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Estudo da introdu??o de res?duo de britagem de rocha calc?ria e cinza de biomassa de cana-de-a??car em formula??es de argamassas colantesSilva, Walney Gomes da 30 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-30 / The adhesive mortars are a mixture of cement, sand, and additives to polymers that retain the mixing water and promotes adherence, being used in setting on various ceramic substrates. The sand used in the production of these mortars is from the riverbeds, and with the increasing restriction of these sands extraction by environmental agencies, and often having to be transported over long distances to the consumer center. This work aims to design and physical and mechanical characterization of ecological adhesive mortar with total replacement of natural sand by sand from the crushing of limestone, and the addition of mineral ash biomass of cane sugar in partial replacement cement used in the production of adhesive mortar , aiming compositions that meet the regulatory specifications for use adhesive mortar. Standardized tests to determine the tensile bond strength (NBR 14081-4), determination of open time (NBR 14081-3) and determination of slip (NBR 14081-5) were performed. Were also conducted trials squeeze flow in different formulation, the mortar with addition of 15 % gray biomass of cane sugar for cement mortars as well as the total replacement of natural sand by sand limestone crushing, got the best performance among the mortars studied, it was found that the addition of biomass to replace cement is perfectly feasible due to its pozzolanic activity, which contributed to this reduction in the cement matrix formation of adhesive mortar / As argamassas colantes s?o a mistura de cimento e areia, aditivadas com pol?meros que ret?m ?gua de amassamento e promovem a ader?ncia, sendo utilizadas na fixa??o da cer?mica sobre diversos substratos. A areia utilizada na produ??o dessas argamassas, proveniente dos leitos dos rios, tem sua extra??o submetida ? restri??o cada vez maior por parte dos ?rg?os ambientais e, muitas vezes, precisa ser transportada a grandes dist?ncias at? chegar ao centro consumidor. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a formula??o e a caracteriza??o f?sica e mec?nica de argamassa colante ecol?gica com a substitui??o total da areia natural por areia proveniente de britagem de rocha calc?ria, bem como com a adi??o mineral de cinza de biomassa de cana-de-a??car em substitui??o parcial do cimento utilizado na produ??o das argamassas colantes, visando composi??es que atendam ?s especifica??es normativas de utiliza??o de argamassa colante. Foram realizados ensaios normatizados de determina??o da resist?ncia de ader?ncia ? tra??o (NBR 14.081-4), determina??o do tempo em aberto (NBR 14.081-3) e determina??o do deslizamento (NBR 14.081-5). Foram realizados, ainda, ensaios de squeeze flow nas diferentes formula??es. A argamassa com adi??o de 15% de cinza de biomassa de cana-de-a??car em substitui??o ao cimento, bem como a substitui??o total da areia natural por areia de britagem calc?ria, obteve o melhor desempenho entre as argamassas estudadas. Foi verificado que a adi??o de biomassa em substitui??o ao cimento ? perfeitamente vi?vel, devido a sua atividade pozol?nica, que contribuiu para essa redu??o de cimento na matriz de forma??o da argamassa colante
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Caracterização reológica de argamassas colantes. / Adhesive mortars rheological characterization.Elisabete Kioko Kudo 04 October 2012 (has links)
As argamassas colantes são produtos constituídos por areia natural ou artificial, ligantes e aditivos químicos que cumprem uma função de adesivo para assentamento de revestimentos em pisos e paredes. Sob o ponto de vista reológico, a argamassa colante é um material multifásico formado por uma pasta que envolve agregados minerais. Atualmente, o único teste preconizado em norma a fresco é o ensaio de deslizamento, que apesar de ter baixo custo e relativa facilidade de execução em laboratório. As grandes desvantagens desse método são: imprecisão e a baixa repetibilidade, além de ser insuficiente para efetuar uma avaliação mais completa desses produtos no estado fresco. Assim, técnicas de caracterização reológica (Squeeze Flow, Pull Out Flow e reometria rotacional) foram especificadas e aplicadas, como