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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalizace televizního vysílání ve Spojených státech / Digital television transition in the United states

Boch, Vítězslav January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes digital television transition in the United States. Its goal is to introduce the way how digital television broadcasting in the United States was formed and analog broadcasting was switched off, and how these changes affected American television market and usage of broadcasting spectrum. In the first part I explain a context in which American television market has been formed and has developed until the beginning of 1990s, when the debate about digital television broadcasting commenced. Reason for a development of the new television norm was a desire to broadcast in high definition. Establishment of ATSC norm is explained in 4th chapter. Following chapter describes how digital television coverage grew and what the expenses were for viewers. The thesis then describes spectrum auctions and changes in the television market which digital television transition brought. When the transition ended need for a new debate about television emerged because current norm is becoming obsolete and did not allow broadcasting in ultra high definition. This lead to the development of ATSC 3.0 norm which allows broadcasting more programs in terrestrial television broadcasting and allows expanding terrestrial broadcasting to other mobile devices.

Talentové show v České republice a ve světě - analýza vybraných talentových formátů a jejich postupů v televizním vysílání a jejich vliv na chování publika / Talent shows in the CR and in the world-the analysis of selected talent formats and their procedures in the television broadcasting and thier influence on the behaviour of the audience

Králová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
In my dissertation I survey the historic progress of the reality TV and the reality show, focussing on the specific genre of the talent shows, which stands for the current phenomenon of the entertainment industry in TV broadcasting. Using the method of the oral history I'll explain in detail the principals of running these shows on chosen formats and point out how different or same strategies can appear in shows all over the world. Further I'll focus on the structure and the level of a production, main features of the audience personality and behaviour, for example forming the relationship between the viewer and the participants on the basing on personal stories or praising and idealising the competitors. The next step of my analysis will be a depiction of the economic thesis and rules, which run the talent shows, which give them a direction and drive them on the TV market. I'll give an insight into the terms as the affective economics, building lovemarks or an inspiring fan, which are characteristic for the era of the convergence of media, which are considerably covered by talent shows. In the end my work depicts also the role of the jury and their specific trail, which are necessary for the viewer ratings and potential success of the certain show. Further my work will point out the typical marks...

Informování napříč hemisférami: srovnání koncepcí nejsledovanějších zpravodajských relací v České republice a na Novém Zélandě / Reporting across the hemispheres: conceptual comparison of the most viewed newscasts in the Czech republic and New Zealand

Paráčková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis "Reporting across the Hemispheres: Conceptual Comparison of the Most Viewed Newscasts in the Czech Republic and New Zealand" describes contemporary valid and frequently used concepts of television news shows of the most viewed newscasts in the Czech Republic and New Zealand, which are Televizní noviny airing on TV Nova and One News airing on TV One. It compares both technical and especially the content-related aspects of newscasts during a one-month-long period (January 2014) in order to find general scheme for the choice of the topics, their processing, arrangement and their final presentation in each show. The thesis then puts ascertained findings into the broader national, historical and cultural context of the media sphere in both countries and furthermore, it compares both media systems and their newscast contents and explains why some factors used in them are the same and other differs.

Přenos televizních formátů do českého prostředí od vzniku duálního systému v České republice / Television formats transmission into czech environment since the creation of the dual system in Czech republic

Kantorová, Katarzyna January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Television formats transmission into Czech environment since the creation of the dual system in the Czech Republic" focuses on television formats which have been adapted in the Czech television industry since 1994. TV formats, the primary analytical object of this thesis, belong among the strongest aspects of media globalization. Since specific television formats spread the same structure, idea and concept, they increasingly influence the practice in television markets and the process of globalization all over the world. With this continuity, the paper describes the theory of globalization, focusing on cultural and media imperialism. Further, newer theories of globalization and their subsequent transformation are described. Based on this theoretical basis, the thesis describes, which TV formats have been adapted since 1994 in the Czech Republic. Our analysis is based on in-depth interviews with Czech television professionals who have experiences with the purchasing and subsequent adaptation of television formats. The thesis provides the overview of all adapted TV formats in the Czech Republic, and describes reasons, difficulties and the overall process of adapting licensed television formats. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Talentová show Got Talent jako televizní formát a jeho kulturní odlišnosti: komparativní studie čtyř světových verzí / Talent show Got talent as television format and its cultural differencies: comparative study of four global versions

Vondroušová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with talent show Got Talent and through this television format compares four culturally different adaptations. This comparision is based on analysis of these four shows: Česko Slovensko má talent, America's Got Talent, Britain's Got Talent and China's Got Talent. Content of the shows is different in many respects thanks to distincts in television histories and diverse culture in each territory. The theoretical part focus on culture and development in television broadcasting in selected countries. Another chapter describes the market with licenses for television formats and differencies in local adaptations of shows and series. Content analysis itself was based on comparison of selected series of the show Got Talent and particular episode. It was found that worldwide television formats differ in many respects. Rules of the show, roles of the judges, dramaturgical structure of episode and casting of contestants are adapt to local culture and lifestyle. There are some common features in shows on the other hand: emphasis on personal life stories of the contestants and effort to create integrated story for whole episode through specific structure of the episode. We can say that television shows has influence on culture and culture affects content of the programme.

