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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení daně z příjmů podle pomůcek / Income Tax Determination According to Materials and Information

Svoboda, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the procedure of the tax administrator in case of non-fulfillment of the prescribed duties imposed on the taxpayer during the proving and the subsequent transition to the tax determination according to instruments. The introductory part defines the basic theoretical concepts of tax administration and the way in which tax is determined. The analytical part is devoted to the current jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court focused on the issue of tax determination according to instruments. The result is a proposal of the methodical procedure of the tax administrator for tax assessment according to instruments is compiled, which is subsequently applied on model examples.

Vybraná specifika DPH pro příspěvkovou organizaci / Selected Specifications of VAT in the Area of Allowance Organizations

Korvasová, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The Master´s thesis discourse on the problem of value added tax in allowance organizations. The bases of the thesis are legislative sources related to the issues, primarily Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value added tax. The practical part of the Master´s thesis concerns the particular allowance organisation named Lipka – school facility for environmental education. The thesis intended to be a guidance document on application of the value added tax act.

Mezinárodní zdanění příjmů daňového rezidenta České republiky s příjmy z USA / International Income Taxation of Resident of the Czech Republic with Incomes from USA

Krčová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on taxation of employment income of a resident of the Czech Republic who receives income from sources within the United States of America. It analyzes the relevant convention for the avoidance of double taxation and domestic as well as foreign tax legislation. Basing on the analysis, methodology for determination of tax liability of a defined taxpayer is suggested at simultaneous utilization of available means of tax optimization.

Vliv daňové zátěže na obchodování s nemovitostmi / Tax Impact on Real Property Trading

Pavlíčková, Radka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on tax field concerning real property trading. Firstly basic terms and tax breakdown are described. Within the thesis tax impact will be comared by simulating different situations which may happen when buying, selling, rating or donation and inheritance of real estate brood over individuals and last but not leaf legal entities point of view.

Investiční fond jako akciová společnost s proměnným základním kapitálem / Investment fund as an investment company with variable capital

Kaleta, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Investment fund as an investment company with variable capital Abstract The diploma thesis deals with an investment company with variable capital ("SICAV"), with its status and specialities. SICAV which is basically a special kind of a public limited company differs from a regular public limited company in many ways which puts high demands on the legislator who has to be precious while accepting new legislation, especially the tax legislation, not to make gaps and contradictions at the law. In the introductory part, the thesis describes a significant specialities of SICAV, then it tries to find a problematic provisions of the law with respect to SICAV. Then the thesis aims to resolving of such problematic provisions, which is made especially by a method of analysis, and others methods commonly used to interpretation of legal texts. The first part of the thesis aims to definition of SICAV as an investment fund. The difference between funds of collective investment and funds of qualified (professional) investors, which are two main categories of investment funds in the Czech law, are highlighted here. Some of characters are analysed in more detail here as well. Especially the principle of publicity needs to be adjudicated in relation to every single sub-fund of SICAV independently. When it comes to analysis...

Taxation implications arising from South African residents owning or having a tax interest in fixed property in Greece

Whitfield, Royden Bryan 31 January 2008 (has links)
This study investigates, identifies and provides flowchart summaries of the various forms of taxation in South Africa and to a lesser extent Greece affecting South African residents who own or have financed fixed property in Greece. These residents have to comply with the Income Tax and Estate Duty Acts in South Africa and the relevant taxation laws in Greece. An amnesty gave South Africans an opportunity to voluntarily declare their fixed properties and to regularise their foreign assets and tax affairs without the fear prosecution. The practical application of the various taxation provisions in both countries is extremely complex and often residents are not even aware that certain provisions apply to them. In addition there is the risk of paying nearly double the marginal rate of Income Tax and Estate Duty in South Africa and double taxation on donations. This study also provides suggestions and possible solutions to problems identified. / Taxation / M. Tech. (Taxation)

The winds of change : an analysis and appraisal of selected constitutional issues affecting the rights of taxpayers

Goldswain, George Kenneth 09 May 2013 (has links)
Prior to 1994, South African taxpayers had little protection from fiscal legislation or the decisions, actions or conduct of the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) that violated their common law rights. Parliament reigned supreme and in tax matters, the strict and literal approach to the interpretation of statutes was employed, with the judiciary often quoting the mantra that there is “no equity about tax”. The Income Tax Act (Act No 58 of 1962) was littered with discriminatory and unfair provisions based on age, religion, sex and marital status. Even unreasonable decisions taken by SARS could not be reviewed by the judiciary as “unreasonableness” was not a ground for review of the exercise of a discretion by SARS. On 27 April 1994, the constitutional order changed. Parliamentary supremacy was replaced with constitutional supremacy and the rights to privacy, equality, human dignity, property and just administrative action were codified in a Bill of Rights. The codification of these fundamental rights has materially changed the nature and extent of the rights of South African taxpayers. The objective of this thesis, therefore, is to identify, analyse and discuss South African taxpayers’ rights from a constitutional perspective. The following major conclusions can be drawn from the research done: - the judiciary have been forced to reappraise their approach to the interpretation of statutes from a “strict and literal” to a “purposive” approach that is in accordance with the values underpinning the new constitutional order; - new legislation has amended some of the so-called “reverse” onus of proof provisions that were constitutionally unsound – this should result in greater fairness and consistency for affected taxpayers especially in the area of when penalties may be imposed; - the concept of clean hands and good facts can influence the judiciary when arguing that a taxpayer’s right to just administrative action has been violated; and - discriminatory and unfair legislation and conduct on the part of SARS may and should be attacked on a substantive law basis, especially where human dignity is at stake. The overall conclusion is that taxpayers’ rights are more far-reaching than prior to 1994 but still have some way to go before they are fully interpreted and developed. / Accounting Science / D.Compt.

