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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Space Syntax Meets Peter Eisenman: Designing the Beijing East Rail Station at Tongzhou

Zhu, Dan 18 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

(In)flexibility of Constituency in Japanese in Multi-Modal Categorial Grammar with Structured Phonology

Kubota, Yusuke 23 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of the Syntax of the Afro-Bolivian Spanish Determiner Phrase

Sessarego, Sandro 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

On The Internal Structure of Spanish Verbless Clauses

Gonzalez-Rivera, Melvin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Space syntax : En studie om tillämpning och dess koppling till teorin

Hultén, Torun January 2021 (has links)
Intresset för att kvantitativt kunna mäta städer har blivit allt större. I takt med urbaniseringen och strävan efter mer kunskap inom stadsplanering har bland annat verktyg såsom space syntax blivit allt mer vedertagna. Space syntax är ett kvantitativt verktyg inom arkitektur, stadsplanering och urbanmorfologi som utvecklats i London, till för att förklara varför stadsformen i vissa områden skapar sociala problem, till exempel en ökad segregation, och särskilt bebyggelsen från modernismen. Verktyget utvecklades under 1970-talet av Hillier och Hanson tillsammans med kollegor på Bartlett School of Architecture, London. 1984 gav Hillier och Hanson ut boken The social logic of space där de beskriver sina teorier bakom verktyget och verktygets syfte. De menar på att den byggda formen skapar olika förutsättningar och att detta kvantitativt går att mäta i form av bland annat gatornas och stadsrummens konfiguration. Således beskriver de ett nytt språk, byggt på ett fåtal regler, för att förklara dessa olika förutsättningar som stadsbyggandet leder till – språket space syntax. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur detta språk, alltså verktyget space syntax, har tillämpats sett i en svensk kontext för att sedan återkoppla dessa förändringar i tillämpning till verktygets ursprungliga teori och dess syfte. Detta för att utforska om Hillier och Hansons (1984) ursprungliga syfte finns kvar och om detta språk är globalt eller om andra regler behövs i Sverige. Den kvalitativa metoden har använts som tillvägagångssätt för att undersöka hur tillämpningen av verktyget space syntax har förändrats över tid. Datamaterialet har bestått av intervjuer och litteratur. Materialet från datainsamlingen har sedan analyserats genom att jämföra insamlad data mot ursprunglig teori, den teori som Hillier och Hansons (1984) beskriver i deras arbete The social logic of space. Resultatet från studien visar att intresset för verktyget har ökat. Dels har kunskapen kring space syntax växt men också intresset för att använda metoden. Samtidigt visar studien även på att det gått olika trender i vilka frågor som har besvarats med hjälp av verktyget. Space syntax utvecklades för att få en bättre förståelse kring hur den byggda formen kan leda till sociala problem men idag är det ett verktyg som ofta förknippas med att mäta flödet av gångtrafikanter kopplat till ekonomiska intressen. Således har också tillämpningen av space syntax förändrats över tiden. Idag har verktyget breddats och nya metoder för att mäta städer har utvecklats utifrån Hillier och Hansons (1984) teorier. Utvecklingen av verktyget har lett till att det kommit närmare en slags trafikanalys där tillgängligheten kan analyseras, inte bara till rummen i staden utan också till många olika funktioner såsom tillgängligheten till grönytor, tillgängligheten till detaljhandel och tillgängligheten till arbetsplatser. Samtidigt som verktyget har breddats är det vissa delar av space syntax som utvecklats mer än andra. Den konvexa kartan har visat sig svår att applicera på grund av bland annat komplexiteten med att avgränsa rummen, beskriva rummen med algoritmer och att sedan utifrån rummen skapa informativa grafer. Samtidigt som den konvexa kartan inte används är det fortfarande tydligt att dessa rum i staden även idag är en nyckelvariabel för att bland annat skapa ett kunskapsutbyte mellan människor och ett mer inkluderande samhälle. När det kommer till att använda den konvexa kartan på en större skala verkar det som att rummen blir för diffusa, i alla fall i Sverige. Således har en del av syftet med space syntax också förändrats. Metoden syftade till att vara ett verktyg för att kunna jämföra olika relationer kvantitativt. Det verkar finnas vissa svårigheter med att använda verktyget, bland annat på grund av kulturella skillnader och skillnader på hur städer är uppbyggda. Studien visar på att rummen i Sverige är för diffusa för att Hillier och Hansons (1984) regler ska kunna användas. Det är snarare så att bebyggelsen i Sverige är placerad i rummen än, såsom Hillier och Hanson (1984) beskriver, skapar rummen. Dessutom verkar vi inte vara lika bundna till vägnätet. Vi går över gräsmattor och genar över innergårdar. Vad som ses som gränser kan skilja sig kulturer emellan. Med detta verkar det som att Sverige har ett annat Social logic of space och således också skulle behöva metoder som grundar sig på andra regler. Om det är så att Sverige har andra regler än de som Hillier och Hanson (1984) beskriver blir det svårt att använda space syntax för att just jämföra städer emellan och förklara vilka förutsättningar den byggda formen skapar – vilket var ett av syftena med space syntax. Ännu svårare blir det att använda dessa verktyg som designverktyg. För hur ska vi designa en plats grundat på regler som inte gäller för den specifika miljön? Samtidigt ökar intresset för metoden och särskilt när det kommer till att använda den som ett verktyg för att designa nya platser. Vilka regler som gäller i Sverige och vilket Social logic of space som finns här återstår för fortsatta studier, alltså att studera. / The interest to quantitatively measure cities has become ever greater. In step with urbanization and the pursuit of more knowledge based urban planning, tools such as space syntax have become increasingly accepted. Space syntax is a quantitative tool in architecture, urban planning and urban morphology developed in London, that is used to explain why and how urban form can cause social problems, especially neighbourhoods derived from modernism. The tool was developed in the 1970s by Hillier and Hanson together with colleagues at the Bartlett School of Architecture, London. In 1984, Hillier and Hanson published the book The Social Logic of Space, in which they describe the theories behind the tool and the tool’s purpose. They believe that the built form creates different conditions and that this can be measured quantitatively in the form of, among other things, the configuration of streets and urban spaces. Thus they described a new language, based on a few rules, to explain these different conditions that urban form leads to - the language space syntax. The purpose of this study was to investigate how this language, space syntax, has been applied from a Swedish context and then link the findings back to the original theory and its aim. This, to explore whether Hillier and Hanson’s original purpose remains and if the language is global or if other rules are needed in Sweden. The subject has been investigated through a qualitative study with data collection through interviews and literature. Thereafter, the material from the data collection was analyzed and compared to the original theory and aim in Hillier and Hansons work The social logic of space. The study shows that there have been different trends in which questions that have been answered by using the tool. Space syntax was developed to gain a better understanding of how the built form can lead to social problems, but today it is a tool that is often associated with measuring the flow of pedestrians linked to economic interests. Thus, the application of space syntax has also changed over time. Today, the tool has been broadened and new methods for measuring cities have been developed based on Hillier och Hansons (1984) theories. The development of the tool has led to a closer approach to a kind of traffic analysis where accessibility can be analyzed, not only to the rooms in the city but also to many different functions such as accessibility to green spaces, accessibility to retail and accessibility to workplaces. At the same time as the tool has been broadened, some parts of space syntax have been developed more than others. The convex map has been proved to be difficult to apply due to; the complexity of delimiting the rooms, describing the rooms with algorithms and to then create informative graphs. However, it is still clear that these rooms in the city is still seen as a key variable for creating an exchange of knowledge between people and create a more inclusive society. When it comes to use the convex maps on a larger scale, it seems that the rooms become too diffuse, at least in Sweden. Thus, part of the purpose of space syntax has also changed, to be able to compare different relations in the city in a quantitatively measurable way, especially the relationship between outsiders and residents that can be described by, for example, the relationship between the convex and the axial - between movement and places to meet on. There seems to be some difficulties in using the tool, partly due to cultural differences and differences in how cities are structured. The study shows that the rooms in Sweden are too diffuse for Hillier och Hansons (1984) rules to be used. It is rather the case that the buildings in Sweden are located in the rooms than, as Hillier och Hanson (1984) describes, create the rooms. In addition, we do not seem to be as tied to the road network, we walk across lawns and over courtyards. What is seen as boundaries might differ between cultures. With this, it seems that Sweden has a different Social logic of space and thus would also need methods based on other rules. If it is the case, that Sweden has other rules than those described by Hillier och Hanson (1984), it will be difficult to use space syntax to compare cities between and explain what conditions the built form creates - which was one of the purposes of space syntax. It becomes even more difficult to use these tools as design tools. Because, how can we design a place based on rules that do not apply to the specific environment? At the same time, the interest in the method has increased, especially when it comes to using it as a tool for designing new places. It seems that we, in Sweden, have a different Social logic of space. To find out which rules apply in Sweden, further studies are needed.

