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The Europeanization of security identity : The comparison case study of the Swedish and Finnish non-alignment policiesKociara, Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the sppecific meaning of non- alignment policies of Sweden and Finland after joining the EU in 1995. In doing so, the research design is based on sociological institutionalism and its key concepts and phases that are connected to the study of Europeanization. Thereby, the study compares the domestic policies of national identity and its changes in Sweden and Finland before and after the accession to the EU. This shall answer the reserach question on how far the foreign policies of Sweden and Finland have been Europeanized and whether or not non- alignment policies are an obstacle in this process. Since social constructivism considers Europeanization as a socialization process, the paper will also investigate the main challenges for Sweden and Finalnd to face with reagrd to crisis managment, territorial defence issue and Crimea Crisis.
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Evaluation of Exoskeleton Using XSENS System Including ScalefitMora Quiles, Elia, Borrell, Diego January 2021 (has links)
Although the level of automation in the automotive industry is currently high, real humans are still required for assembly tasks, for example, during overhead tasks. This type of work can cause injuries in workers in this sector, especially musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), being a cause for the inability to work in developed countries and, in turn, becoming a significant health problem. There is an aim to reduce the risk for these type of injuries during the development processes of this type of assembly operations. Various options are currently being considered where technology and the human factor can be combined. Among them, we find the object of study for this project, an exoskeleton.The aim of this project is to study the biomechanical effects as well as the ergonomics of a passive exoskeleton called Paexo Shoulder, developed by the company Ottobock, with the aim of relieving tensions in the shoulder joints and upper part of the shoulders, during its use in assembly tasks. For this purpose, an experiment will be designed in which several participants will carry out a series of tasks both with and without the exoskeleton, in such a way that the effects of its use and how they affect the users of the product can be observed. For this purpose, an experiment was designed to evaluate the effects of the use or non-use of this exoskeleton on 10 participants when performing a task similar to an overhead task in an assembly line. For the evaluation of the product, the Xsens motion capture system, in particular the Awinda model, was used together with the ScaleFit software to evaluate the results obtained through the motion capture recordings. In addition, in order to improve Digital Human Modelling (DHM) tools, the same task was simulated with the IPS-IMMA software, where the results were later analysed and compared with the motion capture results through ScaleFit.The results showed relatively large improvements in the respective moment reduction at the shoulder joint when using the exoskeleton. However, it was also observed that due to the upward force exerted by the exoskeleton on the arms, participants spent less time in low-risk areas evaluated by ScaleFit and therefore, this effect needs to be studied further.
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Užití podnětných úloh ve výuce matematiky / Implementation of Challenging Tasks in Mathematics EducationRůžičková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Title: Implementation of Challenging Tasks in Mathematics Education Author: PhDr. Lucie Růžičková Department: Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Alena Kopáčková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT The thesis deals with practical implementation of challenging tasks in mathematics education. The methodology for examining "the fidelity of implementation of mathematical tasks" is being designed to describe whether the task is used according to the original intention of the teacher or according to the intention of its author. This methodology is employed in the analysis of four experiments to examine mathematical tasks and task environments. Then, based on the experience with the analysis, the methodology is adapted to the needs of both the teaching practice and educational research. The main result of the thesis is the creation of the methodology for examining the fidelity of implementation of mathematical tasks which is based on contrasting the descriptions of four general elements of the mathematical task at different phases of its implementation. KEY WORDS: mathematics education, mathematical task, challenging task, implementation of tasks
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Flerspråkiga elevers resurser och svårigheter i mötet med textrika matematikuppgifterMurtezic, Azra January 2020 (has links)
Several studies show that students with a mother tongue other than Swedish are disadvantaged in the meeting with text rich mathematical tasks. This is especially so when the tasks have a context that is linked to Swedish culture and tradition that is unknown to the students. This study examines how multilingual middle school students respond to text-rich mathematical tasks. More specifically, the study has investigated multilingual students' difficulties and resources in meeting text-rich mathematical tasks.To answer the questions, qualitative interviews were conducted with a total of eight pupils who, on the basis of four text-rich textbook tasks, had to reason and reflect on the content, language and problems of the tasks. The theoretical approach to analyze the empirical material was social semiotics. Social semiotics is about how people communicate, create meaning and interact with the outside world through different social and cultural contexts. In these social and cultural contexts, humans creates so-called resources that are available to interpret, communicate and create meaning.The results of this study indicate that multilingual students encounter linguistic, cultural and contextual difficulties in the mathematical text-rich tasks. Furthermore, the results of this study also show how these multilingual students use different semiotic resources in their encounter with the text-rich mathematical task such as; dynamically thinking through two languages in parallel, pointing at words, pictures and using a mental “number-exchange”, where the students exchange the mathematical numbers, from Swedish to their native language to cognitively calculate the mathematical numbers.
