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The Visual Conveyance of Narrative : From A Cognitive Perspective / Visuellt förmedlande av narrativ : Från ett kognitivt perspektivBorg Gyllenbäck, Ossian January 2019 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to explore, from a cognitive perspective, the influence visuals have on conveying the game's narrative and how this engages the player. The focus being to further the understanding of how both visuals and narrative affect the overall experience. Motivated by the underrepresentation of visuals and narrative studies within game research. At the centre of the study is a thematic analysis of qualitative data collected from face to face interviews in a home and school environment, where players shared memorable moments experienced while playing a game. The interviews were complemented by data from popular forums, with the same focus. Helping the analysis of the data were cognitive theories into how our minds process and interpret information, an analysis which resulted in five main themes with corresponding code, which represented what appeared central for the creation of the memorable moment. There were, however, always more than one element within the game which provided and engaged the player in the narrative construction of the memorable moment, which served to highlight the importance of considering all aspects of the design, as all affected our meaning making. Central to engaging the player's narrative construction was the intrinsic motivation of curiosity, in tangent with our desire to learn. Exactly how different visuals elements affected the player's narrative construction did not become apparent during the analysis, as a fine line existed between what element provided for different memorable moments. Most notably was that all of the themes and codes could be tied back to engagement, as all of them served to engage the player's meaning making. A discovery that in turn, lead to the creation of a framework for future studies, which, while supported by cognitive theories, aims to enable the discovery of what and how different aspects engage the player in the experience. / Målet med denna kvalitativa studie är att, utifrån ett kognitivt perspektiv, utforska inflytande det visuella har på att förmedla spelets narrativ och hur detta engagerar spelaren i upplevelsen. Fokuset är att utveckla förståelsen för hur det visuella och narrativet påverkar den övergripande upplevelsen, vilket är motiverat av underrepresentationen av studier med fokus på det visuella och narrativet inom spelforskning. I centrum av studien är en tematisk analys av den kvalitativa data som samlats in från intervjuer i en hem och skolmiljö, där deltagarna delade minnesvärda stunder från när de spelade spel. Intervjuerna kompletterades med data från populära forum med samma fokus. Kognitiva teorier om hur man bearbetar och tolkar information, fick ge stöd till analysen av spelarnas meningsskapande som resulterade i fem huvudteman med motsvarande koder, som representerade det som framstod som det centrala i skapandet av de minnesvärda stunderna. Det fanns dock alltid mer än ett element i spelet som bidrog och engagerade spelaren i den narrativa konstruktionen av det minnesvärda ögonblicket, vilket lyfter fram vikten av att uppmärksamma alla aspekter av designen, eftersom alla påverkade meningsskapandet. Centralt för att engagera spelarnas narrativa konstruktion var vår inre motivation av nyfikenhet, i kombination med vår vilja att lära oss. Exakt hur de olika visuella elementen påverkade spelarens narrativa konstruktion framkom dock inte under analysen, eftersom gränsen mellan vilka element som bidrog med de olika minnesvärda stunderna, var hårfin. Det tydligaste exemplet av detta är att alla teman och koderna kunde knytas tillbaka till engagemang, eftersom alla bidrog till att engagera spelaren meningsskapande. En upptäckt som i sin tur ledde till skapandet av ett ramverk för framtida studier, som vars mål är, med stöd av kognitiva teorier, att möjliggöra upptäckten av hur de olika aspekterna engagerar spelaren i upplevelsen.
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FILMENS NARRATIVA GRAMMATIK : Cohns Visuella narrativa grammatik modifierad för rörliga bilderWik, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Den kognitiva forskaren och teoretikern inom tecknade serier, Neil Cohn, har utvecklat en narrativ grammatisk teori som både förklarar hur människan uppfattar tecknade serier och fungerar som ett ramverk för narrativa analyser av serier. Cohn anser att teorin också kan användas för att analysera film. Avsaknaden av en liknande teori för film gör det intressant att testa i vilken utsträckning teorin kan appliceras på rörliga bilder. Uppsatsen har först beskrivit Cohns teori och relevanta skillnader mellan film och tecknade serier. Med dessa skillnader i åtanke har uppsatsen analyserat fem olika filmscener genom Cohns teori. I slutsatsen konstaterades det att teorin går att applicera på film i samma utsträckning som på tecknade serier. Teorin kan användas för att förstå bildernas samverkan och hjälpa regissören i arbetet att få en översikt över filmsekvensernas narrativ. Teorin är också användbar under manusbearbetning, i regi av främst foto och klippning och vid arbetet av bildmanus.
