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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance, Temperature and Concentration Profiles in a Non-Isothermal Ammonia-Fueled Tubular SOFC

Jantakananuruk, Nattikarn 18 April 2019 (has links)
Ammonia has emerged as an attractive potential hydrogen carrier due to its extremely high energy density (hydrogen density), ease of storage and transportation as a liquid, and carbon-free nature. Direct utilization of ammonia in high-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) has been demonstrated over the past decade. Concurrence of in situ endothermic ammonia decomposition and exothermic electrochemical hydrogen oxidation permit efficient heat integration. In this study, the experimental analyses of axial temperature and concentration profiles along the tubular SOFC (t-SOFC) fed directly with ammonia are performed to investigate the coupled ammonia decomposition and hydrogen oxidation reactions as well as the effect of polarization. Fast ammonia decomposition over the Ni catalyst is evident at the inlet of t-SOFC and complete ammonia conversion is confirmed above 600ºC. It is found that direct ammonia-fueled t-SOFC and an equivalent hydrogen-nitrogen fueled t-SOFC provide identical performances. With 100 SCCM of ammonia fuel feed, a maximum power of 12.2 W and fuel utilization of 81% are obtained at 800ºC in a t-SOFC with active area of 32 cm2. The temperature and concentration profiles validate that the efficient heat integration inside ammonia-fueled t-SOFC is feasible if t-SOFC is operated at the temperature of 700ºC and below. The 23-hour performance test and SEM-EDS images of the fresh and used Ni-YSZ cermet surfaces confirm uniform performance and good durability of ammonia t-SOFC.

Aplinkos įtakos brūkšninio ilgio mato kalibratoriaus temperatūros gradientui tyrimai / The long linear scale calibrator temperature gradient technique research and devices

Čižiūnas, Andrius 22 July 2008 (has links)
Pateikiami temperatūrinių gradientų tyrimai: kintant aplinkos temperatūrai lauke, temperatūros pakyčių šaltinių įtaka, mikroskopo ir pavarų įtaka, bazavimo vakuumu įtaka, lazerio spindulio įtaka formuojant brūkšnį. Aprašoma temperatūros matavimo metodika. Apibendrinami temperatūros matavimų rezultatai, padaromos išvados. / The research of temperature gradient: changeable ambient temperature in outside, temperature alteration beginning influence, microscope and speed influence, vacuum base influence, laser ray influence formation in the line. The technique of measurement of the temperature is described. Results of the temperature measurement are generalized, conclusions are made.

Vady a vlastnosti masivních odlitků / Defects and properties of heavy castings

Sobotka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
A diploma thesis was objected to a figure analyzing and a figure interpretation of ingot processing. The described figures were obtained from samples which were taking from feeder-heads of ingot of lower ram, produced in Vitkovice Machinery Group. The thesis was focused on ingot solidification and segregation processes which were associated with this procedure. The figures obtained from numeric simulation of ingot solidification in defined places were analyzed using statistic method – linear regression, as well as linear regression was used for evaluation of explored samples, their chemical compositions and mechanical properties. In conclusion all acquired results were summarized.


Sridharan, Harini 26 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Health Monitoring of the Veterans' Glass City Skyway: Vibrating Wire Strain Gage Testing, Study of Temperature Gradients and a Baseline Truck Test

Bosworth, Kyle Judson January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Studies on enzymes and reaction conditions in recombinase polymerase amplification / リコンビナーゼポリメラーゼ増幅法の酵素と反応条件に関する研究

Kevin, Maafu Juma 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第25357号 / 農博第2623号 / 新制||農||1109(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 保川 清, 教授 井上 和生, 教授 谷 史人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Performance of Deep Geothermal Energy Systems

Manikonda, Nikhil 29 August 2012 (has links)
Geothermal energy is an important source of clean and renewable energy. This project deals with the study of deep geothermal power plants for the generation of electricity. The design involves the extraction of heat from the Earth and its conversion into electricity. This is performed by allowing fluid deep into the Earth where it gets heated due to the surrounding rock. The fluid gets vaporized and returns to the surface in a heat pipe. Finally, the energy of the fluid is converted into electricity using turbine or organic rankine cycle (ORC). The main feature of the system is the employment of side channels to increase the amount of thermal energy extracted. A finite difference computer model is developed to solve the heat transport equation. The numerical model was employed to evaluate the performance of the design. The major goal was to optimize the output power as a function of parameters such as thermal diffusivity of the rock, depth of the main well, number and length of lateral channels. The sustainable lifetime of the system for a target output power of 2 MW has been calculated for deep geothermal systems with drilling depths of 8000 and 10000 meters, and a financial analysis has been performed to evaluate the economic feasibility of the system for a practical range of geothermal parameters. Results show promising an outlook for deep geothermal systems for practical applications.

Suivi par methode optique du frittage micro-ondes d'oxydes ceramiques. / In-situ monitoring of ceramic microwave sintering using optical method.

