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Poverty, Violence and Human Capital FormationBurlacu, Sergiu Constantin 20 April 2020 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a growing commitment to studying the economic lives of the poor by better understanding their psychological lives (Banerjee and Duflo, 2007; Schilbach et al., 2016). These developments stem from the failure to empirically detect poverty traps, which have been at the core of the development literature for decades (Dean et al., 2017). Instead, empirical studies document the existence of very large rates of returns to investment, which, however, are not matched by observed consumption growth rates (Kremer et al., 2019). Several behaviors of the poor, which do not fit with traditional models, puzzled economists. Why do poor micro-entrepreneurs keep borrowing at extremely high interest rates instead of saving some of their profit to borrow less with each passing day (Ananth et al., 2007)? If using fertilizer has such high rates of return, why don't poor farmers purchase it (Duflo et al., 2008)? If the poor remain poor because they do not get enough calories, why do they spend their money on other things besides food (Banerjee and Duflo, 2007)? Such questions led to the rise of the subfield of Behavioral Development Economics, which applies insights from psychology and behavioral economics to study the economic behavior of the poor; trying to explain why and how it departs from standard economic models. Behavioral biases, studied extensively in Behavioral Economics, may be much more consequential for the poor. Failing to resist to the temptation of a hedonistic reward after a hard day of work will have very different implications for a poor person than for a rich one.
This thesis aims to contribute to this new strand of literature, in particular to one of its branches titled "the psychology of poverty", which studies the impact poverty has on cognitive function and economic behavior. One influential theory in this field is the scarcity/mental bandwidth theory (Mullainathan and Shafir, 2013), which states that poverty implies not only lack of financial resources, but also lack of mental resources to focus on other things besides pressing concerns. At any time, a poor person's mind will be preoccupied with worries about bills, school fees or health problems; and how to best manage all of them with very limited resources. While this makes the poor better at decisions regarding the pressing issue at hand (Mullainathan and Shafir, 2013), it also makes them neglect other important domains which may not appear urgent enough (Shah et al., 2012, 2015). While the theory may help explain many puzzling behaviors of the poor, up to now there has been little evidence on real-world economic outcomes. The first two chapters of this thesis try to bring the framework closer to real-world economic decisions even though restricted to the lab setting.
The main challenge with studying the psychology of poverty outside the lab is the fact that even exogenous changes in income will affect several other channels besides mental bandwidth, making it very challenging to pin down the precise mechanism. Given this, the first two chapters are limited to varying mental bandwidth in a lab setting, keeping income fixed. The novel aspect is that the decisions participants make mimic closely everyday life purchasing decisions, involving real products. I note however, that due to limited funding and ethical considerations, in both chapters decisions are only weakly incentivized: only 1% of participants actually receive the goods they selected.
The first chapter explores the relationship between the psychology of poverty, investment in human capital, and financial incentives. Empirical evidence indicates that the poor are less attentive parents, investing less in the human capital of their children (McLoyd, 1998; Evans, 2004). This contributes to the inter-generational transmission of poverty because investing in human capital has extremely high rates of return, highest in early childhood (Cunha and Heckman, 2007; Cunha et al., 2010). The question is why don't the poor invest more? Traditional answers to this question put the blame on lack of knowledge of parenting practices, wrong beliefs on the expected returns or lower altruism. We propose an alternative explanation based on the scarcity theory. Poor parents may fail to invest the required time and resources in their child because their minds are preoccupied with other more urgent concerns. When there is uncertainty about how the next bill will be paid, spending time doing educational activities with the child may shift out of focus. When such behaviors keep repeating on a regular basis, a gap emerges between poor and non-poor children in the amount of cognitive and emotional stimulation they receive.
The challenge is how to test this hypothesis. Given the identification issues with disentangling such channels with observational data, we bring it to the lab. Parents of toddlers, living in the UK, are invited to participate in an online experiment. First, they are asked to answer how their family would deal with various hypothetical financial scenarios which vary in severity (hard for the treatment group, easy for the control group). Among the treated, the scenarios aim to bring financial worries to mind, trying to capture what people living in poverty experience on a regular basis. After completing the scenarios, parents receive a budget of pounds 30 to be spent as they choose in an experimental market on 3 types of goods: necessities, child investment goods, and luxury goods.
