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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reduced order constitutive modeling of a directionally-solidified nickel-base superalloy

Neal, Sean Douglas 01 March 2013 (has links)
Hot section components of land-based gas turbines are subject to extremely harsh, high temperature environments and require the use of advanced materials. Directionally solidified Ni-base superalloys are often chosen as materials for these hot section components due to their excellent creep resistance and fatigue properties at high temperatures. These blades undergo complex thermomechanical loading conditions throughout their service life, and the influences of blade geometry and variable operation can make life prediction difficult. Accurate predictions of material response under thermomechanical loading conditions is essential for life prediction of these components. Complex crystal viscoplasticity models are often used to capture the behavior of Ni-base superalloys. While accurate, these models are computationally expensive and are not suitable for all phases of design. This work involves the calibration of a previously developed reduced-order, macroscale transversely isotropic viscoplasticity model to a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy. The unified model is capable of capturing isothermal and thermomechanical responses in addition to secondary creep behavior. An extreme reduced order microstructure-sensitive constitutive model is also developed using an artificial neural network to provide a rapid first-order approximation of material response under various temperatures, rates of loading, and material orientation from the axis of solidification.

Multiphysics modeling and statistical process optimization of the scanning laser epitaxy process applied to additive manufacturing of turbine engine hot-section superalloy components

Acharya, Ranadip 07 January 2016 (has links)
Scanning Laser Epitaxy (SLE) is a new laser-based layer-by-layer generative manufacturing technology being developed in the Direct Digital Manufacturing Laboratory at Georgia Tech. SLE allows creation of geometrically complex three-dimensional components with as-desired microstructure through controlled melting and solidification of stationary metal-alloy powder placed on top of like-chemistry substrates. The proposed research seeks to garner knowledge about the fundamental physics of SLE through simulation-based studies and apply this knowledge for hot section turbine component repair and ultimately extend the process capability to enable one-step manufacture of complex gas turbine components. Prior methods of repair specifically for hot-section Ni-base superalloys have shown limited success, failed to consistently maintain epitaxy in the repaired part and suffered from several mechanical and metallurgical defects. The use of a fine focused laser beam, close thermal control and overlapping raster scan pattern allows SLE to perform significantly better on a range of so-called “non-weldable” Ni-base superalloys. The process capability is expanded further through closed-loop feedback control of melt pool temperature using an infra-red thermal camera. The process produces dense, crack-free and epitaxial deposit for single-crystal (SX) (CMSX4), equiaxed (René-80, IN 100) and directionally solidified (DS) (René-142) Ni-based superalloys. However, to enable consistent and repeatable production of defect-free parts and future commercial implementation of the technology several concerns related to process capabilities and fundamental physics need to be addressed. To explore the process capability, the fabricated components are characterized in terms of several geometrical, mechanical and metallurgical parameters. An active-contour based image analysis technique has been developed to obtain several microstructural responses from the optical metallography of sample cross-sections and the process goes through continuous improvement through optimization of the process parameters through subsequent design of experiments. The simulation-based study is aimed at developing a multiphysics model that captures the fundamental physics of the fabrication process and allows the generation of constitutive equations for microstructural transitions and properties. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) finite-volume solver is used to model the melting and solidification process. The development work also focuses on studying process response to different superalloy materials and implementing a multivariate statistical process control that allows efficient management and optimization of the design parameter space. In contrast to the prior work on single-bead laser scan, the model incorporates the raster scan pattern in SLE and the temperature dependent local property variations. The model is validated through thermal imaging data. The flow-thermal model is further tied to an empirical microstructural model through the active-contour based optical image analysis technique, which enables the identification of several microstructural transitions for laser beam describing a raster scan pattern. The CFD model can effectively be coupled with finite element solver to assess the stress and deformation and can be coupled with meso-scale models (Cellular Automata) to predict different microstructural evolutions. The research thus allows extending the SLE process to different superalloy materials, performs statistical monitoring of the process, and studies the fundamental physics of the process to enable formulation of constitutive relations for use in closed-loop feedback control; thus imparting ground breaking capability to SLE to fabricate superalloy components with as-desired microstructures.

