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Processus et méthodes pour la résolution de problèmes interdisciplinaires et pour l'intégration de technologies dans des Domaines fortement Basés sur la Connaissance / Processes and Methods for Interdisciplinary Problem Solving and Technology Integration in Knowledge-intensive DomainsSchofer, Malte 10 April 2015 (has links)
Les principaux enjeux technico-scientifiques du 21ème siècle sont caractérisés par une interdisciplinarité et une convergence des technologies de plus en plus importantes. L'évolution des produits et services basés sur la bio- et la nanotechnologie sont parmi les exemples les plus connus. Il manque cependant des processus et des méthodes permettant d'organiser et de structurer la résolution de problème dans des environnements interdisciplinaires – ce terme faisant ici référence à la collaboration entre ingénieurs et chercheurs scientifiques.Ainsi, la question de recherche de ce travail de doctorat est la suivante :Comment soutenir et faciliter la résolution créative de problème interdisciplinaire et l'intégration des technologies dans des domaines basés sur la connaissance ?Pour répondre à cette question, trois hypothèses ont été formulées :La première hypothèse suggère que la composition d'un groupe en terme de disciplines (groupe multi- ou monodisciplinaire) a un impact sur le processus de résolution de problème en groupe ainsi que sur les résultats de ce processus.La deuxième hypothèse suggère un impact du support méthodologique sur le processus de résolution de problème en groupe ainsi que sur les résultats de ce processus.La troisième hypothèse suggère quant à elle que les concepts et notions clés des méthodes analytiques comme TRIZ et USIT peuvent être utilisés dans un processus d'intégration de technologie et peuvent soutenir ce processus.Les deux premières hypothèses ont été testées et validées par une expérimentation dans laquelle des groupes mono- et multidisciplinaires devaient générer des solutions pour un problème complexe en utilisant des méthodes intuitives ou analytiques. Alors que la composition de groupe impacte principalement les aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs des solutions proposées, le support méthodologique influence quant à lui le processus de résolution de problème ainsi que les aspects qualitatifs des solutions. Plus important, l'impact des méthodes semble être dépendant de la composition des groupes.Pour tester la troisième hypothèse, les résultats de la première expérimentation ont été utilisés pour générer un modèle permettant de structurer la recherche et l'intégration d'une ou plusieurs technologies dans le cadre du développement de nouveaux produits. Ce modèle, qui intègre des méthodes et outils provenant de différentes méthodologies, a été testé par des ingénieurs lors d'une étude de cas industrielle dans le secteur des roulements à bille. L'évaluation du modèle montre qu'il semble faciliter le transfert de connaissance et améliorer la créativité des concepts développés comparé aux approches déjà existantes. En ce qui concerne l'effort nécessaire pour l'apprentissage et la mise en œuvre du modèle développé, les performances sont comparables à celles obtenues avec les méthodes préexistantes.Les résultats de ce travail sont particulièrement intéressants pour les équipes de la R et D et leur management dans les secteurs de la haute technologie ainsi que dans des domaines à l'interface entre l'ingénierie et les sciences naturelles. Le modèle développé est actuellement appliqué dans une démarche d'open innovation dans le secteur de la pharmacologie. / Most of the major technological challenges of the 21st century like e.g., reduction of greenhouse gas emission and sustainable energy supply, but also the bio- and nano-technological revolutions require intensified collaboration between different disciplines of engineering design as well as of natural science.The present Ph.D. research tries to provide some insight into the questions of• How to provide methodological support for creative problem solving in interdisciplinary groups composed of engineers and natural scientists?• How to support the process of the integration of a technology originating from a knowledge-intensive domain in order to solve a given design problem?The literature analyzed relevant aspects on several systemic levels (global, institutional, team-, individual and problem- perspective).The review allowed highlighting problems related to both, the activity as such as well as to the methods which seem a priori appropriate to support it. In this regard, incoherent interpretive schemes and majority influence are examples for the former and performance drawbacks as well as learning difficulties associated to hierarchical methodologies are instances of the latter.Based on the results of the literature review, two experiments were conducted.The first experiment inquired into the impact of disciplinary group composition (H1) as well as of the applied methodology (H2) on the creative group problem solving process and its outcomes.In a laboratory experiment 60 participants, 45 with a life science background and 15 with a mechanical engineering background were trained either in instances of intuitive approaches (Brainstorming, Mind Mapping) or in analytical, hierarchical methodology (TRIZ/USIT). Then, they had to solve an ill-defined medical problem in either mono- or multidisciplinary teams. The