and ionization behavior. Furthermore, our results confirm a different enrichment of the additives depending on particle size and a significantly different particle formation for different types of plastic, which leads to a more pronounced elemental fractionation by not using a matrix matched calibration.

Investigation of trace components in autothermal gas reforming processes

Muritala, Ibrahim Kolawole 10 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Trace component analysis in gasification processes are important part of elemental component balances in order to understand the fate of these participating compounds in the feedstock. Residual traces in the raw synthesis gas after quench could bring about the poisoning of catalysts and corrosion effects on plant facilities. The objective of this work is to investigate the effects of quenching operation on the trace components during test campaigns of the autothermal non-catalytic reforming of natural gas (Gas-POX) mode in the HP POX (high pressure partial oxidation) test plant. In order to achieve this, Aspen Plus simulation model of the quench chamber of the HP POX test plant was developed to re-calculate the quench chamber input amount of different trace compounds from their output amount measured during test points of the Gas-POX campaigns. Variation in quench water temperatures from 130 °C to 220 °C and pH value of quench water as well as the resulting variation in Henry´s and Dissociation constant of the traces (CO2, H2S, NH3 and HCN) changed the distribution of traces calculated in the quench water. The formation of traces of organic acid (formic acid and acetic acid) and traces of BTEX, PAHs and soot in the quench water effluent were discussed. The discrepancies between equilibrium constant and reaction quotient (non-equilibrium or real) for the formation of NH3 and HCN at the exit of the gasifier were discussed. The assessment of the results in this work should lead to the improvement in the understanding of trace components and concepts that could be employed to influence their formation and reduction.

Investigation of trace components in autothermal gas reforming processes

Muritala, Ibrahim Kolawole 07 April 2017 (has links)
Trace component analysis in gasification processes are important part of elemental component balances in order to understand the fate of these participating compounds in the feedstock. Residual traces in the raw synthesis gas after quench could bring about the poisoning of catalysts and corrosion effects on plant facilities. The objective of this work is to investigate the effects of quenching operation on the trace components during test campaigns of the autothermal non-catalytic reforming of natural gas (Gas-POX) mode in the HP POX (high pressure partial oxidation) test plant. In order to achieve this, Aspen Plus simulation model of the quench chamber of the HP POX test plant was developed to re-calculate the quench chamber input amount of different trace compounds from their output amount measured during test points of the Gas-POX campaigns. Variation in quench water temperatures from 130 °C to 220 °C and pH value of quench water as well as the resulting variation in Henry´s and Dissociation constant of the traces (CO2, H2S, NH3 and HCN) changed the distribution of traces calculated in the quench water. The formation of traces of organic acid (formic acid and acetic acid) and traces of BTEX, PAHs and soot in the quench water effluent were discussed. The discrepancies between equilibrium constant and reaction quotient (non-equilibrium or real) for the formation of NH3 and HCN at the exit of the gasifier were discussed. The assessment of the results in this work should lead to the improvement in the understanding of trace components and concepts that could be employed to influence their formation and reduction.:List of Figures vii List of Tables xii List of Abbreviations