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Mutations des espaces périurbains d'Antananarivo : population, habitat et occupation du sol / Change of the suburban area of Antananarivo : population, housing and land useOlisoa, Felana Raharisoa 14 September 2012 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte spécifique d’étalement de la ville d’Antananarivo, capitale de Madagascar, au-delà de ses limites administratives actuelles, en englobant les espaces périphériques. La poussée de l’urbanisation expliquée par une forte croissance démographique aussi bien dans la ville que dans ses Communes périphériques, est source de profondes mutations qui sont vécues au quotidien par la population et sont visibles dans le paysage. Ainsi, cette recherche consiste à analyser le déroulement, les manifestations et les enjeux de ces mutations. Reconnaissant que la périurbanisation recouvre tellement d'aspects, la focalisation sur les thématiques -population, habitat et occupation des sols, constitue un choix pertinent dans les analyses. Elles sont au centre des dynamiques et des forts enjeux qui caractérisent les espaces périurbains. La démarche est basée sur une étude comparée de trois Communes Rurales (Tanjombato,Sabotsy Namehana et Ambohimangakely) situées à la périphérie immédiate de la ville et qui sont représentatives de l’agglomération de par leur poids démographique, leur localisation sur les axes majeurs de périurbanisation et leur niveau d’urbanisation. / Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar, is facing to rapid urbanization with over two million people in 2009. This process occurs mainly in the suburbs of the city, through the decentralization of housing and activities. From a spatial retrospective and perspective, the key effect of suburbanization is the rapid land use changing. In addition to that, the trend to suburbanization during the last twenty years, leads to a larger scale, and therefore to a new concept which is the Greater Antananarivo. In this context, the urban sprawl retains interest of many stakeholders, including the scientific world. Thus, this study is focused on demographic, social and spatial changes at suburban areas. It describes the particularities of Antananarivo, where suburbanization is characterized by a ribbon development along public transport and infrastructural facilities, a limited sky-scraper development, an extensive consumption of land and a low density sprawl. Indeed, from the old city located on an elevated and symbolic site, the urbanization is expanding to surrounding plains and outskirt centers. The colonial and post colonial expansion contains some planned areas of collective housing and mixed activities. However, the recent expansion results from the individual housing spread, due to the self-house-building system.
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Constructing Success for Black Students in Suburban High SchoolLake, Johnny A. 06 1900 (has links)
x, 138 p. : ill. (some col.) / Considerable literature supports that teachers are important to student achievement, but few studies have assessed the student voice to determine what specific teacher behaviors and interactions affect achievement. This study is a secondary analysis of existing data from a local implementation of a national survey of student appraisals of teacher-student relationships, school experiences and their impacts on achievement. Data were analyzed to explore differences in perceptions for White and Black students, for higher- and lower-performing Black students and for Black males and females who attend suburban, high SES, high-performing, predominantly White high schools. Findings indicate an achievement gap between Black and White students, Black higher- and lower-performing and Black male and female students in predominantly White high schools. Students' perceptions of specific teacher interactions, school experiences and achievement differed and were impacted by race and gender effects, but more positive appraisals of student-teacher interactions and school experiences were positively related to improved achievement for all students. / Committee in charge: Dr. Charles Martinez, Co-Chair;
Dr. Gerald Tindal, Co-Chair;
Dr. Scott Pratt, Member;
Dr. Gerald L. Rosiek, Member
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Du périurbain à l’urbain : vers la co-production d'une ville sur mesure : l’intégration des habitants maitres d’ouvrage d’un projet sur leur terrain dans la démarche BIMBY / from suburban to urban : to coproduce a tailored city : the integration of inhabitants owner's house project in theirs garden with BIMBY approchAndréault, Céline 28 November 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte de raréfaction des terrains constructibles, comment produire de nouveaux logements qui répondent à la fois aux contraintes environnementales (construire dans les enveloppes urbaines déjà bâties) et au désir des habitants de pouvoir acquérir une maison individuelle à un prix abordable ?La démarche « BIMBY », acronyme de Build In My Back Yard (ou « construire dans mon jardin ») prend le contrepied du concept « NIMBY » (Not In My Back Yard, « pas dans mon jardin ») et fait émerger une filière de renouvellement urbain au sein des tissus pavillonnaires existants. L’hypothèse de départ est que la densification de ces quartiers puisse être réalisée à l’initiative de leurs habitants, du moins ceux qui manifestent le besoin