creative process as well as the output was documented using questionnaires and documentation sheets. Further the output was evaluated quantitatively by two domain experts before it was categorized qualitatively.Statistical analyses (ANOVA, Correlation parameters and Attraction rates), to a certain extent, support H1 and H2. More importantly however, the experiment shows differences related to method performance in general and as a function of disciplinary group composition in particular.The second experiment investigated whether concepts of TRIZ and its derivatives ((A/U)SIT) are appropriate to provide support for the process of technology integration before the background of an industrial NCD/NPPD process (H3).In order to test this hypothesis a model was developed which allows the identification and resolution of problems which typically appear during the integration of a specific technology into a given application. The model incorporates two of the most important concepts of TRIZ, and is sought to facilitate creative problem solving attempts in both, mono- and multidisciplinary teams.The said model was tested during an industrial NCD study in the roller bearing industry. After the case study, the participating engineers were asked to compare the applied model and the associated technology integration process with existing approaches used in the company.The results of the experiment point to superior performance of the presented model in terms of knowledge transfer-related and idea quality-related criteria. However, required resources for process conduction and necessary effort for the learning of the approach were considered comparable to existing approaches.The present Ph.D. work contributes to the understanding of creative problem solving in interdisciplinary groups in general and related to technology integration in particular. Especially the comparison of more pragmatic intuitive methods with more hierarchical analytical approaches depending on disciplinary group composition provided relevant insight for R&D processes.
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Construire du sens autour d’une activité occasionnelle de formation : le cas des ingénieurs dans les transferts de technologie / Constructing Meaning from an Occasional Training Activity : the Case of Engineers Involved in Technology TransfersCoadour, Damien 27 November 2015 (has links)
Les transferts de technologie sont des contrats de vente de grands systèmes (transport, énergie, défense) qui rassemblent de la fourniture de biens matériels et un ensemble de biens immatériels que sont la documentation, l'assistance technique et la formation. Cette dernière occupe aujourd'hui une place centrale dans ces grands contrats et les ingénieurs des grandes entreprises en charge de ces transferts deviennent formateurs. Dans le cadre de cette activité de formation, la vente de technologie s'accompagne de différentes tensions dont nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'ils se cristallisent sous forme de dilemmes d'activités. D'abord, un dilemme industriel opposant les logiques de vente de la technologie à celles de protection de la technologie. Ensuite un dilemme professionnel confrontant la fonction de formateur avec celle d'ingénieur. Pour faire face à cette situation les ingénieurs construisent un sens différent dans la finalité de leur action. A partir des entretiens réalisés, différentes constructions de sens apparaissent et montrent une grande hétérogénéité dans les réponses des ingénieurs face à cette mission de formation occasionnelle. Ces réponses conduisent vers des redéfinitions individuelles des buts et objectifs de la formation, et in fine des contrats de transferts de technologie. La formation à la construction d'un ethos de formateur occasionnel dans le cadre des transferts de technologie constitue ici une réflexion originale sur une activité peu étudiée et en plein développement. / Technology transfers are contracts related to the sale of large, complex systems (in the fields of transport, energy-supply, defence, etc.) that combine the delivery of material goods and a variety of immaterial products such as documentation, technical assistance and training. Training nowadays is a key feature in such high-end contracts and the engineers in charge of these transfers in large companies are becoming trainers. However, the sale of technology comes with various tensions that develop into dilemmas for the trainer. On the one hand, an industrial dilemma arises from the opposition between the sale of technology and the protection of that same technology. On the other hand, a professional dilemma results from the clash between two functions: that of the trainer and that of the engineer.To overcome these difficulties, engineers construct a meaning of their own, in line with the perceived purpose of their action. Based on the interviews conducted, different constructions of meaning are identified and show significant heterogeneity in the responses of the engineers faced with this occasional training mission. These responses lead to individual redefinitions of the aims of the training scheme, as well as of the technology transfer contracts. Providing guidance in the construction of an ethos of the occasional trainer in the domain of technology transfers provides the opportunity for an original exploration of an activity that is only starting to attract the academic attention it deserves.
