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Zaměření a tvorba 3D modelu pro hydrotechnický projekt / Surveying and Creation of 3D Model for Hydro Technical ProjectBárta, František January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issues of digital terrain model creation. It aims to explain the solution of an international contract, starting from gathering the data and finishing with the creation and visualization of the digital terrain model of the given location. The software AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 is used for modeling. Main outcomes of the thesis are volume calculation of flood line, contoured map of the dam area, the digital model and its visualization.
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En jämförelsestudie mellan punktmoln framställda med UAS-fotogrammetri och Laserdata NH på ett industriområde i Västsverige / A comparative study of point clouds generated from UAS-photogrammetry and Laserdata NH of industrial area in West SwedenEskina, Ksenija, Watoot, Ali January 2020 (has links)
Framställning av digitala terrängmodell (Digital Terrain Model, DTM) är en viktig del för projekteringsunderlag vid markrelaterade frågor. Grunden för en DTM är punktmolnet som innehåller grunddata från mätningen. DTM är användbara i många olika områden, kvalitén bestäms beroende på vilken uppdrag som DTM gäller för. UAS-fotogrammetri är en av metoder som tillämpas för att framställa en DTM, det går även att framställa en DTM utifrån punktmoln från Laserdata NH. En DTM är en modell av endast markyta, där data samlas genom mätning av ett visst objekt. Syftet med detta examensarbete som är utfört vid Institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap vid Högskolan Väst var att jämföra två olika metoder för framställning av ett punktmoln som är till underlag för en DTM. Punktmoln som framställs med egna mätningar från UASfotogrammetri och ett färdigt punktmoln från Laserdata NH. Målet med jämförelsen är att undersöka om det går att ersätta UAS-fotogrammetri med den kostnadseffektiva Laserdata NH i projektet för ett industriområde (Lödöse varvet) i Lilla Edets kommun, samt om det går att ersätta den överlag. Med hjälp av Agisoft Metashape programvaran framställdes det punktmolnet från mätning från UAS av modellen DJI Phantom 4 Advanced, sedan jämfördes den mot det färdiga punktmolnet från Laserdata NH i CloudCompare programmet. Resultatet på denna studie visar att det går att ersätta UAS-fotogrammetri mot Laserdata NH i just denna och andra liknande projekt som har samma syfte och viss bestämd noggrannhet då punktmolnen inte avviker signifikant från varandra. Medan det inte går att ersätta de mot varandra överlag, då UAS-fotogrammetri erhåller högre noggrannhet när det gäller framställning av ett punktmoln jämfört med vad Laserdata NH har för noggrannhet på sina mätningar / Generation of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is an essential part in project planning in questions related to spatial planning. Basis for the DTM is the point cloud which obtains initial data from the measurement. DTM can be used in different areas, accepted quality level is depending on the assignment for which DTM is produced. UAS-photogrammetry is one of the methods which is used for DTM generation, but it is possible to produce DTM from point cloud originated from Laserdata NH. A DTM is a model representing entirely terrain surface, where the data used for its generation gathers from measuring of a certain object. The purpose of this study accomplished at Department of Engineering Science at University West was to compare two different methods for point cloud generation as a basis for DTM. First point cloud generated comes from own measurement with UAS-photogrammetry and second is a point cloud from acquired Laserdata NH. The goal of the comparison is to examine if it is possible to replace UAS-photogrammetry with the cost effective Laserdata NH in the project for the industrial area (Lödöse varvet) in Lilla Edet municipality, and if it is possible to replace it generally. With help of Agisoft Metashape software the point cloud from UAS-measurement with DJI Phantom 4 Advanced was generated and then compared to Laserdata NH point cloud in CloudCompare program. Result of this study is showing that it is possible to replace UAS-photogrammetry with Laserdata NH in this specific and others similar projects which have same purpose and certain decided precision since point clouds are not significantly deviating from each other. While it is not possible to replace them generally, as UAS-photogrammetry obtains higher precision concerning point cloud generation compared to accuracy that Laserdata NH has in its measurements.