La fraude et l'évasion fiscales : regards croisés France et Emirats Arabes Unis / Tax evasion and tax avoidance : France and the United Arab Emirates overwiew of comparables

Rycx-Tekaya, Aude 30 March 2012 (has links)
La fraude et l’évasion fiscales focalisent l’attention des Gouvernements depuis la crise financière de 2008 bien que le problème soit ancien. Face à l’ampleur d’une crise aux conséquences dramatiques, les gouvernements ont pris conscience de l’urgence d’une action efficace. La lutte contre ces pratiques prend une ampleur nouvelle depuis qu’elle est considérée comme un enjeu majeur. Jusqu’à présent les fraudeurs bénéficiaient d’une certaine clémence mais les scandales récents qui ont éclaté mettant en cause des paradis fiscaux, jumelés à la crise qui fait rage, leur ont fait prendre un tout autre visage. Beaucoup d’Etats qui rechignaient jusqu’alors à coopérer en matière fiscale se sont vus contraints de le faire face à la pression internationale grandissante.L’étude fait apparaître que les paradis fiscaux ne sont pas les seuls responsables de la crise. Le problème de la fraude et de l’évasion doit être pensé dans un cadre global. La théorisation des notions de fraude et d’évasion, nous permettra de comprendre les raisons des pratiques qui s’y rattachent et les conséquences qu’elles peuvent avoir. L’exemple des Emirats Arabes Unis éclairera les raisons qui font de certains territoires de véritables pôles d’attractivité pour les entreprises et les particuliers. Force sera de constater qu’elles ne sont pas seulement fiscales.Face à l’internationalisation, les Etats ne peuvent plus de nos jours réagir de manière nationale et isolée. La réponse se doit d’être internationale et concertée. Ainsi, après avoir étudié les moyens de lutte contre ces pratiques dommageables qu’utilise l’administration fiscale, nous verrons comment cette dernière tente de poursuivre cet objectif sans pour autant porter préjudice aux droits et aux garanties du contribuable. Mots clefs français : impôt, fraude, évasion fiscale, contrôle fiscal, protection du contribuable, paradis fiscaux, offshore, délocalisation, zone franche, Emirats Arabes Unis, lutte contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscale / Although the matter is old-dated, the Governments have focused their attentions on tax evasion and tax avoidance since the 2008 financial crisis,. Facing a major crisis with dramatic aftermaths, the governments have become aware of the urgent need of an efficient action. Considered as a major stake, the fight against these practices is now taking a new scale. Until now the tax evaders benefited from a certain leniency but the recent scandals which broke are questioning the tax havens, that are associated to the raging crisis and gave them quite a different face. Many States, which until then balk at cooperating about tax matters, were obliged to do so in front of the growing international pressure. Our study demonstrates that the tax havens are not the only responsible to the crisis. The tax evasion and tax avoidance problem must be thought in a global frame. The theorization of the notions of tax evasion and tax avoidance, will allow us to understand the reasons and the consequences of these practices. The example of the United Arab Emirates will put into light the reasons that make certain territories real attractive poles for companies and individuals. It will be noticed that these reasons aren’t fiscal only. Due to globalization, the States can’t nowadays react anymore in a national and isolated way. The answer owes to be global and broadly discussed.Thus, after having studied the tools used by the tax authority to fight against these harmful practices, we will see how the tax authority is trying to pursue its goal without being prejudicial to the rights and the guarantees of the taxpayer. Keywords : tax, tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax investigation, taxpayer protection, tax heavens, offshore, relocation, free zone, the United Arab Emirates, fight against tax evasion and tax avoidance.

Taxation implications arising from South African residents owning or having a tax interest in fixed property in Greece

Whitfield, Royden Bryan 31 January 2008 (has links)
This study investigates, identifies and provides flowchart summaries of the various forms of taxation in South Africa and to a lesser extent Greece affecting South African residents who own or have financed fixed property in Greece. These residents have to comply with the Income Tax and Estate Duty Acts in South Africa and the relevant taxation laws in Greece. An amnesty gave South Africans an opportunity to voluntarily declare their fixed properties and to regularise their foreign assets and tax affairs without the fear prosecution. The practical application of the various taxation provisions in both countries is extremely complex and often residents are not even aware that certain provisions apply to them. In addition there is the risk of paying nearly double the marginal rate of Income Tax and Estate Duty in South Africa and double taxation on donations. This study also provides suggestions and possible solutions to problems identified. / Taxation / M. Tech. (Taxation)

Daň z příjmu fyzických osob u vybrané OSVČ zabývající se ubytovacími službami / Personal income tax of self-employer dealing with accommodation services

ZÁVODSKÁ, Iveta January 2011 (has links)
Tax on personal income is one of the direct taxes. Certainly it isn´t one of the simplest. It affects all taxable income of individuals. Based on Income taxes Act, it addresses the issue of income taxation of individuals and legal persons. Some questions are defined for both taxes together. Significant differences are mainly in the construction of the tax base and consequently the tax rates. Tax on personal income is the third most important source of the state budget. I have tried to describe the tax system in the Czech Republic. Then I have focused mainly on tax on personal income. I also tried to highlight the most important changes that have occurred in recent years. Practical part of the thesis is focused on the income taxation of the self-employed. I chose businesswoman who runs a small guesthouse in Český Krumlov. I analyzed the tax actually paid during the last five years, trying to find a suitable alternative tax base calculation, which would allow tax savings.

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