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Combined effects of freeze-thaw and sustained loads on reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRPsOldershaw, Brant 03 March 2008 (has links)
Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials have emerged as an innovative tool within the civil engineering community for the strengthening and rehabilitation of existing reinforced concrete structures. Research has taken place over the past decade that has demonstrated the benefits of FRPs, and it is evident that there is a need for their usage given the status of the deteriorated North American civil infrastructure. However, in order to increase confidence in the application of these materials in Canada, further information is required to fully understand their behaviour in cold climates.
This thesis expands on the previous research that has taken place at Queen’s University, investigating the freeze-thaw behaviour of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete. The research program herein studies the combined effects of freeze-thaw cycling and sustained loading on the flexural performance of 45 small-scale beams strengthened with glass FRP sheets, carbon FRP sheets, or carbon FRP plates. In an attempt to attain failure of the beams due to FRP rupture, the anchorage of the beams was increased and a theoretical model was produced to select the beam design for this failure mode. The model also predicted the performance of the strengthened beams in order to determine appropriate sustained loading levels. After being subjected to 300 freeze-thaw cycles and almost 3 months of sustained loads, the beams were tested to failure. It was found that the beams subjected to combined loads encountered virtually no losses in average ultimate strength. However, the greater inconsistency of the results for these beams relative to the control beams implies that lower guaranteed strengths should be used for design in situations where these conditions are present. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2008-02-29 14:19:29.954
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The Role of Spontaneous Retrieval, Monitoring and Sustained Attention in Prospective MemorySchultz, Natasha B 18 December 2013 (has links)
According to the Multiprocess Theory (Einstein and McDaniel, 1990), prospective memory is supported by two separate cognitive processes: monitoring and spontaneous retrieval. Successful monitoring during prospective memory tasks requires attention to be divided between separate stimuli and the attention needs to be sustained throughout the course of the task. However, this theoretical account also allows for prospective memory in the absence of monitoring, as in cases where memory is retrieved spontaneously in response to some cue. In the course of this study, support for the Multiprocess Theory has been found. Using a dual-task paradigm, prospective memory targets were displayed during a lexical decision task where participants were required to make a word/nonword decision to letter strings. Prospective memory targets were found using both monitoring and spontaneous retrieval, although displaying the target in the focus of attention or not did not differentially induce monitoring. A small increase from 2% target presentation rates (Experiments 1 through 3) to 3% target presentation rates (Experiment 4) did produce evidence of task interference that reflects monitoring; however, increasing target presentation rates to 5% did not increase reaction times above those found with 3% target presentation rates. Focal prospective memory targets (words) had higher accuracy rates than nonfocal prospective memory targets (words starting with letter "g"). Inhibiting responses to the lexical decision task to respond to prospective memory targets encouraged priorities to shift attention to the lexical decision task and increased the speed of lexical decision responding across the extended task. No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that sustained attention is identical to, or even a significant component of, monitoring. Sustained attention was not necessary to accomplish the prospective memory action, as variables affecting vigilance were not found to influence prospective-memory performance in the extended version of the dual-task paradigm used in this experiment. In Experiment 3, draining attention resources did negatively affect lexical decision reaction times and prospective memory performance with focal targets, but not with nonfocal targets. The strength of the lexical decision task routine was manipulated by varying the number of lexical decision practice trials given before the dual-task in Experiment 5. The strength of the routine did not affect task interference for focal or nonfocal targets. Overall, monitoring did not follow the sustained-attention pattern observed in vigilance. Prospective memory can be performed utilizing both cognitive mechanisms of monitoring and spontaneous retrieval.
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Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer in Flat Tube Heat Exchangers Operating in Self-Sustained Oscillatory Flow RegimesFullerton, Tracy 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Laminar, two-dimensional, constant-property numerical simulations of flat tube heat exchanger devices operating in flow regimes in which self-sustained oscillations occur were performed. The unsteady flow regimes were transition flow regimes characterized by cyclic variations of flow parameters such as stream-wise or cross-stream velocity.
A computer code was developed to perform the numerical simulations. Spatial discretization was based upon a Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM). Temporal discretization was based upon a semi-implicit Runge-Kutta method. Double Cyclic conditions were used to limit the numerical domains to one repeating geometric module.
