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Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie kring skillnader mellan granskade respektive icke granskade företagClaesson, Andreas, Nordh, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between non-audited and audited sustainability reports and in that way indicate the significance of auditing to the contents of a sustainability report. The study was delimited to include three companies that create sustainability reports according to GRI guidelines, and also have changed from non-audited to audited reports.</p><p>The study is an exploratory study where we started from companies that follow GRI's standard and who have changed from being non-assured to assured and certified. In order to examine any differences we have started out from corporate sustainability reports and with the basis of these latter gather those changes which may have occurred during the changeover. We therefore chose to conduct a literature review on each company's non-audited sustainability reports and compare them with each company's audited and certified sustainability reports. Furthermore our study has been made on the basis of an assessment model based on the concepts of materiality, completeness and comparability.</p><p>The study showed that the audited sustainability reports in all companies were more focused and more detailed about the aspects GRI established for the performance indicators. The study also revealed that the audited sustainability report in one of the studied companies had more neutral image on managing and supporting the positive qualities that exist in the waste products and wastes. The study also showed that the audited sustainability report of another of the studied companies, unlike the non-audited, contained information about problems and indirect effects of the business. In further another company appeared to increase the comparability of the audited sustainability report. The summary conclusion of the study was that the differences that emerged between the non-audited and the audited sustainability reports showed that the audit had significance for the contents in the sustainability report regarding to materiality and partly for the completeness and comparability.</p>
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Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie kring skillnader mellan granskade respektive icke granskade företagClaesson, Andreas, Nordh, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between non-audited and audited sustainability reports and in that way indicate the significance of auditing to the contents of a sustainability report. The study was delimited to include three companies that create sustainability reports according to GRI guidelines, and also have changed from non-audited to audited reports. The study is an exploratory study where we started from companies that follow GRI's standard and who have changed from being non-assured to assured and certified. In order to examine any differences we have started out from corporate sustainability reports and with the basis of these latter gather those changes which may have occurred during the changeover. We therefore chose to conduct a literature review on each company's non-audited sustainability reports and compare them with each company's audited and certified sustainability reports. Furthermore our study has been made on the basis of an assessment model based on the concepts of materiality, completeness and comparability. The study showed that the audited sustainability reports in all companies were more focused and more detailed about the aspects GRI established for the performance indicators. The study also revealed that the audited sustainability report in one of the studied companies had more neutral image on managing and supporting the positive qualities that exist in the waste products and wastes. The study also showed that the audited sustainability report of another of the studied companies, unlike the non-audited, contained information about problems and indirect effects of the business. In further another company appeared to increase the comparability of the audited sustainability report. The summary conclusion of the study was that the differences that emerged between the non-audited and the audited sustainability reports showed that the audit had significance for the contents in the sustainability report regarding to materiality and partly for the completeness and comparability.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om hur övergången till G4 har påverkat hållbarhetsrapporter i bygg- och fordonsbranschenAltinisik, Celina, Gargovic, Kerim January 2018 (has links)
Background and problem: Global Reporting Initiative has come up with new guidelines for how companies should report sustainability. GRI is at the front regarding sustainability reports. The new G4 standard has meant that companies should only report what is considered essential to their business. The problem in the study is that it is criticized for GRI, as it is based on the triple bottom line, which is considered a misunderstood concept. Some research even shows problems with the indicators that GRI use. Furthermore, there is research showing that the automotive and construction industry is among the largest environmentalists in the world, while various scandals characterized the automotive industry. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to highlight what construction and vehicle companies consider to be important in their sustainability reports according to GRI's latest guideline G4. Method: This study has used a quantitative method. A content analysis has been the basis for the study where the sustainability reports have been in focus. Furthermore, the data collected has been transferred to a coding schedule and a coding manual. This has since been derived from an analysis of the collected data. Conclusion: The transition from G3 to G4 has led companies to take into account the essentiality requirement, which means that we see major differences between the different regulatory frameworks. Even though research shows that building and automotive industries pose a threat to the environment, our study shows that these companies still choose to take into account their stakeholders' views primarily. The stakeholders' demands via the materiality analyzes diverge any studies that criticize the construction and automotive industry regarding environmental aspects.