and Symbols xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective of the Work 4 1.3 Overview of the Work 5 2 Process and test conditions 6 2.1 HP POX test plant 6 2.2 Test campaign procedure 8 2.2.1 Gas-POX operating parameter range 8 2.2.2 Gas-POX experiments 9 2.2.3 Net reactions of partial oxidation 9 2.3 Gaseous feedstock characterization 11 2.3.1 Natural gas feedstock composition 11 2.4 Analytical methods for gaseous products 12 2.4.1 Hot gas sampling 12 2.4.2 Raw synthesis gas analysis after quench 13 2.5 Aqueous phase product analysis 14 2.5.1 Molecularly dissolved trace compounds and their ions trace analysis 14 2.5.2 Other trace analysis 15 2.6 Limit of accuracy in measurement systems 15 2.7 Summary 17 3 Simulation and methods 18 3.1 Test points calculation of the HP POX test campaign 18 3.1.1 Aspen Plus model for HP POX quench water system 19 3.2 Gas-POX 201 VP1 quench water system model simulation by Aspen Plus 23 3.2.1 Measured and calculated input parameters 23 3.2.2 Calculated sensitivity studies of species and their distribution for test point (VP1) 24 3.3 Used calculation tools related to the work 25 3.3.1 VBA in Excel 25 3.3.2 Python as interface between Aspen Plus and Microsoft Excel 26 3.3.3 Aspen Simulation Workbook 27 3.4 Summary 29 4 Trace components in quench water system 30 4.1 Physico-chemical parameters of quench water 31 4.1.1 Quench water pH adjustment 32 4.1.2 Henry constant 34 4.1.3 Dissociation constant 35 4.1.4 Organic acids in quench water 38 4.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) 39 4.2.1 Results of sensitivity study: quench water temperature variation effects on CO2 41 4.2.2 Results of sensitivity study: quench water pH variation influence on CO2 42 4.3 Nitrogen compounds 43 4.3.1 Ammonia (NH3) 44 4.3.2 Results of sensitivity study: quench water temperature variation effects on NH3 46 4.3.3 Results of sensitivity study: quench water pH variation influence on NH3 47 4.3.4 Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) 48 4.3.5 Results of sensitivity study: quench water temperature variation effects on HCN 50 4.3.6 Results of sensitivity study: quench water pH variation influence on HCN 50 4.4 Sulphur compounds: H2S 51 4.4.1 Results of sensitivity study: quench water temperature variation effects on H2S 53 4.4.2 Results of sensitivity study: quench water pH variation influence on H2S 54 4.5 Summary 55 5 Organic acids trace studies in quench water 57 5.1 Organic acids interaction with ammonia compounds in the quench water 57 5.2 Formic acid 62 5.2.1 Trace of formic acid in quench water 64 5.3 Acetic acid 67 5.3.1 Trace of acetic acid in quench water 69 5.4 Summary 72 6 Temperature approach studies for NH3 and HCN formation in gasifier 74 6.1 Nitrogen compounds: NH3 and HCN 74 6.2 Ammonia (NH3) formation in the gasifer 77 6.3 Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) formation in the gasifier 79 6.4 Discrepancies between back-calculated reaction quotients and equilibrium constants of the NH3 formation 81 6.4.1 Case 1: calculated equilibrium distribution between N2, NH3 and HCN 81 6.4.2 Case 2: calculated equilibrium distribution between NH3 and HCN 83 6.5 Summary 84 7 Traces of BTEX, PAHs and soot in quench water 86 7.1 Quench water behaviour 87 7.2 BTEX compounds 88 7.2.1 BTEX in quench water effluent 90 7.3 PAH compounds 93 7.3.1 PAHs in quench water effluent 95 7.4 Soot formation 99 7.4.1 Soots in quench water effluent 101 7.5 Summary 102 8 Summary and outlook 103 Bibliography 106 9 Appendix 135 List of Figures Figure 2.1: HP POX test plant main facility components and material flow courtesy of [Lurgi GmbH, 2008] 6 Figure 2.2: Simplified scheme of HP POX plant (including quench system) [Lurgi GmbH, 2008] 7 Figure 2.3: Overview of reactions of methane 10 Figure 3.1: Simplified scheme for HP POX quench water system 18 Figure 3.2: Aspen Plus flow diagrams of simulated HP POX quench water system 19 Figure 3.3: Integration of information and functions in VBA via Microsoft Excel to Aspen Plus model 25 Figure 3.4: Integration of information and functions in Python via Microsoft Excel to Aspen Plus model 26 Figure 3.5: ASW enables Excel users to rapidly run scenarios using the underlying rigorous models to analyze plant data, monitor performance, and make better decisions. 