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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle des rédoxines chez Sinorhizobium meliloti à l’état libre et lors de son interaction symbiotique avec Medicago truncatula. / Role of Sinorhizobium meliloti redoxins in free living conditions and during symbiosis with Medicago truncatula

Benyamina, Sofiane 29 March 2012 (has links)
Sinorhizobium meliloti est une bactérie du sol Gram- capable d'induire la formation denodosités fixatrices d'azote lors d'une interaction symbiotique avec les plantes de la familledes légumineuses. L'importance de la balance redox au cours de cette interaction a été miseen évidence. Ainsi, des mutants bactériens déficients dans la production du glutathion (GSH),présentent un phénotype altéré d'infection et de fixation de l'azote atmosphérique.Le premier objectif a donc été de déterminer si les phénotypes observés chez les mutants de lavoie de biosynthèse du GSH étaient liés à l'activité des glutarédoxines (GRX). Une analysebioinformatique a révélé la présence de trois gènes codant des GRX chez S. meliloti. Lesmutants, Smgrx1, Smgrx2 et Smgrx3, déficients pour chacune des GRX, ne produisent pasdes phénotypes similaires à ceux observés avec les mutants GSH. Si Smgrx2 présente unphénotype moins marqué, Smgrx1 est plus sévèrement affecté puisqu'il n'est plus capable dese différencier en bactéroïde. L'implication de SmGrx2 dans la régulation du métabolisme dufer et la mise en place des centres Fe-S a, par ailleurs, été mise en évidence.Le second objectif a été de définir s'il existait, chez S. meliloti, une redondance fonctionnelleentre les GRX et les thiorédoxines (TRX). Ainsi, le mutant SmtrxB, dépourvu de thiorédoxineréductase, présente la particularité d'induire la formation d'un plus grand nombre de nodulesque la souche sauvage. Le système TRX de S. meliloti apparaît donc comme un régulateurnégatif de la nodulation. D'autre part, les nodosités formées par ce mutant SmtrxB, ont uneactivité fixatrice d'azote significativement diminuée. Les rôles des TRX et des GRXapparaissent donc, au moins partiellement, distincts.Les résultats obtenus ici apportent des éléments nouveaux sur l'implication du GSH, des GRXet des TRX dans la mise en place d'une nodosité fonctionnelle, et ouvrent de nouvellesperspectives d'études sur les rôles de ces molécules dans le processus de fixation d'azote. / Sinorhizobium meliloti is a soil bacterium Gram- able to induce the formation of nitrogenfixingnodules during a symbiotic interaction with plants of the legume family. Theimportance of redox balance during this interaction has been demonstrated. In this way,bacterial mutants deficient in the production of glutathione (GSH), exhibit an alteredphenotype of infection and fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.The first objective was therefore to determine whether the phenotypes observed in mutants ofthe GSH biosynthesis pathway were related to the activity of glutaredoxins (GRX). Abioinformatic analysis revealed the presence of three genes encoding GRX in S. meliloti. Themutants, Smgrx1, Smgrx2 and Smgrx3, deficient for each of the GRX, do not producephenotypes similar to those observed with the GSH mutants. If Smgrx2 presents a less severephenotype, Smgrx1 is more severely affected since it is incapable of differentiating intobacteroïd. The involvement of SmGrx2 in the regulation of iron metabolism and theestablishment of Fe-S cluster has also been demonstrated.The second objective was to determine if there was, in S. meliloti, a functional redundancybetween GRX and thioredoxin (TRX). Thus, the SmtrxB mutant, devoid of thioredoxinreductase, has the distinctive feature of inducing the formation of more nodules than the wildtype strain. The TRX system of S. meliloti appears to be a negative regulator of nodulation.On the other hand, the nodules formed by this SmtrxB mutant have a significantly decreasednitrogen-fixing activity. Hence, the roles of TRX and GRX appear to be at least partiallydistinct.The results obtained here provide new evidence on the involvement of GSH, the GRX andTRX in the establishment of a functional nodule, and open new perspectives for studying onthe roles of these molecules in the process of nitrogen fixation.