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Granskning av hållbarhetsrapporter : Implementering av CSRD samt dess effekter och utmaningar på arbetsprocessenLalovic, Jelena, Dimitrijevic, Daniella January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain and provide a more in-depth understanding of how the work around the audit of sustainability reports is carried out and what new regulations may mean for the work procedure. Method: The study has been conducted with a qualitative research approach where semistructured interviews were carried out. Furthermore, a deductive approach has been used in order to develop the previous research and to be able to analyze the relationship between theory and practice. Empiricism: The empirical evidence and the collected data consist of a presentation of the companies and the respondents of the interviews. The results of the interviews are presented in a table whose structure follows the interview guide. Conclusion: From this study, we can conclude that the work procedures for both sustainability specialists and auditors when reviewing sustainability reports look relatively similar, however certain limitations are experienced. Both parties express that the effect ofthe new regulation will not change the work procedure during the review but will require additional knowledge and expertise.
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Finansanalytikers syn på hållbarhetrapporter : En studie över vilka kvalitetskriterier som efterfrågas på hållbarhetsinformationAndersson, Therese, Joelsson, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Tidigare forskning har visat på en bristande användning av hållbarhetsrapporter i analysprocessen vilket kan hänföras till en misstro för hållbarhetsinformation och avsaknad av kvalitetskriterier för informationsvärdering. Därför är syftet med studien att skapa förståelse för vilka kvalitetskriterier finansanalytiker efterfrågar i hållbarhetsrapporter. I syftet ingår även att belysa huruvida en reglering kan tänkas möta finansanalytikernas behov. Metod: Vår studie anammar ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv därav präglas forskningsgapet som studeras av socialkonstruktivismen. Genom att ta fasta på en abduktiv forskningsansats samlas teori och empiri genom en iterativ process. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där den empiriska datainsamlingen sker genom intervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd av tidigare forskning och där samma teman och rubriker även går igen i både empiri- och analysdelen. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet av studien tyder på att det inte går att tillämpa samma värderingsmetoder som för den finansiella redovisningen. Finansanalytiker efterfrågar andra typer av kvalitetskriterier för att säkerhetsställa och värdera hållbarhetsinformation. Det viktigaste kriteriet för hållbarhetsinformation visar sig vara relevans, vilket ligger i grund för efterfrågan på branschspecifika information. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Hållbarhetsrapportering fortfarande är ett relativt nytt fenomen inom finansvärlden och flera av respondenterna tror på en snabb utveckling av området samt möjligheten att utveckla nyckeltal inom området. Det gör att det skulle vara intressant om en liknande studie gjordes i ett senare skede om cirka fem år för att se om det utvecklats några branschspecifika standarder för och nyckeltal inom hållbarhet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vår studies bidrag som kan hänföras till praktiken är förståelsen att hållbarhetsinformation och finansiell information inte kan avläsas på samma sätt, utan andra värderingsmetoder bör användas för hållbarhetsinformation. Den här studien bereder väg i hur hållbarhetsinformation ska värderas och hänvisar till att olika intressegrupper tillsammans med företag, gemensamt ska komma fram till olika branschspecifika standarder och värderingssystem för information. Det anser vi skulle underlätta utförandet av hållbarhetsrapporteringen men även hur den ska avläsas för bästa tillämpning. / Aim: Previous research has shown a lack of use of sustainability reports in the analysis process, which can be assigned to distrust in the information and a lack of criteria for the evaluation of information. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand which criteria financial analysts demand in sustainability reports. The aim is also to illustrate whether a regulation can meet the needs of financial analysts. Method: The study adopts a hermeneutic perspective and the research gap that’s being studied is considered to be characterized by social constructivism. By taking part in an abductive research our theory and empiricism approach together through an iterative process. The study applies a qualitative research where empirical data are collected through interviews. The theoretical framework is constructed of previous research and the same themes and headlines runs throughout both empirical and analytical sections. Result & Conclusions: The results of the study suggest that it isn’t possible to apply the same kind of reporting and key performance indicators in sustainability reports as used in the financial statements. A sustainability report is aimed more towards qualitative key indicators, which isn’t always possible to measure and compare. The main criteria for sustainability information prove to be relevance, which we can see is one of the causes for the demand of industry-specific key indicators. Suggestions for future research: Sustainability reporting is still a relatively new phenomenon in the world of finance, and several of the respondents believe in the rapid development in sustainable thinking and the possibility of developing key indicators in the field. This means that it would be interesting to do a similar study at a later time to see the development of industry-specific standards and indicators of sustainability. Contribution of the thesis: The study's contributions relate to the practice, understanding that sustainability information and financial information can’t be read in the same way, that other methods should be used for sustainability information. This study shows how sustainable information should be valued and refer to various interest groups together with the companies to jointly come up with various industry-specific standards. These we believe would facilitate the execution of sustainability reporting, but also how it should be read for the best application.
