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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mätosäkerhet vid digital terrängmodellering med handhållen laserskanner : Undersökning av den handhållna laserskannern ZEB-REVO

Gustafsson, Amanda, Wängborg, Olov January 2018 (has links)
En digital terrängmodell (DTM) är en representation av enbart själva markytan. Det finns flera metoder för att framställa DTM:er, där laserskanning har blivit en alltmer vanlig metod. Inom laserskanning är flygburen laserskanning (FLS) en flitigt använd metod, då metoden har fördelen av att kunna täcka stora områden på kort tid. Det finns dock nackdelar med FLS då datainsamlingen kan bli bristfällig i t.ex. skogsområden, där laserstrålar inte kan tränga igenom tät vegetation. Här kan handhållen laserskanning (HLS) vara ett bra alternativ då HLS går snabbt och inte behöver samma omfattande planering. Tidigare studier visar att HLS har många fördelar, men som dock inte kan hålla samma låga osäkerhet som terrester laserskanning (TLS). Det saknas däremot studier om hur HLS ställer sig mot mätningar med FLS. Syftet med studien är därför att utvärdera möjligheten att använda och tillämpa mätningar med HLS för framställning av DTM i skogsterräng gentemot FLS. Detta görs genom att jämföra respektive DTM:s lägesosäkerhet. I studien användes instrumentet ZEB-REVO för insamlingen av data för metoden HLS. Medan för FLS användes laserdata från Lantmäteriet. Från insamlad laserdata skapades därefter DTM:er. Dessa jämfördes mot ett antal kontrollprofiler som mättes in med totalstation. För respektive metod, HLS och FLS, beräknades medelvärde för höjdavvikelserna mot kontrollprofilerna där även standardavvikelse beräknades. Resultatet visar att DTM:en skapad av data från FLS beräknades ha en höjdavvikelse för hela området på 0,055 m som medelvärde gentemot inmätta kontrollprofiler. Standardavvikelsen för denna höjdavvikelse beräknades till 0,046 m för FLS. För DTM:en med data från HLS beräknades en höjdavvikelse på 0,043 m i medelvärde som bäst, där standardavvikelse beräknades till 0,034 m. Studien visar att metoderna HLS och FLS gav likvärdiga resultat gentemot de inmätta kontrollprofilerna, dock gav HLS generellt mindre standardavvikelse i jämförelse mot FLS. Vidare ansågs ZEB-REVO och dess tillhörande databearbetningsprogram GeoSLAM vara väldigt användarvänligt, där själva skanningen med instrumentet tog endast 10 minuter för studiens område på ca 2000 m2. Utifrån studiens resultat drogs slutsatsen att mätningar med HLS kan ge en likvärdig DTM, sett till osäkerheten, som FLS-mätningar. HLS kan därmed vara en kompletterande metod men att FLS är en fortsatt effektiv metod. / A digital terrain model (DTM) represent exclusively the earth surface. There are several methods which can be utilized to create DTMs, where laser scanning have become a common used method. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is often used since the method can cover a large area in a relatively short time. However a disadvantage with ALS is that the data collection, for a wooded area, can be inadequate due to penetration difficulties for some laser beams. For that reason a handheld laser scanner (HLS) can be an alternative since measurements can be done fast and does not need the same extensive planning. Earlier studies mention HLS to have several advantages but can still not yet be compared with terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) concerning the measurements uncertainty. There are, however, no studies that investigates how measurements with HLS stands against FLS. The purpose with the study is to evaluate the ability to use measurements from HLS to create a DTM for a wooded area in comparison with ALS. This is done by comparing the different uncertainties for each DTM. In the study the acquisition of HLS laser data was collected with the instrument ZEB-REVO and the ALS laser data was received from Lantmäteriet (cadastral mapping and surveying authority in Sweden). After the data acquisition a DTM were created from each data set (method). The DTMs were then compared to control profiles, which have been measured with total station. From the comparison with the control profiles average height deviation and standard deviation were calculated for each DTM. The result shows that the DTM created from ALS data received an average height deviation of 0,055 m for the whole area with a standard deviation of 0,046 m. Corresponding result for the DTM created from HLS data were calculated, at best, to 0,043 m in average height deviation and 0,034 m in standard deviation. The study shows that the methods HLS and ALS gave equivalent result regarding the comparison with the control profiles, however HLS gave a generally lower value for standard deviation. Furthermore ZEB-REVO with its processing program GeoSLAM was considered to be very easy and user friendly. The area (approx. 2000 m2) for the study was scanned within only 10 min. The conclusion which were drawn from the obtained result was that measurements with HLS can generate an equivalent DTM, concerning the uncertainty, as measurements with FLS. Thereby HLS can be a complementing method but still FLS is seen as an effective method.

