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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fighting for Sustainability: A Case Study about Tenerife's Activism Movement

Brodtrager, Felicitas January 2023 (has links)
This research explores the perspectives of the opinion leaders of the activism movement in Tenerife on tourism on the island and the solutions proposed by these stakeholders to the current sustainability problems related to tourism. These issues include tourist's misbehavior in natural protected areas, waste, submarine emissions of residual water sewage, water shortage, gentrification, overtourism, overpopulation, 14,6% of unemployment in 2022, decline of agricultural land, high population density, etc. Furthermore, this study looks into how sustainability is articulated by the activism movement. The information was gathered from seven semi-structured interviews with opinion leaders of the activism movement with backgrounds in different fields including terrestrial biology, marine biology, archaeology, apiculture and agriculture. A thematic analysis was used to catalogue their responses into common topics to gain an overall picture of their perspective. The activist movement perceives the current tourism model as part of a system that needs to change by controlling and setting boundaries to tourist flows, immigration, construction and real state. Furthermore, they suggest a societal change towards valuing the natural and cultural heritage of the island. Sustainability is articulated by the activists as a balance between humans and nature, which should be obtained through a democratic decision-making process that assesses a common sustainable vision in line with scientific evidence. The activists further suggest that the transition towards sustainability requires cooperation between top-down changes and bottom-up changes, which will ultimately also transform the type of tourism on the island.

Stakeholder involvement in the management of public technical training institutions in Kenya

Onduru, James Otieno 06 1900 (has links)
The phenomena of stakeholder identification and involvement in the affairs of public entities has become of great importance in the recent years. Literature review reveals the extent of knowledge and discloses gaps that exist in the management of technical training institutions in Kenya. Therefore, key research questions aimed at achieving the objectives of this study were formulated. For empirical responses, a sample comprising three institutions was chosen, where respondents were selected purposively. Focus group and individual interviews were conducted for qualitative data collection from purposively selected respondents. The data analysis led to the conclusion that stakeholders are varied and their involvement in specific issues minimal. This implies lack of clarity of knowledge of the stakeholders and variation regarding the extent to which they need involvement and the effects. One recommendation is to carry out an analysis to establish legitimate stakeholders and their specific potential influences. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Enhancing value creation of construction projects through early stakeholder involvement and integration

