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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento de lateralidade motora no Trinomys yonenagae (Echimyidae) / Motor laterality behavior in Trinomys yonenagae (RODENTIA: Echimyidae)

Larissa Daniele Dias 30 March 2015 (has links)
A lateralidade consiste na predominância hemisférica do cérebro e foi constada em diferentes animais: em diversos primatas e em camundongos manifesta-se na destreza manual; em baleias, no desgaste mandibular; e em cães, no abanar da cauda. Trinomys yonenagae, popularmente conhecido como rabo-de-facho, é um rato-de-espinho endêmico das dunas de areia fixas à margem esquerda do rio São Francisco (BA) e demonstra habilidade com as patas dianteiras, no manuseio de sementes, e traseiras, no comportamento de cavar. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar se existem traços de lateralidade neste roedor. Investigamos preferência motora através de teste de alcance de sementes, baseado no teste de Collins (16 e 16), e da análise post mortem da diferença entra a massa das patas dianteiras (21 e 21). A lateralidade em atividades de consumo hídrico foi verificada por meio da preferência entre dois bebedouros, conforme o teste de Richter (7 e 7). Analisamos também a preferência ao posicionar a cauda em situações solitárias (5 e 4). Adotamos o grau de lateralidade (GL) como a diferença entre os lados direito e esquerdo, normalizados ao serem divididos pela sua soma. Categorizamos como lateralidade apenas |GL|>0,05 (i.e., diferença de 5% entre os lados). A cauda das é posicionada a maior parte do tempo à direita, resultando em consistente preferência amostral de 41% a mais do que o posicionamento à esquerda. Em nota-se a preferência pelo posicionamento à direita em dois indivíduos e à esquerda em um, sendo os dois restantes sem preferência. No teste de consumo hídrico, nota-se em preferência pelo bebedouro esquerdo, sendo a diferença de preferência deste com o bebedouro direito de 51% (GL=0,51), uma assimetria consistente em 6/7 sujeitos. Em machos, entretanto, a preferência se apresenta pouco consistente, sendo a diferença de preferência entre os bebedouros reduzida a 20% (GL=0,20). Em média não há lateralidade a nível amostral na massa das patas, uma vez que, tanto em quanto em , |GL|<0,05. Ainda, a distribuição de GL na amostra corresponde a uma distribuição normal (Kolmogorov-Smirnov; sig.=0,95 para ; sig.=0,66 para ). Entretanto, em análise individual, entre as 14% apresentam preferência na pata direita e 5% na pata esquerda; entre , 19% preferem a pata direita e 14% a pata esquerda.Os experimentos de alcance de sementes não foram promissores, uma vez que os sujeitos tentam acessar as sementes com o focinho ou cavando a superfície. Concluímos que a lateralidade em T. yonenagae, quando presente, é mais consistente em do que em , sugerindo um dimorfismo sexual na dominância hemisférica da espécie. A preferência por posicionara cauda à esquerda pode atuar como sinal comportamental de gênero entre os rabos-defacho, uma vez que estes não apresentam dimorfismo sexual de massa e as fêmeas têm fase de estro muito curta, não oferecendo diferenças conspícuas entre os sexos. Finalmente, apontamos a necessidade de testes diversos que permitam a investigação da lateralidade em diferentes espécies / Laterality is the hemispheric dominance of the brain and was verified in different animals: in many primates and in mice, the laterality is manifested in the manual dexterity; in whales, there are asymmetries in jaws wear; in dogs, the side by which the tail wags means different signals. Trinomys yonenagae, popularly known as rabo-defacho, is a spiny rat endemic of fixed sand dunes on the left bank of the Rio São Francisco (BA) and presents frontal paws skills in the handling of seeds, and back paws skills in the digging behavior. The objective of this study is to search for laterality evidences in this rodent. We investigated motor preference by seed range test based in Collins (16 and 16), and by post-mortem analysis of the mass difference between the frontal paws (21 and 21). Laterality in water consumption activities was verified by the preference between two water drinkers through Richter test (7 and 7). We also analyze the preferred tail position in solitary situation (5 and 4). We adopt the degree of laterality (GL) as the difference between right and left sides, normalized by being divided by their sum. It was categorized as laterality only |GL|> 0.05 (i.e., 5% difference between the sides). The tail of is positioned most of the time at right, resulting in a sample consistent preference of 41% more than the left position (GL=0,41). In , two animals preferred to place the tail at right, one at left and the other animals do not presents preference in tail placement. In the water consumption test, 6/7 of preferred consistently to use the left drinker before the right one, with an GL mean in the sample of 0,51. The, in turn, had its mean GL reduced to 0,20, as a result of inconsistent preferences. Considering the mass of the frontal paws, there are no laterality in and in, once both| GL | <0.05. The distribution of GL in the samples of paws mass analyses corresponds to a normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov; sig = 0.95 for ; sig. = 0.66 for ). However, in individual level analyses, between 14% prefer right paw and 5% the left paw; between , 19% prefer the right paw and 14% left paw. The seeds range experiments were not promising, once the subjects attempt to reach seeds with their snout or by digging the surface. We conclude that laterality, in T. yonenagae, when present, is more consistent in than , suggesting a sexual dimorphism in hemispheric dominance of the species. The preference for place the tail on the left may act as a behavioral sign between rabos-de-facho, once they have no mass dimorphism between the sexes and females presents a brief estrus phase, offering no conspicuous differences between genders. Finally, we point out the need for different tests that allows further investigation of laterality in different species

