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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mission passion is lightning on the horizon anticipating rain : redemption transforms the Adventist church towards a dynamic missionary movement

Ntshangase, Israel Mbuso 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis proposes solutions for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Newcastle area to perform Christ’s mission work effectively. It examines how mission could be meaningful in contemporary society, which is challenging mission so gravely. The study challenges all churches, including youth, women, men and clergy towards mission. An analysis of a mission perspective is delineated, aware of the social contexts for mission in Newcastle. The context of culture has been dealt with, encouraging the Church to be culturally sensitive, and to use cultural means to reach people. God uses cultural means to reveal himself. Evil cultural practices, for example, ancestral ‘worship’ and ‘talking to the dead’ are exposed and denounced. Bible readings promote mission in the Adventist Church. The teacher of the Bible is to study it thoroughly, ensuring that he/she is able to proclaim the gospel. Creative teaching of the Bible includes different levels of understanding, namely, a rote level, a recognition level, a repetition level, an interactive and a realisation level. The gospel is to be applied in life. Different hermeneutical approaches to the Bible are summarised, for example, a postmodern approach. Strategic planning regarding evangelism is vital. ‘Gift-based’ ministry would inspire all believers to perform mission work according to people’s ability. All Christians should be able to evangelise others, leading people as acknowledged sinners to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord, and to establish the reign of God in society according to his justice. The heart of the thesis is as follows:- The gospel of Christ is a missionary message to reach all people with the gospel of salvation and societal renewal - The church of Christ is a missional church, which stands and falls by its missionary task to proclaim Christ as Saviour and his reign and justice as ultimate in society / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Teachers' Professional Knowledge Bases for Offshore Education:Two Case Studies of Western Teachers Working in Indonesia

Exley, Beryl Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
This research thesis set out to better understand the professional knowledge bases of Western teachers working in offshore education in Indonesia. This research explored what two groups of Western teachers said about the students they taught, their own role, professional and social identity, the knowledge transmitted, and their pedagogical strategies whilst teaching offshore. Such an investigation is significant on a number of levels. Firstly, these teachers were working within a period of rapid economic, political, cultural and educational change described as 'New Times' (Hall, 1996a). Secondly, the experiences of teachers working in offshore education have rarely been reported in the literature (see Johnston, 1999). A review of the literature on teachers' professional knowledge bases (Shulman, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Turner-Bisset, 1997, 1999) concluded that, in general terms, teachers draw on three main interrelated and changing knowledge bases: knowledge of content, knowledge of teaching processes and knowledge of their students. This review also explored the notion that teachers had an additional knowledge base that was in a continual state of negotiation and closely related to the aforementioned knowledge bases: teachers' knowledge of their own and students' pedagogic identities (Bernstein, 2000). A theoretical framework appropriate to exploring the overarching research problem was developed. This framework drew on models of teachers' knowledge bases (Elbaz, 1983; Shulman, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Nias, 1989; Turner-Bisset, 1997, 1999), the sociology of knowledge (Bernstein, 1975, 1990, 1996, 1999, 2000), and notions of pedagogic identity (Bernstein, 2000). This framework theorised the types of knowledges taught, categories of teaching process knowledge, and the range of pedagogic identities made available to teachers and students in new times. More specifically, this research examined two case studies (see Stake, 1988, 2000; Yin, 1994) of Western teachers employed by Australian educational institutions who worked in Central Java, Indonesia, in the mid-to-late 1990s. The teacher participants from both case studies taught a range of subjects and used English as the medium of instruction. Data for both case studies were generated via semistructured interviews (see Kvale, 1996; Silverman, 1985, 1997). The interviews focused on the teachers' descriptions of the learner characteristics of Indonesian students, their professional roles whilst teaching offshore, and curriculum and pedagogic design. The analyses produced four major findings. The first major finding of the analyses confirmed that the teacher participants in this study drew on all proposed professional knowledge bases and that these knowledge bases were interrelated. This suggests that teachers must have all knowledge bases present for them to do their work successfully. The second major finding was that teachers' professional knowledge bases were constantly being negotiated in response to their beliefs about their work and the past, present and future demands of the local context. For example, the content and teaching processes of English lessons may have varied as their own and their students' pedagogic identities were re-negotiated in different contexts of teaching and learning. Another major finding was that it was only when the teachers entered into dialogue with the Indonesian students and community members and/or reflective dialogue amongst themselves, that they started to question the stereotypical views of Indonesian learners as passive, shy and quiet. The final major finding was that the teachers were positioned in multiple ways by contradictory and conflicting discourses. The analyses suggested that teachers' pedagogic identities were a site of struggle between dominant market orientations and the criteria that the teachers thought should determine who was a legitimate teacher of offshore Indonesian students. The accounts from one of the case studies suggested that dominant market orientations centred on experience and qualifications in unison with prescribed and proscribed cultural, gender and age relations. Competent teachers who were perceived to be white, Western, male and senior in terms of age relations seemed to be the most easily accepted as offshore teachers of foundation programs for Indonesian students. The analyses suggested that the teachers thought that their legitimacy to be an offshore teacher of Indonesian students should be based on their teaching expertise alone. However, managers of Australian offshore educational institutions conceded that it was very difficult to bring about change in terms of teacher legitimisation. These findings have three implications for the work of offshore teachers and program administrators. Firstly, offshore programs that favour the pre-packaging of curricula content with little emphasis on the professional development and support needs of teachers do not foster work conditions which encourage teachers to re-design or modify curricula in response to the specific needs of learners. Secondly, pre-packaged programs do not support teachers to enter into negotiations concerning students' or their own pedagogic identities or the past, present and future demands of local contexts. These are important implications because they affect the way that teachers work, and hence how responsive teachers can be to learners' needs and how active they can be in the negotiation process as it relates to pedagogic identities. Finally, the findings point to the importance of establishing a learning community or learning network to assist Western teachers engaged in offshore educational work in Asian countries such as Indonesia. Such a community or network would enable teachers to engage and modify the complexity of knowledge bases required for effective localised offshore teaching. Given the burgeoning increase in the availability and use of electronic technology in new times, such as internet, emails and web cameras, these learning networks could be set up to have maximum benefit with minimal on-going costs.

