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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedömning av språkliga aspekter i elevtexter : En innehållsanalys av ett fokusgruppssamtal med fyra lärare i svenska som andraspråk / Assessment of aspects of language in student writing : A content analysis of a focus group conversation with four teachers of Swedish as a Second Language

Magnusson, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie utgår ifrån fyra lärares bedömning av elevtexter i svenska som andraspråk. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur likvärdigheten i bedömning och betygssättning påverkas av lärarens värdering av texterna utifrån aspekterna kommunikationsstrategier och språk och stil. Bedömningen av dessa aspekter skiljer sig i ämnet svenska och svenska som andraspråk. I studien ingår två elevtexter i svenska som andraspråk från det nationella provet i åk 9, samt tillhörande bedömningsmatris. Analysen sker med utgångspunkt i ett fokusgruppssamtal där lärarna, utifrån texterna och bedömningsmatrisen, samtalar om aspekterna kommunikationsstrategier och språk och stil samt bedömningen av dem. Det framkommer av studien att aspekten kommunikationsstrategier är svåra att både identifiera och bedöma i en skriven text. Resultatet visar dessutom att bedömningen inte är samstämmig bland de fyra lärarna.

Nyckeln till de kinesiska skrivtecknen : Ett utvecklingsarbete i hur kunskap om tecknens komponenter och uppbyggnad kan främja inlärningen av kinesiska skrivtecken i den svenska skolan.

Hägne, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
For a westerner or any other person who comes from a language background where the alphabet is used to form words and sentences, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages for second language learners. Especially the mastering of the Chinese written language is deemed by a majority of Chinese language students as the most difficult part of learning Chinese. This study investigates how a pedagogic teaching method called meaningful interpretation and chunking can assist students in acquiring the skills of reading and writing Chinese characters. To facilitate the transfer of new knowledge, it is important to bring meaning and sense to what the students are asked to learn. For the novice, Chinese characters may seem like randomly assembled strokes which are hard to comprehend. With this thesis I have wanted to highlight the value of using a teaching method that thoroughly analyzes and explains the different radicals and components of the Chinese characters, such a method, will not only increase students’ understanding of the characters, it will also work towards ensuring that the characters’ form and meaning stay in the students’ memory so they can be reproduced at a later point in time.

Föräldrars motivation för att sluta röka  en litteraturstudie : en litteraturstudie / Parent's motivation to quit smoking. : A literature review

Ljungkvist, Linda, Gunnarsson, Iwona January 2018 (has links)
De flesta föräldrar som var rökare och hade små barn i hemmet var medvetna om att de utsatte sina barn för passiv rökning. Tidigare forskning visade på att det också fanns föräldrar som inte hade kunskaper om hur passiv rökning kunde påverka sitt barns hälsa och sin egen hälsa. Syftet var att beskriva föräldrar med barn 0-5 års motivation för att sluta röka.  Metoden var systematisk litteraturstudie utifrån kvalitativa artiklar för att få en djupare förståelse. De 13 kvalitativa artiklarna analyserades enligt Meta-etnografisk metod. Resultatartiklarna visade att det finns motivationsfaktorer och hinder att forcera på vägen mot ett rökfritt hem och presenterades i följande teman:  Barnets hälsa, förebild som förälder rökfri miljö, stöd från primärvården.Slutsatsen är att det som motiverar föräldrarna till att sluta röka är omsorg om barnets hälsa, att vara en förebild som förälder och att skapa en rökfri miljö och att få stöd från primärvården. Mer forskning behövs i ämnesområdet för att beskriva hur distriktssköterskan kan hjälpa föräldrar och barn i åldrarna 0-5 år till en rökfri vardag. / Parents´ that smoke and had small children in their home are concerned about the fact that they exposed their children to passive smoking. Previous research has found that parents´ that did not have any knowledge about passive smoking and how this could impact their own and children´s health. The aim of the current study is to describe the motivation of parents with children 0-5 years old wanting to quit smoking. The method used was a meta-analysis from thirteen qualitative articles. The result revealed that there is motivational factors and obstacles to focus on when improving a non-smoking home. This were presented into following themes:  Children´s health, parents as role model, non-smoking environment and support from primary care . To conclude: the motivations behind the parents´ choice to stop smoking is because of the increased awareness of their child´s health, being a good role model as a parent, build a smoke-free environment by receiving support from primary care. Although more research is needed to describe how the district nurse can support parents and small children between age 0-5 years old for a better everyday life.

