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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är kompromisser möjliga vid miljöpolitik? : En ideologianalys på regeringens proposition gällande skatt på plastbärkassar

Finnkvist, Thea January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis provides you as the reader with an insight into how ideologicalcompromises can unfold within environmental politics. It conducts an ideological analysis ofproposition 2019/20:47 concerning the tax on plastic carrier bags. The following ideologieswill be examined: socialism, liberalism, conservatism, and green ideology, and how they arelikely to influence the design and implementation of environmental policies. The purpose isto highlight how political ideologies may impact the formulation of environmental policiesand the role they play in the implementation of concrete measures to address environmentalissues. It also explores whether cooperation between political parties with differentideological backgrounds can lead to compromises or if a single ideology dominates when itcomes to shaping environmental policies.The findings of this bachelor's thesis indicate that, currently, it is difficult to pursue anenvironmental policy based on a compromise without one ideology permeating the entireagreement. Through the analysis conducted in this thesis, it is demonstrated that socialism isa strong driving ideology in proposition 2019/20:47 concerning the tax on plastic carrierbags. Furthermore, a discussion is held on the importance of having a unified environmentalpolicy that can effectively address the environmental crisis. This applies both at the nationallevel and as a good example to follow internationally. Having a unified environmental policyis considered necessary in order to have any chance of mitigating the global environmentalcrisis.

EN SVENSKKULTURKANON? : En diskursanalys över debatten om en svensk kulturkanon 2022

Modig, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines the political proposition of a Swedish cultural canon as proposed by the Swedish coalition government in the Tidö-treaty. By a discourse analysis of the media debate I aim to get a deeper understanding of the proposition and what shape it will take. Canon and canon formation have been object for many debates through the ages and has often been accused as an elitist tool that helps keep certain groups in power. By applying a theoretical lens of cultural hegemony onto the debate I am therefore able to draw conclusions from the opinions expressed regarding the proposition. Every canon is shaped by it’s specific social and historical context which means Ideas expressed specifically regarding this specific proposition is essential to gain an understanding of it. For thar reason articles from the current debate will serve as material for the analysis. The articles are collected from four Swedish newspaper with the ambition to get such complete coverage of the debate as possible. Four discourses emerge from the debate. Canon as a nationalistic weapon, canon as status quo, canon as symbolic politics and canon as cultural capital. The first discourse show canon perceived as a nationalistic weapon, a tool by the Swedish parliamentary party Sverigedemokraterna, with whom the proposition is associated, to make society conform to Swedish culture. Canon as status quo is a discourse which is a critique of the critics rather than a critique of the proposition itself. It argues that the objection to the proposals comes from a fear of the current cultural elite to share knowledge which ultimately could result in a hegemonic downfall. Canon as symbolic politics argues that the proposition is merely a way for politicians to make it seem like they engage in cultural politics while in fact they are cutting down on funding in other areas. The last discourse, canon as cultural capital. Instead argues that canon do have potential to deal with educational and societal problems like integration and literacy by putting pressure I schools and headmaster to provide a certain education. The results show an overall negative perception of canon, not in itself as an educational tool but canon as proposed in the Tidö-treaty. The conclusion draws from the proposition’s close association with the parliamentary party Sverigedemokraterna and the view of canon as means to a political end. Research in the area supports the idea of canon as a reproductive tool able to reinforce certain political ideas, however it depends as much on how it is used as it’s content and purpose. That means that if treated as such canon could very well turn out to be a nationalistic weapon however its not a given.

Flyktingar och “flyktingar” : Sverigedemokraternas Framställning av Ukrainska Flyktingar Jämfört med Utomeuropeiska Flyktingar

Rezai, Mohsen January 2023 (has links)
The number of refugees worldwide has reached an all-time high. The responses to refugees vary depending on the countries they are seeking refuge in. This study uses Fairclough's three-dimensional model to analyze the Sweden Democrats' portrayal of refugees, with a particular focus on the difference between Ukrainian refugees and overseas refugees. By exploring textual analysis, discursive practice and social practice, the study highlights the rhetoric used to create contrasting images of different refugee groups, as well as the underlying ideological and political assumptions that characterize this discourse. The results show that the Sweden Democrats' portrayal of refugees can contribute to deepening the polarization around migration issues in Sweden. Furthermore, the study reveals that this portrayal can have major consequences for shaping public attitudes and political decision-making processes Although this study contributes important insights into how refugee discourses are shaped and used politically, it also highlights the need for further research, particularly comparative studies of similar discourses in other European countries.