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Mytologické a mýtotvorné rysy Hvězdných válek a specifika jejich příběhů coby příběhu na pokračování / Mythological and Mythogenic Aspects of Star Wars and the Specificities of its Stories in Regard to Serialized StorytellingPavlíček, Milan January 2011 (has links)
Mythological and Mythogenic Aspects of Star Wars and the Specificities of its Stories in Regard to Serialized Storytelling covers the six stories of the Star Wars series in relation to Emil Volek's story model whose terminology and story typology is used to describe how the stories influence one another, which is to say, how the stories influence the reception of the other stories in the series and how the reception has changed over time. The diploma thesis also examines how myth is being applied to Star Wars and reflects whether such connection is justified. Both Star Wars and myth are given a definition and the relationship between the series and Joseph Campbell's monomyth, a concept frequently connected to Star Wars, is explored. The final part of the text describes narrative elements and processes participating in the creation of the original trilogy. An appendix covers various issues in regard to the translation of the series into Czech and briefly evaluates existing translations.
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Video game 'Underland', and, thesis 'Playable stories : writing and design methods for negotiating narrative and player agency'Wood, Hannah January 2016 (has links)
Creative Project Abstract: The creative project of this thesis is a script prototype for Underland, a crime drama video game and digital playable story that demonstrates writing and design methods for negotiating narrative and player agency. The story is set in October 2006 and players are investigative psychologists given access to a secure police server and tasked with analysing evidence related to two linked murders that have resulted in the arrest of journalist Silvi Moore. The aim is to uncover what happened and why by analysing Silvi’s flat, calendar of events, emails, texts, photos, voicemail, call log, 999 call, a map of the city of Plymouth and a crime scene. It is a combination of story exploration game and digital epistolary fiction that is structured via an authored fabula and dynamic syuzhet and uses the Internal-Exploratory and Internal-Ontological interactive modes to negotiate narrative and player agency. Its use of this structure and these modes shows how playable stories are uniquely positioned to deliver self-directed and empathetic emotional immersion simultaneously. The story is told in a mixture of enacted, embedded, evoked, environmental and epistolary narrative, the combination of which contributes new knowledge on how writers can use mystery, suspense and dramatic irony in playable stories. The interactive script prototype is accessible at underlandgame.com and is a means to represent how the final game is intended to be experienced by players. Thesis Abstract: This thesis considers writing and design methods for playable stories that negotiate narrative and player agency. By approaching the topic through the lens of creative writing practice, it seeks to fill a gap in the literature related to the execution of interactive and narrative devices as a practitioner. Chapter 1 defines the key terms for understanding the field and surveys the academic and theoretical debate to identify the challenges and opportunities for writers and creators. In this it departs from the dominant vision of the future of digital playable stories as the ‘holodeck,’ a simulated reality players can enter and manipulate and that shapes around them as story protagonists. Building on narratological theory it contributes a new term—the dynamic syuzhet—to express an alternate negotiation of narrative and player agency within current technological realities. Three further terms—the authored fabula, fixed syuzhet and improvised fabula—are also contributed as means to compare and contrast the narrative structures and affordances available to writers of live, digital and live-digital hybrid work. Chapter 2 conducts a qualitative analysis of digital, live and live-digital playable stories, released 2010–2016, and combines this with insights gained from primary interviews with their writers and creators to identify the techniques at work and their implications for narrative and player agency. This analysis contributes new knowledge to writing and design approaches in four interactive modes—Internal-Ontological, Internal-Exploratory, External-Ontological and External-Exploratory—that impact on where players are positioned in the work and how the experiential narrative unfolds. Chapter 3 shows how the knowledge developed through academic research informed the creation of a new playable story, Underland; as well as how the creative practice informed the academic research. Underland provides a means to demonstrate how making players protagonists of the experience, rather than of the story, enables the coupling of self-directed and empathetic emotional immersion in a way uniquely available to digital playable stories. It further shows how this negotiation of narrative and player agency can use a combination of enacted, embedded, evoked, environmental and epistolary narrative to employ dramatic irony in a new way. These findings demonstrate ways playable stories can be written and designed to deliver the ‘traditional’ pleasure of narrative and the ‘newer’ pleasure of player agency without sacrificing either.
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