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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Baco, o simpósio e o poeta / Bacchus, the Symposium and the Poet

Serignolli, Lya Valeria Grizzo 18 September 2017 (has links)
Recentemente, tem aumentado o interesse acadêmico nas figurações do Baco romano, que, até então, não havia recebido tanta atenção quanto o Dioniso grego. Novos estudos têm mostrado como o repertório dionisíaco proliferou no Período Augustano, produzindo novas metáforas atreladas às transformações sociais, políticas e culturais da época. Horácio, o poeta que mais desenvolveu os temas dionisíacos entre os augustanos, apresenta diversas facetas do deus em diferentes gêneros poéticos, reservando a ele um lugar de destaque em suas Odes. Esta pesquisa preenche uma lacuna nos estudos de poética latina, discutindo questões associadas a Baco e ao simpósio em Horácio, tendo em vista os papéis do deus como herói deificado, divindade simpótica e orgiástica e patrono da poesia, em associação a temas como o amor, a política, a guerra, a patronagem e a composição poética. A tese divide-se em seis capítulos: dois capítulos introdutórios em que são considerados antecedentes e aspectos gerais de Baco e do simpósio, e quatro capítulos com a análise desses temas em Horácio. No terceiro capítulo, o enfoque é sobre o furor dionisíaco como impulso poético. Nos capítulos quatro e cinco, o simpósio - presidido por Líber - é observado como um cenário metafórico em que a persona poética de Horácio relaciona-se com amantes, patronos, poetas e amigos; um lugar onde o vinho combina com política, guerra, amor, amizade e poesia. No capítulo final, são analisadas questões de composição poética associadas ao engenho e ao furor poético dionisíacos. / Recently, scholarly interest in the representations of the Roman Bacchus has increased, which had not received as much attention as the Greek Dionysus. New studies have shown how the dionysiac repertoire proliferated in the Augustan Age, producing new metaphors linked to cultural, social and political transformations that took place in the period. Horace, who is the most prolific of the Augustan poets in the use of dionysiac imagery, presents different aspects of the god in different genres, reserving a special place to him in his Odes. This research fulfills a gap in the studies of Latin poetics, exploring issues associated with Bacchus and the symposium in Horace, considering the gods roles as deified hero, sympotic and orgiastic divinity and patron of poetry in association with themes such as love, politics, war, patronage and poetic composition. The thesis is divided into six chapters, with two introductory chapters on the antecedents and general aspects of Bacchus and the symposium, and four chapters with an analysis of these themes in Horace. In the third chapter, I investigate the Bacchic enthusiasm as a metaphor for the poetic impulse. In chapters and four and five, I observe the symposium - presided over by Liber - as a metaphorical setting where the poet interacts with lovers, patrons, other poets and friends; a place where wine combines with politics, war, love, friendship and poetry. In the last chapter, I consider issues of poetic composition connected with dionysiac ingenium and poetic furor.

Uma poética do simpósio: a performance da elegia grega arcaica na Teognideia / A Poetics of Symposium: the Performance of Early Greek Elegy in Theognidea

Rafael de Carvalho Matiello Brunhara 02 March 2017 (has links)
Estudos atuais atribuem à ocasião de performance um papel importante na interpretação da poesia grega arcaica. No que concerne à maior parte da poesia elegíca desse período, convencionou-se estabelecer que o simpósio foi o local de seu aparecimento e difusão. A tese propõe uma investigação acerca do maior corpus de elegias supérstite, a Teognideia, a fim de identificar nele traços composicionais de uma produção elegíaca destinada exclusivamente para essa ocasião de performance. Uma leitura das elegias 19-26 e 237-254 permitiu-nos verificar as práticas poéticas atribuídas a Teógnis e a identidade destas com o simpósio, e possibilitou uma leitura mais abrangente do corpus, que visou avaliar em que medida o livro de poemas de Teógnis poderia revelar traços de uma organização simposial. Procurou-se assim encarecer uma visão que mostra o simpósio como um dos elementos que pautou a formação de parte da Teognideia, e que determinava a estrutura e os expedientes do gênero elegíaco arcaico. / Current studies ascribe to the occasion of performance an important role in the interpretation of archaic greek poetry. With regard to most of the elegiac poetry of this time, the symposium appears as its favoured setting and place of its diffusion. This work investigates the widest corpus of surviving elegies, the Theognidea, in order to find traces of the symposium as a compositional feature to elegiac compositions. The study of verses 19-26 and 237-254 allowed us to verify the poetic practices attributed to Theognis and their identity with the symposium. It led us to a more compreehensive reading of the corpus, which aimed to evaluate to what extent Theognis book could reveal traces of symposiastic organization. Thus, this graduation thesis intended to highlight the symposium as one of the aspects that guided the formation of Theognidea and establishes structures and procedures to archaic greek elegy.