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Revitalizace rybníka v katastrálním území Skalička u Hranic / Revitalization of the Small Water Reservoir in the Skalička u Hranic Cadastral AreaMajkus, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to propose a comprehensive revitalization of the side pond in the cadastral area of Skalička. As part of revitalization measures, the removal of mud from the pond, fortification of the banks and other modifications in connection with functional structures are proposed. In order to take water into the pond, a concrete diversion structure in the Hlubocky stream bed is designed, connected with pond via open canal with 2 pools, which will substitute the existing supply pipeline. As part of stabilization of the streambed and to overcome height difference, a boulder chute with stilling basin and related modifications are designed. The introductory part is a summary of knowledge from the issue and it explains important terms, historical context and description of basic principles. The next part describes the current situation and conditions in the surveyed locality. The following is a description of the methods and programs that were used for this work. The design part presents the proposed revitalization measures. An essential part of the work is also the varification of the proposed modification in the streambed, using 3D digital terrain model in Atlas DMT and subsequent 1D flow simulation in HEC-RAS.
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Utvärdering av två digitala terrängmodeller på öppna ytor : Framställda med NRTK-GNSS och Laserdata NHCastenvall, Anna, Petersson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
En digital terrängmodell (DTM) representerar endast markytans form och har en bred användning inom t.ex. samhällsplanering. Det finns olika framställningsmetoder för att skapa en DTM, där de mest använda metoderna är mark- eller flygburen laserskanning samt terrester- eller satellitbaserad mätning. Flygburen laserskanning (FLS) använder sig av tekniken LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) där avstånd mäts med laser. Lantmäteriet påbörjade ett projekt 2009, vilket gick ut på att laserskanna hela Sverige med FLS och projektet blev klart 2019. Resultatet blev Laserdata NH (Nationella Höjdmodellen) med en lägesnoggrannhet i höjd på 0,1 m. Syftet med studien är att kontrollera mätosäkerheten för Laserdata NH samt undersöka om den kan ersätta terrestra mätningar, t.ex. GNSS vid skapande av DTM:er. Studieområdet är ca 0,85 ha och består av en gräsyta omgiven av grusvägar. Området är beläget i Teknikparken, Gävle. För att se ifall Laserdata NH kan ersätta GNSS-mätningar skapades en DTM från Laserdata NH samt en DTM från mätningar med NRTK-GNSS. Alla inmätningar följde de krav och toleranser vilka specificeras i SIS-TS 21144:2016. För att kunna kontrollera mätosäkerheten för Laserdata NH mättes kontrollprofiler in, vilka agerade som referens. Kontrollprofilerna användes även som referens när de båda DTM:erna jämfördes mot varandra. Max- och min avvikelse, medelavvikelse, standardosäkerhet samt RMS räknades ut på varje enskild profil, per markyta och för de två modellerna. Beräkningarna utfördes för att se ifall värdena låg för högt eller för lågt i någon del av ett område samt för att kunna se sannolikheten för systematiska avvikelser. En statistisk analys utfördes för att se ifall det finns någon skillnad mellan DTM och kontrollprofilernas medelavvikelse. Resultatet visade att det fanns en statistisk signifikant avvikelse på medelavvikelsen mellan DTM skapad av Laserdata NH och kontrollprofiler för både grus- och gräsytorna. Detta innebär att Laserdata NH inte kan ersätta NRTK-GNSS på öppna, jämna gräsytor eller plana grusytor. Kontrollerna av de två DTM:erna klarar toleranserna enligt SIS-TS 21144:2016 och anses vara tillförlitliga. Studien kom till slutsatsen att Laserdata NH kan användas utan komplettering till översiktliga planeringar. Detaljerade analyser med Laserdata NH behöver dock kompletteras med ytterligare mätningar eller ortofoto för att erhålla mer trovärdiga resultat. / A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) only represent the surface and has a broad application within, for example, community planning. There are different ways of producing a DTM, with the most common methods being ground- or airborne laser scanning and terrestrial- or satellite based measurement. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) uses the technique LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) which measures distances with laser. Lantmäteriet, the Swedish cadastral mapping and surveying authority, began in 2009 with a project to scan entire Sweden with ALS and was finished in 2019. The outcome of the project was a new national height model that is called Laserdata NH with a positional accuracy of 0,1 m in height. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study the uncertainty of Laserdata NH and to investigate if it can replace terrestrial measurements, for example replacing Laserdata NH with GNSS mapping. The study area is approximately 0,85 hectares and consists of a grassland area surrounded by gravel paths. The area is located in Teknikparken, Gävle. To see if Laserdata NH can replace GNSS-measurements a DTM was created from Laserdata NH as well as a DTM created from measurements with NRTK-GNSS. All measurements followed the requirements and tolerances according to SIS-TS 21144:2016. To control the uncertainty for Laserdata NH, control profiles were measured, which acted as a reference. The control profiles were also used as a reference when comparing the two DTMs. Max and min deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation and RMS were calculated for each profile, per ground area and using two models. The calculations were performed to see if the values were too high or too low in any part of an area and to be able to see the probability of systematic deviations. A statistical analysis was performed to see if there were any difference between the DTM and the mean deviation of the control profiles. The result showed that there was a statistic significant deviation on the mean deviation between the DTM created by Laserdata NH and the control profile for both the gravel and the grass surface. This means that Laserdata NH cannot replace NRTK-GNSS on open, plain grass or gravel surfaces. The controls of the two DTMs are within the tolerances according to SIS-TS 21144:2016 and are considered reliable. The study concluded that Laserdata NH can be used without supplement to do general plans. However, for detailed analysis Laserdata NH needs to be supplemented with additional measurements or orthophoto.