de faire évoluer leur logement et/ou leur terrain.Les projets de vie des ménages propriétaires d’une maison individuelle peuvent en effet être à l’origine de la création d’un nouveau logement sur une parcelle déjà bâtie et située au sein d’un tissu déjà urbanisé.Durant ces trois années de thèse, l’équipe d’architectes-urbanistes du laboratoire de recherche In Vivo – dont je fais partie – a reçu plus 1 800 ménages propriétaires d’une maison individuelle lors d’ateliers de concertation BIMBY. Plus de la moitié des participants à ces entretiens ont imaginé et fait dessiner à leur architecte-médiateur un projet de construction d’un nouveau logement dans leur jardin. Dans cette dynamique de concertation, l’habitant peut devenir un acteur déterminant de l’évolution de la ville, en accueillant un nouveau voisin dans son jardin.Cette recherche de thèse opérationnelle est menée en collaboration avec le bureau d’étude Villes Vivantes, et son laboratoire de recherche In Vivo. Elle cherche à appréhender l’impact des projets des habitants des tissus pavillonnaires, lorsque ceux-ci sont intégrés au processus participatif BIMBY. Pour cela, nous avons analysé les 1 800 entretiens qualitatifs effectués avec les propriétaires dans le cadre de démarches BIMBY impulsées par 25 collectivités françaises.Différents scénarios de vie peuvent être à l’origine d’un projet de construction d’un nouveau logement. La destination de celui-ci (pour un tiers, pour un proche ou pour les porteurs de projet eux-mêmes) conditionne l’évolution de la parcelle bâtie ainsi que du quartier et de la commune.C’est pourquoi cette recherche se concentre dans un second temps sur l’influence de la concertation individuelle avec un architecte-médiateur sur la forme des projets imaginés par les habitants. En leur donnant les informations et les outils nécessaires à une bonne compréhension des contraintes techniques, économiques, architecturales et des différentes stratégies patrimoniales possibles, l’architecte contribue à faire évoluer les projets des habitants. L’apport d’une expertise architecturale permet de faire émerger des projets souvent mieux intégrés à leur environnement, contribuant à une densification par micro-projets qui pourrait être mieux acceptée des riverains que les grands projets ou la densification « sauvage ».Pour autant, et ce sera la conclusion de notre étude, la poursuite dans le temps du conseil aux particuliers, et la mise en place d’une politique d’urbanisme intégrant pleinement les projets des habitants sont incontournables pour parvenir à mener un projet d’intensification pavillonnaire vertueux. L’analyse de l’état d’avancement des projets de 180 participants sur huit territoires, et de l’évolution des idées lorsque la concertation se poursuit révèle d’autres perspectives sur les enjeux de l’accompagnement des habitants vers la densification pavillonnaire. / In a context where building land is rare, how cities can produce new housing that answer both the environmental constraints (build in the already built urban envelopes) and the inhabitants desire to buy an affordable house?The "BIMBY" approach, meaning "Build In My Back Yard" and taking the opposing view to the "Not In My Back Yard" concept, creates an urban renewal process within suburban area. The initial hypothesis being that the densification of these districts can be the initiative of the residents needing an evolution of their house or plot.The owners’ projects, focusing on their house and their garden, could create a new home on an already built plot located in an already urbanised neighbourhood. For three years and a half, the Lab InVivo research group (in which I take part) has received more than 1 800 households, owners of a house, during concertation consultation BIMBY. More than half of these owners have drawn a project of a new house in their garden with or without division. In this conciliation dynamic, inhabitants become a decisive actor of the surburbs increasing in “welcoming a new neighbour in theirs garden”.This operational research is carried out in collaboration with the research department Villes Vivantes and the research laboratory In Vivo. It seeks to understand the impact of owners’ projects at large-scale individual housing estates through the participatory BIMBY process.Different stories are the starting point of a building project and their destination (for outsider, for close family, friend or for self-promoters) determines the plot development, district and the town.Therefore the second line of this research seeks to estimate the influence of individual consultation with a mediator architect on the evolution of the type and the architectural form of the projects drawn up by the inhabitants: by giving tools to the inhabitants to develop the best plan of property, the architect contributes to empower owners’ ideas and make them more appropriate. Then, this micro-projects densification could be more accepted by local residents.However, and this is the conclusion of our research, the pursuit of advice associated with an urban planning vision and zoning codes is essential to carry out an intensification project of suburb neighbourhood. The cross-analysis of the progress states 180 participants in eight French suburban areas and the development of the project ideas with the pursuit of the consultation gives us other perspectives on the accompanying stakes of the inhabitants in the direction of the suburbs soft densification.