Uma poética do simpósio: a performance da elegia grega arcaica na Teognideia / A Poetics of Symposium: the Performance of Early Greek Elegy in Theognidea

Brunhara, Rafael de Carvalho Matiello 02 March 2017 (has links)
Estudos atuais atribuem à ocasião de performance um papel importante na interpretação da poesia grega arcaica. No que concerne à maior parte da poesia elegíca desse período, convencionou-se estabelecer que o simpósio foi o local de seu aparecimento e difusão. A tese propõe uma investigação acerca do maior corpus de elegias supérstite, a Teognideia, a fim de identificar nele traços composicionais de uma produção elegíaca destinada exclusivamente para essa ocasião de performance. Uma leitura das elegias 19-26 e 237-254 permitiu-nos verificar as práticas poéticas atribuídas a Teógnis e a identidade destas com o simpósio, e possibilitou uma leitura mais abrangente do corpus, que visou avaliar em que medida o livro de poemas de Teógnis poderia revelar traços de uma organização simposial. Procurou-se assim encarecer uma visão que mostra o simpósio como um dos elementos que pautou a formação de parte da Teognideia, e que determinava a estrutura e os expedientes do gênero elegíaco arcaico. / Current studies ascribe to the occasion of performance an important role in the interpretation of archaic greek poetry. With regard to most of the elegiac poetry of this time, the symposium appears as its favoured setting and place of its diffusion. This work investigates the widest corpus of surviving elegies, the Theognidea, in order to find traces of the symposium as a compositional feature to elegiac compositions. The study of verses 19-26 and 237-254 allowed us to verify the poetic practices attributed to Theognis and their identity with the symposium. It led us to a more compreehensive reading of the corpus, which aimed to evaluate to what extent Theognis book could reveal traces of symposiastic organization. Thus, this graduation thesis intended to highlight the symposium as one of the aspects that guided the formation of Theognidea and establishes structures and procedures to archaic greek elegy.

A 'Mity' life: the career of Miles H. Johnson

Wanken, Matthew David 01 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis provides a historical account of the career of Miles “Mity” Johnson. Johnson taught music for thirty-seven years at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. During those years, he led the St. Olaf Band to national and international prominence. Johnson’s professional influences traverse his work as a collegiate band director, and horn recitalist and teacher, as well as his contributions to professional development for conductors and the adult community band movement. This research draws heavily on archival materials from the Shaw-Olson Center for College History at St. Olaf College along with several personal collections, including Johnson’s own private collection. Oral interviews with family members, colleagues, and former students supplemented archival materials. Johnson’s career spanned the second half of the twentieth century, a period that witnessed important growth in repertoire, professional development, and other areas in the concert band field, and this thesis highlights his reactions and contributions to those changes. Chapters explore Johnson’s family, education, and military background; followed by details of his public school and St. Olaf College teaching career. Examining the areas of domestic and international touring, concert programming, and horn teaching during Johnson’s tenure at St. Olaf reveals significant contributions to the band field. Also included are Johnson’s numerous guest conducting engagements at All-State band performances and the Vestfold Summer music camp in Norway. Research on Johnson’s establishment of the Minnesota Instrumental Conducting Symposium (MICS) and the Minnesota Symphonic Winds (MSW) adult community band, give further insight into Johnson’s broader contributions to the wind band profession.

Irony, Finitude and the Good Life

Cecconi, Nicole Marie 17 August 2007 (has links)
“Irony, Finitude and The Good Life,” examines the notion that Socrates, as he is portrayed in the Platonic dialogues, ought to be viewed and interpreted as a teacher. If this assertion is correct, then it is both appropriate and useful to look to the dialogues for instruction on how to live a philosophical life. This thesis will argue that to look at Socrates as a teacher, a figure who imparts knowledge to those around him on how to live a philosophical life, misses the very conception of the good life that Plato sought to personify when he created the character of Socrates. The proceeding discussion draws upon the work of Alexander Nehamas and Drew Hyland, offering an alternate interpretation of the Symposium. This interpretation argues that viewing Socrates as a teacher falsely idealizes the philosophical life, in turn neglecting Plato’s greater legacy for his character—a legacy in which true virtue lies in exposing the creative possibility inherent in living a philosophical life and prompting one’s own expression of a life inspired by the legacy of Socrates.

Vereinfachte Berechnung der Strömung bei der Strahlreinigung

Joppa, Matthias, Köhler, Hannes, Rüdiger, Frank, Majschak, Jens-Peter, Fröhlich, Jochen 07 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Für die Entwicklung eines praxistauglichen Vorhersagemodells für die Strahlreinigung wird ein Ansatz motiviert, welcher auf der Zerlegung in abhängig vom Anwendungsfall parametrierbare Teilprozesse beruht. Als Ausgangspunkt der Modellierung dient eine reduzierte Konfiguration: der senkrecht auf eine glatte Verschmutzung auftreffende, kohärente isotherme Wasserstrahl. Für diesen Testfall wird die zweidimensionale numerische Berechnung der mittleren Strömung erprobt. Die Validierung erfolgt anhand eigener Messwerte, experimentell und numerisch ermittelter Daten aus der Literatur sowie analytischer Korrelationen für Reynoldszahlen bis Re = U D D/v = 37000.

