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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of fermionic singlet neutrinos on high- and low-energy observables

Weiland, Cedric 04 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this doctoral thesis, we study both low- and high-energy observables related to massive neutrinos. Neutrino oscillations have provided indisputable evidence in favour of non-zero neutrino masses and mixings. However, the original formulation of the Standard Model cannot account for these observations, which calls for the introduction of new Physics. Among many possibilities, we focus here on the inverse seesaw, a neutrino mass generation mechanism in which the Standard Model is extended with fermionic gauge singlets. This model offers an attractive alternative to the usual seesaw realisations since it can potentially have natural Yukawa couplings (O(1)) while keeping the new Physics scale at energies within reach of the LHC. Among the many possible effects, this scenario can lead to deviations from lepton flavour universality. We have investigated these signatures and found that the ratios R_K and R_π provide new, additional constraints on the inverse seesaw. We have also considered the embedding of the inverse seesaw in supersymmetric models. This leads to increased rates for various lepton flavour violating processes, due to enhanced contributions from penguin diagrams mediated by the Higgs and Z bosons. Finally, we also found that the new invisible decay channels associated with the sterile neutrinos present in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw could significantly weaken the constraints on the mass and couplings of a light CP-odd Higgs boson.

Étude et caractérisation de détecteurs à liquide en surchauffe

Fines-Neuschild, Mirjam 08 1900 (has links)
Les preuves astronomiques stipulent qu'environ 4\% de la densité de masse-énergie de l'univers serait composé d'atomes. Le reste est séparé entre la matière sombre, qui représente 24\% de la densité de masse-énergie, et l'énergie sombre, qui s'accapare les 71\% restant. Le neutralino est une particule prédite par la théorie de la supersymétrie et est un candidat à la composition de la matière sombre. Le Projet d'Identification des Candidats Supersymétriques Sombres (PICASSO) vise à détecter le neutralino en utilisant des détecteurs à gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$ en surchauffe. Lors du passage d'une particule dans les gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$, une transition de phase aura lieu si l'énergie déposée est au-delà du seuil prédit par le critère de nucléation d'une transition de phase (théorie de Seitz). L'onde acoustique émise durant la transition de phase est ensuite transformée en impulsion électrique par des capteurs piézoélectriques placés sur le pourtour du détecteur. Le signal est amplifié, numérisé puis enregistré afin de pouvoir être analysé par des outils numériques. L'ouvrage qui suit présente les travaux effectués sur la compréhension des signaux des détecteurs à gouttelettes en surchauffe dans le but d'améliorer la discrimination du bruit de fond. Un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, r $\approx 15\mu m$ a été étudié et comparé à une simulation Monte Carlo. Il s'est avéré que les possibilités de discrimination du bruit de fond provenant des particules alpha étaient réduites pour un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, et ce en accord avec le modèle théorique. Différentes composantes du système d'acquisition ont été testées dont le couplage entre le capteur piézoélectrique et la paroi en acrylique, l'efficacité des capteurs piézoélectriques à gain intégré et les conséquences de la force du gain sur la qualité du signal. Une comparaison avec des résultats de l'expérience SIMPLE (Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments) a été effectuée en mesurant des signaux de détecteurs PICASSO à l'aide d'un microphone électrostatique à électret. Il a été conclu que les détecteurs PICASSO ne parviennent pas à reproduire la discrimination quasi parfaite présentée par SIMPLE. / Experimental measurements show that only 4\% of the mass-energy density of the universe is made of atomic matter. Dark matter and dark energy are responsible for 24\% and 71\% of the mass-energy density. The theory of supersymmetry predicts a new set of particles. The neutralino, which is the lightest stable particle, is one of the favorite candidates for dark matter. The Project in Canada to Search for Supersymmetric Objects (PICASSO) seeks dark matter using superheated droplets detectors (SDD). A phase transition occurs when a particle interact with a C$_4$F$_{10}$ droplet and deposits enough energy within a certain critical radius. An acoustic wave is created during this phase transition and piezoelectric sensors transform this acoustic signal into an electrical signal. This signal is then amplified, digitised and recorded for further analysis. In this work is presented a study on superheated droplets detectors aiming in particular at an improvement of the alpha background discrimination. The data acquisition system has been tested in order to check the coupling between the piezoelectric sensors and the acrylic wall of the detector, the efficiency of the amplifier gain of the piezoelectric sensors and the effect of the gain on the quality of the signal. The SIMPLE (Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments) experiment stated that they could obtain a 97\% discrimination of the alpha background using superheated droplets detectors and electric microphones. This work concludes that PICASSO detectors are not sensitive to this effect. Finally, a small droplet detector has been studied and it has been concluded that a small droplets site does not improve the alpha background discrimination.

