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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Pre-service Teachers' Beliefs about Diversity on Science Teaching and Learning

Brand, Brenda R. 28 April 1998 (has links)
The influences of the background experiences of five pre-service Science teachers on their beliefs about diversity were the focus for this study. These individuals were followed throughout their teacher preparation program. The data for this study consisted of interviews, conducted before and after entering the field. Data also consisted of any relevant written assignments. The data for this study were analyzed according to emerging themes, depicting initial beliefs and any changes in the beliefs occurring over time. The results of this study were organized into vignettes, telling each story from before and after the students entered the program. Three themes emerged from an analysis and interpretation of the vignettes: (1) Early life experiences shaped the pre-service teachers' sense of identity and influenced their beliefs on diversity, (2) Experiences with diversity influenced pre-service teachers' philosophy of teaching, and (3) Experiences with diversity during the teacher preparation program challenged or confirmed pre-service teachers' preexisting beliefs. The implications from this study suggest that pre-service teachers need challenging experiences in diverse classroom settings that will promote an expansion of their beliefs, enabling them to cross cultural borders. / Ph. D.

Science Teachers' Understanding and Use of Instructional Strategies Within the 4 x 4 Block Schedule

Grosshans, Kurt 24 August 2006 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research was to investigate how science teachers engaged students under the 4 x 4 block schedule and how the teachers' understanding of how they used instructional strategies influenced their lessons. As an inquiry-based approach has been adopted by the National Science Standards, research has suggested that block scheduling provides more time for teachers to incorporate varied teaching strategies such as inquiry-based teaching. This research investigated the questions: What instructional strategies do science teachers use to engage students on the 4 x 4 block schedule? How do science teachers understand their use of instructional strategies? The methodology was qualitative in nature and involved a multiple case study of three high school science teachers at a large rural county high school. Data sources included pre-observation interviews, classroom observations, post-observation interviews, and the collection of documents and artifacts such as lesson plans, student hand-outs, worksheets, laboratory exercises, homework and other document(s) the teacher used to prepare for or implement a lesson. The evidence observed in this study, suggests that the strategies used by these three science teachers remain mostly didactic in nature. Although the teachers reported in the interview phase that they use a wide variety of strategies, what was observed within the 4 x 4 block structure was the use of didactic strategies, not different strategies. Although the teachers were aware of more holistic strategies, such as inquiry-based and cooperative learning, they were not adopted nor adapted within the lesson. The three teachers used strategies that were consistent with their scientific realist views concerning the nature of science. These scientific realist philosophies are antithetical to a social constructivist approach to teaching and learning, which is what the National Research Council suggests science teachers adopt. / Ed. D.

Skrivande för hand eller skrivande på dator - en intervjustudie om lärares inställningar

Bjurling, Ofelia, Hoas, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Den här studien utforskar sju lärares inställningar och reflektioner angående skrivande för hand och skrivande på dator i undervisningen via kvalitativa intervjuer, med fokus på kontexten av inlärning och textskapande. Med utgångspunkt i lärarnas övertygelser, och teorin teacher beliefs undersöker studien hur lärarna anser att skrivundervisningen bör se ut och vad lärarna har för inställningar och praxis angående skrivundervisningen. Forskningen tar avstamp ur ett sociokulturellt-, kognitivt- och neurodidaktiskt perspektiv vid undersökningen och tydliggör därigenom lärarnas inställningar i förhållande till de båda skrivsätten. Via intervjuer av sju olika mellanstadielärare som undervisar i svenskämnet utreder studien deras inställning till skrivsätten samt hur de anser att de implementerar skrivsätten i deras egen skrivundervisning.  Resultatet avslöjar en nyanserad förståelse av rollerna vilka båda skrivsätten har gällande elevers akademiska och personliga utveckling. Lärare betonar kognitiva aspekter rörande minne och inlärning och vilka fördelar skrivande för hand bidrar med tack vare elevernas användning av finmotorik när de formar bokstäver och meningar. De lyfter även effektiviteten och tillgängligheten till lärverktyg vid skrivande på dator och hur dessa gagnar elevernas textskapande samt läs- och skrivkunnighet i omfattande mån. Studiens resultat understryker vikten av att noggrant överväga valet av skrivsätt samt beakta sammanhang och pedagogiska mål vid integrering av skrivsätten i undervisningen. Genom att erkänna båda skrivsättens varierade fördelar och användningsområden kan lärare anpassa sin undervisning utefter elevernas individuella behov för att främja literacy och lärande.