Projekce body image do marketingové komunikace / The Projection of Body Image into Marketing Communication

Diblíková, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the main issues in regards to the topic of body image in marketing, such as its overall description, its negative impacts and the influence it has among the media and advertising. A content analysis was the primary methodology used in this thesis. Furthermore, not only were Czech television commercials analysed, but also Australian ones. The work also discusses the fundamental media indicators which help to form a better understanding of the television market. The results indicate that a normal person will be presented in a television commercial in an attempt to better connect the viewer to the commercial, thus connecting the product or brand to the mass audience. This finding was also backed up by the the results of a media indicators analysis that was conducted for Czech commercials.

Vztahy mezi vývojovými úrovněmi žáků věku ZŠ a jejich / Relationships between developmental levels of elementary

TOPINKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The present master?s thesis focuses on researching the influence TV commercials have on pupils of all age groups in elementary and middle schools and concerns itself with the pupils? TV watching habits. In the area of media it explores the question of media awareness education, in the area of developmental psychology it focuses on the cognitive development theory of Jean Piaget. Besides its theoretical part the thesis includes original qualitative and quantitative research. The applied part describes the results from focus groups (first and second grade pupils) and from a questionnaire study (from fourth grade in elementary school to the last grade in middle school) that was conducted in one of the public schools in České Budějovice. The questionnaire study included also group of the pupils? parents. The results of the qualitative research were evaluated in terms of gender, grade, and domicile of the respondents. The responses of the adult respondents were evaluated in terms of gender and age of their children, their educational level and their net monthly income. The results are discussed in wider context. The discussion attempts to offer an overview of advertising comprehension development among pupils of elementary and middle schools. The results indicate that the pupils are influenced by TV commercials and that their understanding of the commercials? purpose increases with their age. An important influence on the pupils and on their TV watching habits ? watching that includes exposure to TV commercials ? have especially their parents and to a lesser degree their teachers.

Současná podoba vysílání a redakce předpovědi počasí v České televizi / Contemporary Weather Broadcasting in Česká televize and its Editorial Staff

Šindelářová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The work analyses contemporary weather broadcasting in Czech television (Česká televize). in the Czech Republic and abroad. Through an analysis of a selected broadcasting day of ČT24 like. On the basis of interviews with expert editors employed in Česká televize the work

Zobrazení vybraných silných ženských postav v seriálech a jejich reflexe v reálném světě / Showing Chosen Strong Female Characters in TV Series and Their Reflection in the Real World

Dostálová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of TV series and their strong heroines on female audience. The aim of this work is to find out whether selected female characters influence the general view of the femine beauty ideal, whether the viewers were in any way inspired by strong female characters and whether these series have opened up some social issues. These goals were formulated into three research questions, which will be answered in the conclusion. The work is divided into three main parts - theoretical, methodological and practical. The theoretical part aims to acquaint the reader with the theoretic basis needed to understand the researched issues. The methodological part presents research methods with all its advantages and disadvantages. The last practical part is focused on research and interpretation of the obtained data. A qualitative method is used to achieve the results, specifically the grounded theory, which is used for the analysis and subsequent interpretation of data obtained from interviews.

Role moderátora televizního zpravodajství. Komparativní analýza veřejnoprávní a komerční televize. / The Role of The TV News Anchorman/woman. The Comparative Analysis Between Public and Commercial Television

Baráková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the role of a television news anchorman/woman. It focuses on the origin of the anchorman, the main and characteristic professional prerequisites, and the differences between the anchormen of public and commercial television. The primary role of the moderator is to inform about current events. But in the same time be objective, neutral, and trustworthy, and leave a way expressing one's own emotions. However, these values may differ as to the television broadcasting system. As part of his role in television, they can be a suitable element in media self-presentation. The thesis focuses on work with commercial and public television, analyses the emotional and professional aspects of his work and his contribution to the creation of news programs. The research is also carried out among the public, which enables the main characteristics and functions of moderators.

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