Nine geometric domains representing flat tube heat exchanger devices were tested over a range of Reynolds numbers. A maximum Reynolds number (Re) of 2000 was established to keep the study within the transition range. For each domain, a critical Reynolds number (Re_crit) was found such that for Re < Re_crit the flow was steady, laminar flow and for Re > Re_crit the flow exhibited cyclic oscillations. For the cases tested, the variation in longitudinal pitch had little impact on the Re_crit value for a fixed transverse pitch. However, for a fixed longitudinal pitch, the Re_crit was increased for decreasing transverse pitch.
The results demonstrate the importance of using unsteady simulation methods for these cases. Nusselt numbers predicted by the unsteady method were on the order of 65% higher than predicted by steady methods for the same Reynolds numbers.
Data for required pumping power versus resultant Nusselt number were collected which showed four distinct operating regions for these devices spanning the low Reynolds number, steady flow region through the self-sustained oscillating flow region. Based on the data, the recommended operating region is the region of self-sustained oscillations as this region is characterized by the highest increase in Nusselt number per increase in required pumping power.
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The Effect of Task and Target Characteristics on the Vigilance DecrementStevenson, Hugh William January 2010 (has links)
Search asymmetry was used to test two theories of sustained attention lapses currently debated in the literature: the boredom-mindlessness theory and the resource depletion-mental fatigue theory. Participants performed feature present and a feature absent target detection tasks using either a sustained attention to response task (high Go low No-Go) or a traditionally formatted task (high No-Go low Go) response format. In addition to performance, functional near infrared spectroscopy was employed to measure lateral cerebral oxygenation levels and self-reports of tense arousal, energetic arousal, task related and unrelated thoughts occurring during the tasks were utilised. Detections were lower and reaction times longer in the feature absent search than the feature present search regardless of response format. Detections were lower, but reaction times shorter in the sustained attention to response task than the traditionally formatted task regardless of feature search. Greater right than left frontal hemisphere activation occurred in the sustained attention to response task than the traditionally formatted task. In addition, the sustained attention to response task was more fatiguing based on self-reports than the traditionally formatted task, but there were no differences in Task-Unrelated Thoughts across task conditions. Overall, the results of this study support a resource theory explanation of sustained attention lapses, not a mindlessness-boredom theory explanation. Moreover, the results suggest the sustained attention to response task places high response inhibition, not sustained attention, demands on participants.
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The Effect of Disruptions on VigilanceRoss, Hayden Aaron January 2013 (has links)
The goal habituation model of vigilance proposed by Ariga and Lleras (2011) posits that it is possible to attenuate the vigilance decrement (the decline in performance that occurs with time-on-task) through dis-habituation of a vigilance task’s goal. The goal in a vigilance task is to detect critical signals. Hence, a switch away from this goal should dishabituate the task goal. When a person resumes the vigilance task, the person’s performance should improve. Follow up studies to the Ariga and Lleras study have not found supporting evidence (Helton & Russell, 2011; 2012). The methods in these follow up studies differed from those of Ariga and Lleras in a number of ways. The present study attempts to replicate the original Ariga and Lleras (2011) work using methods that more closely follow the original study. The present research sought to uncover confounds in the original article through replicating the original task and manipulating variables in line with hypotheses made by attentional resource theory.
Overall, the results of this research present a challenge to the goal habituation model. Rest breaks, not goal switching; lessened the magnitude of the decline in sensitivity with time on task, while task switching resulted in a temporary re-correction of increasingly conservative responding that occurred with greater time on task. We also found support for the context dependent relationship of task-unrelated thought, (TUT) and task demand. Given that the vigil was determined to impose relatively low workload, pre-task TUT was associated with average
performance rather than post-task TUT. Finally, we discuss the dangers of over compliance with signal detection theory (SDT) measures. We explain that SDT sensitivity and bias measures are not independent given responding floor and ceiling effects during low demanding tasks such as the present. It is argued that this may have distorted the original conclusion arrived at by Ariga and Lleras (2011).