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Earth3 measures in sustainability reporting : Reinforcing transformational change through indicator and target settingSchwarz, Jana, Pegels, Lea January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração. / Assessing the evolution of sustainability reporting in the mining sector.Perez, Fabiana 27 May 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos nota-se uma preocupação crescente das empresas com responsabilidade empresarial e desenvolvimento sustentável. A divulgação dos resultados por meio da publicação de relatórios de desempenho ambiental, de sustentabilidade e/ou balanços sociais pode demonstrar eficiência e melhorar as relações com as diversas partes interessadas. A publicação de estudos sobre a utilização de relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração contribui indiretamente para fomentar a evolução dessa prática nas empresas e contribuir para a melhora da imagem da mineração. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar de que modo tem-se dado a evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade publicados pelas empresas do setor de mineração. Foi desenvolvido um roteiro de avaliação dos relatórios, baseado em referências internacionais de boas práticas e na literatura sobre o tema. A avaliação foi feita somente em termos de atendimento ou não a 62 requisitos ou tópicos que deveriam idealmente constar de relatórios de sustentabilidade de empresas desse setor. Os requisitos foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias: Contexto e compromissos, Gestão, Desempenho econômico, Desempenho social, Desempenho ambiental e Acessibilidade e garantia. O roteiro foi aplicado a 35 relatórios preparados entre 1997 e 2006 por cinco grandes empresas multinacionais do setor de mineração. A hipótese de evolução na qualidade e na abrangência dos relatórios foi confirmada com uma tendência positiva. A alta média das pontuações totais dos relatórios analisados e a alta porcentagem de apresentação de informações recomendadas para o setor mostram o esforço dessas empresas na identificação de riscos e resposta às partes interessadas. As seis categorias de informação analisadas mostraram resultados diversos, tanto em pontuação obtida quanto à tendência de evolução A categoria que recebeu as melhores pontuações foi \"Contexto e Compromissos\" enquanto a que recebeu as menores notas foi \"Acessibilidade e Garantia\". O método de avaliação mostrou-se eficaz para a avaliar a abrangência ou completude dos relatórios. Nas empresas analisadas os processos de processos de publicação estão estabelecidos, e é possível não só continuar evoluindo para discussões mais profundas, como também compartilhar informações e lições aprendidas para difundir a prática em todo o setor. Passada a fase inicial de amadurecimento dos relatórios, é momento para as empresas avançarem nas suas práticas de divulgação, buscando atender às melhores práticas e expectativas das partes interessadas de uma maneira mais completa, atingindo o próximo patamar de qualidade em relatórios de sustentabilidade. / During last years companies have an increasing concern about corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. Performance disclosure through sustainability, social or environmental reports can demonstrate efficiency and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Publishing researches about the usage of sustainability reports in mining sector can indirectly promote the evolution of this practice in companies and contribute to improve the public image of the sector. The goal of this research is investigating how sustainability reports are evolving in mining companies. A method was developed for reports assessment, based on international good practices and literature about sustainability reports. The assessment was made in terms of presence or not of 62 topics which ideally should be presented in sustainability reports of this sector. The topics were organized in the following categories: Context and Commitment, Management, Economic performance, Social performance, Environmental performance and Assurance and accessibility. The method was applied to 35 reports published between 1997 and 2006 by five big multinational mining companies. The assumption of evolution in report quality and completeness was confirmed, with a positive trend. A high mean of reports score as well as a high percentage of disclosing mining specific information show the effort of these companies in risk identification and response to stakeholders. It was noticed that the six information categories analyzed presented