alternativa tecnológica para avaliação de argamassas colantes. Porém, o potencial da configuração tradicional do ensaio de Squeeze Flow e a reometria rotacional foram pouco explorados neste tipo de argamassa. Neste estudo foi necessário empreender ajustes de configuração. O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de aplicar métodos de caracterização reológica em argamassas colantes de mercado (ACI e ACIII) de certo fabricante e ACI formulada em laboratório composta por areias com morfologias diferentes que permitissem identificar suas características relevantes no estado fresco, avaliar a influência dos parâmetros experimentais do método de Squeeze Flow (principalmente em relação à configuração e parâmetros), avaliar a adesividade das argamassas no estado fresco e aplicar o método de reometria rotacional para avaliação das energias de mistura e reológica. Os experimentos para avaliação das configurações e parâmetros do ensaio de Squeeze Flow e Pull Out Flow mostraram que tais métodos foram sensíveis para diferenciar as argamassas e refletiram o que, na prática, é percebido: ACIII (Argamassa Colante do Tipo III) tem maior consistência que ACI (Argamassa 7 Colante do Tipo I), além de mostrar que são sensíveis às diferentes taxas de deslocamento, teores de água e morfologia de agregados. Já a reometria rotacional mostrou-se sensível para identificar e diferenciar a cinética de mistura das argamassas colantes ACI e ACIII. Os resultados indicaram que o tempo de mistura de 150 segundos foi eficiente e suficiente para homogeneizar e estabilizar as argamassas testadas, e que a argamassa do tipo ACI apresenta maior dificuldade de mistura e resulta em uma suspensão com maior viscosidade e tensão de escoamento do que a argamassa ACIII. Por fim, a aplicação dos métodos de caracterização reológica em argamassas ACI compostas por areias com morfologias diferentes, indicou que o método de Squeeze Flow mostrou ser sensível para diferentes teores de água, em argamassas compostas por areia artificial. As curvas de carga de compressão da argamassa ACI com areia artificial mostraram serem superiores às formuladas argamassas com areia natural, indicando que, com a mesma proporção de insumos e teor de água (volume), as argamassas não possuem perfis reológicos similares. / Adhesive mortars are products constituted of natural or artificial sand, binder (cement) and chemical additives which serve as an adhesive for laying floor and wall tiles. From the rheological point of view, the adhesive mortar is a multiphase material consisting of a paste that coats mineral aggregates. Currently, the only test done is the slip test, which has low cost and has a relatively easy execution. The disadvantage of this method is not to have a good repeatability and is not sufficient to evaluate products in fresh state. Thus, techniques of rheologic characterization (flow squeeze, pull out flow and rotational rheometry) were applied as technologic alternatives for evaluation of adhesive mortars. However, the potential of the traditional configuration of the Squeeze Flow test and rotational rheometry were not explored in this type of product due to the requirement of configuration settings. The purpose of this dissertation is to apply advanced methods for rheological characterization of adhesive mortars in order to identify important characteristics of fresh-state application; evaluation of the influence of the squeeze-flow experimental method (mainly due to configuration and parameters); applied rheometry techniques to evaluate the mixing energy; and to evaluate the adhesiveness of fresh mortars. The evaluation of the configuration and parameters of the Squeeze Flow and Pull Out Flow showed that the methods were sensible enough to differentiate mortars in the same way that is perceived in practice: ACIII has greater consistency than ACI, also shows that are sensitive to different rates of displacement, water content and morphology of aggregates. The mixing and rotational rheometry showed that the method is sensitive to identify and differentiate the kinetics of mixing for ACI and ACIII mortars. The results indicate that the mixing time of 150 seconds was effective to homogenize and disperse the mortars. The mixing and flow torque values are higher for ACI than for ACIII, indicating that ACI is more difficult to be mixed and has a higher viscosity and yield stress than ACIII.
