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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Äldre stenåldern i Småland och Östergötland : Cirka 10 000 - 6000 f.kr

Frick Simonsson, Anton January 2014 (has links)
​This essey focus on the first people in Småland and Östergötland. I investigate how they adapted to a new environment and what changes occurred in their material culture. The purpose is to provide an overview of the first people who arrived there. I describe the settlements, material culture, graves and so on.

Den slagna Stenen & Härden : Mänskligt beteende kring Mesolitiska härdar i östra Mellansverige

Svensk, Anna January 2022 (has links)
This paper will focus on the behavioral patterns around two hearths from two different settlements in Sweden during the late Mesolithic Stone Age, by studying stone tools and production waste around the hearths.

The Mesolithic Skeletons of Motala Canal / De Mesolitiska Skeletten från Motala Kanal

Larsson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
This essay is about the Mesolithic of Motala Canal and the depositions that have been found there, including a large number of animal bones. I would argue the most important discovery at this site was the human skulls, which will be the main topic of this essay. I will be working with ritual theory, and I will be working with past research on the Mesolithic, graves, and rituals. In this essay, I discuss whether this site has anything to do with rituals, and if so, are these mortuary rituals? The conclusion is that the site I have analysed was a ritualistic space. Some form of rituals that involved the craniums happened here for around 150 years during the late Mesolithic. What is not clear is if this was for mortuary purposes or other kind of purposes.

Enkla skafthålsyxor i Norrland under senneolitikum-bronsåldern / Simple Shaft-Hole Axes in Norrland During the Late Neolithic-Bronze Age

Lönnqvist, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the study of the artefact type called simple shaft-hole axe (Swedish: enkel skafthålsyxa) that have been found in the northern region of Sweden, Norrland. In contrast to finds in southern and middle Sweden, axes of this type in Norrland have not been extensively studied. Therefor the aim of this paper is to tabulate their number and distribution and see if the axes have any spatial relation to ancient monuments (Swedish: fornlämningar) dated to the same period and to see if the axes have any spatial relationship to any specific type of geography/terrain. This study also analyzes how they compare to the axes found in the rest of Sweden and thus what they may be able to tell us about prehistoric society in Norrland. This paper can be viewed as an extension of Per Lekberg’s dissertation Yxors liv, människors landskap: en studie av kulturlandskap och samhälle i Mellansveriges senneolitikum which is the most modern and extensive analysis of axes found in southern and middle Sweden and has provided a blueprint for the research done in this paper.

I jordbrukets periferi : En studie om utvecklingen av agrar bebyggelse i marginella miljöer från stenåldern till järnåldern i Norra Sverige / In the periphery of agriculture : An approach to the development of agrarian farmsteads in marginal environments through the Stone Age to the Iron Age located in Northern Sweden

Eriksson, Love January 2019 (has links)
The development and establishment of agriculture in Northern Sweden has since long been believed to appear during the Late Iron Age, close to the Viking period, but recent finds from the Bronze Age in Umeå has opened up new discussion of when agriculture first emerged. Although too early to discuss where and when it developed, the material currently available on the topic allows for discussion for how it developed. By looking at sediment and soil conditions surrounding the settlements in combination with palaeoenvironments and past climate one aim was to try and search for settlement patterns in relation to agricultural potential, this was however unsuccessful. Cultivation practices were analysed using weed and wetland flora as well as agricultural indicators in pollen diagrams. Most settlements appear to focus firstly on animal husbandry and secondarily on cultivating crops, and they might have because of their coastal positioning also relied on fishing. The results confirmed previous hypothesis about the development of agriculture and cultivation practices in Northern Sweden during the Bronze and Iron Age, however, some issues remain concerning the lacking osteological material. / Utvecklingen och etableringen av jordbruk i Norrland har sedan länge verkat förekomma först under yngre järnåldern, nära vikingatiden, men nya fynd från bronsåldern i Umeå har öppnat upp diskussionen igen om när jordbruket först etablerade sig. Fastän det är för tidigt att behandla var och när, så tillåter det nuvarande materialet att börja till att diskutera hur jordbruket utvecklade sig. Kringliggande jordförhållanden har undersökts runtom bosättningar i relation till palaeomiljöer och forntida klimat med målet att söka efter bosättningsmönster i relation till potentialen att etablera jordbruk, men inga mönster framkom. Odlingsmetoder undersöktes genom ogräs och våtmarksväxter såväl som indikatorer på jordbruk och betning i pollendiagram. De flesta bosättningarna uppvisade ett fokus i första hand på djurhållning och i andra hand odling, samt att dess närhet till kusten och havet troligen såg ett utvecklat fiske. Resultaten bekräftade tidigare hypoteser om jordbrukets utveckling och odlingsmetoder i Norrland under Brons- och Järnåldern, dock återstår vissa problem beträffande det bristande osteologiska materialet.

Ett tvådelat Norrland : En studie om grophus från stenåldern i mellersta Norrland. / A divided Norrland : A study on semi-subterranean houses from the stone age in the middle part of Norrland

Karlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the semi-subterranean houses in northern Sweden, specifically in the counties Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. The semi-subterranean houses were usedby hunter-gatherers and the houses date to the end of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In this study two separate types of semi-subterranean houses are being investigated. Both types of semi-subterranean houses are categorized as ‘settlement embankments’ (Sw. boplatsvall). Within the study one type is called ‘embankments of fire-cracked stones’ (Sw. skärvstensvall) which are situated in the interior part of Norrland, and the other type is called ‘embankmentsof gravel/sand’ (Sw. grusvall) which are mainly found in the coastal areas of Norrland. The purpose of this study is to investigate the number of individuals residing within the semi-subterranean houses. Cross-cultural studies based on ethnographic material is used to calculate how many individuals lived in each house. The cross-cultural study of floor area has resulted in a mean of how much space (6.1 m2) a prehistoric human needs in a dwelling. This number is used to calculate the number of individuals that lived in each house based on the size of the floor area. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there are any differences between the embankments of fire-cracked stone and the embankments of gravel/sand. Are they simply different construction techniques or are there any other differences between them, such as size, social structure and chronology.

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