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This thesis is concerned with the study of morphology and properties of sub-micron thin Nafion® films. The motivation of the work arises from the need to characterize the 4 -10 nm thin ionomer films in the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC).
A protocol for the fabrication of self-assembled ultra-thin Nafion® films on planar substrates was successfully developed. Films of thickness ranging 4 nm-300 nm, determined by three different techniques - variable angle spectroscopy ellipsometry (VASE), atomic force microscope (AFM) and x-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS), could be reproducibly generated on SiO2/Si wafer. The 4 nm thin film is one of the thinnest, continuous film of Nafion® ever reported. This is the first time that the structure/properties of such thin Nafion® film have been investigated.
An interesting finding is the thickness-dependent structure and property of these films. Films with thickness <55 nm exhibited hydrophilic-free surface but thicker films (>55 nm) had hydrophobic surface. Similarly, sub-55 nm films had a lower and thickness-independent protonic conductivity compared to thicker films that exhibited thickness-dependent conductivity. Anomalously high water uptake (by quartz crystal microbalance) and swelling (by ellipsometry) of sub-55nm films indicate that low conductivity is not due to low water content However, differences in surface morphology were observed by the AFM phase contrast analysis. The lack of ionic domain was also observed in the thinner films (4-30 nm) from the grazing incidence small x-ray scattering (GISAXS) experiments.
Thermal annealing over a range of temperature (110-160 oC) revealed a dramatic switching of the film surface from hydrophilic to hydrophobic was observed for sub-55 nm films with lower thickness film requiring higher annealing temperature. Bulk proton conductivity was significantly reduced after annealing for all films. An interesting finding was the regeneration of conductivity after to prolonged liquid water exposure and a corresponding switching back of the surface to hydrophilic. The thickness-dependent structure/property of ultra-thin Nafion® films is attributed to substrate induced confinement effect.
Self-assembly of Nafion® on various substrates (SiO2, carbon, Pt and Au) was studied. The ionomer/substrate interaction and resulting film morphology followed a trend with respect to substrate surface energies and Nafion® dispersion compositions. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-29 12:36:19.05
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Bio-methanation tests and mathematical modelling to assess the role of moisture content on anaerobic digestion of organic wasteLiotta, Flavia 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dry Anaerobic Digestion (AD) presents different advantages if compared to wet AD, i.e. smaller reactor size, lesser water addition, digestate production and pretreatment needed, although several studies have demonstrated that water promotes substrate hydrolysis and enables the transfer of process intermediates and nutrients to bacterial sites. To better understand the role of water on AD, dry and semidry digestion tests of selected complex organic substrates (food waste, rice straw, carrot waste), with various TS contents of the treated biomass have been carried out in the present study. The results confirm that water plays an essential role on the specific methane production rate, final methane yield and Volatile Solids (VS) degradation. The final methane yield in semi-dry and dry conditions was 51% and 59% lower for rice straw and 4% and 41% lower for food waste, respectively, if compared with wet conditions. Inhibition tests, based on Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) analysis, were carried out to investigate the specific inhibition processes that take place with the selected substrates at different TS contents. In wet AD of carrot waste no VFA accumulation was found, and all VFA concentrations were lower than the inhibition limits. A direct correlation between TS content and total VFA (TVFA) concentration was noticed for rice straw and food waste AD. For rice straw a maximum TVFA concentration of 2.1 g/kg was found in dry condition, 1 g/kg in semidry conditions and 0.2 g/kg in wet conditions, whereas for food waste the TVFA concentration was 10 g/kg in dry condition, 9 g/kg in semidry conditions and 3 g/kg in wet conditions. A Mathematical model of complex organic substrate AD in dry and semidry conditions has been proposed to simulate the effect of TS content on the process. The data obtained from batch experiments, in terms of methane production and VFA concentrations, were used to calibrate the proposed model. The kinetic parameters of VFA production and degradation, calibrated using the experimental data, resulted highly dependent on the TS content and different from wet AD literature values. This is due to VFA accumulation in dry conditions, which implies higher values of the inhibition factors introduced in the model. Finally, as dry AD takes usually place in Plug Flow (PF) reactors, an historical and critical review on the role of hydrodynamics in PF bioreactors has been carried out
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Electroless metallisation of glass for electrical interconnect applicationsCui, Xiaoyun January 2009 (has links)
The microelectronics industry requires continuous advances due to ever-evolving technology and the corresponding need for higher density substrates with smaller features. Specifically, new dielectric materials with enhanced electrical properties are needed. At the same time, adhesion must be maintained in order to preserve package reliability and mechanical performance. As a result, this research investigates the use of thin glass sheets as an alternative substrate material as it offers a number of advantages including coefficient of thermal expansion similar to silicon, good dielectric properties and optical transparency to assist in the alignment of buried features. As part of this project it was necessary to deposit metallic coatings onto the glass sheets to create electrical tracks, pads and microvias. In order to meet these requirements, the metallisation of both smooth as received glass surfaces and surfaces roughened by laser machining using electroless copper and nickel deposition were investigated. This study resulted in a number of important conclusions about the roles of chemical bonding and mechanical anchoring in both the adhesion and catalyst adsorption, that are key factors in the electroless metallisation process.....