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Análise comparativa de argamassas colantes de mercado através de parâmetros reológicos. / Comparative analysis of commercial dry-set mortars using rheological parameters.Marienne do Rocio de Mello Maron da Costa 31 January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe o entendimento do comportamento no estado fresco de argamassas colantes, com base na caracterização reológica e físico-química de diferentes composições comerciais, servindo de base para analisar o fenômeno de deslizamento, a partir do ensaio estabelecido na norma brasileira. Para isso, foi utilizado o ensaio Squeeze flow (escoamento por compressão axial), empregado na caracterização de argamassas de revestimento no laboratório de microestrutura do CPqDCC da EPUSP, como ferramenta de análise do comportamento de argamassas colantes. Neste ensaio, o escoamento do material decorre da aplicação de uma carga de compressão sobre a amostra no estado fresco, a qual ocasiona deslocamentos no seu interior devido a esforços de cisalhamento radiais originados durante o fluxo. O critério de seleção das argamassas colantes comerciais (tipo AC-I) se baseou nos resultados do ensaio de deslizamento, escolhendo-se duas com resultado muito abaixo do limite especificado, duas com resultado próximo do limite e outras duas com resultado acima do mesmo. A composição química e física foi caracterizada com o objetivo de embasar a análise dos resultados obtidos no Squeeze flow. A separação da fração fina das argamassas na peneira no.200 contribuiu para o conhecimento da viscosidade da pasta e da sua influência no comportamento reológico das argamassas. Foi observado que as argamassas estudadas apresentam diferenças de composição físico-química e de comportamento reológico. As diferenças de comportamento reológico das argamassas decorrem, provavelmente, de ação sinérgica de alguns parâmetros da composição, com destaque para a distribuição granulométrica. O Squeeze flow mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada na caracterização das argamassas colantes e contribuiu para explicar o deslizamento estabelecido na norma brasileira, pela proposição de modelos hipotéticos de comportamento. / Present thesis proposes the study of plastic-state behaviour of dry-set mortars based on the rheological and physicochemical characterization of different commercially available dry-set mortar compositions. Such characterization served as basis for the analysis of dry-set mortar slip phenomena using the tests recommended by brazilian standards (NBR). The Squeeze Flow test (slip by axial compression) originally used for coating mortars characterization by the EPUSP CPqDDC Microstructure Laboratory was adopted as a test tool for analysing the dry-set mortar behaviour. In the mentioned test the material slip is obtained by compressing the sample in its plastic state which caused internal displacements due to radial shearing tensions originated during the mentioned slip. The dry-se mortars (all of them AC-I type) used in the study were selected based in the slip tests results against brazilian standards specified limits resulting in the selection of two dry-set mortars below the specified limit, two dry-set mortars close to the specified limit and dry-set mortars above the specified limit. Chemical and physical compositions were characterized in order to serve as basis for Squeeze Flow results analysis. Fine fraction segregation, using number 200 sieve contributed to understanding of plastic-state mortar viscosity and its influence in mortar rheological behaviour. It was observed diverse physicochemical and rheological behaviour among the studied dry-set mortars. The rheological behaviour diversity of dry-set mortars were due to the synergy among some composition parameters, specially the granular distribution. The Squeeze Flow was considered a suitable tool for the characterization of dry-set mortars and contributed to develop hypotetical behaviour models that allowed to explain the slip as stated by brazilian standards.
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The consolidation time is the time available for the application of adhesive mortar on the substrate. The NBR 14081-1 does not specify a method of test to determining the consolidation time, however, the standard of enforcement procedures of covering floors and walls with ceramic tiles (NBR 13755 and NBR 13754) establish 2 h and 30 min as the minimum time. By considering the significant differences between the formulations, the presence of polymeric additives, besides the evolution of cement and additions, a study about how and when the consolidation of adhesive mortar happens is needed. Then, it was looked for to evaluate and determine the time of consolidation of adhesive mortars of the types ACI, ACII and ACIII by Squeeze flow and Pull out flow tests in different time intervals (30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min) in fresh state. The test methods shown to be sensitive for the determination of consolidation time of adhesive mortars, indicating the increase of the viscosity and of the adhesion of the mortar over time. For mortars in which the consolidation occurred during the time period studied, this time made up to 180 minutes after mixing. From this period the adhesive mortars suffered losses in their rheological characteristics, which would cause difficulties in the settlement stages of ceramic plates and later problems in its performance and durability. On the other hand, the tensile bond strength tests showed great variability imparing a correlation with the rheological tests. / O tempo de consolidação é o período disponível para a aplicação da argamassa colante no substrato. A NBR 14081-1 não especifica um método de ensaio para a determinação do tempo de consolidação, já as normas de procedimento de execução de revestimento de pisos e paredes com placas cerâmicas (NBR 13755 e NBR 13754) estabelecem 2 h e 30 min como tempo mínimo. Considerando as diferenças significativas entre as formulações, a presença de aditivos poliméricos, além da evolução dos cimentos e das adições, faz-se necessário um estudo sobre como e quando se dá a consolidação da argamassa colante. Em virtude disso, procurou-se avaliar e determinar o tempo de consolidação das argamassas colantes dos tipos ACI, ACII e ACIII por meio dos ensaios de Squeeze flow e Pull out flow, em diferentes intervalos de tempo (30, 60, 120, 180, 240 e 300 min) no estado fresco. Os métodos de ensaio mostraram-se sensíveis para a determinação do tempo de consolidação das argamassas colantes, indicando o aumento da viscosidade e da adesão da argamassa com o passar do tempo. Para as argamassas em que o tempo de consolidação ocorreu durante o período estudado, este tempo deu-se aos 180 minutos após a mistura. A partir deste período as argamassas colantes sofreram perdas nas suas características reológicas o que poderá causar dificuldades nas etapas de assentamento das placas cerâmicas e posteriormente, problemas no seu desempenho e durabilidade. Já os ensaios de resistência de aderência à tração apresentaram grande variabilidade prejudicando uma correlação com os ensaios reológicos.