Mission passion is lightning on the horizon anticipating rain : redemption transforms the Adventist church towards a dynamic missionary movement

Ntshangase, Israel Mbuso 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis proposes solutions for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Newcastle area to perform Christ’s mission work effectively. It examines how mission could be meaningful in contemporary society, which is challenging mission so gravely. The study challenges all churches, including youth, women, men and clergy towards mission. An analysis of a mission perspective is delineated, aware of the social contexts for mission in Newcastle. The context of culture has been dealt with, encouraging the Church to be culturally sensitive, and to use cultural means to reach people. God uses cultural means to reveal himself. Evil cultural practices, for example, ancestral ‘worship’ and ‘talking to the dead’ are exposed and denounced. Bible readings promote mission in the Adventist Church. The teacher of the Bible is to study it thoroughly, ensuring that he/she is able to proclaim the gospel. Creative teaching of the Bible includes different levels of understanding, namely, a rote level, a recognition level, a repetition level, an interactive and a realisation level. The gospel is to be applied in life. Different hermeneutical approaches to the Bible are summarised, for example, a postmodern approach. Strategic planning regarding evangelism is vital. ‘Gift-based’ ministry would inspire all believers to perform mission work according to people’s ability. All Christians should be able to evangelise others, leading people as acknowledged sinners to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord, and to establish the reign of God in society according to his justice. The heart of the thesis is as follows:- The gospel of Christ is a missionary message to reach all people with the gospel of salvation and societal renewal - The church of Christ is a missional church, which stands and falls by its missionary task to proclaim Christ as Saviour and his reign and justice as ultimate in society / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Einsatz didaktischer Fallarbeit im gastgewerblichen Berufsschulunterricht zur Stärkung des Theorie-Praxis-Bezuges – eine qualitative Lehrpersonenbefragung