Podklady pro tvorbu mapy pro orientační běh / Data for the Creation Orienteering Maps

Panchártek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about using airborne laser scanning data for making maps for Orienteering. In this thesis were used altimetry data DMR 4G and DMR 5G. These data are provided by ČUZK. The control measuring was made in choosen area to verify the accuracy. In this thesis is described procedure of data collection and their treatment. The results of this thesis are two illustrations of the orienteering maps.

Analys av lägesosäkerheter hos fotogrammetriskt framställda DTM - en jämförelse mellan två programvaror

Sköld, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Idag blir användningen av drönare allt mer vanlig för dokumentation av markytor. Det är ett billigare alternativ för att dokumentera små och otillgängliga områden. Genom tekniken går det bland annat att framställa olika digitala modeller som representerar jordens yta. En sådan modell kan vara en terrängmodell (DTM) som är en modell av markytan exklusive vegetation, hus eller annat som befinner sig på marken. Modeller kan framställas genom flygdata såsom laserskannad (LiDAR-data) eller flygfotograferade data (flygbilder). För att framställa en digital modell från rådata används olika programvaror. Den här studien utvärderar två olika programvarors förmåga att framställa digitala terrängmodeller från flygbilder. Främst undersöks levererade osäkerheter och användarvänligheten i programmen. Referensdata som användes i denna studie tillhandahölls av Norconsult och samlades in vid ett projekt över Hammarbyhöjdsskogen i Stockholm, hösten 2018. Den data som erhölls från projektet till denna studie var flygbilder samt terrestra detaljmätningar. Programmen som studien utvärderar är UAS Master som både använder datorseende och fotogrammetriska metoder och SURE Aerial som använder datorseende. Genom studien visade det sig att fler än de ursprungliga programvarorna behövdes för att framställa de digitala terrängmodellerna och vidare jämföra dessa. En orsak var att UAS Master saknade förmågor att redigera och visa punktmoln i 3D-vy och vidare skapa en DTM. Detta resulterade i att använda Trimble Business Center för slutarbetet. En annan orsak var att SURE Aerial visade sig vara avsett för framställning av digitala ytmodeller (representation av den faktiska, synliga ytan). För att framställa en DTM av punktmolnet användes både Cloud Compare och Agisoft Photoscan (numera Metashape). Geo användes sedan för att ta ut höjdavvikelserna från modellen. Två slutsatser som kunde dras utifrån denna studie var: 1) trots de olika tillvägagångssätten erhölls snarlika resultat för marktypernas lägesosäkerheter för respektive programvara (asfalt: 0,039 m; grus: ca 0,040 m; gräs: ca 0,048 m), varpå alla blev godkända enligt HMK – Flygfotografering 2017; 2) SURE Aerial är ett enklare och snabbbare program men med UAS Master har man som användare bättre förståelse över processerna och erhåller bättre dokumentation. / Drones have become a more and more frequent tool to document the surface of the ground, especially in smaller areas that otherwise are too expensive to observe by other means. This technology makes it possible to create digital terrain models (DTM) that represents the surface of the ground excluding vegetation, houses or other objects on the ground. These models can be created by laser scanned data (LiDAR-data) or aerial photogrammetry (aerial photos).  In order to create a digital model from raw data are various software needed. This study aims to test two software’s ability to create digital terrain models from UAS photos. The software were evaluated by the uncertainties of the models, as well as the user-friendliness of each software. All data used in this study was collected by Norconsult for another project in 2018 and consist of UAS photos and data from terrestrial measurements.  The softwares used in this study for comparison are UAS Master (using both computer vision and photogrammetric methods) and SURE Aerial (using computer vision). It turned out that additional use of software were needed to create DTMs that were comparable. UAS Master could not show or edit point clouds in 3D, because of this the software Trimble Business Centre had to be used. This program was also used to obtain height deviations. SURE Aerial on the other hand turned out to only be able to create digital surface models (models of the visible ground). The software Cloud Compare and Agisoft Photoscan (nowadays Metashape) were therefore used to create the DTM from the point cloud. The height deviations from the ladder DTM were obtained from the software Geo. Two conclusions could be drawn from this study: 1) the uncertainties of the different surface types were similar in the software despite the different ways to create the DTMs (asphalt: 0.039 m; gravel: 0.040 m; grass: 0.048 m). All of which meet the requirements according to HMK – Flygfotografering 2017; 2) SURE Aerial is a lot easier and quicker to work with but UAS Master give the user a lot more feedback in the way of documentation throughout the different processes.