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Sustained Attention Lapses and Behavioural Microsleeps During Tracking, Psychomotor Vigilance, and Dual TasksBuckley, Russell John January 2013 (has links)
Momentary lapses of responsiveness frequently impair vigilance and sustained goal-directed behaviour, sometimes with serious consequences. The literature underpinning research into lapses of responsiveness has generally referred to these lapses as sustained attention lapses. Currently, this literature is divided between two competing theories. On one hand, there is the mindlessness theory and, on the other, the resource depletion theory. Mindlessness theorists propose that sustained attention lapses result from the subject disengaging from sustained tasks due to their monotony and low exogenous support for attention. Conversely, the resource depletion theorists propose that sustained attention lapses arise because demands for endogenus attentional resources outstrip supply, which leads to substantially delayed response and/or errors.
In the present study, the predictions from the mindlessness and resource depletion theories were investigated by contrasting performance on attention tasks that differed in cognitive workloads. In the lesser demanding task, participants performed a simple psychomotor vigilance test (PVT). In the more demanding task, the PVT was undertaken concurrently with a continuous tracking task. The higher workload imposed by the dual task should reduce task monotony and the higher attentional requirement should increase the demand for attentional resources. If the mindlessness theory is correct the dual task should result in improved vigilance and reduce sustained attention lapses. If the resource theory is correct, the added attentional demand in the dual task should decrease vigilance and increase sustained attention lapses.
However, there are other types of lapses that the literature has not always clearly separated from lapses of sustained attention. One such lapse is the microsleep. Microsleeps are brief periods of non-responsiveness (0.5–15 s) associated with overt signs of drowsiness. The two theories of vigilance impairment provide contrasting explanations in the traditional vigilance literature, but neither theory addresses lapses due to microsleep events, which remains largely ignored.
Microsleeps are thought to emanate from a homeostatic drive for sleep/rest and a complex interaction between the brain’s arousal and attention systems and, therefore, depend on the type of task being undertaken to modulate propensity for microsleeps. For example, a more demanding and engaging task should counteract the homeostatic drive for sleep and rest by increasing arousal. If true, tasks that increase cognitive workloads may lead to a reduction in microsleeping propensity.
We aimed to test the proposal that microsleep propensity is mediated by task by including in our study a continuous tracking task, which has previously been shown to elicit microsleeps. This task may, because of its consistency and repetitiveness, be considered a boring task. Moreover, it lacks any sudden stimulus onsets and, therefore, can be considered a less engaging task than the dual-task, which features sudden onsets. If more microsleeps were found in the tracking task compared to the dual task this would provide support for the proposition that a task-generated increase in mindlessness would increase microsleep rates. Conversely, if more microsleeps occur during the dual-task, then this suggests that factors other than mindlessness influence microsleeping.
Twenty-three non-sleep deprived participants – 12 females and 11 males – with an average age of 26.3 years (range 21–40 years) and an average Epworth Sleepiness Score of 5.1 (range 0–10), completed the tasks during the early afternoon. They completed the two different tasks separately and concurrently (as a dual task), with the three conditions presented in a counterbalanced order. The PVT task was an extended 30-min version of the standard 10-min PVT used in many vigilance studies to match the duration of the continuous tracking task. In this task, the participant had to respond to a discrete randomly-presented visual stimulus. As per convention, failure to respond within 500 ms constituted an attention lapse. The 30-min continuous tracking task required the participant to use a floor-mounted joystick, to monitor and track a target randomly-moving on a computer screen. In this second task, lapses show as periods of flat tracking that, when associated with overt signs of sleepiness and at least 80 % partial eye-closure, are classified as microsleeps. The dual task was the PVT and tracking tasks being undertaken concurrently.
Both sustained attention lapses and microsleep rates were affected by task differences. Using only the results from participants who had at least one sustained attention lapse in either the PVT or dual task (N = 23), it was found that a participant was more likely to experience a sustained attention lapse during the more demanding dual task then the PVT task (median 15 vs. 3; range 1–74 vs. 0–76, Wilcoxon z = 3.7, p = .001). Conversely, of those participants who had at least one microsleep in either the tracking or dual task (N = 12), they were more likely to experience a microsleep during the more monotonous tracking task than the dual task (median 0 vs. 0; range 0–18 vs. 0–1, Wilcoxon z = 2.3, p = .022). Time-on-task also had an effect. Sustained attention lapses increased with time-on-task during the PVT task and dual task (χ2 5, N 23 = 48.69, p = .001; and χ2 5, N 23 = 16.33, p = .006 respectively). Moreover, sustained attention lapses increased at a greater rate during the more cognitively demanding dual task (F5, 264 = 4.02, p = .002). Microsleeps also increased with time-on-task, but only during the tracking task and not during the dual task χ2 2, N 23 = 6.72, p = .035).