It Matters: The Pedagogical Impact of Civics Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs on Democratic Education Practices

Spinale, Christopher D. 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the attitudes and beliefs of four civic and United States government teachers on democratic education practices. The first part of the study investigated the methods and approaches these teachers use to foster the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to a democracy’s survival by understanding how they construct their own meaning concerning elements of democratic education. Through interviews, instructional observations, and document analysis, an evaluation of the role and impact of teacher beliefs and attitudes on democratic education practices gleaned insight into how these teachers construct, interpret, and share their understanding as a condition of building civic capacity within their students. Findings showed their beliefs and attitudes did matter in how they approached their instruction and use of democratic education practices. Despite expressing positive views regarding their inclusion into their instruction, teacher discomfort and lack of confidence in engaging students in this form of instruction determined whether or not they utilized these practices. Preventions and recommendations were made for ways in which teacher discomfort and lack of confidence may be addressed to overcome the lack of use of democratic education practices in instruction, as well as a framework for approaching the teaching of K-12 civics.

Pronunciation Pedagogy: Second Language Teacher Cognition and Practice

Baker, Amanda A 07 May 2011 (has links)
Over the past few decades, increasing research has examined the cognitions (knowledge and beliefs) of second language (L2) teachers. Such efforts have provided insight into what constitutes teachers' beliefs and knowledge about teaching, how these cognitions have developed and how they are reflected in classroom practice (see Borg, 2006). Although numerous studies have been conducted into the curricular areas of L2 grammar and, to a lesser extent, L2 literacy, far fewer have examined L2 teachers' cognitions concerning L2 pronunciation instruction. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to explore some of the dynamic relationships that exist between L2 teachers’ cognitions and actual pedagogical practices, how these cognitions have developed over time, and what relationships exist between both students’ and teachers’ perceptions. In the study, the cognitions and practices - as they relate to the teaching of L2 pronunciation - of five experienced teachers in an Intensive English program were investigated. The teachers participated in three types of data collection procedures over one semester - three semi-structured interviews, five classroom observations, and two stimulated recall interviews. Also, their students completed questionnaires. Findings revealed that, in terms of the development of teachers' cognitions, a graduate course dedicated to pronunciation pedagogy had the greatest impact of the teachers’ cognitions. In addition, all teachers experienced some degree of insecurity about teaching pronunciation. This was especially true for teachers who had never taken a course in pronunciation pedagogy. Yet even those teacher with specific training in pronunciation pedagogy lacked confidence in certain areas, especially in how to diagnose and address problems with pronunciation. Furthermore, some of the teachers were hesitant to assess students' pronunciation, fearing that negative feedback might be damaging to the learners' identities. However, through viewing the results of the student questionnaires, the participant-teachers were surprised to learn that students favored receiving explicit feedback in class in front of their peers over other types of feedback. One final major finding was that the teachers predominantly employed controlled techniques when teaching pronunciation and that, of all the techniques used, guided techniques were used less frequently.

Exploring the Relationship between English Composition Teachers' Beliefs about Written Feedback and Their Written Feedback Practices

