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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Gromov Width of Coadjoint Orbits of Compact Lie Groups

Zoghi, Masrour 17 February 2011 (has links)
The first part of this thesis investigates the Gromov width of maximal dimensional coadjoint orbits of compact simple Lie groups. An upper bound for the Gromov width is provided for all compact simple Lie groups but only for those coadjoint orbits that satisfy a certain technical assumption, whereas the lower bound is proved only for groups of type A, but without the technical restriction. The two bounds use very different techniques: the proof of the upper bound uses more analytical tools, while the proof of the lower bound is more geometric. The second part of the thesis is a short report on a joint project with my supervisor, which was concerned with the relationship between two different definitions of orbifolds: one using Lie groupoids and the other involving diffeologies. The results are summarized in Chapter 5 of this text.

The Gromov Width of Coadjoint Orbits of Compact Lie Groups

Zoghi, Masrour 17 February 2011 (has links)
The first part of this thesis investigates the Gromov width of maximal dimensional coadjoint orbits of compact simple Lie groups. An upper bound for the Gromov width is provided for all compact simple Lie groups but only for those coadjoint orbits that satisfy a certain technical assumption, whereas the lower bound is proved only for groups of type A, but without the technical restriction. The two bounds use very different techniques: the proof of the upper bound uses more analytical tools, while the proof of the lower bound is more geometric. The second part of the thesis is a short report on a joint project with my supervisor, which was concerned with the relationship between two different definitions of orbifolds: one using Lie groupoids and the other involving diffeologies. The results are summarized in Chapter 5 of this text.

Symmetry in monotone Lagrangian Floer theory

Smith, Jack Edward January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we study the self-Floer theory of a monotone Lagrangian submanifold $L$ of a closed symplectic manifold $X$ in the presence of various kinds of symmetry. First we consider the group $\mathrm{Symp}(X, L)$ of symplectomorphisms of $X$ preserving $L$ setwise, and extend its action on the Oh spectral sequence to coefficients of arbitrary characteristic, working over an enriched Novikov ring. This imposes constraints on the differentials in the spectral sequence which force them to vanish in certain situations. We then specialise to the case where $L$ is $K$-homogeneous for a compact Lie group $K$, meaning roughly that $X$ is Kaehler, $K$ acts on $X$ by holomorphic automorphisms, and $L$ is a Lagrangian orbit. By studying holomorphic discs with boundary on $L$ we compute the image of low codimension $K$-invariant subvarieties of $X$ under the length zero closed-open string map. This places restrictions on the self-Floer cohomology of $L$ which generalise and refine the Auroux-Kontsevich-Seidel criterion. These often result in the need to work over fields of specific positive characteristics in order to obtain non-zero cohomology. The disc analysis is then developed further, with the introduction of the notion of poles and a reflection mechanism for completing holomorphic discs into spheres. This theory is applied to two main families of examples. The first is the collection of four Platonic Lagrangians in quasihomogeneous threefolds of $\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{C})$, starting with the Chiang Lagrangian in $\mathbb{CP}^3$. These were previously studied by Evans and Lekili, who computed the self-Floer cohomology of the latter. We simplify their argument, which is based on an explicit construction of the Biran-Cornea pearl complex, and deal with the remaining three cases. The second is a family of $\mathrm{PSU}(n)$-homogeneous Lagrangians in products of projective spaces. Here the presence of both discrete and continuous symmetries leads to some unusual properties: in particular we obtain non-displaceable monotone Lagrangians which are narrow in a strong sense. We also discuss related examples including applications of Perutz's symplectic Gysin sequence and quilt functors. The thesis concludes with a discussion of directions for further research and a collection of technical appendices.

Quantum structures of some non-monotone Lagrangian submanifolds/ structures quantiques de certaines sous-variétés lagrangiennes non monotones.

