Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stablishing"" "subject:"timetabling""
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Zoohygienické aspekty chovu skotu v podhorských oblastech / Animal hygine aspects in foothills areaBAKULOVÁ, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
The focus of following thesis is to evaluate selected aspects of animal hygine of livestock husbandry in term of welfare in foothills area. The study covers two private-owned farms in the same area, however with entirely different attitude to stock husbandry. Welfare itself is not easy to quantify and to mesure, but we can pass judgment on the over-all comfort of stock using folowing indicators: health condition, reproductive potential, production efficiency etc.. All above memtioned indicators consist of many aspects. The most important are, alimentation, diet, technology of stockmanship and stress. This thesis involves comparsion of animal welfare and its economical utilization and if the condionts of stock husbandry provided by farmers response welfare standarts . To summe up, the technology of free housing respect more the ethological demand of stock.
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Návrh ustájení a využití koní pro práci v leseCHALUPOVÁ, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
On the basis of written sources and actual information obtained from the forest owners a proposal for a solution has been prepared. The proposal concerns stabling system, health care and professional use of horses in the forest cover. Natural and terrain conditions as well as usability of particular cold-blooded horse breeds are taken into consideration while dealing with this matter. This study also includes a proposal for the organisation of work, necessary number of workers needed and rough financial budget of cost items. Study also compares horses to mechanical means of collecting wood. Based on the analysis, where 85 cold-blooded horses have been evaluated, an overview has been elaborated. The overview includes priorities and satisfaction of the owners with horses and horses´ current situation in forestry. In conclusion it is proven that average age of coachmen working in forestry is 42 years. The most often used breed is Slézský norik, in the age of 6 to 10 years. The coachmen usually work in a hard, sometimes even steep and chaotic, terrain. The most often stated payment for one concentrated cubic meter of wood is 80 CZK. The average number of concentrated cubic metres is 14 per day. The most often used type of stable for cold-blooded horses is tethering. The second most frequently used is stalls.
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Posouzení krmných dávek a jejich vliv na užitkové parametry ve výkrmu býků / Evaluation of feed rations and the impact on performance in bull fatteningKOLÁŘ, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the nutrition fattening cattle. The evaluation of the feed rations was based on the needs of nutrients for the recommended values in relation to utility parameters on the given farm. The work also evaluated feeding and stabling technique, the quality of feed composition and feed rations and evaluation of the basic economic indicators of fattening bulls.
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Porovnání vlivu technologie ustájení a dojení na vybrané ukazatele užitkovosti a kvality mléka / Comparing the impact of housing and milking technologies on selected indicators of performance and quality of milkPOLÁKOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is to compare free housing with a milking robot, milking of serious housing in the pipeline. The evaluation is focused on milk yield and its quality, reproductive performance and health. It is also monitored by the free choice of milking cows during the day. Consideration is also observed in stable microclimate. Everything is assessed under operational conditions. Object of study is a refurbished barn, where both systems are in operation. Were measured and compared observed values of milk production, reproduction and health status between groups. The observed values were evaluated in the program Statistica 9th of a computerized milking robot system was speciaed the period of time when Nada dairy milk provides the most of milk through a robot.. In the area of dairy cattle milking robot reaches a higher milk yield and increasing the percentage of lactose recovery. Milking stalls of the pipeline has better results in the percentage of protein recovery. The choice of time period of milking cows, the most milk by dairy cows wasprovided between 10:00-18:00 pm. In the area of reproduction achieved better results with loose housing milking robot. The issue of health status showed a statistically better health outcomes for the free housing with a milking robot.
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Energy use in the operational cycle of passenger rail vehicles / Energianvändning i passagerarjärnvägsfordons driftcykelVinberg, Erik Magni January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis investigates and analyzes the energy use for traction and auxiliary equipment in passenger rail vehicles. It covers both the train service with passengers and when the trains are going through other stages in the everyday operation. The operational cycle and associated operational situations are introduced as a way of describing the varying use of a train over time. The descriptions focus on the most common activities and situations, such as stabling and parking, regular cleaning, inspections and maintenance. Also how these situations affect energy use by their need for different auxiliary systems to be active. An energy model is developed based on the operational cycle as a primary input, together with relevant vehicle parameters and climate conditions. The latter proving to be a major influence on the energy used by the auxiliary equipment. The model is applied in two case studies, on SJ's X55 and Västtrafik's X61 trains. Both are modern electric multiple units equipped with energy meters. Model input is gathered from available technical documentation, previous studies and by measurements and parameter estimations. Operational cycle input is collected through different planning systems and rolling stock rosters. Climate input is finally compiled from open meteorological data banks. The results of the case studies show that the method and models are useful for studying the energy used by the trains in their operational cycles. With the possibility to distinguish the energy used by the auxiliary equipment, both during and outside the time the trains are in service with passengers. With this it's also possible to further investigate and study potential energy saving measures for the auxiliary equipment. Simulations of new ventilation control functions and improved use of existing operating modes on the trains show that considerable energy savings could be achieved with potentially very small investments or changes to the trains. The results generally show the importance of a