Prise en compte des évolutions de la précipitation gamma prime dans la modélisation du comportement mécanique en traction du PER72® au cours du traitement thermique : application à la prévision des contraintes résiduelles après trempe / Consideration of the evolutions of gamma prime precipitation in the modelling of the tensile mechanical behavior of the PER72® during the heat treatment : application in the forecast of the residual stresses after quenching

Le Baillif, Paul 23 May 2018 (has links)
Le PER72® est un superalliage à base de nickel élaboré par Aubert & Duval, utilisé pour la fabrication de disques de turbines de moteurs d'hélicoptères. Dans le cadre de son élaboration, l'alliage subit un traitement thermique qui lui confère ses bonnes propriétés mécaniques, mais qui peut aussi être à l'origine de contraintes résiduelles pouvant fragiliser la pièce. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse consiste à étudier le traitement thermique de ce superalliage et proposer des lois de comportements mécaniques afin d'estimer les contraintes résiduelles créées lors de l'élaboration des disques. Les conditions de traitement thermique sont étudiées. D'une part, l'effet de la vitesse de refroidissement sur les propriétés de l'alliage est investigué. D'autre part, pour chaque vitesse de refroidissement, la trempe est interrompue à différentes températures pour procéder à des essais mécaniques de traction à chaud. Pour ce faire, un outillage permettant de réaliser le traitement thermique des éprouvettes directement sur la machine d'essai a été spécialement développé. De plus, pour chaque condition d’essai, une caractérisation de la microstructure des éprouvettes post-mortem est réalisée. En particulier, la taille et la fraction volumique des précipités de phase gamma' sont étudiées. L'objectif premier est de comprendre l'influence des conditions de traitement thermique sur les propriétés mécaniques et la microstructure de l'alliage. Dans un second temps, un lien entre la microstructure et les propriétés mécaniques est discuté. Enfin, un modèle de comportement thermomécanique adapté à la trempe est formulé. Dans sa formulation, ce modèle prend en compte les paramètres microstructuraux identifiés. / PER72® is a nickel-base superalloys developed by Aubert & Duval. This alloy is used in helicopter engine turbine disk manufacturing. During the elaboration, a heat treatment provides the alloy his good mechanical properties, but it can also be at the origin of residual stress that can affect the disk capabilities.The objective of this work is to study the heat treatment and formulate mechanical behaviour law in order to estimate residual stress generated during the process. The heat treatment conditions are studied. On one hand, the effect of cooling rate on mechanical properties is investigated. On the other hand, for each studied cooling rate, the quench is interrupted at a testing temperature to carry out a tensile test. A special testing device has been developed in order to carry out the heat treatment of alloy specimens directly on the testing machine. Moreover, for each testing condition, the microstructure is characterized. In particular, precipitate size and volume fraction have been measured. The first objective is to understand the influence of quenching conditions on mechanical properties and microstructure. A link between the microstructure and the mechanical properties is then discussed. Finally, a thermo-mechanical behaviour law is formulated. This model takes the identified microstructural parameters into account.

Évolution de la microstructure du superalliage base nickel AD730 au cours des opérations de forgeage industrielles / Microstructural evolution of the nickel-based superalloy AD730 during the industrial forging process