Aapaoja, A. (Aki) 20 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract Nowadays, construction projects are implemented in highly demanding and complex built environments that require multisectoral and multidisciplinary efforts and collaboration between the project stakeholders with divergent interests, objectives, and backgrounds. Successful collaboration is one of the most efficient ways to enhance project value creation and gain better results, especially when it integrates stakeholders with different kinds of expertise and contributions. However, stakeholder management, involvement, and integration have been seen as a difficult issue, particularly in the early project phases, and have frequently resulted in conflicts and partial failures due to the lack of practical tools for managing the stakeholders and understanding their roles. The purpose of this dissertation is to enhance the understanding of how value creation can be enhanced through early stakeholder involvement and integration in the context of construction. The research applies a qualitative research approach and utilizes the case study methodology. The data for this research was collected through a survey and semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that project value creation can be increased by early stakeholder involvement and integration. However, it demands systematic stakeholder management practices in order to identify the different project-specific stakeholders and their requirements for the project. The results also show that the salience of the stakeholders varies within a project and from project to project, and some of the stakeholders are always more important than others. Nevertheless, all the stakeholders usually have the change to impact on and contribute to the project, positively or negatively. To exploit the expertise of a project stakeholder or to avoid the problems caused by the stakeholders, the framework for stakeholder identification and classification was created in this dissertation. / Tiivistelmä Rakennusteollisuuden projektien sekä rakennetun ympäristön muuttuminen yhä dynaamisemmaksi ja monimutkaisemmaksi edellyttää projektin sidosryhmien yhä aktiivisempaa ja syvällisempää osallistamista, yhteistyötä sekä vaatimusten huomioimista projektien määrittelyvaiheesta alkaen. Muilla teollisuuden aloilla sidosryhmien aikaisella osallistamisella projektin alusta alkaen on huomattu olevan positiivinen vaikutus projektien parempaan arvontuottoon ja tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen. Osoitetuista hyödyistä ja joistain hyvistä kokemuksista huolimatta, sidosryhmien osallistaminen ja integroiminen on osoittautunut yleisesti ottaen erittäin vaikeaksi ja haasteelliseksi, erityisesti vaativien ja kompleksisien projektien osalta. Pääsääntöisesti ongelmat johtuvat puutteellisesta toimintavavoista sekä tottumattomuudesta sidosryhmien kokonaisvaltaiseen osallistamiseen ja johtamiseen, mikä on usein johtanut sidosryhmien välisiin ristiriitoihin ja hankkeiden, ainakin osittaiseen, epäonnistumiseen. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tavoite on tutkia, että miten rakennusprojektien arvontuottoa voidaan parantaa sidosryhmien aikaisella osallistamisella ja integroinnilla. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jonka empiirinen aineisto on hankittu kyselyllä sekä haastatteluilla eri rakennusteollisuuden projekteista. Tulokset vahvistavat käsityksen, että sidosryhmien aikainen osallistaminen ja integroinnilla projektin arvontuottoa kaikille sidosryhmille voidaan tehostaa. Tämä kuitenkin vaati systemaattisia toimintatapoja ja prosesseja, jotta projektin kannalta keskeisimmät sidosryhmät ja heidän vaateensa kyetään tunnistamaan sekä osaaminen voidaan hyödyntää. Tulokset myös osoittavat, että projektin sidosryhmät eivät ole tasavertaisia keskenään ja heidän keskeisyytensä vaihtelee sekä projektin aikana että projektikohtaisesti. Tästä huolimatta, yleensä kaikki sidosryhmät voivat vaikuttaa, tavalla tai toisella, projektiin joko positiivisesti tai negatiivisesti. Jotta sidosryhmät voitaisiin osallistaa mahdollisimman tehokkaasti, ja näin ollen hyödyntää heidän osaaminen ja välttää ongelmat, luotiin tässä tutkimuksessa viitekehys sidosryhmien tunnistamiseksi, arvioimiseksi ja luokittelemiseksi.

Stakeholder involvement in the management of public technical training institutions in Kenya