Windisch, Michaela, Henzelmann, Luka Kristin, Böttcher, Juliane 02 June 2023 (has links)
Seit Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz 1996 werden alle neugeordneten Ausbildungsberufe nach dem Lernfeldkonzept gestaltet, welches theoretische und praktische Ausbildungsinhalte verknüpft, um umfassende berufliche Handlungskompetenz zu fördern. Gleichzeitig stellt didaktische Fallarbeit eine bedeutsame Methode für berufsbildenden Unterricht im Lernfeld dar. Bezugnehmend werden Einsatz, Umsetzung sowie Potenziale im Berufsfeld Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft, speziell Gastgewerbe, untersucht. Mittels teil-strukturierter, leitfadengestützter, gastgewerblich unterrichtender Lehrpersonenbefragung wird qualitativ erforscht, inwieweit didaktische Fallarbeit bereits im handlungsorientierten Unterricht eingesetzt wird, um bewusst eine Stärkung des Theorie-Praxis-Bezuges zu erzielen. Die Befragten sind sich einig, dass didaktische Fallarbeit bewusst zur Stärkung des Theorie-Praxis-Bezuges beiträgt. Aus ihrer Sicht bietet diese Methode größtes Potenzial innerhalb beruflicher Bildung. Die Forschungsergebnisse leisten einen grundlegenden Beitrag für die Berufsfelddidaktik Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft. Sie zeigen praktische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten auf. In der Diskussion werden Optimierungsbedarfe und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet sowie weiterführende Forschungsbedarfe vorgestellt, um zukünftig evidenzbasierten, qualitativ hochwertigen und schülerorientierten Unterricht sichern zu können.:Abbildungsverzeichnis I Tabellenverzeichnis II 1 Einleitung 1 2 Gastgewerbe innerhalb beruflicher Bildung – eine theoretische Annäherung 2 2.1 Fakten und Impulse aus dem Gastgewerbe 2 2.2 Berufsfeld(-didaktik) in Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft 4 2.3 Lernfeldkonzept 5 2.4 Didaktische Fallarbeit 6 2.4.1 Begriffliche Einordung 7 2.4.2. Historische Entwicklung 8 2.4.3. Merkmale 8 2.4.4 Varianten 9 2.4.5 Chancen und Grenzen 10 2.5 Herleitung Forschungsfrage, Hypothesen und Zielsetzung 12 3 Empirische Untersuchung zum Einsatz didaktischer Fallarbeit in gastgewerblichen Ausbildungsberufen 14 3.1 Methodenauswahl 14 3.2 Untersuchungsdurchführung 15 3.2.1 Festlegung des Materials 15 3.2.2 Analyse der Entstehungssituation 16 3.2.3 Formale Charakteristika des Materials 16 3.2.4 Theoriegeleitete Festlegung der Strukturierungsdimension 17 3.3 Gütekriterien qualitativer Forschung 18 3.4 Ergebnisse 19 3.4.1 Kategorie 1: Einsatz didaktischer Fallarbeit 22 3.4.2 Kategorie 2: Erfahrungen mit didaktischer Fallarbeit 23 3.4.3 Kategorie 3: Stärkung des Theorie-Praxis-Bezuges 24 3.4.4 Kategorie 4: Unterrichtsphasen 26 3.4.5 Kategorie 5: Prozessarbeit 27 3.4.6 Kategorie 6: Potenzial 27 3.4.7 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 28 3.5 Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage und Verifizierung der Hypothesen 29 4 Diskussion - Optimierungspotenziale und Handlungsempfehlungen 30 5 Schlussfolgerung 33 Literaturverzeichnis III Anhangsverzeichnis VII

Alliance portfolios and value creation: Theory and empirical evidence from the global airline industry

