Spelling suggestions: "subject:"taxifolin"" "subject:"buxifolia""
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Untersuchungen zur chemischen Verteidigung der invasiven Grünalge Caulerpa taxifoliaJung, Verena. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Jena.
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Le motif 1,3-enyne: un motif polyvalent Synthèse de métabolites issus des algues Caulerpa taxifolia et prolifera - synthèse d'époxyallenynol /Fécourt, Fabien Pale, Patrick. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse doctorat : Chimie Organique : Strasbourg 1 : 2006. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.
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Bioatividade de caulerpa taxifolia (VAHL) Agardh (1817), (Caulerpaceae) na angiogênese e na vasculogênese de células tumoraisSILVA, Evandro Valentim da 13 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Rodrigues de Lima (fernanda.rlima@ufpe.br) on 2018-09-21T20:49:46Z
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TESE Evandro Valentim da Silva.pdf: 4870288 bytes, checksum: df2b2f27d9c6c0e2bbf13e414f63b156 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-13 / CNPq / Dentre muitos mecanismos, a estimulação da angiogênese leva ao aumento da secreção de fatores vaso-indutores e diminuição dos inibidores. O presente estudo avaliou as interferências dos extratos hidroalcóolico (EHA - 50 μg/mL) e metanólico (EM - 50 μg/mL) de Caulerpa taxifolia no metabolismo energético e na Angiogênese de embriões de Gallus gallus domésticos L. Ovos vermelhos da raça Rhode Island Red de quatro lotes, foram incubados a 37º C, com viragem automática, para o estudo do metabolismo energético e da angiogênese. Os grupos foram distribuídose divididos em grupos controle, tratados EHA (50 μg/mL) e ME (50 μg/mL), e controle enriquecidos com ω-3, com e sem tumor. No estágio de 288 horas, o desenvolvimento foi interrompido. Os vasos foram quantificados e caracterizados morfologicamente e os embriões fotografados, fixados e processados. Os resultados do metabolismo energético indicaram que não houve diferença significativa entre grupos controle e tratado normal, contudo os animais com tumores induzidos com EHA e ME e os enriquecidos com ω-3 apresentaram resposta significativa quando comparados ao controle (p≤ 0,05). Foi observado que as propriedades físicas e a integridade estrutural da casca dos animais controle tumorado apresentaram anomalias de formação: casca rugosa, áspera e mole. Os parâmetros morfométricos não apresentaram significância entre os grupos (p≤ 0,05). Em relação a vasculogênese e angiogênese houve uma redução significativa entre grupos normais e tumorados. Os vasos apresentaram uma discreta redução do calibre quando comparado ao grupo controle (p≤ 0,05). O aspecto microscópico da membrana amniótica dos organismos tratados com o EHA e ME, dos grupos normal e tumorado mantiveram a morfologia preservada ao longo do tratamento. O tecido cardiovascular de embriões controle com tumor apresentou pontos hemorrágicos e uma congestão no lúmen do vaso, talvez em função da presença da malignidade das células. A microscopia da medula encefálica se manteve preservada. Nos embriões controle tumorados ela se apresentou pouco conservada, com vasos congestos na região do manto, possivelmente por interferência da ação do tumor no tecido analisado. Estes biocompostos apresentaram ainda efeito antivasculogênico e antiangiogênico, sem comprometer a anatomia macroscópica e microscópica dos organismos tratados durante o desenvolvimento embrionário. Diante do presente exposto, conclui-se que os compostos presentes nos extratos de Caulerpa taxifolia pode ser considerada um potencial agente antitumoral de origem marinha, que talvez atue nos mecanismos intrínsecos relacionados com a matriz extracelular, estabilizando e remodelando a estrutura vascular e a capacidade de indução da neovasculogênese. / The neovascularization is an important mechanism in tumor development, is responsible for nutritional support to cancer cells proliferating and establishing favorable conditions for metastatic spread. Among many mechanisms, stimulation of angiogenesis leads to increased secretion of vaso-inducing factors and decreased inhibitors. This study evaluated the interference of hydroalcoholic extracts (EHA - 50 mg / mL) and methanol (MS - 50 ug / ml) of Caulerpa taxifolia in energy metabolism and angiogenesis of Gallus gallus domesticus embryos L. Red breed eggs Rhode Island Red four batches were incubated at 37 C with automatic turning, for study of energy metabolism and angiogenesis. The groups were divided in control groups treated EHA (50 g / mL) and ME (50 ug / ml) and control enriched with ω-3, with and without tumor. In stage age of 288 hours, the development was stopped. The vessels were quantified and characterized morphologically and photographed embryos, fixed and processed. The results of energy metabolism showed no significant difference between control group and