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Numerical Modelling and Software Development for Analysing Squeeze Film Fffect in MEMSRoychowdhury, Anish January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of the current study was to develop a computational framework for modelling
the coupled fluid-structure interaction problem of squeeze films often encountered in
MEMS devices. Vibratory MEMS devices such as gyroscopes, RF switches, and 2D
resonators often have a thin plate like structure vibrating transversely to a Fixed substrate, and are generally not perfectly vacuum packed. This results in a thin air film being trapped between the vibrating plate and the fixed substrate which behaves like a squeeze film offering both stiffness and damping to the vibrating plate. For accurate modelling of the squeeze film effect, one must account for the coupled
fluid-structure interaction. The majority of prior works attempting to address the coupled problem either approximate the mode shape of the vibrating plate or resort to cumbersome iterative solution strategies to address the problem in an indirect way. In the current work,
we discuss the development of a fully coupled finite element based numerical scheme to
solve the 2D Reynolds equation coupled with the 3D plate elasticity equation in a single
step. The squeeze film solver so developed has been implemented into a commercial
FEA package NISA as part of its Micro-Systems module. Further, extending on a prior
analytical work, the effect of variable
ow boundaries for an all sides clamped plate on squeeze film parameters has been thoroughly investigated. The developed FEM based numerical scheme has been used to validate the results of the prior analytical study. The developed numerical scheme models the 2D Reynolds equation thus limiting the model to account for the effects of the
fluid volume strictly confined between the structure and the substrate. To study the effect of surrounding fluid volume ANSYS FLOTRAN simulations have been performed by numerically solving the full 3D Navier Stokes equation in the extended fluid domain for the different flow boundary scenarios. Cut-off frequencies are established beyond which one can consider a 2D fluid domain without considerable loss of accuracy.
First, a displacement based finite element formulation is presented for the 2D Reynolds
equation coupled with the 3D elasticity equation. Both lower order 8 node and higher
order 27 node 3D elements are developed. Only a single type of 3D element is used for
modelling along with a 2D fluid layer represented by the \wet" face of the 3D structural domain. The results from our numerical model are compared with experimental data from literature for a MEMS cantilever. The results from the 27 node displacement based elements show good agreement with published experimental data. The results from the lower order 8 node displacement based elements however show huge errors even for relatively fine meshes due to locking issues in modelling high aspect ratio structures. This limits the implementation of the displacement based solver in commercial FE packages where the available mesh generators are generally restricted to lower order 3D elements.
In order to overcome the limitations faced by lower order elements (primarily locking
issues) in modelling high aspect ratio MEMS geometries, a coupled hybrid formulation is
developed next. A thorough performance study is presented considering both the hybrid
and displacement based elements for lower order 8 node and higher order 27 node ele-
ments. The optimal element choice for modelling squeeze film geometries is determined based on the comparative studies. The effect of element aspect ratio for hybrid and displacement based elements are studied and the superiority of hybrid formulation over displacement based formulations is established for lower order 8 node elements. The coupled hybrid nite element formulation developed for lower order elements is implemented in the commercial FEA package NISA.
The implementation scheme to integrate the developed coupled hybrid 8 node squeeze
film solver into the commercial FEA package is discussed. The pre-integration analysis
and subsequent requirement gaps are first investigated. Based on the gap analysis, certain GUI modifications are undertaken and parser programs are developed to re-format data according to NISA input requirements. Certain special features are included in the
package to aid in post processing data analysis by MEMS designers such as \frequency
sweep" and \node of interest" selection. As a case study for validation, we also present
the modelling of a MEMS cantilever and show that the simulation results from our
software are in good agreement with experimental data reported in the literature.