Processos fisiológicos envolvidos na aquisição, perda e recolocação da zooxantela ligados ao branqueamento de cnidários / Physiological processes associated to acquisition, loss and recovery of zooxanthellae related to cnidarian bleaching

Casillas-Barragán, Isabel 06 February 2018 (has links)
O branqueamento por estresse térmico é a principal causa do declínio de cnidários simbióticos nos oceanos tropicais. Contudo, este processo pode ser revertido. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo integrado dos processos fisiológico da perda e recuperação das zooxantelas relacionado ao fenômeno de branqueamento por aumento de temperatura em E. pallida, mediante o estudo da resposta do holobionte ao estresse térmico, com ênfase na troca de população simbiótica. Um dos mecanismos de recuperação da pigmentação investigados nesse estudo é a proliferação dos endosimbiontes remanescentes no cnidário, onde foi encontrando um padrão de repigmentação funcional em diferentes partes do pólipo. Neste contexto é proposto um mecanismo de ruptura da simbiose na qual os endosimbiontes participam ativamente de sua expulsão e dispersão no meio, abrindo uma nova discussão sobre o agente diretor da simbiose. Uma vez que o branqueamento tem sido relacionado com estresse oxidativo e a fotossíntese é um processo oxidante, avaliamos a atividade redox induzida pela fotossíntese da alga hospedada, assim como a atividade antioxidante e reparadora do hospedeiro. Descobrimos no hospedeiro um mecanismo preventivo para lidar com a atividade fotossintética da zooxantela abrigada. Por outro lado, a perda da alga a partir do branqueamento pode fornecer uma oportunidade para o hospedeiro ser repopulado por outros simbiontes com diferentes capacidades fisiológicas. Assim, encontramos que existe uma troca de alga ideal para o frio (clado F), e para o calor (clado E). Entretanto, alguns clados podem estar indisponíveis no ambiente por serem termosensíveis em vida livre. Concluímos assim que, dentro dos cenários das mudanças climáticas globais, o mais vantajoso para o animal e para a alga é manter uma endopopulação mista e trocar a população simbiôntica predominante segundo as condições ambientais. Aliás, encontramos que o holobionte estudado está melhor preparado para condições de aquecimento que de esfriamento. Por outro lado, considerando que o peróxido de hidrogênio é um derivado de filtros solares e que ao mesmo tempo é um precursor do branqueamento, investigamos se o branqueamento da anêmona Anemonia sulcata produzido pela exposição a peróxido de hidrogênio é um bom modelo como bioindicador ambiental através da avaliação da cor e de biomarcadores fisiológicos. Porém, descartamos A. sulcata como espécie bioindicadora por apresentar uma alta tolerância ao estresse oxidativo, provavelmente fornecido pela atividade fotossintética da alga e por ser uma espécie intermareal que suporta grandes intervalos de oxido-redução. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo apontam a relevância do Symbiodinium dentro da fisiologia do holobionte, tanto na recuperação do branqueamento quanto no estabelecimento e ruptura da simbiose. Consequentemente, futuros estudos podem aprimorar as técnicas de identificação dos clados hospedados para entender a eventual sucessão endopopulacional de acordo com as condições ambientais / Thermal bleaching is the main cause of simbiotic cnidarian decay in tropical oceans. However, some cnidarians have shown to recover the pigmentation from such events. The main aim of this study is the holistic approach of the physiological processes associated to zooxanthela loss and recovery after thermal stress in the holobiont E. pallida. Firstm we considered pigmentation recovey from the remaining zooxanthelae within the cnidarian host. We found a functional pattern of pigmentation recovery. In this context, we propose a mechanism of symbiosis break in which the endosymbionts participate actively on its release and dispersion to the environment, bringing a new discussion about the role of each symbiotic partner and the driver of bleaching and recovery. Since bleaching has been related to oxidative stress and photosynthesis is an oxidizing process, we evaluated the redox activity of the host as well as the antioxidant and restorative activity, induced by photosynthesis of the hosted algae. We found in the host a preventive mechanism to deal with the photosynthetic activity of the sheltered zooxanthella. On the other hand, loss of endosymbionts from bleaching may provide an opportunity for the host to be repopulated by other symbionts with different physiological capabilities. Thus, we found that there is an ideal clade exchange for the cold (clade F), and for the heat (clade E). However, some clades may not be available in the environment because they are thermosensitive in free-living form. We conclude that, within global climate change scenarios, the most beneficial for the animal and the alga is to maintain a mixed endopopulation and to exchange the predominant symbiotic population according to environmental conditions. In fact, we found that the studied holobiont is better prepared for high than low temperatures. On the other hand, considering that hydrogen peroxide is a derivative of sunscreens and at the same time is a precursor to bleaching, we investigated whether the bleaching of anemone Anemonia sulcata produced by exposure to hydrogen peroxide is a good model as an environmental bioindicator through color evaluation and physiological biomarkers. However, we discard A. sulcata as a bioindicator species because it presents a high tolerance to oxidative stress, probably provided by algae photosynthetic activity and because it is an intertidal species that supports large oxido-reduction intervals. Thus, the results obtained in the present study point to the relevance of Symbiodinium within holobiont physiology, both in the recovery of bleaching and in the establishment and rupture of symbiosis. Consequently, future studies may improve the identification techniques of the host clades to understand the eventual endopopulation succession according to the environmental conditions