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Analyse économique de l’industrie photovoltaïque : mondialisation, dynamique des coûts, et politiques publiques / Economic analysis of the photovoltaic industry : globalisation, price dynamics, and incentive policiesDu Fayet de la Tour, Arnaud 14 December 2012 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le marché photovoltaïque a été multiplié par 10, le prix des panneaux solaires réduit de 60%, et la Chine est devenue le premier producteur mondial. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'identifier les mécanismes à l'origine de ces fortes mutations. Grâce à des entretiens auprès d'acteurs de l'industrie photovoltaïque chinoise, et l'analyse de données de brevets, nous expliquons comment la Chine a réussi à acquérir la technologie et le savoir-faire nécessaires à ce succès. Le transfert de technologie a eu lieu grâce au déploiement du marché d'équipement de production et au recrutement de cadres formés dans les pays industrialisés. En revanche, la propriété intellectuelle n'a joué aucun rôle. L'analyse de l'évolution du coût des modules grâce au modèle de courbe d'apprentissage nous permet de prédire une réduction du coût de deux tiers d'ici à 2020. Elle donne des indications quant à la future compétitivité de l'électricité photovoltaïque. Enfin, une attention particulière est portée aux tarifs de rachat de l'électricité, qui ont largement contribué au développement du marché photovoltaïque. Nous analysons leur influence sur le marché et leur capacité à s'adapter à la volatilité du prix des modules, en analysant des séries temporelles. Nous construisons aussi un modèle théorique pour analyser l'influence du comportement stratégique des entreprises sur l'efficacité d'un tarif de rachat. Cela permet de suggérer des recommandations quant à la conception de ces instruments incitatifs. / In the last decade, the photovoltaic market was multiplied by 10, module price was reduced by 60%, and China increased its share in cell and module production from almost nothing to more than half. The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the mechanisms driving these transformations. We analyse how China managed to acquire the photovoltaic technology, relying on interviews with actors of the Chinese photovoltaic industry, and data gathered on patents related to the photovoltaic technology. We show that intellectual property rights did not play a significant role, Chinese firms getting access to the technology by buying manufacturing equipment from industrialised countries, and from labour mobility. The cost decrease is analysed with experience curves models, allowing us to forecast a further cost decrease of two thirds by 2020, provided that the market follows the high predicted expansion. It gives some insight regarding when photovoltaic technology will become competitive. An important attention is dedicated to feed-in tariffs which largely participated in driving the demand so far. Their influence on the photovoltaic market, and their ability to adapt to module price volatility to avoid too attractive profits, is analysed using weekly data. A theoretical model analysing the influence of firms' strategies on the incentive effect of feed-in tariffs allows us to give further recommendations concerning an optimal feed-in tariff scheme.
