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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av ett sydsamiskt fonemtest

Kostet, Nina, Månsson, Kim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Ett försvinnande inhemskt språk : En studie av de svenska folkbibliotekens roll för att revitalisera det sydsamiska språket / A disappearing indigenous language : a study concerning the role of the Swedish public libraries in revitalizing the South Sami language

Björkman, Peter, Liljedahl, Helena January 2009 (has links)
The year 2000 the Sami languages were recognized as official minority languages in Sweden, which among other things mean that there is a government decision to provide the means for their further existence. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the role of the Swedish public libraries in revitalizing the South Sami language. This is an important topic to address, since the South Sami language faces serious threats today. Furthermore, the role of the public libraries in revitalizing the minority languages due to the Swedish engagement is not yet defined. The study focuses on Jämtlands läns bibliotek, a choice based on the fact that this library is located in a region with a large South Sami population. In the light of existing policy documents, and up-to-date research results dealing with the South Sami language situation, we made an interview study based on three distinct questions at issue. These deals with the responsibility of the library, the present work at the library, and the future work of the library. In answering these questions at issue, we made eight interviews with strategically selected persons; four librarians and four Samis. Since there is no established library praxis regarding the routines to revitalize threatened languages in Sweden, the purpose was to let the informants themselves contribute to the definition of the phenomenon’s at hand. Our conceptual frameworks were Kenneth Hyltenstam´s theories on language processes, Dorte Skot-Hansen´s & Marianne Andersen´s categorization of the different functions of the library, and Mikael Stigendal´s perspective on the librarian’s role in integration.   Our results show that there is a gap between what the librarians perceived as immediate demand, and the real needs of the South Sami group; a gap which the library in the light of it´s educating commission has a responsibility to bridge. The results also show that the library´s work today concerning this matter is inadequate, and that the library receives a low level of trust from the Sami informants. However, the results also show a mutual interest in cooperation, in order to investigate possible and constructive ways forward. Crucial to successful results showed to be the integration of South Sami competence in the overall resources of the library, and to contribute to the normalization of the Sami presence in the region in other ways. / Folkbiblioteken och de nationella minoriteterna

Ett försvinnande inhemskt språk : En studie av de svenska folkbibliotekens roll för att revitalisera det sydsamiska språket / A disappearing indigenous language : a study concerning the role of the Swedish public libraries in revitalizing the South Sami language

Björkman, Peter, Liljedahl, Helena January 2009 (has links)
<p>The year 2000 the Sami languages were recognized as official minority languages in Sweden, which among other things mean that there is a government decision to provide the means for their further existence. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the role of the Swedish public libraries in revitalizing the South Sami language. This is an important topic to address, since the South Sami language faces serious threats today. Furthermore, the role of the public libraries in revitalizing the minority languages due to the Swedish engagement is not yet defined. The study focuses on Jämtlands läns bibliotek, a choice based on the fact that this library is located in a region with a large South Sami population. In the light of existing policy documents, and up-to-date research results dealing with the South Sami language situation, we made an interview study based on three distinct questions at issue. These deals with the responsibility of the library, the present work at the library, and the future work of the library. In answering these questions at issue, we made eight interviews with strategically selected persons; four librarians and four Samis. Since there is no established library praxis regarding the routines to revitalize threatened languages in Sweden, the purpose was to let the informants themselves contribute to the definition of the phenomenon’s at hand. Our conceptual frameworks were Kenneth Hyltenstam´s theories on language processes, Dorte Skot-Hansen´s & Marianne Andersen´s categorization of the different functions of the library, and Mikael Stigendal´s perspective on the librarian’s role in integration.</p><p> </p><p>Our results show that there is a gap between what the librarians perceived as immediate demand, and the real needs of the South Sami group; a gap which the library in the light of it´s educating commission has a responsibility to bridge. The results also show that the library´s work today concerning this matter is inadequate, and that the library receives a low level of trust from the Sami informants. However, the results also show a mutual interest in cooperation, in order to investigate possible and constructive ways forward. Crucial to successful results showed to be the integration of South Sami competence in the overall resources of the library, and to contribute to the normalization of the Sami presence in the region in other ways.</p> / Folkbiblioteken och de nationella minoriteterna