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Essential Spawning Habitat for Atlantic Sturgeon in the James River, Virginia.Austin, Geoffrey 03 August 2012 (has links)
Substrate composition plays a critical role in determining the spawning success of Atlantic sturgeon. A benthic analysis of the tidal freshwater portion of the James River, Virginia, was performed to locate and protect remaining sturgeon spawning habitat within the James River system. I modeled structural habitat, substrate distribution, and river bathymetry from Richmond, Virginia to the Appomattox River confluence. A classification model was developed to describe the dominant substrate type (mud/silt, sand, gravel, bedrock) using side scan sonar data collected from August 2011-Febuary 2012. River depth, bottom imagery, substrate density (hardness), and ground truth substrate samples were interpolated into a GIS model to spatially describe and quantify essential sturgeon spawning habitat. Finally, I attempted a change analysis of historical substrate composition throughout the study area. Gravel, cobble, and bedrock, swept clean of silt or mud, was deemed a hard bottom substrate suitable for spawning success. Mud and silt dominated the vast majority of river substrate, representing approximately 67 % of river bottom surveyed. Sand comprised 17 % of river bottom, gravel represented 11 % and bedrock represented 5 %. Sixteen percent of the reach was hard bottom habitat consisting of a bed substrate dominated by gravel, cobble, or bedrock. Regions of hard bottom habitat found at depths ≥ 10 m were selected to model essential sturgeon spawning habitat. The river bottom within the reach contained approximately 8 % essential spawning habitat. The majority of hard bottom habitat was located in major bends of the river where scouring occurs. The historical comparison of available hard bottom habitat identified a 28 % loss of hard bottom since 1853. The greatest losses in hard bottom occurred in the upper portions of the study area (55 % loss in hard bottom habitat). Hard bottom habitat lost in the lower portion of the study area was partially offset by the creation of new hard bottom habitat within the narrow channel cuts bypassing Jones Neck and Turkey Island. Historical comparison of the Hatcher Island, Turkey Island, and Jones Neck oxbows identified heavy siltation and reduced depths likely due to anthropogenic alterations in the meander bends linked to shipping channel creation. The altered flow regime has resulted in increased sedimentation and has drastically reduced available hard bottom substrate within the natural channel of Jones Neck and Turkey Island. The increased availability of hard bottom habitat within the confines of the shipping channel has indicated that the alteration of the river bottom, through flow modification and dredging practices, may have replaced a portion of lost historical spawning habitat. Fisheries managers could use the data from the substrate analysis to better understand and protect essential areas necessary for Atlantic sturgeon spawning success.
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Substrátová specificita epifytických společenstev rozsivek (Bacillariophyceae) a krásivek (Desmidiales) / Substrate specifity of epiphytic communities of diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and desmids (Desmidiales)Mutinová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Substrate specificity of epiphytic communities of diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and desmids (Desmidiales) Bc. Petra Mutinová Master's thesis, Prague, 2015 Abstract It has been always assumed, and frequently reported, that host plants, as biologically active substrates, should have a direct influence on associated epiphyton. However, some studies favoured the neutral substrate hypothesis. Thus the relationship between host plant and epiphytic community remained unresolved. This Master's thesis focused on the basal question that numerous previous studies overlooked. Is there any significant influence of host plant on freshwater algal epiphyton in comparison to the influence of other factors, e.g. site and environmental conditions? In addition, substrate specificity of individual algal taxa was investigated. The research concerned several types of natural plant substrates at several water bodies in the Czech Republic, which provided a more accurate and general insight in the ecology of microphytobenthos. The results have demonstrated that site was the main factor affecting epiphytic community structure, followed by mild, but still noticeable, effect of environmental conditions (pH and conductivity). In contrary, host plant had almost no influence and very few algal species were found to be host specific....