Vernier, Suzanne 17 December 2018 (has links)
Du fait de leurs très bonnes propriétés mécaniques jusqu’à des températures approchant les 700°C, les superalliages base nickel polycristallins sont utilisés pour la fabrication de disques de turbine (ou compresseur) de moteur d’avion. La voie conventionnelle pour l’élaboration et la mise en forme de ces alliages est la voie dite «coulé-forgé». Ainsi, une première série de forgeages, appelée conversion, est appliquée au lingot coulé afin d’homogénéiser et de raffiner la microstructure. Elle aboutit à un demi-produit appelé billette qui est ensuite forgée/matricée à son tour pour obtenir l’ébauche de la pièce finale. Pour les superalliages γ-γʹ avec de hautes teneurs en éléments d’alliage, il est courant que l’étape de conversion ne soit pas suffisamment efficace pour complètement homogénéiser la microstructure. C’est le cas pour l’alliage AD730TM récemment mis au point par la société Aubert&Duval, dont les billettes présentent des zones de grains équiaxes recristallisés et des plages restaurées caractéristiques. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment les hétérogénéités de microstructure peuvent se résorber pendant les dernières étapes de forgeage menant à la microstructure finale. Après avoir caractérisé les hétérogénéités de microstructure présentes dans les billettes d’alliage AD730TM, des essais thermomécaniques simulant un procédé de forgeage ont été appliqués à la billette afin de suivre l’évolution des différentes microstructures locales. Les mécanismes d’évolutions statiques (pendant les traitements thermiques) et dynamiques (pendant la déformation) des zones équiaxes et des plages restaurées ont été caractérisés par microscopie électronique à balayage, EBSD et EDS. Une attention toute particulière est portée à l’influence des précipités γʹ sur ces évolutions. Notamment, une interaction front de recristallisation-précipités jusque-là très peu reportée dans la littérature et générant des précipités γʹ en quasi relation de macle ou de quasi même orientation que la matrice a été étudiée en détail. / Due to their excellent mechanical properties at temperatures up to 700°C, polycrystalline nickel-based superalloys are widely used in aero-engine turbine (or compressor) disk manufacturing. These alloys are usually processed following the conventional “cast-and-wrought” route. During this route, the cast ingot goes through a first series of forging operations which is named “conversion”. The goals of the conversion are to homogenize and refine the microstructure. It leads to a semi-finished product called billet. Then, the billet is forged again to obtain a draft of the final part. Yet, for the γ-γʹ nickel-based superalloys with high contents in alloying elements, it is common that the conversion process does not succeed in fully homogenizing the microstructure. Such is the case of the alloy AD730TM which has been recently developed by the Aubert&Duval Company. Indeed, AD730TM billets show both recrystallized equiaxed areas and characteristic recovered areas. The objective of the current PhD thesis is to understand how such microstructural heterogeneities can disappear during the last forging operations which lead to the final microstructure. First, the microstructural heterogeneities found in AD730TM billets have been characterized. Then, thermomechanical tests which aimed at simulating a forging process have been performed on billet samples in order to follow the evolutions of each local microstructure. The static (during thermal treatments) and dynamic (during deformation) evolutions of both equiaxed and recovered areas have been characterized using scanning electron microscopy, EBSD and EDS. A special attention has been paid to the influence of the γʹ precipitates on those evolutions. In particular, a specific interaction between a recrystallization front and γʹ precipitates have been studied in detail. This interaction, which has been weakly reported in literature so far, produces γʹ precipitates with either an imperfect twin orientation relationship to the matrix or an imperfect cube-cube orientation relationship to the matrix.

Tratamento térmico, deposição por laser cladding e oxidação isotérmica da superliga à base de níquel MAR-M247 modificada com nióbio / Heat-treatment, laser cladding deposition and isothermal oxidation of the niobium-modified MAR-M247 nickel-based superalloy

