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Addressing Confounding Factors in the Study of Working Memory in Aphasia: Empirical Evaluation of Modified Tasks and MeasuresIvanova, Maria V. 06 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Sbírka úloh pro využití tabulkového kalkulátoru pro SŠ / Collection of spreadsheet exercises designed for use in secondary schoolsKafka, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a collection of tasks that would address the students of secondary schools, secondary vocational schools and grammar schools by using a spreadsheet. Collection of tasks will respond to the theoretical background, which is mainly based on the requirements for the knowledge and skills to work with spreadsheets in the curricula of the Czech and Slovak secondary schools and ECDL standards. Other theoretical bases are the analysis of learning tasks in the books, a survey among secondary school teachers, through which we discover how the spreadsheet is used and what tasks the students dealt with this application. Collection of tasks will offer a wide range of tasks of varying difficulty allowing cross-curricular use. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Managing uncertainty in collaborative robotics engineering projects : the influence of task structure and peer interactionJordan, Michelle E. 29 September 2010 (has links)
Uncertainty is ubiquitous in life, and learning is an activity particularly likely to be fraught with uncertainty. Previous research suggests that students and teachers struggle in their attempts to manage the psychological experience of uncertainty and that students often fail to experience uncertainty when uncertainty may be warranted. Yet, few educational researchers have explicitly and systematically observed what students do, their behaviors and strategies, as they attempt to manage the uncertainty they experience during academic tasks.
In this study I investigated how students in one fifth grade class managed uncertainty they experienced while engaged in collaborative robotics engineering projects, focusing particularly on how uncertainty management was influenced by task structure and students’ interactions with their peer collaborators. The study was initiated at the beginning of instruction related to robotics engineering and preceded through the completion of several long-term collaborative robotics projects, one of which was a design project. I relied primarily on naturalistic observation of group sessions, semi-structured interviews, and collection of artifacts. My data analysis was inductive and interpretive, using qualitative discourse analysis techniques and methods of grounded theory. Three theoretical frameworks influenced the conception and design of this study: community of practice, distributed cognition, and complex adaptive systems theory. Uncertainty was a pervasive experience for the students collaborating in this instructional context. Students experienced uncertainty related to the project activity and uncertainty related to the social system as they collaborated to fulfill the requirements of their robotics engineering projects. They managed their uncertainty through a diverse set of tactics for reducing, ignoring, maintaining, and increasing uncertainty. Students experienced uncertainty from more different sources and used more and different types of uncertainty management strategies in the less structured task setting than in the more structured task setting. Peer interaction was influential because students relied on supportive social response to enact most of their uncertainty management strategies. When students could not garner socially supportive response from their peers, their options for managing uncertainty were greatly reduced. / text
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Um estudo das potencialidades pedagógicas de atividades exploratórias-investigativas com o material didático geoespaçoKusuki, Luiz Rodolfo 31 January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-31 / This research has as its context the exploration potential of manipulative materials in mathematics teaching Geoespaço. In order to increase knowledge of the development and implementation of exploratory-investigative tasks and tasks of figural representation involving manipulative materials Geoespaço and having specific objectives the development and use of Geoespaço in different didactic sequences. The theoretical foundation takes the qualitative and quantitative analysis Proceedings of the National Meetings of Mathematics Education (ENEMs) from 2001 to 2010 and the Proceedings of the National Association of Postgraduate Education and Research (Anped) from 2000 to 2013, more specifically, on the use of manipulative materials from of Lorenzato (2006) and Bezerra (1962), on the theory of figural representations of Fischbein (1993) and on the exploratory-investigative tasks Bridge (2009). The relevance of this research is partly because of making clear the importance of making use of manipulative materials in exploratory-investigative tasks in various methodologies of teaching math. / Essa pesquisa tem como contexto a exploração das potencialidades do material manipulativo Geoespaço no ensino de matemática. Com o objetivo de aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a elaboração e aplicação de tarefas exploratório-investigativas e tarefas de representação figural envolvendo material manipulativo Geoespaço e tendo como objetivos específicos o desenvolvimento e a utilização do Geoespaço em diferentes sequências didáticas. A fundamentação teórica toma a analise qualitativa e quantitativa dos Anais dos Encontros Nacionais de Educação Matemática (ENEMs) de 2001 a 2010 e os Anais da Associação Nacional de pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (Anped) de 2000 a 2013, de modo mais específico, sobre o uso de materiais manipulativos a partir de Lorenzato (2006) e Bezerra (1962), sobre a teoria de representações figurais de Fischbein (1993) e sobre as tarefas exploratório-investigativas de Ponte (2009). A relevância dessa pesquisa se dá pelo fato de tornar clara a importância de se valer de material manipulativo em tarefas exploratório-investigativas em diversas metodologias de ensino de matemática.