Epsilon Precedence Grammars and Languages

Milani, Masoud T. 01 January 1986 (has links) (PDF)
The classes of simple and weak precedence grammars are generalized to include ε-rules (productions with the empty right parts). The descriptive power of epsilon simple precedence (ESP) grammars increases directly with the number of ε-rules permitted; the class of ESP grammars with no ε-rules, ESP0, is identical to the class of simple precedence grammars; ESP grammars with at most one ε-rule, ESP1, define a class of languages which properly includes the class of ESP0 languages, but is itself properly included in the class of deterministic, context-free languages. In general, ESP grammars having at most i ε-rules, ESPi, define a class of languages which is properly included in that defined by ESPi+1 grammars. This hierarchy of languages exhausts the deterministic context-free languages. The hierarchy of ESP languages is established using an iteration theorem which may be used to show that a given language is not ESPi for a given i. An algorithm to convert arbitrary LR(1) grammars to equivalent epsilon weak precedence (EWP) grammars is developed. The class of Viable Prefix EWP grammars is defined and it is shown that the EWP parser for every Viable Prefix EWP grammar detects syntactic errors at the earliest possible time. Also, it is established that every deterministic context-free language is defined by some Viable Prefix EWP grammar. Finally, it is shown that the class of EWP grammars, while properly containing the class of Viable Prefix EWP grammars, is itself properly included in the well-known classes of context-free grammars with the ε-rules which define exactly the deterministic context-free languages.