Description de la diversité microbienne associée à la crevette Rimicaris chacei : une possible double symbiose / Description of the microbial diversity associated with Chorocaris chacei : a possible double symbiosis

Apremont, Vincent 29 November 2017 (has links)
Bien que très peu explorés, les fonds des océans pourraient représenter le futur de l’industrie minière mondiale. L’impact écologique de ces activités reste encore inconnu, notamment sur les cibles privilégiées que sont les systèmes hydrothermaux et leurs écosystèmes. Ce travail s’intéresse à la crevette Rimicaris chacei et à sa potentielle symbiose avec des bactéries hydrothermales. R. chacei présente une alimentation mixte, nécrophagie et symbiose, plasticité alimentaire qui pourrait être un atout en cas de modification de son environnement. La proximité phylogénétique et écologique de C. chacei avec une autre crevette hydrothermale, Rimicaris exoculata, laisse supposer une possible histoire commune de leurs symbioses. Deux compartiments biologiques des crevettes ont été étudiés au cours de ce travail, le céphalothorax et le tube digestif, via deux approches complémentaires: l’imagerie et la biologie moléculaire. Nous souhaitions répondre à deux questions principales (1) Décrire le type d’association entre la crevette et ses « symbiontes » d’un point de vue morpho-anatomique et phylogénétique. (2) Evaluer le degré de similarité entre les symbiontes de C. chacei, et R. exoculata via une approche de métabarcoding. Notre but est de déterminer si une possible variation de la distribution des symbiontes existe chez ces deux espèces en fonction du site hydrothermal d’origine (facteur environnemental), en fonction de l’espèce de crevette étudiée (facteur hôte), ou une association de ces deux facteurs. La bioinformatique ayant une part importante dans l’analyse des données de barcoding/metabarcoding, une partie du manuscrit lui est dédiée pour « désacraliser » ce type d’analyse. / Deep-sea ocean may soon represent deep-sea mining industry future. However, these environments are still poorly explored. Therefore, mining issues on deep-sea ecosystems are not yet evaluated, mostly on their main target: the deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Our study focused on a shrimp, Rimicaris chacei and to its potential symbioses with chemoautotrophic microbial communities.This shrimp have a mixotrophic behaviour, mixed between necrophagy and symbiosis. It could therefore have a potential trophic plasticity in case of steep environmental modifications. Moreover, C. chacei is closely related to Rimicaris exoculata, in terms of both phylogeny and ecology. This could let suppose a common symbiosis history, presenting nowadays two different levels of association.Two potential symbiotic microbial communities have been studied here, one located in the cephalothorax and the other in the digestive tract, using two complementary approaches: microscopy and molecular analyses. Two main points have been focused in our work: (1) Describing the shrimp and its associated microbial communities in terms of morphology, repartition and phylogeny. (2) Using a metabarcoding approach to evaluate the similarity level shared between C. chacei and R. exoculata associated microbial communities. We intend to analyse a possible genetic variation among symbionts of the two hosts, whether it would be linked to the hydrothermal vent origin (geography), or to the studied shrimp (host), or both of them. As bioinformatics was an important part of my work to analyse barcoding/metabarcoding data, a part of my thesis is dedicated to explain these analyses as a tutorial for all future users.