The pattern of results supports the resource depletion theory over the mindlessness theory. When the cognitive workload increased, sustained attention lapses were more frequent. Conversely, the results also demonstrated that when the cognitive workload was decreased, the risk of lapsing due to microsleeps increased. Clarifying this relationship between cognitive workload and two types of lapses of responsiveness, sustained attention lapses and microsleeps, is important if we are to avoid inadvertently increasing lapses of responsiveness. Both sustained attention lapses and microsleeps can have serious real-life consequences and, therefore, any contribution towards a potent, preventative strategy is important.
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Regulating mind-wandering and sustained attention with goal-setting, feedback, and incentivesRobison, Matthew 06 September 2018 (has links)
The present set of experiments investigated three potential means of regulating mind-wandering and sustained attention: goals, feedback, and incentives. The experiments drew up goal-setting theory from industrial/organizational psychology, theories of vigilance and sustained attention, and recent experimental work examining mind-wandering and sustained attention. Experiment 1 investigated the role of goal-difficulty and goal-specificity. Providing a difficult goal for participants only improved sustained attention compared to a condition with no specific goal. Experiment 2 investigated the role of feedback in isolation and in combination with goals. Feedback improved sustained attention and reduced mind-wandering, but it did so regardless of whether or not the feedback was tied to a specific goal. Experiment 3 investigated how two different incentives – money and early release from the experiment – affected sustained attention and mind-wandering. The incentives had no effect on task performance, but participants in the early release condition reported being more motivated, more alert, and mind-wandered less throughout the task. I discuss the results of the experiments in light of predictions made by goal-setting theory as well as theories of vigilance and sustained attention.
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Efeitos da atividade física sobre a atenção sustentada de crianças portadoras do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade / Physical activity and attenction in children with Attenction deficit disorderMedina, José Artur [UNIFESP] 29 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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Publico-370.pdf: 460541 bytes, checksum: 0bd09fcbf1ed06758089d085f2c56d6e (MD5) / Introdução: O Transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é o transtorno infantil mais prevalente do mundo e se relaciona com deficiências de catecolaminas em testes físicos, bioquímicos e cognitivos; por outro lado alguns exercícios são conhecidos como potentes estimuladores de catecolaminas, tanto central quanto e perifericamente. Objetivo: Testar a hipótese das catecolaminas (CA) centrais como as responsáveis pelo aumento na velocidade de reação vistas após atividades físicas e medir o impacto que esforços físicos agudos supra limiares apresentam na atenção sustentada de 25 crianças diagnosticadas com TDAH, conforme os critérios do DSM-IV. É possível que a prática desportiva possa ser positiva no manejo dos sintomas de TDAH. Método: As crianças foram divididas entre usuárias (US) e não usuárias (NUS) de Metilfenidato (MTP), os grupos foram comparados quanto a aspectos antropométricos, cognitivos e fisiológicos assim como os efeitos crônicos da droga, sobre a cognição, imediatamente após atividades físicas intensas. Resultado: A performance cognitiva após esforços físicos não foi, de maneira relevante, modificada pelo MTP. Observamos melhoras significativas no tempo de resposta, assim como normalização da impulsividade e das medidas de vigilância por meio do CPT teste. Conclusão: Estes resultados sugerem que a melhora cognitiva usualmente vista após a prática desportiva não são CA dependentes; adicionalmente exercícios físicos podem ser de auxílio no alívio dos sintomas de TDAH. / Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is related to a deficiency of central catecholamines (CA) in cognitive, biochemical, and physical tests, and pharmaceutical intervention may have no effect if it is not accompanied by changes in the environment. The objective of our study was to test the hypothesis that central CA are responsible for the increase in speed reaction seen after physical activity (PA) and to measure the impact of high intensity PA on the sustained attention of 25 children diagnosed with ADHD consistent with the Disease Statistical Mental-IV (DSM-IV) criteria. It is