Knowledge-based modelling of historical surfaces using lidar data

Höfler, Veit, Wessollek, Christine, Karrasch, Pierre 30 August 2019 (has links)
Currently in archaeological studies digital elevation models are mainly used especially in terms of shaded reliefs for the prospection of archaeological sites. Hesse (2010) provides a supporting software tool for the determination of local relief models during the prospection using LiDAR scans. Furthermore the search for relicts from WW2 is also in the focus of his research.¹ In James et al. (2006) the determined contour lines were used to reconstruct locations of archaeological artefacts such as buildings.² This study is much more and presents an innovative workflow of determining historical high resolution terrain surfaces using recent high resolution terrain models and sedimentological expert knowledge. Based on archaeological field studies (Franconian Saale near Bad Neustadt in Germany) the sedimentological analyses shows that archaeological interesting horizon and geomorphological expert knowledge in combination with particle size analyses (Köhn, DIN ISO 11277) are useful components for reconstructing surfaces of the early Middle Ages.³ Furthermore the paper traces how it is possible to use additional information (extracted from a recent digital terrain model) to support the process of determination historical surfaces. Conceptual this research is based on methodology of geomorphometry and geo-statistics. The basic idea is that the working procedure is based on the different input data. One aims at tracking the quantitative data and the other aims at processing the qualitative data. Thus, the first quantitative data were available for further processing, which were later processed with the qualitative data to convert them to historical heights. In the final stage of the work ow all gathered information are stored in a large data matrix for spatial interpolation using the geostatistical method of Kriging. Besides the historical surface, the algorithm also provides a first estimation of accuracy of the modelling. The presented workflow is characterized by a high exibility and the opportunity to include new available data in the process at any time.

Studium druhové bohatosti a složení společenstev mechorostů na velmi malé prostorové škále v souvislosti s in situ měřeným mikroklimatem / The study of bryophyte species richness and community composition on a very fine spatial scale connected to in situ measured microclimate

Růžičková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The life of bryophytes is closely connected with their surrounding environment. Changes in atmospheric conditions on the microscale directly affect the physiological functions of bryophytes, which in turn determine their distribution. The current development of technologies allows us to measure the microclimate affecting bryophytes directly in the field. Nevertheless, there have not been many studies published examining the response of bryophytes to in situ measured microclimate. This diploma thesis is one of the first in Europe to provide data from continuous field microclimatic measurement performed on a scale relevant to bryophytes. It deals with the influence of the microclimate on the bryophyte species richness and community composition within a single gorge in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park. For 17 months, 38 HOBO Pro v2 Onset dataloggers were recording air temperature and air humidity 10 cm above the ground. I performed detailed bryological survey on two differently sized plots (circle with a radius of 1 or 2 m) around each of the dataloggers. The microclimate is influenced by the topography and character of the vegetation, therefore I derived topographical data from a digital terrain model (resolution of 1 m), calculated the canopy openness using hemispherical photographs and...