Finally as a case study, an extension of a prior analytical work, which studies the
effect of varying flow boundaries on squeeze film parameters, is discussed. Explanations
are provided for the findings reported in the prior analytical work. The concept of using
variation in flow boundaries as a frequency tuning tool is introduced. The analytical
results are validated with the coupled numerical scheme discussed before, by considering imposed mode shape for an all sides clamped plate as prescribed displacement to the fluid domain. The simulated results are used to study the intricacies in squeeze film damping and stiffness variations with respect to spatial changes in the fluid flow boundary
conditions. In particular, it has been shown that the boundary venting conditions can
be used effectively to tune the dynamic response of a micromechanical structure over a fairly large range of frequencies and somewhat smaller range of squeeze film damping.
Next, the effect of the surrounding
fluid volume for various venting conditions is studied.
ANSYS FLOTRAN is used to solve for the full 3D Navier Stokes equation over the
extended fluid domain. Results from the extended domain study are used to determine
cut-off frequencies beyond which one need not resort to an extended mesh study, and
yet be within 5% accuracy of the full extended mesh model.
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Design and Development of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic TransducersAhmad, Babar January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design and analysis for development of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT), a novel sensor and actuator, aimed at replacing the conventional piezoelectric transducers for air-coupled ultrasonic imaging applications. These CMUTs are fabricated using the silicon micromachining technology wherein all fabrication is done on the surface of a silicon wafer by means of thin-film depositions, patterning with photolithography and etching. The main emphasis of this study is on developing analytical models that serve as effective design tools for the development of these devices. A desirable goal of such study is to create reasonable mathematical models, obtain analytical solutions, wherever possible, for various measures of transducer performance and provide design aids.
A logical start is the lumped parameter modeling wherein the explicit dependence of the physical parameters on the spatial extent of the device is ignored. The system lumped parameters, such as the equivalent stiffness, the equivalent mass, and the equivalent damping are extracted from reasonable analytical or numerical models and subsequently used in the static and dynamic analysis of the device. Useful predictions are made with regard to the key transducer parameters, such as, the pull-in voltage, the static deflection, the dynamic response and the acoustic field produced. The modeling work presented embodies two main objectives: (i) it serves to provide direction in the design phase, and, (ii) it serves to aid in the extraction of critical parameters which affect the device behavior. Comparison of the results with the more rigorous FEM simulations as well as with those present in the existing literature assure that the developed models are accurate enough to serve as useful design tools.
The distributed parameter modeling is presented next. Analysis of MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation is complicated due to the fact that the structural deformations alter the electrostatic forces, which redistribute and modify the applied loads. Hence, it becomes imperative to consider the electro-elastic coupling aspect in the design of these devices. An approximate analytical solution for the static deflection of a thin, clamped circular plate caused by electrostatic forces which are inherently nonlinear, is presented. The model is based on the Kirchhoff-Love assumptions that the plate is thin and the deflections and slopes are small. The classical thin-plate theory is adequate when the ratio of the diameter to thickness of the plate is very large, a situation commonly prevalent in many MEMS devices, especially the CMUTs. This theory is used to determine the static deflection of the CMUT membrane due to a DC bias voltage. The thin-plate electro-elastic equation is solved using the Galerkin weighted residual technique under the assumption that the deflections are small in comparison to the thickness of the plate. The results obtained are compared to those obtained from ANSYS simulations and an excellent agreement is observed between the two. The pull-in voltage predicted by our model is close to the value predicted by ANSYS simulations. A simple analytical formula, which gives fairly accurate results (to within 3% of the value predicted by ANSYS simulations) for determination of the pull-in voltage, is also presented. As stated, this formula accounts for the elastic deflection of the membrane due to the coupled interaction with the electrostatic field.
The effect of vacuum sealing the backside cavity of a CMUT is investigated in some detail. The presence or absence of air inside the cavity has a marked effect upon the system parameters, such as the natural frequency and the pull-in voltage. The possibility of using sealed CMUT cavities with air inside at ambient pressure is explored. In order to estimate the transducer loss due to the presence of air in the sealed cavity, the squeeze film forces resulting from the compression of the trapped air film are evaluated. Towards this end, the linearized Reynolds equation is solved in conjunction with the appropriate boundary conditions, taking the flexure of the membrane into account. From this analysis, it is concluded that, for a sealed CMUT cavity, the presence of air does not cause any squeeze film damping even when the flexure of the membrane is taken into account (the case of a rigid plate is already known).