27 Figure 4.1: Vapour-liquid equilibria system of CO2, H2S, NH3, HCN and organic acids in the quench water and extended mechanisms according to [Kamps et al., 2001], [Alvaro et al., 2000], [Kuranov et al., 1996], [Xia et al., 1999] and [Edwards et al., 1978]. 30 Figure 4.2: HP POX quench water system with pH regulator for sensitivity studies 34 Figure 4.3: Henry´s constant for CO2, H2S, NH3 and HCN derived from [Edwards et al., 1978] for CO2, [Alvaro et al., 2000] for NH3, [Kamps et al., 2001] for H2S, and [Rumpf et al., 1992] for HCN 35 Figure 4.4: Dissociation constants for CO2, H2S, NH3, HCN and H2O derived from [Alvaro et al., 2000], [Kamps et al., 2001], and [Edwards et al., 1978] 37 Figure 4.5: The flow of CO2 in the quench water cycle (test point VP1). 40 Figure 4.6: Calculated quench water temperature variation and effects on CO2 distribution 42 Figure 4.7: Calculated influence of pH regulation and effects on CO2 distribution 43 Figure 4.8: The flow of NH3 in the quench water cycle (test point VP1). 46 Figure 4.9: Calculated quench water temperature variation and effects on NH3 distribution 47 Figure 4.10: Calculated influence of pH regulation and effects on NH3 distribution 48 Figure 4.11: The flow of HCN in the quench water cycle (test point VP1). 49 Figure 4.12: Calculated quench water temperature variation and effects on HCN distribution 50 Figure 4.13: Calculated influence of pH regulation and effects on HCN distribution 51 Figure 4.14: The flow of H2S in the quench water cycle (test point VP1) 53 Figure 4.15: Calculated quench water temperature variation and effects on H2S distribution 54 Figure 4.16: Calculated influence of pH regulation and effects on H2S distribution 55 Figure 5.1: Aspen Plus back-calculated (real) formic acid concentration, quench water temperature and the calculated equilibrium formic acid concentration against back-calculated (real) ammonia concentration for the 47 test points (using amongst others sampled HCOO- and NH4+ values according to Table 2.6). 59 Figure 5.2: Aspen plus back-calculated (real) formic acid concentration, back-calculated (real) ammonia concentration and the calculated equilibrium formic acid concentration against quench water temperature for the 47 test points (using amongst others sampled HCOO- and NH4+ values according to Table 2.6). 60 Figure 5.3: Aspen plus back-calculated (real) acetic acid concentration, quench water temperature and the calculated equilibrium acetic acid concentration against back-calculated (real) ammonia concentration for the 47 test points. 61 Figure 5.4: Aspen plus back-calculated (real) acetic acid concentration, back-calculated (real) ammonia concentration and the calculated equilibrium acetic acid concentration against quench water temperature for the 47 test points. 62 Figure 5.5: Concentration of formic acid (Aspen plus calculated m_eq and back-calculted m_real) formation in the quench and quench water temperature for the 47 test points. 64 Figure 5.6: Concentration of formic acid (Aspen plus calculated m_eq and back-calculted m_real) in the quench against quench water temperature for the 47 test points (as in Fig.5.2). 65 Figure 5.7: Comparison between formic acid equilibrium constant (Keq), reaction quotient (Kreal) and the quench water temperature for the 47 test points. 66 Figure 5.8: Comparison between formic acid equilibrium constant (Keq) and reaction quotient (Kreal) against quench water temperatures for the 47 test points. 