Spelling suggestions: "subject:"testrig"" "subject:"testrigg""
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Methodology for Obtaining S-N Curves using Fatigue Testing and Static FEAAnderfelt, Filip, Äse, David January 2022 (has links)
The use of recommended S-N curves, presented in current literature, to analyse and determine the fatigue life of a part is common practice in, inter alia, the construction industry.However, the recommended S-N curves are generally created for larger components used in mainly the construction industry. Hence, the use of S-N curves for the evaluation of smaller parts, may result in over-dimensioning of such parts. For this reason, evaluation and designing of smaller parts could benefit from the development of an in house S-N curve specific for the part. The purpose of this thesis is to generate and validate an in-house method for creating a S-N curve, for a specific part to be compared with recommended S-N curves in the literature. The specific part used for the generating of the method is a welded steel joint with the geometry of two steel pipes, welded together in a t-formation and which has been provided by Thule AB for the purpose of the thesis. The method presented uses the results from 1) physical fatigue tests using a fatigue testing machine and 2) static FEA to derive a S-N curve for the specific part using the least squares method. A fatigue testing rig enables the gathering of data of the number of cycles to failure when the part is subject to a given cyclic load. The rig uses pneumatics to control the forces applied onto the part with the use of a cylinder. Furthermore, the fatigue testing rig was designed to be controlled by the applied force, meaning, that the rig ensured a homogeneous load cycle by measuring the force from a load cell and alternating the direction of the cylinder with an electrically controlled pressure valve. The performance of static FEA evaluations aim at locating stresses in the part. For this thesis the stresses were evaluated using the hot spot method due to the part's welded geometry. The data gathered from the physical fatigue tests and the static FEA evaluations are subsequently combined deriving S-N curves applicable to the part. From the fatigue tests and FEA evaluations for the t-shaped welded steel part, four S-N curves were derived of which two curves showed the results of a linear fitted curve whereas the other curves used the recommended slope of $-1/3$. The results showed that the S-N curves derived, using a set slope, resulted in similar curves to the recommended S-N curve provided by the literature. However, the linear fitted S-N curve showed that the part, according to the S-N curve, had a higher fatigue resistance than recommended. Due to limitations in the thesis work, the S-N curves derived within the framework of this thesis should be regarded as theoretical and have been strictly used to identify whether the method generated is applicable for deriving of S-N curves.
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Simulation and Physical Implementation of a Test Rig for Realistic Hail Impact Testing / Simulering och fysisk implementering av en stöttestningsrigg för realistiskt hagelHERMANSSON, HANNA, WINQUIST DE VAL, ALMIDA January 2021 (has links)
Hail storms, with hail commonly near 50 mm in diameter that travel with storm wind sabove 25 m/s, cause damages of a large magnitude throughout the globe, with places like USA, Australia and India suffering the greatest. These damages have serious consequences, not least telecommunication products mounted in exposed places. Hail robustness is therefore important to test throughout a product development process, to reduce faulty products and maintenance costs. This thesis includes test rig concepts for hail impact testing and focuses on one final concept. The thesis includes a simulation model of the hail impact test rig, together with a physical implementation of the rig for comparison and validation. Additional experiments and statistical analysis is included to conclude on the accuracy and consistency with respect to realistic hail cases. The result shows that the simulation corresponds to the test rig. This physical implementation of the test rig is consistent and accurate for average sized hail projectiles, however varies more for hail projectiles corresponding to more severe storms. / Hagelstormar, med hagel omkring 50 mm i diameter och en vindhastighet på over 25 m/s, orsakar stora skador över hela världen, där USA, Australien och Indien är några av de mest utsatta platserna. Skadorna har stor påverkan, inte minst telecomprodukterna som är monterade på utsatta platser. Därav är det viktigt att testa produkter mot hagelkollisioner under produktutvecklingsprocessen, för att reducera antalet skadade produkter och kostnader. Detta examensarbete innehåller olika koncept på testriggar som simulerar hagel, med fokus på ett slutgiltigt koncept. Rapporten innehåller en simuleringsmodell av testriggen, samt en fysisk implementering av den för jämförelse och validering. Ytterliggare experiment och statistisk analys innefattas för att kunna dra slutsatser om riggens nogrannhetoch konsekventhet i föhållande till realistiska hagelstormar. Resultatet visar att simuleringen motsvarar testriggens beteende, vilket är önskvärt. Den fysiska implementationen av riggen ger ett noggrant och konsekvent resultat för medelstora hagelprojektiler, däremot fås större variationer för hagelprojektiler som förekommer i starkare stormar.