Den kvinnliga representationen i Europaparlamentet : En kvantitativ studie av EU:s 27 medlemsländer

Sandström, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Women in the European Parliament are as of now underrepresented. Women make up more than half of all the European Union’s 27 countries population but has less than 40 percent representation in the European Parliament. If socioeconomic status had anything to do with the results is what this study seeks to uncover. By creating correlation and regression analyses between the female share of EU parliamentarians and each EU-country’s socioeconomic status the study tries to explain the differences in each country’s share of female representation. The study bases its result on material gathered about female representation in the European Parliament as well as the average schooling, average income and employment rates of each individual country which have been constructed into a single variable. The question posed is if socioeconomic factors had any effect on the results of the 2019 European Parliament election regarding female representation. In addition to these variables, three separate control variables have been used to be able to separate the control variables effects from the relationship between the dependent and independent variable. The three control variables are ideology, gender quotas and the share of women in each country’s national parliaments. The result of the study is that socioeconomic status did not have a statistic significant influence on the result of the 2019 election. / <p>2022-05-25</p>

Skandalerna på äldreboendena : Skildrar dagspressen misstro eller tillit?

Thomasson, Lena January 2022 (has links)
Inhumana och kaosartade situationer inom äldreomsorgen har framträtt i dagspressen under de senaste drygt tio åren främst vid två tillfällen: Caremaskandalen som blev en mediaskandal 2011 och vid covid-19-utbrottet år 2020. Äldreomsorgen vara trygg och säker, av god kvalitet och utifrån den äldres behov (Socialdepartementet 2020). Det finns ett statsvetenskapligt problem i skillnaden mellan det som speglas i medierna och de rättigheter som policyskapare hävdar att de äldre ska ha. Författaren vill med denna uppsats undersöka vilka värderingar som uttrycks i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet de två aktuella perioderna och hur kan de förstås utifrån de två teoretiska ansatserna New Public Management och tillitsbaserad styrning samt om det finns en skillnad mellan de två perioderna, avseende vilka värderingar som dagspressen ger uttryck för. Artiklarna undersöks kvalitativt med kvanitativa inslag med en metod för tematisk analys. Slutsatserna visar att det främst uttrycks misstro, som riktar sig åt olika håll: mot institutionerna, äldreboendenas organisation och mot omsorgspersonalen. Detta är långt ifrån den tillitsbaserade styrning som Tillitsdelegationen förespråkar, där tillit är den motivation som skapas när beslut delegeras till lokal nivå (Bringselius 2018:135). / Inhuman and chaotic situations in elderly care have been described in daily newspapers during the last ten years particularly on two occasions: the Carema-scandal on 2011 and during the breakout of the covid-19 on 2020. Elderly care needs to be safe and secure, of good quality and adapted to the needs of the elderly (Socialdepartementet 2020). A problem within the sphere of political science is expressed in the discrepancy between the narrate of the media and the rights of the elderly as stated by the policy makers. The author of this essay examines which values are depicted in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet during the two periods and how they may be understood from the two theoretical approaches New Public Management and trustbased governance and if there is a difference between the two periods, regarding the values that the daily press is expressing. The articles are examined qualitatively with a quantitative element using thematic analysis as method. The conclusions show that mainly expressions of distrust in various directions are found: towards the institutions and the organisation of the elderly care as well as towards the caregivers. This is far from the trustbased governance that is advocated by Tillitsdelegationen, where trust is the motivation created as decisions are delegated to local level (Bringselius 2018:135). / <p>2022-05-25</p>

Kommunalt beslutsfattande i pandemin : En studie av Coronapandemins påverkan på förutsättningarna för beslutsfattande i en svensk kommunal kontext.