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Sorrisos de jovens nas periferias da vida: o que revelam e o que ocultam de suas experiÃncias e trajetÃrias / Smiles of young people on the outskirts of life, and reveal what they hide of their experiences and trajectoriesAntonio Diogo Fontenele de Lima 01 April 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Em uma construÃÃo processual que durou seis anos, desde a elaboraÃÃo do projeto de
investigaÃÃo atà a conclusÃo da tese, consolidando-se nos percursos do doutorado,
foram-se delineando os contornos do objeto de estudo, circunscrito nos sorrisos das
juventudes pobres que habitam as periferias da vida. O foco investigativo, aqui
consubstanciado na estruturaÃÃo deste texto expositivo, incide no desvendamento
compreensivo dos sentidos e significados dos sorrisos dessas juventudes que
vivenciam processos de exclusÃo e inclusÃo precaria, nesta civilizaÃÃo do capital,
no tempo presente, na melhor tradiÃÃo da sociologia das ausÃncias e da sociologia
das emergÃncias. Ã uma empreitada analÃtica, a partir de trilhas e vias configuradas
por pensadores contemporÃneos, destacando-se como referÃncias fundantes: Zygmunt
Bauman, Michel Maffesoli, Boaventura de Sousa Santos e analistas no campo dos
estudos sobre juventudes nos percursos da atualidade. O trabalho està estruturado em
seis segmentos, seguindo a dinÃmica expositiva considerada como mais fecunda para
apresentar reflexÃes, anÃlises e questÃes construÃdas nos circuitos da investigaÃÃo,
quais sejam: a abordagem de abertura que os intitulei âApresentando o trabalho: Ã
guisa de IntroduÃÃoâ; capÃtulo I, que versa sobre âCaminhos e percursos: a
metodologia em sua construÃÃo processualâ; capÃtulo II, que aborda âSorrisos das
juventudes como fenÃmeno investigativo: balizamentos conceituais e perspectivas
investigativasâ; capÃtulo III, que consubstancia as bases da estruturaÃÃo do
trabalho, com o tÃtulo âJuventudes em tempos contemporÃneos: delineando vias de
anÃliseâ; capÃtulo IV, que encarna as descobertas e questÃes urdidas no campo nas
tessituras teoria/empiria, denominado âSorrisos de juventudes nas periferias da
vida: um exercÃcio da sociologia das ausÃncias e da sociologia das emergÃnciasâ; por
fim, apresento conclusÃes que incorporam vias de estudo intituladas: âLugares de
chegada a vislumbrar novas viagens: a tÃtulo de conclusÃoâ. / On an ongoing construction, during six years, since the elaboration of the project of the investigation till the conclusion of the thesis, established by the requirements of the doctorate course, I had been delineating the outlines of the object of study, circumscribed by the smiles of the poor young peoples that inhabit the suburban areas. The investigative focus, consubstantiated here in the structural process of this expositive text, falls upon the comprehensive disclosure of the senses and meanings of the smiles of poor young people that face processes of social exclusion and precarious social inclusions, within the present capitalist civilization, by the best tradition of the Sociology of the Absences and the Sociology of the Emergencies. This is an analytical work, done by the trails and routes configured by the contemporary thinkers, such as the basic references: Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Maffesoli, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and the analysts from the area of studies of young people by the ways of contemporary times, in XXI Century. This work is structured in five parts, following the expositive dynamics that I defined as the most fruitful in order to present thought, analysis, questions constructed by the circuits of the investigation, which are shown here: the approach of the introduction which I entitled: âPresenting the scientific work: as if it were an introductionâ; Chapter I named âWays and routes:the methodology and its processual constructionâ; Chapter II that deals with âThe smile of young peoples like an investigative phenomenon: conceptual marks and analytic perspectiveâ; Chapter III that consubstantiates the basis of the structure of the work with the title: âYoung peoples in contemporary times: delineating ways of analysisâ; Chapter IV that incorporates the discoveries and questions weaved by the texture of the theory/empiric aspects, named âSmiles of the young peoples in the suburban areas: the practice of the Sociology of the Absences and the Sociology of the Emergenciesâ; at last, I present conclusions to incorporate ways of the study that I entitled: âPlaces of arrival to glimpse new trips: as title of conclusionâ
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A National Overview of Intercollegiate Athletics at Public Community CollegesCastañeda, Cindy 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the topic of intercollegiate athletics at public community colleges in the United States. This study is national in scope and includes members of the three major community college athletic associations: the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), Commission on Athletics (COA), and the Northwest Athletic Association for Community Colleges (NWAACC). Community colleges that were not members of any of these organizations are also included. The sources of data are the Institutional Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) surveys as well as Equity in Athletic Disclosure Act (EADA) survey data and the Katsinas Community College Classification Scheme. The population for this study was the 567 public community colleges which submitted IPEDS data in 2001 and 2002 and EADA data in 2002. The geographic classification scheme for public community colleges used in this study revealed differences in the role of athletics in rural, suburban, and urban colleges. Rural community colleges place a larger emphasis on intercollegiate athletics. Urban colleges had a lesser emphasis on intercollegiate athletics. Topics that are examined include the extent of college sponsorship of athletics, athletic associations, student participation, sport sponsorship, athletically-related aid, divisions of competition, athletic revenues and expenses, state reimbursement, recruitment expenses, and staffing requirements. The dissertation includes six findings and four conclusions. There are fifteen recommendations for further research and eight recommendations for practice. Maps showing the locations of teams for each men's and women's sport played in the NJCAA, COA, and NWAACC are included in an appendix.