Ekofyziologický význam houbových symbióz kořenů středomořských trav / Ecophysiological significance of root-fungus symbioses in Mediterranean seagrasses

Borovec, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Seagrasses are the only group of submerged plants that are permanently growing in marine environment. They play an important role in the sea bottom ecosystem. Seagrasses are primary producers capable of accumulation and deposition of carbon. They influence water flow at the sea bottom and form symbioses with variety of organisms. Our knowledge of symbiotic interactions of seagrasses is still limited even though several studies of the topic have been carried out in recent years. Unlike most of terrestrial plants, seagrasses are generally considered as plants that do not form any specific associations with mycorrhizal or endophytic fungi. Surprisingly, we have discovered a novel fungal endophytic association in roots of Mediterranean endemic seagrass species Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. Morphology of this symbiotic fungi strongly resembles common symbiotic fungi of terrestrial plants, dark septate endophytes (DSE). We sampled roots of P. oceanica in large area of the Mediterranean from southeastern Spain to Albania and described range and taxonomical classification of the endophyte using microscopy, in vitro cultivation and molecular determination. Roots of P. oceanica in whole area of study are colonized by mere two endophytic fungal species. Over 90 % of the fungal symbionts belong to a single...

Diverzita anaerobních nálevníků podtřídy Scuticociliatia a jejich symbiontů / The diversity of anaerobic ciliates from the subclass Scuticociliatia and their symbionts

Poláková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Ciliates are the most diversified protists in suboxic and anoxic habitats where they often form symbioses with prokaryotes. Although the diversity of anaerobic ciliates has been overlooked for a long time, anaerobic representatives can be found in most ciliate classes. This study focuses on anaerobic ciliates from the subclass Scuticociliatia, a neglected lineage, which belongs to the species-rich class Oligohymenophorea. One of the main outcomes resulting from this study is the discovery of a novel anaerobic clade of ciliates, from which only one species has been described molecularly to date. We have shown that the clade represents a diversified lineage, likely a new order. Thanks to the sampling of many freshwater and marine anoxic sediments, we have established the largest culture collection of anaerobic scuticociliates in the world. This has enabled us to determine the 18S rRNA gene sequences of 55 cultured anaerobic scuticociliates and to study their morphology both in-vivo and using various silver- impregnation methods. Besides, we applied transmission and scanning electron microscopy techniques to study the ultrastructure of both ciliates and symbionts. To identify the symbionts, we also employed other methods including microbiome sequencing and fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Since all...

Host plant use in the assemblage of herbivorous insects on Macaranga myrmecophytes / オオバギ属アリ植物に発生する植食性昆虫の寄主植物利用様式

Shimizu, Kaya 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18359号 / 人博第672号 / 新制||人||162(附属図書館) / 25||人博||672(吉田南総合図書館) / 31217 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 市岡 孝朗, 教授 加藤 眞, 教授 松井 正文 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

Signalisation moléculaire dans la symbiose Frankia-aulne / Molecular signalization in Frankia-alder symbiosis

