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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Habitat périurbain autoconstruit en République démocratique du Congo: perspectives d'amélioration des logements de terre crue en climat tropical

Chirhalwirwa, Liévin 26 September 2008 (has links)
Les difficultés d’accès à un logement décent, le coût exorbitant des matériaux de construction dits « nobles » ainsi que l’absence des filières de production foncière et immobilière en RDCONGO ont motivé cette recherche orientée vers l’utilisation des matériaux locaux – et en particulier la terre crue – en vue de contribuer à la résorption des problèmes d’habitat auxquels font face la plupart des populations vivant en zone périurbaine congolaise.<p><p>Cette thèse démontre qu’il est possible, à travers l’autoconstruction – procédé utilisé par plus de 80% de ménages congolais pour produire leurs logements – ,d’améliorer l’habitat dans ce pays en partant de la zone périurbaine. On peut donc, à partir des propositions faites dans cet espace idéalement localisé entre les zones urbaine et rurale, envisager des répercutions positives au sein de ces deux zones qui lui sont contiguës.<p><p>L’observation constitue la principale méthodologie utilisée. <p>Des enquêtes menées sur quelques 930 logements situés au sein de trois sous zones climatiques de la RDCONGO ont permis, suivant 29 critères principaux appliqués sur 3 différents paliers (la maison, la parcelle et le quartier) d’engranger plus de 100 000 (cent mille) données reprises dans les annexes à la présente et offrant la possibilité d’extrapoler les résultats obtenus sur l’ensemble du territoire de la RDCONGO.<p><p>Inventaire des intelligences et connaissances locales relatives à l’utilisation du matériau terre en construction (Savoirs et Pratiques Populaires « SPP »), espaces engendrés par les architectures de terre en RDCONGO, cartographies des constructions en terre en RDCONGO, maisons périurbaines autoconstruites en adobes, modélisation d’un lotissement de 200 logements réalisables en terre crue, etc. constituent les principaux résultats atteints par cette thèse.<p><p>Toutefois, il sied de préciser qu’il s’agit ici, non seulement de construire des maisons en terre, mais surtout de développer un style d’habitat répondant à la fonctionnalité des logements et susceptible de renforcer les dimensions sociales et culturelles tout en respectant l’environnement. <p><p>Enfin, des pistes de recherches ultérieures sont envisagées. Elles nécessitent d’être creusées en vue d’autres améliorations des logements de terre crue en climat tropical. <p>Il s’agit de :l’érosion due au ruissellement sur les murs de terre, l’étude des logements de terre crue en hauteur (R+1, 2, 3, …n ;où n représente le nombre d’étages) pour la RDCONGO, le développement des activités économiques liées aux constructions en terre, la stabilisation organique des sols à l’aide des produits locaux, etc.<p><p><p><p>Contact :arch2002chiral@yahoo.fr<p> / Doctorat en Art de bâtir et urbanisme / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Specifika výuky tělesné výchovy na malotřídní škole ZŠ / Specifics of teaching physical education in a composite class in elementary school

Řepová, Soňa January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is following up on general characteristics of a composite classes schools in Czech Republic. The goal of the thesis is to find out, whether the physical education on composite classes schools has different specifics, due to its current lack of spacial requirements for physical education. This problematic is examined in the investigatory part of the thesis, where the results are sought with structured interviews and surveys. The outcome of said surveys is, that the spacial and material conditions for physical education on composite classes school are not a hindrance to fulfil the School educational program in physical education and are not reflected on the quality of education.