Ngô, Fabien 03 September 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we present a slight generalisation of the Pearl complex or relative quantum homology to some non monotone Lagrangian submanifolds. First we develop the theory for the so called almost monotone Lagrangian submanifolds, We apply it to uniruling problems as well as estimates for the relative Gromov width. In the second part we develop the theory for toric fiber in toric Fano manifolds, recovering previous computaional results of Floer homology .

Diamètre spectral et cohomologie symplectique

Mailhot, Pierre-Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Le groupe de difféomorphismes hamiltoniens à support compact d’une variété symplectique admet une distance naturelle bi-invariante, d’après les travaux de Viterbo, Schwarz, Oh, Frauenfelder et Schlenk, construite à partir des invariants spectraux en homologie de Floer Hamiltonienne. Cette distance, appelée la norme spectrale, s’est révélée être un outil fort utile en topologie symplectique. Par contre, son diamètre reste inconnu en général. En fait, pour les variétés symplectiques fermées, il n’existe même pas de critère pour déterminer si la norme spectrale a un diamètre fini ou infini. Il a été conjecturé que, pour les variétés symplectiquement asphériques, le diamètre de la norme spectrale est infini. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons que pour tout domaine de Liouville, la norme spectrale a un diamètre infini si et seulement si la cohomologie symplectique du domaine de Liouville en question est non nulle. Ceci généralise un résultat de Monzner-Vichery-Zapolsky et admet plusieurs applications dans le cadre des variétés symplectiques fermées. En particulier, nous démontrons que le produit de deux variétés symplectiquement asphériques a un diamètre spectral infini. Plus généralement, nous démontrons que toute variété symplectiquement asphérique contenant un domaine de Liouville incompressible de codimension zéro avec cohomologie symplectique non nulle doit avoir un diamètre spectral infini. / The group of compactly supported Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of a symplectic manifold is endowed with a natural bi-invariant distance, due to Viterbo, Schwarz, Oh, Frauenfelder and Schlenk, coming from spectral invariants in Hamiltonian Floer homology. This distance, called the spectral norm, has found numerous applications in symplectic topology. However, its diameter is still unknown in general. In fact, for closed symplectic manifolds there is no unifying criterion for the diameter to be finite or infinite. It has been conjectured that for closed symplectically aspherical manifolds, the spectral norm has infinite diameter. In this thesis, we prove that for any Liouville domain the spectral norm has infinite diameter if and only if its symplectic cohomology does not vanish. This generalizes a result of Monzner-Vichery-Zapolsky and has applications in the setting of closed symplectic manifolds. For instance, we show that the product of two closed symplectically aspherical manifold has an infinite spectral diameter . More generally, we prove that any symplectically aspherical manifold which contains an incompressible Liouville domain of codimension zero with non-vanishing symplectic cohomology must have infinite spectral diameter.

Symplectic Topology and Geometric Quantum Mechanics

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: The theory of geometric quantum mechanics describes a quantum system as a Hamiltonian dynamical system, with a projective Hilbert space regarded as the phase space. This thesis extends the theory by including some aspects of the symplectic topology of the quantum phase space. It is shown that the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle is a special case of an inequality from J-holomorphic map theory, that is, J-holomorphic curves minimize the difference between the quantum covariance matrix determinant and a symplectic area. An immediate consequence is that a minimal determinant is a topological invariant, within a fixed homology class of the curve. Various choices of quantum operators are studied with reference to the implications of the J-holomorphic condition. The mean curvature vector field and Maslov class are calculated for a lagrangian torus of an integrable quantum system. The mean curvature one-form is simply related to the canonical connection which determines the geometric phases and polarization linear response. Adiabatic deformations of a quantum system are analyzed in terms of vector bundle classifying maps and related to the mean curvature flow of quantum states. The dielectric response function for a periodic solid is calculated to be the curvature of a connection on a vector bundle. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Mathematics 2011

Effect of Legendrian surgery and an exact sequence for Legendrian links / Effet de chirurgies Legendriennes et une suite exacte de entrelacements Legendriens