Técnicas heurísticas de escalonamento paralelo em workflow / Heuristic scheduling techniques for parallel workflow

Tampelini, Leonardo Garcia, 1983- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jacques Wainer / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T14:02:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tampelini_LeonardoGarcia_M.pdf: 834632 bytes, checksum: b0f1d3f3d777417870d8ddd0d317ab8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Com a disseminação de tecnologias de gerenciamento empresarial, empresas procuram promover serviços mais ágeis e de maior qualidade. Neste contexto, áreas como gerenciamento de workflow vêm contribuindo para uma melhor organização na distribuição de tarefas. A aproximação da área de escalonamento com workflow demonstra um grande potencial para atender tais requisitos; porém, uma escassez de trabalhos voltados ao tratamento de estruturas de roteamento paralelas, comumente encontradas em modelos de workflow, é perceptível na literatura de escalonamento. Este trabalho tem por objetivo aproximar essas duas áreas apresentando três novas abordagens de escalonamento voltadas à ordenação de casos dentro de estruturas de roteamento paralelas (AND). Para alcançar tal objetivo, um conjunto de simuladores foi implementado representando o ambiente dinâmico de workflow, suas incertezas, bem como os diferentes cenários onde estruturas do tipo AND podem ocorrer. O desempenho de tais políticas foi comparado com regras amplamente utilizadas em sistemas de workflow, como FIFO (First In First Out), EDD (Earliest Due Date) e SPT (Shortest Processing Time). A análise dos resultados foi efetivada por meio de uma análise de variância (ANOVA) juntamente com o teste de Tukey. Os resultados mostram que é mais vantajoso utilizar técnicas específicas para estrutura de roteamento AND do que apenas aplicar as técnicas mais utilizadas / Abstract: With the dissemination of business management technologies, companies look for to promoting faster services with higher quality. In this context, areas such as workflow management have contributed to a better organization in the distribution of tasks. The approach between scheduling area and workflow area shows great potential to attend these requirements, but a lack of studies directed to the treatment of parallel routing structures, commonly found in workflow models, is apparent escalation in the literature about scheduling. This work aims to approximate these two areas, presenting three new scheduling approaches, directed to the raging of the cases within routing structures parallel (AND). To reach this objective a set of simulators was implemented, representing the dynamic workflow environment, their uncertainties, as well as the different scenarios where that structures such as AND may occur. The performance of these politics was compared with rules widely used in workflow systems, such as FIFO (First In First Out), EDD (Earliest Due Date) and SPT (Shortest Processing Time). The results show that it is more advantageous to use techniques focused on AND routing structure than only apply the most utilized ones / Mestrado / Ciência da Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Wer hat Recht? Über kollaborative Arbeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht

Honkonen, Anniina January 2012 (has links)
Previous research from the perspective of the sociocultural theory of learning indicates that discussion and interaction with other people promote language learning. The purpose of the present study is to examine discussions of 12 German university-level students solving a linguistic task, a translation, in groups during their Swedish language lessons. The key point is to investigate the benefits of collaborative tasks in language learning. When translating the text together, the students verbalized their hypotheses about the Swedish grammar and compared their implicit conceptions with their fellow students. The students used many different strategies to give explanations to problematic linguistic phenomena. The discussions were usually democratic, but it has also shown that the students’ language skills and personality played a central role in the decision making process. Moreover, the analysis reveals that the translations produced by the groups were more accurate than those written individually. Finally, implications of these results and pointers to further exploration are discussed.