Queiroux, Clothilde 08 December 2009 (has links)
L'azote est essentiel au développement de toutes les cellules vivantes. Il est un des facteurs limitant de la croissance végétale. La seule source d'azote abondante est l'atmosphère contenant 80 % de diazote mais cette forme n'est assimilable que par certains procaryotes. Ces microorganismes sont capables de fixer l'azote atmosphérique sous leur forme libre ou en symbiose avec des plantes. Ainsi, ils fournissent à leur plante partenaire des substrats azotés, sous forme d'ammoniaque, tandis qu'en retour celle-ci fournit à la bactérie des substrats carbonés issus de sa photosynthèse. Il s'agit d'une association à bénéfices réciproques. Il existe deux grands types de symbiose fixatrice d'azote : la symbiose rhizobienne, impliquant diverses Protéobactéries et la symbiose actinorhizienne impliquant une Actinobactérie, Frankia. Les bactéries pénètrent les cellules des plantes pour former un nouvel organe, la nodosité dans laquelle va avoir lieu la fixation d'azote. Les bases moléculaires à l'origine de la symbiose rhizobienne sont très bien caractérisées tandis que celles de la symbiose actinorhizienne restent en grande partie inconnue, de par l'absence d'outils génétiques. Toutefois, les premières étapes de mise en place de la symbiose présentent des similarités. Les deux bactéries sont capables d'induire la déformation du poil racinaire en sécrétant un facteur déformant, le facteur Nod pour la plupart des symbioses rhizobiennes et un facteur encore non caractérisé dans le cas de la symbiose actinorhizienne. La problématique de mes travaux de thèse est de savoir si le dialogue moléculaire s'établissant entre la plante et la bactérie est basé sur des composants universels. Ce travail a utilisé deux approches. Une approche ciblée visait à mettre en évidence la fonction. Une approche non-ciblée par le biais des puces transcriptomiques chez Frankia a permis de comparer l'expression génétique entre des conditions de vie libre et des conditions de vie symbiotique. Enfin, une dernière approche a concerné les composés aromatiques chez Frankia. Il s'agissait d'établir si Frankia était capable de cataboliser différents composés aromatiques. En effet, beaucoup d'entre eux sont impliqués dans les interactions plante-bactérie, notamment dans les réactions de défense de la plante / Nitrogen is essential for cells development. It's one of the limiting factors of plant growth. The only abundant source of this component is the atmosphere which contains 80 % of dinitrogen, but this form can only be assimilated by some prokaryotes. These microorganisms are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen under freeliving condition or in symbiosis with some plants. Thus, they provide nitrogen substrates to the plant in the form of ammonium, and in return the plant provides carbon substrates from photosynthesis. It is an association with reciprocal profits for both partners. There are two major nitrogen-fixing symbioses: rhizobial symbiosis, which involves various Proteobacteria and actinorhizal symbiosis, which involves the Actinobacterium, Frankia. Bacteria enter plant root cells and develop a new organ, the nodule where nitrogen fixation takes place. Molecular bases are well characterized for rhizobial symbiosis, whereas little is known about the actinorhizal symbiosis. This fact is in part due to absence of genetic tools for Frankia. However, early steps of the interaction show some similarities. These two bacteria are able to induce root hair deformation by secreting a deforming factor, Nod factor in most rhizobial symbioses and a noncharacterized factor in the actinorhizal symbiosis. The aim of this thesis was to determine if molecular dialogue between plant and bacteria is based on universal components. This work used two approaches. One was targeted on nodC-like gene from Frankia alni ACN14a. We tried to characterize their function. Another used trancriptomic microarrays in Frankia. This technique allowed us to compare transcripts from 2 conditions: free-living cells and symbiosis. A last approach focused on aromatic compounds in Frankia. We wanted to determine if Frankia was able to use different aromatic compounds to grow. Indeed, a lot of aromatic compounds are involved in plant-bacteria interaction such as plant defense

Ecology and reproduction of neotropical soil-feeding termites from the Termes group