Exploring Teachers' Literacy and Language Supports during Writing in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Classrooms

Farrow, JeanMarie January 2019 (has links)
Early writing ability for young children is essential for later literacy and academic achievement. Early writing, especially composing, with young children offers rich opportunities to foster both emergent literacy and language skills simultaneously, which may help boost overall growth for children in poverty. This study examines early writing supports of teachers in prekindergarten and kindergarten classrooms within an early writing framework that includes language, as well as literacy, supports during early writing instruction. Fifteen teachers’ writing instruction was examined during two instructional contexts: morning message and small-group in the fall of the school year. Results suggest that, in general, teachers used morning message to reinforce emergent literacy skills related to the alphabetic principle and concepts of print. Teachers’ language (i.e., translation) supports during writing were sparse. However, during small group writing activities, teachers’ supported child language related to pragmatics/discourse at higher rates, specifically, guiding children’s attention to topic. Additionally, a unique relation emerged between teachers embedding language supports within writing instruction to their overall global classroom quality. Results suggest that composing with young children may be an optimal context to support child language growth. Few teacher background or control factors were systematically linked to quality writing in the classroom; however, teachers who spoke using more complex syntax also used more abstract writing supports (i.e., explaining and connection), suggesting linguistic features may be connected to teacher approach during instruction. Implications for professional development are discussed. / Literacy & Learners


Parkes, Bridget Parkes January 2017 (has links)
When delivering intervention to an individual with aphasia, clinicians must provide services that are grounded in evidence-based practice and show evidence of generalization of skills outside of therapy. Verb Network Strengthening Treatment is a straightforward treatment approach that requires inexpensive materials, making it possible to implement in various clinical settings in compliance with time allotted by insurance companies. The present study uses a single subject ABA design to investigate if the findings of Edmonds, Nadeau, & Kiran (2009) can be replicated when VNeST is administered using a lower dose of VNeST. Based on VNeST’s promotion of widespread activation of the semantic and syntactic network, it was predicted that reducing the dose of treatment would result in generalization to untrained items, as evidenced through weekly administration of probes and standardized testing. Results following treatment supported the hypothesis, however the effects of treatment were smaller than that of the original protocol. / Communication Sciences

Semantics, Syntax or Neither? A Case for Resolution in the Interpretation of N500 and P600 Responses to Harmonic Incongruities

Featherstone, C.R., Morrison, Catriona M., Waterman, M.G., MacGregor, L.J. 02 September 2013 (has links)
Yes / The processing of notes and chords which are harmonically incongruous with their context has been shown to elicit two distinct late ERP effects. These effects strongly resemble two effects associated with the processing of linguistic incongruities: a P600, resembling a typical response to syntactic incongruities in language, and an N500, evocative of the N400, which is typically elicited in response to semantic incongruities in language. Despite the robustness of these two patterns in the musical incongruity literature, no consensus has yet been reached as to the reasons for the existence of two distinct responses to harmonic incongruities. This study was the first to use behavioural and ERP data to test two possible explanations for the existence of these two patterns: the musicianship of listeners, and the resolved or unresolved nature of the harmonic incongruities. Results showed that harmonically incongruous notes and chords elicited a late positivity similar to the P600 when they were embedded within sequences which started and ended in the same key (harmonically resolved). The notes and chords which indicated that there would be no return to the original key (leaving the piece harmonically unresolved) were associated with a further P600 in musicians, but with a negativity resembling the N500 in non-musicians. We suggest that the late positivity reflects the conscious perception of a specific element as being incongruous with its context and the efforts of musicians to integrate the harmonic incongruity into its local context as a result of their analytic listening style, while the late negativity reflects the detection of the absence of resolution in non-musicians as a result of their holistic listening style.

Two Autonomous Spatial Systems and Their Juxtaposition

Flanagan, Rachel Erin 27 September 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the idea of two autonomous spatial systems and their interaction: a syntactic grid and a pure formal volume. The juxtaposition of these two elements allows for insight into and exploration of their autonomous ordering potentialities, as well as the potential relationships or the presence of both systems. The syntactic grid articulates structure and strength for the architectural project , while the pure volume translates the programmatic function and their distinction from the grid. / Master of Architecture

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