VVD 2015 Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Verpackungstechnik

07 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Wissenschaft trifft Praxis - das Motto der Tagung steht für einen Dialog, der in diesen Tagen besonders von folgenden Spannungsfeldern lebt: Komplexe Prozesse vs. einfache Maschinenbedienung, Adaptivität vs. Robistheit, Flexibilität vs. effizienz, technischer Vorsprung vs. technischer Aufwand. Zwischen diesen und anderen Themenfeldern gibt es Schnittmengen aber auch spannende Antagonismen. In 34 Vorträgen + 5 Plenarbeiträgen werden neue Gedanken und Lösungsansätze vorgestellt, die Wissen vermitteln und Anregungen bieten.

Leistungssteigerung einer Verpackungsmaschine durch anwendungsorientierte Getriebeauslegung

Barej, Martin, Mannheim, Tom, Kurtenbach, Stefan, Mbarek, Taoufik, Hüsing, Mathias, Pelzer, Stefan, Corves, Burkhard 07 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Getrieben durch einen rapid wachsenden Verbrauchermarkt für Lebensmittel und Getränke, insbesondere in Schwellenländern wie China, Brasilien und Indien, werden an den Verpackungssektor hohe Anforderungen hinsichtlich der Verpackungsqualität und -formen und nicht zuletzt der Stückzahl gestellt. Bei der Entwicklung von Verpackungssystemen stellt die Leistungssteigerung das vorrangige Ziel für die Verpackungsmaschinen- und Packstoffhersteller stellt dar. Die SIG Combibloc Systems GmbH, einer der weltweit führenden Systemanbieter von Packstoff und entsprechenden Füllmaschinen für Getränke und Lebensmittel, hat sich als Ziel gesetzt, die Leistung eines ihrer Verpackungssysteme um 50 % zu steigern.

Interaktive simulationsgestützte Programmierung bei der Entwicklung mechatronischer Verpackungsanlagen

Stich, Peter, Krotil, Stefan, Reinhart, Gunther 07 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund des rasanten technischen Fortschritts, unter anderem bedingt durch Megatrends wie Funktionsintegration, Individualisierung oder Digitalisierung, sind die Produkte aber auch die Prozesse einem stetigen Wandel unterworfen. Die ehemals systembestimmende Mechanik wird auch in Zukunft noch das Grundgerüst stellen, das elektrisch angetrieben und durch komplexe informationstechnische Einheiten gesteuert wird. Längst ist die Software jedoch zu einem wesentlichen Innovationstreiber im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau geworden.

Mikrostruktursimulation der mechanischen Deformation von Fasermaterialien

Andrä, Heiko, Fink, Andreas, Kabel, Matthias, Sliseris, Janis, Staub, Sarah 07 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Deformation von porösen Natur- und Kunstfasermaterialien unter Zug-, Druck- oder Biegebelastung hängt sehr stark von den geometrischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften der verwendeten Fasern und den Eigenschaften der Faser-Faser-Kontaktstellen ab. In den betrachteten Materialien besitzen die Fasern häufig eine Orientierung, die zu elastisch anisotropen Eigenschaften führt. Um das Materialverhalten beim Herstellungsprozess und im Einsatz vorherzusagen werden in dieser Arbeit Fasernetzwerkmodelle zur Beschreibung der Mikrostruktur verwendet. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Verfahren werden sehr komplizierte dreidimensionale Fasernetzwerke mit einem effizienten numerischen Verfahren gelöst. Das Lösungsverfahren basiert auf einer Formulierung der Elastizitätsgleichungen als Integralgleichung vom Lippmann-Schwinger-Typ. Diese Integralgleichungen werden iterativ mit Hilfe der schnellen Fourier-Transformation (FFT) gelöst. Die Anwendung dieser Lösungstechnik auf poröse Medien ist neu. Im Vortrag werden Simulationsergebnisse für verschiedene Fasermaterialien erläutert und diese mit entsprechenden Messungen verglichen. Dabei werden geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlineare Verformungen betrachtet. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Mikrostruktursimulationstechnik (Softwarepaket FeelMath) lässt sich die Abhängigkeit der makroskopischen Deformationseigenschaften von den Eigenschaften der Einzelfasern und der Faserorientierung analysieren. Damit kann die Anzahl der notwendigen Messungen reduziert werden und die Eigenschaften der Materialien lassen sich für den speziellen Einsatzzweck optimieren. Das vorgestellte Lösungsverfahren ist ebenfalls für nichtporöse Verbundwerkstoffe und zur Lösung von Wärmeleitproblemen in Fasernetzwerken geeignet.

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