Hellemans, Simon 24 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The traditional view of a lifelong monogamy between a king and a queen has recently been challenged in termites. In several species, multiple parthenogenetically-produced secondary queens replace the primary queen and mate with the primary king; this strategy is referred to as “Asexual Queen Succession” (AQS). The aim of my thesis was to investigate the modalities of reproduction and the ecology of neotropical soil-feeding termites from the Termitinae, with a focus on the inquiline termite Cavitermes tuberosus in the Termes group.In the first axis, we investigated the modalities of reproduction of C. tuberosus. (i) AQS is the main reproductive strategy of this species. (ii) The evolution of AQS requires the propensity of parthenogens to develop into neotenic queens. In C. tuberosus, secondary queens develop from a developmental stage of “aspirants” which participate to the social tasks usually undertaken by workers, as long as the primary queen is alive. (iii) In AQS species, a female-biased sex ratio is expected in the dispersing reproductives. In C. tuberosus, sex ratio varies among years and according to the type of reproductives, and the population sex ratio is balanced. These results raise hints on queen-king conflict over the sex ratio.In the second axis, we described the ecology and symbioses of C. tuberosus. (iv) Wolbachia, an endosymbiotic bacterium mainly known for manipulating the reproduction of arthropods in order to enhance its own transmission, infects all individuals in societies. This bacterium, particularly abundant in a gut-associated bacteriome, may play a role in the nutrition of C. tuberosus; both partners would have evolved a mutualistic symbiosis. (v) Inquiline termites live in a nest built by other termite species and do not forage outside. Physico-chemical measures and microbiota sequencing revealed that C. tuberosus is a generalist nest-feeder.Finally, we expanded our study of the breeding systems in the phylogenetic proximity of C. tuberosus. (vi) We described Palmitermes impostor, a new genus and species as a sister-group to the genus Cavitermes. (vii) AQS is the main reproductive strategy in P. impostor, and queens of Spinitermes trispinosus and Inquilinitermes inquilinus are able to reproduce parthenogenetically. Therefore, it appears likely that the conditional use of sexual and asexual reproductions is a preadaptation common to the whole Termes group, and that it evolved into a stable element of their breeding system at least in some species.Overall, our results open new perspectives in the understanding of reproductive strategies in termites and their relationships with their bacterial symbionts. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Association of chickpea with soil fungi: a comparison of cultivars

2014 November 1900 (has links)
Certain crop plants are susceptible to pathogens or unable to develop efficient microbial symbioses. These crops adversely impact soil biological quality with consequences on plant health and productivity of cropping systems. Chickpea is a rotational pulse crop with two types: kabuli and desi, and several cultivars. Cultivation of chickpea has inconsistent effects on soil microbial communities and subsequent wheat crops. I conducted field studies and used high throughput molecular analyses to explore the variations among chickpeas to identify cultivars developing fungal communities that are conducive to plant health and productivity. I also carried out greenhouse studies and used biochemical analyses to investigate the response of chickpea cultivars to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and non-AM fungal endophytes and identify the influence of root and root metabolites on the endophytic and pathogenic fungi. Cultivars and types of chickpeas and environmental conditions promoted different fungal communities in the root endosphere. Funneliformis and Claroideoglomus were the dominant AM fungal genera and Fusarium and Alternaria were the dominant non-AM fungal genera in the roots of chickpea. The roots of cultivars CDC Corrine, CDC Cory and CDC Anna hosted the most diverse fungal communities in contrast to CDC Alma and CDC Xena roots which hosted the least diverse communities. Plant response to AM and non-AM fungal endophytes varied with genotype and type of chickpea. The root symbiosis effectively promoted plant growth in CDC Cory, CDC Anna and CDC Frontier and stimulated nitrogen fixation in CDC Corrine. Cultivars of chickpea responded differently to dual inoculation of the AM and non-AM fungal endophytes. Co-inoculation with AM and non-AM fungal endophytes had additive effects on CDC Corrine, CDC Anna and CDC Cory but non-AM fungal endophytes reduced the positive effect of AM fungi in Amit and CDC Vanguard. Desi chickpea appeared to form more efficient symbioses with soil fungal resources than kabuli chickpea. Protein(s) up-regulated in the mycorrhizal roots of the desi chickpea CDC Anna suppressed the growth of the fungal endophytes Trichoderma harzianum and Geomyces vinaceus and of the pathogens Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia sp. The formation of AM symbiosis decreased the production of root bioactive metabolites soluble in 25% methanol. Some of the root metabolites stimulated the growth of Trichoderma harzianum and Geomyces vinaceus, and a few inhibited Rhizoctonia sp. and Fusarium oxysporum. A few metabolites with contrasting effects on the different fungal species were detected. The non-protein phytochemicals had selective effects on the endophytes and pathogens whereas the antifungal proteins of mycorrhizal roots were non-selective. Overall the study reveals a "genotype effect" of chickpea on the soil microbiota suggesting the possibility to improve the performance of this crop through the selection of genotypes improving the communities of root associated fungi, by associating and responding to beneficial fungi and repressing the pathogens.