the normal treaty, yet tumorados animals treated with EHA and ME and enriched with ω-3 showed significant response compared to control (p ≤ 0.05). It was observed that the physical properties and structural integrity of the shell tumorado control animals showed formation of defects: rough skin, rough and soft. The morphometric parameters showed no significant difference between the groups (p ≤ 0.05). For vasculogenesis and angiogenesis was significantly reduced between normal groups and tumorados. The vessel had a slight reduction in size compared with the control group (p ≤ 0.05). The microscopic aspect of amniotic membrane bodies treated with EHA and ME, the tumorado groups remained normal and preserved morphology throughout the treatment. The cardiovascular tissue with tumor control embryos showed bleeding points and congestion in the vessel lumen, perhaps due to the presence of malignant cells. The brain marrow microscopy remained preserved. However, in tumorados control embryos she had just saved with congested vessels in the mantle region, possibly by tumor action of interference in the analyzed tissue. These biocompounds still had antivasculogênico and antiangiogenic effect without compromising the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of organisms treated during embryonic development. Given the above this, it is concluded that the compounds present solution in taxifolia Caulerpa extracts can be considered as a potential antitumor agent of marine origin, which may act on the intrinsic mechanisms related to the extracellular matrix, stabilizing and reshaping the vascular structure and inducibility of neovasculogenesis.
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Estudo toxicológico, atividade antioxidante e antitumoral da macroalga marinha Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) Agardh (1817) CAULERPACEAESILVA, Evandro Valentim da 31 January 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011 / As algas verdes que pertencem à família Caulerpaceae, são organismos verdes bentônicas, dotadas de um talo rastejante, formado por uma porção rizomatosa, que se expande ao longo do substrato. A Caulerpa taxifolia é típica de mares tropicais, introduzida acidentalmente na costa do mediterrâneo e Califórnia. Esta alga possui uma série de características que a tornam um invasor bem sucedido, e isso talvez se devam a um arsenal de produtos químicos por elas produzidos. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar as atividades toxicológicas, antioxidante e antitumoral Caulerpa taxifolia encontrada no mesolitoral Pernambuco. Para as analises toxicológicas e antitumoral foram utilizados camundongos albinos Swiss Mus musculus, e protocolos experimentais específicos para cada análise. A atividade antioxidante seguiu o me todo preconizado por Ruch (1989). De acordo com os dados obtidos o extrato aquoso de C. taxifolia apresentou efeito característico de uma substância estimulante do sistema nervoso central, bem como, atividade antitumoral significativa quando empregado no tratamento do carcinoma de Ehrlich. Ela se mostrou excelente agente antioxidante apresentando resultados superiores a substâncias sintéticas já utilizadas comercialmente
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Recherche de molécules non-toxiques actives en antifouling à partir d'organismes marins de MéditerranéeViano, Yannick 16 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Alors que les premières formes de vie sont apparues dans les océans il y a près de 4 milliards d'années, les premières espèces terrestres remontent seulement à 400 millions d'années. Malgré cela, les substances naturelles d'origine marine ne représentent que 10% de l'ensemble des molécules isolées à ce jour à partir d'organismes vivants. Ces composés chimiques sont pourtant très spécifiques du fait des particularités du Monde Marin. Au sein des organismes qui les biosynthétisent, ils peuvent notamment intervenir dans la défense chimique contre les parasites et les autres compétiteurs. Ces molécules apparaissent donc comme des alternatives potentielles aux oxydes du tributylétain (TBTO) présents dans les revêtements antifouling et interdits depuis 2008 en raison de leur toxicité. Dans ce contexte et dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec le Parc national de Port-Cros, l'étude de la composition chimique de plusieurs organismes marins méditerranéens, des algues vertes (Caulerpa taxifolia) et brunes (Dictyota sp., Dictyota dichotoma, Cystoseira foeniculacea) ainsi que des bryozoaires, a été entreprise. Ces travaux ont permis l'isolement et la caractérisation structurale d'une vingtaine de métabolites secondaires (dérivés terpéniques et lipidiques, stérols), parmi lesquels huit sont originaux. L'identification de l'ensemble de ces molécules a été réalisée par le biais de l'utilisation de différentes méthodes spectroscopiques (RMN 1D et 2D, SM-HR) et la stéréochimie de certaines d'entre-elles a été établie par RMN (expérience NOESY 