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Trade preferenes and industrial export dynamism: conceptualising the nexus between asymmetric market access priviledges and social capability deficitsSuyuti, Na-Allah Abdelrasaq 08 1900 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The 1996 Singapore Ministerial Declaration refocused attention in the international community on the idea of non-reciprocal system of trade preferences as a means of development assistance. Authors of the initiative had hoped that such policy would among others, help promote industrial exports and facilitate sustainable development in developing countries. However, this happened against the background that previous schemes could not be particularly associated with any form of sustainable export successes that were usually contemplated and expected from beneficiaries. In view of the developmental implications of this renewed focus, the imperativeness of an reconsideration of the economics of the programme cannot be overemphasized. While extant trade preference studies have made important contributions to our understanding of their effectiveness, the limited focus of research on direct impact like, static increases in exports, foreign direct investment (FDI) and employments does not seem to provide satisfactory assessment. Very often, the expected indirect or dynamic impact on productivity improvements needed to strengthen competitive capacities and make gains (export performance) sustainable is neglected. In this study an attempt is made to address this issue. The main objective of the research is therefore to analyse the relationship between nonreciprocal system of trade preferences and industrial export performance sustainability in beneficiary countries. This is accomplished by utilising a new analytical insight from the global production network literature. The advantages of this analytical departure lie not just in the fact that it allows us to accommodate the dynamic dimension of impact assessment into the study framework, but also helps reflect the concerns of globalisation advocates in the contemporary analysis of development issues. These advocates argue that research on economic development in general and industrial development in particular in the new era of global capitalism must as a matter of necessity, be informed by the literature on globalisation. After conceptualising an analytical model which has both static and dynamic dimension, it is then applied and tested for the US African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Trade Initiative of 2000. Lesotho’s apparel export under the scheme serves as the case study for this investigation. Results of the econometric estimation for the static impact assessment reveal that AGOA has been effective in stimulating Lesotho apparel exports to the US market. The dynamic impact assessment dimension is carried out within the context of the debate on economic growth and convergence. Specifically, it is argued that the conditions necessary for export performance to be sustainable require that national social-capability in a beneficiary economy be adequate and sufficient. The estimated regression confirms this hypothesis for the reference case study. Overall, the dissertation has shown that research in economics can benefit from analytical insights borrowed from other disciplines. More important however, is the study’s contribution to the trade policy debate on the impact of trade preferences on export development. On one hand, the static impact analysis addresses a key gap in existing works which seems to place so much emphasis on aggregated national level data and cross-country regression as bases for empirical evidence. By utilising disaggregated firm level data for a specific country, analysis here finds relevance in the continuing policy debate on trade preference impact assessment. On the other hand, the dynamic aspect of the analytical model has not only helped us to shift the frontier of knowledge beyond its current static boundary, but also to inform the debate on economic growth and convergence. As efforts to unravel the puzzle over the non-convergence of cross-country growth performances continue to flourish, findings here lend credence to the hypothesis that social capability matters for economic performance of nations.
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Collaborate and Innovate: The Impact of Academic Librarians on the Commercialization of University TechnologyElliott, Cynthia, Dewland, Jason, Martin, Jennifer R., Kramer, Sandra, Jackson Sr., John J. 03 September 2016 (has links)
The University of Arizona Library, in collaboration with the campus commercialization unit, created a partnership that contributes to the early development of inventions in the commercialization pipeline. The library-commercialization business intelligence workgroup was incorporated into the overall campus
commercialization business-development workflow in 2014 and is comprised of librarians and commercialization professionals working together to provide insight and decision support for development
of commercialization strategies for inventions emerging from university research that aligns with market drivers. These efforts are recognized by university leadership as critical to the strategic plan
of the university. This article discusses the impact of the workgroup and how the group of librarians contributed to the development of new companies, new licenses, and financial impact of economic development at a large land-grant university and larger community.