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Large-scale 3D environmental modelling and visualisation for flood hazard warningWang, Chen January 2009 (has links)
3D environment reconstruction has received great interest in recent years in areas such as city planning, virtual tourism and flood hazard warning. With the rapid development of computer technologies, it has become possible and necessary to develop new methodologies and techniques for real time simulation for virtual environments applications. This thesis proposes a novel dynamic simulation scheme for flood hazard warning. The work consists of three main parts: digital terrain modelling; 3D environmental reconstruction and system development; flood simulation models. The digital terrain model is constructed using real world measurement data of GIS, in terms of digital elevation data and satellite image data. An NTSP algorithm is proposed for very large data assessing, terrain modelling and visualisation. A pyramidal data arrangement structure is used for dealing with the requirements of terrain details with different resolutions. The 3D environmental reconstruction system is made up of environmental image segmentation for object identification, a new shape match method and an intelligent reconstruction system. The active contours-based multi-resolution vector-valued framework and the multi-seed region growing method are both used for extracting necessary objects from images. The shape match method is used with a template in the spatial domain for a 3D detailed small scale urban environment reconstruction. The intelligent reconstruction system is designed to recreate the whole model based on specific features of objects for large scale environment reconstruction. This study then proposes a new flood simulation scheme which is an important application of the 3D environmental reconstruction system. Two new flooding models have been developed. The first one is flood spreading model which is useful for large scale flood simulation. It consists of flooding image spatial segmentation, a water level calculation process, a standard gradient descent method for energy minimization, a flood region search and a merge process. The finite volume hydrodynamic model is built from shallow water equations which is useful for urban area flood simulation. The proposed 3D urban environment reconstruction system was tested on our simulation platform. The experiment results indicate that this method is capable of dealing with complicated and high resolution region reconstruction which is useful for many applications. When testing the 3D flood simulation system, the simulation results are very close to the real flood situation, and this method has faster speed and greater accuracy of simulating the inundation area in comparison to the conventional flood simulation models
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Análise da variabilidade espacial da precipitação e parâmetros hidrológicos em bacia experimental: estudo da transformação da chuva em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica urbana / Analysis of the spatial variability of precipitation and of hydrologic parameters in experimental basin: study of rainfall-runoff transformation in a small urban hydrographic basinSilva, Karla de Andrade e 11 April 2003 (has links)
A primeira parte deste trabalho consistiu na instalação de pluviógrafos e linígrafos e levantamento de eventos hidrológicos com a obtenção de dados da distribuição espacial de precipitações observadas e hidrogramas resultantes. Experimentos de infiltração de água no solo foram realizados a partir de infiltrômetro de disco a fim de caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica na bacia, obtendo-se dois conjuntos de dados que mostraram ser lognormalmente distribuídos com médias iguais a 15,8 mm/h e 5,47 mm/h. Estudo teórico foi conduzido na segunda parte do trabalho compreendendo o desenvolvimento de modelo hidrológico. A concepção do modelo parte da premissa de que toda a área da bacia possa ser representada por células derivadas de um modelo numérico de terreno (MNT), especificando-se em cada célula o equacionamento hidráulico-hidrológico. As heterogeneidades do solo e da precipitação foram estudadas através de simulação do modelo considerando-se distribuições espaciais diferentes para a condutividade hidráulica saturada e eventos de chuva. Os resultados mostraram que as diferenças entre as vazões de pico podem ser maiores que 100% , considerando-se graus de resolução máximo e mínimo quanto à precipitação, e reafirmaram o consenso de que o conhecimento da distribuição espacial da chuva é fundamental na calibração de modelos hidrológicos distribuídos. / In first part of this work consists on the installation of pluviographic, water-height graphs and surveying of hydrological events with obtained data from spatial distribution of precipitation observed and resultant hydrograms. Experiments of water infiltration in the soil were done by an infiltrometer disc to characterize the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and the losses of infiltration in the basin obtaining two sets of data that showed to be lognormally distributed in average equal to 15.8 mm/h and 5.47 mm/h. A theoric study was conduced in the second part of work comprehending the development of hydrologic model distributed. The conception of the model proceed from the premise that allbasin area can be represented by cells derived from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) specifying in each cell the hydraulic equation - hydrologic. The soil heterogeneity and the precipitation were studied by model simulation considering spatial distributions different to the hydraulic conductivity satured of the soil and to pluvial events. The results pointed out the differences among peak outflow can be more than 100% considering minimum and maximumresolution degrees as the precipitation and affirmed the consensus that the acquaintance of the pluvial spatial distribution is fundamental in the adjustment of hydrologic models distributed.