Half of parents are incentivized to purchase more child investment goods by being offered a 50% discount. This treatment investigates if financial worries change how parents respond to such incentives, and is motivated by the results in Das et al. (2013) which find that accounting for household re-optimization in response to a policy is crucial when evaluating its effects.
We find that the incentive increases investment in human capital among lower income parents only when financial worries are not salient. When worries become salient, low income parents do not invest more but instead use the additional money to increase their demand of necessities. In addition, they also lower their demand for luxury goods to zero. When no discount is offered, we do not find financial worries to lower investment, which is likely to be explained by floor effects. Among higher income parents, financial worries do not affect behavior.
The effects among lower income participants are driven by those who were further away from their last paycheck at the time of the experiment - an indicator of real world monetary scarcity. This finding increases the external validity of our main results.
The second chapter departs from studying the human capital of children, focusing instead on the human capital of adultsootnote{However, the behavior studied is likely to have negative externalities also on children (e.g. domestic violence).}. Addictive (or temptation) goods have been at the core of academic and policy debates for decades. With Becker and Murphy (1988), addiction was rationalized as a utility maximizing decision where the individual fully internalizes the costs of consuming such goods. In this framework, the only scope for intervention is to balance out the externalities -- the costs that individuals place on society through consumption decisions (e.g. healthcare costs). Gruber (2001) questioned theoretically and empirically the rational framework, showing that with inconsistent time preferences, individuals do not fully internalize the cost of their behavior. Further studies have confirmed these findings which increased the scope of policy interventions (Gruber and Kőszegi, 2004; O’Donoghue and Rabin, 2006; Allcott et al., 2019a).
The most widely used policy tools to limit the over-consumption of temptation are "sin" taxes, popular among governments because they bring large revenues. However, such taxes have sparked debates regarding their effects on income distribution. Since the poor tend to spend a higher share of their budget on temptation, they are likely to pay a higher cost. On the other hand, they are also the ones expected to benefit more in terms of health by consuming less. Traditionally, such taxes were placed on tobacco and alcohol. Recently, several governments have started adding taxes also on the consumption of unhealthy foods, such as sugary drinks and beverages. Crucial to determining the effect of the tax is the elasticity of demand with respect to price and the degree to which individuals are not internalizing their choices (Allcott et al., 2019a).
The second chapter integrates the economics of temptation with the scarcity theory, and investigates if financial worries affect (i) the demand for temptation and (ii) the elasticities of demand with respect to price (sin taxes). The first question is not straightforward in the scarcity framework. While poverty is scarcity of financial resources, it is also scarcity of immediate gratification. The poor have stressful lives and jobs which are often less rewarding and highly physically demanding. Compensating for these struggles is harder since they can only access a small set of potential alternatives to addictive goods (e.g. going to nice restaurant and travelling are not really in the choice set of the poor).
Following a similar design as in the first chapter but with a less specific population (adults living in the UK), we randomly trigger financial worries before asking participants to choose between necessities and temptation goods in an experimental market. The basket of temptation goods offered includes tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy foods and we simulate "sin taxes" by randomly increasing the price of temptation by 10% or 20%.
We find that triggering financial worries lowers the demand for temptation but also dampens demand elasticities. The effects are stronger among low income participants. When financial worries are salient, their demand curve is actually slightly upward sloping. The finding is puzzling: financial worries appear to limit over-consumption of temptation, but they also hurt the poor the most when additional taxes are introduced. We find suggestive evidence that both effects are mediated by an increased focus on urgent necessities.
The first two chapters integrated the scarcity framework into public policies. The results are very consistent across studies and have clear policy implications. Among the poor, when monetary concerns are top of mind: (i) incentivizing investments in human capital may not achieve its desired outcome, (ii) (dis)incentivizing consumption of temptation through new taxes may harm the poor the most since they do not lower their demands in response to price increases, which leads, through taxation, to a transfer of funds from the poor to the nonpoor without having any corrective effects (see Bernheim and Rangel, 2004; Bernheim and Taubinsky, 2018). However, I must note that both chapters make only speculative policy recommendations given that they lack the normative counterfactual. Further research is needed to rigorously establish the welfare implications of financial worries.