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Inhibitory myší serinracemasy / Inhibitors of mouse serine racemaseVorlová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Serine racemase (SR) is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme responsible for biosynthesis of D-serine, a recognized neurotransmitter acting as a co-activator of N-methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptors in the mammalian central nervous system. The hyperfunction of the mentioned receptors have been shown to be implicated in many neuropathological conditions including Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy. To alleviate the symptoms of these diseases, several artificial blockers of NMDA receptors have been introduced into the clinical practice. However, many of these compounds cause undesirable side effects and it is thus necessary to search for either less harmful blockers or regulators of other targets of pharmaceutical intervention that are involved in NMDA receptor activation. In this context, specific inhibition of serine racemase seems to be a promising strategy for regulation of NMDA receptor overstimulation. Mouse serine racemase shares 89% identity with its human ortholog and it was also shown that both enzymes possess similar kinetic parameters and inhibitor specificity. Therefore, the mouse models can be used to search for a potent human serine racemase inhibitor. Although many different compounds for their inhibitory potency towards serine...
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Sekretované proteasy motolice jaterní a jejich interakce s endogenním inhibitorem / Secreted proteases of the liver fluke and their interaction with endogenous inhibitorBuša, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, is one of the most important parasites of livestock, and it also infects humans. The proteolytic system of trematodes is critical for their interaction with the host and is a potential target for the development of novel vaccines. This work is focused on proteases secreted by F. hepatica adults and on FheCy2, a new protease inhibitor from the cystatin family. The proteolytic activity of the secreted proteases was analyzed using: (a) chromogenic protein substrates and fluorogenic peptide substrates, (b) selective protease inhibitors, and (c) a fluorescent activity-based probe for visualization of proteases. The results showed that the secreted proteases are cysteine proteases of papain family belonging to cathepsins L and B. These proteases were effectivelly inhibited by FheCy2 as demonstrated by enzymological analysis. It can be assumed that FheCy2 participates in the physiological regulation of endogenous proteases secreted by F. hepatica adults, which makes it attractive candidate protein for vaccination studies. Key words: Fasciola hepatica, cathepsins, proteolytic activity, substrate specificity, protease inhibitors (In Czech)
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Investigation of biochemical methane potential in Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in VietnamDeo, Anurag, Axelsson Bjerg, Mette January 2017 (has links)
Currently Vietnam is facing several problems with waste handling. For instance, a lot of the municipal organic solid waste is dumped at landfills, which contributes to environmental difficulties such as greenhouse gas emissions. Anaerobic digestion has proven to be an adequate method for solving environmental problems such as waste treatment, where biogas can be produced. The methane content in the biogas can subsequently be used as a prosperous energy source for heating, electricity and vehicle fuel. The production and utilization of biogas in Vietnam is in a developing face. However, there are issues that should be tackled to improve and expand the biogas production and use. In Vietnam the main substrate used for anaerobic digestion is animal manure as most of the biogas digesters are placed on farms. The purpose of this master thesis was to identify additional potential substrates for biogas production, with focus on Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in the Thái Nguyên province. In order to find suitable substrates, interviews and literature research were carried out in Vietnam. Subsequently biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were performed for the identified and acquired substrates. The BMP-tests were first performed at Thái Nguyên University but as the results were inconclusive, further experiments were performed at Linköping University (Sweden) where eight substrates from the Thái Nguyên province were investigated. The identified substrates used for the BMP-tests were three types of beer waste from the Vicoba brewery in Thái Nguyên city, food waste from different restaurants in Sông Công city, fruit waste from the fruit market in Thái Nguyên and household vegetable waste. The highest methane yield could be observed for household vegetable waste (543 Nml/g VS) followed by beer waste (yeast) with a methane potential of 497 Nml/g VS. Beer waste (hops boiling) had the lowest methane potential with a value of 230 Nml/g VS. Estimation of the total methane potential in both cities together from food waste from restaurants, beer waste and sewage sludge from the upcoming waste water treatment plant (WWTP) in Thái