A See-ability Metric to Improve Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Awareness Using Video Georegistered to Terrain Models

Engh, Cameron Howard 20 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Search and rescue operations conducted in wilderness environments can be greatly aided by the use of video filmed from mini-UAVs. While lightweight, inexpensive and easily transportable, these small aircraft suffer from wind buffeting and may produce video that is difficult to search. To aid in the video search process, we have created a system to project video frames into a 3D representation of the search region. This projection allows us to tie each frame of video to a real-world location, enabling a myriad of novel views, mosaics and metrics that can be used to guide the search including a new metric dubbed “see-ability.” The “see-ability” metric is the primary contribution of this research as it indicates what portion of the search area has been viewed and provides an estimate of the quality of that viewing. The research includes a validation of the “see-ability” metric as it correlates to objective performance in the search task by real people.

Large-scale 3D environmental modelling and visualisation for flood hazard warning.

Wang, Chen January 2009 (has links)
3D environment reconstruction has received great interest in recent years in areas such as city planning, virtual tourism and flood hazard warning. With the rapid development of computer technologies, it has become possible and necessary to develop new methodologies and techniques for real time simulation for virtual environments applications. This thesis proposes a novel dynamic simulation scheme for flood hazard warning. The work consists of three main parts: digital terrain modelling; 3D environmental reconstruction and system development; flood simulation models. The digital terrain model is constructed using real world measurement data of GIS, in terms of digital elevation data and satellite image data. An NTSP algorithm is proposed for very large data assessing, terrain modelling and visualisation. A pyramidal data arrangement structure is used for dealing with the requirements of terrain details with different resolutions. The 3D environmental reconstruction system is made up of environmental image segmentation for object identification, a new shape match method and an intelligent reconstruction system. The active contours-based multi-resolution vector-valued framework and the multi-seed region growing method are both used for extracting necessary objects from images. The shape match method is used with a template in the spatial domain for a 3D detailed small scale urban environment reconstruction. The intelligent reconstruction system is designed to recreate the whole model based on specific features of objects for large scale environment reconstruction. This study then proposes a new flood simulation scheme which is an important application of the 3D environmental reconstruction system. Two new flooding models have been developed. The first one is flood spreading model which is useful for large scale flood simulation. It consists of flooding image spatial segmentation, a water level calculation process, a standard gradient descent method for energy minimization, a flood region search and a merge process. The finite volume hydrodynamic model is built from shallow water equations which is useful for urban area flood simulation. The proposed 3D urban environment reconstruction system was tested on our simulation platform. The experiment results indicate that this method is capable of dealing with complicated and high resolution region reconstruction which is useful for many applications. When testing the 3D flood simulation system, the simulation results are very close to the real flood situation, and this method has faster speed and greater accuracy of simulating the inundation area in comparison to the conventional flood simulation models

Application of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling in Riverine Systems Using HEC-RAS

Alzahrani, Abdulaziz S. 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

A Comprehensive Framework for Quality Control and Enhancing Interpretation Capability of Point Cloud Data

