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Attraktiva och smarta tunnelbanestationer i Stockholm : En studie av dagens förhållanden som utgångspunkt för framtida insatser / Attractive and smart subway stations in Stockholm : A study of current conditions as a basis for future interventionsSANCHEZ MORALES, SERGIO January 2017 (has links)
Intresset som ligger till grund för denna rapport är att få moderna och attraktiva tunnelbanestationer i den närmaste framtiden. Formgivningen av framtida tunnelbanestationer i Stockholm kräver att man tar hänsyn till ett antal faktorer. Vissa av dessa faktorer studeras redan i dokumentet Gestaltningsprogrammet för tunnelbanan till Nacka – vilket är utgångspunkt för den föreliggande slutrapporten – medan andra successivt måste introduceras för att åstadkomma smartare lösningar i kommande tider. Hur upplever en grupp av yrkesverksamma experter Stockholms tunnelbanestationer idag? Vilka är, enligt dessa experter, de rådande förhållandena som begränsar stationernas attraktivitet och, i så fall, vilka åtgärder kan främja denna attraktivitet i framtiden? Hur kan IKT-lösningar integreras i gestaltningen av moderna och attraktiva tunnelbanestationer för Stockholm i den närmaste framtiden? Dessa är de centrala frågor som leder undersökning i föreliggande rapport, genom en litteraturstudie och elva semistrukturerade intervjuer. Insamlingen av det studerade materialet tillsammans med analysresultaten ledde till följande påstående: för att uppnå attraktiva och moderna tunnelbanestationer bör ett presumtivt gestaltningsprogram inkludera alla begrepp som har undersökts i rapporten – dvs. attraktivitet, hållbarhet, tidstålighet, trygghet och tillgänglighet – med tillägg av konceptet "smarta anläggningar". Däremot bör dessa värdeord inte ses som fristående delar, utan som sammanbundna delar i ett helhetsperspektiv. Tunnelbanesystemet i Stockholm bör säkerställa en rad åtgärder på kort och medellång sikt. Dessa åtgärder ska i sin tur vara grunden till kvalitetsprånget som krävs för att staden kan dra nytta av attraktivare tunnelbanestationer i det långa loppet. De föreslagna åtgärderna bör tillföra både konkreta men även potentiella lösningar för arkitekter och planerare; öka uppfattningen av framtida tunnelbanestationer som attraktiva och moderna samt gynna en hög grad av upplevelsevärde i tunnelbanestationsmiljön. Däremot kvarstår mycket arbete, framfor allt vad det gäller tillämplighet att de föreslagna insatser samt andra lösningar som kan dyka upp under framtida studier, vilket i sin tur kommer att kräva en mer detaljerad analys framöver. Föreliggande rapport ska således fungera som ett underlag och en inspirationskälla för detta fortlöpande arbete. / The aim for this report is to propose potential strategies in order to develop more modern and attractive subway stations in the near future. The design of future subway stations in Stockholm requires a number of factors to be taken into account. Some of these factors are already under study in the Design program for the metro line to Nacka – which is the starting point for the present final report – while others must be gradually introduced when aiming for smarter solutions in the future. How does a group of professional experts experience Stockholm's subway stations today? What, according to these experts, are the prevailing conditions that limit the attractiveness of these stations and, if so, what measures can promote this attractiveness in the future? How can ICT solutions be integrated into the design of modern and attractive subway stations for Stockholm in the near future? These are the essential questions to be answered by this report, using a literature survey and eleven semi-structured interviews. The collection of studied material along with the analysis of the results led to the following statement: in order to achieve attractive and modern subway, a presumptive design program should include all the concepts studied in the report – i.e. attractiveness, durability, sustainability, security, and accessibility –, but not as standalone elements, but as interconnected components of a holistic perspective. The underground system in Stockholm should ensure a range of measures in the short and medium term. These measures will in turn be the basis of the quality leap required for the city to take advantage of attractive metro stations in the long run. The proposed should bring forth both practical suggestions, but also potential solutions for architects and planners; increase the perception of future subway stations as attractive and modern as well as benefit a high level of experience value in the metro station environment. However, there is much work that remains and that will require a more detailed analysis in the future, especially as regards the applicability of the proposed actions as well as other solutions that may emerge during the course of future studies. The current report should therefore serve as background material and inspiration for this ongoing work.
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'New-found methods and ... compounds strange' : reading the 1640 'Poems: Written by Wil. Shake-Speare. Gent'Acker, Faith D. January 2012 (has links)
The second edition of Shakespeare's sonnets, titled Poems: Written by Wil. Shake-Speare, Gent, and published by stationer John Benson in 1640, was a text typical of its time. In an effort to update the old-fashioned sonnet sequence in which its contents had first reached print, the compiler or editor of the Bensonian version rearranged the poems from the earlier quarto text, adding titles and other texts thought to have been written by or about the sonnets' author. The immediate reception of the 1640 Poems was a quiet one, but the volume's contents and structure served as the foundation for more than half of the editions of Shakespeare's sonnets produced in the eighteenth century. In part due to the textual instability created by the presence of two disparate arrangements of the collection, Shakespeare's sonnets served only as supplements to the preferred Shakespearean canon from 1709 to 1790. When, at the end of the century, the sonnets finally entered the canon in Edmond Malone's groundbreaking edition of the plays and poems together, Benson's version was quickly overshadowed by the earlier text, which was preferred as both more authorial and, due to Malone's careful critical readings, autobiographical. In contrast to the many scholars since Malone who have overlooked or denigrated the Poems of 1640, this thesis studies the second edition of Shakespeare's sonnets within the framework of the early modern culture that produced it, arguing that Benson's edition provides valuable evidence about the editorial habits and literary preferences of the individuals and culture for which it was originally intended.
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