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Modelling of Automotive Suspension Damper / Modellering av spjäll för fordonVyas, Saurabh, Jonnalagadda, Venkata Dinesh Raju January 2020 (has links)
A hydraulic damper plays an important role in tuning the handling and comfort characteristicsof a vehicle. Tuning and selecting a damper based on subjective evaluation, by considering theopinions of various users, would be an inefficient method since the comfort requirements of usersvary a lot. Instead, mathematical models of damper and simulation of these models in variousoperating conditions are preferred to standardize the tuning procedure, quantify the comfortlevels and reduce cost of testing. This would require a model, which is good enough to capture thebehaviour of damper in various operating and extreme conditions.The Force-Velocity (FV) curve is one of the most widely used model of a damper. This curve isimplemented either as an equation or as a look-up table. It is a plot between the maximum forceat each peak velocity point. There are certain dynamic phenomena like hysteresis and dependencyon the displacement of damper, which cannot be captured with a FV curve model, but are requiredfor better understanding of the vehicle behaviour.This thesis was conducted in cooperation with Volvo Cars with an aim to improve the existingdamper model which is a Force-Velocity curve. This work focuses on developing a damper model,which is complex enough to capture the phenomena discussed above and simple enough to beimplemented in real time simulations. Also, the thesis aims to establish a standard method toparameterise the damper model and generate the Force-Velocity curve from the tests performedon the damper test rig. A test matrix which includes the standard tests for parameterising andthe extreme test cases for the validation of the developed model will be developed. The final focusis to implement the damper model in a multi body simulation (MBS) software.The master thesis starts with an introduction, where the background for the project is described and then the thesis goals are set. It is followed by a literature review in which fewadvanced damper models are discussed in brief. Then, a step-by-step process of developing thedamper model is discussed along with few more possible options. Later, the construction of a testmatrix is discussed in detail followed by the parameter identification process. Next, the validationof the developed damper model is discussed using the test data from Volvo Hällered ProvingGround (HPG). After validation, implementation of the model in VI CarRealTime and Adams Caralong with the results are presented. Finally the thesis is concluded and the recommendations forfuture work are made on further improving the model. / En hydraulisk stötdämpare spelar en viktig roll för att fordonets hantering och komfort. Attjustera och välja en stötdämpare baserat på subjektiv utvärdering, genom att beakta olika användares åsikter, skulle vara en ineffektiv metod eftersom användarnas komfortkrav varierarmycket. Istället föredras matematiska modeller av stötdämpare och simulering av dessa modellerunder olika driftsförhållanden för att standardisera inställningsförfarandet, kvantifiera komfortnivåerna och minska testkostnaden. Detta skulle kräva en modell som är tillräckligt bra för attfånga upp stötdämparens beteende under olika drifts- och extrema förhållanden.Force-Velocity (FV) -kurvan är en av de mest använda stötdämparmodellerna. Denna kurvaimplementeras antingen som en ekvation eller som en uppslagstabell. Det är ett diagram somredovisar den maximala kraften vid varje maxhastighetspunkt. Det finns vissa dynamiskafenomen som hysteres och beroende av stötdämparens förskjutning, som inte kan fångas med enFV-kurvmodell, men som krävs för att bättre förstå fordonets beteende.Denna avhandling genomfördes i samarbete med Volvo Cars i syfte att förbättra den befintligastötdämparmodellen som är en Force-Velocity-kurva. Detta arbete fokuserar på att utveckla enstötdämparmodell, som är tillräckligt komplex för att fånga upp de fenomen som diskuteratsovan och tillräckligt enkel för att implementeras i realtidssimuleringar. Avhandlingen syftarockså till att upprätta en standardmetod för att parametrisera spjällmodellen och generera ForceVelocity-kurvan från de test som utförts på stötdämpartestriggen. En testmatris som innehållerstandardtest för parametrisering och extrema testfall för validering av den utvecklade modellenkommer att utvecklas. Det sista fokuset är att implementera stötdämparmodellen i en multi-bodysimulation (MBS) programvara.Examensarbetet inleds med en introduktion, där bakgrunden för projektet beskrivs ochdärefter definieras målen med arbetet. Det följs av en litteraturöversikt där några avanceradestötdämparmodeller diskuteras i korthet. Därefter diskuteras en steg-för-steg-process för attutveckla stötdämparmodeller tillsammans med några fler möjliga alternativ. Senare diskuteraskonstruktionen av en testmatris i detalj följt av parameteridentifieringsprocessen. Därefterdiskuteras valideringen av den utvecklade stötdämparmodellen med hjälp av testdata från VolvoHällered Proving Ground (HPG). Efter validering presenteras implementeringen av modellen iVI CarRealTime och Adams Car tillsammans med resultaten. Slutligen avslutas rapporten medslutsatser från arbetet och rekommendationer för framtida arbete görs för att ytterligare förbättramodellen.
