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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des effets spinaux du neuropeptide K sur le système cardiovasculaire et l'activité sympatho-surrénalienne chez le rat éveillé

Pham, Tri Manh January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Quantitative analysis of catecholamines and their metabolites in human urine by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry as a screening method for sympatho-adrenal tumors

Marais, Brian 24 February 2009 (has links)
The endogenous catecholamines and their metabolites play an integral role in establishing the presence or absence of a suspected sympatho-adrenal tumor. Highly elevated metabolites excreted in the urine are indicative of a tumor. For this reason numerous analytical methods has been developed to accurately quantify the levels of these compounds. However, current methods usually make use of conventional HPLC methods. Although effective, these methods require tedious sample preparation and are usually plagued by interferences. It was the aim of this work to develop a gas chromatographic – mass spectrometric (GC-MS) method that allow for the simultaneous analysis of the endogenous catecholamines, their basic and acidic metabolites using a single extraction procedure (which is easy to use and not tedious) with minimal derivatization steps. Furthermore, to develop GC-MS methods which do not require tedious sample preparation and yet be sensitive and accurate and allow for rapid analysis in the clinical pathology laboratory. Four different gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric methods were developed for the analysis of the catecholamines and their metabolites and are discussed in detail. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Chemical Pathology / unrestricted

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis vs. the sympatho-adrenal medullary system in the acute response to psychological stress