continued investigation of the auxiliary equipment's energy use, as well as how the different operational situations other than the train service affect the total energy use. / Detta examensarbete utreder och analyserar energianvändningen för passagerarjärnvägsfordons traktion- och hjälpkraftssystem, både under tågdriften med passagerare och andra delmoment som tågen genomgår under den normala dagliga driften. För detta introduceras driftcykeln och tillhörande driftsituationer som ett sätt att beskriva användningen av ett tåg över tiden. Syftet är att beskriva de vanligast förekommande aktiviteterna och situationerna, såsom uppställning och parkering, regelbundna inspektioner, klargörningar och underhåll. Även hur dessa situationer påverkar energianvändningen genom ett varierande behov av hjälpkraft och aktiva funktioner i tågen. En energimodell baserad på driftcykeln som huvudsaklig indata, tillsammans med tågets egenskaper samt det omgivande klimatet, tas fram. Klimatet visar sig vara en avgörande faktor i hjälpkraftens energianvändning. Modellen utvärderas i typstudier på SJs X55 och Västtrafiks X61. Båda är elektriska motorvagnståg utrustade med energimätare. Indata till modellen samlas in genom tillgänglig teknisk dokumentation, tidigare studier och genom mätningar samt parameterestimering. Driftcyklerna för tågtyperna sammanställs med hjälp av olika planeringssystem och omloppsplaner. Väder- och klimatdata samlas slutligen in från öppna databaser för metrologiska data. Resultaten från typstudierna visar att metoden och modellerna är användbara verktyg för att kunna beskriva tågens energianvändning i deras driftcykler. Med möjligheten att särskilja hjälpkraftssystemens energianvändning vid tågdriften med passagerare men även i de övriga situationerna. Med detta blir det också möjligt att undersöka potentiella energibesparingsåtgärder för hjälpkraftssystemen. Simulering av förbättrade styrfunktioner för ventilationen och förbättrat utnyttjade av redan inbygga energibesparande driftlägen på tågen visar att betydande energibesparingar kan fås med relativt små medel och få förändringar på fordonen. De sammantagna resultaten av arbetet visar på vikten av att fortsätta undersöka och utreda hjälpkraftens energianvändning samt hur driftsituationerna utanför tågdriften med passagerare påverkar den totala energianvändningen.
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Prevention of theft of official vehicles of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in the Gauteng ProvinceMathebula, Esewu Mxolisi 29 September 2014 (has links)
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was formed in 1994 after the
integration of different “defence forces” into one large force. The sole existence of the
SANDF is to protect the borders of the Republic of South Africa and its inhabitants.
Resources such as vehicles make it easier for the SANDF to conduct mobile patrols
and other operations to ensure that the organisation is always combat-ready.
Motor vehicle theft is a crime that affects both individual citizens and organisations in
South Africa; the SANDF is not immune to the crime. Many SANDF motor vehicles are
stolen almost every day, and in most cases, these vehicles are taken without a trace.
While there are security measures in place aimed at preventing theft of SANDF
vehicles but these methods have proven futile.
A literature review formed the basis of the study. Once the main theory and ideologies
were identified, unstructured interviews were undertaken to gather information from
various stakeholders. Observations were also conducted to determine behavioural
patterns within military bases/units with regard to the parking of SANDF vehicles, even
when the vehicles were parked in urban settings. Essentially, there is a problem
regarding the security of SANDF vehicles and also the security within military bases /
units. This study indicated that the SANDF loses vast amounts of money due to motor
vehicle theft in Gauteng Province. The findings also revealed that the current vehicle
security measures are outdated, ineffective and inadequate in preventing SANDF
vehicles from being stolen.
The recommendations are that the SANDF must invest more of its budget on vehicle
security, rather than continuing with fruitless and monetary expenditure by conducting
Board of Inquiries (BOI) or lengthy investigations in an attempt to relocate stolen
vehicles or to determine how a particular vehicle was stolen. The SANDF requires a
comprehensive system that should prevent the theft of its vehicles, as well as curbing
the misuse of vehicles which ultimately renders SANDF vehicles as easy targets. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)
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Prevention of theft of official vehicles of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in the Gauteng ProvinceMathebula, Esewu Mxolisi 29 September 2014 (has links)
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was formed in 1994 after the
integration of different “defence forces” into one large force. The sole existence of the
SANDF is to protect the borders of the Republic of South Africa and its inhabitants.
Resources such as vehicles make it easier for the SANDF to conduct mobile patrols
and other operations to ensure that the organisation is always combat-ready.
Motor vehicle theft is a crime that affects both individual citizens and organisations in
South Africa; the SANDF is not immune to the crime. Many SANDF motor vehicles are
stolen almost every day, and in most cases, these vehicles are taken without a trace.
While there are security measures in place aimed at preventing theft of SANDF
vehicles but these methods have proven futile.
A literature review formed the basis of the study. Once the main theory and ideologies
were identified, unstructured interviews were undertaken to gather information from
various stakeholders. Observations were also conducted to determine behavioural
patterns within military bases/units with regard to the parking of SANDF vehicles, even
when the vehicles were parked in urban settings. Essentially, there is a problem
regarding the security of SANDF vehicles and also the security within military bases /
units. This study indicated that the SANDF loses vast amounts of money due to motor
vehicle theft in Gauteng Province. The findings also revealed that the current vehicle
security measures are outdated, ineffective and inadequate in preventing SANDF
vehicles from being stolen.
The recommendations are that the SANDF must invest more of its budget on vehicle
security, rather than continuing with fruitless and monetary expenditure by conducting
Board of Inquiries (BOI) or lengthy investigations in an attempt to relocate stolen
vehicles or to determine how a particular vehicle was stolen. The SANDF requires a
comprehensive system that should prevent the theft of its vehicles, as well as curbing
the misuse of vehicles which ultimately renders SANDF vehicles as easy targets. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)
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