Yi-chun Lin (13960494) 14 October 2022 (has links)
<p>Emerging mobile mapping systems include a wide range of platforms, for instance, manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), terrestrial systems like trucks, tractors, robots, and backpacks, that can carry multiple sensors including LiDAR scanners, cameras, and georeferencing units. Such systems can maneuver in the field to quickly collect high-resolution data, capturing detailed information over an area of interest. With the increased volume and distinct characteristics of the data collected, practical quality control procedures that assess the agreement within/among datasets acquired by various sensors/systems at different times are crucial for accurate, robust interpretation. Moreover, the ability to derive semantic information from acquired data is the key to leveraging the complementary information captured by mobile mapping systems for diverse applications. This dissertation addresses these challenges for different systems (airborne and terrestrial), environments (urban and rural), and applications (agriculture, archaeology, hydraulics/hydrology, and transportation).</p> <p>In this dissertation, quality control procedures that utilize features automatically identified and extracted from acquired data are developed to evaluate the relative accuracy between multiple datasets. The proposed procedures do not rely on manually deployed ground control points or targets and can handle challenging environments such as coastal areas or agricultural fields. Moreover, considering the varying characteristics of acquired data, this dissertation improves several data processing/analysis techniques essential for meeting the needs of various applications. An existing ground filtering algorithm is modified to deal with variation in point density; digital surface model (DSM) smoothing and seamline control techniques are proposed for improving the orthophoto quality in agricultural fields. Finally, this dissertation derives semantic information for diverse applications, including 1) shoreline retreat quantification, 2) automated row/alley detection for plant phenotyping, 3) enhancement of orthophoto quality for tassel/panicle detection, and 4) point cloud semantic segmentation for mapping transportation corridors. The proposed approaches are tested using multiple datasets from UAV and wheel-based mobile mapping systems. Experimental results verify that the proposed approaches can effectively assess the data quality and provide reliable interpretation. This dissertation highlights the potential of modern mobile mapping systems to map challenging environments for a variety of applications.</p>

Untersuchung und Visualisierung von Gletschervolumenänderungen im Tarim-Einzugsgebiet, Zentralasien, unter Verwendung multi-temporaler digitaler Geländemodelle