Search for Heavy Neutral Higgs Bosons in the tau+tau- Final State in LHC Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt{s}=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

Hauswald, Lorenz 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
There are experimental and theoretical indications that the Standard Model of particle physics, although tremendously successful, is not sufficient to describe the universe, even at energies well below the Planck scale. One of the most promising new theories to resolve major open questions, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, predicts additional neutral and charged Higgs bosons, among other new particles. For the search of the new heavy neutral bosons, the decay into two hadronically decaying tau leptons is especially interesting, as in large parts of the search parameter space it has the second largest branching ratio while allowing for a considerably better background rejection than the leading decay into b-quark pairs. This search, based on proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV in 2015 and early 2016 by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, is presented in this thesis. No significant deviation from the Standard Model expectation is observed and CLs exclusion limits are determined, both model-independent and in various MSSM benchmark scenarios. The MSSM exclusion limits are significantly stronger compared to previous searches, due to the increased collision energy and improvements of the event selection and background estimation techniques. The upper limit on tan beta at 95% confidence level in the mhmod+ MSSM benchmark scenario ranges from 10 at mA = 300 GeV to 48 at mA = 1.2 TeV.

Characterising the decays of high-pt top quarks and addressing naturalness with jet substructure in ATLAS runs I and II

LeBlanc, Matthew Edgar 11 May 2017 (has links)
The coupling of the Standard Model top quark to the Higgs boson is O(1), which leads to large quantum corrections in the perturbative expansion of the Higgs boson mass. Possible solutions to this so-called naturalness problem include supersymmetric models with gluinos and stop squarks whose masses are at the electroweak scale, O(1 TeV). If supersymmetry is realised in nature at this scale, these particles are expected to be accessible with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. A search for gluino pair production with decays mediated by stop- and sbottom-squark loops in the initial 14.8 ifb of the ATLAS run 2 dataset is presented in terms of a pair of simplified models, which targets extreme regions of phase space using jet substructure techniques. No excess is observed and limits are set which greatly extend the previous exclusion region of this search, up to 1.9 TeV (1.95 TeV) for gluinos decaying through light stop (sbottom) squarks to the lightest neutralinos. A performance study of top tagging algorithms in the 20.3 ifb 2012 dataset is also presented, which includes the first measurements of substructure-based top tagging efficiencies and fake rates published by ATLAS, as well as a detailed comparison of tagger performance in simulation. A benchmarking study which compares commercially available cloud computing platforms for applications in High Energy Physics, and a summary of ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter data quality work focused on monitoring and characterising the sporadic phenomena of Mini Noise-Bursts in the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter are also included. / Graduate / 0798 / matt.leblanc@cern.ch

Aspects de théories supersymétriques unifiées en dimension supplémentaires / Aspects of extra dimensional supersymmetric unified theories

Fichet, Sylvain 23 September 2011 (has links)
Bien que l'on ne sache pas (encore) quel phénomène unitarise la diffusion WLWL à l'échelle du TeV, les données indirecte actuelles favorise le boson de Higgs. Etant donné que cette particule scalaire pourrait être aussi lourde que la masse de Planck, comment peut-on expliquer sa légèreté ? La supersymmétrie (SUSY), brisée à l'échelle du TeV, peut effectuer cette stabilisation, et permettre du même coup l'existence de Théories de Grande Unifications (GUTs). Ces SUSY GUTs réalisées dans une dimension supplémentaire compactifiée, peuvent être particulièrement simples. De plus, elles peuvent être prises comme limite basse énergie d'une théorie de cordes. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de tels modèles de SUSY GUTs. Nous avons étudié, développé et étendu certains aspects de la classe de modèle d'Unification Jauge-Higgs, et de la classe de modèle d'Unification Holographique. Différents aspects de la physique basse-énergie ont été étudiés, incluant spectre de masses, physique des saveur, matière noire, et phénoménologie au LHC. / Although one does not know (yet) which phenomenon unitarizes WLWL scattering at the TeV scale, indirect data currently favors the Higgs boson. Since such a scalar particle is susceptible to become as heavy as the Planck mass, how can one explain its lightness ? Supersymmetry (SUSY), broken at the TeV scale, can do this stabilization, providing in the same time models of Grand Uni fied Theories (GUTs). These SUSY GUTs, combined with extra spatial dimensions compacti fied on an interval, can be particularly simple. Moreover they can be seen as the low energy limit of some string theory. This thesis is devoted to the study of such models of SUSY GUTs on flat and warped orbifolds, trying to cover the range from models to experimental constraints. We studied, developed and extended certain aspects of two interesting frameworks of this type: a framework with gauge-Higgs uni fication, and the framework of holographic grand uni fication. We investigated several aspects of the low-energy implications, including mass spectra, flavour constraints, dark matter and LHC phenomenology