Onduru, James Otieno 06 1900 (has links)
The phenomena of stakeholder identification and involvement in the affairs of public entities has become of great importance in the recent years. Literature review reveals the extent of knowledge and discloses gaps that exist in the management of technical training institutions in Kenya. Therefore, key research questions aimed at achieving the objectives of this study were formulated. For empirical responses, a sample comprising three institutions was chosen, where respondents were selected purposively. Focus group and individual interviews were conducted for qualitative data collection from purposively selected respondents. The data analysis led to the conclusion that stakeholders are varied and their involvement in specific issues minimal. This implies lack of clarity of knowledge of the stakeholders and variation regarding the extent to which they need involvement and the effects. One recommendation is to carry out an analysis to establish legitimate stakeholders and their specific potential influences. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Assessing the surface water resources management for agricultural activities in the Soc Trang Province, Vietnamese Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Nguyen, Thi My Linh, Phan, Ky Trung, Van, Pham Dang Tri 22 February 2019 (has links)
Climate change has been affecting to livelihoods of communities in the coastal plain of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD). Surface water management in the coastal plain was considered to be limited, especially in enforcement. Therefore, the research aimed to assess the stakeholder involvement, identify the conflict in using the surface water and mechanism to solve and avoid the conflict. The directive interview farmers and governmental staffs was implemented to collect the necessary data. The descriptive statistic was applied in order to analyze the collecting data through farmer survey. The questionnaire was built based on the governance assessment framework “Ten-building Block”. The results showed that the governmental group (including the people committee and the Provincial department) was the highest participatory in the management process both in decision-making level and interested level. The surface water users, especially the farmers participated with the average rate because of their low capacity in making the decision for a new policy or a new agricultural model. Besides, different groups of stakeholders as the non-governmental organization and governmental organization (the local Youth Union, Famer’s and Women’s Association) played an important role in raising the water user’s awareness. The remaining group, including nonagricultural company or traders, nearly were not concerned about the surface water changes. In addition, there were two main types of conflicts identified: between the farmers in the same kind (1) and different kind (2) of cultivation. As the consequence of the natural salinity and the impacts of output water from shrimp pond to the rice cultivation zone, the conflict was about the inefficient water regulation and distribution for each water user. These conflicts were mostly solved through self-negotiating and self-engaging between the farmers. In fact, there was no rule or principle to solve and prevent the potential water use conflict. Thus, this could be a great challenge for the surface water management in the agricultural zone as Soc Trang in the context of increasing the extreme climatic phenomenon. / Biến đổi khí hậu đã và đang tác động lớn đến sinh kế của các cộng đồng ven biển đồng bằng sông Cứu Long (ĐBSCL). Công tác quản lý tổng hợp tài nguyên nước mặt tại vùng ven biển được cho rằng còn tồn tại nhiều hạn chế, nhất là trong triển khai và thực thi. Vì vậy, nghiên cứu được thực hiện tại Sóc Trăng (một tỉnh ven biển ĐBSCL) nhằm đánh giá sự tham gia của các thành phần có liên quan, xác định các mâu thuẫn trong sử dụng nguồn nước mặt cũng như các giải pháp giải quyết và phòng tránh mâu thuẫn. Phương pháp phỏng vấn trực tiếp nông hộ, tham vấn chuyên gia quản lý và thống kê mô tả được áp dụng để đánh giá các mục tiêu đặt ra của đề tài. Các thông tin khảo sát được xây dựng dựa trên bộ mười tiêu chí đánh giá quản trị tài nguyên nước (van Rijswick et al., 2014). Kết quả cho thấy nhóm chính quyền địa phương (bao gồm UBND và các Sở/Ngành) có vai trò và mức độ tham gia cao nhất trong chu trình quản lý. Người sử dụng nước mặt, nhất là nông dân đóng góp sự tham gia tương đối do mức đô ra quyết định về thiết lập chính sách và lựa chọn mô hình canh tác thấp. Mặt khác, các nhóm đối tượng khác như các tổ chức phi chính phủ, Đoàn thể, Hội nông dân và Hội phụ nữ đóng góp vai trò quan trọng trong nâng cao nhận thức và kêu gọi cộng đồng sử dụng hiệu quả nguồn nước mặt. Các nhóm tổ chức kinh tế như doanh nghiệp, tiểu thương gần như không quan tâm đến nguồn nước mặt. Bên cạnh đó, các mâu thuấn về sử dụng nước mặt cũng được xác định. Các mâu thuẫn được phân chia thành 2 nhóm: cùng loại hình canh tác và giữa các loại hình canh tác khác nhau. Các mâu thuẫn chủ yếu về vấn đề điều tiết nguồn nước không hợp lý và thiếu cân bằng trong phân phối nước ngọt cho các đơn vị canh tác do xâm nhập mặn tự nhiên, xả thải nước mặn vào vùng ngọt và khai thác không đồng đều. Các mâu thuẫn này chủ yếu được giải quyết thông qua thương lượng và thỏa thuân giữa các đối tượng có liên quan chứ chưa có bất kỳ một cơ chế hay quy định nào nhằm giải quyết cũng như phòng tránh các mâu thuẫn tiềm tàng. Vì vậy, đây sẽ là một thách thức lớn cho công tác quản lý nguồn nước mặt tại vùng sản xuất nông nghiệp thâm canh như Sóc Trăng trong bối cảnh gia tăng cực đoan khí hậu.

Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders During a Projects Life Cycle : A Structured Visual Tool for Communication and Collaborative Decision-Making / Hållbart värdeskapande för intressenter genom ett projekts livscykel : Ett strukturerat visuellt verktyg för kommunikation och gemensamt beslutsfattande

Ben Youssef, Rami, Myhrer, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
The importance of sustainable development within the construction industry and its environmental and social impacts as well as economic significance has become more apparent over recent years. A key factor perceived as contributing to an organization’s business success is the integration of environmental, social, and economic issues into decision-making processes. The pressure from stakeholders regarding their expectations on sustainability has risen, and the importance of understanding the stakeholders’ opinions and perspectives in a construction project while simultaneously maintaining sustainable project management increases. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how stakeholder sustainability expectations can be promoted and achieved during a construction project life cycle and related building process stages by supporting the project manager using a specifically designed visual tool. This will be investigated by answering three research questions proposed in the Introduction chapter (page 5). The visual tool is created with the focus on defining and establishing sustainability parameters based on stakeholder expectations. The tool should be applicable to a broad variety of construction projects with different focus on stakeholder expectations. Furthermore, a theoretical framework has been developed as part of the analysis based on existing theories; the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010), Global Performance Framework (International Civil Aviation Organization, 2009) and Stakeholder Theory. The proposed framework and its visual tool component are a means to support a project manager with stakeholder communication, collaboration and informed decision-making. The visual tool is adapted to include a common language and structure to enhance the communication and collaboration amongst key stakeholders and support a project manager with ensuring that the construction project is focused on achieving sustainability results expected by the stakeholders. / Betydelsen av hållbar utveckling inom byggbranschen och dess miljö- och sociala påverkan samt den ekonomiska betydelsen har blivit tydligare de senaste åren. En nyckelfaktor som uppfattas som bidragande till en organisations finansiella framgångar är integreringen av miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska frågor i beslutfattningsprocessen. Trycket från intressenter gällande deras förväntningar på hållbarhet har ökat, och betydelsen av att uppfatta intressenternas åsikter och perspektiv inom ett byggnadsprojekt – och samtidigt upprätthålla hållbar projektledning – har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur intressenters hållbarhets förväntningar kan främjas och uppnås under ett byggnadsprojekts livscykel och relaterat till byggnadsprocess steg genom att stödja projektledaren med användning av ett specifikt designat visuellt verktyg. Detta kommer att undersökas genom att svara på tre forskningsfrågor föreslagna i introduktionskapitlet (sida 5). Det visuella verktyget är skapat med fokuset på att definiera och etablera hållbarhets parametrar baserat på intressenters förväntningar. Verktyget ska kunna tillämpas på en mängd olika byggnadsprojekt med olika fokus på intressenters förväntningar. Ett teoretiskt ramverk har utvecklats som del av analysen baserat på redan existerande teorier; Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010), Global Performance Framework (International Civil Aviation Organization, 2009) och Intressentmodellen. Det föreslagna ramverket och dess visuella verktyg som utgör en av dess komponenter, är ett sätt att stödja en projektledare med intressentkommunikation, samverkan och informerat beslutsfattande. Det visuella verktyget har anpassats till att inkludera ett gemensamt språk och struktur för att förbättra kommunikation och samarbetet bland nyckelintressenter och stödja en projektledare med att säkerställa att ett byggprojekt har som fokus att uppnå förväntade hållbarhetsresultat.

The role of educators in the management of school discipline in the Nkangala region of Mpumalanga

Mtsweni, Jim 30 November 2008 (has links)
This study focuses on the role of educators in the establishment and maintenance of effective discipline in the school and classroom. In a mainly qualitative investigation, empirical data from three secondary schools in the Nkangala region of the Mpumalanga Province were collected by means of focus group and individual interviews as well as observation. These data were analysed in accordance with accepted procedures for qualitative data processing. The study confirmed most of the views found in the existing body of knowledge on school discipline. In the dissertation, detailed attention is paid to the disciplinary problems those educators who were interviewed, experienced, the perceived origin of those problems and suggested solutions. The rights and duties of educators in regard to the management of discipline were also considered. To conclude the study, eight strategies to promote the establishment and maintenance of discipline in secondary schools were proposed. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