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Redesigning the ‘shape’ of the local church : leaders building with applied timeless ecclesiology in the midst of prevailing cultureHumphreys, Jason 17 August 2012 (has links)
The church is facing a season of challenge in Western Europe and America, areas where once the church was strong and influential. We find, however, that the affluent suburbs in Cape Town are themselves not exempt from the challenge western culture is bringing to the church. Though there are signs of growth in some Christian sectors to inspire hope, there remains a great responsibility on the leaders of the local church today to engage this challenge. A responsibility rests on church leaders to hold firmly to the timeless message of the scriptures, and lightly to the forms of church that no longer engage a culture increasingly unimpressed with the face of modern Christianity. Within this thesis, we will attempt to outline a tenet of the western church’s ecclesiology that has been diluted in many places; this weakness has impacted the church’s ability to engage its community, as well the form and shape of the activities of the local church. Through investigating Jesus’ intention for the local church, we will shown that the church is not defined by the form of its activities, but by people’s response to the demands of the kingdom. We will show that focusing on the church’s response to the demands of the kingdom is able to be a uniting and strengthening force in the church in this season of cultural challenge. The demands of the kingdom are, therefore, to set the agenda for local church leaders, and free those leaders to redesign the form of the church’s activities to engage the local community in culturally appropriate ways. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Aux marges de la ville antique en Méditerranée occidentale, de l’urbain au périurbain : de l'approche diachronique à l'étude de cas campaniens, Cumes et Pompéi. / On the fringes of the ancient City in the western Mediterranean, from urban to periurban : from a diachronic approach to two case studies in Campania, Cumae and Pompeii.Lemaire, Bastien 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les espaces de la Cité antique sont définis par la traditionnelle dichotomie opposant intérieur et extérieur, ville et campagne. Le travail présenté ici s’intéresse à l’ensemble formé par la ville et ses espaces périurbains en Méditerranée occidentale, dans le but de réviser notre vision du fait urbain antique. L’évolution récente de la recherche et le développement des études périurbaines tendent à considérer les marges urbaines comme un tissu conjonctif entre la cité et son territoire rural. Par la diversité des exemples présentés et les fenêtres d’étude de Cumes et de Pompéi, nous tentons d’identifier les processus de croissance ou de régression de ces espaces, leurs éléments constitutifs et leurs relations avec la cité ainsi que leurs aspects spatiaux, religieux, économiques et sociaux. Sans remettre en question le rôle central de la ville, nous soulignons les imbrications et les complémentarités existant entre ces divers composants des agglomérations antiques. La démarche historiographique, diachronique et comparatiste, complétée par deux études inédites de terrain à Cumes et à Pompéi, vise à définir les limites urbaines, les fonctions périurbaines, les zones de contrôle, d’influence et d’exclusion et les interdépendances dans une dynamique montrant les pulsations à l’œuvre dans l’ensemble composé par la ville antique et ses périphéries sur la longue durée. / The areas of the ancient City are defined by the traditional dichotomy opposing inside and outside, city and countryside. This work studies the couple formed by the city and its periurban spaces in the western Mediterranean, in order to revise our vision of the ancient urban fact. The recent evolution of research on this topic and the development of peri-urban studies tend to consider urban margins as a connective tissue between the city and its rural territory. Through the diversity of the examples analyzed and through the case studies of Cumae and Pompeii, we try to identify the processes of growth and/or regression of these areas, their constituent elements and their relationships with the city as well as their spatial religious, economic and social aspects. Without challenging the central role of the city, we emphasize the interlinkages and complementarities between the main components of the ancient agglomerations: centre, periphery and countryside. The historiographic, diachronic and comparative approach, completed by two unpublished archaeological excavations at Cumae and Pompeii, aims to define urban boundaries, periurban functions, zones of control, influence and exclusion as well as interdependencies in a dynamics showing the historical pulsations of the couple formed by the ancient city and its peripheries over the longue durée.