Janse van Vuuren, Marthinus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physiological Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-(HPA) axis has long been closely associated with psychological stress-induced activation of the adrenal cortex and subsequent glucocorticoid production. Another, less known peripheral limb of the psychological stress response, is the sympatho adrenal medullary pathway. We hypothesized that the sympatho-adrenal medullary system constitutes the primary response to acute psychological stress, with the HPA-axis functioning as a secondary response. We tested our hypothesis by manipulating a model of acute mild psychological stress (restraint) by blocking IL-6, a valuable constituent of the sympatho-adrenal medullary system. Serum corticosterone concentration increased in response to stress (7 ± 3 vs. 57 ± 4 ng/ml; P<0.0001), a response attenuated when IL-6 was blocked (17 ± 7 ng/ml). Stress increased pituitary mass only when IL-6 was blocked (38 ± 3 vs. 65 ± 6 mg; P <0.001). Stress increased left adrenal mass only in the presence of IL-6 (34 ± 1 vs. 73 ± 8 mg; P <0.00001). Stress did not influence the circulating levels of TNF-α, IL-1β or IL-6 significantly. IL-1β and TNF-α concentrations in the unstressed rats were lower when IL-6 was blocked. We then manipulated the stress model by administering S. frutescens extract to elucidate both the central and peripheral effects of acute S. frutescens administration on the psychological stress response. Restraint caused decreases in hippocampal GR levels when compared to respective controls. S. frutescens administration and exposure to restraint synergistically decreased hippocampal GABAAR levels. In addition, exposure to both stress and S. frutescens led to a noteworthy increase in pituitary mass (P = 0.078), as well as pituitary ACTH levels (P < 0.01). Similarly, differences in circulating ACTH levels showed an effect of stress on ACTH secretion only in the presence S. frutescens (P < 0.05). Adrenal mass was significantly increased in S. frutescenstreated animals that were also exposed to restraint (P < 0.05). Adrenal levels of ACTH showed a reciprocal trend to pituitary and circulating ACTH levels. No statistically significant differences were seen in adrenal IL-6 content. However, marked increases in IL-6 levels were seen at this level with administration of S. frutescens stress exposure and a cumulative increase seen with both S. frutescens-treatment and stress exposure. Hippocampal GABAAR, pituitary mass, pituitary ACTH and circulating ACTH levels showed a similar trend towards a synergistic effect of S. frutescens and restraint in activation of the psychological stress response, while adrenal ACTH levels showed an inverse trend. Hippocampal GR did not show any effect of stress or S. frutescens-treatment. The results from these two experiments indicate that the sympatho-adrenal medullary system constitutes the primary response to acute mild psychological stress and that the HPA-axis is only activated during an exacerbated stress response or when the sympatho-adrenal medullary contribution is inadequate. Furthermore, the acute administration of S. frutescens possibly led to a functional shift in GABAergic function, resulting in activation of the stress response. The anecdotal reports of a “docile” effect of S. frutescens most likely results from activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system by the hippocampus and amygdala. These results have dramatic consequence in GABA-based anxiety-treatments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hipotalamo-pituïtêre-adrenale (HPA)-as is lank bekend as ‘n primêre rolspeler in die respons op emosionele stres en daaropvolgende glukokortikoïed produksie. ‘n Ander, minder bekende arm van die sielkundige stres respons is die simpatiese bynier-medulla-sisteem. Ons hipotese was dat die laasgenoemde simpatiese bynier-medulla-sisteem die primêre respons tot sielkundige stres behartig terwyl die HPA-as ‘n sekondêre respons bied. Ons het ons hipotese getoets deur die manupilering van ‘n beproefde stres model waar ons IL-6, ‘n waardevolle rolspeler in die simpatiese bynier-medulla-sisteem, onderdruk het. In respons op stress, het serum kortikosteroon konsentrasies toegeneem slegs in die teenwoordigheid van IL-6 (7 ± 3 vs. 57 ± 4 ng/ml; P<0.0001), maar nie wanneer IL-6 onderdruk is nie (17 ± 7 ng/ml). Stres het ‘n verhoging in hipofise massa teweeggebring slegs tydens die onderdrukking van IL-6 (38 ± 3 vs. 65 ± 6 mg; P <0.001). Stres het ook linker-byniermassa verhoog slegs wanneer voldoende IL-6 beskikbaar was (34 ± 1 vs. 73 ± 8 mg; P <0.00001). Stres alleen het geen invloed gehad op serum IL-1β, IL-6 of TNF-α nie, maar die onderdrukking van IL-6 het wel ‘n inhiberende effek op basale IL-1β en TNF-α gehad. Daarna het ons weer eens die stresmodel manipuleer deur die rotte ‘n S. frutescens ekstrak te gee in ‘n poging om beide die sentrale en perifere effekte daarvan op die sielkundige stres respons te evalueer. Stres alleen het gelei tot ‘n afname in GR terwyl ‘n kombinasie van stres en S. frutescens administrasie tot ‘n afname in GABAARα1 in die hippokampus gelei het. Hierdie kombinasie het ook tot ‘n merkwaardige toename in hipofise massa (P = 0.078) sowel as ACTH-inhoud van die hipofise (P < 0.01) gelei. ‘n Soortgelyke patroon is waargeneem betreffende sirkulerende ACTH en byniermassa met P < 0.05 vir elk. Bynier ACTH inhoud, aan die ander kant, het ‘n omgekeerd eweredige verhouding met ACTH in die hipofise en in sirkulasie getoon. Bynier IL- 6 inhoud het geen statisties beduidende verskille getoon nie, maar ‘n merkwaardige verhoging is weereens gesien met ‘n kombinasie van stres en S. frutescens administrasie. Die soortgelyke tendens wat waargeneem word in GABAAR in die hippokampus, asook hipofise- en sirkulerende ACTH vlakke, en dui op ‘n samewerkende rol van stres en S. frutescens in die aktivering van die sielkundige stres respons. GR in die hippokampus toon geen veranderinge nie. Die resultate van die twee eksperimente dui op ‘n primêre rol van die simpatiese bynier-medulla-sisteem in die respons op ‘n akute stressor en dat die HPA-as net geaktiveer word tydens ‘n ooreiste stres reaksie of indien die simpatiese bynier-medulla-sisteem onderdruk word. Die waargenome “verdowings”-effek van S. frutescens word moontlik deur aktivering van die mesolimbiese dopamien pad deur die hippokampus en amigdala bewerkstellig. Die resultate mag ook lei tot die heroorweging van GABA-gebaseerde angs medikasies.

Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Aktivität und gesteigerter sympathischer Nervenaktivität bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung / Relationship between physical stress and increased sympathetic nerve activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Folle, Jan 16 June 2015 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD) ist eine der Haupttodesursachen weltweit. Eine gesteigerte Aktivität des sympathischen Nervensystems wird als wesentlicher pathophysiologischer Aspekt vermutet. Grundsätze: Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte die muskelsympathische Nervenaktivität (MSNA) und die Baroreflex-Sensitivität bei COPD-Patienten und gesunden Probanden in Ruhe sowie unter moderater körperlicher Belastung. Ergebnisse: COPD-Patienten zeigten in Ruhe eine signifikant gesteigerte MSNA sowie eine signifikant verminderte Baroreflex-Sensitivität. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die Resultate vorausgegangener Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals ein signifikanter Anstieg der MSNA unter moderater statischer Belastung bei COPD-Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Fazit: In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals eine Korrelation zwischen sympatho-vagaler Imbalance und verminderter körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit bei COPD-Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Eine Modifikation der neuro-humoralen Aktivität bei COPD-Patienten könnte in Zukunft eine Rolle in der Behandlung der COPD spielen und sollte in größeren, randomisierten Studien untersucht werden.

Balance sympatho-vagale chez le rat éveillé : méthodes d’étude et application à la fibrillation atriale / Sympathovagal balance in the conscious rat : study methods and application to atrial fibrillation

Sayin, Halil 26 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail a eu pour but (1) de comparer les différentes méthodes d'évaluation de la balance sympatho-vagale (BSV) actuellement utilisées chez le rat, et (2) d'évaluer les effets d'une altération de la BSV en faveur d'une prédominance vagale sur l'instabilité électrique atriale spontanée chez le rat spontanément hypertendu (SHR) vieillissant. L'électrocardiogramme a été mesuré chez les rats éveillés grâce à une sonde télémétrique chroniquement implantée. La méthode de référence pour l'estimation de la BSV repose sur le calcul du rapport de la fréquence cardiaque (FC) de repos à la FC intrinsèque. Selon que l'index est supérieur ou inférieur à 1, on peut conclure respectivement à une prédominance sympathique ou à une prédominance vagale. La FC intrinsèque est obtenue par l'administration combinée d'antagonistes sélectifs des deux branches du système nerveux autonome, c'est-à-dire un bloqueur β-adrénergique (aténolol) et un antagoniste des récepteurs muscariniques (méthylatropine). Les autres méthodes (mesure séparée des tonus autonomes, index extraits de l'analyse de la variabilité sinusale) fournissent des résultats incohérents ou contradictoires. L'administration chronique d'un inhibiteur de l'acétylcholinestérase (pyridostigmine) chez des rats SHR vieillissants induit une hypertonie vagale relative (BSV=0,81±0,02) par rapport aux rats non traités (BSV=1,06±0,01) qui s'accompagne d'une bradycardie sinusale et d'une augmentation de la fréquence et de la durée des épisodes de tachyarythmie atriale. Ces études démontrent l'intérêt de la méthode de référence pour l'estimation de la BSV chez le rat éveillé. La potentialisation de l'activité vagale endogène aggrave l'instabilité électrique atriale chez le rat SHR vieillissant, ce qui confirme le rôle pathogénique du système nerveux parasympathique dans ce modèle / The aim of the present work was (1) to compare the different methods currently used to assess sympathovagal balance (SVB) in rats, and (2) to assess SVB alterations towards vagal predominance on atrial electrical instability in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The electrocardiogram was measured in conscious rats using chronically implanted telemetric probes. The reference method to estimate SVB is based on the calculation of the ratio of intrinsic heart rate (HR) to resting HR. Depending on whether the index is greater or lower than 1, one can conclude to sympathetic or vagal predominance, respectively. Intrinsic HR is obtained after the combined administration of selective antagonists of both branches of the autonomic nervous system, i.e. β- adrenergic blocker (atenolol) and muscarinic receptor antagonist (methylatropine). Other methods (autonomic tones measured separately, calculation of indices derived from heart rate variability analysis) provide inconsistent or conflicting results. The chronic infusion of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (pyridostigmine) in aging SHRs induced relative vagal hypertonia (SVB=0.81±0.02) in comparison with untreated rats (SVB=1.06±0.01) along with sinus bradycardia and increased frequency and duration of atrial tachyarrhythmia episodes. These studies highlight the value of the reference method for evaluating SVB in conscious rats. Potentiation of endogenous vagal activity aggravates atrial electrical instability in aging SHRs, consistent with a pathogenic role of the parasympathetic nervous system in this model

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