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An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis of the Japanese Passive / 日本語の受動態の最適性理論による分析Rudy, TOET 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第22169号 / 文博第816号 / 新制||文||684(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 定延 利之, 教授 吉田 豊, 准教授 千田 俊太郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Children's Understanding of Compositionality of Complex NumeralsHwang, Jihyun 02 April 2021 (has links)
Counting is the first formal exposure for children to learn numerals, which are constructed with a set of syntactic rules. Young children undergo many stages of rote-memorization of the sequence and eventually count through 100. What core knowledge is necessary to expand their number knowledge to higher numbers? The compositionality of numerals is a key to understanding the natural number system as in learning languages. Higher numbers (e.g., two hundred five) are constructed with the lexical items such as earlier numbers (e.g., one to nine) and multipliers. If children develop their understanding of the compositionality of numerals, they might comprehend complex numerals far beyond their count list. In a novel task, the Number Word Comparison task, we tested whether children’s skill to compare the ones (e.g., five versus eight) can extend to complex numerals (e.g., two hundred five versus two hundred eight). Sixty-eight preschoolers completed three tasks, which measured counting fluency, number word comparison skills, and their cardinal principle knowledge. Children who were capable of comparing the ones performed above chance on average in comparing complex numerals. The performance in comparing complex numerals was strongly associated with their counting fluency. Based on these empirical results, we discuss a linguistic account of number acquisition in early childhood, proposing a link between learning the syntax of numerals and understanding the meaning behind them.
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Using a Cognitive Architecture in Incremental Sentence ProcessingMcGhee, Jeremiah Lane 10 December 2012 (has links)
XNL-Soar is a specialized implementation of the Soar cognitive architecture. The version of XNL-Soar described in this thesis builds upon and extends prior research (Lewis, 1993; Rytting,2000) using Soar for natural language processing. This thesis describes the updates made to operators creating syntactic structure and the improved coverage of syntactic phenomena. It describes the addition of semantic structure building capability. This thesis also details the implementation of semantic memory and describes two experiments utilizing semantic memory in structural disambiguation. This thesis shows that XNL-Soar, as currently instantiated, resolves ambiguities common in language using strategies and resources including: reanalysis via snip operators, use of data-driven techniques with annotated corpora, and complex part-of-speech and word sense processing based on WordNet.
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Ingom var her vm jeffuende : Latin och fornsvenska i Jöns Buddes översättning av KatarinalegendenLundgren, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This essay presents a study of the late medieval translation into Old Swedish of the legend of Katarina ofVadstena, originally composed in Latin. The aim of this study is to analyse the syntactic composition ofthe two texts in order to examine to what measure the translator Jons Budde, known for his abundant useof Latinisms, in his version either preserved or converted the Latin structure of the original, and tocompare the result with previous studies. Three short sections of each text are analysed, regarding the useof some syntactic structures, all common in Latin texts. The study confirms earlier perceptions of the OldSwedish of Jons Budde as being heavily influenced by Latin, but in addition reveals some discrepancies,such as less use of the absolute construction. Also appearing is an unexpected tendency to use more of theLatinisms in the additions infixed by the translator himself.
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The syntax of the aspectual particles in Mandarin ChineseWoo, I-hao 22 January 2016 (has links)
Linguistic studies on the aspectual system of natural language have mainly focused on its semantics and morphology; the syntax of aspect has not yet received as much attention. In this dissertation, I provide a syntactic analysis of the aspectual system of Chinese.
In analyzing the properties of situation aspect, I propose a unified syntactic structure that accounts for the two mechanisms of telicity marking in Chinese. First, I argue that like pre-verbs in Slavic languages, Chinese also has overt telic morphemes which are used to turn an atelic event into a telic one. For example, I claim that the morpheme wan 'to finish' is base-generated as the head of Inner Aspect Phrase in between vP and VP. This functional phrase is responsible for the telic reading of a sentence. I also claim that differently from languages such as English, whose telicity marking mainly depends on the quantity of the object, countability and boundedness of direct objects in Chinese are not directly responsible for telicity marking.
Secondly, I demonstrate that the proposed analysis of telicity marking can also be used to account for the syntactic distributions of the resultative V-V compounds and V-de phrases. I argue that these two types of sentences also contain Inner Aspect Phrase that is responsible for the telic reading. I also claim that the difference in word order between these two constructions is due to morphological requirements and I illustrate how morphology may affect syntax in the derivation.
Finally, I discuss imperfective viewpoint aspect in analyzing the distributions of the progressive zai and the durative -zhe. Starting from the close relation between locative expressions and progressive aspect cross-linguistically, I demonstrate that zai always functions as a preposition and is not itself the source of the progressive aspect. I also analyze the usages of -zhe and argue that like English present particle morpheme -ing, this imperfective particle also functions as a verbal suffix of two different types of imperfective aspect. It can be used to express progressive aspect as well as resultative imperfective aspect. The analysis provides a generalization of the imperfective viewpoint aspect in Chinese.
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Gender and Number in Tunisian Arabic: A Case of Contextual AllosemyDali, Myriam 26 June 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate the distribution and function(s) of gender in Tunisian
Arabic. Based on the observation that gender can ll multiple functions and hence
receive different interpretations in TA, I consider gender in this language to be subject
to contextual allosemy. Allosemy is the equivalent of conditioned allomorphy at the
level of LF (Wood, 2012; Marantz, 2013; Wood and Marantz, 2017) and is de ned as a
phenomenon in which a single morpheme can have multiple semantic realizations. My
proposal is based on the observation that the interpretation of gender is conditioned
by its syntactic environment, more speci fically, by the class of the base noun and the
function and interpretation of any node or abstract morpheme (e.g., number) that
is parasitic of the n head hosting the class feature.
