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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reminding and refinding: examining how software developers use annotations

Ryall, Jody 29 April 2008 (has links)
Software development requires understanding and navigating complex software spaces. Developers frequently utilize annotations in source code to help them externalize information they need to remember, such as tasks and implementation details. Although some tool support exists in modern integrated development environments for authoring and navigating these annotations, we have observed that they often fail to remind developers about tasks that need to be performed and are sometimes difficult to find. We present the results from four empirical studies designed to better understand how developers create and manage their information using annotations. We also explore the use of hierarchical tagging capabilities to enhance these annotations. Based on the findings from these studies, we provide suggestions on how annotation tools may be improved.

Does the difficulty of the training tasks in an EIBI program for children with autism match the learning abilities of the children?

Roy-Wsiaki, Genevieve 12 January 2016 (has links)
In many early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) programs, such as the St.Amant Autism Programs in Manitoba, the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R) is used as an assessment guide, a curriculum guide, and a skills tracking system. The ABLLS-R lists a total of 544 potential training tasks. In the St.Amant Autism Programs, the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities-Revised (ABLA-R) is also used to assess a child’s ability to learn to perform 6 tasks, called levels, which are hierarchical in difficulty. Research has demonstrated that training tasks comparable to failed ABLA-R levels are very difficult to teach using standard prompting and reinforcement procedures, and training tasks that are mismatched to a client’s highest-passed ABLA-R level result in more aberrant behaviours than matched tasks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the difficulty of the training tasks taught to children enrolled in the St.Amant Autism Early Learning Program matched the learning abilities of the children. In order to do so, five questions were examined based on the ABLLS-R, the ABLA-R, and archival data from the St.Amant Autism Programs. The results reveal several potentially important findings. First, observers who were knowledgeable about the ABLA-R reliably categorized 99 of the 544 ABLLS-R tasks into individual ABLA-R levels. Second, for a random sample of those 99 ABLLS-R tasks, Autism Consultants from the St.Amant Autism Programs averaged 90.5% agreement that those tasks were taught at the categorized ABLA-R levels. Third, across a sample of 14 children, 81% of their training tasks were mismatched to each child’s highest-passed ABLA-R level. Fourth, for that sample of 14 children and across their 31 maladaptive behaviour assessments, 61% of the assessments had a score representative of maladaptive behaviours. Fifth, for that same sample of children, their rates of acquisition of new training tasks were lower for mismatched tasks than for matched tasks. These findings have important implications for potentially improving the services that children with ASD are receiving from the St.Amant Autism Programs and other EIBI programs. / February 2016

Associação entre as capacidades perceptivo-motoras e o desempenho de tarefas motoras em sujeitos de 7 e 13 anos de idade / Association between the perceptual-motor abilities and performance of motor tasks in individuals of 7 and 13 years old

Rafael Barbosa Florêncio 06 April 2015 (has links)
A presença de diferenças individuais no desempenho motor de crianças e jovens da mesma faixa etária é um aspecto relatado por grande parte da literatura. O presente estudo escolheu o modelo de capacidades perceptivo-motoras para explorar estas diferenças e focou na questão de níveis diferenciados de maturação do sistema nervoso central (SNC). Uma vez que a maioria dos estudos sobre capacidades perceptivo-motoras investiga adultos e não se conhece como o nível do SNC influencia a associação entre as capacidades e desempenho motor. Com isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a associação entre as capacidades perceptivo-motoras e o desempenho de tarefas motoras em sujeitos de 7 e 13 anos de idade. A amostra refere-se aos sujeitos que fizeram parte do estudo de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Motor Longitudinal Misto de Muzambinho-MG. Foram selecionados 110 sujeitos, contrabalanceados em termos de sexo e idade. As capacidades perceptivo-motoras analisadas foram a de coordenação multimembros (CM), timing coincidente (TC), tempo de reação (TR) e tempo de movimento (TM), por sua vez as tarefas motoras analisadas foram correr, rebater e receber. Para a análise da correlação foi utilizado o teste de Spearman, uma vez que não houve distribuição normal. Os resultados indicaram que o desempenho do correr se associou a CM tanto para os 7 anos (ρ=-0,33) quanto para 13 anos (ρ=-0,34). Por sua vez, o desempenho do receber se associou com a CM (ρ=0,41) e TR (ρ=-0,41) para os 7 anos, mas apenas com a CM (ρ=0,29) para os 13 anos. E o desempenho do rebater não se associou com nenhuma das capacidades perceptivo-motoras analisadas. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se inferir que o desempenho em tarefas motoras típicas da infância é associado as capacidades perceptivo-motoras, mas o nível maturacional do sistema nervoso central pode ser um aspecto que interfere nesta associação. Estes resultados permitem identificar um campo de investigação promissor para entender as diferenças individuais que ocorrem no desempenho de crianças e jovens / The presence of individual differences in motor performance of children and teenagers of the same age group is a reported aspect for much of the literature. This study chose the model of perceptual-motor abilities to explore these differences and focused on issue of different central nervous system development levels (CNS). Since most of the studies investigate perceptual-motor abilities in adults and it is not known how the CNS level affects the association between ability and motor performance. This study aimed to investigate the association between perceptual-motor abilities and performance of motor tasks in individuals of 7 and 13 years old. The sample refers to subjects who participated in the study of mixed longitudinal motor growth and development in the city of Muzambinho - Minas Gerais/Brazil. It was selected 110 individuals, balanced in terms of gender and age. The perceptual-motor abilities analysed were the multilimb coordination (MC), coincident timing (CT), reaction time (RT) and movement time (TM) in turn analysed motor tasks were running, batting and receiving. For the correlation analysis it was used the Spearman\'s test, since there were no normal distribution. The results related to the running performances were associated with MC for both 7 years old (p = -0.33) and for 13 years old (p = -0.34). In turn, the receiving performances were associated with the MC (p = 0.41) and RT (p = -0.41) for 7 years old, but only with the MC (p = 0.29) for the 13 year old. Moreover, the batting performances were not associated with any of the perceptual-motor abilities analysed. Based on these results, we can infer that the performance in typical motor tasks of childhood is associated with the perceptual-motor abilities, but the maturity level of the central nervous system can be an aspect that interferes in this association. These results identify a promising field of research to understand individual differences occurring in the performance of children and teenagers