different results, both in adherence to the developed framework and in evolution trend. The category which had the highest score was \"Context and Commitments\" while the category which had the lowest scores was \"Assurance and accessibility\". The assessment method was efficient to assess comprehensiveness or completeness of reports. The reporting process is established in the companies analyzed, and it is possible to keep evolving with orientation to deeper issues, as well as sharing information and lessons learned to disseminate good practices in the mining sector. Beyond the initial phase of reporting, it is time for companies to improve their reporting processes by complying with all best practices available and responding to stakeholders\' expectations in a more comprehensive way, reaching the next level of quality in sustainability reporting.
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CSR i tre börsnoterade företag : en komparativ innehållsanalys av hållbarhetsredovisningar / CSR in three listed companies : a comparative content analysis of sustainability reportsFranzén, Rasmus, Karlsson, Jens January 2013 (has links)
Marknaden ställer idag högre krav på vad företagen redovisar och intressenterna är inte längre bara uppmärksamma på hur företaget redovisar ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. En ökad medvetenhet hos företagen kan i många fall inbringa konkurrensfördelar om företagen väljer att tillgodose dessa krav. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) syftar till att redovisa vad företaget har gjort, inte bara i ekonomiska resultat utan även beträffande miljö och sociala aspekter. Vi har i vår studie valt att granska med hjälp av en innehållsanalys hur tre svenska företag, H&M, Stora Enso och TeliaSonera, arbetar med CSR och vart tyngdpunkten ligger hos de olika företagen. Studiens syfte är att på ett komparativt sätt och genom en innehållsanalys ämna svara på vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i de tre företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar, samt vad som kan tolka eventuella likheter och skillnader. Vi har använt oss av ett klassificeringsschema som hjälpt oss att dela in vårt empiriska material i fem olika kategorier; Miljö, Energi, Human resources, Produkter och Community involvement. Våra resultat visar att det, till viss del, går att förklara företagens motiv till innehållet i hållbarhetsredovisningarna med utgångspunkt i legitimeringsteorin. Det är framförallt motivet till skillnaderna som kan förklaras genom legitimitetsteorin. Det går emellertid inte att utesluta att andra faktorer påverkar varför det förekommer skillnader, och särskilt likheter, i de redovisade uppgifterna för de tre företagen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Påverkansfaktorer på hållbarhetsredovisningar ur företagens perspektiv / Influencing factors on sustainability reports from a corporate perspectiveRyhn, Erik, Sjögren, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att belysa de faktorer som har påverkat och styrt utvecklingen av svenska företags hållbarhetsredovisningar. Detta gör vi genom att studera litteratur samt tidigare vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet. Utifrån detta konstruerar vi enkäter som vi skickar ut till respondenter på svenska företag. Vi hoppas att med resultatet av denna enkätundersökning kunna bidra med kunskap och förståelse kring vad som påverkat utvecklingen av företags hållbarhetsredovisningar sett ur företagens perspektiv.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Med hermeneutiken som utgångspunkt har vi antagit en kvalitativ metod. Inom den kvalitativa metoden har vi antagit ett aktörsynsätt. Vårt aktörsynsätt gör att vår ambition med studien är att tolka och förstå de aktörer vi studerar snarare än att förklara deras handlingsmönster. Genom att tolka andra aktörer har vi skapat vår egen uppfattning och verklighetsbild av det vi studerar.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Studiens bidrag:</strong> Studien bidrar med att belysa vikten av investerare som påverkande intressent när det gäller hållbarhetsredovisningar. Vidare finner vi i studien att GRI och dess utveckling av riktlinjer för utformning av hållbarhetsredovisningar också är en stark påverkansfaktor till förändringar av företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Även om de två ovanstående faktorerna tycks vara de starkaste orsakerna till förändring så visar studien att förändring skett på grund av långt fler faktorer.