The third chapter takes a step back from economic decisions to studying how violence exposure affects cognitive function in children. Unfortunately violence and poverty are closely linked in a vicious cycle. Economically deprived neighborhoods are in general also more violent. In addition to monetary concerns, the minds of the poor are likely to be preoccupied with safety concerns.
This study attempts to apply the framework in Mullainathan and Shafir (2013), focusing on security concerns instead of monetary ones. While the link between the scarcity framework and violence as scarcity of security is novel and up for debate, the chapter is closely connected with the literature on the impact of emotions on cognition and decision making (Loewenstein and Lerner, 2003; Lerner et al., 2003, 2015; Callen et al., 2014; Bogliacino et al., 2017). In a lab-in-the-field experiment, primary school children in El Salvador are randomly assigned to recall episodes of violence exposure before or after taking cognitive tests. I find that recalling violence exposure before taking the tests, increases cognitive performance by 0.2 standard deviations, effect significantly stronger for children reporting higher exposure. The estimates contrast previous findings on the effect of violence and cognitive function (Sharkey, 2010; Sharkey et al., 2012; Bogliacino et al., 2017) and call for further research in the field.
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Desejo, alucinação, produção: La tentation de saint Antoine segundo Flaubert e Cézanne / Desire, hallucination, production: the Temptation of Saint Anthony according to Flaubert and CézanneDias, Daniel Bezerra 21 March 2016 (has links)
O século XIX retoma, por meio de narrativas literárias e pictóricas, o enredo de Antão, personagem da religião católica que teria se exilado no deserto em busca da dedicação às suas orações e à leitura bíblica. A representação de Antão do deserto, do Santo Antão, é revista no texto literário de Gustave Flaubert e na pintura de Paul Cézanne. Flaubert, nas três versões de sua La Tentation de saint Antoine (1849, 1856 e 1874), reconstruiu o enredo do santo por meio do discurso da alucinação, articulado a suas leituras, estudos e observações do quotidiano, como se notam em seus relatos de viagem e em seus manuscritos. O escritor busca na construção do erótico e da ciência a base para o questionamento da fé do santo, atormentado por imagens invocadas dum sem-número de relações interdiscursivas. Cézanne, por sua vez, busca nas referências pictóricas, em especial em pinturas do século XIX, a produção de sua La Tentation de saint Antoine, estabelecendo, sobretudo na versão definitiva (1877), relações com a obra de Flaubert. / The 19th century recovers, through literary and pictorial narratives, the story of Anthony, a character from the catholic religion whose legend says that he exiled himself in the desert in search of full dedication to his prayers and biblical readings. The representation of Anthony, or Saint Anthony, in the desert is revised on Gustave Flauberts literary text and Paul Cézannes painting. Flaubert, in the three versions of his The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1849, 1856 and 1874), reconstructed the story of the saint through the discourse of hallucination, articulating to his readings studies and quotidian observations of hallucination, as shown in his travel reports and in his manuscripts. The writer searches in the construction of the erotic and of the science the basis for the questioning of the saints faith, who was tormented by images invoked from an infinite number of inter-discursive relations. Cézanne, on the other hand, searches in the pictorial references, specially in 19th century paintings, the production of his The Temptation of Saint Anthony, establishing, particularly in the definitive version (1877), relations to Flauberts work.