1H-1H) et modélisation moléculaire. Des corrections de données spectrales ont été également proposées pour cinq composés connus. Par ailleurs, l'activité anti-adhésion de plusieurs métabolites issus d'algues a été évaluée vis-à-vis d'un biofilm bactérien marin (Pseudoalteromonas sp.) afin de déterminer leur potentiel en tant qu'agents antifouling : plusieurs de ces composés présente une activité intéressante (CE50 = 30 μM), certes inférieure à celle du TBTO (CE50 = 10 μM), mais largement supérieure à celles de co-biocides utilisés actuellement. Parallèlement à ces travaux, l'analyse des variations temporelles et spatiales de l'expression métabolique de certaines des espèces étudiées a été réalisée à des fins écologiques. D'une part, les extraits mensuels de C. taxifolia présentent généralement une activité anti-adhésion importante quand le taux de caulerpényne dans l'extrait est élevé. D'autre part, d'importantes fluctuations ont notamment été observées dans la composition chimique des bryozoaires Myriapora truncata et Pentapora fascialis en fonction de leur lieu de récolte.
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Caulerpa taxifolia growth dynamics and habitat value of native and invasive populationsDana Burfeind Unknown Date (has links)
Caulerpa taxifolia is a marine alga notorious for its introduction and subsequent colonization of the Mediterranean Sea. It is recognized as one of the 100 worst invasive species, and it is suggested that much of its expansion may have been at the expense of native seagrass beds. To date, the bulk of research on C. taxifolia has centred on quantifying expansion and methods of eradication. There are few quantitative data on the relationship between C. taxifolia growth and environmental characteristics (e.g. light, temperature, nutrients). Furthermore, once C. taxifolia has been introduced to a system it is exceptionally difficult and expensive to eradicate. Accordingly the implications, both positive and negative, of this new habitat type must be considered in the context of the new habitat mosaic into which it fits. Australia is unique in that it has both native and invasive populations of C. taxifolia. These populations offer not only an opportunity to examine the dynamics of C. taxifolia beds and their associated communities at different latitudes and temperature and light regimes, but especially in the context of a high diversity marine coastal environment. The objectives of this thesis were to use native (Moreton Bay, Queensland) and invasive (Pittwater, New South Wales and Port River, South Australia) populations of C. taxifolia to: 1) quantify the relationship between environmental drivers (light, temperature, nutrients) and C. taxifolia growth, and 2) examine differences in habitat use and function between seagrass, C. taxifolia, unvegetated substrate. Most of the locations in Australia where large C. taxifolia beds occur are adjacent to urban areas that have a degraded water quality. Manipulative experiments in Moreton Bay demonstrated that nutrients stimulate C. taxifolia growth, however, light availability and seasonality appear to influence the response of C. taxifolia growth to nutrients. Short-term manipulative experiments were conducted across a range of seasons and locations, to capture the effects of temperature on growth. Temperature was the dominant factor affecting rate of stolon extension in both native and invasive locations. Colonization potential of C. taxifolia appears to be driven by ambient water quality (light and nutrients) and bed expansion is driven by temperature in systems where nutrients are saturating. Epifaunal communities sampled by beam trawl were dominated by the families Palaeomonidae, Terapontidae, Scorpaenidae, Monacanthidae, Syngnathidae, Gobiidae, and were largely similar between seagrasses and C. taxifolia; however, syngnathids were absent from C. taxifolia beds. I examined habitat use patterns between seagrass (Zostera muelleri), C. taxifolia, and unvegetated substrate. Fish preferred seagrass to C. taxifolia; however, in the absence of a seagrass fish used C. taxifolia. While C. taxifolia may have similar structural benefits to some seagrasses, there are fewer food resources available within C. taxifolia beds. Furthermore, grazing may be limited to a few specialist grazers. Within the habitat mosaic, C. taxifolia will provide some benefit over an unvegetated substrate; however, that benefit might mask losses in system quality or resilience by decreasing the threshold level for change within the community. Therefore, should a perturbation occur (e.g. sudden drop in water temperature, filamentous algal bloom) a system comprised solely of seagrass could withstand such stress; however, a habitat mosaic of seagrass and C. taxifolia could have a rapid and dramatic loss in its ability to sustain a diverse faunal community. Ultimately, it is most important to protect the system from anthropogenic degradation so it is more resilient to environmental changes.