Baldan, Renato 17 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a microestrutura e as propriedades da superliga MAR-M247 modificada com nióbio (composição nominal: 10,2% em peso Co; 10,2W; 8,5Cr; 5,6Al; 1,6Nb; 1,4Hf; 1,1Ti; 0,7Mo; 0,15C; 0,06Zr; 0,015B; Ni balanço) submetida a diferentes rotas de processamento (tratamento térmico, laser cladding e oxidação isotérmica). O material foi produzido por fusão por indução a vácuo na empresa Açotécnica S.A. (Jandira/SP). As amostras no estado bruto de fusão e tratadas termicamente (solubilização e envelhecimento em uma e duas etapas por diferentes temperaturas e tempos) foram analisadas por MEV e MEV-FEG com EDS. Também foram realizadas medidas de análise térmica diferencial (DTA), dureza, difração de raios X e simulações em Thermo-Calc, JMatPro e PandaT. Em outra parte desta tese, realizada no Instituto Superior Técnico em Lisboa/Portugal, as amostras da superliga MAR-M247(Nb) foram fundidas pela técnica de laser melting e caracterizadas por MEV-FEG, EDS, dureza e EBSD, além de diversos cálculos envolvendo os parâmetros de processo utilizados. Além disso, os experimentos de deposição de pós de NiCr, NiCrAl e NiCrAlY no substrato da superliga MAR-M247(Nb) utilizando a técnica de laser cladding permitiram calcular alguns parâmetros geométricos e analisar a microestrutura dos depósitos (MEV-FEG, EDS e medidas de dureza) após o processamento e os tratamentos térmicos. Na última parte desta tese, foram realizados ensaios de oxidação isotérmica a 1000°C por até 216 horas (ar estático) na superliga MAR-M247(Nb). As amostras oxidadas (superfície e seção transversal) foram analisadas por MEV, medidas por EDS (pontual, line scan e mapeamento) e difração de raios X, além de cálculos das constantes kp e n. Os resultados desta tese permitem comparar as temperturas solvus de ?\' (1210oC), solidus (1310oC) e liquidus (1360oC) obtidas por Thermo-Calc com as temperaturas solvus de ?\' (1238oC), de fusão incipiente (1281oC) e liquidus (1370oC) obtidas por experimentos de análise térmica diferencial para a superliga MAR-M247(Nb). A microestrutura da superliga MARM247(Nb) no estado bruto de fusão é dendrítica com carbetos de W, Ti, Nb e Hf nas regiões interdendríticas. O tratamento de solubilização a 1260°C por 8 horas foi escolhido como condição ideal, enquanto que o tratamento de envelhecimento a 980°C por 80 horas apresentou o maior tamanho de partícula de ?\'. O material fundido pela técnica de laser melting apresentou trincas devido à formação de regiões eutéticas ?/?\' de baixo ponto de fusão. A microestrutura dos depósitos de NiCr, NiCrAl e NiCrAlY as clad é dendrítica com a fase solução sólida ?-Ni(Cr), além de poros e óxidos/carbetos. O depósito de NiCrAlY possui fases ricas em ítrio. A amostra de NiCr tratada 1150oC por 50 horas não apresentou evidências de segregação enquanto que as amostras de NiCrAl e NiCrAlY apresentaram a fase ?\' precipitada fina e uniformemente após tratamento térmico a 1100 e 1150°C por 10 e 50 horas. A estrutura da camada óxida da superliga MAR-M247(Nb) submetida a ensaios de oxidação isotérmica a 1000°C por até 216 horas consiste de NiO na camada externa, Cr2O3, TiO2, CoO, espinélios de (Ni,Co)Cr2O4 e partículas de W20O58 e HfO2 na camada intermediária e Al2O3 na camada interna. Finalmente, conclui-se que a microestrutura e as propriedades da superliga MAR-M247(Nb) são alteradas quando as rotas de processamento (tratamento térmico, laser cladding e oxidação isotérmica) mudam. / The aim of this work is to evaluate the microstructure and the