Structuration écologique et évolutive des symbioses mycorhiziennes des orchidées tropicales

Martos, Florent 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les plantes n'exploitent pas seules les nutriments du sol, mais dépendent de champignons avec lesquels elles forment des symbioses mycorhiziennes dans leurs racines. C'est en particulier vrai pour les 25 000 espèces d'orchidées actuelles qui dépendent toutes de champignons mycorhiziens pour accomplir leur cycle de vie. Elles produisent des graines microscopiques qui n'ont pas les ressources nutritives pour germer, mais qui dépendent de la présence de partenaires adéquats pour nourrir l'embryon (hétérotrophie) jusqu'à l'apparition des feuilles (autotrophie). Les mycorhiziens restent présents dans les racines des adultes où ils contribuent à la nutrition, ce qui permet d'étudier plus facilement la diversité des symbiotes à l'aide des outils génétiques. Conscients des biais des études en faveur des régions tempérées, nous avons étudié la diversité des mycorhiziens d'orchidées tropicales à La Réunion. Nous avons montré que (1) les orchidées tropicales ont des partenaires semblables aux orchidées tempérées et méditerranéennes (Sebacinales, Ceratobasidiaceae et surtout Tulasnellaceae), et que ces taxons de champignons sont largement représentés dans différents biomes et dans différentes plantes hôtes. Nous avons aussi démontré pour la première fois que (2) les orchidées épiphytes (dont les associations étaient peu connues) ont des cortèges mycorhiziens différents de ceux des orchidées terrestres dans les communautés tropicales. De plus, en développant une approche à l'échelle de réseaux d'interactions (78 espèces de La Réunion), nous avons montré que (3) les espèces tropicales ont tendance à être généralistes et que (4) le réseau mycorhizien des orchidées montre des propriétés semblables à celles des réseaux d'interactions mutualistes (nestedness et asymétrie d'interaction), alors que la nature mutualiste de cette symbiose mycorhiziennes fait débat. Dans un second volet de la thèse, nous avons étudié les partenaires des orchidées non chlorophylliennes (mycohétérotrophes) tropicales. Nous avons montré que (5) les espèces tropicales peuvent s'associer à des champignons saprophytes qui les nourrissent en carbone issu de la décomposition de la litière dans les forêts tropicales humides et que (6) les modèles tropicaux (en n'étant pas spécifiques) remettent en question les idées reçues sur la mycohétérotrophie des plantes. Nous avons confirmé que (7) la mycohétérotrophie dérive d'un régime nutritionnel intermédiaire (mixotrophie) mis en place dans des lignées chlorophylliennes. Dans un dernier volet de la thèse, nous avons posé la question du déterminisme phylogénétique des associations orchidées-champignons. En analysant la force du signal dans les phylogénies des deux partenaires, nous avons vérifié que (8) les associations mycorhiziennes sont peu conservées à l'échelle supra-générique dans la phylogénie des orchidées, et qu'elles (9) peuvent être maintenues à une échelle plus récente (cas de certains clades d'angraecoïdes). Ces résultats soulignent l'empreinte relative des processus écologiques et évolutifs sur les patrons d'associations actuels, et remettent en question l'idée qu'un processus de coévolution pourrait guider le système.

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