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Comparações morfo-anatômicas e químicas entre populações de Marcetia taxifolia (St. Hil.) DC. (Melastomataceae) nos campos rupestres da Serra do Cipó-MG / Morfo-anatomical and chemical comparisons between populations of Marcetia taxifolia (St. Hil.) DC. (Melastomataceae) in campos rupestres of the Serra of Cipó-MGFerreira, Karla Martins 22 March 2002 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2016-10-10T18:52:14Z
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Previous issue date: 2002-03-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Marcetia taxifolia (Melastomataceae) é uma espécie com distribuição ampla e disjunta encontrada nos campos rupestres da Serra do Cipó-MG, onde sofre a ação de inúmeros estresses ambientais. Este estudo pretendeu identificar, caracterizar e interpretar as alterações na morfologia, anatomia e química entre duas populações de M. taxifolia encontradas em áreas contínuas da Serra do Cipó-MG, relacionando as alterações observadas com a declividade da área, a composição do solo e a sazonalidade climática. As populações selecionadas de M. taxifolia encontram-se num pico pedregoso, com declividade de 30 0 e num platô arenoso, com declividade de 5 0 . Trinta exemplares de cada população foram acompanhados de maio/2000 a junho/2001. Foram medidos os seguintes parâmetros: altura da planta, número de eixos caulinares, diâmetro na base dos eixos caulinares, área de cobertura, área foliar, e peso seco. Lâminas permanentes e/ou semipermanentes de cortes transversais e paradérmicos da folha foram feitas para o estudo anatômico e quantificação das células e tecidos. Testes histoquímicos foram realizados em folhas para identificar derivados fenólicos, flavonóides, lipídios, alcalóides e amido. Perfis cromatográficos foram elaborados empregando-se as técnicas de Cromatografia em Camada Delgada (CCD) e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). Folhas de ambas as populações foram coletadas para análise de alocação de nutrientes. Amostras dos solos de ambas populações foram coletadas e análises de teores de nutrientes e de granulometria foram realizadas, assim como medida a umidade real do solo. Dados meteorológicos e das normais climatológicas foram obtidos da estação meteorológica de Diamantina-MG. Os parâmetros morfológicos mais significativos entre as populações foram a área foliar e o peso seco, apresentando maiores valores na população do platô. As plantas da população do platô apresentaram dois períodos de floração, enquanto a do pico não demonstrou nenhum. A folha de M. taxifolia é revoluta, dorsiventral, hipoestomática e apresenta tricomas tectores e glandulares em ambas as faces. Na histometria, os parâmetros mais significativos foram a altura das células epidérmicas adaxiais e a espessura da lâmina foliar, apresentando maiores valores para a população do platô. Nos testes histoquímicos, em ambas populações as reações foram positivas para derivados fenólicos, flavonóides e lipídios. Os perfis cromatográficos indicaram que a população do pico apresentou maior concentração de derivados fenólicos, principalmente flavonóides. As folhas da população do platô apresentaram maiores teores de N, Ca, Mg e S. O solo da população do platô apresentou maiores teores de nutrientes e de argila. Os dados de precipitação total no período amostrado refletiram o mesmo padrão que o balanço hídrico no período de 1972-1990. As variações morfológicas e químicas são mais evidentes do que as anatômicas. Alterações nos fatores edáficos, como declividade da área, granulometria e umidade do solo, são importantes para a caracterização dos fenótipos dos indivíduos das populações de M. taxifolia. Dessa forma, M. taxifolia apresenta grande capacidade adaptativa, alterando o seu fenótipo de acordo com o ambiente, demonstrando elevado grau de plasticidade fenotípica. / Marcetia taxifolia (Melastomataceae) is a species with wide and disjunctive distribution found in Campos Rupestres of the Serra do Cipó-MG, where it suffers the effects of countless environmental stresses. This study intends to identify, characterize and interpret the alterations in the morphology, anatomy and chemistry between two populations of M. taxifolia found in continuous areas of the Serra do Cipó-MG, relating the alterations observed with the steepness of the area, the composition of the soil and the climatic seasonality. The selected populations of M. taxifolia are located in a stony peak, with steepness of 30 0 and in a sandy plateau, with steepness of 5 0 . Thirty specimens of each population were accompanied from May/2000 to June/2001. They were measured the following parameters: height, branches quantity, stem base diameter, covering area, leaf area and dry weight. Permanent and semi permanent slides of leaves transverse and paradermic cuts were made for the anatomical study and quantification of the cells and tissues. Histochemical tests were