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Ägarkoncentration och internt ägande i aktieåterköpande och icke-återköpande bolag : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie som jämför bolag noterade på StockholmsbörsenJälminger, Marcus, Rosendahl, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Aktieåterköp är en snabbt växande företeelse och är på grund av tidigare lagar relativt nytt i Sverige jämfört med andra utvecklade länder. Aktieåterköp kan i vissa fall användas som ett substitut för utdelning, men kan även genomföras för att signalera marknaden och förhindra företagsuppköp. För att få en större förståelse för aktieåterköp har ett fåtal studier undersökt dess samband till ägarförhållanden på olika sätt. Dessa studier visar olika resultat i olika länder, vilket kan tyda på att landspecifika faktorer spelar roll vid undersökning av ägarförhållanden. Den aktuella studien undersöker hur ägarkoncentrationen och det interna ägandet ser ut i bolag som återköper aktier, samt om det finns någon skillnad i ägarkoncentration och internt ägande mellan aktieåterköpande och icke-återköpande bolag som är noterade på Stockholmsbörsen. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats och använder en tvärsnittsdesign för att besvara hypoteserna och jämföra de två grupperna. Hypoteserna är framställda utifrån den teoretiska referensramen som främst grundar sig i agentteori och asymmetrisk information. Resultatet visar hur ägarkoncentrationen och det interna ägandet ser ut för bolag som återköper egna aktier på Stockholmsbörsen 2019. Små skillnader kunde ur studiens resultat observeras mellan de två grupperna av observationer. Skillnaderna uppvisade ingen statistisk signifikans. / Share repurchases are a rapidly growing phenomenon and is relatively new in Sweden compared to other developed countries due to previous swedish laws. Share repurchases are often seen as a substitute for dividends, but can also be implemented to signal the market and prevent corporate acquisitions. Few studies have investigated share repurchases relation to ownership in various ways in order to understand the phenomenon further. These studies show different results in different countries, which may indicate that country-specific factors play a role when investigating ownership. The current study examines the ownership concentration and the internal ownership in companies that repurchase shares, and also if there is a difference in ownership concentration and internal ownership between companies that repurchase stocks and those who don’t. These companies are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The study has a quantitative approach and uses a cross-sectional design to answer the hypotheses and compare the two selected groups. The hypotheses are produced on the basis of the theoretical frame of reference, which is mainly based on agency theory and asymmetrical information. The results of the study indicate how the concentration and internal ownership looks for companies that repurchase their own shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. Small differences could be observed from the study’s results between the two groups of observations. The differences showed no statistical significance. Read more
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母子公司交叉持股之資訊內涵與經濟誘因之實證研究 / An Empirical Study on the Information Content and Economic Incentive of Parent-Subsidiary Cross Holdings蔡柳卿, Tsai, Liu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
整體來看,子公司買進母公司股票之交易並非如實務界所宣稱,係傳遞公司未來前景較佳之資訊,反而可能和內線交易與股價操縱有關。因此,本研究支持目前財政部擬議中嚴格禁止或限制母子公司交叉持股的方案,此外,本研究應有助於投資人做投資決策時,對於母子公司交叉持股的本質有所了解。 / Companies are not allowed to buy back any of its own shares except in some special cases according to the Company Laws in Taiwan, but the practice that parent companies repurchase their own stocks through subsidiary companies (which is so called parent-subsidiary cross-holding transactions) is popular currently. From the economic substance view, the parent and subsidiary companies are treated as a single economic entity, and the parents' stocks held by their subsidiaries are treasury stocks in substance. Since the authorities and investors are all concerned with this issue, and previous work in this area is limited, this thesis investigates the information content and economic incentives of these transactions. Specifically, there are two research questions in this dissertation. The first is whether the transactions that subsidiary companies purchase parents' stocks convey any information about parents' future prospects? And whether the stock price reactions around announcement dates are positively related to parents' subsequent earnings changes. The next question is whether these transactions are motivated by insiders' intent to sell their own shares for self-interest? And is the stock price behavior around announcement dates consistent with the explanation that stock price is manipulated?