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Analýza metod zobrazování terénního reliéfu / Analysis methods for displaying terrain reliefČERNÍKOVÁ, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the methods of visualization of the terrain relief, ranging from historical ways to current means, which employ software devices. It´s also to gather all available charts for the selected locality and perform an analysis of development of visualization of the terrain relief, which will be based on the collected data. Another goal was to compare the accuracy of the height scripts with the help of designed longitudinal profiles from obtained height script plans, the derived. State map in the scope of 1: 5000 and various map sources. Last at not least to explain the process of creation of the digital terrain model in ArcGIS software ? program.
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Utvärdering av digitala terrängmodeller framtagna med flygburen laserskanning och UAS-fotogrammetri / Evaluation of digital terrain models developed with airborne laser scanning and UAS photogrammetryLundmark, Johan, Grönlund Häggström, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Over the last years there has been a rapid development in the UAS-technology (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) and today there are several UAS systems on the market. The fast development has led to differences in both price and capability of taking high-quality images between the systems. The purpose of this study was firstly to investigate how two UAS systems differ in the uncertainty of measurement while making digital terrain models, secondly, to investigate how different UAS systems cope with the laws and requirements that exist for producing digital terrain models for detail projection, SIS-TS 21144:2016 Table 6 level 1-3. A comparative study on two software’s creation of point clouds from picture data was also conducted. In this study, three digital models were made from one specific area. They were created with two different UAS-systems and laser scanning from an airplane. The models were compared and analysed using the RUFRIS method. The UASsystems used were a fixed wings Smartplanes S1C and a rotary wings Dji Phantom 4 PRO. The Smartplanes flew 174 m above the ground and the Dji Phantom 4 flew 80 m above the ground. The results from the study show that laser scanning from the airplane created the model with the lowest measurement uncertainty and met all the requirements for each separate type (asphalt, natural soil, grass and gravel) for detail projection according to SIS.TS 201144:2016 table 6 level 1-3. Additionally, the results show that the terrain model produced by the Dji Phantom 4 only met the requirements for asphalt where the mean deviation was 0,001 m. The results produced with “Smartplanes” met the requirements for asphalt and gravel where the mean deviations were -0,007 m and 0,017 m. The softwares PhotoScan and UASMaster were compared while creating point clouds from pictures taken by the Smartplanes. The results show that PhotoScan had the lowest uncertainty for asphalt, grass and gravel surfaces while UASMaster produced lower uncertainty for natural soil. The results indicate that airborne laser scanning should be the preferred method for collection of topographic data since it created lower measurement uncertainties than the other methods in this study. It is also possible to create digital terrain models with UAS for detail projection for asphalt and gravel surface in accordance with 21144:2016. Finally, it was concluded that the used software programs are showing differences in creating point clouds. / De senaste åren har tekniken för Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) utvecklats snabbt och idag finns flera system på marknaden. Ett resultat av den snabba utvecklingen är att de olika systemen skiljer sig åt, dels i pris men även i kapacitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur olika UAS-system skiljer sig åt i mätosäkerhet vid framställning av digitala terrängmodeller, men även hur olika UAS-system står sig mot det regelverk som finns för framställning av digitala terrängmodeller vid detaljprojektering enligt SIS-TS 21144:2016 Tabell 6 klass 1-3. Ytterligare ett syfte med studien var att undersöka hur olika programvaror skiljer sig åt vid framställning av punktmoln från bilddata. I studien kontrollerades och jämfördes tre digitala terrängmodeller genererade över samma område med två olika UAS-system samt laserskanning från ett flygplan. Terrängmodellerna jämfördes mot kontrollprofiler framställda med RUFRIS-metoden. De olika UAS-systemen var en dyrare variant, Smartplanes S1C (fastavingar), och en billigare variant, Dji Phantom 4 PRO (roterande vingar). De tillämpade flyghöjderna för flygningarna var 174 m för Smartplanes