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Test Rig Adaptation for the Investigation of Bearings in Wave Energy Converters / Testriggsanpassning för undersökning av lager i Wave Energy ConvertersMenon, Aju Sukumaran January 2021 (has links)
Wave ocean energy is a source of renewable energy which is gaining interest in the modern world. In contrast to other well-researched renewable energy sources such as wind energy, wave ocean energy is under the development phase. Governments around the world are encouraging the research of harnessing wave energy. As of now, there are different concepts to harness energy from waves. Tribological components are one of the main aspects that need attention in these wave energy converters. The moving components such as bearings can be the life-determining component of the entire device. This thesis provides conceptual solutions to adapt an existing start-stop bearing test rig to the conditions of wave energy converters. The test rig can test different bearing sused in the wave energy converters. The new design intends to provide scaled wave energy conditions. These conditions are mainly influenced by the oscillating movement of the bearings, the complex load condition and the salty environment. Since the testing of bearings in wave energy converters is in the initial stage, modular designs are implemented to test different types of bearings. / Se filen
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Konceptframtagning och mätning av laster på kingpin / Concept generation and measurement of loads on kingpinAlbeik, Dania January 2024 (has links)
Scania, ett världsledande företag inom lastbils- och busstillverkning, strävar efter att skapa hållbara och miljövänliga produkter genom noggrann forskning och testning. Denna rapport fokuserar på att mäta de dynamiska lasterna på en kingpin, en komponent som förbinder den dragande lastbilen med trailern. All horisontell kraft överförs via kingpin, vilket gör den avgörande för lastbilens säkerhet. Standardiserade tester säkerställer att komponenterna i kopplingen är tillräckligt starka för att klara de belastningar de utsätts för. Målet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla en mätmetod för att mäta de horisontella krafterna. Denna kunskap kommer att möjliggöra utvecklingen av både fysiska och virtuella provmetoder. Mätningen av dynamiska laster på en kingpin har alltid varit utmanande på grund av dess konstruktion, som är kort och har tre hävarmar som ständigt växlar mellan lasterna. Genom att förstå kraftöverföringen mellan lastbilen och trailern kan man möjliggöra vidareutveckling, såsom optimering av energi och effektivitet på till exempel eldrivna lastbilar. I detta projekt undersöktes olika metoder för att mäta lasterna på kingpin med hjälp av en chassi hållfasthetstestrigg (CH2-testrigg). Fördelen med CH2-testriggen är att lastbilsramen inte roterar, vilket underlättar utvecklingen av lösningar som är svåra att tillämpa vid verklig körning. Ett hinder för att bedöma lösningsförslagets praktiska effektivitet är om kingpinnen får tillräckliga töjningar på grund av sin komplexa konstruktion. Därför testades ett förenklat koncept med enbart en enkel töjningsgivare för att för att undersöka denna problematik. Resultatet visade att kingpinen fick tillräckliga töjningar, vilket innebär att ett mer avancerat koncept som ger mer detaljerade och noggrannare resultat nu kan genomföras. / Scania, a world-leading company in truck and bus manufacturing, strives to create sustainable and environmentally friendly products through careful research and testing. This report focuses on measuring the dynamic loads on a kingpin, a component that connects the towing truck to the trailer. All horizontal force is transmitted via the kingpin, making it essential for the safety of the truck. Standardized tests ensure that the strength of the coupling components is sufficient to withstand the loads they are subjected to. The aim of this thesis is to develop a measurement method for measuring the horizontal forces. This knowledge will enable the development of both physical and virtual testing methods. Measuring dynamic loads on a kingpin has always been challenging due to its design, which is short and has three levers that constantly switch between loads. Understanding the force transmission between the truck and the trailer can facilitate further development, such as optimizing energy and efficiency in electric trucks. In this project, various methods were investigated to measure the loads on the kingpin using a chassis strength test rig (CH2 test rig). The advantage of the CH2 test rig is that the truck frame does not rotate, which facilitates the development of solutions that are difficult to apply in real driving conditions. A challenge in assessing the practical effectiveness of the proposed solution is whether the kingpin experiences sufficient strains due to its complex design. Therefore, a simplified concept with only a basic strain gauge was tested to examine this issue. The results showed that the kingpin experienced sufficient strains, indicating that a more advanced concept that provides more detailed and accurate results can now be implemented.