Nguyen city were made by combining data from interviews, literature values and the BMP-results. The estimation showed that from Thái Nguyên City and Sông Công city about 137,500 m3 CH4/year can be produced from food waste from restaurants, about 1.7 millionCH4 m3/year can be produced from sludge from the WWTP in Thái Nguyên city (under construction) and there is also a possibility to produce about 10,700 m3 CH4/year from the beer brewery in Thái Nguyên city. Thus, the total estimated methane potential sums up to 1.8 million m3 CH4/year. The results show that Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city have potential wastes that preferably could be used as substrates for biogas production which could add on to the biogas produced currently at farm level in the Thái Nguyên region. / I dagsläget står Vietnam inför svåra problem med rådande avfallshantering. En stor del av det organiska avfallet deponeras. Detta bidrar till miljöproblem som exempelvis utsläpp av växthusgaser. Kontrollerad rötning har visat sig vara en bra metod för avfallshantering av organiskt avfall, eftersom biogasen som produceras exempelvis kan användas som energikälla för matlagning, elektricitet och fordonsbränsle, samtidigt som avfallsmängden kraftigt reduceras. Utvecklingen av kommersiell biogasproduktion i Vietnam är fortfarande i ett inledande stadie. De främsta substraten för biogassubstratet som används i landet i nuläget är olika typer av gödsel med anledning av att de flesta rötkammare är placerade på bondgårdar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kompletterande potentiella substrat som kan användas för biogasproduktion i städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công som är belägna i provinsen Thái Nguyên. För att identifiera möjliga biogassubstrat genomfördes intervjuer på plats tillsammans med litteraturundersökningar. Vidare genomfördes metanpotentialbestämningar (BMP) för identifierade, utvalda och, erhållna substrat. Det visade sig ej vara möjligt inom tidsramen för besöket att genomföra BMP-testerna på ett fullgott sätt vid Thái Nguyêns universitet med anledning av begränsningar i metodförutsättningar, varför BMP-tester även genomfördes på Linköpings universitet. Totalt testades metanpotentialen för åtta olika substrat från städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. De identifierade substraten som användes i BMP-studien var tre typer av bryggeriavfall från Vicoba bryggeri i Thái Nguyên, matavfall från olika restauranger i Sông Công, fruktavfall från fruktmarknaden i Thái Nguyên och hushållsavfall från ett hushåll i Thái Nguyên. Det högsta metanutbytet kunde observeras för matavfall från hushåll (543 Nml/g VS) följt av bryggeriavfall i form av jäst (497 Nml/g VS). Ölavfall från vörtkokning påvisade det lägsta metanutbytet av samtliga testade substrat motsvarande 230 Nml/g VS. En uppskattning av den totala metanpotentialen i de båda städerna från matavfall från restauranger, bryggeriavfall samt avloppsslam från reningsverket som är under uppbyggnad i Thái Nguyên genomfördes baserat på intervjuer, litteraturvärden samt genomförda metanpotentialtester (BMP). Uppskattningen visade att cirka 137 500 m3 CH4/år skulle kunna produceras från matavfall från restauranger, cirka 1,7 miljoner CH4 m3/år från avloppsreningsverksslam samt från ölbryggeriet i Thái Nguyên är det möjligt att producera cirka 10 700 CH4 m3/år. Sammantaget indikerar det en uppskattad metanpotential motsvarande ca 1,8 miljoner CH4 m3/år. Slutsatsen av den här studien visar att det finns stor potential för biogasproduktion i Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. / Developing strategies and methods for participatory planning in Thái Nguyên and Linköping
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Etude du comportement micro-nanotribologique de matériaux fonctionnalisés pour les MEMS / Micro-nanotribological behaviours of functionnalized materials for MEMSDomatti, Anne 28 May 2014 (has links)
A l’échelle micro-nanométrique, la fiabilité et la durée de vie des microsystèmes (MEMS),généralement réalisés en silicium, sont fortement affectées par les effets de frottement, d’adhesion,d’usure... L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier les mécanismes de frottement et d’usure sur deswafers de silicium. Le comportement micro-nanotribologique de monocouches auto-assemblées(SAMs) d’alkyltrichlorosilane, déposées sur des wafers de silicium de différentes orientationscristallographiques – i.e, Si(100), Si(111) et Si(110), a été étudié à l’aide d’un nanotribomètre. Lesparamètres modifiés au cours de l’étude sont les suivants : la longueur de la chaîne, les paramètrestribologiques (charge normale, vitesse de glissement, distance de glissement, taux d’humidité relativeet température du substrat) et les propriétés de surface du silicium (orientation cristallographique,topographie). Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le comportement nanotribologique desmonocouches greffées sur des substrat polis est influencé par l’homogénéité du film et la fractiond’aire qu’il couvre. Ces deux paramètres étant contrôlés par le temps d’immersion et l’orientationcristallographique du substrat. La topographie du silicium a également été modifiée de manièreà créer des motifs périodiques (microstructure par DRIE). Le comportement tribologique de cessurfaces revêtues d’OTS est contrôlé par les variations des propriétés physico-chimiques dessurfaces et la fragilité de la microstructure. Pour s’affranchir des problèmes de fragilité, des motifsstructurés à l’échelle nanométrique sont réalisés par nano-impression. / At micro and nanoscale, fiability and durability of micromechanical devices (MEMS), usuallymanufactured of silicon, are strongly affected by the friction effects, adhesion, wear... The aim ofthis work is to study the mechanisms of friction and wear of silicon wafers. Micro/nanotribologicalstudy of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) derived from n-alkyltrichlorosilanes deposited on siliconwafers displaying various crystallographic orientations – i.e, Si (100), Si (111) and Si (110) – hasbeen conducted using a nanotribometer (ball-on-disc). The parameters that have been varied are: the alkyl chain length, the tribological parameters (normal load, sliding velocity, sliding distance,relative humidity level and substrat’s temperature) and surface characteristics of the silicon substrates(crystallographic orientation, roughness). On smooth silicon substrats, experimental results show thatthe tribological behaviour of SAMs is control by the film’s homogeneity and the surface coverageof the monolayer in connection with the time immersion and the crystallographic orientation of thesubstrate. The topography of silicon was also modified by changing the microstructure by DRIE inorder to create periodic patterns. The tribological behavior of OTS SAM grafted on microstructuredsurfaces was controlled by the changes in physico-chemical properties and the fragility of thepatterns. To overcome the problems of fragility of these surfaces, patterns at the nanoscale areachieved by nanoimprint.
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Conception et réalisation de capteurs (température et pouls) imprimés sur support souple / Conception and realization of sensors (temperature, pulse) printed on flexible supportDankoco, Mariam Dème 21 April 2016 (has links)
La thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche collaborative VEADISTA (Veille à distance et alerte intelligente) qui repose sur la conception d’une technologie ergonomique à bas coût. L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir et de réaliser des capteurs de température et de pression imprimés sur support flexible pour des applications biomédicales. Ils doivent être adaptés à une intégration sur un transpondeur passif télé-alimenté, conformables pour s’adapter au bras du patient, bas coût et permettant un transfert technologique vers l’industrie.Des prototypes de tests ont été réalisés dans le but d’identifier la topologie et la couche active les plus prometteuses pour la réalisation des capteurs de température en tout imprimé sur support souple. A l’issue de cette étude préliminaire, une thermorésistance à base d’encre d’argent a été réalisée par jet d’encre sur un substrat flexible. La caractérisation de ces capteurs a permis d’évaluer leur sensibilité et d’attester de leur bonne linéarité.Des tests préliminaires sur des capteurs commerciaux ont ensuite été effectués pour démontrer qu’il était possible de détecter le rythme cardiaque avec un capteur de pression. A la suite de cette étude, des capteurs de pression sur support souple ont été fabriqués en utilisant la technologie jet d’encre. Ces capteurs ont été caractérisés électriquement sous contrainte mécanique contrôlée. Pour aboutir à ces résultats, de nombreux développements technologiques ont été réalisés autour de la technique d’impression par jet d’encre. La maîtrise du triptyque encre-tête d’impression-substrat est en effet indispensable pour l’obtention de motifs de qualité. / This thesis is a part of the collaborative research project VEADISTA (Remote monitoring of vital parameters and smart alerts) based on the conception of an ergonomic technology at low-cost.The objective of this thesis is to design and to realize printed temperature and pressure sensors on flexible support for biomedical applications. Subsequent to this, these sensors must be suitable to an integration on a passive transponder remotely powered, conformable to fit the patient's arm, low cost and allowing a technological transfer towards industry.Prototype tests were realized in order to identify the most promising topology and active layer to achieve printed temperature sensors on flexible support. At the end of this preliminary study, a RTD based on a silver ink was performed by inkjet on a flexible substrate (Kapton). The characterization of these sensors allowed to assess their sensitivity and to attest to their good linearity.The preliminary tests on commercial sensors were then made to demonstrate that it was possible to detect the heart rate with a pressure sensor. Following this study, pressure sensors were manufactured on flexible support using inkjet technology. These sensors were electrically characterized under controlled mechanical constraint. To achieve these results, many technological developments were realized around the inkjet printing technique. The mastery of the ink – inkjet head – substrate interaction is indeed essential for obtaining good printed quality and functional sensors.
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