properties of the niobiummodified MAR-M247 superalloy (nominal composition: 10.2 weight percent of Co; 10.2W; 8.5Cr; 5.6Al; 1.6Nb; 1.4Hf; 1.1Ti; 0.7Mo; 0.15C; 0.06Zr; 0.015B; Ni balance) submitted to different processing routes (heat-treatment, laser cladding and isothermal oxidation). The material was produced by vacuum induction melting at Açotécnica Company (Jandira/SP). The as-cast and heat-treated samples (solution and aging in one and two steps at different temperatures and times) were analyzed in SEM and FEG-SEM with EDX. Differential thermal analysis (DTA), hardness, X-ray diffraction and simulations with Thermo-Calc, JMatPro and PandaT were performed as well. In another part of this thesis, performed at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon/Portugal, the samples of the MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy were produced by laser melting technique and characterized by FEG-SEM, EDX, hardness, and EBSD, besides some calculations involving the process parameters utilized. Furthermore, the experiments of NiCr, NiCrAl and NiCrAlY powder deposition on the substrate of MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy utilizing the laser cladding technique allowed the calculation of some geometric parameters, as well as the analysis of the microstructure of the deposits (FEG-SEM, EDX and hardness) after the processing and the heat-treatments. In the last part of this work, experiments of isothermal oxidation at 1000°C for up to 216 hours (static air) were performed in the MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy. The oxidized samples (surface and cross-section) were analyzed by SEM, EDX (punctual, line scan and mapping) and X-ray diffraction, besides some calculations of kp and n constants. The results of this thesis allow comparing the ?\' solvus (1210oC), solidus (1310oC) and liquidus (1360oC) temperatures obtained by Thermo-Calc with the ?\' solvus (1238oC), incipient melting (1281oC) and liquidus (1370oC) temperatures obtained by differential thermal analysis experiments of the MARM247(Nb) superalloy. The microstructure of the as-cast MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy is dendritic with W, Ti, Nb and Hf carbides in the interdendritic regions. The solution heattreatment at 1260°C for 8 hours was chosen as the ideal condition, whilst the aging heattreatment at 980°C for 80 hours presented the highest ?\' particle size. The material processed by laser melting technique showed cracks due to formation of low melting point ?/?\' eutectic regions. The microstructure of the NiCr, NiCrAl and NiCrAlY as clad deposits is dendritic with the ?-Ni(Cr) solid solution phase, besides pores and oxides/carbides. The NiCrAlY deposit has yttrium-rich phases. The NiCr sample heattreated at 1150oC for 50 hours didn\'t present evidences of segregation whilst the NiCrAl and NiCrAlY samples presented fine and uniform ?\' phase precipitated after the heattreatment at 1100 and 1150°C for 10 and 50 hours. The structure of the oxide layer of the MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy submitted to isothermal oxidation experiments at 1000°C for up to 216 hours has NiO in the outer layer, Cr2O3, TiO2, CoO, (Ni,Co)Cr2O4 spinels and W20O58 and HfO2 particles in the intermediate layer, and Al2O3 in the inner layer. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the microstructure and the properties of the MAR-M247(Nb) superalloy are modified when the processing routes (heat-treatment, laser cladding and isothermal oxidation) are changed.