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Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Aircraft ActuatorBraun, Robert January 2009 (has links)
<p>Advanced computer simulations will play a more and more important role in future aircraft development and aeronautic research. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations enable examination of single components without the need of a full-scale model of the system. This project investigates the possibility of conducting hardware-in-the-loop simulations using a hydraulic test rig utilizing modern computer equipment. Controllers and models have been built in Simulink and Hopsan. Most hydraulic and mechanical components used in Hopsan have also been translated from Fortran to C and compiled into shared libraries (.dll). This provides an easy way of importing Hopsan models in LabVIEW, which is used to control the test rig. The results have been compared between Hopsan and LabVIEW, and no major differences in the results could be found. Importing Hopsan components to LabVIEW can potentially enable powerful features not available in Hopsan, such as hardware-in-the-loop simulations, multi-core processing and advanced plotting tools. It does however require fast computer systems to achieve real-time speed. The results of this project can provide interesting starting points in the development of the next generation of Hopsan.</p>
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Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Aircraft ActuatorBraun, Robert January 2009 (has links)
Advanced computer simulations will play a more and more important role in future aircraft development and aeronautic research. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations enable examination of single components without the need of a full-scale model of the system. This project investigates the possibility of conducting hardware-in-the-loop simulations using a hydraulic test rig utilizing modern computer equipment. Controllers and models have been built in Simulink and Hopsan. Most hydraulic and mechanical components used in Hopsan have also been translated from Fortran to C and compiled into shared libraries (.dll). This provides an easy way of importing Hopsan models in LabVIEW, which is used to control the test rig. The results have been compared between Hopsan and LabVIEW, and no major differences in the results could be found. Importing Hopsan components to LabVIEW can potentially enable powerful features not available in Hopsan, such as hardware-in-the-loop simulations, multi-core processing and advanced plotting tools. It does however require fast computer systems to achieve real-time speed. The results of this project can provide interesting starting points in the development of the next generation of Hopsan.
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Modelling and Design of a Test Rig to investigate the dynamic behaviour of a Servo driven Powertrain / Modellierung und Entwurf eines Versuchsstandes zur Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens eines servogetriebenen AntriebsstrangesWittwer, Max 26 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In the present work a simulation model for examining the fundamental dynamic behaviour of a servo driven powertrain is developed. This powertrain consists of a permanent magnet synchronous motor, a cycloidal gearbox and a torque motor to apply a load. On basis of this model the selection of components for the design of a test rig is possible. This leads to the constructive draft of the test rig.
In order to model the system, the fundamentals give a brief overview of the components incorporated in the test rig system. With ais of the specified task the simulation purpose is defined and the modelling process enabled. The subsequent system analysis is performed intensively to decompose the system into subsystems, which are then investigated to find the optimal modelling approach for the given simulation task. Particular emphasis is put on the investigation of the cycloidal gearbox subsystem and it shows, that approaches for modelling the dynamic behaviour of the gearbox as a whole have only been published partially.
Therefore, the available modelling approaches are analysed and suitable models are developed as conceptual models. Those will be formalised and implemented in Matlab/Simulink. The model is verified and simulation experiments are performed, that help in the selection of suitable test rig components. On basis of a flexible test rig, finally the constructive draft is presented.
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Prediction of Physical Behavior of Rotating Blades under Tip-Rub Impact using Numerical ModelingSubramanya, S January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Rotating blades, which are the most critical components of any turbo-machinery, need to be designed to withstand forced vibrations due to accidental tip rub impact against inner surface of casing. These vibrations are typically dependent on operating conditions and geometric parameters. In the current study, a rotor test rig with a maximum tip speed capability of 144 km/hr has been developed for studying the dynamic behavior of representative jet engine compressor blades actuated by the closure of clearance between the tip of a given rotating blade and a sector of the inner lining of the casing. Ten different blade profiles are chosen in the present research. The blades are obtained by lofting NACA GOE123 airfoil cross-section along different stacking axes.