67 Figure 5.9: Concentration of acetic acid (Aspen plus calculated m_eq and back-calculted m_real) in the quench and quench water temperature for the 47 test points. 69 Figure 5.10: Concentration of acetic acid (Aspen plus calculated m_eq and back-calculted m_real) in the quench against quench water temperature for the 47 test points (as in Fig.5.4). 70 Figure 5.11: Comparison between acetic acid equilibrium constant (Keq), reaction quotient (Kreal) and the quench water temperature for the 47 test points. 71 Figure 5.12: Comparison between acetic acid equilibrium constant (Keq) and reaction quotient (Kreal) against quench water temperatures for the 47 test points. 72 Figure 6.1: Mole fraction of gas compoents in the hot gas outlet out of gasifier against hot gas temperature for the 47 test points 76 Figure 6.2: Calculated reaction quotient (Q) and equlibrium constant (Keq) for NH3 against hot gas temperature for the 47 test points (see Fig. 9.10 in Appendix) 77 Figure 6.3: NH3 temperature approach against hot gas temperature for the 47 test points (see Fig. 9.11 in Appendix) 78 Figure 6.4: Calculated reaction quotient (Q) and equlibrium constant (Keq) for HCN against hot gas temperature for the 47 test points (see Fig. 9.13 in Appendix) 79 Figure 6.5: HCN temperature approach against hot gas temperature for the 47 test points (see Fig. 9.14 in Appendix) 80 Figure 6.6: Comparison between calculated real and equilibrium hot gas N2, NH3 and HCN mol fractions against their respective hot gas temperature (case 1). 82 Figure 6.7: Relations between back-calculated real and equilibrium hot gas N2, NH3 and HCN mol fractions (for chemical equilibrium according to equations (6.1) and (6.4)) against their respective hot gas temperature (see Case 1, Section 6.4.1, and Fig. 6.6) 82 Figure 6.8: Comparison between calculated real and equilibrium hot gas HCN mol fraction against their respective hot gas temperature (case 2). 83 Figure 6.9: Relations between back-calculated real and equilibrium hot gas HCN mol fractions, and change in NH3 mol fractions (for chemical equilibrium according to equation (6.4)), against their respective hot gas temperature (see. Case 2, Section 6.4.2 and Fig. 6.7) 84 Figure 6.10 Comparison between NH3 and HCN formation (mole fraction) calculated equilibrium constant (Keq) and calculated reaction quotient (Q), N2 consumption and hot gas temperatures for the 47 test points (case 1 and case 2). 85 Figure 7.1: HP POX test plant quench water system 88 Figure 7.2: Traces of BTEX measured in the Gas-POX 203 – 207 quench water effluent sample. 91 Figure 7.3: Individual component of BTEX measured in the Gas-POX 203 – 207 quench water effluent sample. 92 Figure 7.4: (a) Alkyl radical decomposition and (b) C1 and C2 hydrocarbons oxidation mechanism [Warnatz et al., 2000] 93 Figure 7.5: Recombination of C3H3 to form benzene 94 Figure 7.6: The Diels - Alder reaction for the formation of PAHs 95 Figure 7.7: Amount of PAHs that were detected in Gas-POX 203 – 207 test points quench water effluent samples. 97 Figure 7.8: Distribution of PAH compounds in Gas-POX 203 – 207 quench water effluent samples. 98 Figure 7.9: Some steps in soot formation [McEnally et al., 2006]. 99 Figure 7.10: Illustration of soot formation path in homogenous mixture [Bockhorn et al., 1994] 100 Figure 9.1: Aspen flow sheet set up for HP POX quench system GasPOX 201 VP1 (simplified and extension of Fig. 3.2, organic acids not taken into account). Tabulated values are given in Table 9.11. 135 Figure 9.2: Comparison between the Henry´s constant profiles: Aspen Plus (markers) and Literatures (solid lines) ([Edwards et al., 1978] for CO2, [Alvaro et al., 2000] for NH3, [Kamps et al., 2001] for H2S, and [Rumpf et al., 1992] for HCN as it can be seen in Fig. 4.3) 137 Figure 9.3: Henry´s constant profiles derived from literatures ([Edwards et al., 1978] for CO2, [Alvaro Pérez-Salado et al., 2000] for NH3, [Kamps et al., 2001] for H2S, and [Rumpf et al., 1992] for HCN as it can be seen in Fig. 4.3) 137 Figure 9.4: Comparison between the dissociation constant profiles: Aspen Plus (markers) and Literatures (solid or dashed lines) [Alvaro et al., 2000], [Kamps et al., 2001], and [Edwards et al., 1978] as in Fig.4.4. 