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O programa FX-2 da FAB = um estudo acerca da possibilidade de ocorrência dos eventos visados / The FAB's program FX-2 : study over the possibility of occurece of the aimed objectivesPeron, Alcides Eduardo dos Reis, 1984- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Renato Peixoto Dagnino, Rafael de Brito Dias / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T16:36:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O Programa FX-2, que objetiva a renovação da frota brasileira de caças, e a transferência de tecnologia a empresas locais, tem sido apresentado como capaz de desencadear dois eventos colaterais: a capacitação destas empresas para produzir e comercializar aeronaves de caça, com base nesta transferência de tecnologia; e o transbordamento econômico e tecnológico desta capacitação para o setor civil. Este trabalho analisa a possibilidade de ocorrência desses dois eventos a partir da sistematização de informações secundárias de natureza acadêmica, oficial e jornalística. Esse trabalho estuda a possibilidade de ocorrência desses benefícios econômicos e tecnológicos, a partir da almejada transferência de tecnologia, que tornaria factível a ocorrência de spin-offs do setor militar para o setor civil. O fio condutor da discussão tem por base a compreensão do processo de transferência de tecnologia a países menos desenvolvidos e do fenômeno spin-off em uma economia como a brasileira, com aspectos bastante distintos daquelas onde se supõe que ele ocorra. Desse modo, o trabalho se estrutura em quatro etapas: na primeira são analisadas as concepções de segurança e defesa que se desenvolvem no país, e sua relação com o programa FX-2. Na segunda etapa se sintetiza o argumento de autores que evidenciam a complexidade da transferência de tecnologia a países menos desenvolvidos, principalmente às relacionadas com a área militar. Em terceiro lugar, será estudada a evolução e o desenvolvimento do conceito de spin-off a partir das particularidades da estruturação do Complexomilitar- industrial dos EUA. Por fim, a quarta parte discute a possibilidade de ocorrência do spin-off na estrutura produtivo-industrial brasileira em função da implementação do Programa / Abstract: The Program FX-2, which aims the renew of the Brazilian's aircraft fleet, and the transfer of technology to local enterprises, have been presented as capable to generate two collateral effects: based on these transfers, enhance these companies in order to produce and exchange aircrafts; and the economical and technological spin-off of this enhancement to the civil sector. From the systematization of academic, official and journalistic natured secondary information, this work seeks to analyze the possibility of occurrence of these two events, which, might be responsible to the occurrence of spin-offs from military to the civilian economy. The main line of the discussion attempts to comprehend the process of technology transfer to less developed countries, and the phenomenon of spin-off on a economy such as the Brazilian one - characterized by extreme distinct aspects from those where is supposed the event could be observed. Though, the work is structured in four phases: In the first one, it will be analyzed the conceptions of security and defense developed in Brazil, and its relation to the Program FX-2; Afterwards, in the second phase it will be summarized the arguments of authors who attempt to comprehend the complexity of the technology transfer - mainly those related to military technologies - to less developed countries. In the third phase, it will be studied the evolution and the development of the concept of spin-off, based on the particularities of the structuring of the US's Militaryindustrial- complex. At the end, the fourth phase there will be a discussion under the possibility of the occurrence of the spin-off in the Brazilian's industrial productive structure based on the implementation of the Program FX-2 / Mestrado / Politica Cientifica e Tecnologica / Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica
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Gerenciamento de risco em um projeto de transferência de tecnologia intracompanhia farmacêutica / Risk management in an intracompany pharmaceutical technology transfer projectBarakat, Májida Farid 07 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-04T21:37:42Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-07 / This research deals with a quantitative and qualitative case study aimed at the critical analysis of the contribution of risk management in projects of pharmaceutical intracompany technology transfer. It was considered a project to change the location of manufacturing, packaging and quality control of a solid oral medicine performed at a regional level, between sites located in different municipalities of the state of São Paulo to meet the commercial strategy of a multinational pharmaceutical company. This project began in 2013, including planning, organization and execution with completion expected in 2015. A qualitative assessment of the risks related to the scope and quality requirements of the project was performed, as well as a quantitative assessment of the risks related to compliance with the project deadline. In order to confirm or refute the six research propositions presented, it was conducted semi-structured interviews and direct observation in the unit of analysis, bibliographic review and data analysis. The results show that after qualitative analysis of the project risks related to the scope and quality requirements using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - FMEA tool, 39 failure modes were identified, with Priority Risk Number - PRN values varying from 70 to 288, the failure modes of greater severity and therefore, priority, it was the quality requirement for health regulations. They also indicate that from the Monte Carlo Simulation the maximum expected time for the project is 1841 days and the minimum of 1473 days. The conclusion of the research shows that the propositions are not fully confirmed. An action plan was proposed to mitigate the risks analyzed. / Este trabalho trata de um estudo de caso quantitativo e qualitativo dirigido para a análise crítica da contribuição do gerenciamento de riscos em projetos de transferência de tecnologia intracompanhia farmacêutica. Foi considerado um projeto de alteração do local de fabricação, embalagem e controle de qualidade de um medicamento sólido oral realizado em nível regional, entre plantas localizadas em diferentes municípios do estado de São Paulo para atender a estratégia comercial de uma companhia multinacional farmacêutica. Este projeto teve início em 2013, incluindo planejamento, organização e execução com previsão de conclusão em 2015. Foi realizada análise qualitativa dos riscos relacionados aos atendimentos de escopo e requisitos da qualidade do projeto e também análise quantitativa dos riscos relacionados ao cumprimento do prazo do projeto. Para confirmar ou refutar as seis proposições de pesquisa apresentadas, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação direta na unidade de análise, revisão bibliográfica e análise de dados. Os resultados mostram que após análise qualitativa dos riscos do projeto relacionados aos atendimentos de escopo e requisitos da qualidade utilizando a ferramenta Análise de Modo de Falha e seus Efeitos - FMEA, foram identificados 39 modos de falha, com valores de Número de Prioridade de Risco - NPR variando de 70 a 288, sendo os de maior severidade e, portanto, prioridade os referentes aos requisitos da qualidade quanto a regulamentação sanitária. Indicam, também, que a partir da Simulação de Monte Carlo o prazo máximo esperado para o projeto é de 1841 dias e o mínimo de 1473 dias. A conclusão da pesquisa mostra que as proposições não se confirmam de forma plena. Foi proposto um plano de ação objetivando a mitigação dos riscos analisados.
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Online solicitation management system for the Office of Technology Transfer and CommercializationWang, Chia-Chi 01 January 2005 (has links)
The Online Solicitation Management System (OSMS) is a web-based system designed for California State University, San Bernardino's Office of Technology Transfer and Commercialization (OTTC) to run grant proposal solicitations more efficiently. The system accepts grant proposals, finds the best matched evaluators, calculates evaluation scores, and generated reports. Users in the system are divided into five (5) different roles: system administrator, program officer, staff, evaluator and applicant.
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Region und Innovation - am Beispiel des sächsisch-böhmischen GrenzraumsKrause-Jüttler, Grit, Lohse, Katja, Jandová, Alžběta, Jeřabek, Milan, Berrová, Eva, Lauterbach, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Mit dem Thema Innovationen beschätftigen sich in heutiger Zeit nicht nur Unternehmen. Diese Problematik spielt auch für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg ganzer Regionen eine wichtige Rolle. Die mit Innovationen verbundenen Aspekte werden deshalb sowohl von der Wirtschaft als auch seitens der Wissenschaft mit großem Interesse