Effects of fermionic singlet neutrinos on high- and low-energy observables / Effets des neutrinos singulets fermioniques sur les observables de haute et basse énergie

Weiland, Cedric 04 July 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions à la fois des observables de basse et de haute énergie liée à la présence de neutrinos massifs. Les oscillations de neutrinos ont apporté des preuves indiscutables en faveur de l'existence de masses non-nulles et de mélanges. Néanmoins, la formulation originale du Modèle Standard ne permet pas d'expliquer ces observations, d'où la nécessité d'introduire de nouveaux modèles. Parmi de nombreuses possibilités, nous nous concentrons ici sur le seesaw inverse, un mécanisme générant des neutrinos massifs par l'ajout de fermions singulets de jauge au Modèle Standard. Ce modèle offre une alternative attractive aux réalisations habituelles du seesaw puisqu'il a des couplages de Yukawa potentiellement naturels (O(1)) tout en conservant l'échelle de la nouvelle physique à des énergies accessibles au LHC. Parmi de nombreux effets, ce scénario peut générer de larges écarts à l'universalité leptonique. Nous avons étudié ces signatures et trouvé que les rapports R_K et R_π constituent de nouvelles contraintes pour le seesaw inverse. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressé à l'intégration de l'inverse seesaw dans différents modèles supersymétriques. Ceci conduit à une augmentation de la section efficace de divers processus violant la saveur leptonique du fait de contributions plus importantes venant des diagrammes pingouins comportant un boson de Higgs ou Z. Finalement, nous avons aussi trouvé que les nouveaux canaux de désintégration ouverts par la présence de neutrinos stériles dans les modèles de seesaw inverse supersymétriques peuvent significativement relaxer les contraintes sur la masse et les couplages d'un boson de Higgs CP-impair. / In this doctoral thesis, we study both low- and high-energy observables related to massive neutrinos. Neutrino oscillations have provided indisputable evidence in favour of non-zero neutrino masses and mixings. However, the original formulation of the Standard Model cannot account for these observations, which calls for the introduction of new Physics. Among many possibilities, we focus here on the inverse seesaw, a neutrino mass generation mechanism in which the Standard Model is extended with fermionic gauge singlets. This model offers an attractive alternative to the usual seesaw realisations since it can potentially have natural Yukawa couplings (O(1)) while keeping the new Physics scale at energies within reach of the LHC. Among the many possible effects, this scenario can lead to deviations from lepton flavour universality. We have investigated these signatures and found that the ratios R_K and R_π provide new, additional constraints on the inverse seesaw. We have also considered the embedding of the inverse seesaw in supersymmetric models. This leads to increased rates for various lepton flavour violating processes, due to enhanced contributions from penguin diagrams mediated by the Higgs and Z bosons. Finally, we also found that the new invisible decay channels associated with the sterile neutrinos present in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw could significantly weaken the constraints on the mass and couplings of a light CP-odd Higgs boson.

Solutions à courbure constante de modèles sigma supersymétriques

Lafrance, Marie 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Etudes dans le canal avec deux leptons de même signe de la physique du top au-delà du modèle standard / Study in the two same sign leptons channel of top beyond standard model physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and study of the L1 Calo Trigger