Escalonamento de tarefas em sistemas distribuídos baseado no conceito de propriedade distribuída

Falavinha Junior, José Nelson [UNESP] 25 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-05-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:01:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 falavinhajunior_jn_dr_ilha.pdf: 3487083 bytes, checksum: 5eeeb56b23091b46b46acaafba4babe4 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Em sistemas distribuídos de larga escala; onde os recursos compartilhados são de propriedade de entidades distintas; existe a necessidade de refletir o fator propriedade dos recursos no processo de escalonamento de tarefas e alocação de recursos. Um sistema de gerenciamento de recursos apropriado deve garantir que os proprietários de recursos tenham acesso aos seus recursos ou ao menos a uma parcela de recursos que seja equivalente a eles. Diferentes políticas podem ser estabelecidas para que o sistema garanta esse direito aos proprietários de recursos; e nessa tese defende-se uma política de escalonamento e alocação de reucrsos chamada Owner-Share Enforcement Policy (OSEP) ou Política de Garantia da Porção do Proprietário; que tem por objetivo garantir o direito de acesso aos recursos através de um sistema de escalonamento baseado em preempção de tarefas e realocação de recursos. Avalia-se a política através da análise de testes e resultados envolvendo métricas de desempenho que descrevem fatores como violação da política; perdada capacidade de processamento; custo da política e satisfação do usuário. Os testes ainda envolveram a análise de desempenho da política em ambientes com a possibilidade de chekcpointing de tarefas; minimizando assim o desperdício de processamento. Fez-se ainda comparações com a política de compartilhamento justo Fair-Share; que permitiram estabelecer as vantagens e desvantagens de cada política e ainda identificar futuros problemas. Por fim; conclui-se a tese identificando as contribuições oferecidas por este trabalho e os trabalhos futuros que podem ser desenvolvidos. / In large distributed systems, where shared resources are owned by distinct entities, there is a need to reflect resource ownership in resource allocation. An appropriate resource management system should guarantee that owners of resources have access to their resources or at least to a share of resources proportional to the share of resources they provide. Different policies can be established for guaranteeing the access to resources, and in this thesis we introduce a policy for scheduling and resource allocation named Owner Share Enforcement Policy (OSEP). This policy is based on the concept of distributed ownership and itguarantees the owner's right of accessing their share of resources in a distributed system with a preemptive share space. We evaluate this policy through tests and results analysis involving performance metrics that describe policy violation, loss of capacity, policy cost and user satisfaction. The tests were also conducted in environments withand without job checkpointing, and comparisons with the Fair-Share scheduling policy were made in order to capture the trade-offs of each policy. Finally, we conclude the thesis describing the contributions achieved with this work and pointing directions for future work.