Problems facing educators in implementing the National Curriculum Statement : the case of Tshifhena Secondary School, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Badugela, Thivhavhudzi Muriel 03 1900 (has links)
The implementation of the National Curriculum Statement was problematic to the culture of teaching and learning in various South African schools. If challenges experienced by educators, such as inadequate resources, financial constraints and lack of training, are not addressed, this will have far-reaching consequences not only for our education system but also for the type of skilled learners that will be produced and for the economic growth of the country. This qualitative investigation was conducted in a single school in Limpopo Province with the aim of finding out which challenges the implementation of the NCS presents to FET educators. The sample consisted of educators and learners from grades ten to twelve as well as members of the SGB, SMT and district education officers. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. It was found that the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement was problematic and far from satisfactory. The study highlights the need for the Department of Education to prioritise educational resources for schools and educator training in curriculum implementation. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

South African principals' perceptions of shared leadership and its relevance for school discipline

Mtsweni, Jim 06 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the South African principals’ perceptions of shared leadership and its relevance for school discipline. In a mainly qualitative investigation, empirical data from ten secondary schools in the Nkangala District of the Mpumalanga Province were collected by means individual interviews and observation. These data were analyzed in accordance with accepted procedures for qualitative data processing. The preponderance of evidence collected in this study indicates that school principals indirectly contribute to school effectiveness and learner achievement through actions they take to influence what happens in the schools and classrooms. The skillful leadership of school principals is a key contributing factor when it comes to explaining successful change, school improvement, or school effectiveness. Schools should provide a stable, caring environment for all learners, irrespective of whether they are working with support or indifference of families. The role of the schools in relation to learners’ cultural and social differences should be supportive. Shared leadership is regarded as the state or quality of mutual influence in which team members disperse the leadership role through the group, participate in the decision-making processes, fulfill functions traditionally reserved for hierarchical leaders, and when appropriate, provide guidance to others to achieve group goals and objectives. The relevant stakeholders should work collaboratively in the education of learners. Principals and educators must understand that their traditional roles have changed and improved organizational teamwork will be fostered by all members of the learning community assuming decision-making roles. For the haul of school improvement school principals have to develop and expand their leadership repertoires. The collaborative process in shared school leadership should offer the opportunity for educators, learners, parents and the other stakeholders to study, to learn about shared leadership and also to share and to enact leadership. The management of discipline in schools is central to effective teaching and learning. A school that does not have an effective discipline policy (that includes strategies and support mechanisms that are available to all the members of the school community) and that does not maintain a climate of sound discipline, will not function as a centre for teaching and learning. The process of implementing a discipline policy should involve collaborative decision-making. All relevant stakeholders of the school community should have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. The study confirmed most of the views found in the existing body of knowledge on shared leadership and its relevance for school discipline. In the thesis, detailed attention is paid to the challenges those principals who were interviewed, experienced, and to the perceived origin of those challenges and suggested solutions. To conclude the study, a model for exercising sound school discipline through shared school leadership, including ten strategies to promote the implementation of shared school leadership in secondary schools, were proposed. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The role of educators in the management of school discipline in the Nkangala region of Mpumalanga

Mtsweni, Jim 30 November 2008 (has links)
This study focuses on the role of educators in the establishment and maintenance of effective discipline in the school and classroom. In a mainly qualitative investigation, empirical data from three secondary schools in the Nkangala region of the Mpumalanga Province were collected by means of focus group and individual interviews as well as observation. These data were analysed in accordance with accepted procedures for qualitative data processing. The study confirmed most of the views found in the existing body of knowledge on school discipline. In the dissertation, detailed attention is paid to the disciplinary problems those educators who were interviewed, experienced, the perceived origin of those problems and suggested solutions. The rights and duties of educators in regard to the management of discipline were also considered. To conclude the study, eight strategies to promote the establishment and maintenance of discipline in secondary schools were proposed. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

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