och 80 m för Dji Phantom. Resultatet från studien visar att laserskanning från flygplanet uppnådde lägst mätosäkerhet och klarade samtliga krav för varje separat marktyp för detaljprojektering enligt SIS-TS 201144:2016 Tabell 6 klass 1-3. Marktyper som undersöktes var: asfalt, naturmark, gräs och grus. Vidare klarade terrängmodellen producerad med Dji Phantom endast kravet för asfaltsytor, där medelavvikelsen fastställdes till 0,001 m. Terrängmodellen producerad med Smartplanes klarade endast kraven för marktyperna asfalt och grus där medelavvikelsen fastställdes till -0,007 m respektive 0,017 m. Som en del i studien jämfördes programvarorna PhotoScan och UASMaster för framställning av punktmoln för bilder insamlade med Smartplanes S1C. Resultatet visar att PhotoScan uppnådde lägst mätosäkerhet för asfalt, gräs och grus medan UASMaster uppnådde lägst mätosäkerhet för naturmark. Studien visar att flygburen laserskanning borde vara en fortsatt föredragen metod för insamling av topografisk data då metoden resulterade i lägst mätosäkerheter i denna studie. Vidare visar studien att det är möjligt att framställa digitala terrängmodeller med UAS för detaljprojektering enligt SISTS 21144:2016 för asfalt- och grusytor. Dessutom konstateras att olika bearbetningsprogram skiljer sig vid framställning av punktmoln.
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Uso de veículos aéreos não tripulados para mapeamento e avaliação de erosão urbana / Use of unmanned arial vehicles (UAV) for mapping and evaluating urban erosion (in Goiás state, Brazil)Rodrigues , Avilmar Antonio 25 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-12-27T11:27:00Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-12-27T11:27:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Avilmar Antonio Rodrigues - 2016.pdf: 13580117 bytes, checksum: 2b78a395b4bd955f8d72e83399bcc578 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Avilmar Antonio Rodrigues - 2016.pdf: 13580117 bytes, checksum: 2b78a395b4bd955f8d72e83399bcc578 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-25 / This research aimed to evaluate the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a platform for taking aerial photographs for mapping erosion planialtimetric located in urban areas. In addition, we evaluated the need to use or not to field control points for the generation of Digital Surface Model (DSM) and ortomosaico as tools to evaluate the erosive process. Despite the wide variation in attitude of aerial photographs that make up the aerophotogrammetric block arising from the instability of the UAV, it was possible to generate the MDS and ortomosaico with or without control points. This research was conducted in two urban erosions located in Goiania in Sector Fonte Nova in the stream of grass and the other in Silvânia called foot-washing. Whole generation of MDS, Digital Surface Model (MDT) and ortomosaico were performed in Agisoft PhotoScan program in semi-automatic processing, if used control points, or automatic without control points. The ortomosaicos generated without control points presented rotation, translation and scale of different generated with support. In addition, MDS generated without control points showed elevation or lowering of the reference surface with respect to the generated control, it is emphasized that these discrepancies are not constant. When performing automatic conversion of MDS to MDT, it was realized that the program was not able to eliminate the shrub vegetation located within the erosion. The vegetation or tree, shrub or undergrowth (grass) prevents proper limitation of erosion to the volume calculation. But unlike the MDS generated between two distinct epochs identifies the changes in the interval of time in areas without vegetation. The use of control points was essential to ensure the orientation, scale and the reference plane in the products generated from aerial photographs and thus evaluate the changes. Anyway, the UAV can be used as a platform for taking aerial photographs for generating cartographic products that enable the mapping and evaluation of erosions. / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a utilização do Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado (VANT) como plataforma para a tomada de fotografias aéreas para o mapeamento planialtimétrico de erosão situada em zona urbana. Além disso, analisou-se a necessidade de utilização ou não de pontos de controle de campo para a geração de Modelo Digital de Superfície (MDS) e ortomosaico