Efeito da soldagem por feixe de elétrons e tratamento térmico pós-soldagem em características mecânicas e microestruturais de tiras de Inconel 718 aplicadas em componentes nucleares / Effect of electron beam welding and post-weld heat treatments in mechanical and microstructural characteristics of Inconel 718 straps applied in nuclear components

Victor Hugo Leal de Araujo 10 November 2009 (has links)
A nacionalização de componentes para a indústria nuclear é de grande importância para o Brasil não só pela diminuição de custo como também pela absorção de tecnologia incorporada no desenvolvimento dos materiais e processos envolvidos. A grade espaçadora fabricada em tiras de Inconel 718 e soldada por feixe de elétrons é um desses componentes que não são fabricados no Brasil e constituem papel fundamental na estrutura do Elemento Combustível. Na realização deste projeto foram empregadas tiras de Inconel 718, fornecidas pelas Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB. Inicialmente as tiras no estado anterior à soldagem foram caracterizadas através de análise química, ensaios de tração e avaliação microestrutural por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. Após montagem das tiras em arranjos adequados para execução dos ensaios, os corpos de prova foram soldados por feixe de elétrons em vácuo (<= 5?10-4 mbar) variando-se os principais parâmetros envolvidos no processo, como a corrente do feixe, corrente de focalização e tempo de soldagem. As juntas soldadas foram avaliadas quanto à geometria do cordão obtido e mecanicamente através de ensaio de dureza e de cisalhamento, objetivando determinar a força máxima anterior à ruptura. Este último realizou-se em uma máquina de tração convencional usando corpo de prova adaptado. Também foram realizadas avaliações por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) acoplada a um espectrômetro de massa por energia dispersiva (EDS) para evidenciar as principais características microestruturais do cordão de solda, como a presença e morfologia das fases constituintes e a extensão e zonas de transição presentes. Posteriormente à definição dos parâmetros de soldagem a serem empregados, foram realizados tratamentos térmicos de solubilização e envelhecimento para diferentes ciclos térmicos. As amostras resultantes dos diferentes ciclos térmicos também foram caracterizadas através dos procedimentos descritos anteriormente, com o objetivo de se definir quais condições aplicadas no tratamento térmico resultaram em propriedades mais adequadas ao produto. A partir dos resultados obtidos, tornou-se possível correlacionar a influência da soldagem e do tratamento térmico com a evolução da microestrutura e das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas. Tais resultados auxiliarão na definição de parâmetros de processo a serem empregados pelas Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. na fabricação do componente citado. / The nationalization of componets for the nuclear industry is very important to Brazil, not only for the cost reduction, but also for the technological gain when materials and process are developed. The spacer grid fabricated with Inconel 718 and welded by electron beam is one of this components which is not fabricated in Brazil and it is a very important constituent of the fuel assembly structure. On the development of this project it were employed Inconel 718 straps, supplied by Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB. Initially, before the welding phase, the straps were characterized by chemical analysis, tensile tests and microstructural evaluation using optical and electron microscopy. After the assembly of the straps in an adequate arrangement for execution of the tests, the test specimen were welded by electron beam in a vacuum (<= 5?10-4 mbar) and the main process parameters were ranged, like the beam current, focusing current and the welding time. The welded joints were evaluated according with the obtained weld filet geometry and it were also mechanically evaluated by the hardness and shear tests, aiming to determine the maximum force before collapse. The shear test was performed on a conventional tensile test machine using an adaptative test specimen. It were done, also, evaluations by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) connected with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), to evidence the main microstructural characteristics of the weld filet, like the presence and morfology of the constituent phases, and the presence of transition zones. After the definition of these weld parameters to be employed, it were done annealing and aging thermal treatments for differents thermal cycles. The resultings samples of the differents thermal cycles were also characterized by the procedures described earlier, with the purpose to define which condition used for the thermal treatment resulted in more suitable properties for the product. With the obtained results, it become possible to correlate the influence of welding and the thermal treatment with the microstructural evolution and the evaluated mechanical properties. Such results will help Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB to define the employed parameters in the manufacture process of this component.

Residual stress characterisation in forgings for aero-engine application

Rolph, James January 2013 (has links)
Residual stresses are the stresses which are present within a component without any external load. They can be introduced through any number of manufacturing processes and in-service conditions, meaning that they are almost ubiquitous in engineering components. The characterisation of residual stress is an important field of research particularly in an engineering context since the effects of residual stress sum with the loads. As a result, the performance of a component can be greatly enhanced, or significantly reduced, by the presence of residual stress depending on the sign of the stress and the applied load. In this EngD thesis the focus has been on the development of residual stress through the manufacturing processes of aero-engine forgings, specifically the turbine disc. The forgings studied were sub-scale geometries of the disc, forged from the nickel-base superalloy RR1000. The overall aim of this work is to improve the understanding of the residual stress generation and relaxation through implementation of advanced experimental characterisation techniques, with a view to improving current stress predicting process modelling capabilities. With this in mind the work has focussed on the use of neutron diffraction and the contour method to characterise residual stress experimentally, while residual stress predictions have been made using finite element modelling. The findings of this research indicated that very large residual stresses were generated as a result of the quenching process, and that these stresses were then relaxed and redistributed by ageing heat treatments and material removal by machining. The results obtained through the two experimental techniques exhibited very strong agreement, indicated a robust experimental process. Comparisons to the finite element predictions highlighted some issues with the current model; in particular it was found that the simulation of quenching could be improved by better definition of the heat transfer at the surface. Furthermore, the level of stress relaxation during ageing was consistently over predicted in the model. This result is thought to be the result of an over-prediction of the level primary creep in the alloy. Subsequent studies will investigate this behaviour further using the newly developed in-situ heat treatment capabilities which have developed as part of this research.