possible that practicing sports assists in the management of the disorder. The children were divided between users (US) and non-users (NUS) of methylphenidate (MTP), and the groups were compared to evaluate the effect of the drug on cognition after PA. Post-exercise performance on Conner’s Continuous Performance Test-II (CPT) was not affected by MTP, we observed significant improvements in response time, and we saw normalization in the impulsivity and vigilance measures. These results suggest that the improvements in cognition after physical effort are not CA dependent. Additionally, our results suggest that children’s attention deficits can be minimized through PA irrespective of treatment with MTP. Additional studies are necessary to confirm that exercise mitigates the harmful symptoms of ADHD. / TEDE
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Variabilidade da protease NS3 do vírus da hepatite C e avaliação das mutações de resistência em pacientes não tratados com inibidores de protease /Zeminian, Luciana Bonome. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Rejane Maria Tommasini Grotto / Banca: Dennis Armando Bertolini / Banca: Giovanni Faria Silva / Resumo: O vírus da Hepatite C (VHC) é um importante patógeno associado com doença hepática crônica sendo que alguns infectados podem desenvolver cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. O tratamento da hepatite C crônica visa a resposta virológica sustentada (RVS), definida como níveis de RNA viral indetectáveis no soro por seis meses depois do término do tratamento. Atualmente, a terapia padrão ouro é a combinação de interferon α peguilado e ribavirina, porém esse esquema terapêutico vem se mostrando eficaz em, apenas, 50% dos pacientes infectados com o genótipo 1, o mais prevalente no Brasil. Portanto, novas drogas mais eficazes e menos tóxicas estão sendo desenvolvidas para melhorar a assistência aos pacientes infectados pelo VHC, entre as quais merecem destaque os inibidores da serina protease NS3, a qual é uma enzima essencial para a replicação do VHC e assim um potencial alvo para novas terapias antivirais. Entretanto, a emergência de variantes resistentes é o maior obstáculo para o sucesso da terapêutica. Variantes resistentes já foram isoladas em pacientes tratados com os inibidores de protease e, estão associadas com a falência terapêutica. Porém o impacto dessas variantes resistentes em pacientes virgens de tratamento ainda não foi esclarecido e, esse tipo de informação pode avaliar o impacto dos inibidores de protease na terapia antiviral. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de mutações de resistência e polimorfismos genéticos na região genômica NS3 do VHC em 37 pacientes virgens de tratamento com inibidores de protease infectados com genótipo 1. RNA viral sérico foi utilizado como fonte para amplificação e seqüenciamento da região NS3 do VHC e, avaliar a presença de mutações de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is an important pathogen associated with chronic hepatic disease and some infected patients can develop cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The treatment of chronic hepatitis C aimed the sustained virological response (SVR), defined as having undetectable serum HCV RNA at the end of therapy for at least 6 months. Currently, the gold standard therapy is a combination of pegylated interferon-α and the ribavirin, however this treatment present efficacy in only 50% of patients infected with genotypes 1, the most prevalent in Brazil. Then, new drugs more effective and less toxic have been developed to improve the attendance of the HCV infected patients as the serine protease NS3 inhibitors, which is an enzyme essential to HCV replication and main target of new antiviral therapies. However, the emergence of drug resistant variants has been the major obstacle to therapeutic successful. Resistant variants have already been isolated in patients treated with protease inhibitors and, these resistant variants are associated with non response to treatment. But the impact of the resistant variants in naïve protease inhibitors patients is unclear yet and, this information can evaluate the impact of protease inhibitors in antiviral therapeutic. The goal of this study was evaluate the presence of resistance mutations and genetic polymorphisms in the NS3 genomic region of HCV in 37 protease inhibitors-naive genotype 1 HCV infected patients. Serum viral RNA was used as source to amplification and sequencing of NS3 region of HCV and, evaluates the presence of resistance mutations and polymorphisms in this region. The results showed that only 07 (18.9%) samples presented resistant variants, the mutations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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