Zymelka, Daniel 13 January 2012 (has links)
Le frittage micro-ondes est connu pour être une technique de frittage prometteuse. En effet, ce procédé présente comme avantages une réduction de la durée des traitements thermiques et un gain énergétique important par rapport aux procédés conventionnels. D'année en année, le frittage dans un environnement micro-ondes est étudié par un nombre croissant de chercheurs. Cependant, les raisons de l’effet bénéfique de ce type de frittage ne sont pas clairement identifiées.Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail a été de vérifier l’influence d’un champ électromagnétique à la fréquence de 2,45 GHz sur la densification de matériaux céramiques. Cet objectif passe donc par une étude comparative du frittage dans une enceinte micro-ondes et dans un four conventionnel. Cependant, la présence du champ électromagnétique dans un four micro-ondes ne permet pas l’utilisation des méthodes conventionnelles pour suivre le frittage. Ainsi, pour comparer les résultats, un dispositif expérimental original contenant un dilatomètre sans contact de haute résolution a été spécifiquement développé. Ce dispositif, permet aussi un suivi de la distribution de température à la surface de la pièce.Pour des cycles thermiques identiques, obtenus en frittage conventionnel et par micro-ondes, l’évolution de la densification de matériaux aux propriétés différentes a été comparée. Ces matériaux sont : l’alumine pure et dopée par 800ppm d’oxyde de magnésium, l’oxyde de zinc et l’hydroxyapatite silicatée. Pour chacun de ces matériaux, le couplage avec les micro-ondes et la répartition du chauffage à la surface de l’échantillon sont aussi discutés. Un effet bénéfique des micro-ondes sur l’évolution de la densification a été mis en évidence pour l’alumine avec ajout de MgO et de manière plus prononcée pour l’oxyde de zinc. / Microwave sintering is known to be a promising sintering technology. Indeed, this method has advantages such as reducing the duration of heat treatment and a significant energy saving compared with conventional processes. Year after year, sintering in a microwave environment is studied by a growing number of researchers. However, the reasons for the beneficial effect of this type of sintering are not clearly identified.In this context, the objective of this work was to verify the influence of an electromagnetic field at a frequency of 2.45 GHz on the densification of ceramic materials. This objective therefore involves a comparative study of sintering in a microwave chamber and in a conventional oven. However, the presence of electromagnetic field in a microwave oven does not allow the use of conventional methods to monitor the sintering. Thus, to compare the results, an experimental system containing a high resolution contactless dilatometer has been specifically developed. This system also allows monitoring of the temperature distribution on the sample surface.For identical thermal cycles, obtained by conventional and microwave sintering, the densification evolution of materials with different properties was compared. These materials are: pure alumina and doped with 800ppm magnesium oxide, zinc oxide and silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite. For each material, the coupling with the microwaves and the temperature distribution on the surface sample are also discussed. A beneficial effect of microwaves on the evolution of densification has been identified for alumina with addition of MgO and more pronounced for zinc oxide.

Performance of Deep Geothermal Energy Systems

Manikonda, Nikhil 29 August 2012 (has links)
Geothermal energy is an important source of clean and renewable energy. This project deals with the study of deep geothermal power plants for the generation of electricity. The design involves the extraction of heat from the Earth and its conversion into electricity. This is performed by allowing fluid deep into the Earth where it gets heated due to the surrounding rock. The fluid gets vaporized and returns to the surface in a heat pipe. Finally, the energy of the fluid is converted into electricity using turbine or organic rankine cycle (ORC). The main feature of the system is the employment of side channels to increase the amount of thermal energy extracted. A finite difference computer model is developed to solve the heat transport equation. The numerical model was employed to evaluate the performance of the design. The major goal was to optimize the output power as a function of parameters such as thermal diffusivity of the rock, depth of the main well, number and length of lateral channels. The sustainable lifetime of the system for a target output power of 2 MW has been calculated for deep geothermal systems with drilling depths of 8000 and 10000 meters, and a financial analysis has been performed to evaluate the economic feasibility of the system for a practical range of geothermal parameters. Results show promising an outlook for deep geothermal systems for practical applications.

Precizinio kampo komparatoriaus vidinių ir išorinių trikdžių temperatūrinių gradientų tyrimas / Research of internal and external disturbance temperature gradients of a precision angle comparator

Rudokas, Vytautas 20 June 2013 (has links)
Darbas skirtas precizinių kampo komparatorių išoriniams ir vidiniams temperatūriniams trikdžiams tirti. Jame sudarytas kalibravimo neapibrėžties modelis, identifikuoti ir išnagrinėti pagrindiniai kampo kalibravimo neapibrėžties sandai, apžvelgti precizinių matavimo įrenginių temperatūrinių paklaidų tyrimo metodai ir priemonės, pasirinkta temeratūrinių gradientų tyrimo metodika ir įranga. Remiantis pateiktomis precizinių kampo komparatorių schemomis, identifikuoti pagrindiniai temperatūrinių paklaidų šaltiniai. Atlikti temperatūrinių gradientų komparatoriaus ir atskirų jo šilumos šaltinių aplinkoje eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Tyrimų rezultatai statistiškai apdoroti, apibendrinti ir padarytos reikiamos išvados. Pateikti temperatūrinių komparatoriaus bazinių elementų temperatūrinių laukų ir deformacijų skaičiavimo rezultatai, atlikti remiantis eksperimentiniais tyrimais. Teikiamos rekomendacijos temperatūriniams kalibravimo paklaidoms mažinti. Darbo apimtis – 74 p. teksto be priedų, 44 iliustracijos, 21 bibliografinis šaltinis. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The research investigates external and internal temperature disturbance in precision angle comparators.The research consists of the model of calibration uncertainty, identification and analysis of the main components of calibration uncertainty, the review of the methods and implements used for the analysis of the measurement errors which occur in precision measurement mechanisms; furthermore, there is indicated choice of methodology and equipment necessary for the analysis of temperature gradient investigation. According to the given schemes of precision angle comparators, there are identified the basic source of temperature errors. The experimental research of temperature gradient comparator and its separate source of warmth has been carried out. The results were produced and summarized as well as some respective conclusions were reached. According to the experimental research, there are produced some computation results concerning the temperature fields of base elements of temperature comparators. Finally, some recommendations are formulated concerning the reduction of the errors of temperature calibration. Thesis consist of: 74 p. text without appendixes, 44 pictures, 21 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

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