</p> / <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The main purpose of this study is to highlight the factors that have influenced and guided the development of the Swedish corporate sustainability reports. We do this by studying literature and previous scientific papers in the subject. From this we construct questionnaires which we send out to the respondents in Swedish companies. We hope that with the results of this survey could provide knowledge and understanding of what has influenced the development of corporate sustainability reports from companies' perspective.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> With the hermeneutic as basis, we have adopted a qualitative approach. In the qualitative method, we have adopted an actor-approach. Our actor-approach allows our ambition of this study is to interpret and understand the actors we are looking at rather than to explain their behaviour. By interpreting the other actors we have created our own perception and reality of what we are studying.</p><p> </p><p><strong>The study's contribution:</strong> The study contributes to highlight the importance of investor-sensitive stakeholder in terms of sustainability reports. Furthermore, we find in the study that GRI and its development of guidelines for the design of sustainability reports is also a strong influence factor to the change of corporate sustainability reports. Although the above two factors seem to be the strongest reasons to change, the study shows that the change occurred because of many more factors.</p>
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Påverkansfaktorer på hållbarhetsredovisningar ur företagens perspektiv / Influencing factors on sustainability reports from a corporate perspectiveRyhn, Erik, Sjögren, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att belysa de faktorer som har påverkat och styrt utvecklingen av svenska företags hållbarhetsredovisningar. Detta gör vi genom att studera litteratur samt tidigare vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet. Utifrån detta konstruerar vi enkäter som vi skickar ut till respondenter på svenska företag. Vi hoppas att med resultatet av denna enkätundersökning kunna bidra med kunskap och förståelse kring vad som påverkat utvecklingen av företags hållbarhetsredovisningar sett ur företagens perspektiv. Metod: Med hermeneutiken som utgångspunkt har vi antagit en kvalitativ metod. Inom den kvalitativa metoden har vi antagit ett aktörsynsätt. Vårt aktörsynsätt gör att vår ambition med studien är att tolka och förstå de aktörer vi studerar snarare än att förklara deras handlingsmönster. Genom att tolka andra aktörer har vi skapat vår egen uppfattning och verklighetsbild av det vi studerar. Studiens bidrag: Studien bidrar med att belysa vikten av investerare som påverkande intressent när det gäller hållbarhetsredovisningar. Vidare finner vi i studien att GRI och dess utveckling av riktlinjer för utformning av hållbarhetsredovisningar också är en stark påverkansfaktor till förändringar av företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Även om de två ovanstående faktorerna tycks vara de starkaste orsakerna till förändring så visar studien att förändring skett på grund av långt fler faktorer. / Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to highlight the factors that have influenced and guided the development of the Swedish corporate sustainability reports. We do this by studying literature and previous scientific papers in the subject. From this we construct questionnaires which we send out to the respondents in Swedish companies. We hope that with the results of this survey could provide knowledge and understanding of what has influenced the development of corporate sustainability reports from companies' perspective. Method: With the hermeneutic as basis, we have adopted a qualitative approach. In the qualitative method, we have adopted an actor-approach. Our actor-approach allows our ambition of this study is to interpret and understand the actors we are looking at rather than to explain their behaviour. By interpreting the other actors we have created our own perception and reality of what we are studying. The study's contribution: The study contributes to highlight the importance of investor-sensitive stakeholder in terms of sustainability reports. Furthermore, we find in the study that GRI and its development of guidelines for the design of sustainability reports is also a strong influence factor to the change of corporate sustainability reports. Although the above two factors seem to be the strongest reasons to change, the study shows that the change occurred because of many more factors.
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