The Brahmans of the Kāmākhyā temple complex (Assam) : customary rights, relations with pilgrims and administrative power / Les Brahmanes du complexe de temples de Kāmākhyā (Assam) : droits héréditaires, relation avec les pèlerins et pouvoir administratif

Majo Garigliano, Irène 29 April 2015 (has links)
Ma thèse est consacrée aux Brahmanes du complexe de temples de Kamakhya; et plus particulièrement sur les dynamiques socio-politiques et sur les enjeux économiques internes de la communauté de Brahmanes. J'analyse la logique qui organise et hiérarchise la vaste gamme d'activités que seul les Brahmanes peuvent entreprendre; les aspects économiques de ces activités ; et la façon dont les Brahmanes conçoivent et légitiment leurs activités et leur statut. Les Brahmanes sont impliqués dans deux séries d'activités: celles liées au culte publique et celles liées au culte privé (dans leurs rapports avec leurs pèlerins, les Brahmanes ayant droit délèguent certaines activités auxBrahmanes de l'extérieur). Considérer les deux sphères d'activités des Brahmanes m'a permis d'analyser l'importance respective des deux sphères d'activités au niveau des conceptions et au niveau des pratiques entreprises par les Brahmanes ayant droit. Les chapitres de cette thèse démontreront qu'un écart important existe entre ces deux niveaux. Le culte public est la seule activité qui (en théorie] devrait être exécutée chaque jour, ainsi que pendant les fêtes. En même temps, à présent, le complexe de temples reçoit chaque jour des milliers de pèlerins ; cela a un impact profond sur l'organisation interne et l'action de la communauté des Brahmanes. Une des taches de ma thèse sera alors de repérer les dynamiques spécifiques au complexe de temples de Kamakhya que le flux de pèlerins contribue à mettre en place, comme par exemple l'enrichissement de certains Brahmanes et l'émergence de différences économiques importantes au sein de la communauté, avec les inimités auxquelles on peut s'attendre dans une telle situation. La dernière partie de la thèse explore le rôle des Brahmans ayant droit dans l'administration du complexe de temples. A travers J'analyse d'une dispute actuellement en cours, j'explore Ia façon dont les différents acteurs voient la relation entre la distribution des taches rituelles et la hiérarchie qui en résulte et le pouvoir politique. / This thesis studies the Brahmans of the Kamakhya temple complex; and in particular the social, economic and political issues agitating the priestly community. My interest concerns all Brahmans active at the temple complex. l analyze the logic that organizes and hierarchizes the wide range of activities restricted to Brahmans; the financial aspect of these activities; and the way Brahmans conceptualize and legitimize their activities and standing. The Brahmans are basically involved in two sets of activities: those connected to the public worship and those connected to their relations with pilgrims and the private worship (in dealing with pilgrims, the rights—holder Brahmans delegate certain activities to the Brahmans from outside the Nilachal). Considering both the spheres of activity allowed me to analyze the relative significance of the two spheres at the level of concepts and at that of the practices undertaken by the Brahmans. The chapters of this thesis will show that a significant gap can be detected between the two levels. The public worship is the only activity which (in theory) should be undertaken every day and is understood to be the essential activity of the temple complex. On the 0ther hand, at present the temple complex receives thousands of pilgrims every day; as will be shown, that has a profound impact on the internal organization and agency of the Brahman community. One 0f the main tasks of this thesis will be to find 0ut the specific ways in which the flow of pilgrims contributes to shaping new models of relationships between the Brahmans of the Kamakhya temple complex, to orientating the Brahmans' choices and actions, and to creating significant economic differences among the Brahmans. The last part of the thesis explores the role of the Brahmans in the administration of the temple complex. Through the analyse of a seventeen—year—old dispute l explore the way different actors answer the question whether the political sphere should be informed by ritual ranking among Brahmans and between Brahmans and non—Brahmans or not.

Viability of Human Intelligence Tasks as a method for password categorization

Palm, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the viability of using Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT) in password categorization. To achieve this, this study constructs and performs a HIT experiment on the online crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turks. The study performs the experiment on the site Amazon Mechanical Turks, and gathers data in the form of answers from the workers. A a mixed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data is performed to investigate on the workers ability to derive the categories of passwords from different categories and difficulties. The study results indicate that HIT workers seem to be unable to reliable categorize more complex passwords correctly, compared to more common and simple passwords. With this result, the study concludes that the quality and reliability of HIT password categorization is lower than would be required to make HIT a valid method for password categorization. The study ends with a discussion on how and why this may be the case and briefly discuss on how the HIT task might be changed in future development to increase its viability.