Although the emphasis of the study undertaken here is not on the physical realization of a working CMUT, a single cell as well as a linear array based on the design presented here, were fabricated (in a foundry elsewhere) in order to verify some of the most fundamental device parameters from experimental measurements. The fabricated devices have been characterized for their resonant frequency, quality factor, and structural integrity. These tests were conducted using the laser Doppler vibrometer and the Focused Ion Beam milling.
Having investigated thoroughly the behavior of a single cell, we proceed to demonstrate how these cells can be arranged optimally in the form of an array to provide a comprehensive ultrasonic imaging system. A thorough analysis of the requirements for the array architecture is undertaken to determine the optimal configuration. The design constraints that need to be taken into account for CMUT arrays, especially for NDE applications, are presented. The main issue of designing an array consisting of a large number of CMUT cells required for producing a pressure wave of sufficient strength which is detectable upon reflection from the desired location even after suffering severe attenuation resulting from propagation in various media is addressed. A scalable annular array architecture of CMUT cells is recommended based on the analysis carried out.
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Transient elastohydrodynamic analysis of piston skirt lubricated contact under combined axial, lateral and tilting motionBalakrishnan, Sashi January 2002 (has links)
Most modern engines utilise pistons with an offset gudgeon pin. In internal combustion engines, the offset is to the major thrust side of the piston. The piston thrust side is the part of the piston perpendicular to the gudgeon pin that carries the majority of side loading during the power stroke. Primary reason for having the gudgeon pin positioned eccentrically is to prevent the piston from slamming into the cylinder bore after the connecting rod journal passes the top dead centre. This phenomenon is referred to as piston slap, and is more pronounced in compression ignition and high performance engines due to higher combustion pressure than that of commercial spark ignition engines. The coming together of the piston and the bore results in scuffing, at best, or, catastrophic failure at worst. Clearance space between bore and piston is filled by a lubricant film. The main role of the lubricant is to separate the piston and bore by reacting to the applied load. Investigating the above problem requires a holistic approach, whereby a dynamic three degree-of-freedom piston model is coupled with a lubrication model to represent the actual system. The dynamic model determines the motion of the piston in combined axial, lateral and rotation about the gudgeon pin. The reactive forces due to lubricant films on the major and minor thrust sides of the piston play significant roles in piston dynamics and are evaluated by either quasi-static or transient solution of the lubricant contact conjunctions. The novel quasi-static analysis is carried out in the sense of its detailed approach, including many key practical features. not incorporated in other analyses, hitherto reported in literature. These features include first and foremost the development of a specific contact mechanics model for evaluation of conforming contacts for piston skirt against liner or bore. The quasi-static analysis includes many practical feature not encountered in other literature on the subject, such as detailed surface irregularities and modification features, and with thermal distortion. The analysis has been extended to thermohydrodynamics, as well as micro-hydrodynamics, all with high computational mesh densities, and robust methods of solution in space and time domains, including effective influence Newton-Raphson method and linear acceleration integration scheme. The transient tribo-elasto-multi-body dynamics problem includes physics of motion study from film thickness prediction and secondary motion evaluation of the order of micrometers and minutes of arc to large rigid body dynamics, including simultaneous solution of the contact problem at both major and minor thrust sides. Such a comprehensive solution has not hitherto been reported in literature. The thesis discusses many aspects of piston dynamics problem, through the broad spectrum of vehicle manufacture, with many pertinent practical engineering issues. In particular, it provides solutions for high performance Formula 1 racing engines. This is the first ever comprehensive analysis of piston tribodynamics for this range of engines at very high combustion pressures. This study has shown the paramount influence of profile of piston in promoting lubrication between the contiguous bodies, as evident from the pattern of lubricant flow through the contact. Deformation of the bodies increases the volume of lubricant in the contact. During the reversal in direction of piston motion, when the entraining velocity momentarily cases and reversal takes place, the load is held by an elastic squeeze.