Vandercook, Sandra 15 December 2012 (has links)
For teachers of freshman English composition, the most time-consuming aspect of teaching is responding to student papers (Anson, 2012; Straub, 2000b). Teachers respond in various ways, but most teachers agree that they should offer written feedback to students (Beach & Friedrich, 2006). However, little research has been conducted to determine how teachers’ written feedback practices reflect their beliefs about the purpose of such feedback. This qualitative study explores the relationship between English composition teachers’ beliefs about written feedback and their actual written feedback practices. The participants were a sample of four instructors of freshman English composition at a mid-sized metropolitan public university. Interviews, classroom observations, course documents, and samples of teachers’ written comments were analyzed to determine teachers’ written response practices and their beliefs related to the purposes of freshman writing and their roles as writing teachers. Results suggest that teachers were aware of their beliefs, and their written response practices were consistent with their beliefs. Teachers utilized different approaches to respond to student writing, but those approaches are consistent with current recommendations for responding to student writing. Three major themes emerged from the study. First, teachers must be given the opportunity to reflect about and articulate their beliefs about written response so they will know why they respond in the way they do. Second, teachers work within the boundaries of their specific writing program to organize their written responses to student writing. Third, teachers must respond to student writing from varying perspectives as readers of the text. The findings support studies which indicate that written response is a sociocultural practice and teacher beliefs are just one aspect of the complex nature of teacher written response. The study should add to the fields of response theory and the formation of teacher beliefs.

Creating and Recreating Theory, Praxis, and Professional Development

Chavez, Kathryn J., Chavez, Kathryn J. January 2016 (has links)
This study investigated two questions: a) What is the relationship between reflection and professional development? and b) What is the role of reflection in teachers' instructional decision-making? Teachers are often conflicted by competing theories (e.g. behaviorist vs. constructivist) and principles (progressives vs. essentialists) at both national and state levels. Other sources of conflict teachers encounter stem from standards-based teaching, student assessments and teacher evaluations. For over eighty years educational theorists (e.g., Dewey, 1933; Fenstermacher, 1994; Schon, 1983) have suggested that reflection is an important key for resolving conflict and improving curriculum and instruction. Yet, top-down professional development models currently prevail rather than creative, individualized models that are designed to encourage reflective thinking and support teacher growth. Research has suggested that although reflection is necessary, reflective thinking can be challenging for teachers. For example, the Reading Instruction Study (RIS) (Richardson & Anders, 1994), which this study is patterned after, found that teachers who examine and link theory to their practice were more likely to change when their beliefs were challenged. In addition, other researchers (e. g., Wildman & Niles; 1987; Wlodarsky & Walters, 2006; Woolley & Woolley, 1999) have suggested that there are differences in reflection among more experienced teachers versus novice teachers. This study considers differences in reflective thinking. This instrumental case study (Stake, 1995) examined the reflective thinking of four teachers (two 3rd grade and two 6th grade) using practical argument (Fenstermacher, 1994) as a tool for analyzing their practices. Belief statements served to bridge theory and practice encouraging teachers to be more coherent in their classroom decision-making and instructional practices. The professional development sessions offered throughout this process provided opportunities for teachers to reflect. Results revealed that participants' reflected in and on practice in different ways that seemed to bring about a change. Not only did articulating beliefs provide opportunities for teachers to examine and link theory to practice, practical arguments provided a means for examining inconsistencies between beliefs and practice, differences in reflective language, and the dimensions of reflective thinking used by teachers with varying degrees of experience. Findings further suggest that when challenged, beliefs change. The language revealed in participants' reflections varied between every day and academic depending upon their dimension of reflective thinking. Language mattered. Not only was movement between personal and public theories impeded by a lack of academic language, movement throughout the five dimensions of reflective (Griffiths & Tann,1992) thinking was likewise hindered by a lack of academic language. Implications are provided for teacher education, professional development and further research. Conclusions call for educators and policy makers to recognize the complexities of teaching, the importance of reflection in coping with conflict, and the need for change in prevailing professional development models.

Investigating the impact of field verses university-based science methods on preservice teachers' belief and abilities to design inquiry-based science instruction for diverse learners