Motorinformationens roll i SPT-effekten

Howarth, Clayton January 2005 (has links)
Det har visat sig vara bättre att öva in listor med handlingsfraser genom att utföra dem (SPT, subject-performed tasks) än genom att bara läsa dem (VT, verbal tasks). Vid ett återerinringstest visar sig SPT-effekten då försöksdeltagare med SPTs har ett mycket bättre minne av materialet än försöksdeltagare med VTs. En förklaring till fenomenet är att utförandet av handlingsfraserna förser deltagarna med motorinformation. I den här undersökningen testas motorinformationens roll i SPT-effekten på ett sätt som skiljer sig från traditionell SPT-forskning. Försöksdeltagare fick antingen cykla eller använda en joystick för att navigera genom en virtuell värld där ord fanns utplacerade. Minnet för orden testades sedan i ett efterföljande minnestest. Det visade sig att joystickgruppen kunde återerinra sig fler ord än cykelgruppen. Effekten var oväntad och misstänks bero på bättre koncentrationsmöjligheter för joystickgruppen.

"En förklaring är tydlig och konkret" : En studie om förklaringar i matematik i årskurs 2

Sekulovska, Flori January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how teachers explain mathematical tasks in the mathematical education in grade 2, and also which perception they have of explanations and their own teaching. The survey is supported by theories that focuses on explanations in the education. These are Vygotsky´s theory of the development of the scientific concepts, general and literary concepts, proximal zone and scaffolding. To achieve the aim, the following questions has been formulated: How do teachers explain mathematical tasks in the mathematical education in grade 2? How do teachers speak about explanations and their own teaching? In summary, the results of this study are that teachers explain mathematical tasks in the mathematical education in grade 2 by using so called mathematical, daily and visual explanations when explaining these tasks in their education. Beyond this, the results of this study are also that teachers speak about explanations as something clear and concrete. They also define explanations as something that promote for student development and learning, and this is something the teachers in this study want to achieve in their own education when explaining mathematical tasks.

The impact of gamification on intrinsic motivation : An experimental study of administrative tasks

Ranz, Manuel January 2015 (has links)
Gamification could be a solution to make office work more productive by in- creasing the intrinsic motivation of employees. Currently, little research exists on gamification in connection to administrative tasks. In literature the im- portance of designing gamified tasks to the target group is stressed. This study explores in an experiment the impact of gamification on intrinsic motivation while conducting basic administrative tasks, as well as differences between age groups. The qualitative analysis of the experiment (n = 32) reveals indications that gamification triggers positive emotions, a higher engagement and creativi- ty. Using a mixed methods approach, the indications from the qualitative anal- ysis could not be proven quantitatively with a statistical significance. The re- sults further suggest, that people over 35 years tend to perceive gamification more extreme than younger ones, leading to either high intrinsic motivation or alienation.

Enseignement / évaluation en FLE : exploration des liens pour faire évoluer les pratiques : une expérience de recherche - action en classe de collège au Cap Vert. / Teaching / assessment in FLE : exploring links to evolve practives : a experience action research in college class in Cape Verde

Dia, Abdérahim 29 March 2016 (has links)
En milieu scolaire capverdien, nous avons constaté que le format des tests d'évaluation reflète ceux des plans de cours et par ricochet les démarches pédagogiques. Ces dernières sont essentiellement axées sur la maîtrise des structures de la langue, c'est-à-dire sur la restitution de connaissances censées être acquises. Les spécialistes des sciences de l’éducation Hadji (1997), Scallon (2007) et les didacticiens de langues comme Tagliante (2005), Veltcheff (2009) prônent le renouvellement de la manière d'évaluer pour construire des compétences communicatives en s'appuyant sur le caractère formatif de l'évaluation. Pour l'enseignement du français en milieu scolaire capverdien, revoir le format actuel avec l'introduction des quatre activités langagières pour construire des compétences communicatives pourrait nous obliger à opter pour une démarche particulière. Celle-ci voudrait que les modules soit bâtis sur la base des objectifs d'évaluation préalablement définis à partir des descripteurs de niveau du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL, 2001). Étant inscrits en milieu scolaire, comment pourrions-nous mettre en place cette démarche particulière ? Pour cette étude, réalisée selon une démarche de recherche-action solitaire, nous avons opté pour l'affectation de chaque activité langagière à un trimestre sur une période de deux ans constituant le premier cycle de l'enseignement secondaire. Ces nouvelles approches de l’enseignement/apprentissage/évaluation basées sur une évaluation formative ont permis à un groupe d’élèves de construire des compétences communicatives langagières du niveau A1. / In Cape Verdean schools, we found that the format of the evaluation tests reflects those lesson plans and in turn the teaching approaches. These are mainly focused on mastering the language structures, which is to say on the restitution of knowledge supposed to be acquired. Specialists of Sciences Hadji Education (1997), Scallon (2007) and the didactics of languages as Tagliante(2005), Veltcheff (2009) advocate the renewal of how to assess to build communication skills based the formative evaluation. For the teaching of French in Cape Verdean schools, review thecurrent format with the introduction of the four language activities to build communication skills may require us to adopt a particular approach. This would be built as modules based on the evaluation objectives previously defined from the level of the Common European Framework of Reference descriptors for Languages (CEFR 2001). Being enrolled in school, how can we implement this particular approach? For this study, conducted by a solitary action research approach, we opted for the allocation of each language activity to a quarter over two years constituting the first cycle of secondary education. These new approaches to teaching / learning / assessment based on formative assessment enabled a group of students to build communicative language skills from A1.