Eslami Rad, Anahita 31 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the study of the effect of Legendrian surgery on contact manifolds. In particular, we study the effect of this surgery on the Reeb dynamics of the contact manifold on which we perform such a surgery along Legendrian links. We obtain an exact sequence of cyclic Legendrian homology for the Legendrian links. Then we present the applications in 3-dimension and higher dimensions. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'invariant de Gromov-Witten

Liu, Qing Zhe 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire revient sur l'invariant de Gromov-Witten dans le contexte de topologie symplectique. D'abord, on présente un survol des notions nécessaires de la topologie symplectique, qui inclut les espaces vectoriels symplectiques, les variétés symplectiques, les structures presque complexes et la première classe de Chern. Ensuite, on présente une définition de l'invariant de Gromov-Witten, qui utilise les courbes pseudoholomorphes, les espaces de modules ainsi que les applications d'évaluation. Finalement, on donne quelques exemples de calcul d'invariant à la fin de ce mémoire. / The present work reviews the Gromov-Witten invariant in the context of symplectic topology. First, we showcase the basic concepts required for the understanding of the matter, which includes symplectic vector spaces, symplectic manifolds, almost complex structures and the first Chern class. Then, we provide a definition of the Gromov-Witten invariant, after studying pseudoholomorphic curves, moduli spaces and evaluation maps. In the end, we present some examples of Gromov-Witten invariant calculations.

Structures quantiques de certaines sous-variétés lagrangiennes non-monotones

Ngô, Fabien 06 1900 (has links)
Soit (M,ω) un variété symplectique fermée et connexe.On considère des sous-variétés lagrangiennes α : L → (M,ω). Si α est monotone, c.- à-d. s’il existe η > 0 tel que ημ = ω, Paul Biran et Octav Conea ont défini une version relative de l’homologie quantique. Dans ce contexte ils ont déformé l’opérateur de bord du complexe de Morse ainsi que le produit d’intersection à l’aide de disques pseudo-holomorphes. On note (QH(L), ∗), l’homologie quantique de L munie du produit quantique. Le principal objectif de cette dissertation est de généraliser leur construction à un classe plus large d’espaces. Plus précisément on considère soit des sous-variétés presque monotone, c.-à-d. α est C1-proche d’un plongement lagrangian monotone ; soit les fibres toriques de variétés toriques Fano. Dans ces cas non nécessairement monotones, QH(L) va dépendre de certains choix, mais cela sera irrelevant pour les applications présentées ici. Dans le cas presque monotone, on s’intéresse principalement à des questions de déplaçabilité, d’uniréglage et d’estimation d’énergie de difféomorphismes hamiltoniens. Enfin nous terminons par une application combinant les deux approches, concernant la dynamique d’un hamiltonien déplaçant toutes les fibres toriques non-monotones dans CPn. / Let (M,ω) be a closed connected symplectic maniflod. We consider lagrangian submanifolds α : L →֒ (M,ω). If α is monotone, i.e. there exists η > 0 such that ημ = ω, Paul Biran and Octav Cornea defined a relative version of quantum homology. In this relative setting they deformed the boundary operator of the Morse complex as well as the intersection product by means of pseudoholomorphic discs. We note (QH(L,Λ), ∗) the quantum homology of L endowed with the quantum product. The main goal of this dissertation is to generalize their construction to a larger class of spaces. Namely, we consider : either the so called almost monotone lagrangian submanifolds, i.e. α is C1-close to a monotone lagrangian embedding, or the toric fibers of toric Fano manifolds. In those cases, we are able to generalize the constructions made by Biran and Cornea. However, in those non necessarily monotone cases, QH(L) will depend on some choices, but in a way irrelevant for the applications we have in mind. In the almost monotone case, we are mainly interested in displaceability, uniruling and ernegy estimates for hamiltonian diffeomorphsims. Finally, we end by an application, that combine the two approaches, concerning the dynamics of hamiltonian that displace all non-monotone toric fibers of CPn.

Rigidité du crochet de Poisson en topologie symplectique

Rathel-Fournier, Dominique 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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