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Fabrication of Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs) by Squeeze Casting Technique Using Carbon Fiber as ReinforcementAlhashmy, Hasan 27 July 2012 (has links)
Composites have been developed with great success by the use of fiber reinforcements in metallic materials. Fiber reinforced metal matrices possess great potential to be the next generation of advanced composites offering many advantages compared to fiber reinforced polymers. Specific advantages include high temperature capability, superior environmental stability, better transverse modulus, shear and fatigue properties. Although many Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are attractive for use in different industrial applications, Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs) are the most used in advanced applications because they combine acceptable strength, low density, durability, machinability, availability, effectiveness and cost. The present study focuses on the fabrication of aluminium matrix composite plates by squeeze casting using plain weave carbon fiber preform (AS4 Hexcel) as reinforcement and a matrix of wrought aluminium alloy 1235-H19. The objective is to investigate the process feasibility and resulting materials properties such as hardness at macro- and micro-scale, impact and bend strength. The properties obtained are compared with those of 6061/1235-H19 aluminium plates that were manufactured under the same fabrication conditions. The effect of fiber volume fraction on the properties is also investigated. Furthermore, the characterization of the microstructure is done using Optical Microscopy (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in order to establish relationships between the quality of the fiber/aluminium interface bond and mechanical properties of the composites.
In conclusion, aluminium matrix composite laminate plates were successfully produced. The composites show a good chemical bond between the fiber and the aluminium matrix. This bond resulted from heterogeneous precipitation of aluminium carbides (Al4C3) at the interface between aluminium matrix and carbon fiber. The hardness at macro- and micro-scale of the composites increases by over 50% and the flexural modulus increases by about 55%. The toughness of the composite decreases due to the presence of brittle phases which can be improved by better oxidation prevention. Also, an optimal carbon volume fraction was observed that provides optimal properties including peak hardness, peak stiffness and peak toughness.
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Combined numerical and experimental investigation of transmission idle gear rattleTangasawi, Osman A. M. January 2007 (has links)
Gear rattle is caused by engine torsional vibration (engine order response) imparted to the transmission components, further causing the gears to oscillate within their functional backlashes. These oscillations lead to the repetitive impact of gear teeth, which lead to noisy responses, referred to as gear rattle. The lack of in-depth research into the effect of lubricant on gear rattle has been identified as a deficiency in the previous research in rattle. The aim ofthe current work is to address this shortcoming. The thesis outlines a new approach in investigating the problem of idle gear rattle. The approach is based on the assumption that under idling condition the teeth-pair impact loads are sufficiently low and the gear speeds are sufficiently high to permit the formation of a hydrodynamic lubricant film between the mating gear teeth. This film acts as a non-linear spring-damper that couples the driver and the driven gears. A torsional single-degree of freedom model is used in the development of the theory. The model is then expanded into a seven-degree of freedom torsional model and finally into an Il-degree of freedom model that also includes the lateral vibrations of the supporting shafts. The Il-degree of freedom model is based on a real life transmission that is also used in experimental studies to validate the model. It is found that lubricant viscosity and bearing clearance (lubricant resistance in squeeze) play important roles in determining the dynamics of the system and its propensity to rattle. At low temperatures, the lateral vibrations of the shafts, carrying the gears interfere with the gear teeth impact action. The severity of rattle is determined by the relationship between the entraining and squeeze film actions of the hydrodynamic film. When the latter dominates, the system can rattle more severely. The numerical results are found to correlate well with the experimental findings obtained from vehicle tests in a semi-anechoic chamber and also with those from a transmission test rig in the powertrain laboratory.
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Vývoj deliktu stlačování marží ve srovnání s vývojem podobných typů zneužití dominantního postavení v soutěžním právu EU / Development of margin squeeze in comparison to the development of similar types of abuse of dominant position in the EU competition lawŘepka, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the margin squeeze developed within the reasoning of the European Union. Margin squeeze is a special type of abuse of dominant position. This type of abuse has massively developed in last years. However, we cannot say that it is totally new form of abuse as we can find certain cases that concern margin squeeze already in the 70s. Nevertheless, especially because of the liberalisation of network industries in the 90s, this abuse has substantially spread up and because of that there was a necessity to answer certain questions that were unclear until that time. This thesis is composed of four main chapters that are further composed of particular subchapters for the purpose to analyse this development. Chapter one is dedicated to general characteristic of the margin squeeze. This abuse is first of all classified as a special type of the abuse of dominant position according to article 102 TFEU. Afterwards, the chapter concerns about the definition of this abuse and its particular legal and economical characters. This all from theoretical point of view. Chapter two briefly discuss the most significant cases that concern margin squeeze and that were decided by European institutions. All these cases are ordered chronologically and the main goal is to describe its...
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