Predicative possession in South Saami

Kowalik, Richard January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this work is to describe the domain of predicative possession in South Saami, a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Sweden and Norway. Data has been elicited from native speakers of South Saami, and the analysis has been carried out within a general functional-typological framework. In South Saami, four different predicative possessive constructions are used: (1) a habeo-verb construc­tion, (2a) a genitive possessive without copula, (2b) a genitive possessive with copula, and (3) a locational possessive. The latter is not described in the grammars. The have-possessive and the genitive possessives occur frequently and are used to encode all notions of possession. The use of the locational possessive is restricted to inanimate possessors. Distri­bution of the constructions varies among the speakers. Examples for the have-possessive construction present the greatest structural variation. The four possessive constructions are set within a typological context. / Denna studie beskriver predikativ possession i sydsamiska, ett finsk-ugriskt språk som talas i Sverige och Norge. Materialet till studien eliciterades från sex sydsamiska modersmålstalare. Analysen genomfördes inom en typologisk-funktionalistisk inriktning. Analysen visar att i sydsamiskan används fyra olika konstruktioner för att uttrycka predikativt ägande: (1) en habeo-verbkonstruktion, (2a) en genitivkonstruktion utan kopula, (2b) en genitivkonstruktion med kopula, och (3) en lokativkonstruktion. Den senare omnämns inte i de existerande gramma­tiska beskrivningarna, och konstruktionen är begränsad till inanimata ägare. Verbkonstruk­tionen och de båda genitiv­konstruktionerna före­kommer frekvent i materialet och används för alla possessiva relationer. Fördelningen av de olika konstruktionerna varierar hos talarna. Den största strukturella variationen återfinns i habeo-verbkonstruktionen. De fyra possessivkonstruktionerna sätts i uppsatsen in i en typologisk kontext.

MIJ SATNE DEBPENE? : Pronovmene satne logoforeles raajesinie jïh frïjje ov-ryöktesth diskuvsjesne åarjelsaemiengïelesne

Östergren Njajta, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Ulmie goerehtimmine goerehtidh guktie dah åarjelsaemien gåalmede persovnen pronovmene satne, jeatjah numeruse- jïh kaasusehammojne aaj, nuhtjesåvva dovne logoforeles jïh ov-logoforeles syntaktihkes konstruksjovnine. Nimhtie ulmie aaj viehkiehtidh dam åarjelsaeien pronovmene-öörnegem buerebelaakan guarkedh. Daate korpus-lingvistihkes goerehtalleme. Goerehtim dovne tjaaleldh jïh njaalmeldh gaaltijh. Goerehtimmie vuesehte pronovmene satne (dah S-pronovmenh) guektienlaakan nuhtjesåvva: logoforeles pronovmeninie jïh ov-logoforeleslaakan frïjje ov-ryöktesth diskuvsjesne (FID). FID:sne satne sjïere syntaktihkes operatovreste åvtehkeraajesisnie veadtaldihkesne. Buerkestem aaj åarjelsaemien konteekstine mij lea FID jïh guktie FID-operatovre perspektijve-goerkesem raajesasse vadta. Diejveldem aaj åenehkslaakan guktie åarjelsaemien tempuse-öörnege analyjsem pronovmenistie satne FID:sne jïh histovrien preesensisnie tsavtsa. / Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur sydsamiskans tredjepersonspronomen satne, inkluseve övriga numerus- och kasusformer, används i såväl logoforiska som ologoforiska kontexter. På så sätt är syftet att bidra till bättre förståelse av sydsamiskans pronomensystem. Både skrivna och muntliga källor har undersökts. Studien visar att pronomenet satne (S-pronomena) används på två olika sätt: som logoforiskt pronomen samt i ologoforisk användning i fri indirekt diskurs (FID). I FID är satne bundet av en särskild operator i huvudsatsen. I uppsatsen förklaras också vad FID är i en sydsamisk kontext och hur FID-operatorn ger en perspektivtolkning. Kort diskuteras också hur sydsamiskans tempussystem påverkar analysen av satne i FID och i historiskt presens.