Wassmer, Ulrich Franz 21 May 2007 (has links)
Les carteres d'aliances importen? Com afecten els recursos als quals les empreses accedeixen per diverses aliances estratègiques simultànies amb socis diferents a la creació de valor i a l'apropiació de valor? Les carteres d'aliances expliquen l'heterogeneïtat entre empreses respecte del valor que capten quan entren en noves aliances estratègiques? Aquesta tesi doctoral es basa en la teoria dels recursos i en la bibliografia sobre el comportament estratègic i les dinàmiques competitives, i presenta un model teòric que es refereix a la creació de valor i l'apropiació en empreses que accedeixen a recursos a través de diverses aliances simultànies amb socis diferents. El model mostra que la creació de valor en les carteres d'aliances és una funció del valor creat per combinacions sinergètiques de recursos que impliquen recursos als quals tenen accés diferents socis, com també del valor destruït a causa de la incompatibilitat entre la combinació de recursos d'una empresa focal i els recursos dels seus socis. Sobre la base d'aquest model teòric, s'han desenvolupat diverses hipòtesis en un ambient marginal en què una empresa connectada multilateralment afegeix una nova aliança estratègica a la seva cartera d'aliances. Per comprovar aquestes hipòtesis, s'ha emprat la metodologia de l'event study i s'han utilitzat dades de la indústria de els línies aèries globals sobre acords de code share subscrits entre 1994 i 1998. Els resultats mostren que el mercat recompensa les empreses que formen aliances amb socis que tenen recursos complementaris i poden aportar recursos que no només es poden combinar amb els recursos propis de l'empresa sinó també amb els relacionals i que també són compatibles amb els dels socis que formen l'aliança. D'altra banda, els resultats també mostren que el mercat penalitza les empreses que formen aliances que aporten recursos incompatibles amb les carteres d'aliances, atès que creen un conflicte competitiu amb alguns dels socis existents. Els resultats de la part empírica d'aquesta anàlisi abonen la tesis que les carteres d'aliances afecten els resultats de les empreses que entren en aliances estratègiques. Aquest estudi conclou que els recursos als quals es té accés per mitjà d'aliances entre empreses s'han d'avaluar no tan sols per les seves característiques pròpies y diàdiques sinó també en el context de les carteres d'aliances. / ¿Importan los portafolios de alianzas? ¿Cómo afectan los recursos a los que acceden las empresas por varias alianzas estratégicas simultáneas con socios diferentes a la creación de valor y a la apropiación de valor? Los portafolios de alianzas ¿explican la heterogeneidad entre empresas con respecto al valor que captan cuando entran en nuevas alianzas estratégicas? Esta tesis doctoral se basa en la teoría de los recursos y en la bibliografía sobre el comportamiento estratégico y las dinámicas competitivas, y presenta un modelo teórico que se refiere a la creación de valor y apropiación en empresas que acceden a recursos a través de varias alianzas simultáneas con socios diferentes. El modelo muestra que la creación de valor mediante un portafolio de alianzas es una función del valor creado por combinaciones sinergéticas de recursos que implican recursos a los cuales acceden diferentes socios, así como del valor destruido a causa de la incompatibilidad entre la combinación de recursos de una impresa focal y los recursos de sus socios. Sobre la base de este modelo teórico, se han desarrollado varias hipótesis en un ambiente marginal en el que una empresa conectada multilateralmente añade una nueva alianza estratégica a su cartera de alianzas. Para comprobar estas hipótesis se ha empleado la metodología del event study, y se han utilizado datos de la industria global de las aerolíneas sobre acuerdos de code share suscritos entre 1994 y 1998. Los resultados muestran que el mercado recompensa a las empresas que forman alianzas con socios que tienen recursos complementarios y pueden aportar recursos que no sólo pueden combinarse con los recursos propios de la empresa sino también con los relacionales y que también son compatibles con los de los socios que forman la alianza. Por otra parte, los resultados también muestran que el mercado penaliza a las empresas que forman alianzas que aportan recursos que son incompatibles con los portafolios de alianzas, en el sentido de que crean un conflicto competitivo con algunos de los socios existentes. Los resultados de la parte empírica de este análisis abonan la tesis de que los portafolios de alianzas afectan a los resultados de empresas que entran en alianzas estratégicas. Este estudio concluye que los recursos a los que se accede a través de las alianzas entre empresas han de evaluarse no sólo por sus características propias y diádicas sino también en el contexto de los portafolios de alianzas. / Do alliance portfolios matter? How do resources accessed from multiple simultaneous strategic alliances with different partners affect value creation and value appropriation? Do alliance portfolios explain heterogeneity across firms with respect to the value that they derive from entering into new strategic alliances? This dissertation builds on insights from the resource-based view of the firm and the strategic behaviour and competitive dynamics literature and advances a theoretical model that addresses value creation and appropriation in firms that access resources through multiple simultaneous inter-firm alliances with different partners. The model illustrates that value creation on the alliance portfolio level is a function of the value created from synergistic resource combinations involving resources accessed from different partners as well the value destroyed by incompatibilities between a focal firm's resource combinations and those deployed by its partners. Based on this theoretical model, empirically testable hypotheses are developed in a marginal setting, in which a multilaterally connected firm adds one new strategic alliance to its alliance portfolio. The hypotheses are tested using an event study method approach and data from the global airline industry on code share agreements formed between 1994 and 1998. The results show that the market on one side rewards firms entering into strategic alliances with partners that possess complementary resources and that contribute resources that cannot only be combined with firms' own but also existing relational resources and that are compatible with the firms' alliance portfolios. On the other side, results show that the market penalizes firms entering into alliances that contribute resources that are alliance portfolio incompatible in the sense that they create a competitive conflict with some of the existing alliance partners. The findings of the empirical part of this dissertation support the view that alliance portfolios affect the performance of firms entering into strategic alliances. This study concludes that resources accessed through inter-firm alliances should not only be evaluated on their standalone and dyadic attributes but also in the context of alliance portfolios.

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