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Freiräume in Thüringer Großsiedlungen. Erfahrungen aus der Wohnumfeldverbesserung 1990-2000Lemsch, Eva 17 July 2013 (has links)
Im Erscheinungsbild der Thüringer Großsiedlungen vollzog sich zwischen 1990 und 2000 ein deutlicher Wandel. Wohnumfeldverbesserungen trugen maßgeblich dazu bei. Diese Maßnahmen ordneten sich in die durch Förderprogramme gesteckten Ziele der Stadt- und Sozialplanung ein.
In allen Wohngebieten wurden die Wohn- und Lebensbedingungen im Vergleich zu 1990 verbessert. Umfangreiche Aufwertungen im Wohnumfeld folgten i. d. R. umfassenden Gebäudesanierungen. Die Vorteile der Verkehrskonzepte und Versorgungsinfrastruktur wurden erhalten und ausgebaut. Die soziale Segregation vollzog sich deutlich langsamer als noch zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre befürchtet. Entsprechend blieb die gemischte Sozialstruktur teilweise erhalten. Die Bewohner sind mit ihrer Siedlung heute mindestens genauso zufrieden wie zu Beginn der Aufwertungsmaßnahmen.
Das Eigenimage der Großsiedlungen konnte ebenfalls stabilisiert werden. Damit wurde das erklärte sozialplanerische Ziel, die Identifikation der Bewohner mit ihrem Wohngebiet zu stärken, erreicht. Diesen gelungenen Aspekten steht eine Reihe von Aufgaben gegenüber, die nicht umgesetzt wurden. So besteht die strukturelle, funktionale und bauliche Uniformität fort. Trotz Neu- und Umbau vieler Stadtteilzentren entwickelte sich nicht die angestrebte urbane Vielfalt. Die unzureichende funktionale und gestalterische Differenzierung des Raumes nach dem Öffentlichkeitscharakter verstärkt diese weiterhin vorhandene Monotonie der Siedlungen. Die Chancen, die Großsiedlungen besser an die Gesamtstadt und die landschaftliche Umgebung anzubinden, wurden nur selten genutzt. Trotz aller Bemühungen verzeichneten alle Großsiedlungen in den 1990er Jahren erhebliche Einwohnerverluste. Das Fremdimage der „Platte“ ist weiterhin schlecht.
Die Wohnumfeldverbesserungen weisen in den Großsiedlungen deutliche Unterschiede hinsichtlich Umfang und Intensität auf. Allen Wohngebieten gemein ist ein Nebeneinander von aufwendig aufgewerteten Bereichen und von Quartieren, in denen nur wenig Veränderungen stattgefunden haben. In keinem Wohngebiet erfolgte eine komplette Gebietsaufwertung.
An den Aufwertungsmaßnahmen waren viele verschiedene Akteure beteiligt, mit teilweise gegensätzlichen Interessen. Landschaftsarchitekten sind eine dieser Interessensgruppe. Ihre Arbeit bestimmt das Erscheinungsbild der Großsiedlungen erheblich mit. Allerdings bestehen nur geringe Handlungsspielräume zur Konfliktlösung zwischen den Beteiligten.