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Krása a nedokonalost lidské duše podle sv. Jana od Kříže a sv. Terezie od Ježíše / The Beauty and Faulty the Human Soul of Sv. Jan od Kříže and Sv. Terezie od JežíšeFIXOVÁ, Soňa January 2007 (has links)
My Thesis occupy the beauty and faulty of the human/s soul according to st. John from Cross and st. Terezie from the Jesus. They write, that for man is important, to his soul united with God and created matrimony. Futher is important, to the man can to pray, can to intimate speak with God. Because God is Lowe and True. Thesis describe, that all humans powers and abilities have to turn to God. And than art of intimate conversation and relation with God isn/t easy, first of all because of largely plenty obstacles of ours world. Futher thesis deal with submission. Each man have to have the submission and then will be id good relation with God. In the next part they write about this, that we have to look (in all things) on the others and help him. I would like to summarize all my work into the one sentence : the man, who live in lowe of God and others and in respekt for God overcome all temptations and obstacles
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Desejo, alucinação, produção: La tentation de saint Antoine segundo Flaubert e Cézanne / Desire, hallucination, production: the Temptation of Saint Anthony according to Flaubert and CézanneDaniel Bezerra Dias 21 March 2016 (has links)
O século XIX retoma, por meio de narrativas literárias e pictóricas, o enredo de Antão, personagem da religião católica que teria se exilado no deserto em busca da dedicação às suas orações e à leitura bíblica. A representação de Antão do deserto, do Santo Antão, é revista no texto literário de Gustave Flaubert e na pintura de Paul Cézanne. Flaubert, nas três versões de sua La Tentation de saint Antoine (1849, 1856 e 1874), reconstruiu o enredo do santo por meio do discurso da alucinação, articulado a suas leituras, estudos e observações do quotidiano, como se notam em seus relatos de viagem e em seus manuscritos. O escritor busca na construção do erótico e da ciência a base para o questionamento da fé do santo, atormentado por imagens invocadas dum sem-número de relações interdiscursivas. Cézanne, por sua vez, busca nas referências pictóricas, em especial em pinturas do século XIX, a produção de sua La Tentation de saint Antoine, estabelecendo, sobretudo na versão definitiva (1877), relações com a obra de Flaubert. / The 19th century recovers, through literary and pictorial narratives, the story of Anthony, a character from the catholic religion whose legend says that he exiled himself in the desert in search of full dedication to his prayers and biblical readings. The representation of Anthony, or Saint Anthony, in the desert is revised on Gustave Flauberts literary text and Paul Cézannes painting. Flaubert, in the three versions of his The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1849, 1856 and 1874), reconstructed the story of the saint through the discourse of hallucination, articulating to his readings studies and quotidian observations of hallucination, as shown in his travel reports and in his manuscripts. The writer searches in the construction of the erotic and of the science the basis for the questioning of the saints faith, who was tormented by images invoked from an infinite number of inter-discursive relations. Cézanne, on the other hand, searches in the pictorial references, specially in 19th century paintings, the production of his The Temptation of Saint Anthony, establishing, particularly in the definitive version (1877), relations to Flauberts work.
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Varför begår ungdomar antisemitiska hatbrott? : En intervju studie som undersöker orsakerna till hatbrott bland några förövare / Why do young people commit anti-Semitic hate crimes? : An Interview Study Investigating the Causes of Hate Crime among some OffendersAbdulmohsen, Adel January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar orsakerna till hatbrott, särskilt bland unga i Malmö, med hjälp av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Tre unga individer med personlig koppling till hatbrott deltar i diskussioner om motivation, syn på offer och strategier för att bekämpa hatbrott. Strainteorin används som en av teoretisk ram för att förklara hur missnöje kan leda till avvikandebeteende, inklusive hatbrott. Resultaten pekar på negativa beteendemönster, nationalistiska tendenser och intolerans mot religioner eller etniciteter med religiös koppling som bidragande faktorer till hatbrott. Betydelsen av denna studie framhävs genom den begränsade mängden forskning i svenskt sammanhang där förövare intervjuats. / This study explores the causes of hate crimes, especially among young people in Malmö,using a qualitative approach. Three young individuals with a personal connection to hatecrime participate in discussions about motivation, views of victims and strategies to combathate crime. Strain theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain how dissatisfaction can lead to deviant behavior, including hate crimes. The results point to negative behavior patterns, nationalist tendencies and intolerance towards religions or ethnicities with areligious connection as contributing factors to hate crimes. The importance of this study is highlighted by the limited amount of research in a Swedish context where perpetrators havebeen interviewed.