L’enseignement-apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique en Italie : Pratiques de classe et création de supports appropriés / Teaching/Learning French at High School in Italy : Class Practice and Creation of Appropriate Tools

Russo, Maria Serafina 27 January 2011 (has links)
L'enseignement/apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique en Italie. Pratiques de classe et création de supports appropriés.Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des langues vivantes étrangères dans les établissements du secondaire en contexte italophone. L'objectif de ce travail a été de mener une réflexion sur l'enseignement/apprentissage du français au lycée scientifique, tout en focalisant l'attention sur l'attitude des apprenants face à des tentatives d'initiation à la langue de spécialité complémentaires au développement des programmes scolaires consacrés, notamment, à l'histoire littéraire. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse générale stipulant qu'« il est possible d'envisager l'organisation de séances au cours desquelles l'apprenant, s'exprimant en français, se livre à des tâches susceptibles de le motiver, lui permettant de connaître le discours et le milieu d'action propres aux futurs professionnels dans le domaine scientifique et médical ».L'hypothèse en objet a été testée par le biais d'une recherche-action qui a eu lieu en contexte institutionnel. Cette approche a été fondée sur l'utilisation de tâches, choisies/conçues selon le niveau des apprenants, liées surtout à des situations auxquelles les destinataires étaient susceptibles de se confronter dans la vie de tous les jours. La presque totalité du travail a été effectuée grâce à l'emploi des TIC.Les résultats ont prouvé l'efficacité de la recherche de terrain et en ont témoigné l'appréciation de la part des jeunes apprenants concernés. Par conséquent, l'ambition de cette thèse est de contribuer à nourrir le débat sur l'utilité de l'étude de deux langues vivantes étrangères dans les établissements du secondaire italiens, en harmonie avec les dispositions du Conseil de l'Europe, de même que de dégager les étapes d'un cheminement éducatif menant à l'acquisition des habiletés linguistiques nécessaires lors de séjours d'études/de travail en pays francophones pendant les années à venir. / This Thesis deals with the study of foreign languages within the Italian High School System.The goal of this work is to draw the attention to the way of teaching/learning French at High School (option maths and science), focusing on the students' attitude while learning a second foreign language, as well as to outline some new educational tools likely to replace the old fashioned ones still in use.In order to achieve this goal, we examined and tested a general hypothesis, stipulating whether “it is possible to set up sessions during which the learner is involved in seemingly motivating activities, and, while expressing himself in French, manages to learn the language and environment of a specific field, familiar to his future professional scientific and medical world”. Such hypothesis was tested following up an experimental action research, that took place within an institutional context. This approach was supported by targeted assignments, based on everyday life situations, then given to the students according to their level of knowledge of the language. Most of the work was carried on thanks to TIC. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the research on this ground, and showed the appreciation of some of the young participants. Consequently, the aim of this Thesis is to contribute to the discussion concerning the need of studying two foreign languages at the Italian High School, in line with the dispositions given by the Counsel of Europe, as well as to follow the steps of the educational training leading students to acquire all the language skills to study or work abroad.

Zahájení trestního stíhání a úkony prováděné před zahájením trestního stíhání / The initiation of ciriminal prosecution and actions realised before initiation of criminal prosecution

Tomeš, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The initiation of criminal prosecution The reason for my thesis, is to analyse the procedure of initiation of criminal prosecution and acts of preliminary hearing that are connected to it. The stress will be put on problematic details of current legislation and conceptions created during the procedure of recodification of criminal procedure in the Czech republic.The thesis is divided into seven chapters, which analyse the initiation of criminal prosecution from different points of view and as a result describe the initiation of criminal prosecution as one of the most important proceduralal acts of whole criminal procedure. The firs chapter is focused on historical development of the initiation of criminal prosecution between years 1962 - 20116, especially its form, organization and systhematical position. Following chapter desribes and analyses preceeding of urgent and non reproductible tasks placed in section 158a of criminal code as an exception from usual procedure of collecting pieces of evidence in criminal procedure and its relationship to the initiation of criminal prosecution with using the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights Chapter three desribes general principles of the initiation of criminal prosecution in relation to definition of legal term act which the person is accused...

Chemické úlohy pro střední školy se zemědělským zaměřením / Chemistry tasks for agricultural high schools

Břížďala, Jan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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