accomplished in leaves to identify lipids, phenol, flavonoids, alkaloids and starch. Chromatography profiles were elaborated using techniques of thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Leaves of both populations were collected for nutrient allocation analyses. Soil samples from both populations were collected and analyses of nutrient content and granulometry were accomplished, as well as measured the real humidity of the soil. Meteorological data were obtained from meteorological station of Diamantina-MG. The most significant morphological parameters among the populations were the leaf area and the dry weight, presenting large values in the plateau population. The plants of the plateau population presented two flower periods, while the one of the peak didn't demonstrate any. The leaf of M. taxifolia is revoluted, dorsiventral, hipostomatic and it presents tectores and glandular tricomes in both faces. The most significant histometric parameters were the height of the cells on the adaxial side of the epidermal and the thickness of the leaf, presenting large values for the plateau population. In the histochemical tests, both populations the reactions were positive for lipids, phenol and flavonoids. The chromatography profiles indicated that the peak population presents larger concentration of phenolic compounds, mainly flavonoids. The leaves of the plateau population presented larger contents of N, Ca, Mg and S. The soil of the plateau population presented larger contents of nutrients and clay. The data of total precipitation in the studied period reflected the same pattern that the water balance during period of 1972-1990. The morphological and chemical variations are more evident than the anatomical ones. Differences between edaphic factors, as steepness of the area, granulometry and humidity of the soil, are important for the characterization of the individual phenotypes of the populations of M. taxifolia. Therefore, M. taxifolia presented greater adaptative capacity, altering its phenotype in agreement with the environmental, demonstrating high degree of phenotypic plasticity. / Dissertação importada do Alexandria
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The Next "killer" Algae? Assessing And Mitigating Invasion Risk For Aquarium Strains Of The Marine Macroalgal Genus ChaetomorphaOdom, Rachel 01 January 2012 (has links)
Biological invasions threaten the ecological integrity of natural ecosystems. Anthropogenic introductions of non-native species can displace native flora and fauna, altering community compositions and disrupting ecosystem services. One often-overlooked vector for such introductions is the release of aquarium organisms into aquatic ecosystems. Following detrimental aquarium-release invasions by the "killer alga" Caulerpa taxifolia, aquarium hobbyists and professions began promoting the use of other genera of macroalgae as "safe" alternatives. The most popular of these marine aquarium macroalgae, the genus Chaetomorpha, is analyzed here for invasion risk. Mitigation strategies are also evaluated. I found that the propensity for reproduction by vegetative fragmentation displayed by aquarium strains of Chaetomorpha poses a significant invasion threat—fragments of aquarium Chaetomorpha are able to survive from sizes as small as 0.5 mm in length, or one intact, live cell. Fragments of this size and larger are generated in large quantities in online and retail purchases of Chaetomorpha, and introduction of these fragments would likely result in viable individuals for establishment in a variety of geographic and seasonal environmental conditions. Mitigation of invasion risk was assessed in two ways—rapid response to a potential introduction by chemical eradication and prevention through safe hobbyist disposal. I tested the effectiveness of five chemicals used as algicides and found that acetic acid was highly effective at limiting survival and growth of aquarium Chaetomorpha. Chlorine bleach, copper sulfate and rock salt were effective at limiting growth but were inconsistent or ineffective in reducing survival of algal fragments. The algicide Sonar limited neither survival nor growth. If aquarium strains of iii Chaetomorpha are released, chemical eradication presents a viable management strategy, particularly through the use of acetic acid. A more cost-effective strategy, however, would be preventing introductions; thus safe alternatives to release were determined for hobbyist disposal of unwanted or excess aquarium Chaetomorpha. Here I present the minimum exposure durations necessary to induce full mortality of aquarium Chaetomorpha through boiling, microwaving, freezing, desiccation and exposure to freshwater. Hobbyist disposal by any of these methods would constitute safe alternatives to introduction of the alga into natural environments. Such preventative measures will inform outreach campaigns in order to limit the potential for aquarium-release introduction.