The findings of the first research question are as follows. First, I find no evidence that there are positive aggregate unexpected quarterly earnings relative to a size and industry-matched control sample over the announcement quarter and subsequent four ones. Second, the significant evidence that there are positive revisions of earnings forecasts by analysts around announcement dates also cannot be found. Finally, a regression analysis shows that there is no significant positive relation between positive abnormal stock returns at announcement and positive quarterly earnings changes over quarter 0 and quarter I. In summary, the results are not consistent with the implication of the information hypothesis. I find no systematic support for the firms' claims that the meanings behind parent-subsidiary cross holding transactions are to convey managements' private information about parents' favorable prospects.
With regard to the second research question, I focus primarily on those listed companies whose controls are obtained by unlisted companies through purchasing outstanding shares in the open market, these companies are not included in the sample of the first question. As predicted, I find systematic support for the hypotheses that shares owned by insiders and companies' margins decrease relative to control groups immediately following parent-subsidiary cross holding transactions announcements and that abnormal stock returns before and at announcements are positive. However, I show that the abnormal stock returns after the announcements do not fall bellow those before announcement dates significantly. In summary, the findings indicate that these transactions maybe a means for informed insiders to sell their own shares at manipulated high prices in order to alleviate the huge capital pressure by self-interest.
Overall, the transactions that subsidiary companies purchase parents' stocks are more likely to have relation to insider transactions and stock price manipulation, rather than convey favorable information about parents' prospects as what firms claim. Therefore, this thesis supports an act of prohibiting or limiting parent-subsidiary cross holdings proposed by the Ministry of Finance strictly. Besides, the results in this thesis may be helpful for investors to understand the nature of parent-subsidiary cross holdings when they make investment decisions. Read more
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上市上櫃公司股票買回宣告對股價影響之比較研究費騏葳, Fei ,Chi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
在假說驗證方面,以2000至2004年上市公司832家、上櫃公司236家曾經宣告買回自家股票的公司為研究樣本,輔以選出與買回樣本同時間的相同數量「未買回樣本」,透過1-way ANOVA測試與鑑別分析探討影響公司宣告股票買回的因素符合哪些假說的推論結果。此外,依據各項假說,進ㄧ步利用1-way ANOVA測試和複迴歸分析找出與公司事件宣告後股價異常報酬率之間的關係,接著以1-way ANOVA檢視最後一部份研究主題。經由上述的實證分析,本研究獲得以下主要結論:
4.本次是否再度宣告股票買回會受前次買回的正向累積異常報酬率所影響。 / Stock price reactions on stock repurchase announcements among publicly traded corporations have been widely studied over 40 years in United States. Several hypothesizes were established and provide logical reasons for why corporations buy back their own stocks. References show large proportion of positive effect on post-announcement stock price after stock repurchase announcements from empirical researches. It is since 2000 that corporations are allowed to repurchase their own stocks legally in Taiwan. Although many efforts were put in surveying the post-announcement stock price reactions, few focused on examining how corporations’ repurchase decision would be influenced by different hypothesizes. Moreover, whether or not previous repurchase outcome may affect future repurchase judgments met contradict conclusion from recent studies. This research aims on exploring the two main topics which form 7 hypothesize.
Data collecting from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database, Commercial Times and Economic Daily News contains publicly traded corporations had ever made stock repurchase announcement except financial and government institutions. The period of the study was from Aug. 6, 2000 to Jul. 31, 2004 and total number of announced corporations included was 832 listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange with 236 listed on the OTC separately. Hypothesis 1 to 6 were tested both from individual model using 1-way ANOVA Analysis and integrated model using Discriminate Analysis on Hypothesis 1 to 5, Event Study Analysis on Hypothesis 6. Hypothesis 7 was also verified with 1-way ANOVA Analysis.
The empirical results show supports in several hypothesize which reflect corporations did concern free cash flow amount, leverage level, stock underpriced and dividend payout level issues when making repurchase announcement. The stock price after announcement has certain degree of moving correlation toward the same direction as free cash flow level and managerial stockholding level. Finally, previous repurchase outcome was found holding opposite relation with future repurchase judgments. Read more
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