Gauthier, Léa 14 September 2012 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est « L’étude dans le canal avec deux leptons de même signe de la physique du top au-delà du Modèle Standard avec le détecteur ATLAS au LHC et l’étude du niveau de déclenchement L1 du calorimètre ». Cette thèse porte sur la recherche de processus de nouvelle physique au LHC faisant jouer au quark top un rôle particulier. Le LHC est un collisionneur de protons, conçu pour un fonctionnement nominal avec une énergie dans le centre de masse de 14 TeV. Jusqu’à fin 2011 il a fonctionné avec une énergie de 7 TeV dans le centre de masse. Les premières données recueillies (5 fb−1 à 7 TeV) nous ont permis de contraindre certains paramètres de la nouvelle physique recherchée. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit cette thèse. Celle-ci est divisée en trois parties. La première décrit rapidement l’accélérateur avant de s’intéresser à l’expérience ATLAS et au fonctionnement de son détecteur. Le bon fonctionnement des cartes de sommation du signal du calorimètre électromagnétique pour le premier niveau de déclenchement des événements a été tout particulièrement étudié. La deuxième partie est une analyse phénoménologique de la physique au-delà du Modèle Standard avec quatre quarks top dans l’état final pour plusieurs modèles théoriques. Cette étude a été effectuée principalement au niveau générateur pour 14 TeV dans le centre de masse mais nous commentons également les perspectives à 7 TeV. Elle peut être appliquée à l’expérience ATLAS comme à l’expérience CMS. La troisième partie est une étude expérimentale, réalisée avec le détecteur ATLAS, recherchant des manifestations d’un modèle de Higgs composite prédisant l’existence de partenaires exotiques au quark top (T5/3) et d’un modèle de théorie effective de production des 4 tops. Une limite sur la masse du partenaire exotique a été obtenue ainsi qu’une limite sur la section efficace des événements exotiques à quatre tops. / The subject of this thesis is the « Study in the two same sign leptons channel of top Beyond Standard Model Physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and the study of the L1 Calo Trigger ». The central subject of this thesis is the search for new physics in which the top quark plays a crucial role. The LHC is a proton collider, designed for a nominal operation with 14TeV. in the center of mass. Until december 2011 it worked with an energy of 7 TeV in the center of mass. The first 5 fb−1 of collected data allowed us to constrain some parameters of the new physics processes presented in this thesis. The document is divided into three parts : the first one describes briefly the LHC accelerator before presenting the ATLAS experiment and operation of the detector. The Tower Builder Boards for the electromagnetic level one trigger are especially studied. The second part is a phenomenological analysis of physics beyond the Standard Model with four top quarks in the final state. This analysis is presented for several theoretical models. This study was performed mainly at the generator level for 14 TeV in the center of mass but we also comments on prospects at 7 TeV. It can be applied to both ATLAS and CMS experiments. The third part is an experimental study, performed with the ATLAS detector, searching for two exotic processes with two same signe leptons in the final state (T5/3 and four tops production). A limit on the mass of the top partner T5/3 has been obtained as well as a limit on the cross section of exotic events with four tops.

Aspects of Yang-Mills Theory : Solitons, Dualities and Spin Chains

Freyhult, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
<p>One of the still big problems in the Standard Model of particle physics is the problem of confinement. Quarks or other coloured particles have never been observed in isolation. Quarks are only observed in colour neutral bound states. The strong interactions are described using a Yang-Mills theory. These type of theories exhibits asymptotic freedom, i.e. the coupling is weak at high energies. This means that the theory is perturbative at high energies only. Understanding quark confinement requires knowledge of the non perturbative regime. One attempt has been to identify the proper order parameters for describing the low energy limit and then to write down effective actions in terms of these order parameters. We discuss one possible scenario for confinement and the effective models constructed with this as inspiration. Further we discuss solitons in these models and their properties.</p><p>Yang-Mills theory has also become important in the context of string theory. According to the AdS/CFT correspondence string theory in AdS<sub>5</sub>×S<sup>5</sup> is dual to four dimensional Yang-Mills with four supersymmetries. The duality relate the non perturbative regime of one of the theories to the perturbative regime of the other. This makes it in general hard to test this conjecture. For a special type of solutions it is however possible to use a perturbative expansion in both theories. We discuss this type of solutions and in particular we discuss a method, the Bethe ansatz, to find the solutions on the gauge theory side.</p>

Quark Distributions and Charged Higgs Boson Production : Studies of Proton Structure and New Physics

Alwall, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>The Standard Model describes all elementary particles known today, but at larger energies it will have to be complemented with new particles and interactions. To be able to distinguish new physics at proton colliders such as LHC at CERN, it is essential to have an appropriate description of the colliding protons and their interactions. The study of the proton is important also in itself, to get a better understanding of the non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction.</p><p>In paper I-IV of this thesis, a model for the non-perturbative dynamics of quarks and gluons is developed, based on quantum fluctuations in hadrons. The parton distributions of the proton are given by momentum fluctuations, with sea quark distributions generated by fluctuations into baryon-meson pairs. This model can reproduce proton structure function data, as well as measured asymmetries between up and down valence quark distributions and between the anti-up and anti-down sea. It provides an intrinsic charm quark component as indicated by data. It also predicts an asymmetry in the strange sea of the proton, which can explain the NuTeV anomaly first attributed to new physics beyond the Standard Model.</p><p>Charged Higgs bosons are predicted by several theories for new physics, including Supersymmetry. At proton colliders, the predicted dominant production mechanism is in association with top and bottom quarks. In paper V-VII, different contributions to this production are studied, and an algorithm is developed for combining the two dominant processes gb -> tH<sup>+/-</sup> and gg -> tbH<sup>+/-</sup>. The algorithm gives a smooth transition from small to large transverse momenta of the b-quark, which is important when the b-quark is observed. It also gives arguments for the choice of factorisation scale in the process.</p>

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