Principy formování zeleně jako součásti městského interiéru / Principles of formation of urban greenery as a part of urban interior

Hrubanová, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
Urban interior environment mostly serves as a place for various meetings and social events. Thus, these spaces come alive thanks to people, who give them reason and meaning. However, the question is what role urban interior has in the present day, which, at the beginning of the new millennium, is characterized by a high degree of individualism. Within the deurbanization tendencies, buildings and adjoining areas in central parts of cities are often abandoned and the activities move to the periphery. If we want to return the social function to the urban interior, as a place of pleasant encounters and relationships, we need to approach its formation with respect to current trends in the development of human society. From the perspective of sustainable development, it is also necessary not to extend the boundaries of urbanized area to adjacent landscape, while abandoning the central locations in cities, but to maintain their intensive character. From this point of view, it is necessary to realize, that it is the greenery that gives the city an opportunity to perceive public spaces as an integral part of urban life and not just as places that people walk through having no reason to stay longer than necessary. Application of greenery in urban interior provides many positive features to the city. Greenery is an added value that can also operate independently as a functional unit that links the other functions of the urban organism. Both in its solitary form and in line or area applications. Along with water elements, urban furniture, various hard surfaces and landscaping, greenery creates a pleasant and interesting living environment in the city that can be desirable and sought-after again.

Mission in an African city: discovering the township church as an asset towards local economic development in Tshwane

Mangayi, Lukwikilu 09 1900 (has links)
This multidisciplinary, applied study investigated whether the township church can be repositioned or re-discovered as an asset, which could be used to form strong community structures in local communities and in turn be the foundation for community development and Local Economic Development (LED) for Tshwane (specifically Soshanguve and Hammanskraal (S&H)). The concept of oikos is of central importance in the understanding of the ecological dimension of mission in relation to LED and was used in this thesis defined as oikomissiology which has a Christological basis and broadens the scope of mission by reinterpreting missio Dei and various socio-theological themes in order to realise the vision of collective wellbeing or shalom). Oikomissiology provided a framework / worldview for analysis, description, reflection and planning for action which releases the world, economics, the church and conventional Christian theology / missiology from the traps of anthropocentrism. A narrative approach enabled the “uncovering” of the voices of grassroots communities, giving grassroots participants (i.e. local church ministry representatives) freedom to tell their stories and share their experiences as far as LED is concerned, such that major economic concepts were spoken of in these stories in laymen’s language. The narratives were supplemented by interviews with experienced practitioners and church leaders, which resulted in gaining richer perspectives on LED and on how township congregations that participated in this research are attempting to respond to current socioeconomic crises in Tshwane (S & H). A literature study and a study of the physical space were performed in dialogue with narratives and interview findings. The findings of this applied study established that the township church, in relation to other community organisations and structures, is an asset that could play a number of vital roles towards improving LED in Tshwane (S & H). / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology (Urban ministry))

Riding Red Ink: Public Ownership of Mass Transit in Indianapolis

Wilhite, Ryan Daniel January 2011 (has links)
**Note** During the research process, IndyGo donated some of the resources cited within this paper to the Indiana Historical Society. That collection has not been archived yet. Further, IndyGo may have placed other documents (created during the time of public ownership) in the Indiana State Archives or the Indiana State Library. / Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Today, most urban mass transit providers are publicly owned. Just a few decades ago, and for a majority of the history of mass transit, private owners provided transportation for communities. The decline of private ownership in Indianapolis resulted in transit crisis that pitted private owners against local government, riders and community groups. Advocates lambasted the private owners for their profit-first tactics, pointing to the dividends gained by the private owners. These owners, the Midland Transportation Corporation, also owned the mass transit companies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Louisville, Kentucky. Indianapolis politicians, residents and newspapers, all firmly conservative, hoped private owners could continue to operate Indianapolis Transit Systems without public assistance. The imminent failure prompted a discussion of the future of transportation in the city of Indianapolis. Community groups hoped the new public corporation would increase service for Indianapolis and not continue the skeleton system managed by the private owners. A storm of uncontrollable events prevented the robust expansion of the new public corporation and its lack of funding resulted in a continuing decline of service, much akin to the private owners that were abhorred by transit riders. Public ownership in Indianapolis revealed the importance of public ownership in the historiography of mass transportation and urban history. The regional investigation of Midland Transportation confirmed the notion of transit as a unique industry, both in its industrial relations and influence of the locality. The basic rationale for public ownership in Indianapolis would be the most important: the provision of public transportation for those unable to afford private transportation to obtain necessary services.

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