Differences in attitudes towards RP and GA: A study of Swedish university students with English as their L2

Vidén, Robert January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to broaden our understanding of the attitudes Swedish university students hold towards RP and GA. Although several studies have been conducted on the topic, none have sought to describe the three components traditionally assumed in the mentalist approach to language attitudes. The present study aims to bridge this gap. This was done by investigating students at Stockholm university using the verbal guise method. The present study found that students of Stockholm university with English as their L2 think that RP sounds more arrogant and boring, but also more responsible, gentle and intelligent than GA. The investigated population also felt more irritation while listening to RP than GA. They also felt more trust and liking for speakers of GA than of RP. Lastly, there were also differences regarding the accent the investigated population perceives it uses. GA was heavily favored in this respect. The findings of the present study could help to solve educational issues such as finding which English accents are suitable or most suitable for teaching.

Modersmålsundervisning i turkiska : En studie om vad modersmålslärare och modersmålselever i turkiska har för syn på turkiska modersmålsundervisningen / Modersmålsundervisning i turkiska : En studie om vad modersmålslärare och modersmålselever i turkiska har för syn på turkiska modersmålsundervisningen

Biyikli, Güliz January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Textbook - Servant or Master? : A Study of the Role of Textbooks in English Second Language Learning in Swedish High Schools

Simu, André January 2019 (has links)
Textbooks are considered an integral part of language teaching-learning. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between textbooks and teachers as well as students. Through the use of a mixed methodology by combining interviews with teachers (a qualitative element) and a survey questionnaire for students (a quantitative element) the present study intends to provide an answer to the research question: What is the role of textbooks in English second language learning in Swedish high schools? More specifically the study aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of ESL textbooks as well as compare differences between how ESL textbooks are used in Sweden and other countries. Lastly, the study will also investigate what changes need to be made to ESL textbooks in Swedish high schools. The results of the study indicate several advantages and disadvantages with the use of textbooks. The advantages of textbooks afford teachers short-term benefits in the form of inspiration, ready-made material and a framework for the course and curriculum. The disadvantages of textbooks are the need for adaptation and modification to fit course criteria as well as learner group and situation which present as long-term problems that require time, knowledge and skill to overcome. Analysis of the results presents the question of whether or not the short-term benefits of textbooks are substantial enough to justify the time it takes for teachers to modify and adapt them as no textbook is perfect for every learner group or situation. In conclusion, the study shows that textbooks are best considered temporary servants that in the hands of their masters, the teachers, are best utilized to build a comprehensive language teaching-learning environment that better enables students to learn and utilize the English language.

The World of ‘S’ and the World of ‘L’: Lesbian Influences on Class S Fiction

Paalberg, Anna Grete January 2019 (has links)
In this paper, I will analyze the interconnections between Class S and lesbian identity as exemplified by Yoshiya Nobuko’s early writings with the goal of reconciling two schools of thought—that Class S is inherently lesbian fiction, or that it does not depict lesbians at all. To do so, I will be examining “Yellow Rose” through the lens of biographical criticism in order to illuminate the inherent connection between the themes present in Yoshiya Nobuko’s writings and her lived experience as a same-sex attracted woman.

Vi arbetar med kärlek : En undersökning av ton och artighet i Migrationsverkets beslut / Polite decisions

Nygren, Henrietta January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable water management in the textile industry – barriers and opportunities: The case of Swedish retail brand policy on water use in the context of Bangladesh, and the prospects of increased efficiency through dialogue

Haegeland, Veronica January 2015 (has links)
Although Bangladesh is considered to be a water rich country the groundwater levels are decreasing at a steady rate. The pressure on water resources is to a large extent driven by the wet processing of textiles in the country, and this thesis will therefore focus on the issue of water governance in the textile industry. This thesis will argue that the issue is made complex due to the variety of stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds with vested interests in how the water resources are being managed. Based on interviewees from two Swedish retail brands, the Bangladeshi government, suppliers and organization active in the country, the thesis aims at identifying barriers towards increasing sustainable water management practices in the country. The diversity of cultural background will be analyzed through the lens of institutional theory in order to consider the differences in governance strategies and how they might relate to the barriers. The thesis will also present the prospect of an inclusive stakeholder dialogue platform as a means of overcoming barriers and institutional differences in terms of water governance strategies. Building on the findings the thesis concludes that there are several barriers in terms of agreement, knowledge, and social and political structures. Furthermore, it is possible to conclude that the stakeholders approach these barriers differently depending on their cultural background. Lastly, the stakeholder dialogue is considered to have the capacity to create a much needed space for stakeholder collaboration in order to overcome these barriers.

"Alla skriver fel någon gång"

Johansson, Felix January 2018 (has links)
<p>Godkännandedatum 2018-05-15</p>

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