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Öppna uppgifter i matematikundervisningenSande, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
The following study aims to define what an open-ended question in mathematics education is and investigate what the effects are on the learning process. Firstly, conversations were conducted with teachers that are using this approach in their mathematics education. Then systematic searches for relevant scientific articles were conducted in various databases.The result shows that there are three main features of open-ended questions; there may be more than one acceptable answer, it requires a higher level of thinking from the person solving the problem compared to closed questions and both the students and the teacher will learn during the process. Moreover, the result indicates that using open-ended questions has positive effects on student’s engagement, contributes to a positive classroom climate, increases the possibility that all students can be involved in the same teaching activity and makes the students’ knowledge visible for both the student and the teacher.The findings conclude that it requires good planning from the teacher before using this approach in the classroom to enhance the possibilities of the good effects. Furthermore, I discussed what I, as a future teacher, need to think about while using open-ended questions in my classroom. Lastly, I give suggestions on further research about open-ended questions in the early years.
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Presenting Lateralized Memory Loads With Visual Hemifield TasksBerryman, Maurice L. (Maurice Lynn) 05 1900 (has links)
After an intelligence test battery, the sixty right-handed subjects (30 males, 30 females) performed two visual field (VF) reaction time (RT) tasks requiring odd-even judgments concerning the whole numbers 1 through 8. Numbers were presented as words, a right VF left-hemisphere (LH) advantage task, or as bargraphs, a left, VF right-hemisphere (RH) advantage task, the height of the bargraphs indicating the number.
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Patterns Of 4th Graders' Literacy Events In Web Page DevelopmentWilliams, Rewa Colette 31 October 2003 (has links)
This study describes in-class and home literacy events that occur when students work in groups to create web pages as evidence of learning the academic content that was presented within a fourth grade classroom. The constructivist approach to learning was the underpinning idea examined as well as its connection to technology and group work. Data were collected in a variety of ways to obtain a picture, as comprehensive as possible, of the oral, listening, viewing, and written on-task communication and interactions that occurred. As the in-class and home literacy events emerged, the competencies and strategies that students used while interacting with traditional text were uncovered. These events encompass the strategies that the students used after they encountered the text and had to modify it for one reason or another. These literacy events illustrate how the Internet supports reading and writing in the elementary classroom when it is utilized as a tool for promoting instruction.
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An Operational Management Competency Model for Online Education AdministratorsDemarks, Fanniel 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite the steady rise in online education and increasingly empirical studies on related learning technologies and technology support, there is considerable evidence that the field has not kept the pace with studies related to online education administrators (OEAs). Further investigation was needed into OEAs’ practice of day-to-day administration of their programs. Therefore, this study examined OEAs’ perceptions of their areas of responsibility, tasks to be accomplished and skills and knowledge needed for them to get the job done. A three-round Delphi research technique was employed as a structured group communication method between five participants to answer three research questions. The protocol consisted of anonymous participants using online surveys to respond to several rounds of questioning. The research concluded with a group consensus. The results produced nine functional areas, 12 operational tasks and 14 competencies of skills and knowledge for OEAs. Based on the findings, it was now possible to illustrate an operational management competency model as a resource for the administrator in charge of an online education program. After conclusions were drawn, the study provided recommendations for future research.
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Oral Collaborative Tasks: Positive and Negative Impacts on Young English Learners / Muntliga samarbetsuppgifter: Positiva och negativa effekter hos unga elever i EngelskämnetMokre, Diana, Sheqi, Arta January 2022 (has links)
Studies have shown that when young EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners participate in oral collaboration tasks, it may have both positive and negative effects for them. Nearly all of the research done in this area has been carried out on older learners, which makes the information related to younger learners relatively narrow. In the last decade, however, research done with young learners has gradually increased. This has led to elementary school teachers being given a wider range of knowledge regarding oral collaborative tasks and their impact on their students. Through a handful of selected research carried out on young English learners, this study’s aim is to highlight both positive and negative impacts that oral collaboration tasks may have on students in elementary school (K3). All of the research from our selected articles was conducted through observation in the classroom, in which two of them included students’ own perceptions. Different factors can have an influence on oral collaboration tasks, such as patterns of interaction, task content, attitudes and feelings, and the teacher’s role.
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Vláknité mikromycety ve výuce na nižších sekundárních školách / Fibrous Micromycetes in Teaching at Lower Secondary SchoolsBábiková, Věra January 2021 (has links)
Filamentous microfungi play an important role in the environment and they can have either a positive impact on a man, e.g. in a form of medicine or food production, or a negative one, when filamentous microfungi may cause diseases or deteriorate food. Pupils usually start learning about filamentous microfungi in form 6 of a primary school, or they get some tangential information in the first year of an eight-year grammar school. In addition, in most of student's books, microfungi are incorrectly referred to as moulds, which is an unprofessional term. The objective of my thesis is to elaborate two practical tasks for the presence form of study in which pupils find out the difference between unicellular and multicellular fungal organisms, acquaint themselves with the fungal phytoparasite - mildew, take the substrate, make native and coloured mounts which are then observed under the microscope. The other two practical tasks have been elaborated for the distance form of study via exploration tasks, which can be carried out at home conditions. It means creation of a mycological garden and observation what kind of bakery products is more prone to be affected by microfungi. The other elaborated tasks relate to across-the-curriculum use of the filamentous microfungi topic in Maths and Czech, in which some...
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