como instrumentos para examinar o processo erosivo. Apesar da grande variação da atitude da aeronave durante a obtenção das fotografias aéreas que compõem o bloco aerofotogramétrico, foi possível gerar o MDS e o ortomosaico com ou sem pontos de controle. Este estudo foi realizado em duas erosões urbanas, uma situada em Goiânia-GO, no Setor Fonte Nova/Córrego do Capim, e a outra em Silvânia-GO, denominada de Lava-Pés. Toda a geração dos MDS, Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT) e ortomosaico foram realizados no programa Agisoft PhotoScan, em processamento semiautomático (i.e., com pontos de controle) e automático (i.e., sem pontos de controle). Os ortomosaicos gerados sem pontos de controle apresentaram rotação, translação e escala diferente dos gerados com apoio. Ademais, os MDS gerados sem pontos de controle apresentaram elevação ou rebaixamento da superfície de referência em relação aos gerados com controle. Ressalta-se, ainda, que essas discrepâncias não foram constantes. Ao realizar a conversão automática do MDS para o MDT, percebeu-se que o programa não foi capaz de eliminar a vegetação arbustiva localizada no interior da erosão. As vegetações arbórea, arbustiva ou rasteira (gramíneas) impedem a correta delimitação da erosão para o cálculo do volume. Porém, a diferença dos MDS gerados entre duas épocas distintas propicia identificar as alterações ocorridas nesse intervalo de tempo nas regiões sem cobertura vegetal. O uso de pontos de controle foi essencial para garantir a orientação, a escala e o plano de referência nos produtos gerados a partir das fotografias aéreas e, assim, avaliar as modificações da erosão. Por fim, o VANT pode ser utilizado como plataforma para a tomada de fotografias aéreas para gerar produtos cartográficos que possibilitem o mapeamento e as avaliações das erosões, sobretudo em áreas urbanas.
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Análise da variabilidade espacial da precipitação e parâmetros hidrológicos em bacia experimental: estudo da transformação da chuva em uma pequena bacia hidrográfica urbana / Analysis of the spatial variability of precipitation and of hydrologic parameters in experimental basin: study of rainfall-runoff transformation in a small urban hydrographic basinKarla de Andrade e Silva 11 April 2003 (has links)
A primeira parte deste trabalho consistiu na instalação de pluviógrafos e linígrafos e levantamento de eventos hidrológicos com a obtenção de dados da distribuição espacial de precipitações observadas e hidrogramas resultantes. Experimentos de infiltração de água no solo foram realizados a partir de infiltrômetro de disco a fim de caracterizar a variabilidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica na bacia, obtendo-se dois conjuntos de dados que mostraram ser lognormalmente distribuídos com médias iguais a 15,8 mm/h e 5,47 mm/h. Estudo teórico foi conduzido na segunda parte do trabalho compreendendo o desenvolvimento de modelo hidrológico. A concepção do modelo parte da premissa de que toda a área da bacia possa ser representada por células derivadas de um modelo numérico de terreno (MNT), especificando-se em cada célula o equacionamento hidráulico-hidrológico. As heterogeneidades do solo e da precipitação foram estudadas através de simulação do modelo considerando-se distribuições espaciais diferentes para a condutividade hidráulica saturada e eventos de chuva. Os resultados mostraram que as diferenças entre as vazões de pico podem ser maiores que 100% , considerando-se graus de resolução máximo e mínimo quanto à precipitação, e reafirmaram o consenso de que o conhecimento da distribuição espacial da chuva é fundamental na calibração de modelos hidrológicos distribuídos. / In first part of this work consists on the installation of pluviographic, water-height graphs and surveying of hydrological events with obtained data from spatial distribution of precipitation observed and resultant hydrograms. Experiments of water infiltration in the soil were done by an infiltrometer disc to characterize the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and the losses of infiltration in the basin obtaining two sets of data that showed to be lognormally distributed in average equal to 15.8 mm/h and 5.47 mm/h. A theoric study was conduced in the second part of work comprehending the development of hydrologic model distributed. The conception of the model proceed from the premise that allbasin area can be represented by cells derived from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) specifying in each cell the hydraulic equation - hydrologic. The soil heterogeneity and the precipitation were studied by model simulation considering spatial distributions different to the hydraulic conductivity satured of the soil and to pluvial events. The results pointed out the differences among peak outflow can be more than 100% considering minimum and maximumresolution degrees as the precipitation and affirmed the consensus that the acquaintance of the pluvial spatial distribution is fundamental in the adjustment of hydrologic models distributed.
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