Gatling, Anne Pfitzner January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Michael G. Barnett / Elementary science instruction and teacher preparation need improvement for various reasons: 1) preservice teachers lack opportunities to experience (Windschitl, 2003) or observe (Smith, 1999) inquiry science, 2) pre-service teachers have even fewer opportunities to practice teaching science in a classroom settings (Hewson, Tabachnick, Zeichner, & Lemberger, 1999); and 3) methods courses and field experiences fail to provide proper scaffolding and support for science teaching (Crawford, 1999). One way to improve preservice teacher growth and understanding in teaching inquiry science is through supported field based teaching experiences (Eick, Ware, & Williams, 2003). However, research is necessary to examine how innovative field-based science methods courses compare to traditional, university-based science methods course. This mixed methods study compares the experiences of thirty-two preservice teachers with a specific focus on four preservice teachers involved in either a field-based science methods course or a university-based science methods course. It examines the impact of the two courses on preservice teachers' confidence in teaching science content and beliefs regarding the role of inquiry-based science instruction with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Data sources included a pre/post survey that was distributed to preservice teachers in both courses, with additional interviews and final unit reviews for each of the four preservice teacher case studies. Themes were identified and re-examined through an analysis of the data which informed the development of four case studies, two from each class, to investigate specific trends between the two methods courses. Findings indicate that both field- and university-based instruction have strengths and weaknesses. This research suggests that field-based methods have a stronger impact on improving preservice teachers' beliefs and skills in regard to designing inquiry-based instruction for diverse students, while university-based course promotes greater confidence in preservice teachers' ability to teach different science content areas. However, preservice teachers in both courses struggled to create inquiry-based science lessons where students used evidence to support claims or construct explanations. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

The teaching of speaking : an investigation into the relationship between teachers' beliefs and practices in Kazakhstani state secondary school EFL classrooms

Tleuov, Askat January 2017 (has links)
The current study is an attempt to provide insights into the nature of tensions and consistencies between teachers’ belief-practice relationships and how these impact on teaching practices. The study aims to address three main research gaps. Firstly, it explores EFL teachers’ belief-practice consistency level in relation to the teaching of speaking, an understudied curricular domain. Secondly, the phenomenon is examined from two major perspectives: teachers’ perceptions of their own pedagogical contexts and their core-peripheral belief systems, thus using a multi-perspective approach which is usually not the case with other studies in the field. Finally, the study took place in Kazakhstani secondary school EFL classrooms, a geographical context which has not featured at all in the language teacher cognition literature to date. Using a multiple-case design and multiple methods of data collection, the research project explored the relationship between four EFL teachers’ stated beliefs and classroom practices in relation to the teaching of speaking. The teachers were interviewed and observed over a period of nine months. The findings provide evidence of how speaking instruction unfolded in the classroom and the multiplicity of factors which shaped teacher decision-making and behavior. Specifically, the insights from my study highlight the impact of a) teachers’ perceptions of their pedagogical contexts, b) their core and peripheral beliefs, and c) the interaction of all these factors on the enactment of their speaking instruction beliefs. These findings carry important implications for the field of language teacher cognition, and for teacher education and professional development.

Teacher Beliefs and the Instructional Practices of National Board Certified High School English Teachers.

Drinnon, Rebecca Lee 13 December 2008 (has links)
This mixed-methods study explored the instructional methods that accomplished high school English teachers use in their classrooms to improve understanding of how those methods are influenced by the teachers' beliefs. A survey regarding classroom practices and beliefs was sent to 313 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in English Language Arts--Adolescence and Young Adulthood across the United States with a response rate of 50.8%. From these data, I analyzed the variety and frequency of practices experienced teachers use and the beliefs that influence teachers' instructional decisions. I then conducted follow-up interviews and classroom observations with selected survey participants from North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio and explored further the beliefs and motivations of those teachers who were both typical and outlying according to their survey responses. The study found that factors such as school setting, educational level, and gender had little impact on teachers' instructional strategies, although a relationship was found between gender and approach to teaching literature. The study also found that reading instruction dominated the classroom instruction of those teachers, with writing instruction a distant second. In addition, those NBCTs were found to be teachers who developed positive relationships with students, created student-centered classrooms, challenged students academically, and were dedicated to being lifelong learners. In the end, 3 distinct teacher types were identified: teachers who focus on English as a discipline, teachers who focus on more generalized educational goals, and teachers who focus on their students' emotional well-being. However, the study suggests that all the teachers who participated in the study formed a fairly homogenous group regardless of their differences and that teachers' own educational experiences in school played a more significant role in determining their classroom behaviors than did their educational beliefs.

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