Rotor test rigs which simulate transient dynamic events require high frequency data acquisition systems like slip ring arrangement or telemetric transmission. While slip rings introduce noise into the signal, the telemetric transmission works out to be rather expensive. To circumvent the stated shortcomings of data acquisition systems, a novel rotor-mounted data acquisition system has been implemented here which captures dynamic strains in vibrating blades during operation. The current data acquisition system can store data for duration of five seconds with a sampling rate of 35 kHz. It has been calibrated with four standard tests, and provides a simple and efficient mode of data capturing. Three blades with airfoil sections (a flat beam-type blade of uniform rectangular cross-section, a blade with twisted cross-sections stacked along a straight line, and a blade similar to the latter but with a curved stacking axis) are tested under controlled rub conditions at four different speeds. The maximum test speed is restricted to 800 rpm for reasons of safety although the set-up is designed to operate up to a maximum speed of 2000 rpm. For each of the rotor speeds, a blade is tested for three to four different stagger angles in the range of 0o-30o. By plotting the RMS values of measured dynamic responses with respect to stagger angle for a given rotor speed, it has been observed, perhaps for the first time in published literature, that a stagger angle of around 20o yields the maximum RMS value of strain response.
A major objective of the current study has been to utilize the data generated in the tip rub impact tests for validating a predictive numerical model of the test set-up using explicit finite element analysis. To this end, a finite element model of the rotor rig inclusive of a rotor with two blades and the static frame structure is developed and analyzed using an explicit LS-DYNA solver. This model is calibrated with the test results of the three blade designs described above. In particular, it has been shown that the frequency contents of the measured dynamic strain responses agree quite well with frequencies obtained from the numerically computed responses. It has been found in the experimental responses that a given blade vibrates with two main frequencies: one corresponding to the first natural frequency of the rotor-blade system during the tip-rubbing phase (which lasts until the blade tip is in contact with the rub element which is a sector of the circular casing), and another corresponding to the first natural frequency of the blade when it vibrates freely without its tip being in contact with the rub-liner of the casing. A shortcoming of the current modeling approach is its inability to realistically represent the damping behaviors observed in the tests. For reasons of computational efficiency and consistent with the fact that there was no perceptible damage in the tested blades, an elastic constitutive behavior is specified for the blades, while the sacrificial PVC rub-liner is assumed to behave elasto-plastically. A limited study has also been carried out by assigning an elasto-plastic constitutive model to one of the blades previously represented with elastic properties only, and although incipient yielding is observed in a highly localized region at the tip of a blade (which can also be a numerical artifact), the responses under the two material behavior considerations (i.e. elastic and elasto-plastic) are found to be nearly same.
Finally, this validated modeling approach is applied to the study of blades of ten distinct geometric profiles (including the three configurations already considered) at a speed of 800 rpm and the resonant speed of a given blade. Comparisons are made between the relevant responses (such as time-histories of root strain, shaft torque, blade axial displacement, bearing load and rub force) of nine blades with airfoil cross-sections (leaving aside the results for the first blade of rectangular cross-section which is only of academic interest). Based on this study, of all the blade designs, it has been found that the curve-stacked airfoils exhibit better ‘Rub-tolerant’ behavior. Both experimental and simulation results have predominantly proven the fact that adding curvature to a straight stacked blade through curve-stacked or bow result in reducing the rub induced vibration. While sweep and bow provide some aerodynamic advantages, they are not much helpful in containing the vibrations to a sustainable extent.
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Revitalizace testeru regulace hydraulických obvodů / Revitalization of hydraulic circuits control testerKorsa, Filip January 2012 (has links)
High-quality simulation of hydraulic mechanism saves the time and other costs associated with the changes of inappropriately designed circuit. The aim of this thesis is to revitalize the test rig intended for simulating hydraulic circuits in order to verify the results of the simulation program Hyvos used internally by Bosch Rexroth Company. It is expected that the simulation of the hydraulic machinery cycles under the influence of disturbances will be carry out on the test rig and measured data are compared with results of the virtual models which are designed using the mentioned software Hyvos. The work deals with the so called position and pressure control which represent the classical modes of pressing machines or hydraulic press brakes operation cycles. The parameters of the hydraulic closed-loop axis controller for electrohydraulic drives (HACD) are set using the software Bodac.
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