Wevel, Axel January 2022 (has links)
How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected decision making in a Swedish municipality? The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of restrictions in terms of participation in the decision-making process. And how these restrictions have affected the municipalities from an instrumental perspective. The study is conducted as a case study with interviews of central sources in two Swedish local municipalities. The interviews have been structured and analysed in aspect of three themes: democratic control, legal certainty and division of roles. The result of the study shows that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a clear impact on decision making issues in the Swedish municipalities, at least from the instrumental perspective which is used for the analysis. All the three themes have been affected. Due to restrictions in meetings the decision makers have been reduced in number which has had democratic effects when some members of the local government have been staying away from meetings. Further the division of roles between politicians and officials has been affected by the pandemic, when meetings have been cancelled and the elected politicians have not been able to make decisions, nor follow up decisions earlier made. In regard of the legal certainty issue the municipalities have made a lot of progress to make certain that virtual meetings with decision making agendas can be held in a legally secure way. The local parliament is meeting relatively few times per year, whereas in my opinion the consequences of the pandemic have made a rather noticeable impact on the decision-making process in the municipalities. / <p>2022-05-25</p>

Brottslighet, trygghet och integritet : Den politiska retoriken om kameraövervakning i svensk politik

Grinneby, Dagmar January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Utdöende landsbygd? : Hur representeras landsbygd i kommunal policy?

Fredholm, Christer January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines how the countryside is represented in municipal policy. It examines the countrysidein a position of vulnerability and political and economic marginalisation. Where this marginalisation hasled to a geographically centralised increase of populism. Strategic actions and how these places arerepresented in municipal policy is decisive for the countryside’s survival and development. But also, fora decrease of populism and the gaining of political stabilisation.The thesis studies three municipal strategic documents for local development, and analyses what isproduced as flawed and what actions that describes as necessary to remain fairly, equivalent livingconditions irrespective of geographical location. Strategic documents for development imply a meaningmakingproduct and form the basis for how the effects of urbanization are perceived and managed. Theambition is to understand how rural municipalities strategic development plans present the picture ofwhat problems urbanization creates, who or what is the cause, what solutions or strategies are presentedand what relational dimensions there are between urban and rural areas.The importance of places comes into being because they have meaning for each other. The thesis willtherefore have a place-relational setting, where urbanization is discussed from a place-relationalperspective. How the countryside is represented in municipal policy will be discussed based on therelationship or conflict between location-independent equality and economic growth.


Osman, Mustafe January 2021 (has links)
There is an ongoing debate on evaluating peacekeeping missions sent to conflict settings and whether such interventions be successfully achieved or not. Assessing the challenges that peacekeepers face in a conflict environment, like Somalia, is difficult, yet the reasons have not been evaluated extensively. Many scholars tried to consider peacekeeping missions internally, such as funding, capacity, and the composition of peacekeepers. However, the role of internal factors such as the knowledge and the ability of local people is overlooked, and the voices of the Somali traditional leaders seems missing. Therefore, this paper delves into this by examining the challenges and the prospects that the African Mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, faces, from the Somali point of view in stabilizing and building peace in south and central Somalia. This case study of Somalia uses elite interviews with an open-ended questionnaire to collect data from 12 respondents, including males and females from different Somali communities. The empirical findings of this thesis presented that AMISOM is not practically doing the work it is mandated to do due to some fundamental challenges. Every troop-contributing state of AMISOM has different and separate interests, overlapping and challenging the overall mission mandate. It further revealed that international peacekeeping principles are either non-applicable to AMISOM or not deliberately applied and chosen from other unknown and conflicting principles. The study also proposes that engagement of local knowledge with peacekeeping efforts and removal of neighboring countries from the peacekeeping efforts would ease the peacekeeping challenges in Somalia.

"Every day, every meeting, all the time" : En polycentrisk blick på samarbetet med överenskommelser i det svenska hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet

Moa, Carlsson January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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