Im Laufe der 1990er Jahre wandelten sich die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Bedingungen. Nachfolgend fand ein Paradigmenwechsel im Umgang mit der Weiterentwicklung der Großsiedlungen und ihrer Freiräume statt. Aus den zu erwartenden Konditionen wurden hier Handlungsempfehlungen zur künftigen Wohngebietsentwicklung formuliert: in dauerhaft zu erhaltenden Quartieren sollten differenzierte Aufwertungen durchgeführt, in Rückbaubereiche neben der Stabilisierung des Wohnungsmarktes auch die Wohnungsvielfalt durch Umbauten erhöht werden. Die Freiräume in den Bestandsquartieren sind zu sichern, zu vernetzen und zu verbessern. Bei Interimsfreiräumen besteht ein erhebliches funktionales und gestalterisches Potential. Dazu gehören sowohl temporäre Aufwertungen für Erholungssuchende als auch extensive Freiraumentwicklungen verschiedener Vegetationstypen zur Erhöhung der ökologischen Vielfalt sowie wirtschaftliche Zwischennutzungen. / An enormous change in the appearance of the large suburban housing estates in Thuringia took place between 1990 and 2000. Improvements of the living environment contributed significantly to it. These measurements integrated into the aims of the city- and social planning that had been defined by support programmes.
In all residential areas the housing- and living conditions have been improved in comparison to 1990. Extensive upgrading in the living environment generally followed substantial building restorations. The advantages of the traffic concepts and the provisioning infrastructure were conserved and extended. The social segregation transformed clearly slowlier than suspected at the beginning of the 1990ies. Correspondingly, the mixed social structure has been partly conserved.
Today, the residents are at least as satisfied with their housing estates as at the beginning of the upgrading procedures. The image of the large suburban housing estates themselves could also be stabilised. Thus, the definded aim in social planning, to enforce the residents’ identification with their housing area, has been reached. These successful aspects are confronted with a row of tasks that have not been realised. So, the structural, functional and constructional uniformity still exists. Despite the new and re- construction of many community centres the intended diversity has not been developed. The insufficient functional and creative differentiation of the space according to the public character enforces this still existent monotony of the areas. The chances of linking the large suburban housing estates better to the whole town and the surroundings / landscape have only rarely been used. Despite all efforts all large suburban housing estates recorded immense losses of residents in the 1990ies. The external image of the “Platte” is still bad.
Concerning their extent and their intensity the improvements in the living environments show significant differences in the large suburban housing estates. In all areas there is a coexistence of expensively upgraded parts and of accomodation with only few changes. There was no complete upgrading in any of the areas.
Many protagonists contributed to the upgrading measurements, partly with opposed interests – landscape architects are one of these interest groups. Their work considerably defines the appearance of the large suburban housing estates. As a fact, there is only little room for manoeuvre concerning conflict resolution among the involved.
In the course of the 1990ies the economic and social conditions changed. Afterwards a paradigm change in the handling of the advancement of the large suburban housing estates and their spaces took place. The expected conditions were formulated into recommended actions to the future development of the residential areas: in accomodation to be permanently preserved, differentiated upgrading should be made as well as the residential market should be stabilised in reconstruction areas while the diversity of flats should be increased through rebuilding at the same time. The open spaces in the accomodation need to be secured, to be linked and to be improved.
There is an enormous functional and creative potential with interim spaces. Temporary upgrading for recreation searchers belongs to it, also extensive space developments of different vegetation types to increase the ecological diversity as well as temporary uses in the field of economy.
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Authentic Leadership Lessons from Leading Through a Pandemic: Suburban Superintendents Share Their StoriesCooper, Jonathan M. 11 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Content Survey of Ten Suburban Newspapers in the Dallas-Fort Worth MetroplexArnold, Thomas B. 12 1900 (has links)
This study compares the May, 1974 and May, 1975 editions of suburban daily newspapers in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The purposes of the study were to determine how, when, and why suburban daily newspapers in the metroplex altered their editorial content and to evaluate the effects of the changes on circulation. The thesis is organized into four chapters. Chapter I introduces the study. Chapter II gives a historical overview. Chapter III analyzes the data. Chapter IV contains some conclusions. Some conclusions that emerged from this study include: 1. Suburban newspapers have small editorial staf fs. 2. Eight of the newspapers altered their content. 3. The changes helped them maintain or increase their circulation. 4. All of the editors responding to the questionnaire said that local news and sports are their primary goals.
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