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Moving Up the Social Ladder: An Analysis of the Role of Temptation in Shaping Characters in Select Fairy Tales Employing Marxist and Psychological LensesIacovetta, Anna C. 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Jewish hermeneutics of divine testing with special reference to the epistle of JamesEllis, Nicholas J. January 2013 (has links)
The nature of trials, tests, and temptation in the Epistle of James has been extensively debated in New Testament scholarship. However, scholarship has underexamined the tension between the author’s mitigation of divine agency in testing ( Jas 1:13–14) and the author’s appeal to well-known biblical testing narratives such as the creation account (1:15– 18), the Binding of Isaac ( Jas 2:21–24), and the Trials of Job ( Jas 5:9–11). is juxtaposition between the author’s theological apologetic and his biblical hermeneutic has the potential to reveal either the author’s theological incoherence or his rhetorical and hermeneutical creativity. With these tensions of divine agency and biblical interpretation in mind, this dissertation compares the Epistle of James against other examples of ancient Jewish interpretation, interrogating two points of contact in each Jewish work: their portrayals of the cosmic drama of testing, and their resulting biblical hermeneutic. The dissertation assembles a spectrum of positions on how the divine, satanic, and human roles of testing vary from author to author. These variations of the dramatis personae of the cosmic drama exercise a direct influence on the reception and interpretation of the biblical testing narratives. When the Epistle of James is examined in a similar light, it reveals a cosmic drama especially dependent on the metaphor of the divine law court. Within this cosmic drama, God stands as righteous judge, and in the place of divine prosecutor stand the cosmic forces indicting both divine integrity and human religious loyalty. These cosmic and human roles have a direct impact on James’ reading of biblical testing narratives. Utilising an intra-canonical hermeneutic similar to that found in Rewritten Bible literature, the Epistle appeals to a constructed ‘Jobraham’ narrative in which the Job stories mitigate divine agency in biblical trials such as those of Abraham, and Abraham’s celebrated patience rehabilitates Job’s rebellious response to trial. In conclusion, by closely examining the broader exegetical discourses of ancient Judaism, this project sheds new light on how the Epistle of James responds to theological tensions within its religious community through a hermeneutical application of the dominant biblical narratives of Job’s cosmic framework and Abraham’s human perfection.
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The quest for the fictional Jesus : Gospel rewrites, Gospel (re)interpretation, and Christological portraits within Jesus novelsRamey, Margaret E. January 2011 (has links)
Jesus' story has been retold in various forms and fashions for centuries. Jesus novels, a subset of the historical fiction genre, are one of the latest means of not only re-imagining the man from Galilee but also of rewriting the canonical Gospels. This thesis explores the Christological portraits constructed in four of those novels while also using the novels to examine the intertextual play of these Gospel rewrites with their Gospel progenitors. Chapter 1 offers a prolegomenon to the act of fictionalizing Jesus that discusses the relationship between the person and his portraits and the hermeneutical circle created by these texts as they both rewrite the Gospels and stimulate a rereading of them. It also establishes the "preposterous" methodology that will be used when reexamining the Gospels "post" reading the novels. Chapters 2 to 5 offer four case studies of "complementing" and "competing" novels and the techniques they use to achieve these aims: Anne Rice's Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt; Neil Boyd's The Hidden Years; Nino Ricci's Testament; and José Saramago's The Gospel according to Jesus Christ. Chapter 6 begins an examination of a specific interpretive circle based upon Jesus' temptation in the wilderness. Beginning with the synoptic accounts of that event, the chapter then turns to how Jesus' testing has been reinterpreted and presented in two of the novels. Returning to the Gospel of Matthew's version of the Temptation, chapter 7 offers a "preposterous" examination of that pericope, which asks novel questions of the text and its role with Matthew's narrative context based on issues raised by the Gospel rewrites. The thesis concludes by suggesting that Jesus novels, already important examples of the reception history of the Gospels, can also play a helpful role in re-interpreting the Gospels themselves.
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The role of Archaeology in the Jesus industryDyer, Jennifer 12 1900 (has links)
The question leading to this study is whether the facts and theories pertaining to the
Bible and Jesus Story as presented by The Authors (H Schonfield, D Joyce, B Thiering, M
Baigent, R Leigh, H Lincoln; M Starbird, and D Brown) could be verified by the
Archaeology evidence. I have adopted a multidiscipline and holistic approach
considering information gathered from all media sources to ascertain what theories, if
any could replace the traditional Jesus Story of the New Testament. I considered
whether the alternative theories or traditional theories were believable due to the
evidence presented by Biblical Archaeology or by the techniques used by The Authors
in presenting their facts. By using Thouless’ system of Straight and Crooked thinking I
was able to ascertain that the theories used in the novels written by The Authors may
have been persuasive, but lacked substance. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Biblical Archaeology)
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