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Etude de l'impact de l'algue envahissante Caulerpa taxifolia sur les peuplements de poissons. Etude approfondie sur une espèce « modèle » : Symphodus ocellatus (Labridae)LEVI, Flora 22 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié les mécanismes d'impact de l'algue envahissante Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh sur les poissons en Méditerranée, en particulier à l'aide d'une étude approfondie sur une espèce « modèle » : Symphodus ocellatus (Forsskål). Un suivi des peuplements de poissons ainsi que des expérimentations in situ ont été réalisés au niveau du département des Alpes-Maritimes, sur des milieux colonisés par l'algue et des milieux témoins. Caulerpa taxifolia qui forme des prairies de frondes très denses et hautes, de la fin de l'été jusqu'au début de l'hiver, représente une gêne physique pour l'accès à la nourriture benthique et aux microhabitats. Le suivi de deux récifs artificiels crées in situ a montré que l'envasement et l'obstruction de cavités par C. taxifolia diminuent la capacité d'accueil d'un milieu rocheux pour la faune ichtyologique. La raréfaction d'abris convenables mène à une augmentation de la mortalité des petits individus par prédation. L'étude de contenus digestifs ainsi que des acides gras corporels chez S. ocellatus montre un changement de régime alimentaire sur les milieux envahis (augmentation de la consommation de plancton au détriment des proies benthiques). En aquarium, nous avons montré que l'accessibilité aux proies benthiques diminue avec la densification de l'algue. Nous avons observé in situ que C. taxifolia pose également le problème de l'accès et de la détection des proies benthiques pour les rougets de roche Mullus surmuletus. Sur les milieux colonisés, le bilan énergétique global se traduit par des déficits de 21% dans le contenu lipidique corporel chez les jeunes S. ocellatus et de 59% dans les lipides de stockage du foie ainsi que par un déficit pondéral au niveau du foie et des ovaires chez les femelles reproductrices. Cependant, la qualité des œufs n'est pas affectée. Par ailleurs, in situ, les toxines de C. taxifolia n'ont pas d'influence sur le succès de développement embryonnaire de S. ocellatus.
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Forest structure and regeneration dynamics of podocarp/hardwood forest fragments, Banks Peninsula, New ZealandWillems, Nancy January 1999 (has links)
Although species maintenance in small forest fragments relies on successful regeneration and recruitment, few studies have examined the effects of fragmentation on regeneration processes. New Zealand's podocarp species rely on large disturbance openings operating across a vegetated landscape to stimulate regeneration. Clearance of vegetation that results in small fragments of forest removes regeneration opportunities for podocarps by destroying the intact vegetation mosaic, and as a result may exclude disturbances of the scale necessary for podocarp regeneration. Fragmentation alters the disturbance regime of the landscape, with important implications for the regeneration of podocarps on Banks Peninsula. The four remaining lowland podocarp-hardwood fragments on Banks Peninsula were sampled to determine the structure and regeneration patterns of podocarps and to assess their long term viability. Density, basal area, and size and age class distributions were used to examine current composition, and in conjunction with spatial analysis, to identify past regeneration patterns and infer likely future changes in composition and population structure. Podocarp size and age class structures for three of the four fragments were characteristically even-sized and relatively even-aged (eg; Prumnopitys taxifolia c. 350 to 600 years), with little or no regeneration for approximately the last 200 years (old-growth fragments). Regeneration of the current podocarp canopy in the old-growth fragments may have been stimulated by flooding. The fourth younger fragment showed much more recent regeneration with Prumnopitys taxifolia, Podocarpus totara and Dacrycarpus dacrydioides mostly 80-160 years old, and substantial populations of seedlings and saplings, probably as a result of anthropogenic fire. In the absence of major disturbance the podocarp component in forest fragments on Banks Peninsula is likely to decline with composition shifting towards dominance by hardwood species. There is some evidence to suggest that canopy collapse will stimulate some podocarp regeneration within the fragments, however it appears to be unlikely that podocarps will persist on Banks Peninsula indefinitely within the fragments studied. There is an urgent need for more quantitative research in New Zealand fragmentation literature, and a need for more emphasis on processes. Banks Peninsula offers potential for a more landscape scale approach in forest management, and the maintenance of regenerating scrub in pockets about the Peninsula may offer the regeneration opportunities for podocarps that are lacking within protected fragments. My study took a quantitative approach in examining the effects of forest fragmentation on the demographics of podocarps and compositional change in forest fragments on Banks Peninsula.
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