Differential object marking in South Saami

Kroik, David January 2016 (has links)
This licentiate thesis investigates the case and the syntactic position of the direct object in South Saami. The focus is on plural direct objects, which have Differential Object Marking, a phenomenon in which the case alternates between different types of direct objects. In South Saami, some direct objects carry the accusative case form in the plural, while others only carry the plural marker. This variation of suffix displayed on the direct object is contingent on definiteness; definite direct objects consistently display the accusative case form in the plural while indefinite direct objects, specific and nonspecific alike, lack accusative morphology. In addition to case marking, the study presents an analysis of the alternation of the syntactic position of some direct objects. Definite and indefinite specific direct objects can be realized in two positions: as the complement of the verb or in a position as specifier of the light verb projection. By contrast, indefinite nonspecific direct objects obligatorily surface in the complement position of the verb. This variability in syntactic position of some direct objects is analyzed by means of a Specificity Operator, adjoined to the DP-level of every specific NP, definite and indefinite. The operator moves as an instance of quantifier raising in order to take scope over Existential Closure (EC). EC binds NPs in its domain and give them an existential reading. Therefore, when the Specificity Operator raises, it anchors the DP it is adjoined to in a domain, which is unbound by EC and therefore facilitates a specific interpretation. The operator, void of phonological content, can raise alone to the specifier of vP as an instance of covert movement. The operator can also Pied-pipe the DP it is adjoined to, which results in overt movement of the DP. Indefinite nonspecific direct objects lack the Specificity Operator and therefore they remain in-situ in the VP, where they are bound by EC. In addition to its theoretical value, the thesis will be of use for teachers, students and others with an interest in a better understanding of the case form and the position of the direct object in South Saami. / Daennie licentiaatetjaalegisnie gïehtjedem guktie Åarjelsamien direkte objeekth gelliengiertesne kaasushgïetjieh åadtjoeh. Manne gelliengiertem veeljeme juktie åarjelaemien gïele Differential Object Marking åtna. Naakenh direkte objeekth dam giehtjiem -idie guedtieh, mij ackusatijvem gelliengïertesne muana. Jeatjah direkte objeekth barre låhkoegiehtjiem -h guedtieh, mij ajve gelliengïertem muana, menh ij kaasusem. Dan åvteste direkte objeekti kaasushaamoeh molsedieh. Mov gïehtjidimmie vuesehte ahte definijte direkteobjeekth gelliengiertesne dam ackusatijvegïehtjiem. Eah indefinijte direkte objeekth dam gïethjiem utnieh, valla barre gelliengierehaamoem utnieh. Manne vielie gïehtjedem gusnie, dennie raaje- sisnie, leah dej direkte objeekti sijjieh. Gaavneme ahte joekehtsh leah aaj ovmessie direkte objeekti gaskoeh. Definijte jïh indefinijte specifijke direkte objeekth utnieh göökte sijjieh gusnie maehtieh jïjhtedh, valla indefinite ovspecifijke direkte objeekth utnieh ajve aktem sijjiem gusnie maehtieh årrodh. Gaajhkh dah golme ovmessie direkte objeekth maehtieh maadthsijjesne årrodh goh verben komplemeente, valla definijte jïh indefinijte specifijke direkte objeekth maehtieh aaj aktene vP:n specificeerijisnie jïjhtedh. Manne daam joekehtehtem jïh vuesehtem mannasinie naemhtie jis. Mov innovasjovne lea akte specifijkeoperatovre. Dïhte lea adjungeradamme fïerhten DP:se mij lea definijte jallh indefinijte specifijke. Dïhte operatovre iktesth bæjjene DP:n sistie vP specificeerijen sïjse, men dïhte maahta aaj dam DP:m buektedh Pied-pipingen tjïrrh. Dïhte specifijkeoperatovre bæjjene juktie edtja baataridh Existential Closuren (EC) jaksoste. Gosse operatovre bæjjene, dïhte dan sov DP:m dïbrehte akten domeenese, gusnie specifijke guarkoe daerpies sjædta. Dah direkte objeekt mah eah specifijkeoperatovrem utnieh tjoerieh baetsedh VP:n sijse, jïh dannasinie EC dejtie veadta. Dannasinie existentielle guarkoem åadtjoeh. Daate tjaalege vihkeles lingvistihke teorijese, valla aaj lohkehtæjjide, learoehkidie jïh jeatjide guhth sïjhth buerebe guarkedh mij kaasusidie lea direkte objeekten jïh gusnie, dennie raajesisnie, dïhte objeekte jæjhta. / I den här licentiatavhandling undersöks kasusformen hos de direkta objekten och deras syntaktiska position i sydsamiskan. Fokus ligger på direkta objekt i pluralis, vilka uppvisar fenomenet differentiell objektsmarkering, som innebär att vissa direkta objekt bär ackusativsuffixet i plural medan andra endast bär pluralsuffixet. Denna variation i objektsmarkering är känslig för definithet. Definita direkta objekt har accusativändelsen medan indefinita, både specifika och icke-specifika direkta objekt, saknar den. Utöver själva realiseringen av kasussuffix undersöks också de direkta objektens syntaktiska position. En analys presenteras som definierar olika typer av nominalfraser och skiljer definita och specifika direkta objekt från icke-specifika direkta objekt. Den första typen uppvisar variation i sin syntaktiska placering och har möjligheten att dyka upp både i komplementställning till verbet och i en den lilla verbfrasens specificerare, det vill säga vid gränsen för den lexikala fasen. Indefinita icke-specifika direkta objekt, som utgör den andra typen, kan bara uppträda i en position som komplement till verbet. På basis av den analys som inkluderar min innovation Specifikhetsoperatorn, vilken är adjungerad till alla definita och specifika direkta objekts DP-nivå, kan de två positionerna förklaras. Specifikhetsoperatorn flyttar alltid till vP:s specifierare som en kvantifierarinteraktion, där Specifikhetstoperatorn får räckvidd över Existential Closure (EC) och förankrar sin DP i en domän där en specifik tolkning blir nödvändig. Detta är en typ av osynlig flytt. Flytten kan också vara synlig. I det fallet sker medfraktning (Pied-piping) när Specifikhetsoperatorn tar med sig den DP den är adjungerad till när den flyttar till vPs specifierare. Direkta object som saknar Specifikhetsoperatorn stannar i positionen som komplement till verbet och binds därför av EC, vilket leder till att de får en existentiell tolkning. Bortom sitt värde för lingvistisk teoribildning kommer avhandlingen också att bli viktig för lärare, studenter och elever såväl som för andra med ett intresse av att bättre förstå vilket kasus som uppträder på sydsamiska direkta objekt och dessa objekts position i satsen.

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