Die Publikation präsentiert die grundlegenden Ergebnisse des Ziel3-Projekts „INPOK – Innovationspotenzial als Faktor zur Erhöhung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit des sächsisch--böhmischen Grenzraums“. Der Forschungsansatz der beiden Projektpartner, die Jan Evangelista Purkyně Universität in Ústí nad Labem sowie die Technische Universität Dresden basiert auf qualitativen und quantitativen Untersuchungsmethoden. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene Transferaktivitäten umgesetzt. Aus den vorgestellten Untersuchungsergebnissen können vor allem Vertreter/innen aus dem Bereich des Wissens- und Technologietransfers, d.h. aus innovationsorientierten Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, kommunalen Verwaltungen und intermediären Einrichtungen einen besonderen Nutzen ziehen. Nicht zuletzt wird ein Lösungsansatz präsentiert, um den grenzüberschreitenden Wissens- und Technologietranser im sächsisch-böhmischen Grenzraum zu steigern.:Vo r w o r t 7
Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis 9
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 14
Projektpartner und das Autor/innenteam 15
Einleitung 18
1. Region und Innovation 21
1.1 Theorien der Regionalentwicklung 23
1.2 Forschungskooperationen, ihre Akteure und Rahmenbedingungen in der Praxis 27
1.3 Forschungsleitende Hypothesen 32
1.3.1 Territorium und Potenzial 32
1.3.2 Akteure und Wissenstransfer 33
2. Das Unter suchungsgebiet und regional politische Strategien 35
2.1 Lage und administrative Gliederung 38
2.2 Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Siedlungsstruktur 41
2.2.1 Entwicklung auf nordböhmischer Seite 41
2.2.2 Entwicklung auf sächsischer Seite 42
2.3 Wirtschaftliche Situation aus innovationsorientierter Perspektive 44
2.4 Akteursgruppen im Innovationsprozess 47
2.4.1 Unternehmen 47
2.4.2 Forschungseinrichtungen 48
2.4.3 Intermediäre 48
2.5 Grenzüberschreitende Infrastrukturen 49
2.6 Modellregion Šluknovsko 51
2.7 Die Entwicklung von Innovationen aus der Perspektive verschiedener Entscheidungsebenen 55
2.7.1 Europäische Ebene 55
2.7.2 Nationale Ebene 57
2.7.3 Grenzüberschreitende Verbindungen und internationaler Vergleich 61
3. Methodisches Vorgehen 63
3.1 Empirische Untersuchung 66
3.1.1 Unternehmen 67
3.1.2 Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen 68
3.1.3 Kommunale Verwaltung (Gemeinden) 70
3.1.4 Intermediäre 70
3.2 Erprobung von Transferformaten 71
3.2.1 Innovationsbörse 71
3.2.2 Besuchsprogramm 71
3.2.3 Gruppendiskussion 72
4. Empirische Ergebnisse 73
4.1 Quantitative Untersuchungsergebnisse 75
4.1.1 Ergebnisse der Befragung von Unternehmen 75
4.1.2 Ergebnisse der Befragung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen 107
4.1.3 Ergebnisse der Befragung kommunaler Verwaltungen und intermediärer Einrichtungen 127
4.2 Qualitative Untersuchungsergebnisse 150
4.2.1 Förderliche Elemente für Forschungs kooperationen 150
4.2.2 Hinderliche Elemente für Forschungs kooperationen 152
4.2.3 Grenzüberschreitende Forschungs kooperationen – IST-Stand 152
4.2.4 Grenzüberschreitende Forschungskoopera tionen – Verbesserungsansätze 153
4.2.5 Fazit der qualitativen Studie 154
4.3 Ergebnisse der Erprobung von Transferformaten 154
4.3.1 Innovationsbörsen 154
4.3.2 Besuchsprogramm 156
4.3.3 Gruppendiskussionen 157
5. Fazit 159
5.1 Hypothesenüberprüfung 161
5.2 Schlussfolgerungen und Handlungsansätze 163
5.2.1 Organisationsinterne Faktoren 164
5.2.2 Organisationsexterne Faktoren 166
5.3 Lösungsvision – ein grenzüberschreitendes Innovationsnetzwerk 178
Resümee 182
Resumé 191
Resume 202
Literatur 213
Anlagen 218
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Strategy for a transnational network of transfer promotorsMogila, Zbigniew, Tiukalo, Alicja, Giebel, Melanie, Krause-Jüttler, Grit January 2018 (has links)
Strategy defines a way for reaching the objective of a functional transnational innovation system in the trinational border region between Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. To reach this vision, a network of transfer promotors who serve as boundary spanners between science and economy is going to implement the strategy. Strategy paper includes results of a SWOT-analysis as starting point for a diagnosis of current situation of transnational collaboration between science and economy. Starting from this analysis, it proposes four main goals for contributing to overall objective. Finally, it includes first thought how implemented such a network institutionally and financially.:Vision 05
Diagnosis 11
Strategic goals 17
Institutional part 23
Financial part 25
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