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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Laura M Solano Escobar (10701156) 27 April 2021 (has links)
<p>This study examines the interpretation and production of inalienable possession among heritage speakers and L2 learners of Spanish. Inalienable possession lies at the syntax-semantics interface and has previously been found to be challenging among bilingual populations (Giancaspro & Sánchez, 2019; Montrul & Ionin, 2010, 2012; Pérez-Leroux et al., 2002). In particular, this study explores the extent to which Spanish heritage speakers and L2 learners exhibit knowledge of Spanish inalienable possession with pronominal verbs requiring the use of the clitic <i>se</i>. Results from an Elicited Production Task and a Contextualized Preference Task administered online showed that the L2 learners followed a distinct pattern of response compared to the native speakers in the production and interpretation of inalienable possession. This pattern was characterized by the preference of possessive determiners over definite determiners. Heritage speakers, on the contrary, were not found to differ from the native speakers of Spanish. They behaved similarly to the control group as they followed the continuum that emerged for inalienable possession. That is, both groups were more accepting of definite determiners, while they showed less preference for structures with possessive determiners. The findings are discussed in terms of current debates on the role of factors involved in language acquisition such as maturational issues, learning experience, patterns of language exposure and usage, cross-linguistic influence, and the grammatical structure itself.</p>

Constructions infinitives : compléments VP et leurs implications théoriques

Wehrli, Eric January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Long-distance dependencies

Zushi, Mihoko January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Conditions on logical form derivations and representations

Tanaka, Hidekazu. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Elementary sentences containing 'be' : a semantic analysis of subject-predicate relations

Styan, Evelyn Matheson January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of degree of literacy on syntactic comprehension in normal and aphasic populations

Baruzzi, Anna L. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Markedness and the acquisition of pied-piping and preposition stranding

French, Margot Anne. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Language indexation : a syntactic constraint on code-mixing

Miller, Amanda January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Zeitwahrnehmung in der Musik bei Morbus Parkinson - eine psychophysische Studie / Perception of Time in Music in Patients with Parkinson's Disease – A Psychophysical Study

Bellinger, Daniel January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Parkinson Patienten sind im Gegensatz zu gesunden Probanden in der kognitiven Verarbeitung zeitlicher Parameter, im Sinne einer Diskriminierungsfähigkeit für zeitliche Fehler innerhalb der Musikwahrnehmung beeinträchtigt. Dies betrifft lediglich die Zeiterkennung in höheren Intervallbereichen (> 600ms) und ist am ehesten durch Fluktuationen der Aufmerksamkeit, des Gedächtnisses, aber auch im Vergleich zu anderen Studien durch methodische Ansätze zu erklären. Durch die Koppelung des Audiostimulus an klare Rhythmusstrukturen weist diese Studie jedoch darauf hin, dass Überschneidungen zu anderen neuronalen Netzwerken existieren, die zur Kompensationsstrategie rekrutiert und nutzbar gemacht werden können. Dazu gehören etwa die Verarbeitung zeitlicher (Cerebellum) und musikperzeptiver Leistungen, wie etwa die Verarbeitung musikalischer Syntax (BA 6, 22, 44). Etwaige Wahrnehmungsdefizite können durch Mechanismen musiksyntaktischer Verarbeitung kompensiert werden, da zeitliche und syntaktische Strukturen in der Musik auf ihre Kongruenz hin abgeglichen und somit multineuronal mediiert werden (Paradigma der Zeit-Syntax-Kongruenz in der Musikwahrnehmung). Weiterhin sind vermutlich top-down-bottom-up-Prozesse als multimodale Interaktionen an diesem Kompensationsmechanismus beteiligt. Außerdem ist festzuhalten, dass das Krankheitsstadium nicht zwangsläufig mit einem stärkeren Wahrnehmungsdefizit für zeitliche Strukturen einhergehen muss, obwohl – wenn auch noch tolerabel – mit Progression der Erkrankung dieses Kompensationsmodell über Prinzipien der Gestaltwahrnehmung zusammenbricht und es hier zu schlechteren perzeptiven Leistungen kommen kann. Die Ergebnisse der OFF-Testungen und jener unter DBS-Therapie lassen weiterhin aufgrund der kleinen Stichprobe keine klare Aussage zu und machen weitere Untersuchungen notwendig. Das physiologische Alter korreliert außerdem mit der sensorischen Leistung, die allerdings starken, individuellen Unterschieden ausgesetzt ist und von multifaktoriellen Voraussetzungen abhängt. Auch zeigt die Studie, dass Menschen mit einem hohen Musikverständnis und einer musikalischen Ausbildung ein feineres Diskriminierungsvermögen in der zeitlichen Verarbeitung besitzen, welches v.a. im zeitlich niedrigen Intervallbereich (< 500ms) evident wird. / Objective: Perception of time as well as rhythm in musical structures rely on complex brain mechanisms and require an extended network of multiple neural sources. They are therefore sensitive to impairment. Several psychophysical studies have shown that patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) have deficits in perceiving time and rhythms due to a malfunction of the basal ganglia (BG) network. Method: In this study we investigated the time perception of PD patients during music perception by assessing their just noticeable difference (JND) in the time perception of a complex musical Gestalt. We applied a temporal discrimination task using a short melody with a clear beat-based rhythm. Among the subjects, 26 patients under L-Dopa administration and 21 age-matched controls had to detect an artificially delayed time interval in the range between 80 and 300 ms in the middle of the musical period. We analyzed the data by (a) calculating the detection threshold directly, (b) by extrapolating the JNDs, (c) relating it to musical expertise. Results: Patients differed from controls in the detection of time-intervals between 220 and 300 ms (*p = 0.0200, n = 47). Furthermore, this deficit depended on the severity of the disease (*p = 0.0452; n = 47). Surprisingly, PD patients did not show any deficit of their JND compared to healthy controls, although the results showed a trend (*p = 0.0565, n = 40). Furthermore, no significant difference of the JND was found according to the severity of the disease. Additionally, musically trained persons seemed to have lower thresholds in detecting deviations in time and syntactic structures of music (*p = 0.0343, n = 39). Conclusion: As an explanation of these results, we would like to propose the hypothesis of a time-syntax-congruency in music perception suggesting that processing of time and rhythm is a Gestalt process and that cortical areas involved in processing of musical syntax may compensate for impaired BG circuits that are responsible for time processing and rhythm perception. This mechanism may emerge more strongly as the deficits in time processing and rhythm perception progress. Furthermore, we presume that top-down-bottom-up-processes interfere additionally and interact in this context of compensation.

Generating Medical Logic Modules for Clinical Trial Eligibility

Parker, Craig G. 15 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Clinical trials are important to the advancement of medical science. They provide the experimental and statistical basis needed to determine the benefit of diagnostic and therapeutic agents and procedures. The more patients enrolled in a clinical trial, the more confidence we can have in the trial's results. However, current practices for identifying eligible patients can be expensive and time-consuming. To assist in making identification of eligible patients more cost effective, we have developed a system for translating the eligibility criteria for clinical trials to an executable form. This system takes as input the eligibility criteria for a trial formatted as first order predicates. We then map these criteria against concepts in a target database. The mapped criteria are output as an Arden Syntax medical logic module using virtual medical record queries in the curly braces. The system was able to successfully process 85 out of 100 trials attempted. From these 85 trials, the system idendified 1,545 eligibility criteria. From these criteria, we generate 520 virtual medical record queries, 253 of which were deemed useful in helping to determine eligibility.

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