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Multikomponentní učební úlohy ve výuce chemie / Multicomponent learning tasks in chemistryTrčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this dissertation was to create and verify own multicomponent tasks of interdisciplinary character based on analysis of types of tasks occured in international research. Newly created multicomponent learning tasks were classified by task type, solution form, cognitive demands and task variety. Tasks of the same form were ordered to pairs, their difficultness, vulnerability and rate of success were verified. Multicomponent learning tasks were assigned verbally or nonverbally (charts, tables or pictures). Closed jobs (ordering items, matching items, multiple choice questions, true/false questions) and open jobs (wide-answer items, short-answer items) were used in complex of tasks. Rate of success of individual tasks was processed by non-parmetric statistical Wilcoxon test based on form, gender and type of study. Research survey was complemented by pupils' self- reflection questionnaires and teachers'questionnaires about testing process. Key words Multicomponent learning task, taxonomy of learning task, scientific literacy, reading literacy, self-reflective questionnaire.
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Complex Tasks: Potentials and PitfallsBohlmann, Nina, Benölken, Ralf 19 April 2023 (has links)
Life in today’s world is characterized by complexity and rapid change. Twenty-first century skills and especially mathematical understanding are supposed to crucially contribute to meeting the demands of our world since mathematics offers strategies to structure or simplify complex problems. An open question is which teaching practices are appropriate to provide all students with such skills and to broaden the participation of underprivileged students. The present article explores these aspects by focusing on complex tasks, a practice that can be considered highly accepted in the context of mathematics education all over the world. We will concentrate on the perspective of the German mathematics education community as the foundation of our considerations. Based on an analytical investigation of mathematical literacy and twenty-first century skills (such as creativity, critical thinking, or problem-solving), we will address central ideas and characteristics of complex mathematical tasks. To complement the analytical approach, we will illustrate their characteristics as well as possible intersections with twenty-first century skills by presenting an elementary school teaching experiment. Finally, we will critically discuss the potentials and pitfalls of complex mathematical tasks from an abstract perspective and conclude by debating practical consequences for organizing mathematical learning-teaching-processes.
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L2 Learners’ Experiences with Reading and Writing and their Perceptions of the Connections Between the SkillsFowler, Michelle Danielle 26 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Cross Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLTs) : En kvalitativ analys av ordproduktion hos enspråkiga svenska och flerspråkiga svensk-turkiska 4;0-6;11-åringarLindgren, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to conduct a qualitative analysis of monolingual (Swedish) and bilingual (Swedish and Turkish) children’s production of nouns and verbs in a newly developed vocabulary test (CLTs) and to discuss the results using previous research as a starting point. The different categories and the material which form the basis of this qualitative analysis are taken from an ongoing Swedish research study on vocabulary testing: Cross Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLTs). This research is an extension of the international project COST Action IS0408. In all, there are responses from 115 children, 72 monolingual and 43 bilingual, of which only the Swedish results are analysed. On the whole, test scores show an age-related improvement of expressive vocabulary for both groups, even though the bilinguals lag behind their monolingual age peers. The bilingual children’s improvement is not as evident, with the five-year-olds’ production of nouns standing out. There is a higher number of wrong answers or no answers (don’t know), as well as a preponderance of gestures and innovations/neologisms in the bilinguals. Gestures make it possible to ascertain whether a child knows the meaning and use of a target word even though he or she is not capable of producing it verbally. Answers in the category of innovation/neologism show that the children know more about a word than an assessment of lexical ability using only right and wrong answers could demonstrate. In the monolingual group there are more instances of perceptual confusion, semantic confusion and hypernyms. The other categories do not show corresponding differences between the two groups. As the bilingual children’s responses are analysed only in terms of Swedish vocabulary, it is not possible to assess their total lexical knowledge. Keywords: CLTs (Cross Linguistic Lexical Tasks), expressive vocabulary, bilingualism, mental lexicon, vocabulary depth, vocabulary test, language exposure, Swedish, Turkish. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att med hjälp av ett nyutvecklat ordförrådstest (CLTs), göra en kvalitativ analys av substantiv- och verbproduktionen hos enspråkiga svenska och flerspråkiga svensk-turkiska 4;0-6;11-åringar och med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning diskutera resultaten. Analysen görs utifrån ett antal uppställda kategorier som i likhet med det analyserade empiriska materialet hämtats från det pågående svenska forskningsarbetet med ordförrådstestet Cross Linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLTs). Detta arbete är en fortsättning på det internationella projektet COST Action IS0408. Sammanlagt ingår testsvar från 115 barn, 72 enspråkigt svenska och 43 flerspråkigt svensk-turkiska, varav endast resultat från deltesten på svenska analyserats. En förbättring av det expressiva ordförrådet ses med stigande ålder hos både de enspråkiga och flerspråkiga med en påtaglig eftersläpning hos de svensk-turkiska barnen. Hos de sistnämnda är förbättringen med stigande ålder inte heller lika tydlig då 5-åringarna utmärker sig i substantivproduktion. Ett större antal felsvar och inget svar/vet ej ses i den flerspråkiga gruppen liksom en övervikt av antal gester/pekningar och innovationer/nyordbildningar. Gester ger information om att barnet besitter kunskap om målordets innebörd och funktion trots att det inte kan presentera det avsedda målordet verbalt. Svaren i kategorin innovation/nyordbildning visar att barnen vet mer om målordet än vad en bedömning av lexikal förmåga enbart med rätt- och felsvar kan klargöra. I den enspråkiga gruppen förekommer jämförelsevis fler perceptuella förvirringar, semantiska förvirringar och hyperonymer/överordningar. Övriga kategorier uppvisar inte motsvarande lika stora skillnader mellan grupperna. Då endast det svenska ordförrådet hos de flerspråkiga barnen analyserats kan ingen säker tolkning göras av deras fullständiga lexikala kunskap. Nyckelord: CLTs (Cross Linguistic Lexical Tasks), expressivt ordförråd, flerspråkighet, mentalt lexikon, orddjup, ordförrådstest, språkexponering, svenska, turkiska. / Bohnacker, U. (2014-2019). Språkstörning eller typisk språkutveckling? Utveckling av metoder för språklig bedömning av flerspråkiga barn i Sverige. Vetenskapsrådet VR2013-1309.
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Shall I Compare Thee To Textbooks? : The Selection and Tasks Associated with Shakespeare in Upper Secondary TextbooksEmanuelsson, Linn January 2016 (has links)
This essay has investigated the use of Shakespearean texts as well as tasks associated with those texts in upper secondary textbooks. The investigation looked at both which texts of Shakespeare’s are most frequent and how students are supposed to work with the texts. Furthermore the textbooks cover 20 years (1995-2015) and as such the study also analysed whether or not the selection and tasks have changed, i.e. whether they remain the same today as they did 20 years ago. The findings indicated that Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet were the two most frequent texts and that the tasks have gone from being individual to focusing on group work. The analysis also showed that while Shakespeare during the beginning of the 20 year period was the most dominant or sole author mentioned, this role has been reduced during more recent years. The conclusions drawn concerning the findings emphasise the syllabi and how they influence the content and format of the textbooks as well as the importance of canonicity.
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Ett utvecklande arbetslag? : En komparativ studie av pedagogers uppfattningar kring ansvarsfördelning och fördelning av arbetsuppgifter på en förskola i Norge respektive Sverige / A developing preschool team? : Preschool staff's conceptions of distributed tasks and responsibilities in their own team: A comparative study between a preschool in Norway and SwedenUnge, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna komparativa studie är att få en ökad förståelse för hur ett arbetslag ska utformas och organiseras för att fungera på bästa sätt. Jag vill belysa vilka utvecklingsmöjligheter förskolans personal finner i sin organisation av arbetslaget gällande fördelning av ansvarsområden och arbetsuppgifter, en jämförelse mellan ett arbetslag i en förskola i Norge respektive Sverige. Då förskoleverksamheterna i Sverige och Norge skiljer sig gällande fördelning av arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden är det intressant att urskilja vilka utvecklingsmöjligheter som framkommer i respektive organisation. Jag valde att anta en kvalitativ ansats och genomförde totalt sju intervjuer med både förskollärare, barnskötare och förskolechefer på en förskola i Norge respektive Sverige. I min studie har en och samma utvecklingsmöjlighet framkommit i båda arbetslag, bättre förutsättningar för att kunna utnyttja sin fulla kompetens. Jag har funnit att ett arbetslag bör organiseras så att varje individ får möjligheten att utnyttja sin kompetens, genom att synliggöra och utnyttja varandras kompetenser stärks varje individ men också arbetslaget som helhet. / The main aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how a preschool team should be organized to work in the best possible way. A comparative study between a preschool in Norway and in Sweden. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities are different between the countries, to explore improvements the preschool staff´s conceptions of their own organization will be focused. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities are different but the conceptions of improvements may be the same. The empiricial data has been obtained from seven interviews. The participants were preschool teachers, child minders and preschool heads in a Swedish preschool and in a Norwegian preschool. In my study one improvement emerged in both teams, better requirements to make use of their competencies. The conclusion of this study is that a preschool team should be organized in a way that makes it possible to make use of everyone’s competencies.
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