On the hydrogen embrittlement of oil and gas grade alloy 718 and alloy 945X

Brown, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Hydrogen embrittlement is a mechanism by which hydrogen enters a metal, causing a loss in strength and ductility. This phenomenon is of great concern to the oil and gas industry as deep-sea wells operate in high temperature, highly acidic and high stress conditions. Nickel-based superalloys are ideal for use in such environments due to their high strength and exceptional resistance to both corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Alloy 945X is a newly developed nickel-based superalloy that has been specifically designed for use in downhole applications. This thesis compares the performance of hydrogenated Alloy 945X with the more established oil and gas grade Alloy 718. The hydrogenating environment of an oil well was simulated via cathodic polarisation. The effect of hydrogen content on the tensile performance of both alloys was studied, alongside fracture and microstructural analysis. A new video-recording technique was employed to investigate the crack initiation and propagation behaviour of both alloys, alongside in-SEM tensile testing. The diffusive nature of hydrogen in Alloy 945X and Alloy 718 was explored. With the use of a ppm-sensitive hydrogen analyser, it was possible to measure the rate at which hydrogen enters and outgassed from both materials as well as the saturation conentrations. Outgassing behaviour was also examined using X-ray diffraction and nano-indentation. The depth of brittle fracture in cathodically charged tensile specimens was correlated with Fick’s diffusion calculations and the critical concentration for embrittlement calculated. In a similar method, a parameter (based on diffusion coefficient calculations) that describes the rate of embrittlement in a material was proposed.

Efeito da soldagem por feixe de elétrons e tratamento térmico pós-soldagem em características mecânicas e microestruturais de tiras de Inconel 718 aplicadas em componentes nucleares / Effect of electron beam welding and post-weld heat treatments in mechanical and microstructural characteristics of Inconel 718 straps applied in nuclear components