Pieczonka, Tino 18 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Das aride Tarim-Becken im Nordwesten Chinas unterliegt Umweltveränderungen, die durch rapide Ausbreitung bewässerter Landwirtschaft sowie Klimawandel angetrieben sind. Während im Oberlauf in den letzten 50 Jahren ein Abflussanstieg beobachtet wurde, haben landwirtschaftliche Aktivitäten im Mittel- und Unterlauf zur Wasserknappheit und der drastischen Verkürzung des endorheischen Flusses geführt. Der Abfluss des Tarim, dessen Hauptzufluss der in Kirgistan entspringende Aksu-Fluss darstellt, wird zu einem großen Teil aus Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze in den oberen Gebirgseinzugsgebieten des Tien Shan gespeist. Da die Unterlieger von dem Wasser des Tarim zur Bewässerung in der Landwirtschaft abhängig sind, sind das Wissen über den Beitrag der Gletscherschmelze zum Abfluss sowie das Wissen über mögliche zukünftige Änderungen der Gletschermasse von großer Relevanz. Zahlreiche Studien beschränken sich oftmals nur auf die Betrachtung der Gletscherfläche, deren Änderung jedoch keine direkten Rückschlüsse auf etwaige Massenänderungen zulässt und zudem nur ein indirektes Signal für Klimaänderungen darstellt. Weiterführende Studien, welche zusätzlich Gletschermassenänderungen im Aksu-Einzugsgebiet untersuchen, haben häufig nur lokalen Charakter. Regionale Studien zu Massenänderungen, welche ganze Einzugsgebiete und Gebirgsketten umfassen, finden sich mehrheitlich für die letzte Dekade durch die Verfügbarkeit laseraltimetrischer Höhendaten und gravimetrischer Messungen, wobei letztere durch hohe Unsicherheiten gekennzeichnet sind. Um jedoch Aussagen hinsichtlich der zeitlichen Entwicklung der Gletscher treffen zu können, widmet sich die Arbeit insbesondere der Untersuchung von Gletschermassenveränderungen seit den 1970er Jahren unter Verwendung deklassifizierter amerikanischer Satellitenbilddaten, SRTM-Daten sowie SPOT-5-Stereodaten. Zur Ableitung geodätischer Gletschermassenbilanzen wurden Daten der Mapping Camera (MC) des Hexagon-Satelliten aus den Jahren 1973–1976 stereoskopisch ausgewertet und mit Daten der SRTM-Mission aus dem Jahr 2000 und SPOT-5-Stereodaten aus dem Jahr 2009 verglichen. Die Ableitung geodätischer Massenbilanzen aus multi-temporalen Geländemodellen erforderte deren Co-Registrierung auf das als SRTM gewählte Master-Modell. In einem zweistufigen Verfahren wurden Verkippungen über eine globale Trendfläche und horizontale Lagefehler über eine analytische Beziehung zwischen Oberflächenneigung, Orientierung und der entsprechenden Höhendifferenz unter Einbeziehung nicht-glazialer Pixel minimiert. Die Eindringtiefe des SRTM-C-Bands wurde mittels ICESat-Daten mit 2,2 m abgeschätzt und bei der Differenzbildung berücksichtigt. Zur Bereinigung der Differenzbilder zwischen den Geländemodellen wurde ein höhenbasierter Ansatz entwickelt, welcher eine abnehmende Varianz der Höhendifferenzwerte vom Ablations- zum Akkumulationsgebiet annimmt. Dieser Ansatz stellt eine deutlich realistischere Annahme im Vergleich zur oftmals verwendeten Nullannahme dar, welche von keinen Veränderungen in den Akkumulationsgebieten ausgeht. Die Gletscher im Aksu-Einzugsgebiet zeigten im Ergebnis einen Massenverlust von 0,35±0,34 m w.e./a im Zeitraum 1975–1999, was dem globalen Durchschnitt für diese Periode entspricht. In den Jahren 1999 bis 2009 wurde indes eine Abnahme des Massenverlusts (0,23±0,19 m w.e./a) festgestellt, was möglicherweise auf eine Zunahme des Niederschlags in der letzten Dekade zurückzuführen ist. Zudem zeigte sich, dass schuttbedeckte Gletscher, deren Schuttauflage ab einer Dicke von etwa 2 cm einen hemmenden Einfluss auf die Abschmelzrate hat, signifikant an Masse verloren haben bei gleichzeitig nur relativ geringer Flächenabnahme. Insgesamt wies die räumliche Verteilung der Massenänderungen eine starke Heterogenität auf, mit zunehmender Tendenz von Osten nach Westen und von den Innen- zu den Außenbereichen des Zentralen Tien Shan. Zusätzlich konnten zahlreiche, zuvor in der Literatur nicht benannte, surgende Gletscher identifiziert werden. Der durch Eismassenverlust induzierte Anteil am Gesamtabfluss des Aksu wurde im Ergebnis mit circa 20% ermittelt. Neben der Oberflächenneigung sind, in einfachen Modellen zur Eisdickenabschätzung, die basale Scherspannung und der Anteil basalen Gleitens an der Oberflächengeschwindigkeit Haupteinflussfaktoren. Anhand gemessener Eisdicken, fernerkundlich abgeleiteter Gletscherfließgeschwindigkeiten und der Oberflächenneigung, als Näherung der Neigung des Gletscherbetts, konnte ein empirischer Zusammenhang zur Abschätzung des Anteils basalen Gleitens abgeleitet werden. Die Eisdickenabschätzung für die vier größten Gletscher des Zentralen Tien Shan erfolgte im weiteren Verlauf durch Anwendung von Glen’s Fließgesetz, unter Annahme laminaren Fließens. Die Ergebnisse weisen für die betrachteten Gletscher mittlere Dicken von 70 m bis 140 m für deren schuttbedeckte Gletscherzungen auf. Diese Werte liegen teilweise deutlich unter denen bisheriger Studien, welche von einer globalen Scherspannung für den gesamten Gletscher oder einem konstanten Anteil basalen Gleitens ausgehen. Im Vergleich zu vorhandenen Eisdickenmessungen konnte durch die lokale Abschätzung der basalen Geschwindigkeit die mittlere Abweichung von zuvor mehr als 200 m auf etwa 50 m reduziert werden. Durch Einbeziehung der in der Arbeit ermittelten geodätischen Gletschermassenbilanzen wurde der relative Volumenverlust seit den 1970er Jahren mit 6% bis 28% quantifiziert, welcher deutlich unter dem schuttfreier Gletscher innerhalb Hochasiens liegt.

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