138 Figure 9.5: Dissociation constant profiles derived from literatures [Kamps et al., 2001], and [Edwards et al., 1978] as in Fig.4.4. 138 Figure 9.6: Calculated pH values, temperature range and species 139 Figure 9.7: Aspen Plus flow sheet setup for organic acid compounds calculations (GasPOX 201 VP1, see also Table 9.12) 142 Figure 9.8: Aspen Plus flow sheet setup for nitrogen compounds calculations (GasPOX 201 VP1, see also Table 9.12, organic acids are taken into account in the aqueous streams of the quench system) 145 Figure 9.9: Yield of ammonia in gasifier (calculated real) and hot gas temperature against the 47 test points 146 Figure 9.10: Kreal or reaction quotient for ammonia formation in the gasifier against the 47 test points. 146 Figure 9.11: Temperature approach studies for ammonia and the 47 test points 147 Figure 9.12: Yield of HCN from the gasifier (calculated real and equilibrium) and hot gas temperature and the 47 test points 147 Figure 9.13: Comparison between equilibrium constant and reaction quotient for HCN and 47 test points 148 Figure 9.14: Temperature approach studies for HCN and the 47 test points 148 Figure 9.15: Comparison among equilibrium constants of reactions against temperature, T [°C] 149 Figure 9.16: Comparison among equilibrium constants of reactions against temperature, 1/T [1/K] 150 List of Tables Table 2.1: Outline of Gas-POX mode operating parameter range 8 Table 2.2: Outline of test runs operating mode and parameters of chosen test campaigns 9 Table 2.3: Natural gas feedstock compositions 12 Table 2.4: Product synthesis gas analysis method (hot gas before quench) [Brüggemann, 2010] 12 Table 2.5: Analysis methods for raw synthesis gas [Brüggemann, 2010] 13 Table 2.6: Analysis methods for aqueous phase products [Brüggemann, 2010] 14 Table 2.7: Relative accuracy for the measured value for temperature, pressure and flow of each feed and product stream [Meyer, 2007] and [Brüggemann, 2010] 17 Table 3.1: Description of blocks used in Aspen Plus simulation. 20 Table 3.2: HP POX test plant quench water cycle parameters Gas-POX 201 VP1* 23 Table 3.3: pH regulator parameters 24 Table 4.1: Organic acids distribution in streams for VP1 based on calculation from Aspen Plus. 38 Table 4.2: The distribution of CO2 and its ions in all the streams 40 Table 4.3: The distribution of NH3 and its ions in all the streams 45 Table 4.4: The distribution of HCN and its ions in all the streams 49 Table 4.5: The distribution of H2S and its ions in all the streams 52 Table 7.1: Relative sooting tendency [Tesner et al., 2010] 101 Table 9.1: Natural gas feed analysis method [Brüggemann, 2010] 135 Table 9.2: pH scale with examples of solution [NALCO 2008] 136 Table 9.3: Gas-POX test campaigns and with designated serial numbers 140 Table 9.4: Summary of correlation coefficient (r) from Figures in Chapter 5 144 Table 9.5: Comparison among reactions temperatures and heat of reactions 149 Table 9.6: Content of BTEX compounds in Gas-POX quench water samples 151 Table 9.7: BTEX in quench water effluent samples results 152 Table 9.8: Content of PAH compounds in Gas-POX quench water samples 157 Table 9.9: PAHs in quench water effluent samples results 160 Table 9.10: Soot in quench water effluent samples results 169 Table 9.11: Aspen Plus flow sheet setup stream details (GasPOX 201 VP1, according to Fig.3.2 and Fig.9.1, organic acids not taken into account) 170 Table 9.12: Aspen Plus flow sheet setup for organic acid and nitrogen compounds calculations for GasPOX 201 VP1 (according to Figures 9.7 and 9.8, organic acids are taken into account) 174

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