Araujo, Victor Hugo Leal de 10 November 2009 (has links)
A nacionalização de componentes para a indústria nuclear é de grande importância para o Brasil não só pela diminuição de custo como também pela absorção de tecnologia incorporada no desenvolvimento dos materiais e processos envolvidos. A grade espaçadora fabricada em tiras de Inconel 718 e soldada por feixe de elétrons é um desses componentes que não são fabricados no Brasil e constituem papel fundamental na estrutura do Elemento Combustível. Na realização deste projeto foram empregadas tiras de Inconel 718, fornecidas pelas Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB. Inicialmente as tiras no estado anterior à soldagem foram caracterizadas através de análise química, ensaios de tração e avaliação microestrutural por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. Após montagem das tiras em arranjos adequados para execução dos ensaios, os corpos de prova foram soldados por feixe de elétrons em vácuo (<= 5?10-4 mbar) variando-se os principais parâmetros envolvidos no processo, como a corrente do feixe, corrente de focalização e tempo de soldagem. As juntas soldadas foram avaliadas quanto à geometria do cordão obtido e mecanicamente através de ensaio de dureza e de cisalhamento, objetivando determinar a força máxima anterior à ruptura. Este último realizou-se em uma máquina de tração convencional usando corpo de prova adaptado. Também foram realizadas avaliações por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura (MEV) acoplada a um espectrômetro de massa por energia dispersiva (EDS) para evidenciar as principais características microestruturais do cordão de solda, como a presença e morfologia das fases constituintes e a extensão e zonas de transição presentes. Posteriormente à definição dos parâmetros de soldagem a serem empregados, foram realizados tratamentos térmicos de solubilização e envelhecimento para diferentes ciclos térmicos. As amostras resultantes dos diferentes ciclos térmicos também foram caracterizadas através dos procedimentos descritos anteriormente, com o objetivo de se definir quais condições aplicadas no tratamento térmico resultaram em propriedades mais adequadas ao produto. A partir dos resultados obtidos, tornou-se possível correlacionar a influência da soldagem e do tratamento térmico com a evolução da microestrutura e das propriedades mecânicas avaliadas. Tais resultados auxiliarão na definição de parâmetros de processo a serem empregados pelas Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. na fabricação do componente citado. / The nationalization of componets for the nuclear industry is very important to Brazil, not only for the cost reduction, but also for the technological gain when materials and process are developed. The spacer grid fabricated with Inconel 718 and welded by electron beam is one of this components which is not fabricated in Brazil and it is a very important constituent of the fuel assembly structure. On the development of this project it were employed Inconel 718 straps, supplied by Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB. Initially, before the welding phase, the straps were characterized by chemical analysis, tensile tests and microstructural evaluation using optical and electron microscopy. After the assembly of the straps in an adequate arrangement for execution of the tests, the test specimen were welded by electron beam in a vacuum (<= 5?10-4 mbar) and the main process parameters were ranged, like the beam current, focusing current and the welding time. The welded joints were evaluated according with the obtained weld filet geometry and it were also mechanically evaluated by the hardness and shear tests, aiming to determine the maximum force before collapse. The shear test was performed on a conventional tensile test machine using an adaptative test specimen. It were done, also, evaluations by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) connected with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), to evidence the main microstructural characteristics of the weld filet, like the presence and morfology of the constituent phases, and the presence of transition zones. After the definition of these weld parameters to be employed, it were done annealing and aging thermal treatments for differents thermal cycles. The resultings samples of the differents thermal cycles were also characterized by the procedures described earlier, with the purpose to define which condition used for the thermal treatment resulted in more suitable properties for the product. With the obtained results, it become possible to correlate the influence of welding and the thermal treatment with the microstructural evolution and the evaluated mechanical properties. Such results will help Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil S.A. - INB to define the employed parameters in the manufacture process of this component.

Laser keyhole welding for microlaminating a high-temperature microchannel array

Lajevardi, Babak 14 September 2012 (has links)
Microchannel process technology (MPT) components are chemical unit operations which exploit highly-parallel arrays of microchannels to process large fluid volumes for portable and distributed applications. Microchannel heat exchangers (MCHXs) have demonstrated 3 to 5 times higher heat fluxes when compared to conventional heat exchangers resulting in proportionate reductions in size and weight. The most common fabrication approach for producing MPT components is microchannel lamination, or microlamination, in which thin layers of metal or polymer are patterned with microchannel features, registered, and bonded to produce monolithic components. Currently, the most common microlamination architecture involves the photochemical machining and diffusion bonding of metal foils. Prior work has established that the yields in diffusion bonding often drive the costs of MCHXs. Laser keyhole welding has been proposed as an alternative bonding technology providing the potential for faster cycle times, smaller weld widths and layer-to-layer evaluation of hermeticity leading to higher yields. Furthermore, laser weldments have small heat-affected zones providing excellent mechanical strength. In this study, efforts are made to evaluate the feasibility of using laser welding in the microlamination of a high-temperature counter-flow heat exchanger made of a Ni superalloy. Preliminary efforts were focused on the development and validation of weld strength estimation models. These models were then used to narrow down the range of process parameters and a final set of process parameters was determined through the use of a full factorial experiment with weld strength, joining efficiency and weld gap as response variables. The most acceptable parameter set was used to demonstrate the fabrication of a Haynes 214 microchannel array with adequate bond strength and hermeticity and minimal thermal warpage. / Graduation date: 2013

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