The current predominant view of gender in syntactic theory is that it has a
nominalizing function (Lecarme, 2002; Kihm, 2005; Lowenstamm, 2008; Acquaviva,
2009; Kramer, 2009, 2014, 2015; Hammerly, 2018). According to this view, gender
is hosted on the n head, which selects the root, and assigns it a nominal category
(assuming DM). However, Arabic has other uses for the feminine gender, most of
them associated with number. This, I argue, originates from the diachronic trajectory
of the feminine a x -a in Proto-Semitic, where it started out as a nominalizer,
then a singulative a x, then a group marker, before finally marking feminine gender
(Hasselbach, 2014a,b; Dali and Mathieu, 2019a). These subsequent layers of meanings
associated with what is now known as gender are all present in the synchronic
picture of Arabic. Through an exhaustive inventory of data and diagnostics, I show
that the role of gender is pervasive within the Tunisian Arabic DP, and is not limited to nominalization. To account for these facts, I propose that gender is distributed
among the different functional heads of the DP: Num, Q, D (see also Farkas 1990;
Ritter 1993; Giurgea 2008; Croitor and Giurgea 2009; Steriopolo and Wiltschko 2010;
Fassi Fehri 2012, 2018b,a; Dali and Mathieu 2019a).
The present thesis also focuses on plurals. I show that plural markers can also
be distributed along the nominal spine (Acquaviva, 2008; Harbour, 2008; Wiltschko,
2008, 2012; Butler, 2012; Mathieu, 2012, 2013, 2014; Kramer, 2016), accounting for
their di erent functions (e.g., classifying, grouping, counting). These different functions
associated with Arabic plurals are, I argue, due to the existence of a singulative
operator that is not limited to the collective system, but is pervasive in Tunisian Arabic, as I show. Finally, these observations all suggest that one and the same abstract
morpheme (e.g., the feminine and the plural) can receive different interpretations
depending on the base they attach to and on their syntactic level, which motivates
the allosemic analysis put forward in this thesis.
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Locality Analysis of Patched PHP VulnerabilitiesHolt, Luke N. 26 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Förflyttning som drivkraft: Case Årstaberg / Movement as driving force: Case ÅrstabergLundin Kleberg, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Rörelse i staden är avgörande för hur staden fungerar. Platser och stråk med stora flöden har annorlunda förutsättningar än platser och stråk med små flöden. Flödena påverkas i sin tur av stadens struktur. Det här examensarbetet handlar om hur förtätning kan vara en del i en medveten förändring av stadsstrukturen och hur man genom förändringar i stadsstrukturen kan skapa varierande rumsliga förutsättningar som kan utgöra ett ramverk för framtida utformning. Föremålet för den här studien är området runt Årstabergs pendeltågsstation i södra Stockholm. Området är en viktig kollektivtrafikknutpunkt och många människor passerar här dagligen för att byta mellan olika kollektivtrafikslag. Men det finns få rumsliga förutsättningar för att man ska röra sig här till fots av någon annan anledning. Genom att förbättra den rumsliga integrationen mellan Årstaberg och omkringliggande stadsdelar och genom förtätning i strategiska lägen skapas en diversitet av rumsliga förutsättningar i området. Baserat på dessa olika förutsättningar utvecklas principer fram för program, offentliga platser och byggnadernas möte med det offentliga rummet. / Movement in a city is crucial for how the city works. Streets and spaces with big flows of people have different potential than streets and spaces where few people moves. The flow of people is in turn influenced by the urban structure. This master thesis examines how densification can be a part of a transformation of the urban structure and how changes of the urban structure can create a variety of spatial conditions that forms a framework for future urban design. The case for this study is the area around Årstaberg commuter station in southern Stockholm. The area is an important transit hub and many people passes here every day to switch between transport modes. But there are few spatial conditions that promote walking here for any other reason. Through changes of the spatial integration and densification in strategic locations a diversity of spatial conditions are created. Based on these different conditions principles for the program, public spaces and building frontages are developed.
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Gångtrafik i citymiljöer : En studie via två angreppssättMeurman, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Speech Pause in People With Aphasia Across Word Length, Frequency, and Syntactic CategoryMitchell, Lana 14 June 2022 (has links)
This study is an examination of how a word’s syntactic category, word length, and usage frequency might impact a speaker’s use of communicative pause. Previously collected between and within utterance language samples from 21 people with aphasia (Harmon, 2018) were evaluated in this study. Participants consisted of 11 individuals diagnosed with mild or very mild aphasia and 10 individuals with moderate aphasia;15 who exhibited fluent subtypes and 6 non-fluent subtypes of aphasia. Data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) was used to code the word frequency and syntactic category of each word in the language samples. Generally, speakers with both non-fluent and fluent aphasia produced more monosyllabic words of very high frequency with a greater percentage of function words than content words. Analyses revealed no significant correlations between the pause duration for either the word length or word frequency for either group of speakers. In relation to syntactic category, no significant differences in pause duration were found between content and function words in the between utterance condition. However, non-fluent speakers preceded content words with significantly shorter pause durations within utterances when compared with the function words. Due to differences in sample sizes between the speaker and syntactic groups, non-parametric statistics were used for some comparisons. In addition, this study does not fully account for the influence of fillers and incomplete words. Despite these limitations, this study will contribute to the research regarding communicative speech pause in speakers with aphasia and provide insight into more useful diagnostic and treatment strategies.
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