MPI2.NET : criação dinâmica de tarefas com orientação a objetos / MPI2.NET: dynamic tasks creation with object orientation

Afonso, Fernando Abrahão January 2010 (has links)
Message Passing Interface (MPI) é o padrão de facto para o desenvolvimento de aplicações paralelas e de alto desempenho que executem em clusters. O padrão define APIs para as linguagens de programação Fortran, C e C++. Por outro lado a programação orientada a objetos é o paradigma de programação dominante atualmente, onde linguagens de programação como Java e C# têm se tornado muito populares. Isso se deve às abstrações voltadas para facilitar a programação oriundas dessas linguagens de programação, permitindo um ciclo de programação/manutenção mais eficiente. Devido a isso, diversas bibliotecas MPI para essas linguagens emergiram. Dentre elas, pode-se destacar a biblioteca MPI.NET, para a linguagem de programação C#, que possui a melhor relação entre abstração e desempenho. Na computação paralela, o modelo utilizado para o desenvolvimento das aplicações é muito importante, sendo que o modelo Divisão & Conquista é escalável, aplicável a diversos problemas e permite a execução eficiente de aplicações cuja carga de trabalho é desconhecida ou irregular. Para programar utilizando esse modelo é necessário que o ambiente de execução suporte dinamismo, o que não é suportado pela biblioteca MPI.NET. Desse cenário emerge a principal motivação desse trabalho, cujo objetivo é explorar a criação dinâmica de tarefas na biblioteca MPI.NET. Ao final, foi possível obter uma biblioteca com desempenho competitivo em relação ao desempenho das bibliotecas MPI para C++. / Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the de facto standard for the development of high performance applications executing on clusters. The standard defines APIs for the programming languages Fortran C and C++. On the other hand, object oriented programming has become the dominant programming paradigm, where programming languages as Java and C# are becoming very popular. This can be justified by the abstractions contained in these programming languages, allowing a more efficient programming/maintenance cycle. Because of this, several MPI libraries emerged for these programming languages. Among them, we can highlight the MPI.NET library for the C# programming language, which has the best relation between abstraction and performance. In parallel computing, the model used for the development of applications is very important, and the Divide and Conquer model is efficiently scalable, applicable to several problems and allows efficient execution of applications whose workload is unknown or irregular. To program using this model, the execution environment must provide dynamism, which is not provided by the MPI.NET library. From this scenario emerges the main goal of this work, which is to explore dynamic tasks creation on the MPI.NET library. In the end we where able to obtain a library with competitive performance against MPI C++ libraries.


Panahi, Ali 01 December 2016 (has links)
Due to its inherent complexity such as limited work volume and degree of freedom, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is ergonomically challenging to surgeons than traditional open surgery. Specifically, MIS can expose performing surgeons to excessive ergonomic risks including muscle fatigue that may lead to critical errors in surgical procedures. Therefore, detecting the vulnerable muscles and time-to-fatigue during MIS is of great importance in order to prevent these errors. In this research, different surgical skill and ergonomic assessment methods are reviewed and their advantages and disadvantages are studied. According to the literature review, which is included in chapter 1, some of these methods are subjective and those that are objective provide inconsistent results. Muscle fatigue analysis has shown promising results for skill and ergonomic assessments. However, due to the data analysis issues, this analysis has only been successful in intense working conditions. The goal of this research is to apply an appropriate data analysis method to minimally invasive surgical setting which is considered as a low-force muscle activity. Therefore, surface electromyography is used to record muscle activations of subjects while they performed various real laparoscopic operations and dry lab surgical tasks. The muscle activation data is then reconstructed using Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), which has been proven to be a reliable analysis, to detect possible signs of muscle fatigue on different muscle groups. The results of this data analysis method is validated using subjective fatigue assessment method. In order to study the effect of muscle fatigue on subject’s performance, standard Fundamental of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) tasks performance analysis is used.

Interaktivní výuka matematiky v 7. třídě ZŠ / Interactive teaching on the elementary school

JÁCHIMOVÁ, Blanka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with implementation of computer technologies to teaching practice of mathematics in the 7th year of elementary school. The thesis is divided into two parts ? a theory and an application. The theory includes the most important knowledge of interactive teaching divided into teaching with interactive whiteboard and computer assisted learning. It also discusses approaches to teaching mathematics as an important part of education and connecting problem solving into education. The application includes worksheets that introduce the usage of interactive issues in education and description of a trial performed in the 7th class of elementary school. The aim of the trial was to find out the influence of interactive education to dealing with mathematical problem solving

Terénní výuka ekologické problematiky na gymnáziu s využitím badatelsky orientovaného vyučování / Inquiry-based education, constructivism, ecology, model tasks

KUCHAŘOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis brings a set of tasks dealing with ecological problematics. These tasks that are addressed to students of secondary schools were conditioned for field teaching and learning with using of inquiry based education. Six key themes were chosen for development of mentioned tasks: ant communities and their role in ecosystems, interspecific relationships between organisms, food relationships within organisms, adaptation of animals to their environment, adaptation to different feeding niches, and circulation of water in nature.

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